
Port types

Before a port can be configured, the slot must be provisioned with a card type and MDA type.

Nokia routers support the following port types:

  • Ethernet

    Supported Ethernet port types include:

    • Fast Ethernet (10/100BASE-T)

    • Gb Ethernet (1GbE, 1000BASE-T)

    • 10 Gb Ethernet (10GbE, 10GBASE-X)

    • 40 Gb Ethernet (40GbE)

    • 100 Gb Ethernet (100GbE)

    • 25 Gb Ethernet (25GBASE-R)

    • 50 Gb Ethernet (50GBASE-R)

    • 400 Gb Ethernet (400GBASE-R)

    • 800 Gb Ethernet (800GBASE-R)

    Router ports must be configured as either access, hybrid, or network. The default is network.

  • access

    Access ports are configured for customer facing traffic on which services are configured. If a Service Access Port (SAP) is to be configured on the port or channel, it must be configured as an access port or channel. When a port is configured for access mode, the appropriate encapsulation type must be configured to distinguish the services on the port or channel. After a port has been configured for access mode, one or more services can be configured on the port or channel depending on the encapsulation value.

  • network

    Network ports are configured for network-facing traffic. These ports participate in the service provider transport or infrastructure network. Dot1q is supported on network ports.

  • GNSS receiver

    Some 7750 SR FP5 platforms are equipped with an integrated Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and GNSS radio frequency (RF) port for retrieval and recovery of GPS and Galileo signals.

    Note: Signal recovery must always be enabled in the system configuration when using the GNSS receiver.

    See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Basic System Configuration Guide for information about using a GNSS receiver as a timing source for the node.

  • hybrid

    Hybrid ports are configured for access and network-facing traffic. While the default mode of an Ethernet port remains network, the mode of a port cannot be changed between the access, network, and hybrid values unless the port is shut down and the configured SAPs or interfaces are deleted. Hybrid ports allow a single port to operate in both access and network modes. The MTU of a port in hybrid mode is the same as in network mode, except for the 10/100 MDA. The default encapsulation for hybrid port mode is dot1q; it also supports QinQ encapsulation on the port level. Null hybrid port mode is not supported. After the port is changed to hybrid, the default MTU of the port is changed to match the value of 9212 bytes currently used in network mode (higher than an access port). This is to ensure that both SAP and network VLANs can be accommodated. The only exception is when the port is a 10/100 Fast Ethernet. In those cases, the MTU in hybrid mode is set to 1522 bytes, which corresponds to the default access MTU with QinQ, which is larger than the network dot1q MTU or access dot1q MTU for this type of Ethernet port. The configuration of all command options in access and network contexts continues to be done within the port using the same CLI hierarchy as in existing implementation. The difference is that a port configured in mode hybrid allows both ingress and egress contexts to be configured concurrently. An Ethernet port configured in hybrid mode can have two values of encapsulation type: dot1q and QinQ. The NULL value is not supported because a single SAP is allowed, and can be achieved by configuring the port in the access mode, or a single network IP interface is allowed, which can be achieved by configuring the port in network mode. Hybrid mode can be enabled on a LAG port when the port is part of a single chassis LAG configuration. When the port is part of a multichassis LAG configuration, it can only be configured to access mode because MC-LAG is not supported on a network port and consequently is not supported on a hybrid port. The same restriction applies to a port that is part of an MC-Ring configuration.

    For a hybrid port, use the following commands to split the amount of allocated port buffers in each ingress and egress equally between network and access contexts:

    • MD-CLI

      configure port hybrid-buffer-allocation ingress-weight access network
      configure port hybrid-buffer-allocation egress-weight access network
    • classic CLI

      configure port hybrid-buffer-allocation ing-weight access network
      configure port hybrid-buffer-allocation egr-weight access network

    Adapting the terminology in buffer-pools, the port’s access active bandwidth and network active bandwidth in each ingress and egress are derived as follows (egress formulas shown only):

    • total-hybrid-port-egress-weights = access-weight + network-weight

    • hybrid-port-access-egress-factor = access-weight / total-hybrid-port-egress-weights

    • hybrid-port-network-egress-factor = network-weight / total-hybrid-port-egress-weights

    • port-access-active-egress-bandwidth = port-active-egress-bandwidth x

    • hybrid-port-access-egress-factor

    • port-network-active-egress-bandwidth = port-active-egress-bandwidth x

    • hybrid-port-network-egress-factor


    10 G Ethernet ports can be configured in WAN PHY mode. Use commands in the following context to configure 10 G Ethernet ports in WAN PHY mode.

    configure port ethernet xgig
  • Link Aggregation (LAG)

    LAG can be used to group multiple ports into one logical link. The aggregation of multiple physical links allows for load sharing and offers seamless redundancy. If one of the links fails, traffic is redistributed over the remaining links.

  • Optical Transport Network (OTN)

    Including OTU2, OTU2e, OTU3, and OTU4. OTU2 encapsulates 10-Gigabit Ethernet WAN and adds FEC (Forward Error Correction). OTU2e encapsulates 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN and adds FEC (Forward Error Correction). OTU4 encapsulates 100-Gigabit Ethernet and adds FEC.

  • connector

    A QSFP28 (or QSFP-DD) connector that can accept transceiver modules including breakout connectors to multiple physical ports. For example, a QSFP28 connector can support ten 10 Gb Ethernet ports. The connectors themselves cannot be used as ports in other commands, however, the breakout ports can be used as any Ethernet port.

Port features

Port State and Operational State

There are two port attributes that are related and similar but have slightly different meanings: Port State and Operational State (or Operational Status).

The following descriptions are based on normal individual ports. Many of the same concepts apply to other objects that are modeled as ports in the router such as APS groups but the show output descriptions for these objects should be consulted for the details.

  • Port State

    • Displayed in port summaries such as show port or show port 1/1

    • tmnxPortState in the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB

    • Values: None, Ghost, Down (linkDown), Link Up, Up

  • Operational State

    • Displayed in the show output of a specific port such as show port 2/1/3

    • tmnxPortOperStatus in the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB

    • Values: Up (inService), Down (outOfService)

The behavior of Port State and Operational State are different for a port with link protocols configured (Eth OAM, Eth CFM or LACP for Ethernet ports, LCP for PPP/POS ports). A port with link protocols configured only transitions to the Up Port State when the physical link is up and all the configured protocols are up. A port with no link protocols configured transitions from Down to Link Up and then to Up immediately after the physical link layer is up.

The linkDown and linkUp log events (events 2004 and 2005 in the SNMP application group) are associated with transitions of the port Operational State. Note that these events map to the RFC 2863, The Interfaces Group MIB, (which obsoletes RFC 2233, The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2) linkDown and linkUp traps as mentioned in the SNMPv2-MIB.

An Operational State of Up indicates that the port is ready to transmit service traffic (the port is physically up and any configured link protocols are up). The relationship between port Operational State and Port State is shown in Relationship of Port state and Oper state.

Table 1. Relationship of Port state and Oper state

Port state

Operational state (Oper state or Oper status) (as displayed in ‟show port x/y/z”)

Port State (as displayed in the show port summary)

For ports that have no link layer protocols configured

For ports that have link layer protocols configured (PPP, LACP, 802.3ah EFM, 802.1ag Eth-CFM)




Link Up (indicates the physical link is ready)






802.1x network access control

Nokia routers support network access control of client devices (PCs, STBs, and so on) on an Ethernet network using the IEEE. 802.1x standard. 802.1x is known as Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over a LAN network or EAPOL.

802.1x modes

Nokia routers support port-based network access control for Ethernet ports only. Every Ethernet port can be configured to operate in one of three different operation modes, controlled by the port-control command:

  • force authorized

    This mode disables 802.1x authentication and causes the port to transition to the authorized state without requiring any authentication exchange. The port transmits and receives normal traffic without requiring 802.1x-based host authentication. This is the default setting.

