DWDM provisioning

This section provides information to provision the DWDM coherent optic, frequency, and coherent command options.

Note: Different procedures are required if the DWDM port is managed using the OpenConfig component YANG model.

Provisioning the DWDM coherent optic

This procedure describes how to provision the DWDM coherent optic. To provision the DWDM coherent optic, provision the connector breakout type and enable the transceiver Digital Coherent Optics (DCO) on the cage where the device is present. Use the following command to show connector information.

show port 1/1/c1

Output example

The following example shows that the starting point is a new default connector 1/1/c1 that is not provisioned, is administratively shutdown, and has a DWDM coherent optic transceiver installed.

QSFP-DD Connector
Description        : QSFP-DD Connector
Interface          : 1/1/c1
FP Number          : 1                          MAC Chip Number  : 1
Licensed           : Yes
Admin State        : down
Oper State         : down
IfIndex            : 1610899520
Last State Change  : 03/01/2022 18:10:14
Last Cleared Time  : 03/01/2022 18:20:32        DDM Events       : Enabled
Breakout           : no breakout
RS-FEC Config Mode : None

Transceiver Data

Transceiver Status : operational
Transceiver Type   : QSFP-DD                    DCO              : Disabled
Model Number       : 3HE16565AARA01  NOK  INUIAPJHAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 1547 nm                    Diag Capable     : yes
Number of Lanes    : 1
Connector Code     : LC                         Vendor OUI       : 20:20:20
Manufacture date   : 2021/06/03                 Media            : Ethernet
Serial Number      : 11111111111
Part Number        : DP04QSDD-E30-090
Optical Compliance : 400G-ZR-Amp 400G-ZR-Unamp 400G-ZR-Amp Custom (197) Custo*
Link Length support: Unknown
  1. Use the following command to configure the connector breakout.
    configure port connector breakout


    *[ex:/configure port 1/1/c1 connector]
    A:admin@node-2# breakout c1-400g

    classic CLI

    *A:node-2# configure port 1/1/c1 connector breakout c1-400g
  2. Use the following command to configure the DCO.
    configure port transceiver digital-coherent-optics


    *[ex:/configure port 1/1/c1 transceiver]
    A:admin@node-2# digital-coherent-optics true

    classic CLI

    *A:node-2# configure port 1/1/c1 transceiver digital-coherent-optics

Provisioning DWDM frequency

Before provisioning DWDM frequency, configure the connector breakout and apply the DCO setting to the transceiver (as described in Provisioning the DWDM coherent optic). After the DCO is enabled, and the physical optical transceiver is present in the front panel cage, the optic transceiver data shows the optic DWDM details. To initially provision the frequency or change what was previously configured, the user must shut down or disable the 1/1/c1 connector before provisioning.

Use the following command to display the provisionable frequency range.

show port 1/1/c1

The following example shows the "Model Number", "Fine Tune Range", "Fine Tune Resolu*", and "Supported Grids" fields.

Output example

Transceiver Type   : QSFP-DD                    DCO              : Enabled
Model Number       : 3HE16565AARA01  NOK  INUIAPJHAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 1547 nm
Laser Tunability   : flex-tunable
Config Freq (MHz)  : 0                          Min Freq (MHz)   : 191300000
Oper Freq (MHz)    : not-operational            Max Freq (MHz)   : 196100000
Fine Tune Range    : 6000 MHz                   Fine Tune Resolu*: 1 MHz
Supported Grids    : 100GHz 75GHz 50GHz 25GHz 12.5GHz 6.25GHz
Diag Capable       : yes
Number of Lanes    : 1
Connector Code     : LC                         Vendor OUI       : 20:20:20
Manufacture date   : 2021/06/03                 Media            : Ethernet
Serial Number      : 11111111111
Part Number        : DP04QSDD-E30-090
Optical Compliance : 400G-ZR-Amp 400G-ZR-Unamp
Link Length support: Unknown

Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                              Value High Alarm  High Warn   Low Warn  Low Alarm
Temperature (C)               +36.0     +80.0      +75.0      +15.0       -5.0
Supply Voltage (V)             3.30      3.46       3.43       3.17       3.13

Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                                 High Alarm   High Warn    Low Warn   Low Alarm
Lane Tx Output Power (dBm)             0.00       -2.00      -16.00      -18.01
Lane Rx Optical Pwr (avg dBm)          2.00        0.00      -23.01      -28.24

Lane ID Temp(C)/Alm       Tx Bias(mA)/Alm   Tx Pwr(dBm)/Alm   Rx Pwr(dBm)/Alm
    1              -                 -            -40.00            -40.00

Coherent Optical Module
Cfg Tx Target Power:   1.00 dBm               Present Rx Channel : N/A
Cfg Rx LOS Thresh  : -23.00 dBm               Cfg Rx Channel     : 0 (auto)

