QoS interface and subinterface IDs

To enable QoS features on an interface or subinterface, you must first configure an interface ID using the following command:

  • qos interfaces interface <interface-id>

You can then associate the interface ID with an actual interface or subinterface using the following commands:

  • qos interfaces interface interface-ref interface <interface-name>; where <interface-name> refers to a base interface, such as a port or LAG
  • qos interfaces interface interface-ref subinterface <subinterface-number>; where <subinterface-number> specifies the subinterface value

After the interface or subinterface is defined, you can then enable the QoS policies as required.

Default QoS interface and subinterface IDs

An interface or subinterface can exist under the /interface context without an explicitly declared entry under the /qos interfaces context. In this case, the interface or subinterface inherits the system default QoS configuration and associated default queues. The system also creates a default interface ID as follows:

  1. interface ethernet-x/y; where x/y refers to the physical port
  2. subinterface ethernet-x/y.z; where z refers to the subinterface index value

If you subsequently configure a QoS interface ID that references an interface with an existing default interface or subinterface ID, the default interface ID is replaced.

If the configured interface ID matches an automatically generated ID, but references a different interface, the automatically created ID is prepended with an underscore, for example: _ethernet-1/1.