  • force unauthorized

    This mode causes the port to remain in the unauthorized state, ignoring all attempts by the hosts to authenticate. The switch cannot provide authentication services to the host through the interface.

  • auto

    This mode enables 802.1x authentication. The port starts in the unauthorized state, allowing only EAPOL frames to be sent and received through the port. Both the router and the host can initiate an authentication procedure as described below. The port remains in unauthorized state (no traffic except EAPOL frames is allowed) until the first client is authenticated successfully. After this, traffic is allowed on the port for all connected hosts.

802.1x basics

The IEEE 802.1x standard defines three participants in an authentication conversation (see 802.1x architecture that shows an example with the 7450 ESS).

the supplicant
the end-user device that requests access to the network
the authenticator
controls access to the network. Both the supplicant and the authenticator are referred to as Port Authentication Entities (PAEs).
the authentication server
performs the actual processing of the user information
Figure 1. 802.1x architecture

The authentication exchange is carried out between the supplicant and the authentication server, the authenticator acts only as a bridge. The communication between the supplicant and the authenticator is done through the Extended Authentication Protocol (EAP) over LANs (EAPOL). On the back end, the communication between the authenticator and the authentication server is done with the RADIUS protocol. The authenticator is therefore a RADIUS client, and the authentication server a RADIUS server.

The messages involved in the authentication procedure are shown in 802.1x authentication scenario. The router initiates the procedure when the Ethernet port becomes operationally up, by sending a special PDU called EAP-Request/ID to the client. The client can also initiate the exchange by sending an EAPOL-start PDU, if it does not receive the EAP-Request/ID frame during bootup. The client responds on the EAP-Request/ID with a EAP-Response/ID frame, containing its identity (typically username + password).

Figure 2. 802.1x authentication scenario

After receiving the EAP-Response/ID frame, the router encapsulates the identity information into a RADIUS AccessRequest packet, and sends it off to the configured RADIUS server.

The RADIUS server checks the supplied credentials, and if approved returns an Access Accept message to the router. The router notifies the client with an EAP-Success PDU and puts the port in authorized state.

802.1x timers

The 802.1x authentication procedure is controlled by a number of configurable timers and scalars. There are two separate sets, one for the EAPOL message exchange and one for the RADIUS message exchange. See 802.1x EAPOL timers (left) and RADIUS timers (right) for an example of the timers on the 7750 SR.

Figure 3. 802.1x EAPOL timers (left) and RADIUS timers (right)

EAPOL timers:

  • transmit-period

    This timer indicates how many seconds the Authenticator listens for an EAP-Response/ID frame. If the timer expires, a new EAP-Request/ID frame is sent and the timer restarted. The default value is 60. The range is 1 to 3600 seconds.

  • supplicant-timeout

    This timer is started at the beginning of a new authentication procedure (transmission of first EAP-Request/ID frame). If the timer expires before an EAP-Response/ID frame is received, the 802.1x authentication session is considered as having failed. The default value is 30. The range is 1 to 300.

  • quiet-period

    This timer indicates number of seconds between authentication sessions. It is started after logout, after sending an EAP-Failure message or after expiry of the supplicant-timeout timer. The default value is 60. The range is 1 to 3600.

RADIUS timer and scalar:

  • maximum authentication requests

    This scalar indicates the maximum number of times that the router sends an authentication request to the RADIUS server before the procedure is considered as having failed. The default value is value 2. The range is 1 to 10.

  • server timeout

    This timer indicates how many seconds the authenticator waits for a RADIUS response message. If the timer expires, the access request message is sent again, up to maximum authentication request times. The default value is 60. The range is 1 to 3600 seconds.

The router can also be configured to periodically trigger the authentication procedure automatically. This is controlled by enabling re-authentication and re-authentication period. Re-authentication period indicates the period in seconds (since the last time that the authorization state was confirmed) before a new authentication procedure is started. The range of reauth-period is 1 to 9000 seconds (the default is 3600 seconds, one hour). Note that the port stays in an authorized state during the re-authentication procedure.

802.1x tunneling

Tunneling of untagged 802.1x frames received on a port is supported for both Epipe and VPLS service using either null or default SAPs (for example 1/1/1:*) when the following command is configured:

  • MD-CLI

    configure port ethernet dot1x port-control force-authorized
  • classic CLI

    configure port ethernet dot1x port-control force-auth

When tunneling is enabled on a port, untagged 802.1x frames are treated like user frames and are switched into Epipe or VPLS services which have a corresponding null SAP or default SAP on that port. In the case of a default SAP, it is possible that other non-default SAPs are also present on the port. Untagged 802.1x frames received on other service types, or on network ports, are dropped. Use the following command to enable tunneling on a port.

configure port port-id ethernet dot1x tunneling

When tunneling is required, it is expected that it is enabled on all ports into which 802.1x frames are to be received. The configuration of dot1x must be configured consistently across all ports in LAG as this is not enforced by the system.

Note that 802.1x frames are treated like user frames, that is, tunneled, by default when received on a spoke or mesh SDP.

Per-host authentication

Per-host authentication enables SR OS to authenticate each host individually and allows or disallows the PDUs from this host through the port. Per-host authentication is configurable using the CLI.

When dot1x tunneling is disabled, the port does not allow any PDUs to pass through, with the exception of dot1x packets, which are extracted.

When per-host-authentication is configured on the port for dot1x, each host is authenticated individually according to the RADIUS policy and host traffic is allowed or disallowed through the port. After the first successful host authentication, the behavior is the following:

  • On downstream (that is, traffic from the network to the host), the port is authorized and allows all traffic to go through.

  • On upstream (that is, traffic from the host to the network), the port is authorized, but allows through traffic from the authenticated hosts only. When the host is allowed through the port, all PDUs for that host are allowed to pass through the port, including untagged or tagged packets. The traffic from any unauthenticated host is disallowed.

For per-host authentication, EAPOL packets are sent to the RADIUS server using the RADIUS protocol. The calling station identifier is the source MAC address of the host and is usually present in the packet. The identifier is used to allow or disallow the host source MAC address based on the RADIUS success or failure answer.

The hosts are authenticated periodically. If a host is authenticated and placed on the allow list and a subsequent authentication fails, that host is removed from the allow list.

If a host authenticates unsuccessfully multiple times, that host is put on a disallow list for a specific amount of time. That is, enabling per-host authentication provides per-host (source MAC) DoS mitigation.

Duplicate MAC addresses are not allowed on the port.

All logs display per-host authentication.

Per-host authentication interaction with dot1x

When per-host authentication is first enabled, all MAC addresses on the port are denied. The user can allow MAC addresses using the static source MAC or dot1x host authentication. The following considerations apply when dot1x authentication is used.

  • If the 802.1x authentication mode is configured as force authorized, any host that sends EAPOL frames is authenticated without requiring any exchange with the RADIUS server. Use the following command to configure force authorized:

    • MD-CLI

      configure port ethernet dot1x port-control force-authorized
    • classic CLI

      configure port ethernet dot1x port-control force-auth
  • If configure system security dot1x is administratively disabled, the port behavior is the same as in the force authorized case:

    • MD-CLI

      configure port ethernet dot1x admin-state disable
    • classic CLI

      configure port ethernet dot1x shutdown
  • If the 802.1x authentication mode is configured as auto, the hosts are authenticated using RADIUS. However, if configure system security dot1x is administratively disabled, the force authorized behavior takes effect.

Static allow source MAC

A host can be added to the Allow MAC list statically, without being authenticated using dot1x. In this case, the host source MAC address must be added manually using the CLI.

If the same host is added to the list using dot1x and the CLI, the static configuration takes precedence. If the host is added using the CLI, the host is placed on the Allow list. If the same host tries to authenticate using RADIUS and the authentication fails, the host is still allowed through the port because it was statically added using the following command.

configure port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication allowed-source-macs mac-address
Tagged dot1x authentication

Dot1x packets can arrive tagged or untagged on the authenticator port from the host. SR OS can be configured to tunnel or extract tagged dot1x packets. SR OS forwards tagged dot1x packets only.

