Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policies
This chapter provides information to configure service egress and ingress QoS policies using the command line interface.
Topics in this chapter include:
There is one default policy for service ingress and one default policy for service egress and MC-MLPPP SAP egress. Each policy can have up to eight ingress queues and eight egress queues per service. The default policies can be copied and modified but they cannot be deleted. The default policies are identified as policy ID 1.
The eight ingress queues can be designated as a unicast, broadcast, multicast, or unknown queue for the purposes of FC-to-queue mapping.
The default policies are applied to the appropriate interface, by default. For example, the default service ingress policy is applied to access ingress SAPs. The default service egress policy is applied to access egress SAPs and MC-MLPPP egress SAPs. You must explicitly associate other QoS policies.
Basic Configuration
This section contains the following topics related to creating and applying service ingress and service egress QoS policies:
A basic service egress QoS policy must conform to the following:
have a unique service egress QoS policy ID
have a QoS policy scope of template or exclusive
have at least one defined default queue
A basic service ingress QoS policy must conform to the following:
have a unique service ingress QoS policy ID
have a QoS policy scope of template or exclusive
have at least one default unicast forwarding class queue
Creating Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policies
Configuring and applying QoS policies is optional. If no QoS policy is explicitly applied to a SAP or IP interface, a default QoS policy is applied. Perform the following to configure a QoS policy:
Creating a Service Egress QoS Policy
After the policy is created, the policy’s behavior can be defined. In addition, the behavior of policy’s FC and queue can be changed from their default settings:
Define the following attributes to create a service egress policy:
a unique policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
a default queue for the service egress policy
the scope — the service egress policy must be defined as having either an exclusive scope for one-time use or a template scope that enables its use with multiple SAPs
Use the following CLI syntax to create a service egress QoS policy:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
description description-string
policy-name policy-name
queue queue-id [queue-type]
scope {exclusive|template}
- Example:
*A:ALU-1>configure qos sap-egress 600 create
config>qos>sap-egress$ fc be create
config>qos>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>sap-egress$ policy-name ‟sap_egr_87”
config>qos>sap-egress$ queue 2 expedite create
config>qos>sap-egress>queue$ exit
config>qos>sap-egress# scope exclusive
config>qos>sap-egress# exit
The following output displays the service egress policy 600 configuration:
*A:ALU-1 config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 600 create
scope exclusive
policy-name ‟sap_egr_87”
queue 1 create
queue 2 expedite create
fc be create
Creating a Service Egress QoS Forwarding Class
Define the following attributes to create a service egress forwarding class:
the egress dot1p priority bits value
the DSCP name and DSCP priority bits mapping
Optionally, you can enter a queue-id value to override the default forwarding class-to-queue mapping for the egress policy. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.
Use the following CLI syntax to create a service egress forwarding class:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
fc fc-name
dscp dscp-name
dscp in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name
dot1p dot1p-value
dot1p in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value
queue queue-id
- Example:
*A:ALU-1>config>qos# sap-egress 600 fc be create
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# dscp cp1
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# dot1p in-profile 2 out-profile 3
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# exit
config>qos# exit
The following output displays the forwarding class configuration for service egress policy 600:
*A:ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 600 create
scope exclusive
queue 1 create
queue 2 expedite create
fc be create
dot1p in-profile 2 out-profile 3
dscp cp1
*A: ALU-1
Creating a Service Egress QoS Queue
Define the following attributes to create a service egress queue:
adaptation-rule —the method used by the system to derive the PIR and CIR for the queue
cbs — overrides the reserved buffers default for the queue
high-prio-only — the percentage of buffer space for the queue to be used exclusively by in-profile packets
mbs — the maximum number of buffers allowed for a specific queue
rate — the PIR and CIR values for the queue
slope-policy — the slope policy for the queue
Use the following CLI syntax to configure the service egress QoS queue parameters:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
queue queue-id [queue-type]
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
slope-policy name
- Example:
*A:ALU-1# configure qos sap-egress 500
config>qos>sap-egress# queue 7
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# cbs 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# high-prio-only 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# mbs 10
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# rate max cir max
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# slope-policy "Slope Policy"
config>qos>sap-egress>queue# exit
config>qos>sap-egress# exit
The following output displays the queue configuration for service egress policy 500:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 500 create
description "Egress Policy 500"
queue 1 create
queue 7 best-effort create
rate max cir max
cbs 10
mbs 10
high-prio-only 10
fc be create
fc ef create
dscp in-profile cp2 out-profile cp3
Creating a Service Ingress QoS Policy
After the policy is created, the policy’s behavior can be defined. In addition, the behavior of policy’s FC and queue can be changed from their default settings:
To create an service ingress policy, define the following:
a policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
a description — provides a brief overview of policy features
a default forwarding class for the policy — all packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class
a default priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy
the dot1p parameters — this configuration creates a mapping between the dot1p bits of the ingress traffic and the forwarding class
the DSCP parameters — this configuration creates a mapping between the DSCP of the ingress traffic and the forwarding class
the forwarding class parameters — overrides the default forwarding class for the policy by assigning the forwarding class to one or more of the following queue designations: broadcast-queue, multicast-queue, unknown-queue, or (unicast) queue (see Creating a Service Ingress Forwarding Class)
A service ingress policy is created with a template scope. The scope can be modified to exclusive for a special one-time use policy. Otherwise, the template scope enables the policy to be applied to multiple SAPs.
