NSP NFM-P discovery (phase 2)

During the NSP NFM-P Discovery phase the node sends DNS query messages to the DNS server addresses discovered from the previous phase. The node then learns the IP addresses of the NSP NFP-P and sends SNMP traps toward the NSP NFP-P.

The following NSP NFM-P URL names are set for the auto-discovery command in the BOF by default:

  • auto-discover private.nokia.nsp.primary.nms
  • auto-discover private.nokia.nsp.secondary.nms

The names can also be set to the following:

  • another appropriate name, if required

  • an IP address (which eliminates the requirement for a DNS server)

The node sends the DNS query message every 5 seconds until a DNS query response message is received with a valid IP address for the primary and secondary NSP NFM-P.

One IP address is required for the ADP-Hm process to continue to the next phase. If no DNS query response message is received, ADP-Hm will time-out and reboot the node. After reboot, the ADP-Hm process restarts from the beginning of Network Discovery (Phase 1).

After either the NSP NFM-P primary or secondary IP addresses are known by the node, the NSP NFM-P performs the following:

  • SNMPv2 trap destinations are set to the NSP NFM-P IP addresses. Log 1 is used to set up the trap destinations.

  • ADP-Hm enables NETCONF (note that SSHv2 is enabled by default on the node). ADP-Hm searches the user database for a user with access to NETCONF. If no user exists, NETCONF access is granted to the default user "admin".

  • The node initiates an SNMP trap poll that sends a "Hello" notification trap message to the NSP NFM-P every 15 seconds.

  • The node waits for the NSP NFM-P to process the Hello request and then ADP-Hm starts the NSP NFM-P Configuration (Phase 3).