Configuring the Fabric Services System deployer VM
From the KVM console, log in to the deployer VM.
Use the following credentials:
Username: root
Password: N0ki@DCF4bricFSS1!
Note: After the initial login, Nokia recommends that you change this default password to a stronger password to enhance the security of the deployer and the Fabric Services System environment. -
If your environment does not support or use cloud-init services, disable and
stop these services.
# systemctl stop cloud-init cloud-init-local cloud-config cloud-final
# systemctl disable cloud-init cloud-init-local cloud-config cloud-final
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file to
configure the correct static IP address, DNS servers, and gateway.
The final content should look similar to the following, except with the IP address, DNS, and domain details specific to the target environment:
Restart the network to apply the new configuration.
Execute the following command:
# systemctl restart network
Configure the appropriate NTP servers.
Edit the /etc/chrony.conf configuration file and replace all lines beginning with
with the correct server lines for the environment. -
Restart the chronyd service.
# systemctl restart chronyd
Verify that time synchronization is functioning properly.
# chronyc tracking
If the Reference ID field does not refer to any of the configured servers, but instead refers to something like, time synchronization is not functioning properly.
Reference ID : 87E30FFE ( Stratum : 4 Ref time (UTC) : Wed Feb 16 01:20:36 2022 System time : 0.000014215 seconds slow of NTP time Last offset : -0.000001614 seconds RMS offset : 0.000106133 seconds Frequency : 11.863 ppm slow Residual freq : -0.071 ppm Skew : 0.187 ppm Root delay : 0.063009784 seconds Root dispersion : 0.018440660 seconds Update interval : 64.5 seconds Leap status : Normal
Synchronize the RTC clock and the system clock.
# hwclock --systohc
Then, verify that local time and the RTC time are synchronized.# timedatectl
- Optional:
Change the hostname.
# hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname.domain.tld
Reboot the Fabric Services System deployer VM to ensure that all services come
up with the correct network configuration.
# reboot