gRIBI display commands

SR Linux supports display commands to provide operational information about gRIBI clients and routes.

Displaying gRIBI client information

You can use the info from state command to display gRIBI client information.

Enter the following command:

info from state system grpc-server <name> client<id>

Where <id> refers to the system generated ID for the client.

Available options are as follows:

  • election-id: Election ID of this client
  • gribi persistence-mode: The defined persistence mode as signaled by the client
  • remote-host: Remote host of the client
  • remote-port: Remote port of the client
  • rpc: The called package, service, and RPC
  • start-time: Time the client first connected
  • user: Authenticated username for the client
  • user-agent: User agent used for by the client

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client election-id

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 election-id
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                election-id 1:1

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client persistence-mode

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 persistence-mode
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                persistence-mode preserve

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client remote-host

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 remote-host
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client remote-port

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 remote-port
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                remote-port 33214

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client start-time

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 start-time
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                start-time "31 seconds ago"

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client user

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 user
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                user __gribi__

info from state system grpc-server mgmt client user-agent

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state system grpc-server mgmt client 0 user-agent
    system {
        grpc-server mgmt {
            client 0 {
                user-agent "grpc-python/1.35.0 grpc-c/14.0.0 (linux; chttp2)"

Displaying gRIBI route information

You can use the show network-instance route-table command to display gRIBI routes.

Enter the following command:

show network-instance <id> route-table

show network-instance route-table

--{ * candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# show network-instance vrf route-table
IPv4 unicast route table of network instance vrf
|   Prefix     |  ID  |   Route   |  Route Owner  | Active | Metric  |  Pref  | Next-  | Next-  |
|              |      |   Type    |               |        |         |        |  hop   | hop In |
|              |      |           |               |        |         |        | (Type) | terfac |
|              |      |           |               |        |         |        |        |   e    |
| | 1    | gribi     | grpc_server  | True   | 1       | 4      |        |        |
IPv4 routes total                    : 1
IPv4 prefixes with active routes     : 1
IPv4 prefixes with active ECMP routes: 0