Getting MSISDN value

For devices that support UQS mode, the server expects the device to send the MSISDN in the “sms” parameter in the registration packet. [&sms=<MSISDN>]. The format of the MSISDN is not specified in LWM2M specification; however, it is mentioned that MSISDN must be as specified in 3GPP-TS_23.003. Per this definition MSISDN must start with the country code without any preceding numbers or “+” symbol. For a device with phone number of +1 732 555 1212, the MSISDN is sent as &sms=17325551212

MSISDN parameter is not mandatory in the standard and if the device sends binding mode of UQS and does not specify the MSISDN, the server will attempt to fetch it from the end-point client name if the end point client name is of the format: urn:imei-msisdn:<imei>-<msisdn>. If the server cannot determine the MSISDN value from the end-point client name, it will look for MSISDN in its database.

If all the attempts to fetch the MSISDN fails, the server will treat the device as a UQ device and queue the server initiated command and serve it to the device when the device connects to the server.