Use the following CLI syntax to create a service ingress QoS policy:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-ingress policy-id
description description-string
default-fc fc-name
default-priority {low|high}
dot1p dot1p-priority fc fc-name priority {high|low}
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name priority {high|low}
policy-name policy-name
- Example:
config>qos# sap-ingress 100 create
config>qos>sap-ingress$ description "Used on VPN SAP"
config>qos>sap-ingress$ default-fc be
config>qos>sap-ingress$ default-priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ dot1p 1 fc be priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ dscp be fc be priority low
config>qos>sap-ingress$ policy-name ‟sap_ingr_15”
config>qos>sap-ingress$ exit
config>qos# exit
The following output displays the configuration for service ingress policy 100:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN SAP"
queue 1 priority-mode create
dot1p 1 fc "be" priority low
dscp be fc "be" priority low
policy-name ‟sap_ingr_15”
Creating a Service Ingress Forwarding Class
Use the following syntax to define a service ingress forwarding class that overrides the default forwarding type that is defined by the default-fc command. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos>sap-ingress policy-id
fc fc-name
broadcast-queue queue-id
queue queue-id
multicast-queue queue-id
unknown-queue queue-id
- Example:
*A:ALU-1# config>qos# sap-ingress 100 fc af create
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# queue 2
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# broadcast-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# multicast-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# unknown-queue 3
config>qos>sap-ingress>fc# exit
config>qos# exit
The following output displays the forwarding class override value configuration for service ingress policy 100:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 100 create
fc "af" create
queue 2
broadcast-queue 3
multicast-queue 3
unknown-queue 3
fc "ef" create
queue 4
broadcast-queue 5
multicast-queue 5
unknown-queue 5
Creating a Service Ingress QoS Queue
To create service ingress queue parameters, define the following:
a new queue ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value
the queue parameters — ingress queues support explicit and auto-expedite hardware queue scheduling as well as a configurable queue mode
Use the following CLI syntax to configure SAP ingress QoS queue parameters:
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos# sap-ingress policy-id
queue queue-id [queue-type][queue-mode]
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
slope-policy name
- Example:
*A:ALU-1# configure qos sap-ingress 100 queue 2 create
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ cbs 1500
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ high-prio-only 10
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ mbs 10
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ rate 2500 cir 2500
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ slope-policy "SlopePolicyIngress"
config>qos>sap-ingress>queue$ exit
The following output displays the queue configuration for service ingress policy 100:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN SAP"
queue 1 priority-mode create
queue 2 priority-mode create
rate 2500 cir 2500
mbs 10
cbs 1500
high-prio-only 10
Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Policy
After the policy is created (syntax below), the policy’s FC and queue behavior can be defined:
Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy:
a unique policy ID value — the system does not dynamically assign a value. Optionally, a policy name can be configured after the policy has been created.
a default queue for the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy
Use the following CLI syntax to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
description description-string
fc fc-name
policy-name policy-name
queue queue-id
- Example:
*A:ALU-1>configure qos>mc-mlppp# sap-egress 300 create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress$ fc be create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress$ policy-name ‟sap_egr_mc_2”
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue$ exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# exit
The following output displays the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300 configuration:
*A:ALU-1 config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 300 create
queue 1 create
queue 2 create
fc be create
policy-name ‟sap_egr_mc_2”
Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Forwarding Class
Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress forwarding class:
the DSCP name and DSCP priority bits mapping
Optionally, you can enter a queue-id value to override the default forwarding class-to-queue mapping for the egress policy. The queue must exist before it can be associated with an FC.
Use the following CLI syntax to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress forwarding class:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
fc fc-name
dscp dscp-name
queue queue-id
- Example:
*A:ALU-1>config>qos>mc-mlppp# sap-egress 300 fc be create
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc# dscp af13
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>fc# exit
config>mc-mlppp>qos# exit
The following output displays the forwarding class configuration for MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300:
*A:ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 300 create
queue 1 create
queue 2 create
fc be create
dscp af13
*A: ALU-1
Creating an MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Queue
Define the following attributes to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress queue:
adaptation-rule — the method used by the system to derive the PIR for the queue
cbs — overrides the reserved buffers default for the queue
high-prio-only — the percentage of buffer space for the queue to be used exclusively by in-profile packets
mbs — the maximum amount of buffer space allowed for a specific queue
rate — the PIR value for the queue
slope-policy — the slope policy for the queue
Use the following CLI syntax to configure the MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS queue parameters:
- CLI Syntax:
sap-egress policy-id
queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
rate pir-rate
slope-policy name
- Example:
*A:ALU-1# configure qos mc-mlppp sap-egress 300
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# queue 7
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# adaptation-rule pir closest
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# cbs 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# high-prio-only 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# mbs 10
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# rate max
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# slope-policy "Slope Policy"
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>queue# exit
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress# exit
The following output displays the queue configuration for MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy 300:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 300 create
description "Egress Policy 300"
queue 1 create
queue 7 best-effort create
rate max
cbs 10
mbs 10
high-prio-only 10
fc be create
fc ef create
dscp af13
Applying Service Egress and Ingress Policies
Apply service egress and ingress policies to the following service SAPs:
VLL services
Apipe SAPs that are members of a VCC SAP aggregation group
Refer to the 7705 SAR Services Guide, ‟Service Overview”, for information about configuring service parameters.
VLL and VPLS Services
Applying QoS policies is done in the same way for service ingress and service egress VPLS and VLL SAPs. The following example shows how to apply QoS policies to Epipe SAPs. Use the policy ID number or name to identify the policy.
- CLI Syntax:
config>service>epipe service-id customer customer-id
sap sap-id
qos policy-id
qos policy-id
The following output displays an Epipe service configuration with service ingress policy 100 and service egress policy 105 applied to the SAP.
ALU-1>config>service# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
epipe 6 customer 6 vpn 6 create
description "Distributed Epipe service to west coast"
sap 1/1/10:0 create
qos 100
qos 105
spoke-sdp 2:6 create
vc-label 6298
vc-label 6300
no shutdown
IES and VPRN Services
Applying QoS policies is done in the same way for service ingress and service egress IES and VPRN SAPs. The following example shows how to apply QoS policies to IES SAPs. Use the policy ID number or name to identify the policy.
- CLI Syntax:
config>service>ies service-id customer customer-id
interface ip-interface-name
sap sap-id
qos policy-id
qos policy-id
The output examples for IES and VPRN services are similar to the example given previously for an Epipe service configuration.
