Event and accounting logs

This chapter provides information about configuring event and accounting logs on the 7210 SAS.

Logging overview

The two primary types of logging supported in the 7210 SAS OS are event logging and accounting logs.

Event logging controls the generation, dissemination and recording of system events for monitoring status and troubleshooting faults within the system. The 7210 SAS groups events into three major categories or event sources:

  • Security events

    Events that pertain to attempts to breach system security.

  • Change events

    Events that pertain to the configuration and operation of the node.

  • Main events

    Events that pertain to applications that are not assigned to other event categories/sources.

  • Debug events

    Events that pertain to trace or other debugging information.

The following are events within the 7210 SAS and have the following characteristics:

  • a time stamp in UTC or local time

  • the generating application

  • a unique event ID within the application

  • the VRF-ID

  • a subject identifying the affected object

  • a short text description

Event control assigns the severity for each application event and whether the event should be generated or suppressed. The severity numbers and severity names supported in the 7210 SAS OS conform to ITU standards M.3100 X.733 and X.21 and are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Event severity levels
Severity number Severity name




indeterminate (info)









Events that are suppressed by event control will not generate any event log entries. Event control maintains a count of the number of events generated (logged) and dropped (suppressed) for each application event. The severity of an application event can be configured in event control.

An event log within the 7210 SAS OS associates the event sources with logging destinations. Examples of logging destinations include, the console session, a specific Telnet or SSH session, memory logs, file destinations, SNMP trap groups and syslog destinations. A log filter policy can be associated with the event log to control which events will be logged in the event log based on combinations of application, severity, event ID range, VRF ID, and the subject of the event.

The 7210 SAS accounting logs collect comprehensive accounting statistics to support a variety of billing models. The routers collect accounting data on services and network ports on a per-service class basis. In addition to gathering information critical for service billing, accounting records can be analyzed to provide insight about customer service trends for potential service revenue opportunities. Accounting statistics on network ports can be used to track link utilization and network traffic pattern trends. This information is valuable for traffic engineering and capacity planning within the network core.

Accounting statistics are collected according to the parameters defined within the context of an accounting policy. Accounting policies are applied to access objects (such as access ports and SAPs or network objects (such as SDPs, network ports, network IP interface). Accounting statistics are collected by counters for individual service meters defined on the customer SAP or by the counters within forwarding class (FC) queues defined on the network ports.

The type of record defined within the accounting policy determines where a policy is applied, what statistics are collected and time interval at which to collect statistics.

The ‟location” field of the file ID allows the user to configure the device and store it in any directory. The default value is cf1:, but it can also be uf1: (for devices supporting USB) and uf1: and cf2: for the 7210 SAS-T.

Log destinations

Both event logs and accounting logs use a common mechanism for referencing a log destination.

Only a single log destination can be associated with an event log or with an accounting log. An event log can be associated with multiple event sources, but it can only have a single log destination.

A file destination is the only type of log destination that can be configured for an accounting log.


Sending events to a console destination means the message will be sent to the system console The console device can be used as an event log destination.


A session destination is a temporary log destination which directs entries to the active Telnet or SSH session for the duration of the session. When the session is terminated, for example, when the user logs out, the event log is removed. Event logs configured with a session destination are not stored in the configuration file. Event logs can direct log entries to the session destination.

Memory logs

A memory log is a circular buffer. When the log is full, the oldest entry in the log is replaced with the new entry. When a memory log is created, the specific number of entries it can hold can be specified, otherwise it will assume a default size. An event log can send entries to a memory log destination.

Log files

Log files can be used by both event logs and accounting logs and are stored on the compact flash devices (specifically cf1:) in the file system.

A log file is identified with a single log file ID, but a log file will generally be composed of a number individual files in the file system. A log file is configured with a rollover parameter, expressed in minutes, which represents the length of time an individual log file should be written to before a new file is created for the relevant log file ID. The rollover time is checked only when an update to the log is performed. Therefore, complying to this rule is subject to the incoming rate of the data being logged. For example, if the rate is very low, the actual rollover time may be longer than the configured value.

The retention time for a log file specifies the amount of time the file should be retained on the system based on the creation date and time of the file. The system continuously checks for log files with expired retention periods once every hour and deletes as many files as possible during a ten second interval.

When a log file is created, only the compact flash device for the log file is specified. Log files are created in specific subdirectories with standardized names depending on the type of information stored in the log file.

Event log files are always created in the \log directory on the specified compact flash device. The naming convention for event log files is:

log eeff-timestamp


  • ee is the event log ID

  • ff is the log file destination ID

  • timestamp is the timestamp when the file is created in the form of yyyymmdd-hhmmss where:

    • yyyy is the four-digit year (for example, 2017)

    • mm is the two digit number representing the month (for example, 12 for December)

    • dd is the two digit number representing the day of the month (for example, 03 for the 3rd of the month)

    • hh is the two digit hour in a 24-hour clock (for example, 04 for 4 a.m.)

    • mm is the two digit minute (for example, 30 for 30 minutes past the hour)

    • ss is the two digit second (for example, 14 for 14 seconds)

Accounting log files are created in the \act-collect directory on a compact flash device (cf1). The naming convention for accounting log files is nearly the same as for log files except the prefix "act" is used instead of the prefix "log". The naming convention for accounting logs is:

act aaff-timestamp.xml.gz


  • aa is the accounting policy ID

  • ff is the log file destination ID

  • timestamp is the timestamp when the file is created in the form of yyyymmdd-hhmmss where:

    • yyyy is the four-digit year (for example, 2007)

    • mm is the two digit number representing the month (for example, 12 for December)

    • dd is the two digit number representing the day of the month (for example, 03 for the 3rd of the month)

    • hh is the two digit hour in a 24-hour clock (for example, 04 for 4 a.m.)

    • mm is the two digit minute (for example, 30 for 30 minutes past the hour)

    • ss is the two digit second (for example, 14 for 14 seconds)

Accounting logs are .xml files created in a compressed format and have a .gz extension.

The \act-collect directory is where active accounting logs are written. When an accounting log is rolled over, the active file is closed and archived in the \act directory before a new active accounting log file created in \act-collect.

SNMP trap group

An event log can be configured to send events to SNMP trap receivers by specifying an SNMP trap group destination.

An SNMP trap group can have multiple trap targets. Each trap target can have different operational parameters.

A trap destination has the following properties:

  • The IP address of the trap receiver.

  • The UDP port used to send the SNMP trap.

  • SNMP version (v1, v2c, or v3) used to format the SNMP notification.

  • SNMP community name for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c receivers.

  • Security name and level for SNMPv3 trap receivers.

For SNMP traps that will be sent in-band, the source IP address of the trap is the system IP address of the 7210 SAS.

Each trap target destination of a trap group receives the identical sequence of events as defined by the log ID and the associated sources and log filter applied.


An event log can be configured to send events to one syslog destination. Syslog destinations have the following properties:

  • syslog server IP address

  • the UDP port used to send the syslog message

  • the Syslog Facility Code (0 - 23) (default 23 - local 7)

  • the Syslog Severity Threshold (0 - 7) - events exceeding the configured level will be sent

Because syslog uses eight severity levels whereas the 7210 SAS-Series uses six internal severity levels, the severity levels are mapped to syslog severities. The following table lists the severity level mappings to syslog severities.

Table 2. 7210 SAS to syslog severity level mappings
Severity level Numerical severity (highest to lowest) Syslog configured severity Definition



System is unusable

critical (3)



Action must be taken immediately

major (4)



Critical conditions

minor (5)



Error conditions

warning (6)



Warning conditions



Normal but significant condition

cleared (1) indeterminate (2)



Informational messages



Debug-level messages

Event logs

Event logs are the means of recording system generated events for later analysis. Events are messages generated by the system by applications or processes within the 7210 SAS.

The following figure shows a function block diagram of event logging.

Figure 1. Event logging block diagram

Event sources

In Event logging block diagram, the event sources are the main categories of events that feed the log manager:

  • Security

    The security event source is all events that affect attempts to breach system security such as failed login attempts, attempts to access MIB tables to which the user is not granted access or attempts to enter a branch of the CLI to which access has not been granted. Security events are generated by the SECURITY application and the authenticationFailure event in the SNMP application.

  • Change

    The change activity event source is all events that directly affect the configuration or operation of the node. Change events are generated by the USER application. The Change event stream also includes the tmnxConfigModify(#2006), tmnxConfigCreate (#2007), tmnxConfigDelete (#2008) and tmnxStateChange (#2009) change events from the SYSTEM application.

  • Debug

    The debug event source is the debugging configuration that has been enabled on the system. Debug events are generated by the DEBUG application.

  • Main

    The main event source receives events from all other applications within the 7210 SAS.

Examples of applications within 7210 SAS include IP, MPLS, OSPF, CLI, services, and so on.

The following output is an example of the show log applications command output, which displays all applications.

*A:ALU-7210# show log applications
Log Event Application Names
Application Name

Event control

Event control preprocesses the events generated by applications before the event is passed into the main event stream. Event control assigns a severity to application events and can either forward the event to the main event source or suppress the event. Suppressed events are counted in event control, but these events will not generate log entries as it never reaches the log manager.

Simple event throttling is another method of event control and is configured similarly to the generation and suppression options. See Simple logger event throttling.

Events are assigned a default severity level in the system, but the application event severities can be changed by the user.

Application events contain an event number and description that describes why the event is generated. The event number is unique within an application, but the number can be duplicated in other applications.

The following example, generated by querying event control for application generated events, displays a partial list of event numbers and names.

router# show log event-control
Log Events
 ID#    Event Name                       P   g/s     Logged     Dropped
   2001 cardFailure                      MA  gen          0           0
   2002 cardInserted                     MI  gen          2           0
   2003 cardRemoved                      MI  gen          0           0
   2004 cardWrong                        MI  gen          0           0
   2005 EnvTemperatureTooHigh            MA  gen          0           0
   2006 fanFailure                       CR  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxDot3OamPeerChanged           MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxDot3OamLoopDetected          MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxDot3OamLoopCleared           MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop          WA  gen          0           0
   2002 tFilterEntryActivationFailed     WA  gen          0           0
   2003 tFilterEntryActivationRestored   WA  gen          0           0
   2001 vRtrIgmpIfRxQueryVerMismatch     WA  gen          0           0
   2002 vRtrIgmpIfCModeRxQueryMismatch   WA  gen          0           0
   2003 vRtrIgmpMaxGrpsLimitExceeded     WA  gen          0           0
   2004 vRtrIgmpMcacPlcyDropped          WA  gen          0           0
L  2001 clearRTMError                    MI  gen          0           0
L  2002 ipEtherBroadcast                 MI  gen          0           0
L  2003 ipDuplicateAddress               MI  gen          0           0
L  2004 ipArpInfoOverwritten             MI  gen          0           0
L  2005 fibAddFailed                     MA  gen          0           0
   2001 stiDateAndTimeChanged            WA  gen          0           0
   2002 ssiSaveConfigSucceeded           MA  gen          1           0
   2003 ssiSaveConfigFailed              CR  gen          1           0
   2004 sbiBootConfig                    MA  gen          1           0
   2005 sbiBootSnmpd                     MA  gen          1           0
   2001 tmnxVRtrMidRouteTCA              MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxVRtrHighRouteTCA             MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxVRtrHighRouteCleared         MI  gen          0           0

Log manager and event logs

Events that are forwarded by event control are sent to the log manager. The log manager manages the event logs in the system and the relationships between the log sources, event logs and log destinations, and log filter policies.

An event log has the following properties:

  • a unique log ID

    The log ID is a short, numeric identifier for the event log. A maximum of ten logs can be configured at a time.

  • one or more log sources

    The source stream or streams to be sent to log destinations can be specified. The source must be identified before the destination can be specified. The events can be from the main event stream, events in the security event stream, or events in the user activity stream.

  • one event log destination

    A log can only have a single destination. The destination for the log ID destination can be one of console, session, syslog, snmp-trap-group, memory, or a file on the local file system.

  • an optional event filter policy

    An event filter policy defines whether to forward or drop an event or trap-based on match criteria.

Event filter policies

The log manager uses event filter policies to allow fine control over which events are forwarded or dropped based on various criteria. Like other policies with the 7210 SAS, filter policies have a default action. The default actions are either:

  • Forward

  • Drop

Filter policies also include a number of filter policy entries that are identified with an entry ID and define specific match criteria and a forward or drop action for the match criteria.

Each entry contains a combination of matching criteria that define the application, event number, router, severity, and subject conditions. The entry action determines how the packets should be treated if they have met the match criteria.

Entries are evaluated in order from the lowest to the highest entry ID. The first matching event is subject to the forward or drop action for that entry.

Valid operators are described in the following table.

Table 3. Valid operators
Operator Description


equal to


not equal to


less than


less than or equal to


greater than


greater than or equal to

A match criteria entry can include combinations of:

  • equal to or not equal to a specific system application

  • equal to, not equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or greater than or equal to an event number within the application

  • equal to, not equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or greater than or equal to a severity level

  • equal to or not equal to a router name string or regular expression match

  • equal to or not equal to an event subject string or regular expression match

Event log entries

Log entries that are forwarded to a destination are formatted in a way appropriate for the specific destination whether it be recorded to a file or sent as an SNMP trap, but log event entries have common elements or properties. All application generated events have the following properties:

  • a time stamp in UTC or local time

  • the generating application

  • a unique event ID within the application

  • a router name identifying the VRF-ID that generated the event

  • a subject identifying the affected object

  • a short text description

The general format for an event in an event log with either a memory, console or file destination is as follows.

nnnn YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.SS <severity>:<application> # <event_id> <router-
name> <subject> description

Event log

475 2006/11/27 00:19:40.38 WARNING: SNMP #2007 Base 1/1/1 
"interface 1/1/1 came up" 

The specific elements that compose the general format are described in the following table.

Table 4. Log entry field descriptions
Label Description


The log entry sequence number.


The UTC date stamp for the log entry.

YYYY - Year

MM - Month

DD - - Date


The UTC time stamp for the event.

HH - Hours (24 hour format)

MM - Minutes

SS.SS - Seconds


The severity level name of the event.

CLEARED - a cleared event (severity number 1)

INFO - an indeterminate/informational severity event (severity level 2)

CRITICAL - a critical severity event (severity level 3)

MAJOR - a major severity event (severity level 4)

MINOR - a minor severity event (severity level 5)

WARNING - a warning severity event (severity 6)


The application generating the log message.


The application event ID number for the event.


The router name representing the VRF-ID that generated the event.


The subject/affected object for the event.


A text description of the event.

Simple logger event throttling

Simple event throttling provides a mechanism to protect event receivers from being overloaded when a scenario causes many events to be generated in a very short period of time. A throttling rate, # events/# seconds, can be configured. Specific event types can be configured to be throttled. When the throttling event limit is exceeded in a throttling interval, any further events of that type cause the dropped events counter to be incremented. Dropped events counts are displayed by the show>log>event-control context. Events are dropped before being sent to one of the logger event collector tasks. There is no record of the details of the dropped events and therefore no way to retrieve event history data lost by this throttling method.

A particular event type can be generated by multiple managed objects within the system. At the point this throttling method is applied the logger application has no information about the managed object that generated the event and cannot distinguish between events generated by object ‟A” from events generated by object ‟B”. If the events have the same event-id, they are throttled regardless of the managed object that generated them. It also does not know which events may eventually be logged to destination log-id <n> from events that will be logged to destination log-id <m>.

Throttle rate applies commonly to all event types. It is not configurable for a specific event-type.

A timer task checks for events dropped by throttling when the throttle interval expires. If any events have been dropped, a TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB::tmnxTrapDropped notification is sent.

Default system log

Log 99 is a preconfigured memory-based log which logs events from the main event source (not security, debug, and so on). Log 99 exists by default.

Log 99 configuration output

ALA-1>config>log# info detail
echo "Log Configuration "
        snmp-trap-group 7
        log-id 99
            description "Default system log"
            no filter
            from main
            to memory 500
            no shutdown

Event handling system


The event handling system (EHS) tool is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode).

The EHS tool allows operator-defined behavior to be configured on the router. EHS adds user-controlled programmatic handling by allowing the execution of a CLI script upon the detection of a log event (the "trigger"). Regular expression type of pattern matching is available for various fields in the log event to give flexibility in the trigger definition.

EHS handler objects are used to tie together the following:
  • trigger events (typically log events that match some configurable criteria)

  • a set of actions to perform (typically one or more CLI scripts)

EHS makes use of the generic CLI script-control functions for scripts. Any command available in the CLI (with some limited exceptions, such as candidate commands) can be executed in a script as the result of an EHS handler being triggered. The following figure illustrates the relationships between the different configurable objects used by EHS.

Figure 2. EHS object relationships

Complex rules can be configured to match on log events as a trigger for an EHS handler.

When a log event is generated in SR OS, it is subject to discard using suppression and throttling (config>log>event-control) before it is evaluated as a trigger for EHS:
  • EHS does not trigger on log events that are suppressed through config>log>event-control

  • EHS does not trigger on log events that are throttled by the logger

EHS triggers on log events that are dropped by user-configured log filters assigned to individual logs (config>log>filter). The EHS event trigger logic occurs before the distribution of log event streams into individual logs.

A triggering log event’s common parameters and varbinds are passed in to the triggered EHS script and can be used within the EHS script as passed in dynamic variables. Passed in dynamic variables are:
  • the common event parameters appid, name, eventid, severity, subject, and gentime

  • the predefined varbinds in a log event's message

For example, the following are the passed in dynamic variables for an event:
  • appid
  • eventid
  • severity
  • subject
  • gentime
  • event_varbind_1
  • event_varbind_2
  • event_varbind_N
  • The passed in event's gentime is always UTC.
  • The event's sequence number is not passed in to the script.

An EHS script has the ability to define local static variables and use basic .if and .set commands in the script. The use of variables with the .if and .set commands within an EHS script adds more logic to EHS scripting and allows the reuse of a single EHS script for more than one trigger or action.

Both imported and local variables can be used within the EHS script, either as part of the CLI commands or as part of the .if or .set commands.

The following applies to both CLI commands and .if or .set commands:
  • Using $X without using single or double quotes, replaces the variable X with its string or integer value.

  • Using “X” with double quotes, means the literal string X.

