Dynamic data services

Introduction to dynamic data services

Dynamic data services enables a zero-touch, single-ended provisioning model for business services. Two deployment models are available:

  • With control channel

    Triggered by the authentication of a single or dual-stack PPPoE or IPoE session as a business CPE control channel, parameters are passed in a RADIUS Access-Accept or CoA message to set up a Layer 2 or Layer 3 data service.

  • Without control channel

    RADIUS or local authentication of a dynamic data service data trigger provides the required parameters to set up a Layer 2 or Layer 3 data service.

Dynamic Data Services support includes:

  • Epipe VLL services

  • Epipe VLL services with dynamic MS-PWs (FEC 129) or spoke SDP

  • EVPN based Epipe service

  • VPLS services

  • VPLS services with BGP-AD pseudowire

  • VPLS service with spoke SDP or mesh SDP

  • EVPN based VPLS service

  • IES and VPRN services

  • MVPN services

  • Routing policy, filter, operational groups and OAM-PM provisioning

The full list of supported configuration commands can be displayed with the tools dump service dynamic-services command-list CLI command. Dynamic data service SAPs must be located on dot1q- or QinQ-encapsulated Ethernet, anchoring or satellite ports and can be part of a LAG.

A Python script interface adds a flexible abstraction layer that reduces the OSS integration cost; only the business user specific service parameters, such as service type, IP address, QoS, and filter parameters, are required from RADIUS or local authentication. These parameters are then used in the Python script to generate a CLI template to set up the target Dynamic Data Service.

Dynamic data services configuration can be updated via a RADIUS CoA message.

Both XML accounting and RADIUS accounting for up to two different RADIUS destinations can be activated on a dynamic data service SAP.

RADIUS-triggered dynamic data services associated with a PPPoE or IPoE session as control channel

See the ‟RADIUS-Triggered Dynamic Data Service Provisioning” section in the Advanced Configuration Guide for a detailed description.

Data-triggered dynamic data services

In the data-triggered dynamic data services model, as shown in Data-triggered dynamic data services, any frame arriving on a dynamic data services capture SAP can result in RADIUS or local authentication. The dynamic data service is then created from a Python script that generates CLI snippets using parameters obtained from authentication.

Figure 1. Data-triggered dynamic data services

Data trigger

A dynamic services data trigger is an object that is created when a frame received on a dynamic services capture SAP is sent to the control plane for authentication. A dynamic services data trigger is uniquely identified with its SAP ID. If the dynamic services data trigger was received on capture SAP x / y / z:*.* with outer-tag = a and inner-tag = b, then the dynamic service data trigger SAP ID is ‟x / y / z:a.b”. For each dynamic services data trigger, the following information is stored.

Table 1. Data trigger information
Data trigger information Description


The RADIUS accounting session ID for this dynamic services data trigger. This accounting session ID is used as accounting multisession ID in RADIUS accounting for associated dynamic services. It can also be used as a key in CoA or Disconnect Messages to set up or terminate associated dynamic services.


The MAC address learned to set up this dynamic service data trigger. The MAC address is included in the Access-Request message for RADIUS authentication.


The IPv4 or IPv6 address learned to set up this dynamic service data trigger. If the data trigger packet was not an IP packet, then this field is empty. When available, the IP address is included in the RADIUS authentication and accounting messages.


The current state of the dynamic service data trigger:

Pending: (initial state) data trigger received and authentication started

Accepted: (transient state) authentication succeeded; dynsvc script started but not yet completed

sapCreated: (final state) corresponding dynamic services SAP created

The dynamic services data trigger information can be displayed as follows:

# show service dynamic-services data-triggers
Dynamic Services Data-triggers
SAP                         : 1/1/4:1214.101
Acct session-ID             : 144DFF0000009156A24138
MAC                         : 00:51:00:dd:01:01
IP                          :
State                       : sapCreated
No. of Data-triggers: 1

For a data-triggered dynamic data service to be successfully set up, a dynamic services SAP equal to the data trigger SAP ID must be created.

In the same way as the control channel model, multiple dynamic data services can be associated with a single dynamic services data trigger: up to 32 dynamic services during data trigger authentication or up to 4000 in total through CoA. When the dynamic services SAP that corresponds to a data trigger is deleted (teardown action), then all dynamic services associated with that dynamic services data trigger are deleted (teardown action).