Default Service Egress and Ingress Policy Values
The default service egress and ingress policies are identified as policy-id 1 and have the default policy name ‟default”. The default policies cannot be edited or deleted. The following sections display default policy parameters:
Service Egress Policy Defaults
The following output shows the service egress policy defaults.
ALU-1>config>qos>info detail
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-egress 1 create
policy-name "default"
description "Default SAP egress QoS policy."
scope template
queue 1 auto-expedite create
adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
rate max cir 0
cbs default
mbs default
high-prio-only default
slope-policy "default"
Service Egress Policy Defaults lists the service egress policy defaults.
Field |
Default |
policy-name |
‟default” |
description |
Default SAP egress QoS policy |
scope |
template |
queue |
id = 1, type = auto-expedite |
adaptation-rule |
pir = closest, cir = closest |
rate |
pir = max, cir = 0 |
cbs |
default (8 kbytes for 512 byte buffer size, 18 kbytes for 2304 byte buffer size) |
mbs |
default (180 kbytes) |
high-prio-only |
default (10%) |
slope-policy |
default |
Service Ingress Policy Defaults
The following output shows the service ingress policy defaults.
ALU-1>config>qos>info detail
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 1 create
policy-name "default"
description "Default SAP ingress QoS policy."
scope template
queue 1 priority-mode auto-expedite create
adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
rate max cir 0
mbs default
cbs default
high-prio-only default
slope-policy "default"
default-fc "be"
default-priority low
Service Ingress Policy Defaults lists the service ingress policy defaults.
Field |
Default |
policy-name |
‟default” |
description |
Default SAP ingress QoS policy |
scope |
template |
queue |
id = 1, mode = priority-mode, type = auto-expedite |
adaptation-rule |
pir = closest, cir = closest |
rate |
pir = max, cir = 0 |
cbs |
default (8 kbytes for 512 byte buffer size, 18 kbytes for 2304 byte buffer size) |
mbs |
default (180 kbytes) |
high-prio-only |
default (10%) |
slope-policy |
default |
default-fc |
be |
default-priority |
low |
Service Management Tasks
This section describes the following service management tasks:
Deleting QoS Policies
Every service SAP is associated, by default, with the appropriate service egress or ingress policy (policy-id 1). You can replace the default policy with a customer-configured policy, but you cannot entirely remove the policy from the SAP configuration. When you remove a non-default service egress or ingress policy, the association reverts to the default policy-id 1.
A QoS policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all SAPs where it is applied.
Removing a QoS Policy from a Service SAP
Use the following syntax to remove a QoS policy from an Epipe service SAP. The syntax for Apipe, Cpipe, Fpipe, Hpipe, and Ipipe service SAPs is similar.
- CLI Syntax:
config>service>epipe service-id customer customer-id
sap sap-id
no qos policy-id
no qos policy-id
- Example:
config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/10:0
config>service>epipe>sap# ingress
config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# no qos
config>service>epipe>sap>ingress# exit
config>service>epipe>sap# egress
config>service>epipe>sap>egress# no qos
config>service>epipe>sap>egress# exit
The following Epipe service output shows that the SAP service egress and ingress reverted to policy-id ‟1” when the non-default policies were removed from the configuration.
ALU-1>config>service>epipe# info detail
description "Distributed Epipe service to west coast"
service-mtu 1514
sap 1/1/10:0 create
no description
no multi-service-site
qos 1
qos 1
no collect-stats
no accounting-policy
no shutdown
spoke-sdp 2:6 vc-type ether create
no shutdown
no shutdown
Removing a Policy from the QoS Configuration
Use the following syntax to remove a QoS policy:
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos# no sap-ingress policy-id
Copying and Overwriting QoS Policies
You can copy an existing service egress or ingress policy, rename it with a new policy ID value, or overwrite an existing policy ID. The overwrite option must be specified or an error occurs if the destination policy ID exists.
Use the following syntax to overwrite an existing QoS policy ID:
- CLI Syntax:
config>qos# copy sap-ingress source-policy-id dest-policy-id overwrite
- Example:
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 100 200
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 200 101
MINOR: CLI Destination "101" exists use {overwrite}
config>qos# copy sap-ingress 200 101 overwrite
The following output displays the copied policies:
ALU-1>config>qos# info
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
queue 1 create
rate 11000
sap-ingress 101 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
queue 1 create
rate 11000
sap-ingress 200 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
queue 1 create
rate 11000
Editing QoS Policies
You can change existing QoS policies and entries in the CLI. The changes are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. To prevent configuration errors, copy the policy to a work area, make the edits, and then write over the original policy.
