Y.1564 service activation testhead OAM tool

The ITU-T Y.1564 standard defines the out-of-service test methodology and the options measured to test service SLA conformance during service turn up. Two primary test phases are defined: service configuration and service performance test phase.

The service configuration test is the first phase and validates whether the service is configured correctly. This test is typically run for a short duration and measures the throughput, frame delay (FD), frame delay variation (FDV), and frame loss ratio (FLR) for each service. The service performance test is the second test phase and validates the quality of services delivered to the end customer. In these tests, which are typically run for a longer duration, traffic is generated up to the configured rate for all services simultaneously, and the service performance command options are measured for each service.

The service activation testhead tool administers the service configuration test based on a user-configured rate and measures the FD, FDV, and FLR for the service. This tool supports bidirectional measurement.

The service activation testhead tool can generate a single stream per test. The tool validates the user-specified rate to generate traffic for the different test types configured and computes the throughput, FD, FDV, and FLR for the service streams.

The Y.1564 Service Activation Test (SAT) encapsulates the frame format of the ETH-CFM loopback message (LBM). This implementation requires MEPs to be configured at specific service endpoints to process and reflect Y.1564 SAT streams.

To process ETH-LBM Y.1564 SAT streams, the remote node must properly handle inbound ETH-LBM protocol data units (PDU) and respond with an appropriate ETH-LBR PDU in the data plane. The lbm-svc-act-responder command must be configured on the ETH-CFM LBM responder at the remote service endpoint to reflect the SAT streams.

The following figure shows the required remote loopback and the flow of the frame, which is generated by the testhead tool, through the network.

Figure 1. SAT generation and reflection on routed interfaces
Figure 2. SAT generation and reflection from Up MEP on Layer 2 service SAP
Figure 3. SAT generation and reflection from Down MEP on Layer 2 service SAP

The user must configure a source MEP, which is associated with a SAP or router interface under the test, and a destination MEP MAC address for the CFM LBM frame payload configuration. The data pattern for the payload, dot1p, and discard eligibility indicator (DEI) for the VLAN tags can also be specified. The VLAN tag is not user-configurable; it is derived from the SAP hosting the MEP.

Note: SR OS platforms must be FP4 or higher to support this service activation testhead functionality.
The following testhead features are supported:
  • network interface configured with null, dot1q and QinQ encapsulation in the Base routing instance

  • SAP on Ethernet ports for Epipe and VPLS with null, dot1q and QinQ encapsulations

  • two-way measurement of service performance metrics. The tests measure throughput, FD, FDV, and FLR.

  • FD measurements computed by periodically injecting delay measurement message (DMM) frames. The DMM picks up the VLAN tags from the SAP or router interface hosting the MEP, and the dot1p and DEI are marked based on the frame payload configuration. No user configuration is required to run the DMM for FD measurements.

  • configuration of a rate value and option to measure performance metrics. The testhead OAM tool generates traffic up to the specified rate and measures service performance metrics such as delay, delay variation, and loss.

  • configuration of a single frame size ranging from 64 bytes to 9212 bytes

  • test duration configured up to a maximum of 24 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. The test performance is measured after the specified rate is achieved. The user can probe the system at any time to check the current status and progress of the test.

  • configure templates to define test command options. The user can start a test using a preconfigured default template. The acceptance criteria allows the user to configure the thresholds that indicate the acceptable range for the service performance metrics. At the end of the test, the measured values for FD, FDV, and FLR are compared against the configured thresholds to determine the pass or fail criteria and to generate a trap to the management station.

    The acceptance criteria template ‟default” is attached to every service stream created in the service-test context, where no explicit acceptance criteria template is configured. When a default acceptance criteria template is used, the test is always expected to pass.

