gRPC Network Operations Interface (gNOI) defines a set of gRPC-based services for executing operational commands on network devices. The individual RPCs and messages that perform the gNOI operations required on the node are defined at the following location: This repository also stores the various per-service protos in subdirectories.
SR Linux supports the following gNOI services:
gNOI OS service
The gNOI OS service provides an interface to install an OS package on a target node. SR Linux supports the gNOI OS service on both the active and standby CPMs (referred to as supervisors in gNOI).
To perform the OS installation, the client progresses through the following three gNOI OS RPCs:
- Install RPC
- Activate RPC
- Verify RPC
The protos used to define the OS service were pulled from the following hash:
Install RPC
The Install RPC transfers the OS package to the target node. The target node first attempts to copy the specified OS package between the CPMs before it accepts the transfer from the client.
To refer to the OS version, SR Linux uses the same string in gNOI as the one used with
ZTP (version string-build number) , for example:
. The download folder for the OS is located at:
/var/run/srlinux/gnoi. To validate that the transferred OS
package is valid and bootable before installation, the platform performs a hash check
against the md5sum that is embedded in the .bin file.
One Install RPC is required for each CPM. Concurrent Install RPCs are not allowed on the same target node.
Install RPC structure
rpc Install(stream InstallRequest) returns (stream InstallResponse);
Activate RPC
The Activate RPC sets the requested OS version for the target node to use at the next
reboot. It also reboots the target node if the no_reboot
flag is not
Activate RPC structure
rpc Activate(ActivateRequest) returns (ActivateResponse);
Verify RPC
The Verify RPC checks the OS version running on the target node. The client can call this RPC multiple times while the target node boots until the activation is successful.
Verify RPC structure
rpc Verify(VerifyRequest) returns (VerifyResponse);
gNOI FactoryReset service
The FactoryReset service enables gNOI clients to reset a target node to boot using a golden image and to optionally format persistent storage.
One of the practical applications of this service is the ability to factory reset a device before performing Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).
- Start RPC
The protos used to define the FactoryReset service were pulled from the following hash: v0.1.0.
Start RPC
The Start RPC allows the client to instruct the target node to immediately clean all existing state data (including storage, configuration, logs, certificates, and licenses) and boot using the OS image configured as the golden image. The golden image is the image that the device resets to when a factory reset is performed. You can set the golden image using the tools system boot golden-image command. To view the available images to select from, use the tools system boot available-images command. If the golden image is not set, the system boots using the current OS image.
The Start RPC supports optional flags to:
- roll back to the OS configured as the golden image
- zero-fill any state data saved in persistent storage
If the golden image is configured and the factory_reset flag is set to true, SR Linux resets to the golden image. If the factory_reset flag is omitted or set to false, SR Linux boots using the current running image, but all existing state data is cleaned.
If any optional flags are set but not supported, the target node returns a gRPC Status message with code INVALID_ARGUMENT with the details value set to the appropriate ResetError message.
Start RPC structure
rpc Start(StartRequest) returns (StartResponse);
gNOI File service
The gNOI File service allows the client to transfer files to and from the target node. The main use for this service is extracting debugging information through the transfer of system logs and core files.
SR Linux supports the following gNOI File RPCs:
The protos used to define the gNOI File service were pulled from the following hash:
The Get RPC reads and streams the contents of a file from a target node to the client using sequential messages, and sends a final message containing the hash of the streamed data before closing the stream.
The target node returns an error if:
- An error occurs while reading the file.
- The file does not exist.
Get RPC structure
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (stream GetResponse) {}
The Put RPC streams data to the target node and writes the data to a file. The client streams the file using sequential messages. The initial message contains information about the filename and permissions. The final message includes the hash of the streamed data.
The target node returns an error if:
- An error occurs while writing the data.
- The location does not exist.
Put RPC structure
rpc Put(stream PutRequest) returns (PutResponse) {}
Stat RPC
The Stat RPC returns metadata about files on the target node.
If the path specified in the StatRequest references a directory, the StatResponse returns the metadata for all files and folders, including the parent directory. If the path references a direct path to a file, the StatResponse returns metadata for the specified file only.
- The file does not exist.