Dynamic services data trigger capture SAP

In the same way as an Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) capture SAP is configured, a dynamic services data trigger capture SAP is configured in a VPLS service and captures frames for authentication. A dynamic service data trigger capture SAP does not forward traffic within the VPLS service, and no MAC learning occurs.

A VPLS capture SAP becomes a dynamic services data trigger capture SAP when a dynamic services policy is configured and the dynamic-services context is enabled (no shutdown). The dynamic services policy specifies the authentication mechanism to be used as detailed in the authentication sections below.

For example:

        vpls 10 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/4:1214.* capture-sap create
                description "Dynamic Services Data Trigger capture-sap"
                    dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-1"
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

The trigger-packet type needs to be configured. A dynamic services data trigger capture-sap captures any valid Ethernet frames, including non-IP frames.

Valid dynamic services data trigger capture SAPs are:

  • dot1q-encapsulated Ethernet, anchoring, satellite ports or LAGs

    • sap x/y/z:*

    • lag-x:*

    • pxc-x.a:*

    • esat-x/y/z:*

  • QinQ-encapsulated Ethernet, anchoring, satellite ports or LAGs:

    • sap x/y/z:*.*

    • sap lag-x:*.*

    • sap x/y/z:tag.*

    • sap x/y/z:*.tag

    • sap lag-x:tag.*

    • sap lag-x:*.tag

    • pxc-x.a:*.*

    • pxc-x.a:tag.*

    • esat-x/y/z:*.*

    • esat-x/y/z:tag.*

Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) and dynamic services data trigger cannot be enabled simultaneously on a single capture SAP: a no shutdown command of the dynamic-services CLI context is mutually exclusive when configuring an ESM trigger-packet type.

Use the following CLI commands to display capture SAP statistics:

  • To display the number of data trigger packets forwarded to the CPM and dropped on the IOM:

    # show service id <service-id> sap <sap-id> sap-stats
    Service Access Points(SAP)
    --- snip ---
    Sap Statistics
    Last Cleared Time     : N/A
                            Packets                 Octets
    CPM Ingress           : 108                     6696
    Forwarding Engine Stats
    Dropped               : 6144                    405504
    Table 2. Data trigger packets forwarded/dropped counters
    Counter Description

    CPM Ingress

    Number of dynamic service data triggers received on the capture SAP that are forwarded to CPM

    Forwarding Engine Stats Dropped

    Number of dynamic service data triggers is received on the capture SAP that are dropped on IOM

  • To display the dynamic services capture SAP control plane statistics (data triggers received and data trigger drop reason counters):

    # show service id 10 dynamic-services capture-sap 1/1/4:1214.* statistics
    Dynamic Services Capture SAP 1/1/4:1214.* Statistics
    Data packets received by SAP                               : 3
    Drop Reason Counters
    No policy configured at capture SAP level                  : 0
    No authentication configured in policy                     : 0
    Data-trigger already exists                                : 0
    Lockout is active                                          : 0
    Reached data-trigger system limit                          : 0
    No memory available                                        : 0
    Unsuccessful authentication                                : 1
    No data-trigger SAP-id in authentication                   : 0
    Corresponding dynamic SAP is not created                   : 0
    Table 3. Data triggers received/dropped reason counters
    Counter Description

    Data packets received by SAP

    Number of dynamic service data triggers received on the capture-sap that reached the CPM

    No policy configured at capture SAP level

    No dynamic services policy configured at the capture-sap; required to determine the authentication destination.

    No authentication configured in policy

    The authentication section in the specified dynamic services policy is missing or incomplete.

    Data-trigger already exists

    A new data trigger frame is received for an existing data trigger that is authenticated, but the corresponding dynamic SAP is not yet created. The new data trigger packet is dropped.

    Lockout is active

    The data trigger for this managed SAP is currently in a lockout state because of previous authentication failures.

    Reached data-trigger system limit

    The maximum number of dynamic service data triggers supported on the system is reached. Additional data triggers are dropped.

    No memory available

    There is not enough system memory available to process the data trigger.