Disp Control Mode  : automatic                Sweep Start Disp   : -25500 ps/nm
Cfg Dispersion     :      0 ps/nm             Sweep End Disp     :   2000 ps/nm
CPR Window Size    : 32 symbols               Rx LOS Reaction    : squelch
Compatibility      : longHaul
Cfg Tx Power Min   : -22.90 dBm               Cfg Tx Power Max   :   4.00 dBm

Cfg Alarms         : modflt mod netrx nettx hosttx
Alarm Status       :
Defect Points      :

Rx Q Margin        :    0.0 dB                Chromatic Disp     :      0 ps/nm
SNR X Polar        :    0.0 dB                Diff Group Delay   :      0 ps
SNR Y Polar        :    0.0 dB                Pre-FEC BER        : 0.000E+00

Module State       : lowPower
Tx Turn-Up States  :
Rx Turn-Up States  :
This procedure describes how to provision the DWDM frequency.
  1. Configure the frequency using the following context.
    By default, no frequency is configured. A frequency must be provisioned. The following example displays a frequency configuration of 194400000:
    configure port 1/1/c1 dwdm frequency 194400000
  2. To enable the laser and have the optic reach the "ready" state, the connector port must be enabled per the configured breakout. Administratively enable frequency for each connector port using the following commands:
    • MD-CLI
      configure port port-id admin-state enable
    • classic
      configure port port-id no shutdown

    In the following example, the “Config Freq” and “Oper Freq” fields in the output reflect the frequency setting, the “Coherent Optical Module” values are present, and the “Module State” displays the “txOff” value until the connector ports are administratively enabled. Use the following command to display port information.

    show port port-id

    Output example

    Transceiver Type   : QSFP-DD                    DCO              : Enabled
    Model Number       : 3HE16565AARA01  NOK  INUIAPJHAA
    TX Laser Wavelength: 1542.142 nm
    Laser Tunability   : flex-tunable
    Config Freq (MHz)  : 194400000                  Min Freq (MHz)   : 191300000
    Oper Freq (MHz)    : 194400000                  Max Freq (MHz)   : 196100000
    Fine Tune Range    : 6000 MHz                   Fine Tune Resolu*: 1 MHz
    Supported Grids    : 100GHz 75GHz 50GHz 25GHz 12.5GHz 6.25GHz
    Diag Capable       : yes
    Number of Lanes    : 1
    Connector Code     : LC                         Vendor OUI       : 7c:b2:5c
    Manufacture date   : 2020/01/11                 Media            : Ethernet
    Serial Number      : 111111111
    Part Number        : DP04QSDD-E30-090
    Optical Compliance : 400G-ZR-Amp 400G-ZR-Unamp 400G-ZR-Amp Custom (197) Custo*
    Link Length support: Unknown
    Transceiver Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                                  Value High Alarm  High Warn   Low Warn  Low Alarm
    Temperature (C)               +63.0     +80.0      +75.0      +15.0       -5.0
    Supply Voltage (V)             3.25      3.46       3.43       3.17       3.13
    Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                                     High Alarm   High Warn    Low Warn   Low Alarm
    Lane Tx Output Power (dBm)             0.00       -2.00      -13.00      -14.00
    Lane Rx Optical Pwr (avg dBm)          2.00        0.00      -21.02      -23.01
    Lane ID Temp(C)/Alm       Tx Bias(mA)/Alm   Tx Pwr(dBm)/Alm   Rx Pwr(dBm)/Alm
        1              -                 -            -40.00             -9.78
    Coherent Optical Module
    Cfg Tx Target Power:   1.00 dBm
    Cfg Rx LOS Thresh  : -23.00 dBm
    Disp Control Mode  : automatic                Sweep Start Disp   : -25500 ps/nm
    Cfg Dispersion     :      0 ps/nm             Sweep End Disp     :   2000 ps/nm
    CPR Window Size    : 32 symbols               Rx LOS Reaction    : squelch
    Compatibility      : longHaul
    Cfg Tx Power Min   : -22.90 dBm               Cfg Tx Power Max   :   4.00 dBm
    Cfg Alarms         : modflt mod netrx nettx hosttx
    Alarm Status       :
    Defect Points      :
    Rx Q Margin        :    4.1 dB                Chromatic Disp     :      1 ps/nm
    SNR/OSNR X Polar   :   19.2 dB / 35.7 dB      Diff Group Delay   :      3 ps
    SNR/OSNR Y Polar   :   19.2 dB / 35.7 dB      Pre-FEC BER        : 3.340E-04
    Module State       : txOff
    Tx Turn-Up States  : init laserTurnUp laserReadyOff laserReady
    Rx Turn-Up States  : init laserReady waitForInput adcSignal opticalLoc

    For any DWDM frequency changes, after the port is administratively enabled again, the coherent module initializes and transitions through various states as visible in the “Module State” field.

Provisioning DWDM coherent commands

This procedure describes how to configure the following DWDM coherent commands.