- An error occurs while accessing the metadata.
Stat RPC structure
rpc Stat(StatRequest) returns (StatResponse) {}
Remove RPC
The Remove RPC removes the specified file from the target node.
The target node returns an error if:
- An error occurs during the remove operation (for example, permission denied).
- The file does not exist.
- The path references a directory instead of a file.
Remove RPC structure
rpc Remove(RemoveRequest) returns (RemoveResponse) {}
gNOI System service
The gNOI System service defines an interface that allows a client to perform operational tasks on target network nodes. SR Linux supports the following gNOI System RPCs:
- Ping RPC
- Traceroute RPC
- Time RPC
- SwitchControlProcessor RPC
- Reboot RPC
- CancelReboot RPC
- RebootStatus RPC
- KillProcess RPC
The protos used to define the gNOI System service were pulled from the following hash:
Ping RPC
The Ping RPC allows the client to execute the ping command on the target node. The target node streams the results back to the client. Some targets do not stream any results until they receive all results. If the RPC does not specify a packet count, the ping operation uses a default of five packets.
- The Ping RPC does not currently support specification of a network-instance. The ping is executed in the network-instance where the gNMI server is running.
- SR Linux does not support setting the interval field in the PingRequest to -1 (flood ping).
Ping RPC structure
rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (stream PingResponse) {}
Traceroute RPC
The Traceroute RPC allows the client to execute the traceroute command on the target node. The target node streams the results back to the client. Some targets do not stream any results until they receive all results. If the RPC does not specify a hop count, the traceroute operation uses a default of 30.
- The Traceroute RPC does not currently support specification of a network-instance. The traceroute is executed in the network-instance where the gRPC server is running.
- In the TracerouteRequest, SR Linux does not support the TCP and UDP enum values for the l4protocol field. Only ICMP is supported.
- In the TracerouteResponse, SR Linux does not support the mpls and as_path fields.
Traceroute RPC structure
rpc Traceroute(TracerouteRequest) returns (stream TracerouteResponse) {}
Time RPC
The Time RPC returns the current time on the target node. It is typically used to test whether the target is currently responding.
Time RPC structure
rpc Time(TimeRequest) returns (TimeResponse) {}
SwitchControlProcessor RPC
The SwitchControlProcessor RPC switches the active control processing module (CPM) on the target node to the control slot (A or B) that is specified in the request message.
SwitchControlProcessor RPC structure
rpc SwitchControlProcessor(SwitchControlProcessorRequest)
returns (SwitchControlProcessorResponse) {}
Reboot RPC
The Reboot RPC allows the client to reboot a target node, either immediately or at some time in the future. It triggers the reboot of the entire chassis. It also supports specification of a reboot method (for example, cold or warm reboot), however, if the target node does not support the specified reboot method, the Reboot RPC fails.
If a reboot is pending on the active control processor, the service rejects all other reboot requests.
Reboot RPC structure
rpc Reboot(RebootRequest) returns (RebootResponse) {}
CancelReboot RPC
The CancelReboot RPC allows the client to cancel any pending reboot requests on the target node.
CancelReboot RPC structure
message CancelRebootResponse { }
RebootStatus RPC
The RebootStatus RPC allows the client to query the status of a reboot on the target node.
RebootStatus RPC structure
rpc RebootStatus(RebootStatusRequest) returns (RebootStatusResponse) {}
KillProcess RPC
The KillProcess RPC allows a client to kill an OS process and optionally restart it on the target node.
To specify the process to kill, the RPC must match the application name referenced in the tools system app-management application <name> command.
Mapping of termination signals to SR Linux commands
The KillProcess RPC termination signals map to SR Linux commands as follows:
Termination signal | SR Linux command | Command if restart field is true |
SIGNAL_TERM | stop | restart (this option runs a warm or cold restart based on what is supported) |
SIGNAL_KILL | kill | restart cold |
SIGNAL_HUP | reload | — |
KillProcess RPC structure
rpc KillProcess(KillProcessRequest) returns (KillProcessResponse) {}
gNOI Healthz service
To align with general design principles of distributed systems, the gNOI Healthz service allows system components to report their own health.