    Unsuccessful authentication

    The authentication for a data trigger on this capture SAP failed or timed out.

    No data-trigger SAP-id in authentication

    The dynamic services data trigger SAP ID is not provided in authentication. This is a mandatory parameter.

    Corresponding dynamic SAP is not created

    The data trigger successfully authenticated but the corresponding dynamic SAP was not created. This is typically caused by a dynamic services script error.

  • to clear the dynamic services capture SAP control plane statistics:

    # clear service id <service-id> dynamic-services capture-sap <sap-id> statistics

RADIUS authentication

When a valid Ethernet frame is received on a dynamic services data trigger capture SAP, it is sent to the control plane for authentication. The dynamic services policy configured at the capture SAP specifies the RADIUS authentication parameters, as shown in the following example:

configure service
        vpls 10 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/4:1214.* capture-sap create
                description "Dynamic Services Data Trigger capture-sap"
                    dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-1"
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            no shutdown
            dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-1" create
                    password "RwXx4x0jao776C3CGlDBKVaNOd//ySXw" hash2
                    server-policy "aaa-server-policy-1"

Local authentication and RADIUS authentication are mutually exclusive and cannot be configured simultaneously in a config>service>dynsvc>plcy>authentication context.

The server-policy CLI command references the config>aaa>radius-server-policy policy-name to be used for authentication.

The password CLI command specifies the password that is used in all RADIUS Access-Request messages.

RADIUS access-request message attributes specifies the attributes that are included in the RADIUS Access-Request message for dynamic services data triggers.

Table 4. RADIUS access-request message attributes
RADIUS attribute Description

[1] User-Name

The username format for dynamic services data trigger authentication is fixed to nas-port-id (SAP).

[2] Password

The password as configured in the authentication section of the dynamic-services-policy.

[4] NAS-IP-Address

The outband management interface or system interface IPv4 address. Only included if the RADIUS server is reachable via an IPv4 address.

[95] NAS-IPv6-Address

The outband management interface or system interface IPv6 address. Only included if the RADIUS server is reachable via an IPv6 address.

[44] Acct-Session-Id

A unique accounting session ID (number format) per dynamic service data trigger. Included as [50] Acct-Multi-Session-Id in radius accounting for all dynamic services that are associated with this data trigger.

[87] NAS-Port-Id

The dynamic service data trigger sap-id

[32] NAS-Identifier

The system name of the router

[26-6527-27] Alc-Client-Hardware-Addr

The MAC address of the data trigger frame that resulted in the authentication. Fixed format (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)

[8] Framed-IP-Address

The IPv4 source address of the IPv4 data trigger frame that resulted in the authentication. Not included if the data trigger frame is not an IPv4 packet.

[26-6527-99] Alc-Ipv6-Address

The IPv6 source address of the IPv6 data trigger frame that resulted in the authentication. Not included if the data trigger frame is not an IPv6 packet.

The attributes that must be returned in the Access-Accept message are the same as for RADIUS-triggered Dynamic Data Services associated with an IPoE or PPPoE session as a control channel.

Local authentication

Local authentication is available for data-triggered dynamic services deployments where RADIUS is used for accounting and dynamic changes (CoA) but cannot provide the actual service provisioning parameters.

When a valid Ethernet frame is received on a dynamic services data trigger capture SAP, it is sent to the control plane for authentication. The dynamic services policy configured at the capture SAP specifies the local authentication parameters, as shown in the following example:

configure service
        vpls 10 customer 1 create
            sap 1/1/4:1214.* capture-sap create
                description "Dynamic Services Data Trigger capture-sap"
                    dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-2"
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            no shutdown
            dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-2" create
                    local-auth-db "dynsvc-db-1"

Local authentication and RADIUS authentication are mutually exclusive and cannot be configured simultaneously in a config>service>dynsvc>plcy>authentication context.

