QoS Fabric Profiles

This chapter provides information to configure QoS fabric profiles using the command line interface.

Basic Configuration

This section contains the following topic related to creating and applying QoS fabric policies:

A QoS fabric profile must conform to the following rules:

  • Each profile must be associated with a unique policy ID.

  • Either aggregate mode or per-destination mode must be assigned.

Creating a QoS Fabric Profile

Creating a QoS fabric profile other than the default policy (‟default”) is optional. To create a QoS fabric profile, perform the following:

  • assign a policy ID (policy number) — the system does not dynamically assign an ID

  • include an optional description of the policy

  • assign the mode, either aggregate or per-destination. If no mode is assigned, the default aggregate mode is used.

  • configure the to-fabric shaper rate

  • (optional) for hierarchical QoS (H-QoS), configure the unshaped SAP CIR rate (see Configuring per-SAP Aggregate Shapers and an Unshaped SAP Aggregate Shaper (H-QoS))

Use the following CLI syntax to configure a QoS fabric profile:

CLI Syntax:
    fabric-profile policy-id aggregate-mode create
        aggregate-rate aggregate-rate [unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate]
        description description-string
    fabric-profile policy-id destination-mode create
        description description-string
        dest-mda slot/mda | multipoint
            rate mda-rate

The following example shows the command syntax for creating and configuring a destination-mode QoS fabric profile with an mda-rate of 400 Mb/s for destination adapter cards 1/1 through 1/6.

*A:7705:Dut-C# configure qos 
fabric-profile 4 destination-mode create
config>qos>fabric-profile$ description "Fabric profile QoS policy 4"
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/1
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/2
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/3
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/4
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/5
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda 1/6
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ dest-mda multipoint
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ rate 400000
config>qos>fabric-profile>dest-mda$ exit
config>qos>fabric-profile$ exit

The following output displays the profile configuration for fabric profile QoS policy 4.

*A:7705:Dut-C#>config>qos# info detail
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
fabric-profile 4 destination-mode create
            description "Fabric profile QoS policy 4"
            dest-mda 1/1
                rate 400000
            dest-mda 1/2
                rate 400000
            dest-mda 1/3
                rate 400000
            dest-mda 1/4
                rate 400000
            dest-mda 1/5
                rate 400000
            dest-mda 1/6
                rate 400000
            dest-mda multipoint 
                rate 400000

Applying a QoS Fabric Profile

Fabric profiles do not apply to the Auxiliary Alarm card or the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-M, or 7705 SAR-Wx.

Use the following CLI syntax to assign a fabric profile on an adapter card.

CLI Syntax:
            fabric-policy fabric-policy-id
            queue-policy name
            fabric-policy fabric-policy-id
    no shutdown

Default Fabric Profile Values

Fabric Profile Defaults shows the fabric profile default values.

Table 1. Fabric Profile Defaults







Aggregate rate

200000 kb/s

CIR rate

0 kb/s

MDA rate

200000 kb/s

The following output displays the default configuration:

A:ALU-1>config>qos# info detail
Echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
fabric-profile 1 aggregate-mode create
            description "Default Fabric Profile QoS policy."
            aggregate-rate 200000 unshaped-sap-cir 0

Service Management Tasks

This section describes the following fabric profile service management tasks:

Removing a Fabric Profile from the QoS Configuration

The default fabric profile cannot be deleted.

To delete a fabric profile, enter the following command:

CLI Syntax:
config>qos# no fabric-profile policy-id
config>qos# no fabric-profile 3

Copying and Overwriting a Fabric Profile

You can copy an existing profile, rename it with a new profile ID value, or overwrite an existing profile ID. The overwrite option must be specified or an error occurs if the destination profile ID exists.

CLI Syntax:
config>qos# copy fabric-profile src-prof dst-prof [overwrite]
*A:ALU-1#>config>qos# copy fabric-profile 2 3
config>qos# copy fabric-profile 2 3 overwrite

Editing QoS Policies

You can change existing policies and entries in the CLI. The changes are applied immediately to the specified adapter card where the policy is applied. To prevent configuration errors, copy the policy to a work area, make the edits, and then write over the original policy.