  • Using “$X” with double quotes, replaces the variable X with its string or integer value.

  • Using 'X' with single quotes, means the literal string X.

  • Using ‘$X’ with single quotes, does not replace the variable X with its value but means the literal string $X.

In summary:
  • All characters enclosed within single quotes are interpreted as a string character.

  • All characters enclosed within double quotes are interpreted as regular characters except for $, which replaces the variable with its value (for example, shell expansion inside a string).

Supported shell command scenarios and examples

Some supported shell command scenarios are (the following are pseudo commands):

  • .if $string_variable==string_value_or_string_variable {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if ($string_variable==string_value_or_string_variable) {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if $integer_variable==integer_value_or_integer_variable {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if ($integer_variable==integer_value_or_integer_variable) {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if $string_variable!=string_value_or_string_variable {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if ($string_variable!=string_value_or_string_variable) {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if $integer_variable!=integer_value_or_integer_variable {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .if ($integer_variable!=integer_value_or_integer_variable) {


    .} else {


    .} endif

  • .set $string_variable = string_value_or_string_variable

  • .set ($string_variable = string_value_or_string_variable)

  • .set $integer_variable = integer_value_or_integer_variable

  • .set ($integer_variable = integer_value_or_integer_variable)


  • CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands

  • CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands

  • string_variable is a local (static) string variable

  • string_value_or_string_variable is a string value/variable

  • integer_variable is a local (static) integer variable

  • integer_value_or_integer_variable is an integer value/variable

  • A limit of 100 local static variables per EHS script is imposed. Exceeding this limit may result in an error and partial execution of the script.

  • When a set statement is used to set a string_variable to a string_value, the string_value can be any non-integer value not enclosed in single or double quotes or it can be enclosed in single or double quotes.

  • A "." preceding a directive (for example, if, set, and so on) is always expected to start a new line.

  • An end of line is always expected after {.

  • A CLI command is always expected to start a new line.

  • Passed-in dynamic variables are always read-only inside an EHS script and cannot be overwritten using a set statement.

  • .if commands support == and != operators only.

  • .if and .set commands support addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers.

  • .if and .set commands support addition, which means concatenation, of strings.

Valid examples:

  • configure service epipe $serviceID

    where $serviceID is either a local static integer variable or passed-in (dynamic) integer variable

  • echo srcAddr is $srcAddr

    where $srcAddr is a passed-in dynamic string variable

  • .set $ipAddr = ""

    where $ipAddr is a local static string variable

  • .set $ipAddr = $srcAddr

    where $srcAddr is a passed-in dynamic string variable

    $ipAddr is a local static string variable.

  • .set ($customerID = 50)

    where $customerID is a local static integer variable

  • .set ($totalPackets = $numIngrPackets + $numEgrPackets)

    where $totalPackets, $numIngrPackets, $numEgrPackets are local (static) integer variables

  • .set ($portDescription = $portName + $portLocation)

    where $portDescription, $portName, $portLocation are local (static) string variables

  • if ($srcAddr == "CONSOLE") {


    .else {


    .} endif

    where $srcAddr is a passed-in dynamic string variable

    CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands

    CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands

  • .if ($customerId == 10) {


    .else {


    .} endif

    where $customerID is a passed-in dynamic integer variable CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands

    CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands

  • .if ($numIngrPackets == $numEgrPackets) {


    .else {


    .} endif

    where $numIngrPackets and $numEgrPackets are local static integer variables

    CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands

    CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands

Invalid examples:

  • .set $srcAddr = ""

    where $srcAddr is a passed-in dynamic string variable

    Reason: passed-in variables are read only inside an EHS script.

  • .set ($ipAddr = $numIngrPackets + $numEgrPackets)

    where $ipAddr is a local (static) string variable

    $numIngrPackets and $numEgrPackets are local static integer variables

    Reason: variable types do not match, cannot assign a string to an integer.

  • .set ($numIngrPackets = $ipAddr + $numEgrPackets)

    where $ipAddr is a local static string variable

    $numIngrPackets and $numEgrPackets are local static integer variables

    Reason: variable types do not match, cannot concatenate a string to an integer.

  • .set $ipAddr = ""100

    where $ipAddr is a local static string variable

    Reason: when double quotes are used, they have to surround the entire string.

  • .if ($totalPackets == "") {

    .} endif

    where $totalPackets is a local static integer variables

    Reason: cannot compare an integer variable to a string value.

  • .if ($ipAddr == 10) {

    .} endif

    where $ipAddr is a local static string variable

    Reason: cannot compare a string variable to an integer value.

  • .if ($totalPackets == $ipAddr) {

    where $totalPackets is a local static integer variables

    $ipAddr is a local static string variable

    Reason: cannot compare an integer variable to a string variable.

EHS support on 7210 SAS


On the 7210 SAS, EHS script triggers are limited to these dot1x events. They cannot be used with any other events though it is not blocked in the software.

On the 7210 SAS, an EHS script is triggered for the following dot1x events only:
  • tmnxPortDot1xAuthSuccess - triggered upon successful authentication of user/device using dot1x RADIUS authentication

  • tmnxPortDot1xAuthLost - triggered upon loss of authentication, either because the device disconnected or the device sent an EAP-Logoff message, or because of subsequent unsuccessful authentication when reauthentication is attempted

  • tmnxPortDot1xAuthLostGRvC - triggered when the RADIUS server returns an authentication failure and there is no response from the RADIUS server, or if dot1x authentication is enabled on a port but no EAPOL packets are received from the connected device

  • tmnxPortDot1xAuthLostGRvD - triggered when the previously created SAP in the guest or restricted VLAN service must be deleted because of the successful reauthentication of the connected device, device disconnection, or the device sends an EAP-Logoff message

Users can configure an EHS script to associate an authenticated port or MAC with a service and SAP that is provisioned based on the VLAN-ID provided by the RADIUS server upon a successful authentication. The software invokes the EHS script when the tmnxPortDot1xAuthSuccess event is triggered.

Users can also configure an EHS script to associate the port or MAC with a service and SAP that is provisioned using the config>port>ethernet>dot1x>guest-service service-id [vlan-id vlan-id] and config>port>ethernet>dot1x>restricted-service service-id [vlan-id vlan-id] commands. The software invokes the EHS script when the tmnxPortDot1xAuthLostGRvC event is triggered so that the corresponding port or MAC can be associated with a guest or restricted VLAN service.

EHS script configuration for a SAP in a service
The following EHS script provides an example of:
  • SAP creation and association with the VPLS service when the dot1x event tmnxPortDot1xAuthSuccess is generated
  • SAP deletion after it is shut down when the dot1x event tmnxPortDot1xAuthLost is generated

The VLAN ID returned by the RADIUS server is used as the service-delimiting VLAN tag of the newly created SAP, and also used to identify the VPLS service ID. See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, S, Sx, T Services Guide for configuration guidelines of a VLAN ID returned by the RADIUS server.

exit all

.if $eventid == 3016 (tmnxPortDot1xAuthSuccess) {

echo $tmnxPortNotifyPortId
echo $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId

.set ($sapStr = $tmnxPortNotifyPortId + ":" + "$tmnxPortDot1xVlanId")

/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId sap $sapStr create
exit all

.} endif

.if $eventid == 3017 (tmnxPortDot1xAuthLost) {
exit all                                                                                                                     
echo $tmnxPortNotifyPortId                                           
echo $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId                                            
.set ($sapStr = $tmnxPortNotifyPortId + ":" + "$tmnxPortDot1xVlanId")
/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId sap $sapStr shutdown                        
/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId no sap $sapStr                              
exit all                                                                                                     
.} endif                                                             
Node configuration for an EHS script

The dot1x configuration per port is not displayed in the following example.

            script <script-name>
                location <ehs-script-path>
                no shutdown
            script-policy <script-policy-name>
                results <resuls-path>
                script <script-name>
                no shutdown

        filter 11 
            default-action drop
            entry 11 
                action forward

            handler <handler-name>
                    entry 11
                        script-policy <script-policy-name> ==> created under system ==> script-control
                        no shutdown
                no shutdown

            event "port" 3016
                trigger-entry 1
                    event-handler <handler-name>
                    log-filter 11
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            event "port" 3017
                trigger-entry 1
                    event-handler <handler-name>
                    log-filter 11
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
Restricted and guest VLAN configuration

The following provides an example of an EHS script used for SAP creation and deletion in a guest or restricted VLAN service.

.if $eventid == 3018 (tmnxPortDot1xAuthLostGRvC){
echo $name                                                           
echo $tmnxPortNotifyPortId                                           
echo $tmnxPortDot1xVlanId
echo $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId                                           

.set ($sapStr = $tmnxPortNotifyPortId + ":" + "$tmnxPortDot1xVlanId")
echo $sapStr
.if $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId == 1 {
/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr create 
/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr no shutdown
exit all
.} endif 

.if $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId == 2 {
/configure service epipe $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr create 
/configure service epipe $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr no shutdown
exit all
.} endif
.} endif                                                             

.if $eventid == 3019 (tmnxPortDot1xAuthLostGRvD){
echo $name                                                                              
.set ($sapStr = $tmnxPortNotifyPortId + ":" + "$tmnxPortDot1xVlanId")
.if $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId == 1 {
/configure service vpls $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr shutdown 
/configure service vpls  $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId no sap $sapStr
.} endif 

.if $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId == 2 {
/configure service epipe $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId sap $sapStr shutdown 
/configure service epipe $tmnxPortDot1xGRSvcId no sap $sapStr
.} endif
.} endif

Accounting logs

Before an accounting policy can be created, a target log file must be created to collect the accounting records. The files are stored in system memory on compact flash (cf1:) in compressed (.tar) XML format and can be retrieved using FTP or SCP.

A file ID can only be assigned to either one event log ID or one accounting log.

Accounting records

An accounting policy must define a record name and collection interval. Only one record name can be configured per accounting policy. Also, a record name can only be used in one accounting policy.

The record name, sub-record types, and default collection period for access and network accounting policies are shown as follows.

The 7210 SAS provides 21 accounting records for the following accounting policies:

  • access

  • accessport

  • network

  • networkIf

  • sdp

When creating accounting policies, only one (of each) access, accessport, network, networkIf and sdp accounting policy can be defined as default. If statistics collection is enabled on an accounting object and no accounting policy is applied, the default accounting policy is used. If a default policy is not defined, no statistics are collected unless a specifically defined accounting policy is applied.

Each accounting record name is composed of one or more sub-records composed of multiple fields.

For VLL and VPLS services on the 7210 SAS, the user can run the config>service>epipe/vpls>sap>statistics>ingress>counter-mode {in-out-profile-count | forward-drop-count} to change the counter-mode of counters associated with SAP ingress meters or policers. See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, S, Sx, T Services Guide and 7210 SAS-R6, R12 Services Guide for more information about the counter-mode command.

The statistics collected for the following accounting records vary based on the counter-mode selected:

  • Service-ingress-octets

  • Service-ingress-packets

  • Combined-service-ingress

  • Complete-service-ingress-egress

See Appendix: accounting record name details for 7210 SAS platforms for more information about accounting records and counters for the 7210 SAS platforms.

Configuration guidelines

Before modifying the counter, disable account log generation. Execute the no collect-stats command. Changing the mode of the counter results in loss of previously collected counts and resets the counter.

Accounting files

When a policy has been created and applied to a service or network port, the accounting file is stored on the compact flash in a compressed XML file format. The device creates two directories on the compact flash to store the files.

The following output displays a directory named act-collect that holds accounting files that are open and actively collecting statistics. The directory named act stores the files that have been closed and are awaiting retrieval.

ALA-1>file cf1:\# dir act*
12/19/2006 06:08a <DIR> act-collect
12/19/2006 06:08a <DIR> act

ALA-1>file cf1:\act-collect\ # dir
Directory of cf1:\act-collect#
12/23/2006 01:46a <DIR> .
12/23/2006 12:47a <DIR>  ..
12/23/2006 01:46a 112 act1111-20031223-014658.xml.gz
12/23/2006 01:38a 197 act1212-20031223-013800.xml.gz

Accounting files always have the prefix act followed by the accounting policy ID, log ID and timestamp. The accounting log file naming and log file destination properties like rollover and retention are described in more detail in Log files.

Design considerations

When preparing for an accounting policy deployment, verify that data collection, file rollover, and file retention intervals are properly tuned for the amount of statistics to be collected.

If the accounting policy collection interval is too brief, there may be insufficient time to store the data from all the services within the specified interval. If that is the case, some records may be lost or incomplete. Interval time, record types, and number of services using an accounting policy are all factors that should be considered when implementing accounting policies.

The rollover and retention intervals on the log files and the frequency of file retrieval must also be considered when designing accounting policy deployments. The amount of data stored depends on the type of record collected, the number of services that are collecting statistics, and the collection interval that is used.

Configuration notes

This following information describes logging configuration restrictions:

  • A file or filter cannot be deleted if it has been applied to a log.

  • File IDs, syslog IDs, or SNMP trap groups must be configured before they can be applied to a log ID.

  • A file ID can only be assigned to either one log ID or one accounting policy.

  • Accounting policies must be configured in the config>log context before they can be applied to a service SAP or service interface, or applied to a network port.

  • The snmp-trap-id must be the same as the log-id.

Configuring logging with CLI

This section provides information to configure logging using the command line interface.

Log configuration overview

Configure logging parameters to save information in a log file or direct the messages to other devices. Logging does the following:

  • provides you with logging information for monitoring and troubleshooting

  • allows you to select the types of logging information to be recorded

  • allows you to assign a severity to the log messages

  • allows you to select the source and target of logging information

Log types

Logs can be configured in the following contexts:

  • Log file

    Log files can contain log event message streams or accounting/billing information. Log file IDs are used to direct events, alarms/traps and debug information to their respective targets.

  • SNMP trap groups

    SNMP trap groups contain an IP address and community names which identify targets to send traps following specified events.

  • Syslog

    Information can be sent to a syslog host that is capable of receiving selected syslog messages from a network element.

  • Event control

    Configures a particular event or all events associated with an application to be generated or suppressed.

  • Event filters

    An event filter defines whether to forward or drop an event or trap based on match criteria.

  • Accounting policies

    An accounting policy defines the accounting records that will be created. Accounting policies can be applied to one or more s access object or network objects.

  • Event logs

    An event log defines the types of events to be delivered to its associated destination.

  • Event throttling rate

    Defines the rate of throttling events.

Basic event log configuration

The most basic log configuration must have the following:

  • log ID or accounting policy ID

  • a log source

  • a log destination

Configuration output

A:ALA-12>config>log# info
echo "Log Configuration "
        event-control 2001 generate critical
        file-id 1
            description "This is a test file-id."
            location cf1:
        file-id 2
            description "This is a test log."
            location cf1:
        snmp-trap-group 7
            trap-target "snmpv2c" notify-community "public"
        log-id 2
            from main
            to file 2

Common configuration tasks

The following sections are basic system tasks that must be performed.

Configuring an event log

A event log file contains information used to direct events, alarms, traps, and debug information to their respective destinations. One or more event sources can be specified. File IDs, SNMP trap groups, or syslog IDs must be configured before they can be applied to an event log ID.

Use the following syntax to configure a log file.

        log-id log-id
            description description-string
            filter filter-id
            from {[main] [security] [change] [debug-trace]}
            to console
            to file file-id 
            to memory [size] 
            to session
            to snmp [size]
            to syslog syslog-id} 
            time-format {local|utc}
            no shutdown
Log file configuration output
ALA-12>config>log>log-id# info
log-id 2
            description "This is a test log file."
            filter 1
            from main security
            to file 1

Configuring a file ID

To create a log file, a file ID is defined, the target CF or USB drive is specified, and the rollover retention interval period for the log file is defined. The rollover interval is defined in minutes and determines how long a file will be used before it is closed and a new log file is created. The retention interval determines how long the file will be stored on the storage device before it is deleted.

Use the following syntax to configure a log file.

        file-id log-file-id
            description description-string
            location cflash-id 
            rollover minutes [retention hours]

For the 7210 SAS-T:

        file-id log-file-id
            description description-string
            location cflash|usb-flash-id [backup-cflash-id]
            rollover minutes [retention hours]
Log file configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        file-id 1
            description "This is a log file."
            location cf1:
            rollover 600 retention 24

Configuring an accounting policy

Before an accounting policy can be created a target log file must be created to collect the accounting records. The files are stored in system memory of compact flash (cf1:) in a compressed (.tar) XML format and can be retrieved using FTP or SCP. See Configuring an event log and Configuring a file ID.

Accounting policies must be configured in the config>log context before they can be applied to a service SAP or service interface, or applied to a network port.

The default accounting policy statement cannot be applied to LDP nor RSVP statistics collection records.

An accounting policy must define a record type and collection interval. Only one record type can be configured per accounting policy.

When creating accounting policies, one access, one access port, one network, one network interface and one SDP accounting policy can be defined as default. If statistics collection is enabled on an accounting object, and no accounting policy is applied, then the respective default accounting policy is used. If no default policy is defined, then no statistics are collected unless a specifically-defined accounting policy is applied.

Use the following syntax to configure an accounting policy.

        accounting-policy acct-policy-id interval minutes   
            description description-string
            record record-name 
            to file log-file-id
            no shutdown
Accounting policy configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
accounting-policy 5
description "This is a test accounting policy."
record service-ingress-packets
to file 3

Configuring event control

Use the following CLI syntax to configure event control. Note that the throttle parameter used in the event-control command syntax enables throttling for a specific event type. The config>log>throttle-rate command configures the number of events and interval length to be applied to all event types that have throttling enabled by this event-control command.

        event-control application-id [event-name|event-number] generate [severity-level] [throttle]
        event-control application-id [event-name|event-number] suppress
        throttle-rate events [interval seconds]
Event control configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
echo "Log Configuration"
        throttle-rate 500 interval 10
        event-control "oam" 2001 generate throttle
        event-control "ospf" 2001 suppress
        event-control "ospf" 2003 generate cleared
        event-control "ospf" 2014 generate critical

Configuring throttle rate

This command configures the number of events and interval length to be applied to all event types that have throttling enabled by the event-control command.