  • ITU-T Y.1564 specifies the following tests:

    • service configuration tests

      These short duration tests are used to verify the accuracy of the configuration and can meet requested SLA metrics such as throughput, delay, and loss. The following tests are supported:

      • CIR configuration test

      • PIR configuration test

      • policing test

      Service configuration tests can be run by setting the rate value appropriately for the specific test. For a policing test, traffic is always run at 125% of the configured PIR.

    • service performance test

      This long duration test is used to check the service performance metrics.

Service activation testhead OAM tool

The SR OS FP4 and above platforms support the use of the service activation testhead OAM tool for out of service testing and reporting of performance information.

Use the service-stream configuration commands to group a set of streams under a single service test. The following configuration options are supported for each stream:

  • The CIR and PIR, frame payload contents, and frame size can be configured for each stream.

  • Different acceptance criteria per stream can be configured and used to determine pass or fail criteria for the stream and to monitor streams that are in progress.

  • For each stream, it is possible to use a single command to run a service configuration test, CIR test, PIR test, and service performance test concurrently, instead of running each test individually.

  • Instead of using the threshold command options to determine the pass or fail criteria for a test, use the m-factor command to configure the margin by which the measured throughput is off from the configured throughput. The margin is configured using the m-factor command.

The user can store the test results in an accounting record in XML format. The XML file contains the keywords and MIB references listed in the following table.

Table 1. OAM Y.1564 XML keywords and MIB reference
XML file keyword Description TIMETRA-OAM-SERV-ACTIV-TEST-MIB


Provides the name of the acceptance criteria template policy used to compare the measured results



The user-configured CIR rate



The dot1p value set for VLAN tag 2 (inner VLAN tag) in the frame payload generated by the tool



The DEI value set for VLAN tag 2 (inner VLAN tag) in the frame payload generated by the tool



The duration, in minutes, of the CIR test



The duration, in seconds, of the CIR test



The CIR rate threshold to compare with the measured value



The data pattern to include in the packet generated by the service testhead tool



The user-configured description for the service test and service stream




The destination MAC address to use in the packet generated by the tool



The maximum value of delay variation measured by the tool



The minimum value of delay variation measured by the tool



The average value of delay variation measured by the tool



Indicates whether the measured delay variation is within the configured delay variation threshold in the acceptance criteria



The delay variation threshold configured in the acceptance criteria



Indicates whether the measured delay is within configured delay threshold



The average of delay values computed for the test stream

tmnxOamSathStsTestMeasDelayAvg ncy


The maximum value of delay measured by the tool



The minimum value of delay measured by the tool



The delay threshold configured in the acceptance criteria



The time (wall-clock time) the test was completed




The loss threshold configured in the acceptance criteria



The loss threshold configured in the acceptance criteria for the policing test



The frame size template name. The testhead tool generates packet sizes as specified in the frame size template. This is used to specify a mix of frames with different sizes to be generated by the tool.



The measured frame loss ratio



Indicates whether the measured loss ratio is within the configured loss threshold



The measured throughput



The configured source MEP



The configured Maintenance Domain (MD) for the MEP



The configured Maintenance Association (MA) for the MEP



A factor to use as a margin by which the observed throughput is off from the configured throughput to determine whether a service test passes or fails



The duration, in hours, of the performance test



The duration, in minutes, of the performance test



The duration, in seconds, of the performance test



The PIR rate configured



The PIR test duration, in minutes



The PIR test duration, in seconds



The PIR threshold configured in the acceptance criteria



The received packet count



The transmitted packet count



The policing test duration, in minutes



The policing test duration, in seconds



The source port used as the test launch point



The routing instance of the interface launching the test



The configured router interface launching the test



The run number of the test



The operational status of the service test and service stream.





The SAP used as the test endpoint



The sequence of payload sizes specified in the frame-mix policy



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeA specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟a” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeB specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟b” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeC specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟c” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeD specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟d” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeE specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟e” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeF specifies the frame-size for packet identified with letter ‟f” in the frame-sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeG specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟g” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeH specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟h” in the frame sequence.