Debug commands can display details about the health and state of a component. The Healthz service exposes these interfaces as queryable endpoints. In doing so, it allows clients to validate the health of components and, if unhealthy, gather device-specific data to help triage or reproduce issues.
The Healthz service allows a client to initiate health checks on a target node using the Check RPC. Alternatively, the target node can self-initiate the check and report the results to the client.
A client can then use the List or Get RPC to retrieve health events associated with the affected component and subcomponents. These health events are included in ComponentStatus messages and can be helpful to debug or further root cause the reported fault.
As part of the event response, the List or Get RPC can identify specific artifacts associated with the event, which the client can then retrieve using the Artifact RPC. The client can also call the Acknowledge RPC to acknowledge the retrieval of an event (corresponding to a series of artifacts). By default, acknowledged events are no longer included in the list of events.
The SR Linux components that support some degree of Healthz are as follows (listed in native schema):
- .platform.control{}
- .platform.linecard{}
- .platform.chassis
- .platform.power-supply{}
- .platform.fabric{}
- .interface{}.transceiver
This includes all control, linecard, and fabric modules, along with power supplies and fans, individual transceivers and the chassis itself. Software components, such as routing protocol daemons, are not yet supported with the gNOI Healthz service.
SR Linux supports the following gNOI Healthz RPCs:
SR Linux uses v1.3.0 of the gNOI Healthz service protos, pulled from the following hash:
Collection of artifacts
The workflow for collecting gNOI Healthz artifacts is as follows:
- When a system component becomes unhealthy, the system transmits health state information via telemetry that indicates the healthz/state/status of the component has transitioned to UNHEALTHY.
- When the client observes the transition to UNHEALTHY, it can call the Get or List RPCs to collect the events that occurred on the component.
- As the collection of some artifacts can be service impacting, all artifacts are not always automatically collected for an event. In this case, the client can call the Check RPC to collect the additional service impacting artifacts. This provides an opportunity to coordinate the collection of these artifacts when the operational risk of doing so is minimized (for example, by first removing traffic from the target node). To refer to a previously reported event, the Check RPC request must populate the event_id field with the ID reported in a prior Get or List response. After this Check RPC call, the client can call the Get or List RPCs to obtain the additional artifacts collected for the specified event.
- If a component returns to a healthy status, the system sends updated telemetry information to ensure that the external clients are updated about the current health status, even if the clients make no additional Healthz calls to the system.
Healthz events persistence
Healthz events created for the components are written to disk and persist across restarts of the service or software components.
SR Linux saves Healthz events in the /etc/opt/srlinux/gnoi/healthz/events directory, and rotates the event files to prevent overflow of the partition size. The rotation limit is set to 10 MB for all events combined.
During an unexpected CPM failover Healthz event, the creation and storage of events and artifacts can be interrupted by a CPM switchover. In this case, defer any user-initiated CPM switchover while the system is still processing the Healthz events and artifacts.
Healthz events are written to disk in intervals (every minute) to mitigate high disk pressure for frequently changing events (for example, a flapping interface).
gNMI component paths
The Healthz service works in conjunction with telemetry streamed via gNMI. The system can stream OpenConfig or native YANG paths for a specific component when the component becomes unhealthy.
augment /srl-platform:platform/srl-platform-control:control:
+--ro healthz
+--ro status? enumeration
+--ro last-unhealthy? srl-comm:date-and-time-delta
+--ro unhealthy-count? srl-comm:zero-based-counter64
When the Healthz service references a gNMI path (gnoi.types.Path), it specifies the complete path to a component, for example: /components/component[name=FOO].
Check RPC
The Check RPC allows a client to execute a set of validations against a component. As with other Healthz operations, the component is specified using its gNMI path.
The Check RPC produces a Healthz ComponentStatus message, which contains a list of the artifacts generated from the validation process.
While the system can initiate health checks itself, these checks are limited to operations that do not impact the device functionality. Checks that are potentially service impacting require use of the Check RPC.
The CheckRequest message includes an optional event_id field. When populated, this field directs the system to perform the check for a prior event. In this case, the device collects artifacts that were not collected automatically when the event occurred (to prevent service impacts). The collected artifacts are returned in the artifact list for the event in subsequent Get or List RPC calls.
