Preparing the Fabric Services System deployer hypervisor

Before you install the deployer VM, you must prepare the node on which you are installing the deployer VM. Virtualization must be enabled on the node, and can be enabled in the BIOS/EFI. You must also install a KVM environment on the node before installing the deployer VM.

Commands in this procedure require root privileges.

  1. Confirm that virtualization is enabled on the node using one of the following commands, depending on your system chip set. If virtualization is not enabled, enable it in the BIOS/EFI before continuing.
    • For an Intel system, enter:

      $ lscpu | grep Virtualization
        Virtualization: VT-x 
    • For an AMD system, enter:

      $ lscpu | grep Virtualization
        Virtualization: AMD-V 
  2. Install the KVM environment.
    $ yum install qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install -y
  3. Enable and start the libvirtd service on the installer node.
    $ systemctl enable libvirtd
    $ systemctl start libvirtd