Service Egress and Ingress QoS Policy Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Service Egress QoS Policy Configuration Commands
- qos
- [no] sap-egress policy-id [create]
- description description-string
- no description
- [no] fc fc-name [create]
- dot1p {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value}
- no dot1p
- dscp dscp-name
- dscp in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name
- no dscp
- queue queue-id
- no queue
- packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes | none]
- no packet-byte-offset
- policy-name policy-name
- no policy-name
- queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
- no queue queue-id
- adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
- no adaptation-rule
- cbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
- no cbs
- high-prio-only percent
- no high-prio-only
- mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
- no mbs
- packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes | none]
- no packet-byte-offset
- rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
- no rate
- slope-policy name
- no slope-policy
- scope {exclusive | template}
- no scope
Service Ingress QoS Policy Configuration Commands
- qos
- [no] sap-ingress policy-id [create]
- default-fc fc-name
- no default-fc
- default-priority {high | low}
- no default-priority
- description description-string
- no description
- dot1p dot1p-priority [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}]
- no dot1p dot1p-priority
- dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)] [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}]
- no dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)]
- [no] fc fc-name [create]
- broadcast-queue queue-id
- no broadcast-queue
- de-1-out-profile
- no de-1-out-profile
- multicast-queue queue-id
- no multicast-queue
- profile {in | out}
- no profile
- queue queue-id
- no queue
- unknown-queue queue-id
- no unknown-queue
- packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes | none]
- no packet-byte-offset
- policy-name policy-name
- no policy-name
- queue queue-id [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
- no queue queue-id
- adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
- no adaptation-rule
- cbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
- no cbs
- high-prio-only percent
- no high-prio-only
- mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
- no mbs
- packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes | none]
- no packet-byte-offset
- rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
- no rate
- slope-policy name
- no slope-policy
- scope {exclusive | template}
- no scope
MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Policies
- qos
- mc-mlppp
- [no] sap-egress policy-id [create]
- description description-string
- no description
- [no] fc fc-name [create]
- dscp dscp-name
- no dscp
- queue queue-id
- no queue
- policy-name policy-name
- no policy-name
- [no] queue queue-id [create]
- adaptation-rule pir adaptation-rule
- no adaptation-rule
- cbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
- no cbs
- high-prio-only percent
- no high-prio-only
- mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
- no mbs
- rate pir-rate
- no rate
- slope-policy name
- no slope-policy
- scope {exclusive | template}
- no scope
Operational Commands
Show Commands
- qos
- sap-egress [policy-id] [standard | mc-mlppp] [association | match-criteria | detail]
- sap-egress summary
- sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | detail]
- sap-ingress summary
- pools mda mda-id [detail]
- pools mda mda-id [egress | ingress] [ring | v-port] [detail]
Command Descriptions
Configuration Commands
Generic Commands
description description-string
no description
This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.
The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.
- description-string
a text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (such as #, $, or spaces), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Service Egress QoS Policy Commands
[no] sap-egress policy-id [create]
This command is used to create or edit a service egress QoS policy. The egress policy defines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for service packets as they egress on the SAP.
Policies in effect are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. The queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service.
A sap-egress policy differs from sap-ingress policies in the complexity of the QoS parameters that can be defined. At ingress, policies determine queue mappings based on ingress DSCP and dot1p criteria. Multiple queues can be created per forwarding class and each queue can have different CIR or PIR parameters.
At egress, the policies are much simpler, since the forwarding class and in-profile or out-of-profile determination is done at the original service ingress SAP. Egress SAP QoS policies allow the definition of queues and the mapping of forwarding classes to those queues. Each queue needs to have a relative CIR for determining its allocation of QoS resources during periods of congestion. A PIR can also be defined that forces a hard limit on the packets transmitted through the queue. When the forwarding class is mapped to the queue, a dot1p value can optionally be specified. If specified, and the SAP has a dot1q or qinq encapsulation type, the dot1p value will be used for all packets that egress on that forwarding class. If the SAP is qinq-encapsulated, the qinq-mark-top-only command (under config>service) can be used to specify which qtags will have their dot1p marked or re-marked with the specified dot1p value. If the dot1p value is not specified, a dot1p value of 0 will be used. If the SAP is null-encapsulated, the dot1p value has no meaning.
The sap-egress policy with policy-id 1 is the default sap-egress QoS policy and is applied to service egress SAPs when an explicit policy is not specified or removed.
The factory default settings for sap-egress policy-id 1 define a single queue with PIR set to the maximum value and a CIR set to 0. The single queue is the default queue and all forwarding classes will map to it. Packets being tagged according to the defined SAP encapsulation will have the dot1p bits set to 0 for the new tags being added. If the tag already exists and the default sap-egress policy is being used, the dot1p bits are not changed.
Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, will be applied immediately to all egress SAPs where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is highly recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy-id. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete and then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no form of this command deletes the sap-egress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all service SAPs where it is applied. When a sap-egress policy is removed from a SAP, the SAP will revert to the default sap-egress policy-id 1.
- policy-id
uniquely identifies the policy. The policy-name cannot be used to create the policy, but it can be used to reference a policy that already exists.
- create
keyword used to create a service egress QoS policy
[no] fc fc-name [create]
The fc fc-name mode within the SAP egress QoS policy is used to contain the explicitly defined queue mapping and dot1p marking commands for fc-name. When the mapping for fc-name points to the default queue and the dot1p marking is not defined, the mode for fc-name is not displayed in the show configuration or save configuration output unless the detail option is specified.
The no form of the command removes the explicit queue mapping and dot1p marking commands for fc-name. The queue mapping reverts to the default queue for fc-name, and the dot1p marking (if appropriate) uses the default of 0.
- fc-name
specifies the forwarding class queue mapping or dot1p marking is to be edited. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
- create
keyword used to create a SAP egress forwarding class policy
packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes | none]
no packet-byte-offset
This command is used to modify the size of the packet that schedulers operate on. Modification only impacts schedulers and queue statistics. The actual packet size is not modified, nor can it be. Only the size used by the schedulers to determine the scheduling is changed. The packet-byte-offset command is meant to be a mechanism that can be used to compensate for downstream encapsulation or header removal. The scheduling rates are affected by the offset, as well as the statistics (accounting) associated with the queue. The packet-byte-offset command does not affect port-level and service-level statistics. It only affects the queue statistics. The network-queue policy applies in both the ingress and egress directions.
The add and subtract keywords are mutually exclusive. Either add, subtract, or none must be specified.
There are three possible modes of packet-byte-offset operation:
no packet-byte-offset — enables legacy behavior so that no modification is performed
packet-byte-offset — automatic adjustment mode. Rates apply to packets based on the received packet size at ingress (this is also known as packet size on the wire, less the Layer 1 headers, the inter-frame GAP and the Preamble) and to the transmitted packet size at egress, which includes 4 bytes of Ethernet FCS. At ingress, all internal headers and associated service headers are discounted during scheduling operation. At egress, 4 bytes are added to accommodate for Ethernet FCS.
packet-byte-offset [add bytes | subtract bytes]— automatic correction followed by addition or subtraction of a specified number of bytes. This command first performs the packet-byte-offset operation as captured above and then adds or subtracts a certain number of bytes. Rates apply to packets based on the size of the packet at the ingress or egress port plus or minus an offset.
