Creating a region
The first time you log into the system, you are prompted to create a region. The prompt does not appear for subsequent logins.
To create a new region:
to open the main menu.
- In the main menu, select Deployment Regions.
- Click the + CREATE A REGION button.
- Enter values for the parameters described in Region properties, up to and including Route Target.
To configure EVPN peering within the region, define the EVPN profile
by doing the following:
- If your region will not use EVPN peering, leave the default value of the Control Plane drop-down list as None and go to step 11.
- If your region will use eBGP for EVPN peering, select eBGP from the Control Plane drop-down list and go to step 11.
- If your region will use iBGP for EVPN peering, and you plan to use only nodes within a fabric created with the Fabric Services System as route reflectors, you must create those fabrics and configure those nodes before you can configure iBGP; go to step 7.
- If your region will use iBGP for EVPN peering and you plan to use existing nodes (that are not part of a fabric created with the Fabric Services System) as route reflectors, you can configure iBGP; go to step 6.
Configure iBGP by doing the following:
Leave the default value of the Control
Plane drop-down list as None.
After you create a fabric that includes one or more nodes to act as route reflectors, complete Updating a region to use iBGP. As part of that procedure, you change the Control Plane setting to iBGP and select your newly configured route reflectors.
In the Protocol Authentication panel, configure eBGP
- if eBGP authentication is not required, leave the BGP toggle set to Disabled.
- if eBGP authentication is required, set the BGP toggle to Enabled. This causes the Fabric Services System to generate a unique key that is required for eBGP authentication and to incorporate the requirement for this authentication into subsequent node configurations.
- Configure start and end values to establish the range for the EVI pool.
- Configure start and end values to establish the range for the VNI pool.
- Click the CREATE button.