Network QoS Policies
This chapter provides information to configure network QoS policies using the command line interface (CLI).
Topics in this chapter include:
The network QoS policy consists of an ingress and egress component for interfaces in the IP domain, and a ring component for interfaces in the bridging domain.
The ingress component of the QoS policy defines how DSCP bits (for GRE and IP) and multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) Experimental (EXP) bits are mapped to internal forwarding class and profile state. The forwarding class and profile state define the per-hop behavior (PHB) or the QoS treatment through the 7705 SAR.
The egress component of the QoS policy defines the DSCP bit, MPLS EXP bit, and the dot1p marking based on the forwarding class and the profile state.
The ring component of the QoS policy defines how dot1p bits are mapped to network queue and profile state.
The mapping on each network interface defaults to the mappings defined in the default network QoS policy until an explicit policy is defined for the network interface. Network policy-id 1 exists as the default policy that is applied to all network interfaces by default. The network policy-id 1 cannot be modified or deleted. For the ingress, it defines the default DSCP-to-FC and profile state, and MPLS EXP-to-FC and profile state mappings. For the egress, it defines eight forwarding classes and profile states that represent the packet marking criteria. For the ring, it defines eight dot1p-to-queue and profile state mappings.
New (non-default) network policy parameters can be modified. The no form of the command reverts to the default values.
Changes made to a policy are applied immediately to all network interfaces where the policy is applied. For this reason, when a policy requires several changes, it is recommended that you copy the policy to a work area policy-id. The work-in-progress copy can be modified until all the changes are made, and then the original policy-id can be overwritten with the config qos copy command.
Basic Configuration
This section contains the following topics related to creating and applying network QoS policies for the IP domain and the bridging domain:
A basic network QoS policy must conform to the following rule:
Each network QoS policy must have a unique policy ID.
Configuring a Network QoS Policy
Configuring and applying QoS policies other than the default policy is optional.
Define the following parameters to configure a network QoS policy (see Default Network QoS Policy Values for default values):
a network policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value
a network policy type — the type of network policy can be ip-interface for IP domain policies (to configure ingress and egress criteria), or ring for bridging domain policies (to configure ring criteria), or default (to set any network policy to its default values)
a description — a text string description of policy features
scope — the policy scope as exclusive or template
egress criteria — you can modify egress criteria to customize the forwarding class to be instantiated. Otherwise, the default values are applied.
dot1p — the dot1p-in-profile and dot1p-out-profile mapping for the forwarding class
DSCP — the DSCP value is used for all GRE and IP packets (in or out of profile) requiring marking that egress on this forwarding class
LSP EXP — the EXP value is used for all MPLS labeled packets (in or out of profile) requiring marking that egress on this forwarding class
ingress criteria — the DSCP to forwarding class mapping for all GRE and IP packets and the MPLS EXP bits to forwarding class mapping for all labeled packets
default-action — the default action to be taken for packets that have undefined DSCP or MPLS EXP bits set. The default-action specifies the forwarding class to which such packets are assigned. The default-action is automatically created when the policy is created.
DSCP — a mapping between the DSCP bits of the network ingress traffic and the forwarding class. Ingress traffic that matches the specified DSCP bits will be assigned to the corresponding forwarding class.
LSP EXP — a mapping between the LSP EXP bits of the network ingress traffic and the forwarding class. Ingress traffic that matches the specified LSP EXP bits will be assigned to the corresponding forwarding class.
ring criteria — the dot1p-to-queue mapping for all packets arriving on a bridging domain port (that is, a ring port or the add/drop port)
default-action — the default action to be taken for packets that have undefined dot1p bits set. The default-action specifies the queue to which such packets are assigned and the profile state of the packets. The default-action is automatically created when the policy is created.
dot1p — a mapping of the dot1p bits of the ingress traffic to the queue and the profile state
Creating a Network QoS Policy
Configuring and applying network QoS policies other than the default policy is optional.
Use the following CLI syntax to create a network QoS policy for router interfaces (ip-interface type) and ring port (ring type).
The ip-interface keyword is optional for router interface network policies.
Use the ring keyword to create a network QoS policy that can be applied to a bridging domain port (that is, a ring port or the add/drop port). Up to eight dot1p-to-queue and profile mappings can be defined under the ring command.
- CLI Syntax:
network network-policy-id [create] [network-policy-type {ip-interface | ring | default}]
description description-string
scope {exclusive|template}
fc {be|l2|af|l1|h2|ef|h1|nc}
dot1p dot1p-priority
dot1p-in-profile dot1p-priority
dot1p-out-profile dot1p-priority
dscp-in-profile dscp-name
dscp-out-profile dscp-name
lsp-exp-in-profile lsp-exp-value
lsp-exp-out-profile lsp-exp-value
default-action fc {be|l2|af|l1|h2|ef|h1|nc} profile {in|out}
dscp dscp-name fc {be|l2|af|l1|h2|ef|h1|nc} profile {in|out}
lsp-exp lsp-exp-value fc fc-name profile {in|out}
default-action queue queue-id profile {in | out}
dot1p dot1p-priority queue queue-id profile {in|out}
- Example:
configure qos network 700 create network-policy-type ip-interface
config>qos>network$ description "Net Policy"
config>qos>network$ scope template
config>qos>network$ egress fc be
config>qos>network>egress>fc$ dot1p 1
config>qos>network>egress>fc$ lsp-exp-in-profile 2
config>qos>network>egress>fc$ lsp-exp-out-profile 3
config>qos>network>egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>network$ ingress
config>qos>network>ingress$ default-action fc be profile in
config>qos>network>ingress$ exit
config>qos>network$ exit
The following output displays the configuration for an ip-interface type network policy 700:
*A:ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
network 700 network-policy-type ip-interface create
description "Net Policy"
default-action fc be profile in
fc be
lsp-exp-in-profile 2
lsp-exp-out-profile 3
dot1p-in-profile 1
dot1p-out-profile 1
The following example creates a ring type network QoS policy on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card or 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module.