Packet byte offset configuration can be applied at the policy level, in which case it applies to all of the queues within the policy, or at the individual queue level so that it applies only to a specific queue.
The no version of this command enables legacy 7705 SAR behavior where the queue rates are relative to the packet size with the internal fabric header added, but without the FCS.
- add bytes
after automatic adjustment for internal headers (for example, added FCS or removal of internal service/overhead), adds the specified number of bytes to each packet associated with the queue for scheduling and accounting purposes. From the queue’s perspective, the packet size is increased by the amount being added to each packet.
- subtract bytes
after automatic adjustment for internal headers (for example, added FCS or removal of internal service/overhead), subtracts the specified number of bytes from each packet associated with the queue for scheduling and accounting purposes. From the queue’s perspective, the packet size is reduced by the amount being subtracted from each packet.
- none
the packet size is left unchanged
policy-name policy-name
no policy-name
This command configures a policy name for the SAP egress policy.
- policy-name
specifies the name for the policy, up to 64 characters
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
This command enables the context to configure a service egress policy queue. Explicit definition of an egress queue’s hardware scheduler status is supported. A single egress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes.
The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or non-expedited nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any non-expedited forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The expedited hardware schedulers are used to enforce expedited access to egress ports. The hardware status of the queue must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The no form of the command removes the queue-id from the service egress policy. Removing the queue-id also removes it from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding classes are mapped to the queue, they revert to the default queue.
When a queue is removed, pending accounting information for each service egress queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
the queue-id for the service egress queue, expressed as a decimal integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy.
- queue-type
the expedite, best-effort and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the service egress policy. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
- expedite
the queue is treated in an expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue
- best-effort
the queue is treated in a non-expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue
- auto-expedite
the system auto-defines the way the queue is serviced by the hardware. When auto-expedite is defined on the queue, the queue is treated in an expedited manner when all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are configured as expedited types nc, ef, h1 or h2. When a single non-expedited forwarding class is mapped to the queue (be, af, l1 and l2) the queue automatically falls back to non-expedited status.
- create
keyword used to create a service egress queue policy
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
This command is used to enter the scope of the policy. The scope of the policy cannot be changed if the policy is applied to one or more services.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
- exclusive
when the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to a single SAP. Attempting to assign the policy to a second SAP will result in an error message. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
- template
when the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router
Service Egress QoS Policy Forwarding Class Commands
dot1p {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value}
no dot1p
This command explicitly defines the egress dot1p priority bits values for the forwarding class.
When the dot1p dot1p-value command is used, the value is applied to both in-profile and out-of-profile packets. When the dot1p in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value form is used, different dot1p values for in-profile or out-of-profile packets can be specified.
For QinQ applications, the top and bottom dot1p bits or top-only dot1p bits are set based on the qinq-mark-top-only configuration. For more information, refer to the command description and the ‟QinQ Top-Only Mark Option” section in the 7705 SAR Services Guide.
The no form of the command sets the dot1p priority bits value to 0.
- dot1p-value
the explicit dot1p value for the specified forwarding class. Setting the value to 0 is equivalent to removing the marking value.
- in-profile dot1p-value
the dot1p in-profile mapping for the specified forwarding class. Setting the value to 0 is equivalent to removing the mapping value.
- out-profile dot1p-value
the dot1p out-profile mapping for the specified forwarding class. Setting the value to 0 is equivalent to removing the mapping value.
dscp dscp-name
dscp in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name
no dscp
This command defines the DSCP name or DSCP priority bits mapping for the forwarding class.
Access IP traffic (that is, VPRN and IES access interfaces) will always be re-marked if the interfaces are configured as part of the SAP egress QoS policy.
The no form of the command removes the DSCP mapping associated with the forwarding class.
- dscp-name
a system-defined, case-sensitive name
- in-profile dscp-name
the DSCP in-profile mapping for the specified forwarding class
- out-profile dscp-name
the DSCP out-profile mapping for the specified forwarding class
queue queue-id
no queue
This command specifies the egress queue to which the traffic associated with the forwarding class is to be forwarded. The command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic classified to the fc-name on a SAP using this policy will use the indicated queue.
The no form of the command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).
no queue
- queue-id
the service egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
MC-MLPPP SAP Egress QoS Policy Commands
This command enables the context to configure MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS commands.
[no] sap-egress policy-id [create]
This command is used to create or edit an MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy. The egress policy defines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for service packets as they egress on the SAP.
Policies are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. The queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service. At egress, the forwarding class and in- or out-of-profile determination is done at the original service ingress SAP. MC-MLPPP egress SAP QoS policies allow the definition of queues and the mapping of forwarding classes to those queues. Each queue must have a PIR defined that forces a hard limit on the packets transmitted through the queue.
The sap-egress policy with policy-id 1 is the default sap-egress QoS policy and is applied to MC-MLPPP egress SAPs when an explicit policy is not specified or is removed.
The default settings for sap-egress policy-id 1 define a single queue with PIR set to the maximum value. The single queue is the default queue and all forwarding classes will map to it. Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, will be applied immediately to all egress SAPs where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is highly recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy-id. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete and then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no form of this command deletes the sap-egress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all service SAPs where it is applied. When a sap-egress policy is removed from a SAP, the SAP will revert to the default sap-egress policy-id 1, which cannot be deleted.
- policy-id
uniquely identifies the policy. The policy-name cannot be used to create the policy, but it can be used to reference a policy that already exists.
- create
keyword used to create an MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy
[no] fc fc-name [create]
The fc fc-name mode within the MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy is used to contain the explicitly defined queue mapping for fc-name.
The no form of the command removes the explicit queue mapping for fc-name. The queue mapping reverts to the default queue for fc-name.
- fc-name
specifies that the forwarding class queue mapping is to be edited. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
- create
keyword used to create the context to configure an MC-MLPPP SAP egress forwarding class mapping queue
policy-name policy-name
no policy-name
This command configures a policy name for the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy.