Use the following commands to configure DWDM coherent command options:

Note: For ZR and ZR+ optics, only the following dwdm coherent commands apply.
  • MD-CLI
    configure port dwdm coherent compatibility
    configure port dwdm coherent report-alarm
    configure port dwdm coherent rx-los-thresh
    configure port dwdm coherent target-power
    configure port dwdm coherent rx-los-reaction
  • classic CLI
    configure port dwdm coherent compatibility
    configure port dwdm coherent report-alarms
    configure port dwdm coherent rx-los-thresh
    configure port dwdm coherent target-power
    configure port dwdm coherent rx-los-reaction
  1. Configure the coherent compatibility command using the following context. The example below displays a compatibility metro configuration.
    configure port 1/1/c1 dwdm coherent compatibility metro
    The coherent compatibility applies different optic application codes. The command default is long-haul and to change what has been previously configured, the user must shut down or disable the 1/1/c1 connector before provisioning for coherent compatibility.

    For any DWDM compatibility changes, after the 1/1/c1 connector is enabled, the coherent module initializes and transitions through various states as visible in the “Module State” field until it is ready again.

  2. Enable the port using the following command:
    • MD-CLI
      configure port admin-state enable
    • classic CLI
      configure port no shutdown
  3. Configure alarm reporting. The following example displays a configuration where the alarms are not reported.
    [ex:/configure port 1/1/c1 dwdm coherent report-alarm]
    A:admin@node-2# info
        modflt false
        mod false
        netrx false
        nettx false
        hosttx false
    classic CLI
    A:node-2>config>port>dwdm>coherent# info detail
    no report-alarm modflt mod netrx nettx hosttx
    When an alarm is reported, it is logged in the event logs and a trap is sent to the Network Management System (NMS). For details about the alarms and defect points, see the TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.mib. By default, all alarms are reported.
  4. Configure the rx-los-thresh command. The following example shows the command to configure -18 dBm.
    configure port 1/1/c1 dwdm coherent rx-los-thresh -18
    This command configures the received optical power threshold at which the Loss of Signal (LOS) alarm is declared. To clear the LOS alarm, the received optical power must be higher than the configured rx-los-thresh command.
  5. Configure the power target. The following example shows the command to configure a power target of -12 dBm.
    configure port 1/1/c1 dwdm coherent target-power -12
    This command configures the average output power target for the port.
    Use the following command to display the actual measured Tx power along with the configured power.
    show port 1/1/c1 detail

    Output example

    Transceiver Lane Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM)
                                     High Alarm   High Warn    Low Warn   Low Alarm
    Lane Tx Output Power (dBm)             0.00       -2.00      -13.00      -14.00
    Lane Rx Optical Pwr (avg dBm)          2.00        0.00      -21.02      -23.01
    Lane ID Temp(C)/Alm       Tx Bias(mA)/Alm   Tx Pwr(dBm)/Alm   Rx Pwr(dBm)/Alm
        1              -                 -            -11.91             -9.86
    * indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
    Coherent Optical Module
    Cfg Tx Target Power: -12.00 dBm
    Cfg Rx LOS Thresh  : -23.00 dBm
    Disp Control Mode  : automatic                Sweep Start Disp   : -25500 ps/nm
    Cfg Dispersion     :      0 ps/nm             Sweep End Disp     :   2000 ps/nm
    CPR Window Size    : 32 symbols               Rx LOS Reaction    : squelch
    Compatibility      : longHaul
    Cfg Tx Power Min   : -22.90 dBm               Cfg Tx Power Max   :   4.00 dBm
    Cfg Alarms         : modflt mod netrx nettx hosttx
    Alarm Status       :
    Defect Points      :
    Rx Q Margin        :    4.1 dB                Chromatic Disp     :      1 ps/nm
    SNR/OSNR X Polar   :   19.1 dB / 35.7 dB      Diff Group Delay   :      2 ps
    SNR/OSNR Y Polar   :   19.1 dB / 35.7 dB      Pre-FEC BER        : 3.430E-04
    Module State       : ready
    Tx Turn-Up States  : init laserTurnUp laserReadyOff laserReady
                         modulatorConverge outputPowerAdjust
    Rx Turn-Up States  : init laserReady waitForInput adcSignal opticalLock
    Coherent Optical Port Statistics (Elapsed Seconds: 588)
    Statistic                        Current      Average      Minimum      Maximum
    Rx BER                         3.430E-04    3.415E-04    3.050E-04    3.780E-04
    Rx SNR (dB)                         19.2         19.1         19.1         19.2
    Rx OSNR (dB)                        35.7         35.7         35.7         35.7
    Rx Chromatic Disp (ps/nm)              1            2            1            3
    Rx Diff Group Delay (ps)               2            2            2            3
    Rx Freq Offset (MHz)                 287          284          182          387
    Rx Q (dB)                           10.6         10.5         10.5         10.6
    Rx Per-Channel Power (dBm)         -9.69        -9.63        -9.78        -9.49
    Tx Power (dBm)                    -11.93       -10.69       -11.93        -9.72