- Example:
config>qos>network 5 network-policy-type ring create
config>qos>network>ring# default-action queue 1 profile out
config>qos>network>ring# dot1p 1 queue 4 profile in
config>qos>network>ring# dot1p 5 queue 6 profile out
config>qos>network>ring# exit
config>qos>network# scope template
config>qos>network# exit
The following output displays the configuration for ring network policy 5:
*A:7705custDoc:Sar18>config>qos>network# info detail
no description
scope template
default-action queue 1 profile out
dot1p 1 queue 4 profile in
dot1p 5 queue 6 profile out
Applying Network QoS Policies
You can apply network QoS policies to router interfaces and a ring adapter card.
Use the following CLI syntax to apply network policies to router interfaces:
- CLI Syntax:
interface-nameqos network-policy-id
- Example:
config>router# interface ALU-1
config>router>if$ qos 700
config>router>if$ exit
The following output displays the configuration for router interface ALU-1 with network policy 700 applied to the interface.
A:ALU-1>config>router# info
echo "IP Configuration"
interface "ALU-1"
qos 700
interface "ip-"
Use the following CLI syntax to apply a ring type network policy to a ring adapter card. Applying the policy to the card means that the policy is applied to ingress traffic of the ring ports and the add/drop port:
- CLI Syntax:
qos-policy network-policy-id
- Example:
config# card 1
config>card# mda 8
config>card>mda# network ring
config>card>mda>network>ring# qos-policy 5
The following output displays the configuration for ring type network policy 5 applied to a ring adapter card.
*A:7705custDoc:Sar18>config>card>mda>network# info detail
fabric-policy 1
queue-policy "default"
qos-policy 5
add-drop-port-queue-policy "default"
Default Network QoS Policy Values
The default network policy is identified as policy-id 1. Default policies cannot be modified or deleted. Default Network QoS Policy DSCP-to-Forwarding Class Mappings, Default Network QoS Policy LSP EXP-to-Forwarding Class Mappings , and Default Network QoS Policy Dot1p-to-Queue Class Mappings (found in the section on Network and Network Queue QoS Policies) list the default network QoS policy parameters for ingress, egress, and ring policies.
The following output displays the default network policy configuration:
A:ALU-1>config>qos>network# info detail
description "Default network QoS policy."
scope template
default-action fc be profile out
dscp be fc be profile out
dscp ef fc ef profile in
dscp cs1 fc l2 profile in
dscp nc1 fc h1 profile in
dscp nc2 fc nc profile in
dscp af11 fc af profile in
dscp af12 fc af profile out
dscp af13 fc af profile out
dscp af21 fc l1 profile in
dscp af22 fc l1 profile out
dscp af23 fc l1 profile out
dscp af31 fc l1 profile in
dscp af32 fc l1 profile out
dscp af33 fc l1 profile out
dscp af41 fc h2 profile in
dscp af42 fc h2 profile out
dscp af43 fc h2 profile out
no ler-use-dscp
lsp-exp 0 fc be profile out
lsp-exp 1 fc l2 profile in
lsp-exp 2 fc af profile out
lsp-exp 3 fc af profile in
lsp-exp 4 fc h2 profile in
lsp-exp 5 fc ef profile in
lsp-exp 6 fc h1 profile in
lsp-exp 7 fc nc profile in
fc af
dscp-in-profile af11
dscp-out-profile af12
lsp-exp-in-profile 3
lsp-exp-out-profile 2
dot1p-in-profile 2
dot1p-out-profile 2
fc be
dscp-in-profile be
dscp-out-profile be
lsp-exp-in-profile 0
lsp-exp-out-profile 0
dot1p-in-profile 0
dot1p-out-profile 0
fc ef
dscp-in-profile ef
dscp-out-profile ef
lsp-exp-in-profile 5
lsp-exp-out-profile 5
dot1p-in-profile 5
dot1p-out-profile 5
fc h1
dscp-in-profile nc1
dscp-out-profile nc1
lsp-exp-in-profile 6
lsp-exp-out-profile 6
dot1p-in-profile 6
dot1p-out-profile 6
fc h2
dscp-in-profile af41
dscp-out-profile af42
lsp-exp-in-profile 4
lsp-exp-out-profile 4
dot1p-in-profile 4
dot1p-out-profile 4
fc l1
dscp-in-profile af21
dscp-out-profile af22
lsp-exp-in-profile 3
lsp-exp-out-profile 2
dot1p-in-profile 3
dot1p-out-profile 3
default-action queue 1 profile out
dot1p 0 queue 1 profile out
dot1p 1 queue 2 profile in
dot1p 2 queue 3 profile out
dot1p 3 queue 3 profile in
dot1p 4 queue 5 profile in
dot1p 5 queue 6 profile in
dot1p 6 queue 7 profile in
dot1p 7 queue 8 profile in
Service Management Tasks
This section describes the following service management tasks:
Deleting QoS Policies
A network policy is associated by default with router interfaces. You can replace the default policy with a non-default policy, but you cannot entirely remove the policy from the configuration. When you remove a non-default policy, the policy association reverts to the default network policy-id 1.
Use the following syntax to delete a network policy.
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos# no network network-policy-id
- Example:
config>qos# no
Copying and Overwriting Network Policies
You can copy an existing network policy to a new policy ID value or overwrite an existing policy ID. The overwrite option must be specified or an error occurs if the destination policy ID exists.
Use the following syntax to overwrite an existing policy ID.