- policy-name
specifies the name for the policy, up to 64 characters
[no] queue queue-id [create]
This command enables the context to configure an MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy queue. Explicit definition of an egress queue’s hardware scheduler status is supported. A single egress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes.
The no form of the command removes the queue-id from the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy. Removing the queue-id also removes it from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding classes are mapped to the queue, they revert to the default queue.
When a queue is removed, pending accounting information for each SAP egress queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
the queue-id for the MC-MLPPP SAP egress queue, expressed as a decimal integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy.
- create
keyword used to create the context to configure an MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy queue
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
This command is used to enter the scope of the policy. The scope of the policy cannot be changed if the policy is applied to one or more services.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
- exclusive
when the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to a single SAP. Attempting to assign the policy to a second SAP will result in an error message. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
- template
when the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs
MC-MLPPP Forwarding Class Commands
dscp dscp-name
no dscp
This command defines the DSCP name for the forwarding class.
- dscp-name
a system-defined, case-sensitive name
queue queue-id
no queue
This command specifies the MC-MLPPP egress queue to which the traffic associated with the forwarding class is to be forwarded. The command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic classified to the fc-name on a SAP using this policy will use the indicated queue.
The no form of the command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).
queue 1
- queue-id
the MC-MLPPP SAP egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
MC-MLPPP Queue Commands
adaptation-rule pir adaptation-rule
no adaptation-rule
This command is used to define how an operational rate is selected based on the configured PIR rate. Operational rates are the finite set of rates at which the schedulers on the network processor can operate.
The no form of the command removes any adaptation-rule constraints used to derive the operational rates for the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for rate apply.
- pir
defines the constraints enforced when adapting the PIR rate defined within the queue queue-id rate command. The pir parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used when deriving the operational PIR for the queue. When the rate command is not specified, the default applies.
- adaptation-rule
specifies the constraints to be used while computing the operational PIR rate. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest parameters are mutually exclusive.
cbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
no cbs
This command overrides the default Committed Buffer Space (CBS) reserved buffers for the queue.
The value in kilobytes is converted automatically to the number of buffers. The conversion calculation uses a non-configurable buffer size of 2304 bytes or 512 bytes, depending on the type of adapter card. See Buffer Support on Adapter Cards and Platforms for a list of adapter cards and their associated buffers. The calculation is:
Number of buffers = Configured CBS value in bytes / Buffer size in bytes
The no form of this command returns the CBS size to the default value.
‟default” (8 kbytes for adapter cards and platforms with 512 byte buffer size) (18 kbytes for adapter cards and platforms with 2304 byte buffer size)
- size-in-kbytes
this parameter is an integer expression of the number of kilobytes reserved for the queue. A value of 0 specifies that no reserved buffers are required by the queue (a minimal reserved size can still be applied for scheduling purposes).
- default
returns the CBS size to the default value
high-prio-only percent
no high-prio-only
The high-prio-only command configures the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high-priority packets. The specified value overrides the default value for the context.
The priority of a packet can only be set in the service ingress policy and is only applicable on the ingress queues for a SAP. The profile state is used for enqueuing priority at sap-egress.
The no form of this command restores the default high-priority reserved size.
10 (percent)
- percent
the percentage reserved for high priority traffic on the queue
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
no mbs
This command sets the Maximum Burst Size (MBS) value for the buffers of the specific queue. The value is configured in bytes or kilobytes and overrides the default value for the context. The default configuration is in kilobytes.
The config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress>info detail screen shows the MBS in terms of bytes, unless it is a multiple of 1000. In that case, the display shows the MBS in kilobytes. For example, entering mbs 200 or mbs 200 kilobytes configures and displays ‟200 kilobytes”, entering mbs 200000 bytes also configures and displays ‟200 kilobytes”, and entering mbs 200100 bytes configures and displays ‟200100 bytes”.
The MBS value in bytes is converted automatically to packets. The conversion calculation uses a non-user-configurable buffer size of 2304 bytes or 512 bytes, depending on the type of adapter card. See Buffer Support on Adapter Cards and Platforms for a list of adapter cards and their associated buffers. The calculation is:
Number of buffers = Configured MBS value in bytes / Buffer size in bytes (2304 or 512)
The MBS value is used by a queue to determine whether it has exhausted all of its buffers while enqueuing packets. Once the queue has exceeded the amount of buffers allowed by MBS, all packets are discarded until packets have been drained from the queue.
The sum of the MBS for all queues on an adapter card can exceed the total amount of buffering available. Therefore, for a packet arriving at a queue that has not exceeded its MBS size, it is not guaranteed that a buffer will be available. If a buffer is not available, the packet will be discarded. RED/WRED slope parameters can be configured to control congestion in the case where the buffer capacity of the card is becoming exhausted.
Setting proper CBS parameters and controlling CBS oversubscription is one major safeguard against queue starvation (that is, when a queue does not receive its fair share of buffers). Another safeguard is to properly set the RED/WRED slope parameters for the needs of services on this port or channel.
The no form of this command returns the MBS size assigned to the queue to the default value.
180 (kbytes) (converted to 78 packets when buffer size is 2304 bytes and to 351 packets when buffer size is 512 bytes)
- size
the size parameter is an integer expression of the maximum number of bytes of buffering allowed for the queue. A value of 4000 bytes or less causes the queue to discard all packets. Selecting default returns the MBS to the default value.
- bytes
specifies that the size entered is in bytes
- kilobytes
specifies that the size entered is in kbytes
rate pir-rate
no rate
This command defines the administrative PIR parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface. Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR rates for all queues created through the association of the MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy with the queue-id.
The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR parameters (max).
max (this value specifies the amount of bandwidth in kb/s. The max value and the pir-rate value are mutually exclusive.)
