Workflow for multicast manager


Ensure that PIM and IGMP are properly configured using the NFM-P.

Create a PIM domain. If one PIM domain is used, all of the existing or potential multicast routers could belong to this PIM domain. See To create a PIM domain for more information.

Add PIM and IGMP routers to the PIM domain. See To create a PIM domain for more information.

Create a multicast group. See To create a multicast group for more information.

Populate multicast groups for the multicast network with (*,G) and (S,G) pairs. See To automatically populate a multicast group for more information.

Resynchronize all of the multicast network objects in the CPAM with the NFM-P, as required. See To resync the multicast network for more information.

After a router is added to the PIM domain, you can:

Open the multicast topology view. See To open the multicast topology view for more information.

Highlight RPs on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight RPs for more information.


Highlight routers with mismatched RP tables on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight routers with mismatched RP tables for more information.


Highlight BSRs on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight BSRs for more information.


Highlight routers with mismatched BSRs on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight routers with mismatched elected BSRs for more information.


Highlight the multicast tree on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight the multicast tree for more information.


Highlight routers for a multicast group or mask on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight routers for a multicast group or mask for more information.


Highlight active sources for a group on the multicast topology view, as required. See To highlight active sources for a group for more information.


Perform a highlighted multicast path audit, as required. See To perform a highlighted multicast path audit for more information.


View the legend for a topology map, if required. See To view the legend for a topology map for more information.

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