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos# copy network source-policy-id dest-policy-id [overwrite]
- Example:
config>qos# copy network 1 600
config>qos# copy slope-policy 600 700
MINOR: CLI Destination "700" exists use {overwrite}.
config>qos# copy slope-policy 600 700 overwrite
The following output displays copied policies:
ALU-12>config>qos# info detail
network 1 create
description "Default network QoS policy."
scope template
default-action fc be profile out
network 600 create
description "Default network QoS policy."
scope template
default-action fc be profile out
network 700 create
description "Default network QoS policy."
scope template
default-action fc be profile out
Editing QoS Policies
You can change existing policies, except the default policies, and entries in the CLI. The changes are applied immediately to all interfaces where the policy is applied. To prevent configuration errors, use the copy command to make a duplicate of the original policy in a work area, make the edits, and then overwrite the original policy.
Network QoS Policy Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
QoS Policy Network Commands
- qos
- [no] network network-policy-id [create] [network-policy-type {ip-interface | ring | default}]
- description description-string
- no description
- scope {exclusive | template}
- no scope
- egress
- [no] fc fc-name
- dot1p dot1p-priority
- no dot1p
- dot1p-in-profile dot1p-priority
- no dot1p-in-profile
- dot1p-out-profile dot1p-priority
- no dot1p-out-profile
- dscp-in-profile dscp-name
- no dscp-in-profile
- dscp-out-profile dscp-name
- no dscp-out-profile
- lsp-exp-in-profile lsp-exp-value
- no lsp-exp-in-profile
- lsp-exp-out-profile lsp-exp-value
- no lsp-exp-out-profile
- ingress
- default-action fc fc-name profile {in | out}
- dscp dscp-name fc fc-name profile {in | out}
- no dscp
- [no] ler-use-dscp
- lsp-exp lsp-exp-value fc fc-name profile {in | out}
- no lsp-exp lsp-exp-value
- ring
- default-action queue queue-id profile {in | out}
- dot1p dot1p-priority queue queue-id profile {in | out}
- no dot1p dot1p-priority
Self-generated Traffic Configuration Commands
- router
- sgt-qos
- application dscp-app-name dscp {none | dscp-value | dscp-name} [fc-queue fc-name profile {in | out}]
- application dot1p-app-name dot1p {none | dot1p-priority} [fc-queue fc-name profile {in | out}]
- no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
- dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
- no dscp dscp-name
Operational Commands
- qos
- copy network src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
Show Commands
- qos
- dscp-table [value dscp-value]
- network policy-id [detail]
- router
- sgt-qos
- application [app-name] [dscp | dot1p]
- dscp-map [dscp-name]
Command Descriptions
Configuration Commands
Generic Commands
description description-string
no description
This command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify the context in the configuration file.
The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.
- description-string
a text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (such as #, $, or spaces), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Network QoS Policy Commands
[no] network network-policy-id [create] [network-policy-type {ip-interface | ring | default}]
This command creates or edits a QoS network policy. The network policy defines the treatment that GRE, IP, or MPLS packets receive as they ingress and egress the network port.
The network-policy-type keyword defines the type of network policy that will be created. The ip-interface type network policy is assigned to router interfaces. The ring type network policy is assigned to bridging domain ports on a ring adapter card.
Using the network-policy-type keyword is optional. If network-policy-type is not used, a default ip-interface policy is created.
Network policy-id 1 exists as the default policy that is applied to all network interfaces by default. Network policy-id 1 cannot be modified or deleted, and is reapplied when the network-policy-type default keyword is used.
If a new network policy is created for the IP domain (for instance, policy-id 2), only the default action and egress forwarding class parameters are identical to the default policy-id 1. A new network policy does not contain the default DSCP-to-FC or MPLS EXP-to-FC mapping. To create a new network policy that includes the default ingress DSCP-to-FC or MPLS EXP-to-FC mapping, the default network policy-id 1 can be copied (using the copy command). You can modify parameters or use the no modifier to remove an object from the configuration. Similarly, the copy and modify process is used to create a new ring type network policy, where the dot1p-to-queue and profile state mapping are available for use in the new policy.
Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, will be applied immediately to all network interfaces where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is highly recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy-id. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete and then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no form of this command deletes the network policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all services where it is applied. The default network policy policy-id 1 cannot be deleted.
System Default Network Policy 1 defined
- network-policy-id
uniquely identifies the policy on the 7705 SAR
- create
keyword used to create a network QoS policy
- network-policy-type {ip-interface | ring | default}
keyword used to define the type of network policy
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
This command configures the network policy scope as exclusive or template. The policy’s scope cannot be changed if the policy is applied to an interface.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
- exclusive
when the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to one network. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second network, an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive network, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive network.
The system default policies cannot be defined as exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.
- template
when the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple networks on the router.
Default QoS policies are configured with template scopes. An error is generated if you try to modify the template scope parameter to exclusive scope on default policies.
Network Egress QoS Policy Commands
This command is used to enter the CLI mode that creates or edits egress policy entries that specify the forwarding class to be instantiated when this policy is applied to the network port.
The forwarding class and profile state mapping to in-profile and out-of-profile DSCP and MPLS EXP bits mapping for all labeled packets are also defined under this node.
For MPLS tunnels, if network egress Ethernet ports are used, dot1p bit marking can be enabled in conjunction with EXP bit marking. In this case, the tunnel and pseudowire EXP bits do not have to be the same as the dot1p bits.
For GRE and IP tunnels, dot1p marking and pseudowire EXP marking can be enabled, and DSCP marking can also be enabled.
The service packets are transported over an MPLS LSP, GRE tunnel, or IP tunnel.