- pir-rate
defines the administrative PIR rate, in kb/s, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The PIR rate has a minimum value of 8kb/s.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
slope-policy name
no slope-policy
config>qos>mc-mlppp>sap-egress queue
This command specifies the slope parameters controlling the queue.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- name
the name of the slope policy
Service Ingress QoS Policy Commands
[no] sap-ingress policy-id [create]
This command is used to create or edit the ingress policy. The ingress policy defines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) enforcement that service packets receive as they ingress a SAP. SLA enforcement is accomplished through the definition of queues that have Forwarding Class (FC), Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR) and Maximum Burst Size (MBS) characteristics. The simplest policy defines a single queue that all ingress traffic flows through. Complex policies have multiple queues that indicate which queue a packet will flow though.
Policies are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. Queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service SAP.
It is possible that a service ingress policy will include the dscp map command and the dot1p map command. When multiple matches occur for the traffic, the order of precedence will be used to arrive at the final action. The order of precedence is as follows:
802.1p bits
The service ingress policy with policy-id 1 is a system-defined policy applied to services when no other policy is explicitly specified. This policy cannot be modified or deleted.
The no version of this command restores the factory default settings when used on policy-id 1. The default service ingress policy defines one queue associated with the best effort (be) forwarding class, with CIR of 0 and PIR of line rate.
Any changes made to the existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy ID. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete and then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no sap-ingress policy-id command deletes the service ingress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all services where it is applied. The system default sap-ingress policy is a special case.
- policy-id
uniquely identifies the policy. The policy-name cannot be used to create the policy, but it can be used to reference a policy that already exists.
- create
keyword used to create a sap-ingress policy
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
This command configures the Service Ingress QoS policy scope as exclusive or template.
The policy’s scope cannot be changed if the policy is applied to a service.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
- exclusive
when the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to one SAP. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second SAP, an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
- template
when the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router
default-fc fc-name
no default-fc
This command configures the default forwarding class for the policy. In the event that an ingress packet does not match a higher priority (more explicit) classification command, the default forwarding class will be associated with the packet. Unless overridden by an explicit forwarding class classification rule, all packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class. Optionally, the default ingress enqueuing priority for the traffic can be overridden as well.
The default forwarding class for default-fc is best effort (be). The default-fc settings are displayed in the show configuration and save output regardless of inclusion of the detail keyword.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- fc-name
specifies the forwarding class name for the queue. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
default-priority {high | low}
no default-priority
This command configures the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- high
setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
- low
setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
[no] fc fc-name [create]
This command is used to create a class of the forwarding class fc-name.
The no form of the command removes all the explicit queue mappings for fc-name forwarding types. The queue mappings revert to the default queues for fc-name.
- fc-name
specifies the forwarding class name for the queue. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
- create
keyword used to create a forwarding class
dot1p dot1p-priority [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}]
no dot1p dot1p-priority
This command explicitly sets the forwarding class and/or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a dot1p-priority specified. Adding a dot1p rule on the policy forces packets that match the dot1p-priority specified to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the dot1p rule. When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.
The dot1p-priority is derived from the most significant three bits in the IEEE 802.1Q or IEEE 802.1P header. The three dot1p bits define eight Class-of-Service (CoS) values commonly used to map packets to per-hop Quality-of-Service (QoS) behavior.
For QinQ applications, the dot1p bits used for classification are from either the top or bottom tag based on the match-qinq-dot1p configuration. For more information, refer to the command description and the ‟QinQ Dot1p Match Behavior” section in the 7705 SAR Services Guide.
The no form of this command removes the explicit dot1p classification rule from the service ingress policy. Removing the rule on the policy immediately removes the rule on all ingress SAPs using the policy.
- dot1p-priority
this value is a required parameter that specifies the unique IEEE 802.1P value that will match the dot1p rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same dot1p-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.
A maximum of eight dot1p rules are allowed on a single policy.
- fc-name
the value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.
- priority
the priority keyword is used to override the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
- high
the high keyword is used in conjunction with the priority keyword. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
- low
the low keyword is used in conjunction with the priority keyword. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)] [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}]
no dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)]
This command explicitly sets the forwarding class and/or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value contained in dscp-name. Adding a DSCP rule on the policy forces packets that match the specified DSCP value to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the DSCP rule.
When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.
The DSCP value (referred to by dscp-name) is derived from the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte field (DSCP bits). The six DSCP bits define 64 DSCP values used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.
A list of up to 8 DSCP names can be specified to assign DSCP values to an FC mapping for DSCP classification.
The no form of this command removes the DiffServ code point to forwarding class association. The default-action then applies to that code point value.
- dscp-name
the dscp-name is a required parameter that specifies the unique IP header ToS byte DSCP bits value that will match the DSCP rule.
A maximum of 64 DSCP rules are allowed on a single policy. The specified name must exist as a dscp-name. Valid DSCP Names lists all the valid DSCP names.
- fc-name
the value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.
- priority
this keyword overrides the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority keyword is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
- high
this keyword is used in conjunction with the priority keyword. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
- low
this keyword is used in conjunction with the priority keyword. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing; once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
policy-name policy-name
no policy-name
This command configures a policy name for the SAP ingress policy.
- policy-name
specifies the name for the policy, up to 64 characters
queue queue-id [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
no queue queue-id
This command enables the context to configure a service ingress policy queue.
Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s hardware scheduler status is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes.
The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or non-expedited nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any non-expedited forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers.
The expedited hardware schedulers are used to enforce expedited access to internal switch fabric destinations. The hardware status of the queue must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the service ingress policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each service queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
the queue identifier for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- queue-type
the expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the service ingress policy. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
- expedite
the queue is treated in an expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue
- best-effort
the queue is treated in a non-expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue
- auto-expedite
the system auto-defines the way the queue is serviced by the hardware. When auto-expedite is defined on the queue, the queue is treated in an expedited manner when all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are configured as expedited types nc, ef, h1, or h2. When a single non-expedited forwarding class is mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, and l2), the queue automatically falls back to non-expedited status.
