Segment routing display commands

SR Linux supports display commands to provide operational information about segment routing, including the following:

  • SID database
  • label block information
  • tunnel-table entries

Displaying the SID database

Use the info from state command to display information about the SID database.

Display the global SID database

--{ candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state network-instance default segment-routing mpls sid-database
    network-instance default {
        segment-routing {
            mpls {
                sid-database {
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3010 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3020 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3030 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3040 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3050 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid sid-label-value 3060 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::1/128 sid-label-value 3610 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::2/128 sid-label-value 3620 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::3/128 sid-label-value 3630 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::4/128 sid-label-value 3640 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::5/128 sid-label-value 3650 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true
                    prefix-sid 2001:db8:20:1::6/128 sid-label-value 3660 protocol isis protocol-instance 0 protocol-multi-topology 0 algorithm 0 {
                        active true

Display the IS-IS prefix SID database

--{ candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state network-instance default protocols isis instance default segment-routing mpls sid-database
    network-instance default {
        protocols {
            isis {
                instance default {
                    segment-routing {
                        mpls {
                            sid-database {
                                prefix-sid sid-label-value 41000 multi-topology-id 0 algorithm 0 {
                                    active false
                                    prefix-conflict false
                                    sid-conflict false
                                    sid-out-of-range false
                                    source-router 0100.2000.1001 level-number 1 {
                                        local-system false
                                        flags {
                                            re-advertised false
                                            node-sid true
                                            penultimate-hop-popping true
                                            explicit-null false
                                            local false
                                    source-router 0100.2000.1001 level-number 2 {
                                        local-system false
                                        flags {
                                            re-advertised false
                                            node-sid true
                                            penultimate-hop-popping true
                                            explicit-null false
                                            local false
                                    source-router 0100.2000.1002 level-number 2 {
                                        local-system false
                                        flags {
                                            re-advertised true
                                            node-sid true
                                            penultimate-hop-popping true
                                            explicit-null false
                                            local false

Displaying label block information

Use the info from state command to display information about the configured label blocks.

--{ * candidate shared default }--[  ]--
# info from state system mpls label-ranges
    system {
        mpls {
            label-ranges {
                static {
                    name srgb-range-1
                    start-label 16001
                    end-label 16999
                    allocated-labels 10
                    free-labels 989
                    status ready

Displaying tunnel table entries

Use the show network-instance default tunnel-table command to display information about segment routing tunnel table entries. You can adjust the output of the report to filter by address type, encapsulation type, tunnel type, and destination prefix.

Show all tunnel-table entries

--{ running }--[  ]--
# show network-instance default tunnel-table all
IPv4 tunnel table of network-instance "default"
|IPv4 Prefix |Encaps|Tunnel |Tunnel|FIB|Metric|Preference| Last Update | Next-hop  |    Next-hop     |
|            |Type  |Type   |ID    |   |      |          |             | (Type)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13010 | Y |  10  | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/33.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:17:32.202Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13030 | Y |  10  | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/34.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:18:02.299Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13040 | Y |  10  | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/8.1  |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:18:26.729Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13050 | Y |  10  | 11       | 2021-11-10T || ethernet-1/9.1  |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:19:02.343Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13060 | Y |  10  | 11       | 2021-11-10T || ethernet-1/11.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:19:38.140Z| (mpls)    |                 |
5 SR-ISIS tunnels, 5 active, 0 inactive
IPv6 tunnel table of network-instance "default"
|IPv6 Prefix |Encaps|Tunnel |Tunnel|FIB|Metric|Prefe| Last Update |     Next-hop     |   Next-hop    |
|            |Type  |Type   |ID    |   |      |rence|             |     (Type)       |               |
|2001:db8:20:| mpls |sr-isis|13610 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:        |ethernet-1/33.1|
|1::1/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:17:32.204Z|1ff:feff:20(mpls) |               |
|2001:db8:20:| mpls |sr-isis|13630 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:        |ethernet-1/34.1|
|1::3/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:18:03.316Z|3ff:feff:21(mpls) |               |
|2001:db8:20:| mpls |sr-isis|13640 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:        |ethernet-1/8.1 |
|1::4/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:18:31.638Z|4ff:feff:20(mpls) |               |
|2001:db8:20:| mpls |sr-isis|13650 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:        |ethernet-1/9.1 |
|1::5/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:19:04.882Z|5ff:feff:20(mpls) |               |
|2001:db8:20:| mpls |sr-isis|13660 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:        |ethernet-1/11.1|
|1::6/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:19:43.545Z|6ff:feff:4(mpls)  |               |
5 SR-ISIS tunnels, 5 active, 0 inactive
--{  running }--[  ]--