The user can configure a frame sequence to indicate the sequence of frame sizes to be generated by the tool. The frame sequence is specified using letters ‟a” to ‟h” and ‟u”. sizeU specifies the frame size for the packet identified with the letter ‟u” in the frame sequence. sizeU is the user-defined packet size.



The source MAC address in the frame payload generated by the tool



The dot1p value set for VLAN tag 1 (outermost VLAN tag) in the frame payload generated by the tool



The DEI value set for VLAN tag 1 (outermost VLAN tag) in the frame payload generated by the tool



The time at which the test was started (wall clock time)



The stream identifier



Indicates if the streams configured for the service test were run one after another or run in parallel. This is for each stream and test type.



The CIR configuration test



The CIR-PIR configuration test



The performance test



The policing test



The service test name



Indicates whether the measured throughput matches the configured CIR/PIR rate



Indicates whether the trap must be sent after completion of the test



Ethernet frame size specification

The service test testhead OAM tool can be configured to generate a flow containing a frame sequence of different sizes. The following table lists the frame size and designations defined by ITU-T Y.1564.

Table 2. Ethernet frame sizes and size designations
a b c d e f g h u









User defined

The Ethernet frame size ranges from 64 bytes to 9212 bytes, and the designated letters are used to specify the frame size. Frame size is configured using the sequence command in the frame-mix context in a service stream. The frame mix only allows the configuration of a single fixed frame size sequence. The configured size applies to all frames in the test flow.

Note: As part of the test, frame-size configuration does not include C-tags or S-tags, which, if present, augment the frame size of the Ethernet frame. For example, for a configured frame size of 1518 bytes, throughput calculation should include an additional 4 bytes (for a dot1q SAP) or 8 bytes (for a QinQ SAP).


The user must consider the following prerequisites for using the testhead OAM tool:

  • Only test traffic from the service activation testhead should be present on the entity under test.

  • The lbm-svc-act-responder command must be configured on the responding MEP to loopback the Y.1564 SAT traffic.

  • The testhead OAM tool does not check the state of the MEP parent (router interface) before initiating the tests.

  • In the case of base router interface testing, the test executes regardless of the state of the interface. This is because the test is executing at Layer 2, where the MEP resides, and not at an IP layer. Only Layer 2 functions are tested.

  • Modifications to the service test configuration can be made only when the testhead tool is administratively disabled.

  • Only unicast traffic flows should be tested with the testhead tool.

  • Only out-of-service performance metrics can be measured using the testhead OAM tool. For in-service performance metrics, use OAM-PM-based tools.

  • The CFM lbm-svc-act-responder command configuration is required only on the remote MEP that is responsible for looping back the test stream.

  • Any disruptive fault condition (such as a MEP down, or MDA or card reboot) stops the Y.1564 service test. Only a test type that has completed its run indicates a pass or fail based on the acceptance criteria thresholds. A test type halted as a result of a fault condition always reports the test as ‟Failed”.

Configuration guidelines

This section lists the configuration guidelines for the testhead OAM tool.

  • The following cannot be configured for testing with the testhead tool:

    • network interfaces configured on a LAG

    • SAPs configured on a LAG

    • SAPs configured using connection profiles

    • SAPs configured using PXC connections

  • In a subscriber environment, if the Layer 2 traffic is redirected through the subscriber queues (using a non-subscriber traffic configuration) the return SAT throughput LBR frames are forwarded into the service and not included in the SAT test result. To run SAT testing in a subscriber context, the single-sub-parameters configuration under the SAP must be deleted.

  • Up MEPs on a VPLS SAP must configure the MEP MAC address on the SAP using the following command:
    • MD-CLI
      configure service vpls fdb static-mac mac sap
    • classic CLI
      configure service vpls sap static-mac
    Failure to configure the MEP MAC in this manner causes the service stream to using the multicast queues, which changes the dynamics of the test.
  • Down MEPs must not use the command static-mac command to install the MEP MAC address on the SAP. This causes a forwarding miss and the test does not receive any response packets.