A CheckRequest for a previous event_id does not overwrite previous artifacts that were collected at the time of the event.
Check RPC structure
rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse) {}
After a health check, the client can use the Get (or List) RPC to retrieve the health events that are associated with a component.
The Get RPC retrieves the latest health event for the specified component. Each event consists of a collection of data that you can use to debug or root cause the fault. Unlike the List RPC, the Get RPC returns only the latest event.
The GetResponse returns a ComponentStatus message that corresponds to the latest health event for the component and each of its subcomponents. As a result, the Get RPC can return multiple ComponentStatus messages for a single component.
Each ComponentStatus message includes a set of ArtifactHeader messages that correspond to the health event, and provide identifiers and types for the artifacts returned by the system. All artifacts listed within the same ComponentStatus message share the same acknowledgement state and expiry time.
When a client invokes a Get RPC on a path, this action is not recorded as an event for this path and no health checks are performed.
Get RPC structure
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {}
List RPC
As an alternative to the Get RPC, the client can use the List RPC to retrieve not just the latest but all health events for the specified component and its subcomponents. Similar to the Get RPC, the List RPC also returns a series of ComponentStatus messages, which have the same semantics as those returned by the Get RPC.
By default, events that are already acknowledged are not returned.
List RPC structure
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {}
Acknowledge RPC
A client can use the Acknowledge RPC to indicate to the target node that the client retrieved a particular (component, event) tuple. To ensure that Healthz artifact storage does not cause resource exhaustion, SR Linux can remove saved artifacts, starting with acknowledged artifacts first.
Acknowledge RPC structure
rpc Acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest) returns (AcknowledgeResponse) {}
Artifact RPC
The Artifact RPC allows a client to retrieve specific artifacts that are related to an event that the target node reported in a prior List or Get response.
Because these artifacts can be large, the Artifact RPC is implemented as a server-side streaming RPC. The Artifact RPC ensures that a target node sends these potentially large artifacts only when the client explicitly requests them.
Artifacts can be core files, dumps of state (info from state on the specified component), or other log files. The collection of info from state artifacts results in the capture of any failure reasons from either the oper-reason or oper-down-reason fields.
The client can acknowledge a retrieved event corresponding to a series of artifacts. Acknowledged events are no longer returned in the list of events by default.
Events persist across restarts of the system or its hardware and software components, and they are removed only for resource management purposes. SR Linux can use the acknowledged status to remove artifacts that are no longer relevant and, if necessary, remove artifacts that are not yet acknowledged.
Artifact RPC structure
rpc Artifact(ArtifactRequest) returns (stream ArtifactResponse) {}
gNOI Healthz CLI commands
To allow the gNOI Healthz events to be cleared using the CLI or by a gNMI or JSON-RPC client, SR Linux supports the following CLI command:
tools system grpc-server testing gnoi healthz [<component>] clear
You can omit the component value to clear all statistics for all components, or you can use one of the following parameters to clear statistics for the specified component only:
- chassis: chassis component
- control slot <id>: control module component
- fabric slot <id>: fabric module component
- fan-tray id <id>: fan component
- linecard slot <id>: line card component
- power-supply id <id>: power supply component
- transceiver interface <name>: transceiver component
gNOI Packet Link Qualification service
The gNOI Packet Link Qualification service allows a client to validate the quality of the link between interfaces on two devices. This service defines a protocol to support the generation of packets from one device (the generator) to a peer device (the reflector). The reflector unconditionally loops back any packets it receives from the generator, and the service validates that those packets are sent and received. After the qualification is complete, the interfaces are restored to their previous state.
SR Linux uses v1.1.0 of the gNOI Packet Link Qualification service protos, pulled from the following hash:
The service allows for different generation and reflection modes of operation based on the hardware capabilities of the devices, however SR Linux only supports a subset of those modes. Regardless of the modes selected, a standard report is generated that upstream services can use to aggregate network-wide link quality.
Platform support
The gNOI Packet Link Qualification service is supported on 7250 IXR platforms.