Use the following syntax to configure the throttle rate.

        throttle-rate events [interval seconds]
Throttle rate configuration output
*A:gal171>config>log# info
        throttle-rate 500 interval 10
        event-control "aps" 2001 generate throttle

Configuring a log filter

Use the following syntax to configure a log filter.

        filter filter-id
        default-action {drop|forward}
        description description-string
        entry entry-id
            action {drop|forward}
            description description-string
                application {eq|neq} application-id
                number {eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte} event-id
                router {eq|neq} router-instance [regexp]
                severity {eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte} severity-level
                subject {eq|neq} subject [regexp]
Log filter configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
echo "Log Configuration "
        file-id 1
            description "This is our log file."
            location cf1:
            rollover 600 retention 24
        filter 1
            default-action drop
            description "This is a sample filter."
            entry 1
                action forward
                    application eq "mirror"
                    severity eq critical
log-id 2
            description "This is a test log file."
            filter 1
            from main security
            to file 1

Configuring an SNMP trap group

The associated log-id does not have to be configured before an snmp-trap-group can be created; however, the snmp-trap-group must exist before the log-id can be configured to use it.

Use the following syntax to configure an SNMP trap group.

        snmp-trap-group log-id 
            trap-target name [address ip-address] [port port] [snmpv1|snmpv2c| snmpv3] notify-community communityName |snmpv3SecurityName [security-level {no-auth-no-privacy|auth-no-privacy|privacy}] 
SNMP trap group configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
snmp-trap-group 2
trap-target "snmpv3" notify-community "coummunitystring" 
log-id 2
            description "This is a test log file."
            filter 1
            from main security
            to file 1

Configuring SNMP dying gasp

  • SNMP dying gasp for IPv4 is supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except the 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12.

  • SNMP dying gasp for IPv6 is not supported on any of the 7210 SAS platforms.

Use the following syntax to configure SNMP dying gasp.

        no snmp-dying-gasp primary trap-target-group-num trap-target-name [secondary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name} [tertiary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name}]] 
*A:Dut-A>config>log# snmp-dying-gasp primary 7 server1 secondary 8 server2 
*A:Dut-A>config>log# info 
        snmp-trap-group 7
            trap-target "server1" address snmpv2c notify-community "public"
        snmp-trap-group 8
            trap-target "server2" address snmpv3 notify-
community "snmpv3user" security-level auth-no-privacy
        snmp-trap-group 9
            trap-target "server3" address snmpv3 notify-
community "snmpv3user" security-level auth-no-privacy
        log-id 7 
            from main 
            to snmp
        log-id 8 
            from main 
            to snmp
        log-id 9 
            from main 
            to snmp
        snmp-dying-gasp primary 7 "server1" secondary 8 "server2"
Configuration guidelines for SNMP dying gasp trap

The system does not try to resolve the ARP when it needs to send out the SNMP dying-gasp trap, since the amount of time available during power loss event is very less. Instead, the system assumes that ARP entry to the gateway used to reach the SNMP trap server is always available. Nokia recommends that users run a periodic ping query to the SNMP trap server in the background using the cron utility.

The following is a sample configuration output of a cron job which initiates a ping to the server mentioned in the pingscript file every one minute.

*7210-SAS># configure cron 
*7210-SAS >config>cron# info 
        time-range "NO-TIME-RANGE" create
            description "NO-TIME-RANGE is the default always-on time-range"

Configuring a syslog target

Log events cannot be sent to a syslog target host until a valid syslog ID exists.

Use the following syntax to configure a syslog file.

        syslog syslog-id
            description description-string
            address ip-address
            log-prefix log-prefix-string
            port port
            level {emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug}
            facility syslog-facility
Syslog configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        syslog 1
            description "This is a syslog file."
            facility user
            level warning

Log management tasks

This section describes the logging tasks.

Modifying a log file

Use the following syntax to modify a log file.

        log-id log-id
            description description-string
            filter filter-id
            from {[main] [security] [change] [debug-trace]}
            to console
            to file file-id 
            to memory [size] 
            to session
            to snmp [size]
            to syslog syslog-id
Current log configuration output
ALA-12>config>log>log-id# info
log-id 2
            description "This is a test log file."
            filter 1
            from main security
            to file 1
Command usage to modify log file parameters
  config# log
	config>log# log-id 2
	config>log>log-id# description "Chassis log file."
	config>log>log-id# filter 2
	config>log>log-id# from security
	config>log>log-id# exit	
Modified log file configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
log-id 2
            description "Chassis log file."
            filter 2
            from security
            to file 1

Deleting a log file

The log ID must be shut down first before it can be deleted. In the previous example, "file 1" is associated with "log-id 2".

A:ALA-12>config>log# info
file-id 1
            description "LocationTest."
            location cf1:
            rollover 600 retention 24
log-id 2
            description "Chassis log file."
            filter 2
            from security
            to file 1

Use the following syntax to delete a log file.

        no log-id log-id
Command usage to delete a log file
  config# log
	config>log# log-id 2
	config>log>log-id# shutdown
	config>log>log-id# exit
	config>log# no log-id 2

Modifying a file ID


When the file-id location parameter is modified, log files are not written to the new location until a rollover occurs or the log is manually cleared. A rollover can be forced by using the clear>log command. Subsequent log entries are then written to the new location. If a rollover does not occur or the log not cleared, the old location remains in effect.

The location can be CF (cflash-id) or USB (usb-flash-id).

Use the following syntax to modify a log file.

        file-id log-file-id
            description description-string
            location [cflash-id] 
            rollover minutes [retention hours]
Current log configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        file-id 1
            description "This is a log file."
            location cf1:
            rollover 600 retention 24
Command usage to modify log file parameters
  config# log
	config>log# file-id 1
	config>log>file-id# description "LocationTest."
	config>log>file-id# rollover 2880 retention 500
	config>log>file-id# exit 
File modifications
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
file-id 1
            description "LocationTest."
            location cf1:
            rollover 2880 retention 500

Deleting a file ID


All references to the file ID must be deleted before the file ID can be removed.

Use the following syntax to delete a log ID.

        no file-id log-file-id
Command usage to delete a file ID
 config>log# no file-id 1

Modifying a syslog ID


All references to the syslog ID must be deleted before the syslog ID can be removed.

Use the following syntax to modify a syslog ID parameters.

        syslog syslog-id
            description description-string
            address ip-address
            log-prefix log-prefix-string
            port port
            level {emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug}
            facility syslog-facility
Command usage to modify syslog ID parameters
  config# log
	config>log# syslog 1
	config>log>syslog$description "Test syslog."
	config>log>syslog# address
	config>log>syslog# facility mail
	config>log>syslog# level info
Syslog configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        syslog 1
            description "Test syslog."
            facility mail
            level info

Deleting a syslog

Use the following syntax to delete a syslog file.

        no syslog syslog-id
Command usage to delete a syslog ID
  config# log
	config>log# no syslog 1

Modifying an SNMP trap group

Use the following syntax to modify an SNMP trap group.

        snmp-trap-group log-id 
            trap-target name [address ip-address] [port port] [snmpv1|snmpv2c| snmpv3] notify-community communityName |snmpv3SecurityName [security-level {no-auth-no-privacy|auth-no-privacy|privacy}]
Current SNMP trap group configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
snmp-trap-group 10
trap-target "snmpv3" notify-community "coummunitystring" 
Command usage to modify an SNMP trap group
  config# log
	config>log# snmp-trap-group 10
	config>log>snmp-trap-group# no trap-target 
	config>log>snmp-trap-group# snmp-trap-group# trap-target snmpv2c notify-community "com1" 
SNMP trap group configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        snmp-trap-group 10
            trap-target "snmpv2c" notify-community "com1"

Deleting an SNMP trap group

Use the following syntax to delete a trap target and SNMP trap group.

        no snmp-trap-group log-id 
            no trap-target name 
SNMP trap group configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
       snmp-trap-group 10
           trap-target "snmpv2c" notify-community "com1"
Command usage to delete a trap target and SNMP trap group
  config>log# snmp-trap-group 10 
	config>log>snmp-trap-group# no trap-target
	config>log>snmp-trap-group# exit
	config>log# no snmp-trap-group 10

Modifying a log filter

Use the following syntax to modify a log filter.

        filter filter-id
            default-action {drop|forward}
            description description-string
            entry entry-id
                action {drop|forward}
                description description-string
                    application {eq|neq} application-id
                    number {eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte} event-id
                    router {eq|neq} router-instance [regexp]
                    severity {eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte} severity-level
                    subject {eq|neq} subject [regexp]
Current log filter configuration output
ALA-12>config>log# info
echo "Log Configuration "
        filter 1
            default-action drop
            description "This is a sample filter."
            entry 1
                action forward
                    application eq "mirror"
                    severity eq critical
Command usage to modify the log filter
  config# log
	config>log# filter 1
	config>log>filter# description "This allows <n>."
	config>log>filter# default-action forward
	config>log>filter# entry 1
	config>log>filter>entry$ action drop
	config>log>filter>entry# match 
	config>log>filter>entry>match# application eq user
	config>log>filter>entry>match# number eq 2001
	config>log>filter>entry>match# no severity
	config>log>filter>entry>match# exit
Sample log filter configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log>filter# info
        filter 1
            description "This allows <n>."
            entry 1
                action drop
                    application eq "user"
                    number eq 2001

Deleting a log filter

Use the following syntax to delete a log filter.

        no filter filter-id
Current log filter configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log>filter# info
        filter 1
            description "This allows <n>."
            entry 1
                action drop
                    application eq "user"
                    number eq 2001
Command usage to delete a log filter
  	config>log# no filter 1

Modifying event control parameters

Use the following syntax to modify event control parameters.

        event-control application-id [event-name|event-number] generate [severity-level] [throttle]
        event-control application-id [event-name|event-number] suppress
Current event control configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
event-control 2014 generate critical
Command usage to modify event control
  config# log
	config>log# event-control 2014 suppress
Log filter configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info
        event-control 2014 suppress

Returning to the default event control configuration

The no form of the event-control command returns modified values back to the default values.

Use the following syntax to modify event control parameters.

        no event-control application-id [event-name |event-nunmber] 
Command usage to return to default values
  config# log
	config>log# no event-control 2001
	config>log# no event-control 2002
	config>log# no event-control 2014
Configuration output
A:ALA-12>config>log# info detail
echo "Log Configuration"
        event-control 2001 generate minor
        event-control 2002 generate warning
        event-control 2003 generate warning
        event-control 2004 generate critical
        event-control 2005 generate warning
        event-control 2006 generate warning
        event-control 2007 generate warning
        event-control 2008 generate warning
        event-control 2009 generate warning
        event-control 2010 generate warning
        event-control 2011 generate warning
        event-control 2012 generate warning
        event-control 2013 generate warning
        event-control 2014 generate warning
        event-control 2015 generate critical
        event-control 2016 generate warning

Log command reference

Command hierarchies

Configuration commands

Event filter commands
    - log
        - [no] filter filter-id
            - default-action {drop | forward}
            - no default-action
            - description description-string
            - no description
            - [no] entry entry-id
                - action {drop | forward}
                - no action
                - description description-string
                - no description
                - [no] match 
                    - application {eq | neq} application-id
                    - no application
                    - number {eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte} event-id
                    - no number
                    - router {eq | neq} router-instance [regexp]
                    - no router
                    - severity {eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte} severity-level
                    - no severity
                    - subject {eq | neq} subject [regexp]
                    - no subject
SNMP trap group commands
    - log
        - [no] snmp-trap-group log-id 
            - description description-string
            - no description
            - trap-target name [address ip-address] [port port] [snmpv1 | snmpv2c | snmpv3] notify-community communityName | snmpv3SecurityName [security-level {no-auth-no-privacy | auth-no-privacy | privacy} [replay]]
            - no trap-target name
        - [no] snmp-dying-gasp primary trap-target-group-num trap-target-name [secondary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name} [tertiary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name}]] 

Clear commands

    - log log-id

Tools dump commands

    - dump
        - accounting-policy [id] flash-write-count [clear]

See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T OAM and Diagnostics Guide for more information about the tools dump accounting-policy command.

Command descriptions

Configuration commands

Generic commands

description string

no description














Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context. The description command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify the content in the configuration file.

The no form of this command removes the string from the configuration.


Specifies a string of up to 80 characters composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.


[no] shutdown







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command administratively disables an entity. When disabled, an entity does not change, reset, or remove any configuration settings or statistics. The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. Many objects must be shut down before they may be deleted.

The no form of this command administratively enables an entity.


no shutdown

Special Cases

When a log-id is shut down, no events are collected for the entity. This leads to the loss of event data.


When an accounting policy is shut down, no accounting data is written to the destination log ID. Counters in the billing data reflect totals, not increments, so when the policy is re-enabled (no shutdown) the counters include the data collected during the period the policy was shut down.

Event control commands

event-control application-id [event-name | event-number] [generate] [severity-level] [throttle]

event-control application-id [event-name | event-number] suppress

no event-control application [event-name | event-number]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies that a particular event or all events associated with an application are either generated or suppressed.

Events are generated by an application and contain an event number and description of the cause of the event. Each event has a default designation that directs it to be generated or suppressed.

Events are generated with a default severity level that can be modified by using the severity-level option.

Events that are suppressed by default are typically used for debugging purposes. Events are suppressed at the time the application requests the event generation. No event log entry is generated, regardless of the destination. While this feature can save processor resources, there may be a negative effect on the ability to troubleshoot problems if the logging entries are squelched. However, the generation of too many events may cause excessive overhead.

The rate of event generation can be throttled using the throttle parameter.

The no form of this command reverts the parameters to the default setting for events for the application or a specific event within the application. The severity-level, generate, suppress, and throttle options will also be reset to the initial values.


Each event has a set of default settings. To display a list of all events and the current configuration, use the event-control command.


Specifies the application whose events are affected by this event control filter.


A valid application name. To display a list of valid application names, use the applications command.

event-name | event-number

Specifies the event number or short name, which can generate, suppress, or revert to default for a single event. If no event number or name is specified, the command applies to all events in the application. To display a list of all event short names, use the event-control command.


Specifies that logger event is created when this event occurs. The generate keyword can be used with two optional parameters, severity-level and throttle.


Specifies an ASCII string representing the severity level to associate with the specified generated events.


cleared, indeterminate, critical, major, minor, warning


Specifies whether or not events of this type will be throttled. By default, event throttling is on for most event types.


Keyword to indicate that the specified events will not be logged. If the suppress keyword is not specified, the events are generated by default.


route-preference primary {inband | outband} secondary {inband | outband | none}

no route-preference




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies the primary and secondary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages. If the remote destination is not reachable through the routing context specified by primary route preference, the secondary routing preference will be attempted.

The no form of this command reverts to the default values.


no route-preference


Specifies the primary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages.




Specifies the secondary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages. The routing context specified by the secondary route preference will be attempted if the remote destination was not reachable by the primary routing preference, specified by primary route preference. The value specified for the secondary routing preference must be distinct from the value for primary route preference.




Specifies that the logging utility will attempt to use the base routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations.


Specifies that the logging utility will attempt to use the management routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations.


Specifies that no attempt will be made to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations.

Event handling system commands





7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


Commands in this context configure event handling within the Event Handler System (EHS).


[no] handler event-handler-name




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures an EHS handler.

The no form of this command removes the specified EHS handler.


no handler


Specifies the name of the EHS handler, up to 32 characters.






7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


Commands in this context configure the EHS handler action list.


[no] entry entry-id




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures an EHS handler action list entry. A handler can have multiple actions where each action, for example, can request the execution of a different script. When the handler is triggered it walks through the list of configured actions.

The no form of this command removes the specified EHS handler action list entry.


no entry


Specifies the identifier of the EHS handler entry.


1 to 1500


min-delay [delay]

no min-delay




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command specifies the minimum delay, in seconds, between subsequent executions of the action specified in this entry. This is useful, for example, to ensure that a script does not get triggered too often.

The no form of this command disables the minimum delay.


no min-delay


Specifies the minimum delay, in seconds.


1 to 604800


script-policy policy-name [owner policy-owner]

no script-policy




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures the script policy parameters to use for the EHS handler action list entry. The associated script is launched when the handler is triggered.

The no form of this command disables the script policy parameters.


no script-policy


Specifies the script policy name, up to 32 characters.

owner policy-owner

Specifies the script policy owner, up to 32 characters.



Event trigger commands





7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


Commands in this context configure log events as triggers for EHS handlers.


[no] event application-id event-name-id




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures a specific log event as a trigger for one or more EHS handlers. Further matching criteria can be applied to only trigger specific handlers with specific instances of the log event.

The no form of this command removes the specified trigger event.


no event


Specifies the type of application that triggers the event.




Specifies the name or numerical identifier of the event.


0 to 4294967295 | event-name: 32 characters max


[no] trigger-entry entry-id




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures an instance of a trigger for an EHS handler. A trigger entry binds a set of matching criteria for a log event to a specific handler. If the log event occurs in the system and matches the criteria configured in the associated log filter, the handler is executed.

The no form of this command removes the specified trigger entry.


no trigger-entry


Specifies the identifier of the EHS event trigger entry.


1 to 1500


event-handler event-handler

no event-handler




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures the event handler to be used for this trigger entry.

The no form of this command removes the event handler to be used for the trigger entry.


no event-handler


Specifies the name of the event handler, up to 32 characters.


log-filter filter-id

no log-filter




7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone mode)


This command configures the log filter to be used for this trigger entry. The log filter defines the matching criteria that must be met for the log event to trigger the handler execution. The log filter is applied to the log event and, if the filtering decision results in a "forward" action, the handler is triggered.

It is typically unnecessary to configure match criteria for "application" or "number" in the log filter used for the EHS since the specific filter is only applied for a specific log event application and number, as configured under config>log>event-trigger.

The no form of this command removes the log filter to be used for this trigger entry.


no log-filter


Specifies the ID of the filter.


1 to 1500

Log file commands

[no] file-id log-file-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


Commands in this context configure a file ID template to be used as a destination for an event log or billing file.

This command defines the file location and characteristics to use as the destination for a log event message stream or accounting or billing information. The file defined in this context is subsequently specified in the to command under log-id or accounting-policy to direct specific logging or billing source streams to the file destination.

A file ID can only be assigned to either one log-id or one accounting-policy. It cannot be reused for multiple instances. A file ID and associated file definition must exist for each log and billing file that must be stored in the file system.

