Sending SMS to wake up devices

A wake up SMS triggers an Execute operation on 1/x/8 resource. This wakes up the device to send registration update to the server.

The client_active_duration property in etcdloader file, defines the active duration of a client before the device goes offline (sleeping mode) after a REGISTER or an UPDATE is complete. The client_active_duration takes a value in seconds. By default, the value is 0.

If.. Then..
the client_active_duration is left unchanged with default value as '0' the LWM2M server triggers a wake up SMS for operations such as READ, WRITE, DELETE, EXECUTE and SUBSCRIPTIONS to the device which is registered in UQS mode and reachable through SMS irrespective of the device's status (online or offline).
the client_active_duration is set to a value other than '0' the LWM2M server checks this duration before invoking the wake up SMS to devices. If this duration is less than the last_seen value, then the LWM2M server invokes a wake up SMS. Else, the LWM2M server tries to queue the request through the UDP socket.