Global service entity management tasks

This section describes global service entity management tasks.

Modifying customer accounts

To access a specific customer account, specify the customer ID.

To display a list of customer IDs, use the show service customer command.

To edit customer information, such as description, contact, phone, enable the parameter and then enter the new information.

config>service# customer customer-id [create] contact contact-information
    — description description-string
    — multi-service-site customer-site-name [create]
    —     assignment {port port-id | card slot}
    —     description description-string
    —     egress
    —         agg-rate
    —             burst-limit size [bytes|kilobytes]
    —             limit-unused-bandwidth
    —             queue-frame-based-accounting
    —             rate kilobits-per-second
    —         policer-control-policy name
    —         scheduler-override
    —             scheduler scheduler-name [create]
    —                 parent {[weight weight]
    —                         [cir-weight cir-weight]}
    —                 rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
    —         scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
    —     ingress
    —         policer-control-policy name
    —         scheduler-override
    —             scheduler scheduler-name [create]
    —                 parent {[weight weight]
    —                         [cir-weight cir-weight]}
    —                 rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
    —         scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
    — phone phone-number
config>service# customer 27 create
    — config>service>customer$ description ‟Western Division”
    — config>service>customer# contact ‟John Dough”
    — config>service>customer# no phone ‟(650) 237-5102”

Deleting customers

The no form of the customer command removes a customer ID and all associated information. All service references to the customer must be shut down and deleted before a customer account can be deleted.

config>service# no customer customer-id
config>service# epipe 5 customer 27 shutdown
    — config>service# epipe 9 customer 27 shutdown
    — config>service# no epipe 5
    — config>service# no epipe 9
    — config>service# no customer 27

Modifying SDPs

To access a specific SDP, specify the SDP ID. To display a list of SDPs, use the show service sdp command. Enter the parameter, such as description, far-end, and , and then enter the new information.

Note: When created, the SDP encapsulation type cannot be modified.
config>service# sdp sdp-id
config>service# sdp 79 
    — config>service>sdp# description ‟Path-to-107”
    — config>service>sdp# shutdown
    — config>service>sdp# far-end ‟”
    — config>service>sdp# path-mtu 1503
    — config>service>sdp# no shutdown

Deleting SDPs

The no form of the sdp command removes an SDP ID and all associated information. Before an SDP can be deleted, the SDP must be shut down and removed (unbound) from all customer services where it is applied.

config>service# no sdp 79
config>service# epipe 5 spoke-sdp 79:5
    — config>service>epipe>sdp# shutdown
    — config>service>epipe>sdp# exit
    — config>service>epipe# exit
    — config>service# no sdp 79