The tunneling or extracting of tagged dot1x packets can be enabled for dot1q (tunnel-dot1q) and QinQ (tunnel-qinq) encapsulation types.

Each of the encapsulation types configured on the port can be configured to tunnel dot1x packets or extract dot1x packets to be authenticated using a configured RADIUS policy.

The extraction or tunneling of tagged packets applies to any tag value.

Dot1x and LAG

For dot1x authentication support, when the primary port member of the LAG is configured with dot1x, all members inherit the dot1x functionality. Dot1x packets can be extracted on any LAG member and sent to the RADIUS server for processing and authentication. After a successful authentication, the host is allowed on all LAG members. The host dot1x packets can be extracted on one LAG member, while the actual traffic traverses another LAG member. The following is the behavior of dot1x in a LAG bundle.

  • When ports are added to the LAG member and dot1x is enabled, all ports inherit the same dot1x configuration as the primary port on the LAG member.

  • If a host source address (SA) is authenticated through one of the LAG member ports, all ports on the LAG bundle are authorized and pass traffic.

  • When a new port is added to the LAG member, if the LAG bundle has been authenticated and is authorized, the new member is authorized as well.

  • Dot1x configuration changes are allowed on the primary LAG member only. A port can be added to a LAG only if its dot1x configuration aligns with that of the primary LAG member. If at least one LAG member is authorized, all LAG members are authorized.

    In an upgrade scenario, when an older configuration file (admin save) is executed on a new release, a warning is displayed instead of an error for a command that violates the dot1x configuration change behavior; the violating command is ignored.

  • If a port is removed from the LAG bundle, the port becomes unauthorized and the EAP negotiation should authorize the port again. This is true for all ports in the LAG bundle, primary or not.

  • When Random Early Discard (RED) updates are received during an ISSU on a LAG member in standby, the following updates are ignored:

    • enable dot1x on a LAG member
    • authorize a LAG member

    When a port is added to a LAG during ISSU, its dot1x configuration is reset to the default values.

SR host authentication behavior

SR allows the same MAC source address (MAC SA) on different ports if the MAC address is authenticated. Multiple hosts with the same MAC address can reside and get authenticated on different ports.

Authentication lists

The following authentication lists are supported:

  • authenticated host list

    This list contains up to 1000 hosts. Only hosts that have been authenticated through RADIUS and are allowed through the port are included in this list.

  • unauthenticated host list

    This list contains up to 2000 hosts. Only hosts that have failed authentication or are in the process of being authenticated are included in this list.

    If this list reaches the 2000-host limit and a new host is being authenticated, the new host bumps off the list the first host that has failed authentication. The following sequence shows an example:

Unauthenticated list

Host 1 authenticating

Host 2 failed authentication


Host 2000 authenticating

Host 2001 just arrived, this host should bump Host 2 off in the list, not Host 1.

If all hosts are in authenticating state, the new Host 2001 is not allowed on the list.

802.1x configuration and limitations

Configuration of 802.1x network access control on the router consists of two parts:

  • generic command options, which are configured under configure system security dot1x

  • port-specific command options, which are configured under configure port ethernet dot1x

The following considerations apply:

  • If per-host authentication is not configured, the authentication of any host on the port provides access to the port for any device, even if only a single client has been authenticated.
  • 802.1x authentication can only be used to gain access to a pre-defined Service Access Point (SAP). It is not possible to dynamically select a service (such as a VPLS service) depending on the 802.1x authentication information.
  • If 802.1x access control is enabled and a high rate of 802.1x frames are received on a port, that port is blocked for a period of 5 minutes as a DoS protection mechanism.
Disabling the 802.1x functionality on a port

By default, the 802.1x functionality consisting of packet extraction and processing on the CPM is enabled on each port.

Use the following command to administratively disable the 802.1x functionality on a port by not extracting the dot1x packets to the CPM.

  • MD-CLI

    configure port ethernet dot1x admin-state disable
  • classic CLI

    configure port ethernet dot1x shutdown


Media Access Control Security (MACsec) is an industry standard security technology that provides secure communication for almost all types of traffic on Ethernet links. MACsec provides point-to-point and point-to-multipoint security on Ethernet links between directly connected nodes or nodes connected via a Layer 2 cloud. MACsec can identify and prevent most security threats, including:

  • denial of service

  • intrusion

  • man-in-the-middle

  • masquerading

  • passive wiretapping

  • playback attacks

MACsec Layer 2 encryption is standardized in IEEE 802.1AE. MACsec encrypts anything from the 802.1AE header to the end of the payload, including 802.1Q; it leaves the DMAC and SMAC in clear text.

The following figure shows the 802.1AE LAN-Mode structure.

Figure 4. 802.1 AE LAN-MODE

The destination MAC address, which is in clear text, is used for MACsec packet forwarding.

MACsec 802.1AE header — security TAG

The MACsec 802.1AE header includes a security TAG (SecTAG) field that contains the following information:

  • association number within the channel

  • packet number to provide a unique initialization vector for encryption and authentication algorithms, as well as protection against replay attack

  • optional LAN-wide secure channel identifier

The SecTAG field, which is identified by the MACsec EtherType, conveys the following information:

  • TAG Control Information (TCI)

  • Association Number (AN)

  • Short Length (SL)

  • Packet Number (PN)

  • Optionally-encoded Secure Channel Identifier (SCI)

The following figure shows the format of the SecTAG.

Figure 5. SecTAG format

MACsec encryption mode

The main modes of encryption in MACsec are:

  • VLAN in clear text (WAN Mode)

  • VLAN encrypted

802.1AE dictates that the 802.1Q VLAN must be encrypted. Some vendors provide the option of configuring the MACsec on a port with VLAN in clear text.

SR OS supports both modes.

On the 7750 SR and 7450 ESS, 1/10 Gig cards support both mode of operation.

The following figure shows the encrypted VLAN and the VLAN in clear text.

Figure 6. 802.1 AE LAN and WAN modes and VLAN encrypted and clear
MACsec encryption per traffic flow encapsulation matching

In Release 16.0 and later, MACsec can be applied to a selected subset of the port traffic, based on the type and value of the packet encapsulation. The SR OS can be configured to match and encrypt the following traffic encapsulation types:

  • all encap traffic arriving on port including untagged, single-tag, and double-tag. This is the default behavior of MACsec and the only option supported in releases before 16.0.

  • untagged only traffic

  • single-tag or dot1q traffic. In this mode, MACsec can apply to a specific tag or wild card tag where all single-tag traffic is matched.

  • double-tag or QinQ traffic. In this mode, MACsec can apply to a specific service tag, a specific service and customer tag, or a wild card for any QinQ traffic.

MKA PDUs are generated specifically for the traffic encapsulation type that is being matched.

MACsec key management modes

The following table describes the main key management modes in MACsec.

Table 2. MACsec key management modes
Keying Explanation SR OS support Where used

Static SAK

Manually configures each node with a static SAK, SAM, or CLI

Switch to switch


Uses a dynamic MACsec Key Management (MKA) and a configured pre-shared key to drive the CAK.

The CAK encrypts the SAK between two peers and authenticates the peers.

Switch to switch

Dynamic CAK EAP Authentication

Uses a dynamic MKA and an EAP Master System Key (MSK) to drive the CAK.

The CAK encrypts the SAK between two peers and authenticates the peers.

Switch to switch

Dynamic CAK MSK distribution via RADIUS and EAP-TLS

Stores the MSKs in the Radius server and distributes to the hosts via EAP-TLS. This is typically used in the access networks where a large number of hosts use MACsec and connect to an access switch.

MKA uses MSK to drive the CAK. The CAK encrypts the SAK between 2 peers and authenticates the peers.

Host to switch

MACsec terminology

The following figure shows some of the main concepts used in MACsec for the static-CAK scenario.