QoS Fabric Profile Command Reference

Command Hierarchies

Configuration Commands

The config>qos>fabric-profile command applies only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18; it does not apply to the fixed platforms. The config>system>qos command applies only to the fixed platforms, with the exception of the 7705 SAR-X. The 7705 SAR-X does not support fabric aggregate rate configuration; its shaper rate is set permanently to 16 Gb/s.

    - qos
        - fabric-profile policy-id [aggregate-mode | destination-mode] [create] 
        - no fabric-profile policy-id
            - aggregate-rate aggregate-rate [unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate] 
            - description description-string 
            - no description
            - dest-mda [slot/mda | multipoint]
                - rate mda-rate
    - system
        - qos
            - access-ingress-aggregate-rate access-ingress-aggregate-rate [unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate] 
            - network-ingress-aggregate-rate network-ingress-aggregate-rate

Operational Commands

    - qos
        - copy fabric-profile src-prof dst-prof [overwrite]

Show Commands

The show>qos>fabric-profile command applies only to the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 and 7705 SAR-18; it does not apply to the fixed platforms. The show>system>qos command applies only to the fixed platforms, with the exception of the 7705 SAR-X. The 7705 SAR-X does not support fabric aggregate rate configuration; its shaper rate is set permanently to 16 Gb/s.

    - qos
        - fabric-profile policy-id [association | detail]
    - system
        - qos 

Command Descriptions

Configuration Commands

Generic Commands

description description-string

no description




This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.

The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.




a text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters excluding double quotes. If the string contains special characters (such as #, $, or spaces), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.

QoS Fabric Profile Commands

fabric-profile policy-id [aggregate-mode | destination-mode] [create]

no fabric-profile policy-id




This command is used to configure a QoS fabric profile policy.

The default mode is aggregate-mode, which means that the access-ingress and network-ingress fabric shapers on all adapter cards are set to the same rate, either by default or via the aggregate-rate command. Selecting destination-mode allows each adapter card to have its fabric shapers set to a different rate for unicast traffic and a common rate for BMU traffic, either by default or via the dest-mda rate command.

The default fabric profile is preconfigured and non-modifiable. It cannot be deleted. All other fabric profiles must be explicitly created before use.

The create keyword must follow each new profile configuration.


policy-id 1



the index identifier for a fabric profile policy


1 to 256


assigns the aggregate fabric profile mode to the specified fabric profile


assigns the per-destination fabric profile mode to the specified fabric profile


keyword used to create a fabric profile policy


aggregate-rate aggregate-rate [unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate]




This command sets the rate of the fabric shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s. The aggregate-rate represents the maximum bandwidth that an adapter card can switch through its fabric interface. Each fabric shaper is set to the same aggregate rate. Using the default keyword sets the aggregate rate to 200 000 kb/s.

The unshaped-sap-cir command is optional. When used, it assigns an aggregate CIR to all unshaped 4-priority SAPs so that the unshaped SAP aggregate rate can compete with the shaped SAPs’ aggregate CIR when the fabric scheduler selects traffic to forward to the switching fabric.

The default cir-rate value is 0 kb/s. If the cir-rate is max, then the maximum possible backplane speed for the adapter card, based on the associated fabric policy, is used.

The aggregate-rate can be higher or lower than the cir-rate. If the cir-rate is higher than the aggregate-rate, then the cir-rate is used by the network processor but the end result is that backpressure from the fabric shaper is applied indirectly to the per-SAP queues, as explained below:

  • per-SAP (aggregate) shapers—that is, unshaped SAP aggregate CIR or individual shaped SAP CIRs—prioritize traffic towards the fabric shaper based on the cir-rate

  • the fabric shaper shapes the traffic at the configured rate

  • when the fabric shaper becomes congested, it applies backpressure to individual SAP shapers—that is, it applies backpressure to the shaped SAPs and to the unshaped SAP aggregate, which in turn apply backpressure to individual unshaped queues

The same fabric-profile binding can be used for either network or access on a per-adapter card basis. However, the unshaped-sap-cir is not applicable when bound to network ingress.


200000 (‟default”) for aggregate-rate

0 for cir-rate


the rate of the fabric shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s. Using the default keyword sets the aggregate rate to 200 000 kb/s.


1 to 2500000 (2 500 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (all 6 slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (slots 1 and 2)

1 to 1000000 (1 000 000) or 1 to 2500000 ((2 500 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-18 (12 MDA slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-18 (4 XMDA slots)


the CIR rate for the unshaped SAP aggregate shapers, in kb/s. Using the max keyword sets the CIR rate to the maximum possible backplane speed for the adapter card, based on the associated fabric policy.