Generation modes
The service supports the following packet generation modes:
- Packet Generators: The preferred mode for the generation of frames. This mode provides the most flexibility regarding packet rates, packet sizes, and packet content.
- Packet Injectors (not supported on SR Linux): For devices that do not support a built-in packet generator.
Reflector modes
The service supports the following packet reflector modes:
- ASIC Loopback: The preferred mode of reflection. This mode allows for the loopback of frames to occur in the forwarding path of the device. It enables the most comprehensive testing results as all counters may be available to the qualification.
- PMD Loopback (not supported on SR Linux): For devices that do not support ASIC loopback mode.
Operational status of interfaces during qualification
During the link qualification, the operational status of the interfaces displays as testing. After the qualification is complete, the operational status is restored to the previous state. In SR Linux, a port in testing status cannot be configured. Upper layer protocols consider an interface in testing state as operationally down. Control plane packets stop generating on the interface, but resume when the operational status moves back to up. In the test mode, both generating and reflecting ports indicate their status using port LEDs normally, as when forwarding traffic.
Retention and persistence of qualification results
SR Linux stores up to ten of the latest qualification results per interface; the oldest results are automatically overwritten. The results do not persist across reboots of the device nor do they persist when the warm restart is issued. During warm or cold restarts the in-progress and scheduled tests are canceled.
Supported RPCs
SR Linux supports the following gNOI Packet Link Qualification RPCs:
Service Call Flow
The following steps show a typical call flow using the gNOI Packet Link Qualification RPCs. In these examples, the client is referred to as the orchestrator.
1. Determine peer capabilities using the Capabilities RPC
Orchestrator Generator Reflector
| ------------- Capabilities() -------------> | |
| <------------CapbilityResponse ------------ | |
| -------------------------------------- Capabilities() ------------------------------> |
| <------------------------------------ CapabilityResponse() -------------------------- |
2. Specify generator and reflector types and interfaces to qualify using the Create RPC
Orchestrator Generator Reflector
| -------------------- Create() ------------> | |
| ----------------------------------------- Create() ---------------------------------> |
*Generator and Reflector both validate the CreateRequest*
3. Loop Get RPC to return the status of the qualification ID until qualification is complete
Orchestrator Generator Reflector
| --------------------- Get() -------------> | |
| <---------------- GetResponse ------------ | |
| ----------------------------------------- Get() ------------------------------------> |
| <------------------------------------- GetResponse----------------------------------- |
*Loop until qualification complete*
4. Retrieve results for the qualification ID using the List RPC
Orchestrator Generator Reflector
| --------------------- List() -------------> | |
| <---------------- ListResponse ------------ | |
| ------------------------------------------- List() ---------------------------------> |
| <--------------------------------------- ListResponse-------------------------------- |
5. Delete results as required using the Delete RPC
Orchestrator Generator Reflector
| ------------------- Delete() -------------> | |
| ----------------------------------------- Delete() ---------------------------------> |
Capabilities RPC
The Capabilities RPC allows the client to determine the generation and reflection capabilities of target peers in preparation for a packet link qualification between the two devices.
Capabilities RPC structure
rpc Capabilities(CapabilitiesRequest) returns (CapabilitiesResponse);
Create RPC
The Create RPC initiates a qualification operation for each interface. If it fails to create the qualification, the RPC returns an error.
When the Create RPC is called, the device interfaces are put into a forwarding mode which must not contain other traffic, either control or data. This setting can cause the generator or reflector endpoint to become unreachable.
An interface that is configured but not present in the state datastore is not eligible for testing, and interface not found is returned. An interface that is present in state but not in the configuration is eligible for testing.
An attempt to create a test with a duplicate ID returns an AlreadyExists error. This is applicable both to a test that is still running or to a completed test that is not yet deleted using the Delete RPC.
Create RPC structure
rpc Create(CreateRequest) returns (CreateResponse);
The Get RPC allows the client to retrieve the status for the specified qualification IDs.
Get RPC structure
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);
Delete RPC
The Delete RPC allows the client to remove the qualification results for the specified qualification IDs. If a qualification is still in progress, the qualification is first canceled before it is deleted. If a qualification cannot be stopped or deleted, the RPC returns an error.