Figure 7. MACsec concepts for static-CAK

The following table describes MACsec terminology.

Table 3. MACsec terminology
MACsec term Description

CA: Connectivity Association

Provides a security relationship, established and maintained by key agreement protocols (MKA), that comprises a fully connected subset of the SAPs in stations attached to a single LAN that are to be supported by MACsec.

MKA: MACsec Key Agreement Protocol

Provides a control protocol between MACsec peers, which is used for peer aliveness and encryption key distribution. MACsec Key Agreement is responsible for discovering, authenticating, and authorizing the potential participants in a CA.

SecY: MAC Security Entity

Operates the MAC security protocol within a system. Manages and identifies the SC and corresponding active SA.

SC: Security Channel

Provides a unidirectional point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication. Each SC contains a succession of SAs, and each SC has a different SAK.

SA: Security Association

In the cases of SR OS with two SAs per SC, each with a different SAK, each SC comprises a succession of SAs. Each SA is identified by the SC identifier, concatenated with a two-bit association number. The Secure Association Identifier (SAI) that is created allows the receiving SecY to identify the SA and the SAK used to decrypt and authenticate the received frame. The AN, and consequently the SAI, is only unique for the SAs that can be used or recorded by participating SecYs at any time.

The MACsec Key Agreement creates and distributes SAKs to each of the SecYs in a CA. This key creation and distribution is independent of the cryptographic operation of each of the SecYs. The decision to replace one SA with its successor is made by the SecY that transmits using the SC, after the MKA has informed it that all the other SecYs are prepared to receive using that SA. No notification, other than receipt of a secured frame with a different SAI is sent to the receiver. A SecY must always be capable of storing SAKs for two SAs for each inbound SC, and of swapping from one SA to another without notice. Certain LAN technologies can reorder frames of different priority, so reception of frames on a single SC can use interleaved SA.

SAK: Security Association Key

Provides the encryption key used to encrypt the datapath of MACsec.

MACsec static CAK

MACsec uses SAs to encrypt packets. SA is a security relationship that provides security guarantees for frames transmitted from one member of a CA to the others. Each SA contains a single secret key (SAK) with the cryptographic operations used to encrypt the datapath PDUs.

SAK is the secret key used by an SA to encrypt the channel.

When enabled, MACsec uses a static CAK security mode. Two security keys, a connectivity association key (CAK) that secures control plane traffic, and a randomly generated secure association key (SAK) that secures data plane traffic, are used to secure the point-to-point or point-to-multipoint Ethernet link. Both keys are regularly exchanged between both devices on each end of the Ethernet link to ensure link security.

The following figure shows MACsec generating the CAK.

Figure 8. MACsec generating the CAK

The node initially needs to secure the control plane communication to distribute the SAKs between two or more members of a CA domain.

The CAK is used to secure the control plane. The following main methods are used to generate the CAK:

  • EAPoL (SR OS does not support EAPoL)

  • pre-shared key (CAK and CKN values are configured manually using the CLI). The following CAK and CKN rules apply.

    • CAK has 32 hexadecimal characters for 128-bit key and 64 hexadecimal characters for 256-bit key depending on which algorithm is used for control plane encryption (for example, aes-128-cmac or aes-256-cmac).

    • CKN has 32 octets char (64 hex) and is the connectivity association key name which identifies the CAK. This allows each of the MKA participants to select which CAK to use to process a received MKPDU. MKA places no restriction on the format of the CKN, except that it must comprise an integral number of octets, between 1 and 32 (inclusive), and that all potential members of the CA use the same CKN.

    • CKN and CAK must match on peers to create a MACsec secure CA.

The following figure shows the MACsec control plane authentication and encryption.

Figure 9. MACsec control plane and encryption

A generated CAK can obtain the following additional keys:

  • Key Encryption Key (KEK)

    This key is used to wrap and encrypt the SAKs.

  • Integrity Connection Value (ICV) Key (ICK)

    This key is used for an integrity check of each MKPDU sent between two CAs.

The key server then creates a SAK, which is shared with the CAs of the security domain, and that SAK secures all data traffic traversing the link. The key server continues to periodically create and share a randomly created SAK over the point-to-point link for as long as MACsec is enabled.

The SAK is encrypted via the AES-CMAC, using the KEK as the encryption key, and ICK as the integration key.

SAK rollover

SR OS regenerates the SAK after the following events:

  • when a new host has joined the CA domain and MKA hellos are received from this host

  • when the sliding window is reaching the end of its 32-bit or 64-bit length

  • when a new PSK is configured and a rollover of PSK is executed


Each MACsec peer operates the MKA. Each node can operate multiple MKAs based on the number of CAs the node belongs to. Each MKA instance is protected by a distinct secure CAK, which allows each PAE to ensure that information for an MKA instance is only accepted from other peers that also possess that CAK, which identifies the peers as members or potential members of the same CA. See MACsec static CAK for information about the CAK identification process performed via CKN.

MKA PDU generation

The following table describes the MKA PDUs generated for different traffic encapsulation matches.

Table 4. MKA PDU generation
Configuration Configuration example (<s-tag>.<c-tag>) MKA packet generation Traffic pattern match/behavior



configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 10 ca-name 10 encap-match all-match true
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 10 encap-match all-encap ca-name 10

untagged MKA packet

Matches all traffic on port, including untagged, single-tag, and double-tag.

Default behavior; only available behavior in releases before 16.0.


configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 10 ca-name 2 encap-match untagged true
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 10 encap-match untagged ca-name 2

untagged MKA packet

Matches only untagged traffic on port

802.1Q single S‑TAG (specific S‑TAG)

configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 2 ca-name 3 encap-match single-tag 1
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 2 encap-match single-tag 1 ca-name 3

MKA packet generated with S-TAG=1

Matches only single-tag traffic on port with tag ID of 1

802.1Q single S‑TAG (any S‑TAG)

configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 3 ca-name 4 encap-match single-tag *
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 3 encap-match single-tag * ca-name 4

untagged MKA packet

Matches any dot1q single-tag traffic on port

802.1ad double tag (both tag have specific TAGs)

configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 4 ca-name 4 encap-match double-tag 1.1
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 4 encap-match double-tag 1.1 ca-name 4

MKA packet generated with S-tag=1 and C-TAG=1

Matches only double-tag traffic on port with service tag of 1 and customer tag of 1

802.1ad double tag (specific S‑TAG, any C‑TAG)

configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 6 ca-name 7 encap-match double-tag 1.*
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 6 encap-match double-tag 1.* ca-name 7

MKA packet generated with S-TAG=1

Matches only double-tag traffic on port with service tag of 1 and customer tag of any

802.1ad double tag (any S‑TAG, any C‑TAG)

configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 7 ca-name 8 encap-match double-tag *.*
classic CLI
configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port 7 encap-match double-tag *.* ca-name 8

untagged MKA packet

Matches any double-tag traffic on port

Tags in clear behavior by traffic encapsulation type

Tags in clear behavior describes how single or double tags in clear configuration under a connectivity association affects different traffic flow encryptions.

By default, all tags are encrypted in CA. An MKA can be generated without any tags (un-tag), but the data being matched can be based on dot1q or QinQ.