A file is created when the file ID defined in this command is selected as the destination type for a specific log or accounting record. Log files are collected in a ‟log” directory. Accounting files are collected in an ‟act” directory.

The system creates the filenames for a log, as summarized in the following table.

Table 5. File names
File type Filename

Log file


Accounting file



  • ll is the log-id

  • aa is the accounting policy-id

  • ff is the file-id

  • The timestamp is the actual timestamp when the file is created. The format for the timestamp is yyyymmdd-hhmmss where:

    • yyyy is the year (for example, 2016)

    • mm is the month number (for example, 12 for December)

    • dd is the day of the month (for example, 03 for the 3rd of the month)

    • hh is the hour of the day in 24 hour format (for example, 04 for 4 a.m.)

    • mm is the minutes (for example, 30 for 30 minutes past the hour)

    • ss is the number of seconds (for example, 14 for 14 seconds)

The accounting file is compressed and has a gz extension.

When initialized, each file will contain:

  • the log-id description

  • the time the file was opened

  • the reason the file was created

  • the sequence number of the last event stored on the log is recorded, if the event log file was closed properly

If the process of writing to a log file fails (for example, the compact flash card is full) and if a backup location is not specified or fails, the log file will not become operational even if the compact flash card is replaced. Enter either a clear log command or a shutdown or no shutdown command to reinitialize the file.

If the primary location fails (for example, the compact flash card fills up during the write process), a trap is sent and logging continues to the specified backup location. This can result in truncated files in different locations.

The no form of this command removes the file-id from the configuration. A file-id can only be removed from the configuration if the file is not the designated output for a log destination. The actual file remains on the file system.


Specifies the file identification number, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 99


location cflash-id | usb-flash-id [backup-cflash-id]

no location




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies the primary location where the log or billing file will be created.

When creating files, the primary location is used as long as there is available space. If no space is available, an attempt is made to delete unnecessary files that are past their retention date.

If sufficient space is not available, an attempt is made to remove the oldest to newest closed log or accounting files. After each file is deleted, the system attempts to create the new file.

A high priority alarm condition is raised if none of the configured compact flash devices for this file ID are present or if there is insufficient space available. If space becomes available, the alarm condition will be cleared.

The no form of this command reverts to default settings.


log files are created on cf1: and accounting files are created on cf1:


Specifies the primary location.


cf1: | uf1: (7210 SAS-S 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC))

cf1: | cf2: | uf1: (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Sx 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC), and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE)

cf1: |cf1-A: | cf1-B: | cf2: | cf2-A: | cf2-B: | uf1: | uf1-A: | uf1-B: (7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12)


Specifies the USB location.


cf1: | uf1: (7210 SAS-S 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC))

cf1: | cf2: | uf1: (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Sx 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC), and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE)

cf1: | cf1-A: | cf1-B: | cf2: | cf2-A: | cf2-B: | uf1: | uf1-A: | uf1-B: (7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12)


Specify the backup location.


cf1: | uf1: (7210 SAS-S 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC))

cf1: | cf2: | uf1 (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-T, and 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone and standalone-VC))

cf1: | cf1-A: | cf1-B: | cf2: | cf2-A: | cf2-B: | uf1: | uf1-A: | uf1-B: (7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12)


rollover minutes [retention hours]

no rollover




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command configures how often an event or accounting log is rolled over or partitioned into a new file.

An event or accounting log is actually composed of multiple, individual files. The system creates a new file for the log based on the rollover time, expressed in minutes.

The retention option, expressed in hours, allows you to modify the default time to keep the file in the system. The retention time is based on the rollover time of the file.

When multiple rollover commands for a file-id are entered, the last command overwrites the previous command.


rollover 1440 retention 12


Specifies the rollover time, in minutes.


5 to 10080

retention hours

Specifies the retention period in hours, expressed as a decimal integer. The retention time is based on the creation time of the file. The file becomes a candidate for removal when the creation datestamp + rollover time + retention time equals less than the current timestamp.




1 to 500

Log filter commands

[no] filter filter-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command enables the context for an event filter. An event filter specifies whether to forward or drop an event or trap based on the match criteria.

Filters are configured in the filter filter-id context and applied to a log in the log-id log-id context. Only events for the configured log source streams destined to the log ID where the filter is applied are filtered.

Changes made to an existing filter using any of the subcommands are immediately applied to the destinations where the filter is applied.

The no form of this command removes the filter association from log IDs, which causes those logs to forward all events.


Specifies the filter ID uniquely identifies the filter.


1 to 1001


default-action {drop | forward}

no default-action




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies the action that is applied to events when no action is specified in the event filter entries or when an event does not match the specified criteria.

When multiple default-action commands are entered, the last command overwrites the previous command.

The no form of this command reverts to the default value.


default-action forward


Keyword to specify that the events that are not explicitly forwarded by an event filter match are dropped.


Keyword to specify that the events that are not explicitly dropped by an event filter match are forwarded.

Log filter entry commands

action {drop | forward}

no action




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies a drop or forward action associated with the filter entry. If neither drop nor forward is specified, the default-action will be used for traffic that conforms to the match criteria. This could be considered a No-Op filter entry used to explicitly exit a set of filter entries without modifying previous actions.

When multiple action statements are entered, the last action will overwrite the previous actions.

The no form of this command removes the specified action statement.


the action specified by the default-action command


Keyword to specify that packets matching the entry criteria will be dropped.


Keyword to specify that packets matching the entry criteria will be forwarded.


[no] entry entry-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


Commands in this context create or edit an event filter entry. Multiple entries may be created using unique entry-id numbers. The -TiMOS implementation exits the filter on the first match found and executes the action in accordance with the action command.

Comparisons are performed in an ascending entry ID order. When entries are created, they should be arranged sequentially from the most explicit entry to the least explicit. Matching stops when a packet matches an entry. The entry action is performed on the packet, either drop or forward. To be considered a match, the packet must meet all the conditions defined in the entry.

An entry may not have any match criteria defined (in which case, everything matches) but must have at least the keyword action for it to be considered complete. Entries without the action keyword will be considered incomplete and are rendered inactive.

The no form of this command removes the specified entry from the event filter. Entries removed from the event filter are immediately removed from all log IDs where the filter is applied.


Specifies the entry ID, which uniquely identifies a set of match criteria corresponding action within a filter. Entry ID values should be configured in staggered increments so you can insert a new entry in an existing policy without renumbering the existing entries.


1 to 999

Log filter entry match commands

[no] match




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


Commands in this context create or edit match criteria for a filter entry. When the match criteria is satisfied, the action associated with the entry is executed.

If more than one match parameter (within one match statement) is specified, all criteria must be satisfied and functional before the action associated with the match is executed.

Use the application command to display a list of the valid applications.

Match context can consist of multiple match parameters (application, event-number, severity, subject), but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.

The no form of this command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.


application {eq | neq} application-id

no application




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command adds a 7210 SAS application as an event filter match criterion.

A 7210 SAS application is the software entity that reports the event. Applications include IP, MPLS, OSPF, CLI, services, and others. Only one application can be specified. The latest application command overwrites the previous command.

The no form of this command removes the application as a match criterion.


no application

eq | neq

The operator specifying the type of match. Valid operators are listed in the following table.

Table 6. Valid application operators
Operator Notes

equal to


not equal to


Specifies the application name string.


chassis | debug | efm_oam | eth_cfm | ering | filter | igmp_snooping | ip | isis | lag | ldp | lldp | logger | mirror | mpls | ntp | oam | ospf | port | route_policy | rsvp | security | snmp | stp | svcmgr | system | user | vrtr


number {eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte} event-id

no number




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command adds a 7210 SAS application event number as a match criterion.

The 7210 SAS event numbers uniquely identify a specific logging event within an application.

Only one number command can be entered per event filter entry. The latest number command overwrites the previous command.

The no form of this command removes the event number as a match criterion.


no event-number

eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte

Keyword to configure the operator that specifies the type of match. Valid operators are listed in the following table.

Table 7. Valid operators
Operator Notes

equal to


not equal to


less than


less than or equal to


greater than


greater than or equal to


Specifies the event ID, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 4294967295


router {eq | neq} router-instance [regexp]

no router




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies the log event matches for the router.


Determines if the matching criteria should be equal to the specified value.


Determines if the matching criteria should not be equal to the specified value.


Specifies a router name up to 32 characters to be used in the match criteria.


Keyword to specify the type of string comparison to use to determine whether the log event matches the value of router command parameters. When the regexp keyword is specified, the string in the router command is a regular expression string that will be matched against the subject string in the log event being filtered.


severity {eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte} severity-level

no severity




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command adds an event severity level as a match criterion. Only one severity command can be entered per event filter entry. The latest severity command overwrites the previous command.

The no form of this command removes the severity match criterion.


no severity

eq | neq | lt | lte | gt | gte

Keyword to configure the operator that specifies the type of match. Valid operators are listed in the following table.

Table 8. Valid operators
Operator Notes

equal to


not equal to


less than


less than or equal to


greater than


greater than or equal to


Specifies the ITU severity level name. The following table lists severity names and corresponding numbers per ITU standards M.3100 X.733 and X.21 severity levels.

Table 9. Severity levels
Severity Number Severity Name




indeterminate (info)










cleared, intermediate, critical, major, minor, warning


subject {eq | neq} subject [regexp]

no subject




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command adds an event subject as a match criterion.

The subject is the entity for which the event is reported, such as a port. In this case, the port-id string would be the subject. Only one subject command can be entered per event filter entry. The latest subject command overwrites the previous command.

The no form of this command removes the subject match criterion.


no subject

eq | neq

Keyword to configure the operator that specifies the type of match. Valid operators are listed in the following table.

Table 10. Valid operators
Operator Notes

equal to


not equal to


Specifies a string used as the subject match criterion.


Keyword to specify the type of string comparison to use to determine whether the log event matches the value of subject command parameters. When the regexp keyword is specified, the string in the subject command is a regular expression string that will be matched against the subject string in the log event being filtered.

When regexp keyword is not specified, the subject command string is matched exactly by the event filter.

Syslog commands

[no] syslog syslog-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


Commands in this context configure a syslog target host that is capable of receiving selected syslog messages from this network element.

A valid syslog-id must have the target syslog host address configured.

A maximum of 10 syslog IDs can be configured.

No log events are sent to a syslog target address until the syslog-id has been configured as the log destination (to) in the log-id node.


Specifies the syslog ID number for the syslog destination, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 10


address ip-address

no address




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command adds the syslog target host IP address to/from a syslog ID.

This parameter is mandatory. If no address is configured, syslog data cannot be forwarded to the syslog target host.

Only one address can be associated with a syslog-id. If multiple addresses are entered, the last address entered overwrites the previous address.

The same syslog target host can be used by multiple log IDs.

The no form of this command removes the syslog target host IP address.


no address


Specifies the IP address of the syslog target host in dotted-decimal notation.


ipv4-address a.b.c.d

ipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)


x: [0..FFFF]H

d: [0..255]D


facility syslog-facility

no facility




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command configures the facility code for messages sent to the syslog target host.

Multiple syslog IDs can be created with the same target host, but each syslog ID can only have one facility code. If multiple facility codes are entered, the last facility-code entered overwrites the previous facility-code.

If multiple facilities need to be generated for a single syslog target host, multiple log-id entries must be created, each with its own filter criteria to select the events to be sent to the syslog target host with a specific facility code.

The no form of this command reverts to the default value.


facility local7


Specifies the syslog facility name, which represents a specific numeric facility code. The code should be entered in accordance with the syslog RFC. However, the software does not validate if the facility code configured is appropriate for the event type being sent to the syslog target host.


kernel, user, mail, systemd, auth, syslogd, printer, netnews, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, logaudit, logalert, cron2, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7

Valid responses in accordance with RFC 3164, The BSD syslog Protocol, are listed in the following table.

Table 11. Valid responses
Numerical code Facility code


















































log-prefix log-prefix-string

no log-prefix




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command adds the string prepended to every syslog message sent to the syslog host.

RFC3164, The BSD syslog Protocol, allows a alphanumeric string (tag) to be prepended to the content of every log message sent to the syslog host. This alphanumeric string can, for example, be used to identify the node that generates the log entry. The software appends a colon (:) and a space to the string and it is inserted in the syslog message after the date stamp and before the syslog message content.

Only one string can be entered. If multiple strings are entered, the last string overwrites the previous string. The alphanumeric string can contain lowercase (a-z), uppercase (A-Z), and numeric (0-9) characters.

The no form of this command removes the log prefix string.


no log-prefix


Specifies an alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. Spaces and colons cannot be used in the string.


level syslog-level

no level




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command configures the syslog message severity level threshold. All messages with severity level equal to or higher than the threshold are sent to the syslog target host. Severity levels are shown in Threshold severity levels.

Only a single threshold level can be specified. If multiple levels are entered, the last level entered will overwrite the previously entered commands.

The no form of this command reverts to the default value.


The threshold severity level name.


emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug

Table 12. Threshold severity levels
Severity level Numerical severity (highest to lowest) Configured severity Definition



system is unusable




action must be taken immediately




critical condition




error condition




warning condition



normal but significant condition

1 cleared 2 indeterminate



informational messages



debug-level messages


port port

no port




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command configures the UDP port that will be used to send syslog messages to the syslog target host.

The port configuration is needed if the syslog target host uses a port other than the standard UDP syslog port 514.

Only one port can be configured. If multiple port commands are entered, the last entered port overwrites the previously entered ports.

The no form of this command reverts to default value.


no port


Specifies the configured UDP port number used when sending syslog messages.


0 to 65535


throttle-rate events [interval seconds]

no throttle-rate




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command configures an event throttling rate.


Specifies the number of log events that can be logged within the specified interval for a specific event. When the limit has been reached, any additional events of that type will be dropped, for example, the event drop count will be incremented. At the end of the throttle interval, if any events have been dropped a trap notification will be sent.


10 to 20000




Specifies the number of seconds that an event throttling interval lasts.


1 to 60



SNMP trap group commands

[no] snmp-trap-group log-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


Commands in this context configure a group of SNMP trap receivers and their operational parameters for a specific log-id.

A group specifies the types of SNMP traps and specifies the log ID that will receive the group of SNMP traps. A trap group must be configured for SNMP traps to be sent.

To suppress the generation of all alarms and traps, see the event-control command. To suppress alarms and traps that are sent to this log-id, see the filter command. When alarms and traps are generated, they can be directed to one or more SNMP trap groups. Logger events that can be forwarded as SNMP traps are always defined on the main event source.

The no form of this command deletes the SNMP trap group.


Specifies the log ID value of a log configured in the log-id context. Alarms and traps cannot be sent to the trap receivers until a valid log-id exists.


1 to 100


snmp-dying-gasp primary trap-target-group-num trap-target-name [secondary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name} [tertiary {trap-target-group-num trap-target-name}]]

no snmp-dying-gasp




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command notifies the SNMP trap server about node power failure. On power failure, the system sends dying gasp traps to the configured SNMP trap servers. Up to three SNMP trap servers can be configured to receive the trap. The traps are sent in the following order:

  1. primary SNMP trap receiver

  2. secondary SNMP trap receiver

  3. tertiary SNMP trap receiver

When this command is enabled, the node does not generate EFM OAM dying gasp messages even if EFM OAM is enabled. That is, the generation of an SNMP dying gasp trap is mutually exclusive to the use of the EFM OAM dying gasp message.

By default, the system generates an EFM OAM dying gasp message to remain compatible with earlier version of the software releases. The user must explicitly configure the system to send an SNMP trap on loss of power to the node using this command.

Typically, SNMP traps are generated only if the user configures a log to direct the system log events to SNMP. For the SNMP dying gasp trap, it is not required to do so. The DSCP value used by an SNMP dying gasp packet is AF (Assured Forwarding class, value 22).

The no form of this command disables the generation of an SNMP trap message. It enables the generation of an EFM OAM dying gasp on access-uplink ports if EFM OAM is enabled on those ports. Generation of a SNMP dying gasp trap is disabled by default.

  • The system IP address must be configured. The node uses it to generate the dying gasp traps. If It is not configured SNMP dying gasp traps are not generated.

  • When sending out SNMP dying gasp traps, one of the available routes in either the management routing instance or the base routing instance is used to resolve the next-hop gateway IP address to reach the trap-server destinations configured under primary, secondary, and tertiary trap targets. The route to the destination is always searched first in the management routing instance and, if not found, the routes in the base routing instance are looked up. Configuration of the route preference does not change this behavior (that is, the order of route lookup does not change).

primary trap-target-group-num

Specifies the trap target group number for the primary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-group-num must correspond to one of the SNMP trap group configurations under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num.


1 to 100

primary trap-target-name

Specifies the trap target name, up to 28 characters, for the primary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-name must correspond to one of the SNMP trap receiver targets configured under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num trap-target target-name.

secondary trap-target-group-num

Specifies the trap target group number for the secondary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-group-num must correspond to one of the SNMP trap group configurations under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num.


1 to 100

secondary trap-target-name

Specifies the trap target name, up to 28 characters, for the secondary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-name must correspond to one of the SNMP trap receiver targets configured under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num trap-target target-name.

tertiary trap-target-group-num

Specifies the trap target group number for the tertiary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-group-num must correspond to one of the SNMP trap group configurations under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num.


1 to 100

tertiary trap-target-name

Specifies the trap target name, up to 28 characters, for the tertiary SNMP trap receiver to which the system will address the SNMP trap. The trap-target-name must correspond to one of the SNMP trap receiver targets configured under config log snmp-trap-group trap-num trap-target target-name.


trap-target name [address ip-address] [port port] [snmpv1 | snmpv2c | snmpv3] notify-community communityName | snmpv3SecurityName [security-level {no-auth-no-privacy | auth-no-privacy | privacy}] [replay]

no trap-target name




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command creates or edits a trap receiver and configures the operational parameters for the trap receiver. A trap reports significant events that occur on a network device such as errors or failures.

Before an SNMP trap can be issued to a trap receiver, the log-id, snmp-trap-group and at least one trap-target must be configured.