All out-of-profile service packets are marked with the corresponding DSCP (for GRE or IP packets) or EXP (for MPLS packets) bit value at network egress. All in-profile service packets are marked with the corresponding in-profile DSCP or EXP bit value based on the forwarding class they belong to.
[no] fc fc-name
This command specifies the forwarding class name. The fc fc-name represents a CLI parent node that contains sub-commands or parameters describing the marking criteria for that forwarding class. The fc command overrides the default parameters for that forwarding class defined in the network default policy-id 1.
The no form of this command reverts to the defined parameters in the default network policy policy-id 1. If the fc-name is removed from the default network policy policy-id 1, that forwarding class reverts to the factory defaults.
Undefined forwarding classes default to the configured parameters in the default network policy policy-id 1.
- fc-name
the case-sensitive, system-defined forwarding class name for which policy entries will be created
Network Ingress QoS Policy Commands
This command is used to enter the CLI mode that creates or edits policy entries that specify the DSCP to forwarding class mapping for all GRE or IP packets and define the MPLS EXP bits to forwarding class mapping for all labeled packets.
When pre-marked GRE, IP, or MPLS packets ingress on a network port, they get a per-hop behavior (that is, the QoS treatment through the 7705 SAR based on the mapping defined under the current node).
default-action fc fc-name profile {in | out}
This command defines or edits the default action to be taken for packets that have undefined DSCP or MPLS EXP bits set. The default-action command specifies the forwarding class to which such packets are assigned.
Multiple default-action commands will overwrite each previous default-action command.
- fc-name
specifies the forwarding class name. All packets with DSCP or MPLS EXP bits not defined will be placed in this forwarding class.
- profile {in | out}
all packets that are assigned to this forwarding class will be considered in or out of profile based on this command. In case of congestion, the in-profile packets are preferentially queued over the out-of-profile packets.
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name profile {in | out}
no dscp
This command creates a mapping between the DSCP of the network ingress traffic and the forwarding class for GRE or IP packets.
Ingress traffic that matches the specified DSCP is assigned to the corresponding forwarding class. Multiple commands can be entered to define the association of some or all 64 DSCP values with the forwarding class. For undefined code points, packets are assigned to the forwarding class specified under the default-action command.
The no form of this command removes the DSCP-to-FC association. The default-action then applies to that code point value.
- dscp-name
specifies the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class. The DSCP value is derived from the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte field (DSCP bits). The six DSCP bits define 64 DSCP values used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.
A maximum of 64 DSCP rules are allowed on a single policy. The specified name must exist as a dscp-name. Valid DSCP Names lists all the valid DSCP names.
Table 1. Valid DSCP Names dscp-name
be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, cp35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
- fc-name
specifies the forwarding class name with which the DSCP will be associated
- profile {in | out}
all packets that are assigned to this forwarding class will be considered in or out of profile based on this command. In case of congestion, the in-profile packets are preferentially queued over the out-of-profile packets.
[no] ler-use-dscp
This command is used to override tunnel QoS mapping on all ingress network IP interfaces that the network-policy-id is associated with. The command may be defined at any time after the network QoS policy has been created.
For IP traffic riding over MPLS or GRE tunnels that will be routed to the base router, a VPRN interface, or an IES interface at the tunnel termination point (the eLER), this command makes it possible for the 7705 SAR to ignore the EXP/DSCP bits in the tunnel header when the packets arrive at the eLER. This is useful when the mapping for the tunnel QoS marking does not completely reflect the required QoS handling for the IP routed packet. When the command is enabled on an ingress network IP interface, the IP interface will ignore the tunnel’s QoS mapping and will derive the internal forwarding class and associated profile state based on the DSCP values of the IP header ToS field. This command applies only on the eLER where the tunnel or service is terminated and the next header in the packet is IP.
The default state is to not enforce customer DSCP at the tunnel-termination point, IP-routed QoS override within the network QoS policy.
The no form of the command removes use of customer DSCP at tunnel-termination, IP-routed QoS override from the network QoS policy and all ingress network IP interfaces associated with the policy.
no ler-use-dscp
lsp-exp lsp-exp-value fc fc-name profile {in | out}
no lsp-exp lsp-exp-value
This command creates a mapping between the LSP EXP bits of the network ingress traffic and the forwarding class.
Ingress traffic that matches the specified LSP EXP bits will be assigned to the corresponding forwarding class. Multiple commands can be entered to define the association of some or all of the eight LSP EXP bit values with the forwarding class. For undefined values, packets are assigned to the forwarding class specified under the default-action command.
The no form of this command removes the association of the LSP EXP bit value with the forwarding class. The default-action then applies to that LSP EXP bit pattern.
- lsp-exp-value
specifies the LSP EXP values to be associated with the forwarding class
- fc-name
specifies the FC name that the EXP bit pattern will be associated with
- profile {in | out}
indicates whether the LSP EXP value is the in-profile or out-of-profile value
Network Ring QoS Policy Commands
This command is used to enter the CLI context that creates or edits policy entries that specify the dot1p-to-queue mapping for all packets.
default-action queue queue-id profile {in | out}
This command defines or edits the default action to be taken for packets that have undefined dot1p bits set. The default-action command specifies the queue to which received packets are assigned as well as their profile state. Multiple default-action commands will overwrite each previous default-action command.
- queue-id
specifies the queue ID. All packets with dot1p bits not defined by a dot1p command will be placed in this queue.
- profile {in | out}
all packets with dot1p bits not defined by a dot1p command will be considered in-profile or out-of-profile based on this command. In case of congestion, the in-profile packets are preferentially queued over the out-of-profile packets.
dot1p dot1p-priority queue queue-id profile {in | out}
no dot1p dot1p-priority
This command creates a mapping between the dot1p bits of the ingress traffic and the queue and profile state. A maximum of eight dot1p entries are allowed on a single policy.