  • The testhead waits for about 2 seconds at the end of each configured test before collecting statistics. This ensures all in-flight packets are received by the node and accounted for in the test measurements. In the case of a router interface, the testhead waits for about 5 seconds.

  • The testhead works with the Layer 2 rate, that is, the rate after subtracting the Layer 1 overhead. The Layer 1 overhead is because of the IFG and Preamble added to every Ethernet frame, and is typically about 20 bytes (IFG is 12 bytes and Preamble is 8 bytes).

  • It is not expected that the user plans to use the testhead tool to measure the throughput or other performance parameters of the network during the course of a network event.

  • Service activation testhead functionality requires a mirror resource per stream. If no mirror resources are available, the test fails to execute.

  • For sources to be properly allocated, the service activation testhead requires double the configured test bandwidth be available. In the case of the test type policing, an additional 12.5% is required because of the over subscription of the policing test.

    Note: Failure to ensure the appropriate overhead is available leads to packet loss and resource contention.
  • Use of mirror resources for the service activation testhead causes an interruption to traffic mirror or LI when there is a mirror destination conflict. When these conflicts occur, a log event is sent to the specific application log that indicates a disruption has occurred. When the service activation testhead completes all the tests in the template, the previously interrupted mirror or LI is reinstated, and a new application log event is issued.

  • The testhead uses a QoS adaptation-rule command equal to closest for traffic generation. The adaptation rule provides a constraint used when the exact rate is not available because of hardware implementation trade-offs. This means throughput rates could be slightly higher or lower than the specified rate when the exact rate is not available. If this occurs for a test stream near the port level, and the closest match is above the port rate, packet loss may occur because the stream is transmitting more than the port capacity. However, the throughput reports the actual port rate.

  • Depending on start and stop events, the test may be slightly longer or shorter than configured, typically between 0 and 20 ms. When this event occurs, the throughput calculation is affected by that measure. The impact of this depends on the length of the test. In the longer duration test, this difference is muted by the longer runtime of that test.

Configuring the service test OAM testhead tool

The following example displays a service activation testhead configuration.

Service activation testhead configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure test-oam service-activation-testhead]
A:admin@node-2# info detail
 ## apply-groups
 ## apply-groups-exclude
    acceptance-criteria-template "accept-1" {
     ## apply-groups
     ## apply-groups-exclude
     ## description
        cir-threshold 9000000
        pir-threshold 9900000
        loss-threshold 0.05
        loss-threshold-policing 25.0
        delay-threshold 100
        delay-var-threshold 10
        m-factor 1000
    acceptance-criteria-template "default" {
     ## apply-groups
     ## apply-groups-exclude
        description "Test OAM TestHead default acceptance criteria template (not modifiable)"
     ## cir-threshold
     ## pir-threshold
     ## loss-threshold
     ## loss-threshold-policing
     ## delay-threshold
     ## delay-var-threshold
     ## m-factor
    frame-size-template "default" {
     ## apply-groups
     ## apply-groups-exclude
        size-a 64
        size-b 128
        size-c 256
        size-d 512
        size-e 1024
        size-f 1280
        size-g 1518
        size-h 9212
        size-u 2000
    frame-size-template "frame-1" {
     ## apply-groups
     ## apply-groups-exclude
        size-a 64
        size-b 128
        size-c 256
        size-d 512
        size-e 1024
        size-f 1280
        size-g 1518
        size-h 9212
        size-u 2000
    service-test "sat-1-gen" {
     ## apply-groups
     ## apply-groups-exclude
        admin-state enable
     ## description
     ## accounting-policy
        service-test-completion-notification true
        stream-run-type parallel
        test-duration {
            cir {
                minutes-seconds "05:00"
            cir-pir {
                minutes-seconds "10:00"
            policing {
                minutes-seconds "10:00"
            performance {
                hours-minutes-seconds "01:00:00"
        service-stream 1 {
         ## apply-groups
         ## apply-groups-exclude
            admin-state enable
         ## description
            acceptance-criteria-template "accept-1"
            rate-cir 9000000
            rate-pir 9900000
            service-stream-completion-notification false
            frame-mix {
                frame-size-template "frame-1"
                sequence "u"
            test-types {
                cir true
                cir-pir true
                policing false
                performance true
            frame-payload {
                data-pattern {
                    repeat 0x00000000
                ethernet {
                    dst-mac 00:00:00:00:00:02
                    eth-cfm {
                        source {
                            mep-id 1
                            md-admin-name "level-2"
                            ma-admin-name "L2-1564-testing"
                    s-tag {
                        dot1p 5
                        discard-eligible false
                    c-tag {
                        dot1p 7
                        discard-eligible false