Table 5. Tags in clear behavior
Configuration Traffic pattern match/behavior Sub-port CA configuration: no tag in clear text Sub-port CA configuration: single-tag in clear text Sub-port CA configuration: double-tag in clear text



Matches all traffic on port, including untagged, single-tag, double-tag (Release 15.0 default behavior)

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: encrypted

Single-tag traffic: encrypted, no tag in clear

Double-tag traffic: encrypted, no tag in clear

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: in clear

Single-tag traffic: encrypted, single-tag in clear

Double-tag traffic: encrypted, single-tag in clear

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: in clear

Single-tag traffic: in clear

Double-tag traffic: encrypted, double-tag in clear


Matches only untagged traffic on port

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: encrypted

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy



802.1Q single tag (specific tag)

Matches only single-tag traffic on port with the configured tag value

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: tag is encrypted

Double-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

MKA PDU: same tag as the one configured under encap-match

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: tag is in clear

Double-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy


802.1Q single tag (any tag)

Matches all single-tag traffic on port

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: encrypted

Double-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: encrypted with single tag in clear

Double-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy


802.1ad double tag (both tag have specific values)

Matches only double-tag traffic on port with both configured tag values

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching both configured tags: encrypted, no tag in clear

MKA PDU: single tag, equal to S-TAG

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching both configured tags: single S-TAG in clear

MKA PDU: double tag, equal to the values configured under the encap-match

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching both configured tags: encrypted, both tags in clear

802.1ad double tag (specific S-TAG, any C-TAG)

Matches only double-tag traffic on port with the configured S-TAG

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching the configured S-TAG: encrypted, no tag in clear

MKA PDU: single tag, equal to S-TAG

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching the configured S-TAG: S-TAG tag in clear

MKA PDU: single tag, equal to S-TAG

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic matching the configured S-TAG: both tags in clear

802.1ad double tag (any S-TAG, any C-TAG

Matches all double-tag traffic on port

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic: encrypted, no tag in clear

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic: S-TAG tag in clear

MKA PDU: untagged

Untagged traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Single-tag traffic: not matched by this MACsec policy

Double-tag traffic: both tags in clear

Pre-shared key

A peer may support the use of one or more pre-shared keys (PSKs). An instance of MKA operates for each PSK that is administratively configured as active.

A pre-shared key may be created by NSP or entered manually using the CLI.

Each PSK is configured with the following fields:

  • CKN (connectivity association name)

  • CAK value

The CKN is required to be unique per port among the configured sub-ports, and can be used to identify the key in subsequent management operations.

Each static CAK configuration can have two pre-shared key entries for rollover. The active PSK index dictates the CAK that is used for encrypting the MKA PDUs.

NSP has additional functionality to roll over and configure the PSK. The rollover via NSP can be based on a configured timer.

MKA Hello timer

MKA uses a member identifier (MI) for each node in the CA domain.

A participant proves liveness to each of its peers by including its MI, together with an acceptably recent message number (MN), in an MKPDU.

To avoid a new participant having to respond to each MKPDU from each partner as it is received, or trying to delay its reply until it is likely that MI MN tuples have been received from all potential partners, each participant maintains and advertises both of the following:

  • live peers list

    This list includes all the peers that have included the participant MI and a recent MN in a recent MKPDU.

  • potential peers list

    This list includes all the other peers that have transmitted an MKPDU that was directly received by the participant or that were included in the live peers list of an MKPDU transmitted by a peer that has proved liveness.

Peers are removed from each list when an interval of between MKA Life Time and MKA Life Time plus MKA Hello Time has elapsed since the participant's recent MN was transmitted. This time is sufficient to ensure that two or more MKPDUs have been lost or delayed prior to the incorrect removal of a live peer.

Note: The specified use of the live and potential peers lists allows rapid removal of participants that are no longer active or attached to the LAN while reducing the number of MKPDUs transmitted during group formation; for example, a new participant is admitted to an established group after receiving, then transmitting, one MKPDU.

The following table describes the MKA participant timer values used on SR OS.

Table 6. MKA participant timer values
Timer use Timeout (option) Timeout (option)

Per participant periodic transmission, initialized for each transmission on expiry

MKA Hello Time


MKA Bounded Hello Time



Per peer lifetime, initialized when adding to or refreshing the potential peers list or live peers list; expiry causes removal from the list

MKA Life Time


Participant lifetime, initialized when participant created or following the receipt of an MKPDU; expiry causes the deletion of the participant

Delay after last distributing a SAK, before the Key Server distributes a fresh SAK following a change in the live peer list while the potential peer list is still not empty

MACsec Capability, Desire, and encryption offset

802.1x-2010 had identified the following fields in the MKA PDU:

  • MACsec Capability

  • Desire

MACsec Capability signals whether MACsec is capable of integrity and confidentiality. The following table describes the basic settings for MACsec Capability.

Table 7. MACsec basic settings
Setting Description


MACsec is not implemented


Integrity without confidentiality


The following are supported:

  • Integrity without confidentiality

  • Integrity and confidentiality with a confidentiality offset of 0


The following are supported:

  • Integrity without confidentiality

  • Integrity and confidentiality with a confidentiality offset of 0, 30, or 50

1 SR OS supports setting (3).

An encryption offset of 0, 30, or 50 starts from the byte after the SecTAG (802.1ae header). Ideally, the encryption offset should be configured for IPv4 (offset 30) and IPv6 (offset 50) to leave the IP header in clear text. This allows routers and switches to use the IP header for LAG or ECMP hashing.

Key server

The participants in an MKA instance agree on a Key Server and are responsible for the following:

  • deciding on the use of MACsec

  • cipher suite selection

  • SAK generation and distribution

  • SA assignment

  • identifying the CA when two or more CAs merge

Each participant in an MKA instance uses the Key Server priority (an 8-bit integer) encoded in each MKPDU to agree on the Key Server. Each participant selects the live participant advertising the highest priority as its Key Server whenever the live peers list changes, provided that highest priority participant has not selected another as its Key Server or is unwilling to act as the Key Server. If a Key Server cannot be selected, SAKs are not distributed. In the event of a tie for the highest priority Key Server, the member with the highest priority SCI is chosen. For consistency with other uses of the SCI MAC address component as a priority, numerically lower values of the Key Server Priority and SCI are afforded the highest priority.

Note: For SCI, each SC is identified by an SCI that comprises a globally unique MAC address and a Port Identifier unique within the system that is allocated that address.

SA limits and network design

Each MACsec device supports 64 TX-SAs and 64 RX-SAs. An SA (Security Association) is the key to encrypt or decrypt the data.

In accordance with the IEEE 802.1AE standard, each SecY contains an SC (Security Channel), which is a unidirectional concept; for example, Rx-SC or Tx-SC. Each SC contains at least one SA for encryption on Tx-SC and decryption on Rx-SC. For extra security, each SC should be able to roll over the SA. The system allocates resources for two SAs on each SC for rollover purposes, as defined in the standard.

Each MACsec phy, referred to as a MACsec security zone, supports 64Tx-SAs and 64 RX-SAs. Assuming two SAs per SC for SA rollover, each security zone supports 32 RX-SC and 32 TX-SC.

The following table describes the port mapping to security zones.

Table 8. Port mapping to security zone
MDA Ports in security zone 1 Ports in security zone 2 Ports in security zone 3 SA limit per security zone

12-port SFP+/SFP MDA-e

Ports 1, 2, 3, 4

Ports 5, 6, 7, 8

Ports 9, 10, 11, 12

Rx-SA = 64

Tx-SA = 64

P2P (switch to switch) topology

In a point-to-point topology, each router needs a single security zone and single Tx-SC for encryption, and a single Rx-SC for decryption. Each SC has two SAs. In total, for point-to-point topology, four SAs are needed, two RxSA for RxSC1 and two TXSA for TxSC1. The following figure shows the P2P topology.

Figure 10. Switch point to switch point topology

P2MP (switch to switch) topology

In a multipoint topology with N nodes, each node needs a single TxSC and N RxSC, one for each of the peers. For example, 64 maximum RX-SAs per security zone translates to 32 Rx-SCs, which breaks down to only 32 peers (only 33 nodes in the multipoint topology per security zone, where each node has one TxSC and 32 RxSC).

Figure 11. Switch multipoint to switch multipoint topology

In the preceding figure, when the 34th node joins the multipoint topology, the other 33 nodes that are already part of this domain do not have SAs to create an RxSC for this 34th node. However, the 34th node has a TxSC and accepts 32 peers. The 34th node starts to transmit and encrypt the PDUs based on its TxSC. However, because the other nodes do not have an SC for this SAI, they drop all Rx PDUs.