The trap-target command is used to add or remove a trap receiver from an snmp-trap-group. The operational parameters specified in the command include the following:

  • IP address of the trap receiver

  • UDP port used to send the SNMP trap

  • SNMP version

  • SNMP community name for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c receivers

  • security name and level for SNMPv3 trap receivers

A single snmp-trap-group log-id can have multiple trap receivers. Each trap receiver can have different operational parameters.

An address can be configured as a trap receiver more than once as long as a different port is used for each instance.

To prevent resource limitations, only configure a maximum of 10 trap receivers.

If the same trap-target name port port parameter value is specified in more than one SNMP trap group, each trap destination should be configured with a different notify-community value. This allows a trap receiving an application, such as NMS, to reconcile a separate event sequence number stream for each 7210 SAS event log when multiple event logs are directed to the same IP address and port destination.

The no form of this command removes the SNMP trap receiver from the SNMP trap group.


Specifies the name of the trap target, up to 28 characters.


Specifies the IP address of the trap receiver in dotted-decimal notation. Only one IP address destination can be specified per trap destination group.


ipv4-address a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)

ipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)


x: [0..FFFF]H

d: [0..255]D


The destination UDP port used for sending traps to the destination, expressed as a decimal integer. Only one port can be specified per trap-target statement. If multiple traps need to be issued to the same address, multiple ports must be configured.




1 to 65535

snmpv1 | snmpv2c | snmpv3

Specifies the SNMP version format to use for traps sent to the trap receiver.

The keyword snmpv1 selects the SNMP version 1 format. When specifying snmpv1, the notify-community must be configured for the correct SNMP community string that the trap receiver expects to be present in alarms and traps messages. If the SNMP version is changed from snmpv3 to snmpv1, then the notify-community parameter must be changed to reflect the community string rather than the security-name that is used by snmpv3.

The keyword snmpv2c selects the SNMP version 2c format. When specifying snmpv2c, the notify-community must be configured for the correct SNMP community string that the trap receiver expects to be present in alarms and traps messages. If the SNMP version is changed from snmpv3 to snmpv2c, then the notify-community parameter must be changed to reflect the community string rather than the security-name that is used by snmpv3.

The keyword snmpv3 selects the SNMP version 3 format. When specifying snmpv3, the notify-community must be configured for the SNMP security-name. If the SNMP version is changed from snmpv1 or snmpv2c to snmpv3, then the notify-community parameter must be changed to reflect the security-name rather than the community string used by snmpv1 or snmpv2c.

The following preexisting conditions are checked before the snmpv3SecurityName is accepted.

  • The username must be configured.

  • The v3 access group must be configured.

  • The v3 notification view must be configured.




snmpv1, snmpv2c, snmpv3

notify-community communityName | snmpv3SecurityName

Specifies the community string for snmpv1 or snmpv2c or the snmpv3 security-name. If no notify-community is configured, then no alarms nor traps will be issued for the trap destination. If the SNMP version is modified, the notify-community must be changed to the correct form for the SNMP version.


The community string as required by the snmpv1 or snmpv2c trap receiver. The community string can be an ASCII string up to 31 characters.


The security-name as defined in the config>system>security>user context for SNMP v3. The security-name can be an ASCII string up to 31 characters.

security-level {no-auth-no-privacy | auth-no-privacy | privacy}

Specifies the required authentication and privacy levels required to access the views configured on this node when configuring an snmpv3 trap receiver.

The keyword no-auth-no-privacy specifies no authentication and no privacy (encryption) are required.

The keyword auth-no-privacy specifies authentication is required but no privacy (encryption) is required. When this option is configured the security-name must be configured for authentication.

The keyword privacy specifies both authentication and privacy (encryption) is required. When this option is configured the security-name must be configured for authentication and privacy.


no-auth-no-privacy. This parameter can only be configured if SNMPv3 is also configured.


no-auth-no-privacy, auth-no-privacy, privacy


Enables replay of missed events to target. If replay is applied to an SNMP trap target address, the address is monitored for reachability. Reachability is determined by whether or not there is a route in the routing table by which the target address can be reached. Before sending a trap to a target address, the SNMP module asks the PIP module if there is either an in-band or out-of-band route to the target address. If there is no route to the SNMP target address, the SNMP module saves the sequence-id of the first event that will be missed by the trap target. When the routing table changes again so that there is now a route by which the SNMP target address can be reached, the SNMP module replays (for example, retransmits) all events generated to the SNMP notification log while the target address was removed from the route table.


The route table changes the convergence time, so it is possible that one or more events may be lost at the beginning or end of a replay sequence.

Logging destination commands

filter filter-id

no filter




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command adds an event filter policy with the log destination.

The filter command is optional. If no event filter is configured, all events, alarms, and traps generated by the source stream will be forwarded to the destination.

An event filter policy defines (limits) the events that are forwarded to the destination configured in the log-id. The event filter policy can also be used to select the alarms and traps to be forwarded to a destination snmp-trap-group.

The application of filters for debug messages is limited to application and subject only.

Accounting records cannot be filtered using the filter command.

Only one filter-id can be configured per log destination.

The no form of this command removes the specified event filter from the log-id.


no filter


The event filter policy ID is used to associate the filter with the log-id configuration. The event filter policy ID must already be defined in config>log>filter filter-id.


1 to 1001


from {[main] [security] [change] [debug-trace]}

no from




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command configures the source stream to be sent to a log destination.

One or more source streams must be specified. The source of the data stream must be identified using the from command before you can configure the destination using the to command. The from command can identify multiple source streams in a single statement (for example: from main change debug-trace).

Only one from command may be entered for a single log-id. If multiple from commands are configured, then the last command entered overwrites the previous from command.

The no form of this command removes all previously configured source streams.


Keyword to instruct all events in the main event stream to be sent to the destination defined in the to command for this destination log-id. The main event stream contains the events that are not explicitly directed to any other event stream. To limit the events forwarded to the destination, configure filters using the filter command.


Keyword to instruct all events in the security event stream to be sent to the destination defined in the to command for this destination log-id. The security stream contains all events that affect attempts to breach system security such as failed login attempts, attempts to access MIB tables to which the user is not granted access, or attempts to enter a branch of the CLI to which access has not been granted. To limit the events forwarded to the destination, configure filters using the filter command.


Keyword to instructs all events in the user activity stream to be sent to the destination configured in the to command for this destination log-id. The change event stream contains all events that directly affect the configuration or operation of this node. To limit the events forwarded to the change stream destination, configure filters using the filter command.


Keyword to instruct all debug-trace messages in the debug stream to be sent to the destination configured in the to command for this destination log-id. Filters applied to debug messages are limited to application and subject.


[no] log-id log-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


Commands in this context configure destinations for event streams.

The log-id context is used to direct events, alarms and traps, and debug information to respective destinations.

A maximum of 10 logs can be configured.

Before an event can be associated with this log-id, the from command identifying the source of the event must be configured.

Only one destination can be specified for a log-id. The destination of an event stream can be an in-memory buffer, console, session, snmp-trap-group, syslog, or file.

Use the event-control command to suppress the generation of events, alarms, and traps for all log destinations.

An event filter policy can be applied in the log-id context to limit which events, alarms, and traps are sent to the specified log-id.

Log IDs 99 and 100 are created by the agent. Log ID 99 captures all log messages. Log ID 100 captures log messages with a severity level of major and above.


Log ID 99 provides valuable information for the admin-tech file. Removing or changing the log configuration may hinder debugging capabilities. Nokia strongly recommends not to alter the configuration for Log ID 99.

The no form of this command deletes the log destination ID from the configuration.


Specifies the log ID number, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 100

to console

to console




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies a log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination. This command instructs the events selected for the log ID to be directed to the console. If the console is not connected, all entries are dropped.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and re-created.

to file

to file log-file-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies a log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination. This command instructs the events selected for the log ID to be directed to a specified file.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and re-created.


Specifies to instruct the events selected for the log ID to be directed to the log-file-id. The characteristics of the log-file-id referenced here must have already been defined in the config>log>file log-file-id context.


1 to 99

to memory

to memory [size]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies a log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination. This command instructs the events selected for the log ID to be directed to a memory log. A memory file is a circular buffer. When the file is full, each new entry replaces the oldest entry in the log.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and re-created.


Specifies the number of events that can be stored in the memory.




50 to 1024

to session

to session




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies a log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination. This command instructs the events selected for the log ID to be directed to the current console or Telnet session. This command is only valid for the duration of the session. When the session is terminated, the log ID is removed. A log ID with a session destination is not saved in the configuration file.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and re-created.

to snmp

to snmp [size]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies the log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination. This command instructs the alarms and traps to be directed to the snmp-trap-group associated with log-id.

A local circular memory log is always maintained for SNMP notifications sent to the specified snmp-trap-group for the log-id.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and recreated.


Specifies the number of events stored in this memory log.




50 to 1024

to syslog

to syslog syslog-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies the log ID destination. This parameter is mandatory when configuring a log destination.

This command instructs the alarms and traps to be directed to a specified syslog. To remain consistent with the standards governing syslog, messages to syslog are truncated to 1k bytes.

The source of the data stream must be specified in the from command before configuring the destination with the to command.

The to command cannot be modified or re-entered. If the destination or maximum size of an SNMP or memory log needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and recreated.


Instructs the events selected for the log ID to be directed to the syslog-id. The characteristics of the syslog-id referenced here must have been defined in the config>log>syslog syslog-id context.


1 to 10


time-format {local | utc}




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command specifies whether the time should be displayed in local or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format.




Keyword to specify that timestamps are written in the system local time.


Keyword to specify that timestamps are written using the UTC value. This was formerly called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Zulu time.

Accounting policy commands

accounting-policy policy-id

no accounting-policy policy-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command enables an access or network accounting policy. An accounting policy defines the accounting records that are created.

Access accounting policies are policies that can be applied to one or more SAPs or access ports. Changes made to an existing policy, using any of the subcommands, are applied immediately to all SAPs or access ports where this policy is applied.

If an accounting policy is not specified on a SAP or an access port, then accounting records are produced in accordance with the access policy designated as the default. If a default access policy is not specified, then no accounting records are collected other than the records for the accounting policies that are explicitly configured.

Network accounting policies are policies that can be applied to one or more network ports, network IP interfaces and SDPs. Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the subcommands, will be applied immediately to all network ports, IP interfaces or SDPs where this policy is applied.

If no accounting policy is defined on a network port, network IP interface and SDP, accounting records will be produced in accordance with the default network policy as designated with the default command. If no network default policy is created, then no accounting records will be collected other than the records for the accounting policies explicitly configured.

On the 7210 SAS, a total of 21 accounting records are available. There are five types of accounting policies:

  • access

  • access port

  • network

  • network interface

  • SDP (not supported on platforms operating in access-uplink mode)

When creating accounting policies, one access, one access port, one network, one network interface, and one SDP accounting policy can be defined as default. If statistics collection is enabled on an accounting object and no accounting policy is applied, the respective default accounting policy is used. If no default policy is defined, no statistics are collected unless a specifically defined accounting policy is applied.

The no form of this command deletes the policy from the configuration. The accounting policy cannot be removed unless it is removed from all the SAPs, network ports or channels where the policy is applied.


Specifies the policy ID that uniquely identifies the accounting policy, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 99


collection-interval minutes

no collection-interval




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command configures the accounting collection interval.


Specifies the interval between collections, in minutes.


5 to 120 A range of only 1 to 4 is allowed when the record type is set to SAA.


[no] default




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command configures the default accounting policy to be used with all SAPs that do not have an accounting policy.

If no accounting policy is defined on an access or network object, accounting records are produced in accordance with the default access policy. If no default access policy is created, then no accounting records will be collected other than the records for the accounting policies that are explicitly configured.

When creating accounting policies, one access, one access port, one network, one network interface, and one SDP accounting policy can be defined as default.

The record name must be specified before assigning an accounting policy as default.

If a policy is configured as the default policy, then a no default command must be issued before a new default policy can be configured.

The no form of this command removes the default policy designation from the policy ID. The accounting policy will be removed from all access or network object ports that do not have this policy explicitly defined.


[no] record record-name




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command adds the accounting record type to the accounting policy to be forwarded to the configured accounting file. A record name can only be used in one accounting policy. To obtain a list of all record types that can be configured, use the show log accounting-records command.

To configure an accounting policy for SAPs, select the access type accounting records such as service-ingress-packets; for access ports, select access port type records, such as access-egress-packets; for network ports select network type records, such as network-egress-packets; for IP interfaces, select network interface type records, such as network-interface-ingress-packets; and for SDP and SDP bindings select SDP type records, such as complete-sdp-ingress-egress.

If the change required modifies the record from one type to another, the old record name must be removed using the no form of this command.

Only one record may be configured in a single accounting policy. For example, if an accounting-policy is configured with an access-egress-octets record, to change it to service-ingress-octets, use the no record command under the accounting policy to remove the old record and then enter the service-ingress-octets record.


Collecting excessive statistics can adversely affect the CPU utilization and take up large amounts of storage space.

The no form of this command removes the record type from the policy.


Specifies the accounting record name.


The following output is an example of show accounting records for 7210 SAS platforms.

Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE
*A:7210SAS>show>log# accounting-records

Accounting Policy Records
Record # Record Name                        Def. Interval
1        service-ingress-octets             5
2        service-egress-octets              5
3        service-ingress-packets            5
4        service-egress-packets             5
5        network-ingress-octets             15
6        network-egress-octets              15
7        network-ingress-packets            15
8        network-egress-packets             15
10       combined-service-ingress           5
11       combined-network-ing-egr-octets    15
13       complete-service-ingress-egress    5
14       combined-sdp-ingress-egress        5
15       complete-sdp-ingress-egress        5
32       saa                                5
56       complete-pm                        5
101      network-interface-ingress-octets   15
102      network-interface-ingress-packets  15
103      combined-network-interface-ingress 15
104      access-egress-packets              5
105      access-egress-octets               5
106      combined-access-egress             5
107      combined-network-egress            15
108      combined-service-egress            5

to file file-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command specifies the destination for the accounting records selected for the accounting policy.


Specifies the destination for the accounting records selected for this destination. The characteristics of the file-id must have already been defined in the config>log>file context. A file-id can only be used once.

The file is generated when the file policy is referenced. This command identifies the type of accounting file to be created. The file definition defines its characteristics.

If the to command is executed while the accounting policy is in operation, it becomes active during the next collection interval.


1 to 99



[no] log-memory




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


If the user specifies use of log-memory, the system allocates some RAM (that is, volatile memory) as a temporary storage to write accounting records every collection-interval. The accounting records are moved from the temporary storage to the accounting file on non-volatile memory (that is, flash), when either the rollover-interval expires or when temporary storage location gets full.


The accounting records held in the temporary storage are lost on a reboot (either due to loss of power or due to user action).

Show commands


accounting-policy [acct-policy-id] [access | network]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays accounting policy information.


Specifies the policy ID that uniquely identifies the accounting policy, expressed as a decimal integer.


1 to 99


Specifies to display only access accounting policies.


Specifies to display only network accounting policies.


The following output is an example of accounting policy information, and Output fields: accounting policy describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:7210-SAS>show>log# accounting-policy

Accounting Policies


Policy Type       Def Admin Oper  Intvl File Record Name
Id                    State State       Id   

1      access     No  Down  Down  5     1    combined-service-ingress

Description         : (Not Specified)
Log-Memory          : Yes
Log-Memory Size     : 128 KB

Data Loss Count    : 0                Data Loss TimeStamp: N/A

This policy is applied to:
    Svc :101              SAP:lag-3:101.101                      Collect-Stats
    Svc :102              SAP:lag-3:102.102                      Collect-Stats
    Svc :103              SAP:lag-3:103.103                      Collect-Stats
Table 13. Output fields: accounting policy
Label Description

Policy ID

Displays the identifying value assigned to a specific policy


Identifies accounting record type forwarded to the configured accounting file

access — Indicates that the policy is an access accounting policy

network — Indicates that the policy is a network accounting policy

sdp — Indicates that the policy is meant to collect accounting stats for SDPs and spoke SDPs

access port — Indicates that the policy is an access port accounting policy which can be used to collect accounting records only for access ports

network interface — Indicates that the policy is an network Interface accounting policy which can be used to collect accounting records only for network IP interface

none — Indicates no accounting record types assigned


Yes — Indicates that the policy is a default access or network policy

No — Indicates that the policy is not a default access or network policy

Admin State

Displays the administrative state of the policy

Up — Indicates that the policy is administratively enabled

Down — Indicates that the policy is administratively disabled

Oper State

Displays the operational state of the policy

Up — Indicates that the policy is operationally up

Down — Indicates that the policy is operationally down


Displays the interval, in minutes, in which statistics are collected and written to their destination

The default depends on the record name type

File ID

Displays the log destination

Record Name

Displays the accounting record name which represents the configured record type


If the values shown is 'Yes', it indicates that temporary volatile memory is in use for this accounting policy

If it displays 'No', the temporary volatile memory is not in use for this accounting policy

Log-Memory Size

Displays the amount of temporary volatile memory in use for this accounting policy

This policy is applied to

Specifies the entity where the accounting policy is applied






Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays accounting policy record names.


The following output is an example of accounting record information, and Output fields: accounting records describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:7210-SAS>show>log# accounting-records

Accounting Policy Records
Record # Record Name                        Def. Interval
1        service-ingress-octets             5
2        service-egress-octets              5
3        service-ingress-packets            5
4        service-egress-packets             5
5        network-ingress-octets             15
6        network-egress-octets              15
7        network-ingress-packets            15
8        network-egress-packets             15
10       combined-service-ingress           5
11       combined-network-ing-egr-octets    15
13       complete-service-ingress-egress    5
14       combined-sdp-ingress-egress        5
15       complete-sdp-ingress-egress        5
32       saa                                5
33       network-interface-ingress-octets   15
34       network-interface-ingress-packets  15
35       combined-network-interface-ingress 15
36       access-egress-packets              5
37       access-egress-octets               5
38       combined-access-egress             5
39       combined-network-egress            15
40       combined-service-egress            5
Table 14. Output fields: accounting records
Label Description

Record #

The record ID that uniquely identifies the accounting policy, expressed as a decimal integer

Record Name

The accounting record name

Def. Interval

The default interval, in minutes, in which statistics are collected and written to their destination






Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays a list of all application names that can be used in event-control and filter commands.