The local-auth-db CLI command references the local authentication database to be used for authentication, as shown in the following example:

configure service
            local-auth-db "dynsvc-db-1" create
                user-name "1/1/4:1214.101" create
                    description "dynsvc: epipe"
                    index 1 create
                        dynamic-services-policy "dyn-svc-2"
                        sap-id "1/1/4:1214.101"
                        script-parameters-1 "epipe_1={'t':('dynsvc-epipe-1',None,None,10,11)}"
                        accounting 1 create
                            stats-type volume-time
                            update-interval min 30
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown

A username is used as a key for a lookup in the local authentication database. The username format for dynamic service data triggers is fixed to the SAP ID of the data trigger. For each username entry (data trigger sap-id), multiple dynamic service SAPs can be specified (indexes). The index enables multiple dynamic service SAPs to be associated with a single dynamic service data trigger.

The following data can be specified for each index (dynamic service SAP) in a user-name entry:

  • dynamic service sap-id (mandatory)

    The dynamic service SAP ID that is created. The SAP ID of one of the indexes must match the dynamic service data trigger sap-id.

  • dynamic-services-policy dynsrv-policy-name (optional)

    Specifies the policy to use for setting up the dynamic service. If not specified, the policy provisioned at the dynamic service data trigger capture-sap is used.

  • script-parameters (mandatory)

    Script parameters are used as input to the dynamic data service Python script. They are specified as four strings of up to 250 characters each. The concatenation of all four script parameter strings are passed to the Python script and must be formatted as function-key dictionary. The function-key specifies which Python functions is called, and dictionary contains the actual parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. The format should match the format of the [26-6527-165] Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params attribute when RADIUS authentication is used.

  • accounting overrides (optional)

    For each of the two RADIUS accounting destinations, the stats-type and update-interval can be specified. These parameters override the configured value in the dynamic services policy:

    • stats-type specifies if dynamic service RADIUS accounting should be enabled or disabled. RADIUS accounting is enabled by specifying the statistics type: volume and time or time only. RADIUS accounting is disabled when no stats-type is specified.

    • update-interval specifies the time between each dynamic data service accounting interim update. The generation of interim accounting updates is disabled when no update-interval is specified.

A local authentication database can only be used to authenticate a dynamic service data trigger and provide parameters to set up associated dynamic services. The script action cannot be specified and is always set to ‟setup”.

The setup timeout for Access=Accept (CLI command: configure service dynamic-services timers setup-timeout access-accept timeout) also applies for local authenticated dynamic services.

Data-triggered dynamic service provisioning

After authentication, the mechanism to set up, modify, and tear down a data triggered dynamic service is the same as for RADIUS-triggered Dynamic Data Services associated with an IPoE or PPPoE session as a control channel.

The auto-provisioning of a data-triggered dynamic service is initiated by the RADIUS messages or local authentication as listed in Dynamic service script actions.


  • Using the Nas-Port-Id as a key in a CoA or Disconnect-Message targets the corresponding dynamic services SAP; this also occurs when the Nas-Port-Id corresponds with the SAP ID of a data trigger.

  • Using the Acct-Session-Id as a key in a CoA or Disconnect-Message targets:

    • the corresponding dynamic services SAP if the Acct-Session-Id belongs to a dynamic services SAP that is not a dynamic services data trigger SAP

    • the data trigger SAP if the Acct-Session-Id belongs to the dynamic services data trigger SAP

  • In the event of a tear down, if the dynamic services SAP ID is a dynamic service data trigger SAP ID, all dynamic services associated with that dynamic services data trigger are also removed.

Table 5. Dynamic service script actions


Dynamic service script action


Rx Access-Accept or local authentication (dynamic services data trigger authentication)


Up to 32 dynamic data services SAPs in a single message

The dynamic services SAP that corresponds with the data trigger (also referred to as the dynamic services data trigger sap-id) must be part of this list.

The Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action VSA is optional for RADIUS authentication.

Modify / Teardown

Not supported

Rx CoA

(Nas-Port-Id or Acct-Session-Id of a dynamic service SAP different from the data trigger)


Not supported


Only a single dynamic data service per message

Mandatory VSAs:




Tear down the dynamic service of the dynamic services SAP identified by the Acct-Session-Id or Nas-Port-Id.

Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action VSA is mandatory

Rx CoA

(Nas-Port-Id of a data trigger)


Not supported. Nas-Port-Id always targets the dynamic services SAP and not the data trigger.


Only a single dynamic data service per message

Mandatory VSAs:




Tear down the dynamic service of the dynamic services SAP identified by the Nas-Port-Id. Because this is the data trigger SAP that is deleted, all dynamic services SAPs associated with the data trigger are also deleted.

Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action VSA is mandatory

Rx CoA

(Acct-Session-Id of a data trigger)


Only a single dynamic service SAP per message

When successful, the dynamic services SAP is associated with the data trigger identified by the specified Acct-Session-Id.

Mandatory VSAs:




Alc-Dyn-Serv-Policy (if no ‟default” policy configured)


Only a single dynamic service per message

Modify the dynamic service of the dynamic services SAP identified by the Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id. The dynamic services SAP must be associated with the data trigger identified with the specified Acct-Session-Id.

Mandatory VSAs:





Tear down the dynamic service of the dynamic services SAP identified by the Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id. The dynamic services SAP must be associated with the data trigger identified with the specified Acct-Session-Id.

If the dynamic services SAP identified by the Alc-Dyn-Serv-SAP-Id is a data trigger sap, then teardown the dynamic services of all dynamic services saps associated with that data trigger

Mandatory VSAs:



Rx Disconnect Message

(Nas-Port-Id or Acct-Session-Id of a dynamic service SAP different from a data trigger)


Tear down the dynamic service of the dynamic services SAP identified by the Acct-Session-Id or Nas-Port-Id

Rx Disconnect Message

(Nas-Port-Id or Acct-Session-Id of a data trigger)


Tear down the dynamic services of all dynamic services SAPs associated with the data trigger identified by the Acct-Session-Id or Nas-Port-Id

A data-triggered dynamic service must be explicitly removed by one of the following:

  • with a RADIUS Disconnect message containing the Acct-Session-Id or NAS-Port-Id as key

  • with a RADIUS CoA message containing the Acct-Session-Id or NAS-Port-Id as key and Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action VSA with value 3 (teardown)

  • with a CLI clear command: clear>service>dynamic-services>data-trigger sap sap-id

    All dynamic service SAPs associated with the dynamic services data trigger is removed.

  • with a CLI tools command: tools>perform>service>dynamic-services> evaluate-script sap sap-id control-session acct-session-id action teardown

    The control session accounting session ID corresponds to the dynamic services data trigger accounting session ID.

The removal of a dynamic service SAP that is a data trigger SAP results in the removal (teardown) of all dynamic service SAPs associated with that dynamic services data trigger.

To prevent a data-triggered dynamic service from being immediately set up again after it was removed (because traffic is still being received), the following procedures can be used:

  • Authentication failure

    • Update the configuration of the RADIUS server or local authentication such that the authentication for the dynamic service data trigger fails

    • Tear down the dynamic service

    • The dynamic service is not set up again because the data trigger authentication fails, resulting in a host-lockout when provisioned.

  • VID filter on the capture-sap

    • Add the data trigger encapsulation to a VID filter (ingress MAC filter of type vid) that is applied on the data trigger capture-sap

    • Tear down the dynamic service

    • The dynamic service is not set up again because the data trigger is now dropped by the VID filter applied on the capture-sap

Control plane protection

As a dynamic services data trigger capture-sap potentially forward all valid Ethernet frames for authentication to the control plane, control plane protection mechanisms are required to prevent overload conditions.

  1. capture-sap data trigger packet throttling (frames dropped at IOM)

    The number of data trigger packets sent to the control plane via the ingress forwarding complex is rate-limited based on a hash using the sap ID, outer tag, and inner tag as the key. The per-hash result is that a maximum of 1 frame is forwarded to the control plane.

    This throttling mechanism is always enabled and has no configuration options. It guarantees fairness between different encapsulation while limiting the frame rate sent to the control plane.

  2. Blocking VLANs from authenticating (frames dropped at the IOM)

    This can be achieved by applying ingress MAC filters of type VID with the capture-sap command. In the example below, frames with encap 1/1/4:1214.20 is dropped by the VID filter.

            vpls <service-id> customer <customer-id>
                sap 1/1/4:1214.* capture-sap
                        dynamic-services-policy <dynsvc-policy-name>
                        no shutdown
                        filter mac 10
            mac-filter 10 create
                default-action forward
                type vid
                entry 10 create
                    match frame-type ethernet_II
                        outer-tag 20 4095
  3. Dynamic service data trigger rate limiting in the control plane (frames dropped at the CPM)

    An overall rate limit of dynamic service data triggers limits the number of frames that come from the different IOMs to an acceptable rate for the control plane to handle.