To ensure that a multicast domain for a single security zone does not exceed 32 peers or the summation of all the nodes in a security zone CA domain, Nokia recommends not exceeding 33. This is the same as if a security zone has four CAs; the summation of all nodes in the four CAs must be 33 or less.

SA exhaustion behavior

SA limits and network design describes that a security zone has 64 RxSAs and 64 TxSAs. Two RxSAs are used for each RxSC for rollover purposes, and two TxSAs are used for TxSC for rollover purposes. This translates to 32 peers per security zone.

Under each port, users can configure the maximum number of peers allowed on that port.

Caution: Nokia strongly recommends that the user ensures the maximum peer value does not exceed the limit of maximum peers per security zone or maximum peers per port values in the following command:
  • MD-CLI
    configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port max-peers
  • classic CLI
    configure port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port max-peer
If the maximum peer is exceeded, the peer connectivity may be random in case of a node failure or packet loss. Peers may join the CA randomly, on a first-come first-served basis.

Clear tag mode

In most Layer 2 networks, MAC forwarding is performed via the destination MAC address. The 802.1AE standard dictates that any field after source and destination MAC address and after the SecTAG must be encrypted. This includes the 802.1Q tags. In some VLAN switching networks, it may be needed to leave the 802.1Q tag in clear text.

SR OS supports the configuration of 802.1Q tag, in clear text by placing the 802.1Q tag before the SecTAG, or encrypted text by placing it after the SecTAG.

The following table lists the MACsec encryption of 802.1Q tags when clear-tag-mode is configured on the SR OS.

Table 9. MACsec encryption of 802.1Q tags with clear-tag-mode configured
Unencrypted format clear-tag-mode configuration Pre-encryption (Tx) Pre-decryption (Rx)

Single tag (dot1q)


DA, SA, TPID, VID, Etype


Single tag (dot1q)


DA, SA, TPID, VID, Etype


Double tag (QinQ)


DA, SA, TPID1, VID1, IPID2, VID2, Etype


Double tag (QinQ)


DA, SA, TPID1, VID1, IPID2, VID2, Etype


802.1x tunneling and multihop MACsec

MACsec is an Ethernet packet and, as with any other Ethernet packet, can be forwarded through multiple switches via Layer 2 forwarding. The encryption and decryption of the packets is performed via 802.1x (MKA) capable ports.

To ensure that MKA is not terminated on any intermediate switch or router, the user can enable 802.1x tunneling on the corresponding port.

The following example shows how to check if tunneling is enabled.

[ex:/configure port 1/1/12 ethernet dot1x]
A:admin@node-2# info
    tunneling true
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>port>ethernet>dot1x# info 

By enabling tunneling, the 802.1x MKA packets transit the port, without being terminated, therefore MKA negotiation does not occur on a port that has 802.1x tunneling enabled.

EAPoL destination address

The MKA packets are transported over EAPoL with a multicast destination MAC address. If it is required for the MKA have a point-to-point connection to a peer node over a Layer 2 multihop cloud, the EAPoL destination MAC address can be set to the peer MAC address. This forces the MKA to traverse multiple nodes and establish an MKA session with the specific peer.

Mirroring consideration

Mirroring is performed before the MACsec encryption engine. Therefore, if a port is MACsec-enabled and that port is mirrored, all the mirrored packets are in clear text.

K1 byte

The switch priority of a request is assigned as indicated by bits 1 through 4 of the K1 byte (as described in the rfc3498 APS-MIB); see K1 byte, bits 1 to 4: type of request.

Table 10. K1 byte, bits 1 to 4: type of request
Bit 1234 Condition


Lockout of protection


Force switch


SF – High priority


SF – Low priority


SD – High priority


SD – Low priority


(not used)


Manual switch


(not used)




(not used)




(not used)


Reverse request


Do not revert


No request

The channel requesting switch action is assigned by bits 5 through 8. When channel number 0 is selected, the condition bits show the received protection channel status. When channel number 1 is selected, the condition bits show the received working channel status. Channel values of 0 and 1 are supported.

K1 byte, bits 5 to 8 (and K2 bits 1 to 4), channel number code assignments shows bits 5 to 8 of a K1 byte and K2 Bits 1 to 4 and the channel number code assignments.

Table 11. K1 byte, bits 5 to 8 (and K2 bits 1 to 4), channel number code assignments
Channel number


Channel and notes


Null channel.

SD and SF requests apply to conditions detected on the protection line.

For 1+1 systems, Forced and Request Switch requests apply to the protection line (for the 7750 SR only).

Only code 0 is used with Lockout of Protection request.

1 to 14

Working channel.

Only code 1 applies in a 1+1 architecture.

Codes 1 through n apply in a 1:n architecture (for the 7750 SR only).

SD and SF conditions apply to the corresponding working lines.


Extra traffic channel.

May exist only when provisioned in a 1:n architecture.

Only No Request is used with code 15.

K2 byte

The K2 byte indicates the bridging actions performed at the line-terminating equipment (LTE), the provisioned architecture and mode of operation.

The bit assignment for the K2 byte is listed in K2 byte functions.

Table 12. K2 byte functions
Bits 1 to 8 Function

1 to 4

Channel number. The 7750 SR supports only values of 0 and 1.


0 Provisioned for 1+1 mode

1 Provisioned for 1:n mode

6 to 8

111 Line AIS 110 Line RDI 101 Provisioned for bidirectional switching 100 Provisioned for unidirectional switching 011 (reserved for future use) 010 (reserved for future use) 001 (reserved for future use) 000 (reserved for future use)

Failures indicated by K bytes

The following sections describe failures indicated by K bytes.

APS protection switching byte failure

An APS Protection Switching Byte (APS-PSB) failure indicates that the received K1 byte is either invalid or inconsistent. An invalid code defect occurs if the same K1 value is received for 3 consecutive frames (depending on the interface type (framer) used, the 7750 SR may not be able to strictly enforce the 3 frame check per GR-253 and G.783/G.841) and it is either an unused code or irrelevant for the specific switching operation. An inconsistent APS byte defect occurs when no three consecutive received K1 bytes of the last 12 frames are the same.

If the failure detected persists for 2.5 seconds, a Protection Switching Byte alarm is raised. When the failure is absent for 10 seconds, the alarm is cleared. This alarm can only be raised by the active port operating in bidirectional mode.

APS channel mismatch failure

An APS channel mismatch failure (APS-CM) identifies that there is a channel mismatch between the transmitted K1 and the received K2 bytes. A defect is declared when the received K2 channel number differs from the transmitted K1 channel number for more than 50 ms after three identical K1 bytes are sent. The monitoring for this condition is continuous, not just when the transmitted value of K1 changes.

If the failure detected persists for 2.5 seconds, a channel mismatch failure alarm is raised. When the failure is absent for 10 seconds, the alarm is cleared. This alarm can only be raised by the active port operating in a bidirectional mode.

APS mode mismatch failure

An APS mode mismatch failure (APS-MM) can occur for two reasons. The first is if the received K2 byte indicates that 1:N protection switching is being used by the far-end of the OC-N line, while the near end uses 1+1 protection switching. The second is if the received K2 byte indicates that unidirectional mode is being used by the far-end while the near-end uses bidirectional mode.

This defect is detected within 100 ms of receiving a K2 byte that indicates either of these conditions. If the failure detected persists for 2.5 seconds, a mode mismatch failure alarm is raised. However, it continues to monitor the received K2 byte, and should it ever indicate that the far-end has switched to a bidirectional mode the mode mismatch failure clearing process starts. When the failure is absent for 10 seconds, the alarm is cleared, and the configured mode of 1+1 bidirectional is used.

APS far-end protection line failure

An APS far-end protection line (APS-FEPL) failure corresponds to the receipt of a K1 byte in 3 consecutive frames that indicates a signal fail (SF) at the far end of the protection line. This forces the received signal to be selected from the working line.