1 to 2500000 (2 500 000), or max for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (all 6 slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or max for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (slots 1 and 2)

1 to 1000000 (1 000 000) or 1 to 2500000 ((2 500 000), or max for the 7705 SAR-18 (12 MDA slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or max for the 7705 SAR-18 (4 XMDA slots)


dest-mda [slot/mda | multipoint]




This command enables the context for setting the rate for per-destination mode shapers on a specific adapter card or all adapter cards. Using the slot/mda parameter specifies a particular destination adapter card. Using the multipoint keyword specifies that all adapter cards are destination cards and they will have their rate configured to the same value. The value of the rate is configured using the rate command.


the slot and mda identifier of the adapter card


slot: 1

mda: 1 to 6 on the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, 1 to 12 on the 7705 SAR-18


specifies that all adapter cards are destination adapter cards


rate mda-rate




This command sets the rate of the fabric shapers in per-destination mode, in kb/s. When the multipoint keyword is used in the dest-mda command, rate sets the bandwidth available to multipoint traffic through the fabric shapers; all adapter card shapers are set to the same value.

Using the default keyword sets the rate to 200 000 kb/s.


200000 (‟default”)


the rate of the fabric shapers in destination mode, in kb/s. Using the default keyword sets the mda-rate to 200 000 kb/s.


1 to 2500000 (2 500 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (all 6 slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2 (slots 1 and 2)

1 to 1000000 (1 000 000) or 1 to 2500000 ((2 500 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-18 (12 MDA slots)

1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default for the 7705 SAR-18 (4 XMDA slots)

Fixed Platform Fabric Shaping Commands

access-ingress-aggregate-rate access-ingress-aggregate-rate [unshaped-sap-cir cir-rate]




This command sets the rate for fabric shapers on the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-M, or 7705 SAR-Wx for access ingress traffic. The rate represents the maximum bandwidth that the node can switch through its fabric interface. Only aggregate mode is supported.

This command is not supported on the 7705 SAR-X, where the shaper rate is set permanently to 16 Gb/s.

The unshaped-sap-cir command is optional. When used, it assigns a cir-rate to the unshaped SAP aggregate so that the unshaped SAP aggregate rate can compete with the shaped SAPs when the round-robin fabric scheduler selects traffic to forward to the switching fabric. When not used, the cir-rate is set to its default value of 0 kb/s. If the cir-rate is max, the maximum possible backplane speed is used.

The access-ingress-aggregate-rate can be higher or lower than the cir-rate. If the cir-rate is higher than the access-ingress-aggregate-rate, then the cir-rate is used by the network processor, but backpressure from the fabric shaper is applied indirectly to the per-SAP queues, as follows:

  • per-SAP (aggregate) shapers—that is, unshaped SAP aggregate CIR or individual shaped SAP CIRs—prioritize traffic towards the fabric shaper based on the cir-rate

  • the fabric shaper shapes the traffic at the configured rate

  • when the fabric shaper becomes congested, it applies backpressure to individual SAP shapers—that is, it applies backpressure to shaped SAPs and to unshaped SAP aggregate, which in turn applies backpressure to individual unshaped queues


500000 (‟default”) for access-ingress-aggregate-rate

0 for cir-rate


the PIR rate of the fabric shapers for access ingress traffic, in kb/s. Using the default keyword sets the aggregate rate to 500 000 kb/s.


1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default


the CIR rate of the unshaped SAP shaper for access ingress traffic, in kb/s. Using the max keyword sets the CIR rate to the maximum possible backplane speed.


0 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or max

Note: The actual supported maximum rates depend on the platform:
  • 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, and 7705 SAR-Wx: 5 Gb/s

  • 7705 SAR-H: 4 Gb/s

  • 7705 SAR-Hc: 2.5 Gb/s


network-ingress-aggregate-rate network-ingress-aggregate-rate




This command sets the rate for fabric shapers on the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-M, or 7705 SAR-Wx for network ingress traffic, in kb/s. The rate represents the maximum bandwidth that the node can switch through its fabric interface. Only aggregate mode is supported.

This command is not supported on the 7705 SAR-X, where the shaper rate is set permanently to 16 Gb/s.