The no form of the command removes the association of the dot1p bit value with the queue and profile state. The default-action then applies to that dot1p bit pattern.
- dot1p-priority
specifies the dot1p bit value to be associated with the queue and the profile state
- queue-id
specifies the queue in which all packets with the dot1p bits value are placed
- profile {in | out}
specifies the profile state of packets with the dot1p bit value, either in-profile or out-of-profile
Network Egress QoS Policy Forwarding Class Commands
dot1p dot1p-priority
no dot1p
This command explicitly defines the egress dot1p priority bits values for the forwarding class.
The no form of the command sets the dot1p priority bits value to 0.
- dot1p-priority
the explicit dot1p value for the specified forwarding class. Setting the value to 0 is equivalent to removing the marking value.
dot1p-in-profile dot1p-priority
no dot1p-in-profile
This command specifies dot1p in-profile mappings.
The no form of the command reverts to the factory default in-profile dot1p-priority setting for policy-id 1.
- dot1p-priority
defines the dot1p marking for the forwarding class
A maximum of eight dot1p rules are allowed on a single policy.
dot1p-out-profile dot1p-priority
no dot1p-out-profile
This Command Specifies Dot1p Out-profile Mappings.
The No Form Of The Command Reverts To The Factory Default Out-profile Dot1p-priority Setting For Policy-id 1.
- dot1p-priority
defines the dot1p marking for the forwarding class
A maximum of eight dot1p rules are allowed on a single policy.
dscp-in-profile dscp-name
no dscp-in-profile
This command specifies the in-profile DSCP name for the forwarding class. The corresponding DSCP value is used for all in-profile GRE or IP packets that require marking at egress on this forwarding class.
IP traffic from network interfaces is always trusted. There is no re-marking performed on network egress for global routing table (GRT) forwarded IP traffic (with the exception of GRE and IPSec tunnels).
When multiple DSCP names are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered overwrites the previous value.
The no form of this command reverts to the factory default in-profile dscp-name setting for policy-id 1.
policy-id 1: factory setting
policy-id 2 to 65535: policy-id 1 setting
- dscp-name
specifies the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class. The DSCP value is derived from the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte field (DSCP bits). The six DSCP bits define 64 DSCP values used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.
A maximum of 64 DSCP rules are allowed on a single policy. The specified name must exist as a dscp-name. Valid DSCP Names lists all the valid DSCP names.
dscp-out-profile dscp-name
no dscp-out-profile
This command specifies the out-of-profile DSCP name for the forwarding class. The corresponding DSCP value is for all out-of-profile GRE or IP packets that require marking at egress on this forwarding class.
IP traffic from network interfaces is always trusted. There is no re-marking performed on network egress for global routing table (GRT) forwarded IP traffic (with the exception of GRE and IPSec tunnels).
When multiple DSCP names are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered overwrites the previous value.
The no form of this command reverts to the factory default out-profile dscp-name setting for policy-id 1.
policy-id 1: factory setting
policy-id 2 to 65535: policy-id 1 setting
- dscp-name
specifies the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class. The DSCP value is derived from the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte field (DSCP bits). The six DSCP bits define 64 DSCP values used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.
A maximum of 64 DSCP rules are allowed on a single policy. The specified name must exist as a dscp-name. Valid DSCP Names lists all the valid DSCP names.
lsp-exp-in-profile lsp-exp-value
no lsp-exp-in-profile
This command specifies the in-profile LSP EXP value for the forwarding class. The EXP value will be used for all in-profile LSP labeled packets requiring marking at egress on this forwarding class.
When multiple EXP values are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered overwrites the previous value.
The no form of this command reverts to the factory default in-profile EXP setting for policy-id 1.
policy-id 1: factory setting
policy-id 2 to 65535: policy-id 1 setting
- lsp-exp-value
the 3-bit LSP EXP bit value, expressed as a decimal integer
lsp-exp-out-profile lsp-exp-value
no lsp-exp-out-profile
This command specifies the out-of-profile LSP EXP value for the forwarding class. The EXP value will be used for all out-of-profile LSP labeled packets requiring marking at egress on this forwarding class queue.
When multiple EXP values are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered overwrites the previous value.
The no form of this command reverts to the factory default out-of-profile EXP setting for policy-id 1.
policy-id 1: factory setting
policy-id 2 to 65535: policy-id 1 setting
- lsp-exp-value
the 3-bit LSP EXP bit value, expressed as a decimal integer
Self-generated Traffic Commands
This command enables the context to configure DSCP or dot1p re-marking for self-generated traffic (SGT).
application dscp-app-name dscp {none | dscp-value | dscp-name} [fc-queue fc-name profile {in | out}]
application dot1p-app-name dot1p {none | dot 1p-priority} [fc-queue fc-name profile {in | out}]
no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
This set of commands configures DSCP marking for self-generated IP traffic or dot1p marking for self-generated non-IP traffic (specifically, IS-IS and ARP traffic).
When an IP or Layer 3 application is configured using the dscp-app-name parameter, the specified DSCP name or DSCP value is used for all packets generated by this application within the router instance in which it is configured. The value set in this command sets the DSCP value in the egress IP header. The egress QoS policy will not overwrite this value.
When a Layer 2 application is configured using the dot1p-app-name parameter, the specified dot1p priority value is used for all packets generated by this application within the router instance in which it is configured.
Only one name or value can be configured per application. If multiple entries are configured, a subsequent entry overrides the previously configured entry.
The fc-queue option redirects SGT applications to egress data queues rather than the default control queue by assigning them to a forwarding class. If this option is configured, the profile state must be set. All packets that are assigned to this forwarding class will be considered in-profile or out-of-profile based on the configuration. In case of congestion, the in-profile packets are preferentially queued over the out-of-profile packets.