The following output is an example of application name information.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show log applications
Log Event Application Names
Application Name

event-control [application-id [event-name | event-number]]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays event control settings for events including whether the event is suppressed or generated and the severity level for the event.

If no options are specified, all events, alarms, and traps are listed.


Displays event control for only the specified application.


all applications


chassis | debug | efm_oam | eth_cfm | ering | filter | igmp_snooping | ip | isis | lag | ldp | lldp | logger | mirror | mpls | ntp | oam | ospf | port | route_policy | rsvp | security | snmp | stp | svcmgr | system | user | vrtr


Displays event control only for the named application event.


all events for the application


Displays event control for only the specified application event number.


all events for the application


0 to 4294967295


The following output is an example of event control settings information, and Output fields: event control describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:SAS>show>log# event-control
Log Events
 ID#    Event Name                       P   g/s     Logged     Dropped
   2001 bgpEstablished                   MI  gen          0           0
   2002 bgpBackwardTransition            WA  gen          0           0
   2003 tBgpMaxPrefix90                  WA  gen          0           0
   2004 tBgpMaxPrefix100                 CR  gen          0           0
L  2005 sendNotification                 WA  gen          0           0
L  2006 receiveNotification              WA  gen          0           0
L  2007 bgpInterfaceDown                 WA  gen          0           0
L  2008 bgpConnNoKA                      WA  gen          0           0
L  2009 bgpConnNoOpenRcvd                WA  gen          0           0
L  2010 bgpRejectConnBadLocAddr          WA  gen          0           0
L  2011 bgpRemoteEndClosedConn           WA  gen          0           0
L  2012 bgpPeerNotFound                  WA  gen          0           0
L  2013 bgpConnMgrTerminated             WA  gen          0           0
L  2014 bgpTerminated                    WA  gen          0           0
L  2015 bgpNoMemoryPeer                  CR  gen          0           0
L  2016 bgpVariableRangeViolation        WA  gen          0           0
L  2017 bgpCfgViol                       WA  gen          0           0
   2018 tBgpPeerGRStatusChange           WA  gen          0           0
   2019 tBgpNgEstablished                MI  gen          0           0
   2020 tBgpNgBackwardTransition         WA  gen          0           0
   2021 tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeInconsistent   WA  gen          0           0
   2001 cardFailure                      MA  gen          0           0
   2002 cardInserted                     MI  gen          5           0
   2003 cardRemoved                      MI  gen          0           0
   2004 cardWrong                        MI  gen          0           0
   2005 EnvTemperatureTooHigh            MA  gen          0           0
   2006 fanFailure                       CR  gen          0           0
   2007 powerSupplyOverTemp              CR  gen          0           0
   2008 powerSupplyAcFailure             CR  gen          0           0
   2009 powerSupplyDcFailure             CR  gen          0           0
   2010 powerSupplyInserted              MA  gen          1           0
   2011 powerSupplyRemoved               MA  gen          0           0
   2012 redPrimaryCPMFail                CR  gen          0           0
   2016 clearNotification                MA  gen          0           0
   2017 syncIfTimingHoldover             CR  gen          0           0
   2018 syncIfTimingHoldoverClear        CR  gen          0           0
   2019 syncIfTimingRef1Alarm            MI  gen          0           0
   2020 syncIfTimingRef1AlarmClear       MI  gen          0           0
   2021 syncIfTimingRef2Alarm            MI  gen          0           0
   2022 syncIfTimingRef2AlarmClear       MI  gen          0           0
   2023 flashDataLoss                    MA  gen          0           0
   2024 flashDiskFull                    MA  gen          0           0
   2025 softwareMismatch                 MA  gen          0           0
   2026 softwareLoadFailed               MA  gen          0           0
   2027 bootloaderMismatch               MA  gen          1           0
   2028 bootromMismatch                  MA  gen          0           0
   2029 fpgaMismatch                     MA  gen          0           0
   2030 syncIfTimingBITSAlarm            MI  gen          0           0
   2031 syncIfTimingBITSAlarmClear       MI  gen          0           0
   2032 cardUpgraded                     MA  gen          0           0
   2033 cardUpgradeInProgress            MA  gen          0           0
   2034 cardUpgradeComplete              MA  gen          0           0
   2050 powerSupplyInputFailure          CR  gen          0           0
   2051 powerSupplyOutputFailure         CR  gen          0           0
   2052 mdaHiBwMulticastAlarm            MI  gen          0           0
   2056 mdaCfgNotCompatible              MA  gen          0           0
   2057 cardSyncFileNotPresent           MI  gen          0           0
   2058 tmnxEqMdaXplError                MI  sup          0           0
   2059 tmnxEqCardPChipError             MI  sup          0           0
   2060 tmnxEqCardSoftResetAlarm         MI  gen          0           0
   2061 tmnxEqMdaSyncENotCompatible      MA  gen          0           0
   2062 tmnxIPsecIsaGrpActiveIsaChgd     MI  gen          0           0
   2063 tmnxEqCardPChipMemoryEvent       MI  sup          0           0
   2064 tmnxIPsecIsaGrpUnableToSwitch    MI  gen          0           0
   2065 tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlLowWMark       MI  gen          0           0
   2066 tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlHighWMark      MI  gen          0           0
   2067 tmnxIPsecIsaGrpTnlMax            MI  gen          0           0
   2076 tmnxEqCardPChipCamEvent          CR  gen          0           0
   2078 tmnxEqHwEnhancedCapability       MA  gen          0           0
   2068 tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef1Quality    MI  gen          0           0
   2069 tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRef2Quality    MI  gen          0           0
   2072 tmnxEqSyncIfTimingRefSwitch      MI  gen          0           0
   2077 tmnxEqSyncIfTimingSystemQuality  MI  gen          1           0
   3001 tmnxSasAlarminput1StateChanged   MA  gen          0           0
   3002 tmnxSasAlarminput2StateChanged   MA  gen          0           0
   3003 tmnxSasAlarminput3StateChanged   MA  gen          0           0
   3004 tmnxSasAlarminput4StateChanged   MA  gen          0           0
   3000 EnvTemperatureTooLow             MA  gen          0           0
L  2001 traceEvent                       MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxDot3OamPeerChanged           MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxDot3OamLoopDetected          MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxDot3OamLoopCleared           MI  gen          0           0
   2008 dot3OamNonThresholdEvent         MI  gen          0           0
   2902 tmnxDyingGasp                    MI  gen          0           0
   2001 dot1agCfmFaultAlarm              MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxDot1agCfmMepLbmTestComplete  MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxDot1agCfmMepLtmTestComplete  MI  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxDot1agCfmMepEthTestComplete  MI  gen          0           0
   2005 tmnxDot1agCfmMepDMTestComplete   MI  gen          0           0
   2006 tmnxDot1agCfmMepAisStateChanged  MI  gen          0           0
   2007 tmnxDot1agCfmMipEvaluation       MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxEthRingPathFwdStateChange    MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm    MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxEthRingApsPrvsnClearAlarm    MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgRaiseAlarm    MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxEthTunnelApsCfgClearAlarm    MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnRaiseAlarm  MI  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxEthTunnelApsPrvsnClearAlarm  MI  gen          0           0
   2005 tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspRaiseAlarm  MI  gen          0           0
   2006 tmnxEthTunnelApsNoRspClearAlarm  MI  gen          0           0
   2007 tmnxEthTunnelApsSwitchoverAlarm  MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tIPFilterPBRPacketsDrop          WA  gen          0           0
   2002 tFilterEntryActivationFailed     WA  gen          0           0
   2003 tFilterEntryActivationRestored   WA  gen          0           0
   2001 sapIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded      WA  gen          0           0
   2002 sapIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped       WA  gen          0           0
   2003 sdpBndIgmpSnpgGrpLimitExceeded   WA  gen          0           0
   2004 sdpBndIgmpSnpgMcacPlcyDropped    WA  gen          0           0
   2005 sapIgmpSnpgMcsFailure            WA  gen          0           0
   2006 sapIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded      WA  gen          0           0
   2007 sdpBndIgmpSnpgSrcLimitExceeded   WA  gen          0           0
L  2001 clearRTMError                    MI  gen          0           0
L  2002 ipEtherBroadcast                 MI  gen          0           0
L  2003 ipDuplicateAddress               MI  gen          0           0
L  2004 ipArpInfoOverwritten             MI  gen          0           0
L  2005 fibAddFailed                     MA  gen          0           0
L  2006 qosNetworkPolicyMallocFailed     MA  gen          0           0
L  2007 ipArpBadInterface                MI  gen          0           0
L  2008 ipArpDuplicateIpAddress          MI  gen          0           0
L  2009 ipArpDuplicateMacAddress         MI  gen          0           0
L  2010 ipAnyDuplicateAddress            MI  gen          0           0
   2001 vRtrIsisDatabaseOverload         WA  gen          0           0
   2002 vRtrIsisManualAddressDrops       WA  gen          0           0
   2003 vRtrIsisCorruptedLSPDetected     WA  gen          0           0
   2004 vRtrIsisMaxSeqExceedAttempt      WA  gen          0           0
   2005 vRtrIsisIDLenMismatch            WA  gen          0           0
   2006 vRtrIsisMaxAreaAddrsMismatch     WA  gen          0           0
   2007 vRtrIsisOwnLSPPurge              WA  gen          0           0
   2008 vRtrIsisSequenceNumberSkip       WA  gen          0           0
   2009 vRtrIsisAutTypeFail              WA  gen          0           0
   2010 vRtrIsisAuthFail                 WA  gen          0           0
   2011 vRtrIsisVersionSkew              WA  gen          0           0
   2012 vRtrIsisAreaMismatch             WA  gen          0           0
   2013 vRtrIsisRejectedAdjacency        WA  gen          0           0
   2014 vRtrIsisLSPTooLargeToPropagate   WA  gen          0           0
   2015 vRtrIsisOrigLSPBufSizeMismatch   WA  gen          0           0
   2016 vRtrIsisProtoSuppMismatch        WA  gen          0           0
   2017 vRtrIsisAdjacencyChange          WA  gen          0           0
   2018 vRtrIsisCircIdExhausted          WA  gen          0           0
   2019 vRtrIsisAdjRestartStatusChange   WA  gen          0           0
   2020 vRtrIsisLdpSyncTimerStarted      WA  gen          0           0
   2021 vRtrIsisLdpSyncExit              WA  gen          0           0
   2001 DynamicCostOn                    WA  gen          0           0
   2002 DynamicCostOff                   WA  gen          0           0
   2003 LagPortAddFailed                 WA  gen          0           0
   2004 LagSubGroupSelected              WA  gen          0           0
   2005 LagPortAddFailureCleared         WA  gen          0           0