If the failure detected persists for 2.5 seconds, a far-end protection line failure alarm is raised. When the failure is absent for 10 seconds, the alarm is cleared. This alarm can only be raised by the active port operating in a bidirectional mode.

Revertive switching

The APS implementation also provides the revertive and non-revertive modes with non-revertive switching as the default option. In revertive switching, the activity is switched back to the working port after the working line has recovered from a failure (or the manual switch is cleared). In non-revertive switching, a switch to the protection line is maintained even after the working line has recovered from a failure (or if the manual switch is cleared).

A revert-time is defined for revertive switching so frequent automatic switches as a result of intermittent failures are prevented. A change in this value takes effect upon the next initiation of the wait to restore (WTR) timer. It does not modify the length of a WTR timer that has already been started. The WTR timer of a non-revertive switch can be assumed to be infinite.

In case of failure on both working and the protection line, the line that has less severe errors on the line is active at any point in time. If there is signal degrade on both ports, the active port that failed last stays active. When there is signal failure on both ports, the working port is always active. The reason is that the signal failure on the protection line is of a higher priority than on the working line.

Bidirectional 1+1 switchover operation example

Actions for the bidirectional protection switching process describes the steps that a bidirectional protection switching process goes through during a typical automatic switchover.

Table 13. Actions for the bidirectional protection switching process
Status APS commands sent in K1 and K2 bytes on protection line Action

B -> A A -> B At site B At site A

No failure (Protection line is not in use).

No request

No request

No action

No action

Working line Degraded in direction A->B.

SD on working channel 1

No request

Failure detected, notify A and switch to protection line

No action

Site A receives SD failure condition.


Reverse request

No action

Remote failure detected, acknowledge and switch to protection line

Site B receives Reverse request.



No action

No action

Annex B (1+1 optimized) operation

Operation and behavior conferment with Annex B of ITU.T G.841 can be configured for an APS group. Characteristics of this mode include are the following:

  • Annex B operates in non-revertive bidirectional switching mode only as defined in G.841.

  • Annex B operates with 1+1 signaling, but 1:1 datapath whereby data is transmitted on the active link only.

  • K bytes are transmitted on both circuits.

Because the request/reverse-request nature of an Annex B switchover, the data outage is longer than a typical (non Annex B single chassis) APS switchover. Nokia recommends using maintenance commands under the tools perform aps context for planned switchovers (not MDA or IOM shutdown) to minimize the outage.

Annex B APS outage reduction optimization

Typical standard Annex B behavior when a local SF is detected on the primary section (circuit), and this SF is the highest priority request on both the local side and from the remote side as per the APS specifications, is to send a request to the remote end and then wait until a reverse request is received before switching over to the secondary section. To reduce the recovery time for traffic, the router switches over to the secondary section immediately upon detecting the local SF on the primary section instead of waiting for the reverse request from the remote side. If the remote request is not received after a period of time then an ‟PSB Failure is declared” event is raised (Protection Switching Byte Failure – indicates an inconsistent or invalid Rx K1 Bytes), and the APS group on the local side switches back to the primary section.

When the remote side is in Lockout, and a local SF is detected then a reverse request is not received by the local side. In this case, the traffic no longer flows on the APS group because neither the primary nor secondary sections can carry traffic, and the outage reduction optimization causes a temporary switchover from the primary to the secondary and then back again (which causes no additional outage or traffic issue because neither section is usable). If this temporary switchover is not wanted then it is recommended to either perform Lockout from the router side, or to Lockout from both sides, which avoids the possibility of the temporary switchover.

Failures detected on the secondary section cause immediate switch over as per the Annex B specification. There is no outage reduction optimization in the router for this case as it is not needed.

Some examples of events that can cause a local SF to be detected include: a cable being cut, laser transmitter or receiver failure, a port administratively ‟shutdown”, MDA failure or shutdown, IOM failure or shutdown.

Note: In Annex B operation, all switch requests are for a switch from the primary section to the secondary section. After a switch request clears normally, traffic is maintained on the section to which it was switched by making that section the primary section. The primary section may be working circuit 1 or working circuit 2 at any particular moment.

Protection of upper layer protocols and services

APS prevents upper layer protocols and services from being affected by the failure of the active circuit.

The following example with figures and description illustrate how services are protected during a single-chassis APS switchover.

APS working and protection circuit example shows an example in which the APS working circuit is connected to IOM-1/MDA-1 and the protection circuit is connected to IOM-2/MDA-1. In this example, assume that the working circuit is currently used to transmit and receive data.

Figure 12. APS working and protection circuit example

Switchover process for transmitted data

For packets arriving on all interfaces that need to be transmitted over APS protected interfaces, the next hop associated with all these interfaces are programmed in all Flexible Fast-Path complexes in each MDA with a logical next-hop index. This next hop-index identifies the actual next-hop information used to direct traffic to the APS working circuit on IOM-1/MDA-1.

All Flexible Fast-Path complexes in each MDA are also programmed with next hop information used to direct traffic to the APS protect circuit on IOM-2/MDA-1. When the transmitted data needs to be switched from the working to the protect circuit, only the relevant next hop indexes need to be changed to the pre-programmed next-hop information for the protect circuit on IOM-2/MDA-1.

Although the control CPM on the SF/CPM blade initiates the changeover between the working to protect circuit, the changeover is transparent to the upper layer protocols and service layers that the switchover occurs.

Physical link monitoring of the link is performed by the CPU on the relevant IOM for both working and protect circuits.

Switchover process for received data

The Flexible Fast-Path complexes for both working and protect circuits are programmed to process ingress. The inactive (protect) circuit however is programmed to ignore all packet data. To perform the switchover from working circuit to the protect circuit the Flexible Fast-Path complex for the working circuit is set to ignore all data while the Flexible Fast-Path complex of the protect circuit is changed to accept data.

The ADM or compatible head-end transmits a valid data signal to both the working and protection circuits. The signal on the protect line is ignored until the working circuit fails or degrades to the degree that requires a switchover to the protect circuit. When the switchover occurs all services including all their QoS and filter policies are activated on the protection circuit.

APS user-initiated requests

The following subsections describe APS user-initiated requests.

Lockout protection

The lockout of protection disables the use of the protection line. Because the tools perform aps lockout command has the highest priority, a failed working line using the protection line is switched back to itself even if it is in a fault condition. No switches to the protection line are allowed when locked out.

Request switch of active to protection

The request or manual switch of active to protection command switches the active line to use the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is already in effect. If the active line is already on the protection line, no action takes place.

Request switch of active to working

The request or manual switch of active to working command switches the active line back from the protection line to the working line unless a request of equal or higher priority is already in effect. If the active line is already on the working line, no action takes place.

Forced switching of active to protection

The forced switch of active to protection command switches the active line to the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is already in effect. When the forced switch of working to protection command is in effect, it may be overridden either by a lockout of protection or by detecting a signal failure on the protection line. If the active line is already on the protection line, no action takes place.

Forced switch of active to working

The forced switch of active to working command switches the active line back from the protection line to the working unless a request of equal or higher priority is already in effect.

Exercise command

The exercise command is only supported in the bidirectional mode of the 1+1 architecture. The exercise command is specified in the following context and exercises the protection line by sending an exercise request over the protection line to the tail-end and expecting a reverse request response back.

tools perform aps force exercise

The switch is not actually completed during the exercise routine.


The Ethernet Local Management Interface (E-LMI) protocol is defined in Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) technical specification MEF16. This specification defines the protocol and procedures that convey the information for auto-configuration of a CE device and provides the means for EVC status notification. MEF16 does not include link management functions. In the Ethernet context that role is already accomplished with Clause 57 Ethernet OAM (formerly 802.3ah).

The SR OS currently implements the User Network Interface-Network (UNI-N) functions for status notification supported on Ethernet access ports with dot1q encapsulation type. Notification related to status change of the EVC and CE-VLAN ID to EVC mapping information is provided as a one to one between SAP and EVC.