    Control plane rate-limiting for dynamic service data triggers is always enabled and has no configuration options.

  4. Using a lockout mechanism to protect the RADIUS infrastructure from overload because of permanent failing authentications of Python script errors.

    The existing Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) host lockout mechanism can be enabled on a dynamic services data trigger capture-sap.

    The dynamic services data trigger sap-id is used as a key for the host-lockout context. A host-lockout context is created whenever a data trigger is deleted:

    • Authentication failures: RADIUS Access Reject, RADIUS Access-Accept with a wrong or missing data trigger SAP ID, timeout, local authentication lookup failure, local authentication returns a wrong or no data-trigger sap-id.

    • No data trigger SAP created within the configured dynamic services access-accept setup timeout (30 seconds by default):

      configure service dynamic-services timers setup-timeout access-accept <timeout>

    • A dynamic services Python script failure

    • A clear command on a data trigger:

      clear service dynamic-services data-trigger sap <sap-id>

    • A tear down of a data trigger initiated via a CoA or Disconnect Message

    The last two bullets are tear down operations that occur infrequently and should not result in an actual lockout; only the host lockout context is created and should disappear again when the lockout-reset-time expires. This is configured in the host-lockout-policy:

    configure subscriber-mgmt host-lockout-policy <policy-name> lockout-reset-time 
    <seconds>   (default 60 seconds).

    To enable host lockout for dynamic services data trigger, configure a host-lockout-policy at the dynamic services data trigger capture-sap:

    configure service
            vpls <service-id> customer <customer-id>
                sap <sap-id> capture-sap
                        dynamic-services-policy <dynsvc-policy-name>
                        no shutdown
                    host-lockout-policy <policy-name>

    The host-lockout-policy is configured in the config>subscr-mgmt CLI context. For data-triggered dynamic services, the host-key in the policy must be set to all which is achieved with the no host-key CLI command (default). Configuring the host key to mac in a host lockout policy associated with a dynamic service data trigger capture-sap is a configuration error and results in a faulty host lockout behavior.

    Use the following show command to display active dynamic services data trigger capture SAP lockouts (the capture SAP must be used as the sap-id):

    # show subscriber-mgmt host-lockout-policy "host-lockout-1" all sap 1/1/4:1214.*
    Host Lockout Policy "host-lockout-1"
    Description                        Host lockout policy
    Last Mgmt Change                   01/25/2016 16:37:47
    Lockout time min                   10
    Lockout time max                   3600
    Lockout reset time                 60
    Max lockout hosts                  100
    Host key                           all
    Active Lockouts for SAP: 1/1/4:1214.*
    circuit-id/                        elapsed  current  elapsed  next     nr
      mac/                             reset    lock     lock     lock     of
    remote-id                          time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) lockouts
    :1214.101                          0        10       1        20       1
    Nr of active lockouts              1
    Nr of lockouts in grace period     0
    Nr of total lockouts:              1
    Totals for Host Lockout Policy "host-lockout-1"
    Nr of active lockouts              1
    Nr of lockouts in grace period     0
    Nr of total lockouts:              1

    Use the following command to clear active dynamic services data trigger capture SAP lockouts (the capture SAP must be used as the sap-id):

    # clear subscriber-mgmt host-lockout-policy [policy <host-lockout-policy-
    name>] <lockout-state>
    # clear subscriber-mgmt host-lockout-policy sap <sap-id> [lockout-state]
  5. Use the cpu-protection and dist-cpu-protection commands on the platforms that support it.