   2001 vRtrLdpStateChange               MI  gen          0           0
   2002 vRtrLdpInstanceStateChange       MI  gen          0           0
   2003 vRtrLdpIfStateChange             MI  sup          0           0
   2004 vRtrLdpGroupIdMismatch           MI  gen          0           0
   2001 lldpRemTablesChange              MI  gen          0           0
L  2001 STARTED                          MI  gen          5           0
   2002 tmnxLogTraceError                CR  gen          0           0
   2005 tmnxLogSpaceContention           MA  gen          0           0
   2006 tmnxLogAdminLocFailed            MA  gen          0           0
   2007 tmnxLogBackupLocFailed           MA  gen          0           0
   2008 tmnxLogFileRollover              MA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxLogFileDeleted               MI  gen          0           0
   2010 tmnxClear                        IN  gen          0           0
   2011 tmnxTestEvent                    IN  gen          0           0
   2012 tmnxLogEventThrottled            MA  gen          0           0
   2013 tmnxSysLogTargetProblem          MA  gen          0           0
   2014 tmnxLogAccountingDataLoss        MA  gen          0           0
   2015 tmnxStdEventsReplayed            MA  gen          0           0
L  2016 tmnxLogOnlyEventThrottled        MA  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxMcRedundancyPeerStateChanged WA  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxMcRedundancyMismatchDetected WA  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxMcRedundancyMismatchResolved WA  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxMcPeerSyncStatusChanged      WA  gen          0           0
   2005 tmnxMcSyncClientAlarmRaised      WA  gen          0           0
   2006 tmnxMcSyncClientAlarmCleared     WA  gen          0           0
   2007 tmnxSrrpSubnetMismatch           WA  gen          0           0
   2008 tmnxSrrpSubnetMismatchCleared    WA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxSrrpInstanceIdMismatch       WA  gen          0           0
   2010 tmnxSrrpSapMismatch              WA  gen          0           0
   2011 tmnxSrrpSapTagMismatch           WA  gen          0           0
   2012 tmnxSrrpRedIfMismatch            WA  gen          0           0
   2013 tmnxSrrpDualMaster               WA  gen          0           0
   2014 tmnxMcLagInfoLagChanged          WA  gen          0           0
   2015 tmnxSrrpSystemIpNotSet           WA  gen          0           0
   2016 tmnxMcRingOperStateChanged       WA  gen          0           0
   2017 tmnxMcRingInbCtrlOperStateChgd   WA  gen          0           0
   2018 tmnxMcRingNodeLocOperStateChgd   WA  gen          0           0
   2019 tmnxMcSyncClockSkewRaised        WA  gen          0           0
   2020 tmnxMcSyncClockSkewCleared       WA  gen          0           0
   2021 tmnxSrrpDuplicateSubIfAddress    WA  gen          0           0
   2022 tmnxMcPeerRingsOperStateChanged  WA  gen          0           0
   2023 tmnxSrrpTrapNewMaster            MI  gen          0           0
   2024 tmnxSrrpBecameBackup             MI  gen          0           0
L  2025 srrpPacketDiscarded              MI  gen          0           0
   2026 tmnxSrrpBfdIntfSessStateChgd     MI  gen          0           0
   2027 tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionOpen       WA  gen          0           0
   2028 tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionClose      WA  gen          0           0
   2029 tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionUp         WA  gen          0           0
   2030 tmnxMcPeerEPBfdSessionDown       WA  gen          0           0
   2031 tmnxMcPeerEPOperDown             WA  gen          0           0
   2032 tmnxMcPeerEPOperUp               WA  gen          0           0
   2033 tmnxMCEPSessionPsvModeEnabled    WA  gen          0           0
   2034 tmnxMCEPSessionPsvModeDisabled   WA  gen          0           0
   2001 sourceEnabled                    MI  gen          0           0
   2002 sourceDisabled                   MI  gen          0           0
   2003 destinationEnabled               MI  gen          0           0
   2004 destinationDisabled              MI  gen          0           0
   2006 sourceIpFilterChange             MI  gen          0           0
   2007 sourceMacFilterChange            MI  gen          0           0
   2008 sourceSapChange                  MI  gen          0           0
   2009 sourceSubscriberChange           MI  gen          0           0
   2001 mplsXCUp                         WA  gen          0           0
   2002 mplsXCDown                       WA  gen          0           0
   2003 mplsTunnelUp                     WA  gen          0           0
   2004 mplsTunnelDown                   WA  gen          0           0
   2005 mplsTunnelRerouted               WA  sup          0           0
   2006 mplsTunnelReoptimized            WA  sup          0           0
   2007 vRtrMplsStateChange              WA  gen          0           0
   2008 vRtrMplsIfStateChange            WA  gen          0           0
   2009 vRtrMplsLspUp                    WA  gen          0           0
   2010 vRtrMplsLspDown                  WA  gen          0           0
   2011 vRtrMplsLspPathUp                WA  gen          0           0
   2012 vRtrMplsLspPathDown              WA  gen          0           0
   2013 vRtrMplsLspPathRerouted          WA  gen          0           0
   2014 vRtrMplsLspPathResignaled        WA  gen          0           0
   2015 vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceUp           WA  gen          0           0
   2016 vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceDown         WA  gen          0           0
   2017 vRtrMplsS2lSubLspUp              WA  gen          0           0
   2018 vRtrMplsS2lSubLspDown            WA  gen          0           0
   2019 vRtrMplsS2lSubLspRerouted        WA  gen          0           0
   2020 vRtrMplsS2lSubLspResignaled      WA  gen          0           0
   2021 vRtrMplsLspPathSoftPreempted     WA  gen          0           0
   2022 vRtrMplsLspPathLstFillReoptElig  WA  gen          0           0
   2023 vRtrMplsP2mpInstanceResignaled   WA  gen          0           0
   2024 vRtrMplsResignalTimerExpired     WA  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxNtpAuthMismatch              WA  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxNtpNoServersAvail            MA  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxNtpServersAvail              MI  gen          0           0
   2008 tmnxNtpOperChange                WA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxNtpServerChange              MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxOamPingProbeFailedV3         MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxOamPingTestFailedV3          MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxOamPingTestCompletedV3       MI  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxAncpLoopbackTestCompleted    WA  gen          0           0
L  2005 tmnxAncpLoopbackTestCompletedL   WA  gen          0           0
   2050 tmnxOamTrPathChange              MI  gen          0           0
   2051 tmnxOamTrTestFailed              MI  gen          0           0
   2052 tmnxOamTrTestCompleted           MI  gen          0           0
L  2053 svcIdInvalid                     MI  gen          0           0
L  2054 svcIdWrongType                   MI  gen          0           0
   2055 tmnxOamLdpTtraceAutoDiscState    MI  gen          0           0
   2056 tmnxOamLdpTtraceFecProbeState    MI  gen          0           0
   2057 tmnxOamLdpTtraceFecDisStatus     MI  gen          0           0
   2101 tmnxOamSaaThreshold              MI  gen          0           0
   2001 tmnxOspfVirtIfStateChange        WA  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxOspfNbrStateChange           WA  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxOspfVirtNbrStateChange       WA  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxOspfIfConfigError            WA  gen          0           0
   2005 tmnxOspfVirtIfConfigError        WA  gen          0           0
   2006 tmnxOspfIfAuthFailure            WA  gen          0           0
   2007 tmnxOspfVirtIfAuthFailure        WA  gen          0           0
   2008 tmnxOspfIfRxBadPacket            WA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxOspfVirtIfRxBadPacket        WA  gen          0           0
   2010 tmnxOspfTxRetransmit             WA  sup          0           0
   2011 tmnxOspfVirtIfTxRetransmit       WA  sup          0           0
   2012 tmnxOspfAreaOriginateLsa         WA  sup          0           0
   2013 tmnxOspfAreaMaxAgeLsa            WA  gen          0           0
   2014 tmnxOspfLsdbOverflow             WA  gen          0           0
   2015 tmnxOspfLsdbApproachingOverflow  WA  gen          0           0
   2016 tmnxOspfIfStateChange            WA  gen          0           0
   2017 tmnxOspfNssaTranslatorStatusChg  WA  gen          0           0
   2018 tmnxOspfRestartStatusChange      WA  gen          0           0
   2019 tmnxOspfNbrRestartHlprStsChg     WA  gen          0           0
   2020 tmnxOspfVirtNbrRestartHlprStsChg WA  gen          0           0
   2021 tmnxOspfSpfRunsStopped           WA  gen          0           0
   2022 tmnxOspfSpfRunsRestarted         WA  gen          0           0
   2023 tmnxOspfOverloadEntered          WA  gen          0           0
   2024 tmnxOspfOverloadExited           WA  gen          0           0
   2025 tmnxOspfAsOriginateLsa           WA  sup          0           0
   2026 tmnxOspfAsMaxAgeLsa              WA  gen          0           0
   2027 tmnxOspfLinkOriginateLsa         WA  sup          0           0
   2028 tmnxOspfLinkMaxAgeLsa            WA  gen          0           0
   2029 tmnxOspfLdpSyncTimerStarted      WA  gen          0           0
   2030 tmnxOspfLdpSyncExit              WA  gen          0           0
   2031 tmnxOspfShamIfStateChange        WA  gen          0           0
   2032 tmnxOspfShamNbrStateChange       WA  gen          0           0
   2033 tmnxOspfShamIfConfigError        WA  gen          0           0
   2034 tmnxOspfShamIfAuthFailure        WA  gen          0           0
   2035 tmnxOspfShamIfRxBadPacket        WA  gen          0           0
   2036 tmnxOspfShamIfTxRetransmit       WA  gen          0           0
   2037 tmnxOspfShamNbrRestartHlprStsChg WA  gen          0           0
   2038 tmnxOspfFailureDisabled          WA  gen          0           0
   2001 sonetSDHAlarmSet                 MI  gen          0           0
   2002 sonetSDHAlarmClear               MI  gen          0           0
   2003 sonetSDHChannelAlarmSet          MI  gen          0           0
   2004 sonetSDHChannelAlarmClear        MI  gen          0           0
   2005 SFPInserted                      MI  gen         17           0
   2006 SFPRemoved                       MI  gen          3           0
   2008 SFPStatusFailure                 MI  gen          0           0
   2009 portError                        MI  gen          0           0
   2010 yellowDiffDelayExceeded          MI  gen          0           0
   2011 redDiffDelayExceeded             MA  gen          0           0
   2012 bndlBadEndPtDiscriminator        MI  gen          0           0
   2013 ds3AlarmSet                      MI  gen          0           0
   2014 ds3AlarmClear                    MI  gen          0           0
   2015 ds1AlarmSet                      MI  gen          0           0
   2016 ds1AlarmClear                    MI  gen          0           0
   2017 etherAlarmSet                    MI  gen          5           0
   2018 etherAlarmClear                  MI  gen          4           0
   2019 ds1LoopbackStart                 MI  gen          0           0
   2020 ds1LoopbackStop                  MI  gen          0           0
   2021 ds3LoopbackStart                 MI  gen          0           0
   2022 ds3LoopbackStop                  MI  gen          0           0
   2023 sdhLoopbackStart                 MI  gen          0           0
   2024 sdhLoopbackStop                  MI  gen          0           0
   2025 etherLoopDetected                MI  gen          0           0
   2026 etherLoopCleared                 MI  gen          0           0
   2027 etherSpeedNotCompatible          MA  gen          0           0
   2028 etherDuplexNotCompatible         MA  gen          0           0
   2029 etherIngressRateCfgNotCompatible MA  gen          0           0
   2030 digitalDiagnosticMonitorFailed   MI  gen          9           0
   2031 SFPStatusDDMCorrupt              MI  gen          0           0
   2032 SFPStatusReadError               MI  gen          0           0
   2033 SFPStatusUnsupported             MI  gen          0           0
   2034 dsxClockSyncStateChange          MI  gen          0           0
   2035 bundleMlfrMemberLoopback         MI  gen          0           0
   2036 tmnxPortUnsupportedFunction      WA  gen          0           0
   2037 otuAlarms                        MI  gen          0           0
L  2001 trigPolicyPrevEval               WA  gen          0           0
   2001 vRtrRsvpStateChange              WA  gen          0           0
   2002 vRtrRsvpIfStateChange            WA  gen          0           0
   2003 vRtrRsvpIfNbrStateUp             WA  gen          0           0
   2004 vRtrRsvpIfNbrStateDown           WA  gen          0           0
L  2001 cli_user_login                   MI  gen          3           0
L  2002 cli_user_logout                  MI  gen          2           0
L  2003 cli_user_login_failed            MI  gen          0           0
L  2004 cli_user_login_max_attempts      MI  gen          0           0
L  2005 ftp_user_login                   MI  gen          0           0
L  2006 ftp_user_logout                  MI  gen          0           0
L  2007 ftp_user_login_failed            MI  gen          0           0
L  2008 ftp_user_login_max_attempts      MI  gen          0           0
L  2009 ssh_user_login                   MI  gen          0           0
L  2010 ssh_user_logout                  MI  gen          0           0
L  2011 ssh_user_login_failed            MI  gen          0           0
L  2012 ssh_user_login_max_attempts      MI  gen          0           0
   2014 radiusOperStatusChange           MI  gen          0           0
L  2015 user_disconnect                  MA  gen          0           0
L  2016 radiusSystemIpAddrNotSet         MA  gen          0           0
   2018 tacplusOperStatusChange          MI  gen          0           0
L  2019 mafEntryMatch                    MA  gen          0           0
L  2020 ftp_transfer_successful          MI  gen          0           0
L  2021 ftp_transfer_failed              MI  gen          0           0
L  2022 enable_admin                     WA  gen          0           0
L  2023 host_snmp_attempts               WA  gen          0           0
   2024 SSH_server_preserve_key_fail     MI  gen          0           0
   2025 tacplusInetSrvrOperStatusChange  MI  gen          0           0
   2026 radiusInetServerOperStatusChange MI  gen          0           0
   2027 tmnxKeyChainAuthFailure          MI  gen          0           0
   2028 tmnxCpmProtViolPort              WA  gen          0           0
   2029 tmnxCpmProtViolPortAgg           WA  gen          0           0
   2030 tmnxCpmProtViolIf                WA  gen          0           0
   2031 tmnxCpmProtViolSap               WA  gen          0           0
   2032 tmnxCpmProtViolMac               WA  gen          0           0
   2033 tmnxCpmProtViolVdoSvcClient      WA  gen          0           0
   2034 tmnxCpmProtViolVdoVrtrClient     WA  gen          0           0
   2206 tmnxConfigModify                 WA  gen          2           0
   2207 tmnxConfigCreate                 WA  gen          2           0
   2208 tmnxConfigDelete                 WA  gen          0           0
   2209 tmnxStateChange                  WA  gen          0           0
   2001 coldStart                        MA  gen          1           0
   2002 warmStart                        MA  gen          0           0
   2003 authenticationFailure            MI  sup          0           0
   2004 linkDown                         WA  gen          5           0
   2005 linkUp                           WA  gen          8           0
   2101 risingAlarm                      MA  gen          0           0
   2102 fallingAlarm                     MA  gen          0           0
   2201 snmpdError                       MA  gen          0           0
   2001 topologyChangeSapMajorState      WA  gen          0           0
   2002 newRootSap                       WA  gen          0           0
   2003 topologyChangeVcpState           WA  gen          0           0
   2004 newRootVcpState                  WA  gen          0           0
   2005 topologyChangeSapState           WA  gen          0           0
   2006 receivedTCN                      WA  gen          0           0
   2007 newRootBridge                    WA  gen          0           0
   2008 unacknowledgedTCN                WA  gen          0           0
   2009 higherPriorityBridge             WA  gen          0           0
   2011 sapEncapPVST                     MI  gen          0           0
   2012 sapEncapDot1d                    MI  gen          0           0
   2014 tmnxSvcTopoChgSdpBindMajorState  WA  gen          0           0
   2015 tmnxSvcNewRootSdpBind            WA  gen          0           0
   2016 tmnxSvcTopoChgSdpBindState       WA  gen          0           0
   2017 tmnxSvcSdpBindRcvdTCN            WA  gen          0           0
   2018 tmnxSvcSdpBindRcvdHigherBriPrio  WA  gen          0           0
   2019 tmnxSvcSdpBindEncapPVST          MI  gen          0           0
   2020 tmnxSvcSdpBindEncapDot1d         MI  gen          0           0
   2021 tmnxNewCistRegionalRootBridge    WA  gen          0           0
   2022 tmnxNewMstiRegionalRootBridge    WA  gen          0           0
   2023 tmnxStpRootGuardViolation        WA  gen          0           0
   2024 tmnxStpMeshNotInMstRegion        WA  gen          0           0
   2025 tmnxSapStpExcepCondStateChng     WA  gen          0           0
   2026 tmnxSdpBndStpExcepCondStateChng  WA  gen          0           0
   2050 sapActiveProtocolChange          MI  gen          0           0
   2051 tmnxSvcSdpActiveProtocolChange   MI  gen          0           0
   2052 vcpActiveProtocolChange          MI  gen          0           0
   2053 topologyChangePipMajorState      WA  gen          0           0
   2054 topologyChangePipState           WA  gen          0           0
   2055 tmnxPipStpExcepCondStateChng     WA  gen          0           0
   2056 pipActiveProtocolChange          MI  gen          0           0
   2011 svcTlsMacPinningViolation        WA  gen          0           0
   2103 svcStatusChanged                 MI  gen          4           0
   2104 svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmRaised    MI  gen          0           0
   2105 svcTlsFdbTableFullAlarmCleared   MI  gen          0           0
   2108 iesIfStatusChanged               MI  gen          0           0
   2109 tmnxSvcObjTodSuiteApplicFailed   WA  gen          0           0
   2110 tmnxEndPointTxActiveChanged      WA  gen          0           0
   2111 tmnxSvcPEDiscPolServOperStatChg  MI  gen          0           0
   2120 svcTlsMrpAttrRegistrationFailed  MI  gen          0           0
   2125 svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmRaised  MI  gen          0           0
   2126 svcTlsMrpAttrTblFullAlarmCleared MI  gen          0           0
   2128 svcEpipePbbOperStatusChanged     MI  gen          0           0
   2203 sapStatusChanged                 MI  gen          2           0
   2204 sapTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmRaised    MI  gen          0           0
   2205 sapTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmCleared   MI  gen          0           0
   2206 hostConnectivityLost             WA  gen          0           0
   2207 hostConnectivityRestored         WA  gen          0           0
   2208 sapReceivedProtSrcMac            MI  gen          0           0
   2209 sapTlsMacMoveExceeded            MI  gen          0           0
   2210 sapPortStateChangeProcessed      MA  gen          0           0
   2211 sapCemPacketDefectAlarm          MI  gen          0           0
   2212 sapCemPacketDefectAlarmClear     MI  gen          0           0
   2213 msapStateChanged                 MI  gen          0           0
   2214 msapCreationFailure              MI  gen          0           0
   2303 sdpStatusChanged                 MI  gen          0           0
   2306 sdpBindStatusChanged             MI  gen          0           0
L  2307 sdpKeepAliveStarted              MI  gen          0           0
L  2308 sdpKeepAliveStopped              MI  gen          0           0
L  2309 sdpKeepAliveProbeFailure         MI  gen          0           0
L  2310 sdpKeepAliveLateReply            MI  gen          0           0
   2311 sdpTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmRaised    MI  gen          0           0
   2312 sdpTlsMacAddrLimitAlarmCleared   MI  gen          0           0
   2313 sdpBindPwPeerStatusBitsChanged   MI  gen          0           0
   2314 sdpBindTlsMacMoveExceeded        MI  gen          0           0
   2315 sdpBindPwPeerFaultAddrChanged    MI  gen          0           0
   2316 sdpBindSdpStateChangeProcessed   MA  gen          0           0
   2317 sdpBandwidthOverbooked           MA  gen          0           0
   2318 sdpBindInsufficientBandwidth     MA  gen          0           0
   2319 dynamicSdpConfigChanged          MA  gen          0           0
   2320 dynamicSdpBindConfigChanged      MA  gen          0           0
   2321 dynamicSdpCreationFailed         MA  gen          0           0
   2322 dynamicSdpBindCreationFailed     MA  gen          0           0
   2401 svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmRaised   MI  gen          0           0
   2402 svcTlsMfibTableFullAlarmCleared  MI  gen          0           0
   2500 tmnxSubscriberCreated            WA  gen          0           0
   2501 tmnxSubscriberDeleted            WA  gen          0           0
   2502 tmnxSubscriberRenamed            WA  gen          0           0
   2503 tmnxSubAcctPlcyFailure           WA  gen          0           0
   2504 tmnxSubMcsRelatedProblem         WA  gen          0           0
   2505 tmnxSubAuthPlcyRadSerOperStatChg MI  gen          0           0
   2506 tmnxSubAcctPlcyRadSerOperStatChg MI  gen          0           0
   2507 svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmRaised   MI  gen          0           0
   2508 svcEndPointMacLimitAlarmCleared  MI  gen          0           0
   2509 tmnxSubRadSapDisconnectError     WA  gen          0           0
   2510 tmnxSubRadSdpBndDisconnectError  WA  gen          0           0
   2511 tmnxSubRadSapCoAError            WA  gen          0           0
   2512 tmnxSubRadSdpBndCoAError         WA  gen          0           0
   2513 tmnxSubRadSapSubAuthError        WA  gen          0           0
   2514 tmnxSubRadSdpBndSubAuthError     WA  gen          0           0
   2515 svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrm         MI  gen          0           0
   2516 svcFdbMimDestTblFullAlrmCleared  MI  gen          0           0
   2517 svcPersistencyProblem            WA  gen          0           0
   2520 svcArpHostPopulateErr            WA  gen          0           0
   2522 svcEPMCEPConfigMismatch          WA  gen          0           0
   2523 svcEPMCEPConfigMismatchResolved  WA  gen          0           0
   2524 svcEPMCEPPassiveModeActive       WA  gen          0           0
   2525 svcEPMCEPPassiveModePassive      WA  gen          0           0
   2526 sapHostBGPPeeringSetupFailed     MI  gen          0           0
   2527 tmnxSubUserCategoryOutOfCredit   MI  gen          0           0
   2528 svcRestoreHostProblem            WA  gen          0           0
   2529 tmnxSubUserCategoryRefreshCredit MI  gen          0           0
   2530 tmnxSubUserCategoryError         MI  gen          0           0
   2001 stiDateAndTimeChanged            WA  gen          0           0
   2002 ssiSaveConfigSucceeded           MA  gen          0           0
   2003 ssiSaveConfigFailed              CR  gen          0           0
   2004 sbiBootConfig                    MA  gen          1           0
   2005 sbiBootSnmpd                     MA  gen          1           0
   2006 tmnxConfigModify                 WA  gen         66           0
   2007 tmnxConfigCreate                 WA  gen         11           0
   2008 tmnxConfigDelete                 WA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxStateChange                  WA  gen          7           0
   2010 tmnxModuleMallocFailed           MA  gen          0           0
   2011 tmnxTrapDropped                  MA  gen          0           0
   2012 ssiSyncConfigOK                  WA  gen          0           0
   2013 ssiSyncConfigFailed              CR  gen          0           0
   2014 ssiSyncBootEnvOK                 WA  gen          0           0
   2015 ssiSyncBootEnvFailed             CR  gen          0           0
L  2016 socket_bind_failed               CR  gen          0           0
L  2017 socket_conn_accept_failed        CR  gen          0           0
   2018 sntpTimeDiffExceedsThreshold     MA  gen          0           0
   2022 tmnxSssiMismatch                 MA  gen          0           0
   2023 tmnxSnmpdStateChange             MA  gen          1           0
   2024 tmnxRedStandbySyncing            MA  gen          0           0
   2025 tmnxRedStandbyReady              MA  gen          0           0
   2026 tmnxRedStandbySyncLost           CR  gen          0           0
   2027 tmnxRedSwitchover                CR  gen          0           0
   2028 tmnxRedCpmActive                 CR  gen          0           0
   2029 tmnxRedSingleCpm                 CR  gen          0           0
   2030 persistencyClosedAlarmRaised     MA  gen          0           0
   2031 persistencyClosedAlarmCleared    MA  gen          0           0
   2032 tmnxSntpOperChange               MA  gen          0           0
   2034 tmnxFtpClientFailure             MI  gen          0           0
   2037 persistencyEventReport           WA  gen          0           0
   2038 sbiBootConfigFailFileError       MA  gen          0           0
   2039 sbiBootConfigOKFileError         MA  gen          0           0
   2101 schedActionFailure               MA  gen          0           0
   2102 smScriptAbort                    MA  gen          0           0
   2103 smScriptResult                   MI  sup          0           0
   2104 smScriptException                MI  sup          0           0
L  2001 cli_user_login                   MI  gen          3           0
L  2002 cli_user_logout                  MI  gen          2           0
L  2003 cli_user_login_failed            MI  gen          0           0
L  2004 cli_user_login_max_attempts      MI  gen          0           0
L  2005 ftp_user_login                   MI  gen          0           0
L  2006 ftp_user_logout                  MI  gen          0           0
L  2007 ftp_user_login_failed            MI  gen          0           0
L  2008 ftp_user_login_max_attempts      MI  gen          0           0
L  2009 cli_user_io                      MI  sup          0          35
L  2010 snmp_user_set                    MI  sup          0           0
L  2011 cli_config_io                    MI  gen        276           0
   2001 tmnxVRtrMidRouteTCA              MI  gen          0           0
   2002 tmnxVRtrHighRouteTCA             MI  gen          0           0
   2003 tmnxVRtrHighRouteCleared         MI  gen          0           0
   2004 tmnxVRtrIllegalLabelTCA          MA  gen          0           0
   2008 tmnxVRtrMaxArpEntriesTCA         MA  gen          0           0
   2009 tmnxVRtrMaxArpEntriesCleared     MI  gen          0           0
   2011 tmnxVRtrMaxRoutes                MI  gen          0           0
   2012 tmnxVRtrBfdSessionDown           MA  gen          0           0
   2013 tmnxVRtrBfdMaxSessionOnSlot      MA  gen          0           0
   2014 tmnxVRtrBfdPortTypeNotSupported  MA  gen          0           0
   2015 tmnxVRtrBfdSessionUp             MA  gen          0           0
   2016 tmnxVRtrIPv6MidRouteTCA          MI  gen          0           0
   2017 tmnxVRtrIPv6HighRouteTCA         MI  gen          0           0
   2018 tmnxVRtrIPv6HighRouteCleared     MI  gen          0           0
   2019 tmnxVRtrStaticRouteCPEStatus     MI  gen          0           0
   2020 tmnxVRtrBfdSessionDeleted        MI  gen          0           0
   2021 tmnxVRtrBfdSessionProtChange     MI  gen          0           0
   2022 tmnxVRtrManagedRouteAddFailed    MI  gen          0           0
   2023 tmnxVRtrFibOccupancyThreshold    MI  sup          0           0
   2024 tmnxVRtrInetAddressAttachFailed  MI  gen          0           0
   2029 tmnxVRtrIfLdpSyncTimerStart      WA  sup          0           0
   2030 tmnxVRtrIfLdpSyncTimerStop       WA  sup          0           0