The E-LMI frame encapsulation is based on IEEE 802.3 untagged MAC frame format using an ether-type of 0x88EE. The destination MAC address of the packet 01-80-C2-00-00-07 is dropped by any 802.1d compliant bridge that does not support or have the E-LMI protocol enabled. When the E-LMI protocol is not enable on the port, E-LMI packets are tunneled for Epipe services. However, these packets are discarded for VPLS services. This discard action in a VPLS service can be changed using the configure service vpls tunnel-elmi command.

Status information is sent from the UNI-N to the UNI-C, either because a status inquiry was received from the UNI-C or unsolicited. The Active and Not Active EVC status are supported. The Partially Active state is left for further study.

The bandwidth profile sub-information element associated with the EVC Status IE does not use information from the SAP QoS policy. A value of 0 is used in this release as MEF 16 indicates the bandwidth profile sub-IE is mandatory in the EVC Status IE. The EVC identifier is set to the description of the SAP and the UNI identifier is set to the description configured on the port. Further, the implementation associates each SAP with an EVC. Currently, support exists for CE-VLAN ID/EVC bundling mode.

The E-LMI the UNI-N can participate in the OAM fault propagation functions. This is a unidirectional update from the UNI-N to the UNI-C and interacting with service manager of VLL, VPLS, VPRN and IES services.

Exponential Port Dampening

Exponential Port Dampening (EPD) provides the ability to automatically block a port from reuse for a period of time after physical link-down and physical link-up events. If a series of down-up events occur close together, EPD keeps the port’s operational state down for a longer period than if only one down-up event has occurred. The router avoids using that port if external events are causing the link state to fluctuate. The more events that occur, the longer the port is kept down and avoided by the routing protocols.

EPD behavior uses a fixed penalty amount per link-down event and a half-life decay equation to reduce these penalties over time. The following equation defines exponential decay:


N(t) is the quantity that still remains after a time t

N0 is the initial quantity

t½ is the half-life

In dampening, N0 refers to the starting penalties from the last link-down event. The quantity N(t) refers to the decayed penalties at a specific time, and is calculated starting from the last link-down event (that is, from the time when N0 last changed).

This equation can also be used on a periodic basis by updating the initial quantity value N0 each period and then computing the new penalty over the period (t).

The following figure shows an example usage of the EDP feature.

Figure 13. EPD example

At time (t = 0) in the preceding figure, the initial condition has the link up, the accumulated penalties are zero, the dampening state is idle, and the port operational state is up. The following series of events and actions occur.

  1. t = 5: link-down event

    • the accumulated penalties are incremented by 1000

    • the accumulated penalties now equal 1000, which is less than the suppress threshold (of 1500), so the dampening state is idle

    • because the dampening state is idle, link-down is passed to the upper layer

    • link-down triggers the port operational state to down

  2. t = 9: link-up event

    • the accumulated penalties equal 869, which is less than the suppress threshold, so the dampening state remains as idle

    • because the dampening state is idle, link-up is passed to the upper layer

    • link-up triggers the port operational state to up

  3. t = 13: link-down event

    • the accumulated penalties are incremented by 1000

    • the accumulated penalties now equal 1755, which is greater than the suppress threshold, so the dampening state is changed to active

    • because the dampening state just transitioned to active, link-down is passed to the upper layer

    • link-down triggers the port operational state to down

  4. t = 17: link-up event

    • the accumulated penalties equal 1527, which is above the reuse threshold (of 1000) and greater than the suppress threshold, so the dampening state remains as active

    • because the dampening state is active, link-up is not passed to the upper layer

    • the port operational state remains down

  5. t = 21: link-down event

    • the accumulated penalties are incremented by 1000

    • the accumulated penalties now equal 2327, which is above the reuse threshold, so the dampening state remains as active

    • because the dampening state is active, link-down is not passed to the upper layer

    • the port operational state remains down

  6. t = 25: link-up event

    • the accumulated penalties equal 2024, which is above the reuse threshold, so dampening state remains as active

    • because the dampening state is active, link-up is not passed to the upper layer

    • the port operational state remains down

  7. t = 46: accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold

    • the accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold, so the dampening state changes to idle

    • because the dampening state is idle and the current link state is up, link-up is passed to the upper layer

    • the port operational state changes to up

  8. t = 94 to 133: link-down and link-up events every second

    • similar to previous events, the accumulated penalties increment on every link-down event

    • the dampening state transitions to active at t = 96, and link state events are not sent to the upper layer after that time

    • the upper layer keeps the port operational state down after t = 96

    • the accumulated penalties increment to a maximum of 4000

  9. t = 133: final link event of link-up

    • the accumulated penalties equal 3863

    • the dampening state remains active and link state events are not sent to the upper layer

    • the upper layer keeps the port operational state down

  10. t = 172: accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold

    • the accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold, so the dampening state changes to idle

    • because the dampening state is idle and the current link state is up, link-up is passed to the upper layer

    • the port operational state changes to up

Per port aggregate egress queue statistics monitoring

Monitoring the aggregate egress queue statistics per port provides in-profile, out-of-profile, and total statistics for both forwarded and dropped packets and octets on a specific port.

When enabled, all queues on the port are monitored, including SAP egress, network egress, subscriber egress, and egress queue group queues, as well as system queues which can be used, for example, to send port-related protocol packets (LACP, EFM, and so on).

Use the following command to enable monitoring of the aggregate egress queue statistics.

configure port monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats

When enabled, the line card polls the related queues to derive the aggregates which provide the delta of the queue statistics since turning on the monitoring. This means that the reported statistics are not reduced by those from a deleted queue and so the aggregates correctly represent the forwarded/dropped statistics since the start of monitoring.

The following example shows the configuration to enable monitoring of aggregate egress queue statistics on port 2/1/1.


A:node-2# port 2/1/1 monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats

classic CLI

*A:node-2# configure port 2/1/1 monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats

Use the following command to show detailed information about the aggregates.

show port 2/1/1 statistics egress-aggregate detail
Port 2/1/1 Egress Aggregate Statistics on Slot 2
                         Forwarded                Dropped                  Total
PacketsIn                     144                      0                    144
PacketsOut                      0                      0                      0
OctetsIn                    12353                      0                  12353
OctetsOut                       0                      0                      0

To clear the aggregate statistics, the monitoring must be disabled and then re-enabled. The aggregate statistics are also cleared when the card is cleared (using a clear card slot-number command) or power-cycled (with the tools perform card slot-id command). Additionally, aggregate statistics related to MDA are cleared when the MDA is cleared (using the clear mda mda-id command) or the MDA is inserted into an IOM.

In MD-CLI, the aggregate statistics are not cleared when an admin-state is configured to disable or enable on the card or MDA.

In classic CLI, the aggregate statistics are not cleared when a shutdown or no shutdown is performed on the card or MDA.

There is no specific limit on the number of queues that can be monitored, but the amount of each line card's CPU resources allocated to the monitoring is bounded; consequently, when more queues on a card’s ports are monitored, the aggregate statistics are updated the less frequently.

Monitoring of aggregate statistics is supported on PXC sub-ports but not on a PXC physical port. It is also not supported on satellite ports.

Forward Error Correction

Users can use Forward Error Correction (FEC) on some ports to improve either the transmission reliability or reach, or both. FEC must always be used on some interface types while it is optional for other interface types. Also, some interface types allow more than one type of FEC. No matter what the setting of the FEC attributes, the transmitter and the receiver must have the same configuration, or the link will not work. The setting of FEC on a specific port is dependent on the interface type and the specific optical transceiver in use.

For coherent optics, the FEC (host and media) do not need to be configured and are automatically inherited and enabled based on the specific module and configured coherent mode of operation.

For 800G QSFP-DD and 400G QSFP-DD, the FEC from the host module is always enabled and no additional setting is required.

Contact your Nokia representative for information about the options based on the transceiver in use.