Policy-based forwarding

Policy-based forwarding (PBF) supports traffic forwarding in a network instane based on match conditions and actions defined in a policy, as an alternative to forwarding based on entries in a routing table.

Each PBF policy is modeled as a sequence of rules, each of which has match conditions and actions. Match conditions specify values for various packet header fields. A packet matches a rule only if all the match conditions evaluate to true. Actions specify the processing to apply to each matching packet.

Each PBF policy is associated with a specific network instane. The PBF rules only apply to the ingress IP packets on selected routed subinterfaces of the network instane. Policy-forwarded packets are classified according to the DSCP policy that is attached to the ingress subinterface.

Match conditions for PBF policies

The following match conditions can be specified in a PBF policy:
  • dscp-set – list of DSCP values to match for incoming packets; a packet must match one of the DSCP values defined in this list for the rule to apply
  • protocol – protocol carried in the IP packet, specified either by name or IP protocol value
  • source-ip – source IP address of the IP packet; for an IP-in-IP packet; this refers to the outer IP header source address

Actions for PBF policies

You can specify the following action in a PBF policy:
  • network-instance – Look up matching packets in the network instane referenced in the PBR policy instead of the network instane associated with the subinterface.

Creating a PBF policy

To create a PBF policy, configure the match conditions for the policy and the action to take for packets that meet the match conditions.

Match based on IPv4 protocol value

The following example configures a PBF policy that applies to the default network instane. On subinterfaces where this policy is applied, incoming IPv4 packets that have a value of 4 in their IP protocol field are looked up and forwarded in network instane red.

--{ candidate shared default }--[  ]--
# info network-instance default policy-forwarding
    network-instance default {
        policy-forwarding {
            policy 100 {
                description "Sample PBF Policy"
                rule 1 {
                    action {
                        network-instance red
                    match {
                        ipv4 {
                            protocol 4

Match based on DSCP values

In the following example, incoming packets matching DSCP values 0, 1, or 2 are looked up and forwarded in network-instance blue:

--{ * candidate shared default }--[  ]--
# info network-instance default policy-forwarding
    network-instance default {
        policy-forwarding {
            policy 101 {
                rule 1 {
                    action {
                        network-instance blue
                    match {
                        ipv4 {
                            dscp-set [

Match based on source IP prefix

In the following example, incoming packets whose source IP address matches prefix are looked up and forwarded in network-instance green:

--{ candidate shared default }--[  ]--
# info network-instance default policy-forwarding
    network-instance default {
        policy-forwarding {
            policy 100 {
                rule 1 {
                    action {
                        network-instance green
                    match {
                        ipv4 {
                            source-ip {

Applying a PBF policy

To activate a PBF policy, apply the policy to one or more routed subinterfaces of the network instane configured in the policy.

The following example applies a PBF policy to a subinterface in the default network-instance. The system evaluates ingress packets on the subinterface according to the match conditions in the policy and forwards the matching packets according to the action specified in the policy.

--{ candidate shared default }--[  ]--
# info network-instance default policy-forwarding
    network-instance default {
        policy-forwarding {
            interface ethernet-1/1.1 {
                apply-forwarding-policy 100