    When using the cpu-protection command, a cpu-protection policy-id is needed to apply on the capture SAP.

                    policy 200 create
                        overall-rate 100
                        out-profile-rate 50 
            vpls <service-id> customer <customer-id>
                sap 1/1/1:*.* capture-sap create
                    cpu-protection 200
                        dynamic-services-policy "dynServPolicy"
                        no shutdown
                    no shutdown

    When using the dist-cpu-protection command, a dist-cpu-protection policy-id is needed to apply on the capture SAP.

                    policy "distCpuProt" create
                        static-policer "dcpuStatPol" create
                            rate packets 50 within 1
                            exceed-action discard
                            detection-time 5
                        protocol all-unspecified create
                            enforcement static "dcpuStatPol"
            vpls <service-id> customer <customer-id>
                sap 1/1/1:*.* capture-sap create
                        dynamic-services-policy "dynServPolicy"
                        no shutdown
                    dist-cpu-protection "distCpuProt"
                    no shutdown


To enable dynamic services data trigger debugging, use the following debug commands:

            # multiple capture-sap commands allowed
            capture-sap <sap-id> [encap-val <qtag[.qtag]>] [mode <mode>]
            capture-sap <sap-id> [encap-val <qtag[.qtag]>] [mode <mode>]

During debugging, the system logs data trigger events such as:

  • data trigger received

  • data trigger authentication events

  • data trigger SAP created

  • dynamic service SAP created

  • dropped data trigger with drop reason such as data trigger already exists or lockout active

The encap-val command limits the debug output to data trigger events for specific encapsulation values.

The mode specifies which data trigger events are logged: all events or dropped data trigger events only.

Dynamic data services Python API

Dynamic data services functions in the alc.dyn module describes the functions available in the SR OS alc.dyn Python module to create dynamic data services.

Table 6. Dynamic data services functions in the alc.dyn module
alc.dyn functions Description

dyn.action (dictionary)

Executes the setup, modify or teardown function that is found with a lookup in the specified dictionary using the function-key present in the script parameters. The script-parameters can be obtained from RADIUS in the Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Params VSA or can be configured in the local authentication database. The action (setup, modify or teardown) is determined from the Alc-Dyn-Script-Action VSA.

Returns: None (no value)

dictionary - Python dictionary with format:

dictionary = {function-key-1 : (setup-function-1, modify-function-1|None, revert-function-1|None, teardown-function-1), …, function-key-n : (setup-function-n, modify-function-n|None, revert-function-n|None, teardown-function-n) }


  • setup-function-n: name of the function invoked when Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action=setup

  • modify-function-n: name of the function invoked when Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action=modify. The modify function is optional. When not specified, the keyword ‟None” should be used in the dictionary.

  • revert-function-n: name of the function invoked when modify script execution failed. This function must undo all changes from the modify function. The revert function is optional. When not specified, the keyword ‟None” should be used in the dictionary.

  • teardown-function-n: name of the function invoked when Alc-Dyn-Serv-Script-Action=teardown

dyn.add_cli (string)

Executes the specified CLI commands to create the dynamic data service

Returns: None (no value)

string - CLI commands. The string can span multiple lines in the script when enclosed in three double quotes (""").


Returns a string containing the control channel circuit-id (DHCP relay agent option 82 or PPP tags)


Returns a string containing the control channel remote-id (DHCP relay agent option 82 or PPP tags)


Returns a string containing the dynamic data service sap-id: the value of the Alc-DynServ-SAP-ID VSA. A wildcard hash (#) in the VSA value is replaced with the corresponding control channel or data trigger port or vlan-id field.

dyn.reference (function-key, reference-id, dictionary)

Create a dynamic reference to another function in the script. Typically used to create n:1 relations between dynamic data services, such as multiple SAPs in a VPLS service or multiple services for the same customer.

Dynamic referencing is only allowed in setup functions. Corresponding teardown functions automatically dereference.

Returns a dictionary provided by the setup script matching the function-key:

function-key is the key in the action dictionary (see dyn.action) to find the corresponding setup or teardown functions.

reference-id is the unique reference ID string that identifies the dynamic reference (for example, all SAPs from a VPLS service would have the same reference id).

dictionary is a Python dictionary containing parameters for use in the setup or teardown function, such as to generate CLI output.

dyn.select_free_id (type)

Returns a string representing a free identifier of the specified type.

type is identifier type that is returned:

  • service-id” obtains a free service ID in the configured dynamic-services service-range

  • ip-filter-id” generates a new ip-filter identifier

  • ipv6-filter-id” generates a new ipv6-filter identifier

  • mac-filter-id” generates a new mac-filter identifier

The corresponding filters are shown in the system as ‟_tmnx_dyn_<number>”