If the fc-queue option is used with the dscp-app-name application, any configuration done using the sgt-qos>dscp command is ignored for packets generated by this application, as illustrated in the following examples:
sgt-qos>application telnet dscp cp1
sgt-qos>dscp cp1 fc af
sgt-qos>application ftp dscp cp1 fc-queue be profile out
sgt-qos>dscp cp1 fc af
In the first example, all packets generated by the Telnet application use DSCP CP1 and map to FC AF as configured in the dscp command. The dot1p bits of the outgoing packets are marked from the value that FC AF points to in the egress QoS policy.
In the second example, all packets generated by the FTP application use DSCP CP1 and map to FC BE as dictated by the fc-queue redirection. The dot1p bits of the outgoing packets are marked from the value that FC BE points to in the egress QoS policy. Because redirection is configured, the mapping configured with the dscp command is ignored.
If the fc-queue option is used with the dot1p-app-name application, the dot1p bits of the outgoing packets are marked with the value set with the dot1p-priority parameter, regardless of the value in the FC egress queue policy.
The no form of this command resets the DSCP or dot1p value for the application to its default value and resets the application to use the egress control queue.
- dscp-app-name
the DSCP application name
- dscp-value
the value that maps to the DSCP name (the value none specifies that the default DSCP value for the application be used; see Applications and Support for Configurable DSCP or dot1p Markings)
- dscp-name
the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class. Valid DSCP Names lists the valid DSCP names.
- dot1p-app-name
the dot1p application name
- dot1p-priority
the dot1p priority (the value none specifies that the default dot1p value for the application be used; see Applications and Support for Configurable DSCP or dot1p Markings)
- fc-name
the forwarding class assigned to SGT applications redirected to data queues
- profile {in | out}
the profile state of packets assigned to the specified forwarding class; this parameter must be specified when the fc-queue parameter is configured
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
no dscp dscp-name
This command creates a mapping between the DSCP of the self-generated traffic and the forwarding class. The forwarding class dot1p network QoS policy mapping is used to mark the dot1p bits of the Layer 3 or IP application. For example, configuring the dscp-name parameter as be and the fc-name parameter as l1 results in marking the dot1p bits of the outgoing Ethernet frame, which is transporting self-generated IP traffic with DSCP bits set to BE, to the value that FC L1 points to in the network QoS policy (as configured in the config>qos>network>egress>fc context).
Based on this configured FC, the network QoS policy for the egress forwarding complex sets the IEEE 802.1 dot1p bits.
Multiple commands can be entered to associate some or all of the 64 DSCP values with the forwarding class. For undefined code points, packets are assigned to the default forwarding class for the DSCP value. This value can be seen in the show>router>sgt-qos>dscp-map output under the Default FC Value column.
The no form of the command resets the DSCP value to its default forwarding class.
The following table lists the default FC value for each DSCP value.
DSCP Value |
Default FC Value |
be |
nc |
cp1 |
be |
cp2 |
be |
cp3 |
be |
cp4 |
be |
cp5 |
be |
cp6 |
be |
cp7 |
be |
cs1 |
be |
cp9 |
be |
af11 |
af |
cp11 |
be |
af12 |
af |
cp13 |
be |
af13 |
af |
cp15 |
be |
cs2 |
be |
cp17 |
be |
af21 |
l1 |
cp19 |
be |
af22 |
l1 |
cp21 |
be |
af23 |
l1 |
cp23 |
be |
cs3 |
be |
cp25 |
be |
af31 |
l1 |
cp27 |
be |
af32 |
l1 |
cp29 |
be |
af33 |
l1 |
cp31 |
be |
cs4 |
be |
cp33 |
be |
af41 |
nc |
cp35 |
be |
af42 |
h2 |
cp37 |
be |
af43 |
h2 |
cp39 |
be |
cs5 |
be |
cp41 |
be |
cp42 |
be |
cp43 |
be |
cp44 |
be |
cp45 |
be |
ef |
ef |
cp47 |
be |
nc1 |
nc |
cp49 |
be |
cp50 |
h2 |
cp51 |
be |
cp52 |
be |
cp53 |
be |
cp54 |
be |
cp55 |
be |
nc2 |
nc |
cp57 |
be |
cp58 |
be |
cp59 |
be |
cp60 |
be |
cp61 |
be |
cp62 |
be |
cp63 |
be |
See DSCP-to-Default FC Value Mapping for the default FC value for each DSCP value.
- dscp-name
the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class. Valid DSCP Names lists the valid DSCP names.
- fc-name
the forwarding class name with which the DSCP will be associated
Operational Commands
copy network src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy ID to another QoS policy ID.
The copy command is used to create new policies using existing policies and also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
- src-pol dst-pol
indicates that the source and destination policies are network policy IDs. Specify the source policy that the copy command will copy and specify the destination policy to which the command will duplicate the policy to a new or different policy ID.
- overwrite
specifies that the existing destination policy is to be replaced. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
NOK>config>qos# copy network 1 427
MINOR: CLI Destination "427" exists use {overwrite}.
NOK>config>qos# copy network 1 427 overwrite
Show Commands
dscp-table [value dscp-value]
This command displays DSCP name to DSCP value mappings.