Service activation testhead configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>test-oam# service-activation-testhead
A:node-2>config>test-oam>sath# info detail
            acceptance-criteria-template "default" create
                no description
                no cir-threshold
                no delay-threshold
                no delay-var-threshold
                no loss-threshold
                no loss-threshold-policing
                no m-factor
                no pir-threshold
            acceptance-criteria-template "accept-1" create
                no description
                cir-threshold 9000000
                delay-threshold 100
                delay-var-threshold 10
                loss-threshold 0.0500
                loss-threshold-policing 25.0000
                m-factor 1000
                pir-threshold 9900000
            frame-size-template "default" create
                size-a 64
                size-b 128
                size-c 256
                size-d 512
                size-e 1024
                size-f 1280
                size-g 1518
                size-h 9212
                size-u 2000
            frame-size-template "frame-1" create
                size-a 64
                size-b 128
                size-c 256
                size-d 512
                size-e 1024
                size-f 1280
                size-g 1518
                size-h 9212
                size-u 2000
            service-test "sat-1-gen" create
                no description
                no accounting-policy
                stream-run-type parallel
                service-stream 1 create
                    no description
                    acceptance-criteria-template "accept-1"
                    rate cir 9000000 pir 9900000
                    no service-stream-completion-notification
                        frame-size-template "frame-1"
                        sequence "u"
                            repeat 0
                            dst-mac 00:00:00:00:00:02
                                discard-eligible false
                                dot1p 7
                                source mep 1 domain 1000 association 1000
                                discard-eligible false
                                dot1p 5
                        no policing
                    no shutdown
                        minutes 5
                        seconds 0
                        minutes 10
                        seconds 0
                        hours 1
                        minutes 0
                        seconds 0
                        minutes 10
                        seconds 0
                no shutdown

Use the following command to start a service test.

oam service-activation-testhead service-test "sat-1-gen" start

Use the following command to display the run instance summary of a service test.

show test-oam service-activation-testhead service-tests

Run instance summary of a service test output

Y.1564 Service Activation Test Run Summary
Service Test Name                                       Run     Completed (UTC)
sat-1-gen                                                13 2003/07/14 12:44:41
sat-1-gen                                                14 2003/07/16 22:42:17
sat-1-gen                                                15                 N/A
No. of Y.1564 Service Activation Test Runs: 3

Use the following command to display the service test results.

show test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test "sat-1-gen" run 13

Service test results output

Y.1564 Results for Run 13
Service Test sat-1-gen
Description       : (Not Specified)
Oper State        : passed
Start Time        : 2003/07/14 11:29:21 UTC
End Time          : 2003/07/14 12:44:41 UTC
Stream Run Type   : parallel
Acct Policy       : (Unspecified)
Acct Policy Status: none
Completion Notif'n: enabled