2000000 (‟default”)


the rate of the fabric shapers for network ingress traffic, in kb/s. Using the default keyword sets the aggregate rate to 2 000 000 kb/s (2 Gb/s).


1 to 10000000 (10 000 000), or default

Note: The actual supported maximum rates depend on the platform:
  • 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-M, and 7705 SAR-Wx: 5 Gb/s

  • 7705 SAR-H: 4 Gb/s

  • 7705 SAR-Hc: 2.5 Gb/s

Operational Commands


copy fabric-profile src-prof dst-prof [overwrite]




This command copies a source QoS fabric profile into a destination QoS fabric profile. If the destination profile was already defined, the keyword overwrite must be appended for the copy to complete.

The copy command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new profiles using existing profiles. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing profile with the use of the overwrite keyword.

src-prof dst-prof

specifies the source profile ID that will be copied and the destination profile ID that the source fabric profile will be copied to


1 to 256


specifies that the existing destination profile is to be replaced. Everything in the existing destination profile will be overwritten with the contents of the source profile. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination profile ID exists.

Show Commands

Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.

fabric-profile [policy-id] [association | detail]




This command displays QoS fabric profile information. If policy-id is not included in the command, the CLI shows a list of fabric policies.


specifies the QoS fabric profile


1 to 256


displays all adapter cards to which the specified profile is assigned and in which direction; that is, network ingress to fabric or access ingress to fabric


displays detailed policy information including policy associations


The following output is an example of QoS fabric profile information, and QoS Fabric Profile Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>show>qos# fabric-profile
Fabric Profile
Policy-Id   Mode          Description
1           aggregate     Default Fabric Profile QoS policy.
2           aggregate     Fast Shaping fabric profile policy.
100         destination 
*A:ALU-1>show>qos# fabric-profile

*A:ALU-1>show>qos# fabric-profile 4 detail
QoS Fabric Profile
Fabric Profile Id (4)
Policy-id      : 4
Mode           : destination
Description    : Fabric profile QoS policy 4
Destination MDA      Rate (Kbps)
1/1                  400000
1/2                  400000
1/3                  400000
1/4                  400000
1/5                  400000
1/6                  400000
multipoint           400000
MDA            :  1/1 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/1  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/2 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/2  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/3 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/3  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/4 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/4  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/5 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/5  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/6 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/6  (Access Ingress)

*A:ALU-1>show>qos# fabric-profile 2 detail
QoS Fabric Profile
Fabric Profile Id (2)
Policy-id        : 2
Mode             : aggregate
Description      : Fast Shaping fabric profile policy 

Aggregate-rate   : 200 Kbps 
Unshaped-sap-cir : 200 Kbps 
MDA            :  1/1 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/1  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/2 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/2  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/3 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/3  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/4 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/4  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/5 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/5  (Access Ingress)
MDA            :  1/6 (Network Ingress)
MDA            :  1/6  (Access Ingress)
Table 2. QoS Fabric Profile Field Descriptions




The fabric profile QoS policy number


The fabric profile mode, either aggregate or destination


The description associated with the fabric profile


The rate of the fabric shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s


The CIR rate of the aggregate SAP shaper for all unshaped 4-priority SAPs, in kb/s

Destination MDA/Rate (Kbps)

The slot/mda number of the destination adapter card, and the rate of the fabric shapers in per-destination mode, in kb/s


The adapter cards to which the specified fabric profile is assigned and in which direction, that is, network ingress to fabric or access ingress to fabric






This command displays system QoS information for the 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-M, and 7705 SAR-Wx.

This command is not supported on the 7705 SAR-X.


The following output is an example of system QoS information, and QoS Fabric Profile Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
*A:ALU-1>show>system# qos
System QOS Configuration
Access Ingress Aggregate Rate      : 1234 Kbps     
Access Ingress Unshaped Sap CIR    :  123 Kbps     

Network Ingress Aggregate Rate     :  456 Kbps     
*A:ALU-1>show>system# qos
Table 3. QoS Fabric Profile Field Descriptions



Access Ingress Aggregate Rate

The rate of the access ingress fabric shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s

Access Ingress Unshaped Sap CIR

The CIR rate of the access ingress unshaped SAP shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s

Network Ingress Aggregate Rate

The rate of the network ingress fabric shapers in aggregate mode, in kb/s