- value dscp-value
the specific DSCP value for which to display information
The following output is an example of DSCP name to DSCP value mappings information, and DSCP Name to Value Mappings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:ALU-1# show qos dscp-table
DSCP Mapping
DSCP Name DSCP Value TOS (bin) TOS (hex)
be 0 0000 0000 00
cp1 1 0000 0100 04
cp2 2 0000 1000 08
cp3 3 0000 1100 0C
cp4 4 0001 0000 10
cp5 5 0001 0100 14
cp6 6 0001 1000 18
cp7 7 0001 1100 1C
cs1 8 0010 0000 20
cp9 9 0010 0100 24
af11 10 0010 1000 28
cp11 11 0010 1100 2C
af12 12 0011 0000 30
cp13 13 0011 0100 34
af13 14 0011 1000 38
cp15 15 0011 1100 3C
cs2 16 0100 0000 40
cp17 17 0100 0100 44
af21 18 0100 1000 48
cp19 19 0100 1100 4C
af22 20 0101 0000 50
cp21 21 0101 0100 54
af23 22 0101 1000 58
cp23 23 0101 1100 5C
cs3 24 0110 0000 60
cp25 25 0110 0100 64
af31 26 0110 1000 68
cp27 27 0110 1100 6C
af32 28 0111 0000 70
cp29 29 0111 0100 74
af33 30 0111 1000 78
cp31 31 0111 1100 7C
cs4 32 1000 0000 80
cp33 33 1000 0100 84
af41 34 1000 1000 88
cp35 35 1000 1100 8C
af42 36 1001 0000 90
cp37 37 1001 0100 94
af43 38 1001 1000 98
cp39 39 1001 1100 9C
cs5 40 1010 0000 A0
cp41 41 1010 0100 A4
cp42 42 1010 1000 A8
cp43 43 1010 1100 AC
cp44 44 1011 0000 B0
cp45 45 1011 0100 B4
ef 46 1011 1000 B8
cp47 47 1011 1100 BC
nc1 48 1100 0000 C0
cp49 49 1100 0100 C4
cp50 50 1100 1000 C8
cp51 51 1100 1100 CC
cp52 52 1101 0000 D0
cp53 53 1101 0100 D4
cp54 54 1101 1000 D8
cp55 55 1101 1100 DC
nc2 56 1110 0000 E0
cp57 57 1110 0100 E4
cp58 58 1110 1000 E8
cp59 59 1110 1100 EC
cp60 60 1111 0000 F0
cp61 61 1111 0100 F4
cp62 62 1111 1000 F8
cp63 63 1111 1100 FC
Label |
Description |
DSCP Name |
The name of the DSCP to be associated with the forwarding class |
DSCP Value |
The DSCP value ranges (from 0 to 63) |
TOS (bin) |
The type of service in binary format |
TOS (hex) |
The type of service in hexadecimal format |
network [policy-id] [detail]
This command displays network policy information.
- policy-id
displays information for the specific policy ID
- detail
displays detailed information for the specific policy ID
The following outputs are examples of network policy information:
Network policy information (Output Example, Network Policy Field Descriptions)
Ethernet ring policy information (Output Example, Ethernet Ring Network Policy Field Descriptions)
*A:ALU-1# show qos network
Network Policies
Policy-Id Description
1 Default network QoS policy.
100 Network QoS policy 100.
*A:ALU-1# show qos network detail
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id : 1
Forward Class : be Profile : Out
Ring Queue : 1 Ring Profile : Out
Scope : Template Policy Type : Default
Description : Default network QoS policy.
DSCP Forwarding Class Profile
be be Out
ef ef In
cs1 l2 In
nc1 h1 In
nc2 nc In
af11 af In
af12 af Out
af13 af Out
af21 l1 In
af22 l1 Out
af23 l1 Out
af31 l1 In
af32 l1 Out
af33 l1 Out
af41 h2 In
af42 h2 Out
af43 h2 Out
LSP EXP Bit Map Forwarding Class Profile
0 be Out
1 l2 In
2 af Out
3 af In
4 h2 In
5 ef In
6 h1 In
7 nc In
Dot1p Bit Map Queue Profile
0 1 Out
1 2 In
2 3 Out
3 3 In
4 5 In
5 6 In
6 7 In
7 8 In
Egress Forwarding Class Queuing
FC Value : 0 FC Name : be
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : be In-Profile : be
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0 In-Profile : 0
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0 In-Profile : 0
FC Value : 1 FC Name : l2
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : cs1 In-Profile : cs1
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 In-Profile : 1
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 In-Profile : 1
FC Value : 2 FC Name : af
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af12 In-Profile : af11
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 2
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 3
FC Value : 3 FC Name : l1
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af22 In-Profile : af21
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 3 In-Profile : 3
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2 In-Profile : 3
FC Value : 4 FC Name : h2
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af42 In-Profile : af41
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4 In-Profile : 4
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4 In-Profile : 4
FC Value : 5 FC Name : ef
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : ef In-Profile : ef
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5 In-Profile : 5
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5 In-Profile : 5
FC Value : 6 FC Name : h1
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc1 In-Profile : nc1
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6 In-Profile : 6
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6 In-Profile : 6
FC Value : 7 FC Name : nc
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc2 In-Profile : nc2
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7 In-Profile : 7
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7 In-Profile : 7
Interface Association
Interface : system
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : system
Interface : address
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : back
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : dhcp_interface
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : int_formpls
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : 1/3/11.1
Interface : interface_1
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : router_interface_1
IP Addr. : Port Id : n/a
Interface : vprn_interface
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : ipv6_interface
IP Addr. : n/a Port Id : n/a
Interface : management
IP Addr. : Port Id : A/1
Ring MDA Association
MDA : 1/11
Label |
Description |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Forward Class |
The forwarding class name |
Profile |
The profile state of the traffic: In or Out |
Ring Queue |
The queue identifier |
Ring Profile |
The profile state of the ring traffic: In or Out |
Scope |
The scope of the policy: Template or Exclusive |
Policy Type |
The type of network policy: Ip-interface, Ring, or Default |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
The DSCP name associated with the forwarding class: Forwarding Class — the forwarding class associated with the DSCP Profile — whether the DSCP mapping pertains to in-profile or out-of-profile traffic |
LSP EXP Bit Map |
The LSP EXP mapping value used for in-profile or out-of-profile traffic: Forwarding Class — the default-action forwarding class name. All packets with MPLS EXP bits not defined will be placed in this forwarding class. Profile — whether the LSP EXP bit mapping pertains to in-profile or out-of-profile traffic |
Dot1p Bit Map |
The dot1p mapping value used for queue and profile state: Queue — the queue in which all packets with the associated dot1p bit values will be placed Profile — whether the dot1p bit mapping pertains to in-profile or out-of-profile traffic |
Egress/Ingress Forwarding Class Queuing |
FC Value |
The forwarding class value |
FC Name |
The forwarding class name |
DSCP Mapping |
Out-of-Profile - the out-of-profile DSCP mapping for the forwarding class |
In-Profile - the in-profile DSCP mapping for the forwarding class |
Dot1p Mapping |
Out-of-Profile - the out-of-profile dot1p bit mapping for the forwarding class |
In-Profile - the in-profile dot1p bit mapping for the forwarding class |
LSP EXP Bit Mapping |
Out-of-Profile - the out-of-profile LSP EXP bit mapping for the forwarding class |
In-Profile - the in-profile LSP EXP bit mapping for the forwarding class |
Interface Association |
Interface |
The name of the interface |
IP Addr. |
The IP address of the interface |
Port Id |
The physical port identifier that associates the interface |
Ring MDA Association |
The CLI identifier of the adapter card associated with the policy |
show qos network <policy-id>
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id : 1
Forward Class : be Profile : Out
Ring Queue : 1 Ring Profile : Out
Scope : Template Policy Type : Default
Description : Default network QoS policy.