A:ALA-1# show log event-control ospf
Log Events
 ID#    Event Name                       P   g/s     Logged     Dropped
   2001 ospfVirtIfStateChange            WA  gen          0           0
   2002 ospfNbrStateChange               WA  gen          1           0
   2003 ospfVirtNbrStateChange           WA  gen          0           0
   2004 ospfIfConfigError                WA  gen          0           0
   2005 ospfVirtIfConfigError            WA  gen          0           0
   2006 ospfIfAuthFailure                WA  gen          0           0
   2007 ospfVirtIfAuthFailure            WA  gen          0           0
   2008 ospfIfRxBadPacket                WA  gen          0           0
   2009 ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket            WA  gen          0           0
   2010 ospfTxRetransmit                 WA  sup          0           0
   2011 ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit           WA  sup          0           0
   2012 ospfOriginateLsa                 WA  sup          0         404
   2013 ospfMaxAgeLsa                    WA  gen          3           0
   2014 ospfLsdbOverflow                 WA  gen          0           0
   2015 ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow      WA  gen          0           0
   2016 ospfIfStateChange                WA  gen          2           0
   2017 ospfNssaTranslatorStatusChange   WA  gen          0           0
   2018 vRtrOspfSpfRunsStopped           WA  gen          0           0
   2019 vRtrOspfSpfRunsRestarted         WA  gen          0           0
   2020 vRtrOspfOverloadEntered          WA  gen          1           0
   2021 vRtrOspfOverloadExited           WA  gen          0           0
   2022 ospfRestartStatusChange          WA  gen          0           0
   2023 ospfNbrRestartHelperStatusChange WA  gen          0           0
   2024 ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperStsChg   WA  gen          0           0

A:ALA-1# show log event-control ospf ospfVirtIfStateChange
Log Events
 ID#    Event Name                       P   g/s     Logged     Dropped
   2001 ospfVirtIfStateChange            WA  gen          0           0
Table 15. Output fields: event control
Label Description


Displays the application name


Displays the event ID number within the application


An ‟L” in front of an ID represents event types that do not generate an associated SNMP notification

Most events do generate a notification, only the exceptions are marked with a preceding ‟L”

Event Name

Displays the event name


CL — The event has a cleared severity/priority

CR — The event has critical severity/priority

IN — The event has indeterminate severity/priority

MA — The event has major severity/priority

MI — The event has minor severity/priority

WA — The event has warning severity/priority


gen — The event will be generated or logged by event control

sup — The event will be suppressed or dropped by event control

thr — Specifies that throttling is enabled


Displays the number of events logged or generated


Displays the number of events dropped or suppressed


file-id [log-file-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays event file log information.

If no command line parameters are specified, a summary output of all event log files is displayed.

Specifying a file ID displays detailed information about the event file log.


Displays detailed information about the specified event file log.


1 to 99


The following output is an example of event file information, and Output fields: log file ID describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:MTUSN945189# show log file-id 
File Id List
file-id   rollover  retention   admin     backup    oper                       
                                location  location  location                   
1         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
2         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
3         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
4         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
5         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
6         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
7         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
8         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
9         30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
10        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
11        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
12        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
13        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
14        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
15        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
16        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
17        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
18        30       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     

A:MTUSN945189# show log file-id 1         
File Id List
file-id   rollover  retention   admin     backup    oper                       
                                location  location  location                   
1         2800       500        cf1:      none      cf1:     
File Id 1  Location cf1:
file name                               expired   state                        
cf1:\act\act0101-20010518-085306.xml.gz no        complete     
Table 16. Output fields: log file ID
Label Description


Displays the log file ID


Displays the rollover time for the log file which is how long in between partitioning of the file into a new file


Displays the retention time for the file in the system which is how long the file should be retained in the file system

admin location

The primary flash device specified for the file location.

none — Indicates no specific flash device was specified

oper location

Displays the actual flash device on which the log file exists


Displays the log file ID


Displays the rollover time for the log file which is how long in between partitioning of the file into a new file


Displays the retention time for the file in the system which is how long the file should be retained in the file system

file name

Displays the complete pathname of the file associated with the log ID


Indicates whether or not the retention period for this file has passed


in progress — Indicates the current open log file

complete — Indicates the old log file


filter-id [filter-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays event log filter policy information.


Displays detailed information about the specified event filter policy ID.


1 to 65535


The following outputs are examples of event log filter information, and the associated table describe the output fields.

Sample output — summary
*A:ALA-48>config>log# show log filter-id
Log Filters
Filter Applied Default Description
Id             Action
1      no      forward
5      no      forward
10     no      forward
1001   yes     drop    Collect events for Serious Errors Log
Table 17. Output fields: log filter summary
Label Description

Filter Id

Displays the event log filter ID


no — The event log filter is not currently in use by a log ID

yes — The event log filter is currently in use by a log ID

Default Action

drop — The default action for the event log filter is to drop events not matching filter entries

forward — The default action for the event log filter is to forward events not matching filter entries


Displays the description string for the filter ID

Sample output — detailed
*A:ALA-48>config>log# show log filter-id 1001
Log Filter
Filter-id     : 1001     Applied       : yes      Default Action: drop
Description   : Collect events for Serious Errors Log
Log Filter Match Criteria
Entry-id      : 10                      Action        : forward
Application   :                         Operator      : off
Event Number  : 0                       Operator      : off
Severity      : major                   Operator      : greaterThanOrEqual
Subject       :                         Operator      : off
Match Type    : exact string                          :
Router        :                         Operator      : off
Match Type    : exact string                          :
Description   : Collect only events of major severity or higher
Table 18. Output fields: log filter detail
Label Description


Displays the event log filter ID


no — The event log filter is not currently in use by a log ID

yes — The event log filter is currently in use by a log ID

Default Action

drop — The default action for the event log filter is to drop events not matching filter entries

forward — The default action for the event log filter is to forward events not matching filter entries



Displays the description string for the filter ID


Displays the event log filter entry ID


default — There is no explicit action for the event log filter entry and the filter default action is used on matching events

drop — The action for the event log filter entry is to drop matching events

forward — The action for the event log filter entry is to forward matching events



Displays the description string for the event log filter entry


Displays the event log filter entry application match criterion

Event Number

Displays the event log filter entry application event ID match criterion


cleared — The log event filter entry application event severity cleared match criterion

indeterminate — The log event filter entry application event severity indeterminate match criterion

critical — The log event filter entry application event severity critical match criterion

major — The log event filter entry application event severity cleared match criterion

minor — The log event filter entry application event severity minor match criterion

warning — The log event filter entry application event severity warning match criterion


Displays the event log filter entry application event ID subject string match criterion


Displays the event log filter entry application event ID router router-instance string match criterion


There is an operator field for each match criteria:

application, event number, severity, and subject.

equal — Matches when equal to the match criterion

GreaterThan — Matches when greater than the match criterion

greaterThanOrEqual — Matches when greater than or equal to the match criterion

lessThan — Matches when less than the match criterion

lessThanOrEqual — Matches when less than or equal to the match criterion

notEqual — Matches when not equal to the match criterion

off — No operator specified for the match criterion






Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays log collector statistics for the main, security, change and debug log collectors.


The following output is an example of log collector information, and Output fields: log collector describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show log log-collector
Log Collectors
Main                Logged   : 1224                    Dropped  : 0
  Dest Log Id: 99    Filter Id: 0      Status: enabled    Dest Type: memory
  Dest Log Id: 100   Filter Id: 1001   Status: enabled    Dest Type: memory

Security            Logged   : 3                       Dropped  : 0

Change              Logged   : 3896                    Dropped  : 0

Debug               Logged   : 0                       Dropped  : 0

Table 19. Output fields: log collector
Label Description

<Collector Name>


The main event stream contains the events that are not explicitly directed to any other event stream.


The security stream contains all events that affect attempts to breach system security such as failed login attempts, attempts to access MIB tables to which the user is not granted access or attempts to enter a branch of the CLI to which access has not been granted.


The change event stream contains all events that directly affect the configuration or operation of this node.


The debug-trace stream contains all messages in the debug stream.

Dest. Log ID

Specifies the event log stream destination.

Filter ID

The value is the index to the entry which defines the filter to be applied to this log's source event stream to limit the events output to this log's destination. If the value is 0, then all events in the source log are forwarded to the destination.



Logging is enabled.


Logging is disabled.

Dest. Type

Console — A log created with the console type destination displays events to the physical console device

Events are displayed to the console screen whether a user is logged in to the console or not

A user logged in to the console device or connected to the CLI via a remote telnet or SSH session can also create a log with a destination type of 'session'

Events are displayed to the session device until the user logs off

When the user logs off, the 'session' type log is deleted

Syslog — All selected log events are sent to the syslog address

SNMP traps — Events defined as SNMP traps are sent to the configured SNMP trap destinations and are logged in NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB tables

File — All selected log events will be directed to a file on one of the compact flash disks

Memory — All selected log events will be directed to an in-memory storage area


log-id [log-id] [severity severity-level] [application application] [sequence from-seq [to-seq]] [count count] [router router-instance [expression]] [subject subject [regexp]] [ascending | descending]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays an event log summary with settings and statistics or the contents of a specific log file, SNMP log, or memory log.

If the command is specified with no command line options, a summary of the defined system logs is displayed. The summary includes log settings and statistics.

If the log ID of a memory, SNMP, or file event log is specified, the command displays the contents of the log. Additional command line options control what and how the contents are displayed.

Contents of logs with console, session, or syslog destinations cannot be displayed. The actual events can only be viewed on the receiving syslog or console device.


Displays the contents of the specified file log or memory log ID. The log ID must have a destination of an SNMP or file log or a memory log for this parameter to be used.


displays the event log summary


1 to 99


Displays only events with the specified and higher severity.


all severity levels


cleared, indeterminate, critical, major, minor, warning


Displays only events generated by the specified application.


all applications


Specifies to use a regular expression as match criteria for the router instance string.

from-seq [to-seq]

Displays the log entry numbers from a particular entry sequence number (from-seq) to another sequence number (to-seq). The to-seq value must be larger than the from-seq value.

If the to-seq number is not provided, the log contents to the end of the log is displayed unless the count parameter is present in which case the number of entries displayed is limited by the count.


all sequence numbers


1 to 4294967295


Limits the number of log entries displayed to the number specified.


all log entries


1 to 4294967295


Specifies a router name up to 32 characters to be used in the display criteria.


Displays only log entries matching the specified text subject string, up to 32 characters. The subject is the object affected by the event. For example the port ID would be the subject for a link-up or link-down event.


Specifies to use a regular expression as parameters with the specified subject string.

ascending | descending

Specifies sort direction. Logs are shown from the newest entry to the oldest in descending sequence number order on the screen. When using the ascending parameter, the log will be shown from the oldest to the newest entry.




The following outputs are examples of event log summary information, and Output fields: log ID describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show log log-id
Event Logs                                                      
Log Source    Filter Admin Oper  Logged  Dropped Dest       Dest  Size
Id            Id     State State                 Type       Id     
1   none      none   up    down  52      0       file       10     N/A
2   C         none   up    up    41      0       syslog     1      N/A
99  M         none   up    up    2135    0       memory            500
Sample output for memory or file event log contents
A:gal171# show log log-id 99
Event Log 99
Description : Default System Log
Memory Log contents  [size=500   next event=70  (not wrapped)]
69 2007/01/25 18:20:40.00 UTC CRITICAL: SYSTEM #2029 Base Redundancy
"The active CPM card A is operating in singleton mode.  There is no standby CPM card
68 2007/01/25 17:48:38.16 UTC WARNING: SYSTEM #2006 Base LOGGER
"New event throttle interval 10, configuration modified"
67 2007/01/25 00:34:53.97 UTC CRITICAL: SYSTEM #2029 Base Redundancy
"The active CPM card A is operating in singleton mode.  There is no standby CPM card
66 2007/01/24 22:59:22.00 UTC CRITICAL: SYSTEM #2029 Base Redundancy
"The active CPM card A is operating in singleton mode.  There is no standby CPM card
65 2007/01/24 02:08:47.92 UTC CRITICAL: SYSTEM #2029 Base Redundancy
"The active CPM card A is operating in singleton mode.  There is no standby CPM card

A:NS061550532>config>log>snmp-trap-group# show log log-id 1 
Event Log 1
SNMP Log contents  [size=100   next event=3  (not wrapped)]
Cannot send to SNMP target address

14 2000/01/05 00:54:09.11 UTC WARNING: MPLS #2007 Base VR 1:
"Instance is in administrative state: inService, operational state: inService"
13 2000/01/05 00:54:09.11 UTC WARNING: MPLS #2008 Base VR 1:
"Interface linkToIxia is in administrative state: inService, operational state: inSe
Table 20. Output fields: log ID
Label Description

Log Id

Displays an event log destination


no — The event log filter is not currently in use by a log ID

yes — The event log filter is currently in use by a log ID

Filter ID

Displays the index to the entry that defines the filter to be applied to this log source event stream to limit the events output to this log destination

If the value is 0, all events in the source log are forwarded to the destination

Admin State

Up — Indicates that the administrative state is up

Down — Indicates that the administrative state is down

Oper State

Up — Indicates that the operational state is up

Down — Indicates that the operational state is down


Displays the number of events that have been sent to the log sources that were forwarded to the log destination


Displays the number of events sent to the log sources that were not forwarded to the log destination because they were filtered out by the log filter

Dest. Type

Console — All selected log events are directed to the system console

If the console is not connected, all entries are dropped

Syslog — All selected log events are sent to the syslog address

SNMP traps — Events defined as SNMP traps are sent to the configured SNMP trap destinations and are logged in NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB tables

File — All selected log events will be directed to a file on one of the compact flash disks

Memory — All selected log events will be directed to an in-memory storage area

Dest ID

The event log stream destination


The allocated memory size for the log

Time format

The time format specifies the type of timestamp format for events sent to logs where log ID destination is either syslog or file

When the time format is UTC, timestamps are written using the Coordinated Universal Time value

When the time format is local, timestamps are written in the system's local time


snmp-trap-group [log-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays SNMP trap group configuration information.


Displays SNMP trap group information only for the specified trap group log ID.


1 to 100


The following output is an example of SNMP trap group information, and Output fields: SNMP trap group describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:SetupCLI>config>log>snmp-trap-group# show log snmp-trap-group 44
SNMP Trap Group 44
Description : none
Name        : ntt-test
Address     :
Port        : 162
Version     : v2c
Community   : ntttesting
Sec. Level  : none
Name        : test2
Address     :
Port        : 162
Version     : v2c
Community   : ntttesting
Sec. Level  : none
Table 21. Output fields: SNMP trap group
Label Description


The log destination ID for an event stream.


The IP address of the trap receiver,


The destination UDP port used for sending traps to the destination, expressed as a decimal integer.


Specifies the SNMP version format to use for traps sent to the trap receiver. Valid values are snmpv1, snmpv2c, snmpv3.


The community string required by snmpv1 or snmpv2c trap receivers.


The required authentication and privacy levels required to access the views on this node.


syslog [syslog-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays syslog event log destination summary information or detailed information about a specific syslog destination.


Displays detailed information about the specified syslog event log destination.


1 to 10


The following output is an example of syslog information, and Output fields: syslog describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:ALA-48>config>log# show log syslog
Syslog Target Hosts
Id     Ip Address                                      Port        Sev Level
         Below Level Drop                                Facility    Pfx Level
2      unknown                                         514         info
         0                                               local7      yes
3      unknown                                         514         info
         0                                               local7      yes
5      unknown                                         514         info
         0                                               local7      yes
10     unknown                                         514         info
         0                                               local7      yes

*A:MV-SR>config>log# show log syslog 1
Syslog Target 1
IP Address       :
Port             : 514
Log-ids          : none
Prefix           : Sr12
Facility         : local1
Severity Level   : info
Prefix Level     : yes
Below Level Drop : 0
Description      : Linux Station Springsteen
Table 22. Output fields: syslog
Label Description

Syslog ID

Displays the syslog ID number for the syslog destination

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the syslog target host


Displays the configured UDP port number used when sending syslog messages


Displays the facility code for messages sent to the syslog target host

Severity Level

Displays the syslog message severity level threshold

Below Level Dropped

Displays a count of messages not sent to the syslog collector target because the severity level of the message was above the configured severity

The higher the level, the lower the severity

Prefix Present

Yes — A log prefix was prepended to the syslog message sent to the syslog host

No — A log prefix was not prepended to the syslog message sent to the syslog host


Displays a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context


Displays the prefix string prepended to the syslog message


Events are directed to this destination

Clear commands


log log-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command reinitializes the specified memory or file event log ID. Memory logs are reinitialized and cleared of contents. File logs are manually rolled over by this command.

This command is only applicable to event logs that are directed to file destinations and memory destinations.

SNMP, syslog, and console or session logs are not affected by this command.


Specifies the event log ID to be initialized or rolled over.


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