Obsolete commands
This chapter provides a list of commands that are marked as “status obsolete” in the Nokia YANG models and the MD-CLI. These commands can no longer be used and are considered invalid. Only releases in which commands are initially obsoleted are included in this section. If applicable, the equivalent configuration groups command is also obsoleted (but not explicitly listed).
See the SR OS Software Release Notes for more information.
anysec commands:
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy admin-state
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy apply-groups
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy apply-groups-exclude
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy flex-algo-id
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy igp-instance-id
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy local-address
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy policy-name
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy protocol
configure anysec tunnel-encryption security-termination-policy rx-must-be-encrypted
application-assurance commands:
configure application-assurance group partition transit-prefix-policy static-aa-sub is-remote
isa commands:
configure isa application-assurance-group transit-prefix-limits ipv4-remote-entries
configure isa application-assurance-group transit-prefix-limits ipv6-remote-entries
qos commands:
configure qos adv-config-policy child-control offered-measurement sample-interval
service commands:
configure service epipe sap ingress aggregate-policer burst
configure service ies interface sap ingress aggregate-policer burst
configure service nat up-nat-policy port-limits dynamic-ports
configure service vpls sap ingress aggregate-policer burst
configure service vprn bgp best-path-selection d-path-length-ignore
configure service vprn bgp domain-id
configure service vprn interface sap ingress aggregate-policer burst