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (4)
Policy-id : 4
Ring Queue : 1 Ring Profile : Out
Scope : Template Policy Type : Ring
Description : (Not Specified)
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (111)
Policy-id : 111
Forward Class : be Profile : Out
Scope : Template Policy Type : IpInterface
Description : (Not Specified)
Label |
Description |
Policy-id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Forward Class |
The forwarding class name |
Profile |
Whether the DSCP mapping pertains to in-profile or out-of-profile traffic |
Ring Queue |
The queue assigned to the policy |
Ring Profile |
The profile assigned to the policy: In or Out |
Scope |
The policy scope: Exclusive or Template |
Policy Type |
The type of policy: Ip-interface, Ring, or Default |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
This command displays QoS information about self-generated traffic.
application [app-name] [dscp | dot1p]
This command displays application QoS settings.
- app-name
the specified application
- dscp
specifies to show all DSCP applications
- dot1p
specifies to show all dot1p applications
The following output is an example of application QoS information, and Application QoS Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:7705:Dut-B# show router sgt-qos application
DSCP Application Values
Application Configured DSCP Value Default DSCP Value(s)
bgp none nc1
cflowd none nc1
dhcp none nc1, af41, nc2
dns none af41
ftp none af41
icmp none be, nc1
igmp none nc1
ldp none nc1
mcfw none nc1
mld none nc1
msdp none nc1
ndis none nc1, nc2
ntp none nc1
ospf none nc1
pcep none nc1
pim none nc1
ptp none nc1
radius none nc1
rip none nc1
rsvp none nc1
snmp none af41
snmp-notification none af41
ssh none af41
syslog none af41
tacplus none af41
telnet none af41
tftp none af41
traceroute none be
vrrp none nc1
Dot1p Application Values
Application Configured Dot1p Value Default Dot1p Value
arp none 7
isis none 7
Label |
Description |
Application |
The DSCP or dot1p application |
Configured DSCP Value |
The DSCP name or value assigned to the application; if you assign a value to the application (0 to 63), the DSCP name that maps to the value is displayed |
Default DSCP Value(s) |
The default DSCP value Some applications have multiple DSCP default values depending on the context or service |
Configured Dot1p Value |
The dot1p priority assigned to the application (applies only to ARP and IS-IS) |
Default Dot1p Value |
The default dot1p value |
dscp-map [dscp-name]
This command displays the DSCP-to-FC mappings.
- dscp-name
the specified DSCP name. Valid DSCP Names lists the valid DSCP names.
The following output is an example of DSCP-to-FC mapping information, and DSCP-to-FC Mapping Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:ALU-1# show router sgt-qos dscp-map
DSCP to FC Mappings
DSCP Value FC Value Default FC Value
be nc nc
cp1 be be
cp2 be be
cp3 be be
cp4 be be
cp5 be be
cp6 be be
cp7 be be
cs1 be be
cp9 be be
af11 af af
cp11 be be
af12 af af
cp13 be be
af13 af af
cp15 be be
cs2 be be
cp17 be be
af21 l1 l1
cp19 be be
af22 l1 l1
cp21 be be
af23 l1 l1
cp23 be be
cs3 be be
cp25 be be
af31 l1 l1
cp27 be be
af32 l1 l1
cp29 be be
af33 l1 l1
cp31 be be
cs4 be be
cp33 be be
af41 nc nc
cp35 be be
af42 af h2
cp37 be be
af43 h2 h2
cp39 be be
cs5 be be
cp41 be be
cp42 be be
cp43 be be
cp44 be be
cp45 be be
ef ef ef
cp47 be be
nc1 nc nc
cp49 be be
cp50 h2 h2
cp51 be be
cp52 be be
cp53 be be
cp54 be be
cp55 be be
nc2 nc nc
cp57 be be
cp58 be be
cp59 be be
cp60 be be
cp61 be be
cp62 be be
cp63 be be
Label |
Description |
DSCP Value |
The DSCP values (displayed as names) of the self-generated traffic |
FC Value |
The FC value mapped to each DSCP value |
Default FC Value |
The default FC value |