Reference documentation
Within the Fabric Services System GUI you can find detailed API documentation for each of the services that exposes an API.
is your local installation FQDN. 
The API GUI contains a list of the services on the left. Click on any of those services to display the OpenAPI/Swagger documentation for that service for easy reference.
Click the expand icon for an individual API call to see details for that call including usage, parameter details, and a tool for issuing a sample call.
The download button allows you to download the OpenAPI/Swagger YAML file for the selected service. You can use this file with any tools that are compatible with the OpenAPI standard. The Fabric Services System uses the OpenAPI v2 specifications format.
In addition to the reference API documentation, the same page in the Fabric Services System UI also provides a list of all the services deployed in the Fabric Services System application and the versions of each of these services. You can access this information by clicking SYSTEM VERSIONS.