Show IPv4 tunnel-table entries

--{ running }--[  ]--
# show network-instance default tunnel-table ipv4
IPv4 tunnel table of network-instance "default"
|IPv4 Prefix |Encaps|Tunnel |Tunnel|FIB|Metric|Preference| Last Update | Next-hop  |    Next-hop     |
|            |Type  |Type   |ID    |   |      |          |             | (Type)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13010 | Y | 10   | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/33.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:17:32.202Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13030 | Y | 10   | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/34.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:18:02.299Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13040 | Y | 10   | 11       | 2021-11-10T | | ethernet-1/8.1  |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:18:26.729Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13050 | Y | 10   | 11       | 2021-11-10T || ethernet-1/9.1  |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:19:02.343Z| (mpls)    |                 |
|| mpls |sr-isis|13060 | Y | 10   | 11       | 2021-11-10T || ethernet-1/11.1 |
|            |      |       |      |   |      |          |14:19:38.140Z| (mpls)    |                 |
5 SR-ISIS tunnels, 5 active, 0 inactive

Show IPv6 tunnel-table entries

--{ running }--[  ]--
# show network-instance default tunnel-table ipv6
IPv6 tunnel table of network-instance "default"
|IPv6 Prefix |Encaps|Tunnel |Tunnel|FIB|Metric|Prefe|Last Update  |    Next-hop     |   Next-hop    |
|            |Type  |Type   |ID    |   |      |rence|             |    (Type)       |               |
|2001:db8:20:|mpls  |sr-isis|13610 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:       |ethernet-1/33.1|
|1::1/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:17:32.202Z|1ff:feff:20(mpls)|               |
|2001:db8:20:|mpls  |sr-isis|13630 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:       |ethernet-1/34.1|
|1::3/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |14:18:02.299Z|3ff:feff:21(mpls)|               |
|2001:db8:20:|mpls  |sr-isis|13640 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:       |ethernet-1/8.1 |
|1::4/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |             |4ff:feff:20(mpls)|               |
|2001:db8:20:|mpls  |sr-isis|13650 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:       |ethernet-1/9.1 |
|1::5/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |             |5ff:feff:20(mpls)|               |
|2001:db8:20:|mpls  |sr-isis|13660 | Y | 10   | 11  |2021-11-10T  |fe80::201:       |ethernet-1/11.1|
|1::6/128    |      |       |      |   |      |     |             | 6ff:feff:4(mpls)|               |
5 SR-ISIS tunnels, 5 active, 0 inactive

Show IPv4 tunnel-table entries by destination prefix

--{ running }--[  ]--
# show network-instance default tunnel-table ipv4 type sr-isis detail
Show report for network instance "default" tunnel table
Destination        :
Encapsulation      : mpls
Tunnel Type        : sr-isis
Metric             : 10
Preference         : 11
Last Update        : 2021-11-10T14:19:38.140Z
FIB Status         : active
Next-hops (mpls) via [ethernet-1/11.1]
      pushed MPLS labels : [53060]

Show IPv6 tunnel-table entries by destination prefix

# show network-instance default tunnel-table ipv6 2001:db8:10:20:1::6/128 detail

Show report for network instance "default" tunnel table
Destination        : 2001:db8:10:20:1::6/128
Encapsulation      : mpls
Tunnel Type        : sr-isis
Metric             : 10
Preference         : 11
Last Update        : 2021-11-10T14:19:43.545Z
FIB Status         : active
  2001:db8:201:6ff:feff:4 (mpls) via [ethernet-1/11.1]
      pushed MPLS labels : [53660]