Y.1564 Results for Stream 1 Run 13
Service Test sat-1-gen
Description  : (Not Specified)
Oper State   : passed
Source MEP   : 1                  MEP Domain   : 1000
MEP Assoc.   : 1000
Router Inst. : Base
Router Intf. : to-dut-2
Source Port  : 1/1/c5/2
Source MAC   : 00:00:00:00:00:01  Dest MAC     : 00:00:00:00:00:02
Pattern (Dec): 0                  Pattern (Hex): 0x0
C-Tag Dot1p  : 7                  C-Tag DEI    : false
S-Tag Dot1p  : 5                  S-Tag DEI    : false
Frm Size Tmpl: frame-1
Frm Sequence : u                  Frame Size a : 64 bytes
Frame Size b : 128 bytes          Frame Size c : 256 bytes
Frame Size d : 512 bytes          Frame Size e : 1024 bytes
Frame Size f : 1280 bytes         Frame Size g : 1518 bytes
Frame Size h : 9212 bytes         Frame Size u : 2000 bytes
Confg Tx CIR : 9000000 kbps       Confg Tx PIR : 9900000 kbps
Acp Crit Tmpl: accept-1
Test Types   : CIR CIR-PIR Performance
Complet Notif: disabled

Y.1564 Results for Stream 1 Run 13 Test Type CIR
Service Test sat-1-gen
Oper State   : passed
Test Duration: 05:00 (mm:ss)            Time Left    : 0 s
Start Time   : 2003/07/14 11:29:23 UTC
End Time     : 2003/07/14 11:34:23 UTC
Frms Injected: 169168256                Frms Received: 169168256
Min Delay    : 32 us                    Min Delay Var: 0 us
Max Delay    : 48 us                    Max Delay Var: 12 us
Avg Delay    : 40 us                    Avg Delay Var: 3 us

Test Compliance Report
Criteria     Throughput(kbps)         FLR (%)      Delay (us)   Delay Var (us)
Acceptable            9000000          0.0500             100               10
Configured            9000000          0.0500             100               10
M-Factor                 1000             N/A             N/A              N/A
Measured              9000075          0.0000              40                3
Result                   pass            pass            pass             pass

Y.1564 Results for Stream 1 Run 13 Test Type CIR-PIR
Service Test sat-1-gen
Oper State   : passed
Test Duration: 10:00 (mm:ss)            Time Left    : 0 s
Start Time   : 2003/07/14 11:34:30 UTC
End Time     : 2003/07/14 11:44:30 UTC
Frms Injected: 371389928                Frms Received: 371389928
Min Delay    : 36 us                    Min Delay Var: 0 us
Max Delay    : 96 us                    Max Delay Var: 20 us
Avg Delay    : 43 us                    Avg Delay Var: 2 us

Test Compliance Report
Criteria     Throughput(kbps)         FLR (%)      Delay (us)   Delay Var (us)
Acceptable            9900000          0.0500             100               10
Configured            9900000          0.0500             100               10
M-Factor                 1000             N/A             N/A              N/A
Measured              9900070          0.0000              43                2
Result                   pass            pass            pass             pass

Y.1564 Results for Stream 1 Run 13 Test Type Performance
Service Test sat-1-gen
Oper State   : passed
Test Duration: 01:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)      Time Left    : 0 s
Start Time   : 2003/07/14 11:44:36 UTC
End Time     : 2003/07/14 12:44:36 UTC
Frms Injected: 2227620145               Frms Received: 2227620145
Min Delay    : 36 us                    Min Delay Var: 0 us
Max Delay    : 96 us                    Max Delay Var: 20 us
Avg Delay    : 43 us                    Avg Delay Var: 2 us

Test Compliance Report
Criteria     Throughput(kbps)         FLR (%)      Delay (us)   Delay Var (us)
Acceptable            9900000          0.0500             100               10
Configured            9900000          0.0500             100               10
M-Factor                 1000             N/A             N/A              N/A
Measured              9900007          0.0000              43                2
Result                   pass            pass            pass             pass