A client can cancel a running qualification early for several reasons, such as:
- Determination that the errors have already exceeded a threshold
- Desire to change the rate or MTU for a running test
- Realization that the qualification was scheduled at the wrong time
Delete RPC structure
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse);
List RPC
The List RPC allows the client to retrieve the current results for the specified qualification IDs from the generator and reflector nodes.
List RPC structure
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
Packet Link Qualification CLI commands
To allow the gNOI Packet Link Qualification behavior to be invoked in the CLI or by a gNMI or JSON-RPC client, SR Linux supports the following CLI commands:
- system packet-link-qualification profile <profile>
- tools interface <name> packet-link-qualification start id <id> qualification-profile <profile>
- info from state interface <name> packet-link-qualification result <id>
- tools interface <name> packet-link-qualification cancel id <id>
Configuring a gNOI packet link qualification profile using the CLI
As an alternative to using the gNOI RPCs, you can also configure a packet link qualification profile using the system packet-link-qualification profile CLI command.
Configure a packet link qualification profile (generator)
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info system packet-link-qualification profile p1
system {
packet-link-qualification {
profile p1 {
rpc {
pre-sync-duration 10
setup-duration 20
duration 200
post-sync-duration 5
teardown-duration 15
packet-generator {
packet-rate 152737
packet-size 8184
Configure a packet link qualification profile (reflector)
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info system packet-link-qualification profile p1
system {
packet-link-qualification {
profile p1 {
rpc {
pre-sync-duration 10
setup-duration 20
duration 200
post-sync-duration 20
teardown-duration 15
asic-loopback {
Running a packet link qualification test using the CLI
You can run a gNOI packet link qualification test using the tools interface packet-link-qualification start id qualification-profile CLI command and obtain results of the test using the info from state command. To stop or cancel the test, use the tools interface packet-link-qualification cancel id command.
Start a packet link qualification test on the generator
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# tools interface ethernet-5/4 packet-link-qualification start id id1 qualification-profile p1
Start a packet link qualification test on the reflector
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# tools interface ethernet-8/4 packet-link-qualification start id id1 qualification-profile p1
Obtain test results from the generator
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state interface ethernet-5/4 packet-link-qualification result 1
interface ethernet-5/4 {
packet-link-qualification {
result 1 {
oper-state completed
packets-sent 30545942
packets-received 30545942
packets-error 0
packets-dropped 0
start-time "2024-02-20T16:05:03.050Z (an hour ago)"
end-time "2024-02-20T16:08:23.050Z (an hour ago)"
expected-rate 1249999608
qualification-rate 1249940692
Obtain test results from the reflector
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# info from state interface ethernet-8/4 packet-link-qualification result 1
interface ethernet-8/4 {
packet-link-qualification {
result 1 {
oper-state completed
packets-sent 30599067
packets-received 30599067
packets-error 0
packets-dropped 0
start-time "2024-02-20T16:05:02.969Z (an hour ago)"
end-time "2024-02-20T16:08:22.969Z (an hour ago)"
Stop the test on the generator
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# tools interface ethernet-5/4 packet-link-qualification cancel id id1
Stop the test on the reflector
--{ + candidate shared default }--[ ]--
# tools interface ethernet-8/4 packet-link-qualification cancel id id1
gNOI configuration
SR Linux supports gNOI services using the gRPC server configuration. To enable gNOI support, enable the gRPC server.
The session between the gNOI client and SR Linux must be encrypted using TLS.
See the "Management servers" chapter in the SR Linux Configuration Basics Guide for information about how to configure the gRPC server.
Configuring gNOI services
As part of the gRPC server configuration, you can also specify which individual gNOI services to enable.
To enable gNOI services, use the system grpc-server <network-instance> services command.
Enable gNOI services
# info system grpc-server mgmt
system {
grpc-server mgmt {
admin-state enable
timeout 7200
rate-limit 1500
session-limit 20
metadata-authentication true
yang-models native
tls-profile tls-profile-1
network-instance mgmt
port 50052
oper-state up
services [
source-address [
gnmi {
commit-confirmed-timeout 0
commit-save false
include-defaults-in-config-only-responses false
unix-socket {
admin-state disable
socket-path ""