- queue-mode
specifies the mode in which the queue is operating, either priority-mode or profile-mode. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the service ingress policy. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
- priority-mode
configures the queue to be capable of handling traffic with two distinct priorities, high and low. These priorities are assigned by the stages preceding the queuing framework in the system. In priority mode, a packet’s in-profile or out-of-profile state is determined by the state of the queue at scheduling time. When the queue rate is lower than or equal to the configured CIR, the packet is considered in-profile. When the queue rate is higher than the CIR, the packet is considered out-of-profile.
- profile-mode
configures the queue to support color-aware profiling of the forwarding class mapped to the queue. Color-aware operational behavior is as follows.
Forwarding classes defined as in-profile are handled as high priority and packets assigned to these forwarding classes are marked as in-profile. These profiled in-profile packets will consume queue CIR bandwidth.
Forwarding classes defined as out-of-profile are handled as low priority and packets assigned to these forwarding classes are marked as out-of-profile. These profiled out-of-profile packets do not consume queue CIR for profile marking calculations.
Forwarding classes that are not profiled (profile not set to in-profile or out-of-profile) are handled as high priority and are marked as in-profile or out-of-profile based on the dynamic rate of the ingress queue relative to its CIR. Non-profiled packets scheduled at or lower than the CIR will consume queue CIR bandwidth.
- create
keyword used to create a sap-ingress queue context
Service Ingress QoS Policy Forwarding Class Commands
broadcast-queue queue-id
no broadcast-queue
This command maps the broadcast forwarding type queue to the fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must already have been created within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all broadcast traffic on a SAP using this policy will be forwarded using the queue-id.
The no form of the command sets the broadcast forwarding type queue-id back to the default of no mapping to an FC.
no broadcast-queue
- queue-id
an existing queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
[no] de-1-out-profile
This command, when enabled on a parent forwarding class, applies a color profile mode to the packets stored in the queue associated with this forwarding class.
When this QoS policy is applied to the ingress of an FR VLL SAP, DE=1 frames are classified as out-of-profile and are not subject to the CIR marking.
All received DE=0 frames that exceed the CIR are marked as out-of-profile and have the DE set to 1, regardless of whether this command is enabled or disabled.
The priority option, if used, has no effect. All FR VLL DE=1 frames have their priority automatically set to low; DE=0 frames have their priority set to high.
All other capabilities of the Fpipe service are maintained. These capabilities include re-marking of the DE bit on egress SAP, and FR PW control word on egress network port for the packets that were classified as out-of-profile at the ingress SAP.
The de-1-out-profile command has an effect only when it is applied to the ingress of a SAP that is part of an Fpipe service.
The no form of the command disables the color profile mode of operation on all SAPs to which this ingress QoS policy is applied.
no de-1-out-profile
multicast-queue queue-id
no multicast-queue
This command maps the multicast forwarding type queue to the fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must already have been created within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all multicast traffic on a SAP using this policy will be forwarded using the queue-id.
The no form of the command sets the multicast forwarding type queue-id back to the default of no mapping to an FC.
no multicast-queue
- queue-id
an existing queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
profile {in | out}
no profile
This command specifies that ingress access data packets mapped to this forwarding class are either in-profile or out-of-profile.
Usually, at SAP ingress an access packet’s state is defined as in-profile or out-of-profile based on the dynamic rate of the ingress queue prior to being forwarded to the fabric. Explicitly defining a forwarding class as in-profile or out-of-profile overrides this function by handling each packet according to the defined profile state; however, the forwarding class must be mapped to a queue configured for profile-mode. If the forwarding class is mapped to a queue configured for priority-mode, the forwarding class profile setting is ignored and the packet’s state is defined as in-profile or out-of-profile based on the dynamic rate of the ingress queue.
When the profile in command is executed on a forwarding class that is mapped to a queue operating in profile mode, all packets associated with the class are handled as in-profile. When the profile out command is executed on a forwarding class that is mapped to a queue operating in profile mode, all packets associated with the class are handled as out-of-profile.
When the no profile command is executed on a forwarding class that is mapped to a queue operating in profile mode, the data packets using the forwarding class are marked as in-profile or out-of-profile based on the dynamic rate of the ingress queue relative to its CIR.
Packets explicitly handled as in-profile or out-of-profile flow through the same ingress service queue associated with the forwarding class to preserve order within flows. In-profile packets count against the CIR of the queue, reducing the amount of CIR available to forwarding classes using the queue that are not configured with an explicit profile. Out-of-profile packets do not count against the CIR of the queue, allowing classes using the queue that are not configured with an explicit profile to be measured against the full CIR.
A queue operating in profile mode can support in-profile, out-of-profile, and non-profiled packets simultaneously because multiple forwarding classes with different forwarding class profiles can be assigned to a single queue. In addition, a queue operating in profile mode is classified as high-priority or low-priority based on the configuration of the forwarding class profile rather than on the high-priority or low-priority configuration specified for DSCP or dot1p. Packets mapped to a forwarding class configured with profile in or no profile are marked as high priority. Packets mapped to a forwarding class configured with profile out are marked as low priority.
The no form of this command removes the explicit in-profile or out-of-profile configuration on a forwarding class.
no profile
- in
specifies that all packets associated with the forwarding class will be handled as in-profile
- out
specifies that all packets associated with the forwarding class will be handled as out-of-profile
queue queue-id
no queue
This command overrides the default forwarding type queue mapping for fc fc-name.
The no form of this command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).
- queue-id
an existing queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context
unknown-queue queue-id
no unknown-queue
This command maps the unknown forwarding type queue to the fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must already have been created within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unknown forwarding type traffic on a SAP using this policy will be forwarded using the queue-id.
The no form of the command sets the unknown forwarding type queue-id back to the default of no mapping to an FC.
no unknown-queue
- queue-id
an existing queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
Service Queue QoS Policy Commands
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
no adaptation-rule
This command can be used to define how an operational rate is selected based on the configured PIR or CIR rate. Operational rates are the finite set of rates at which the schedulers on the network processor can operate.
The no form of the command removes any adaptation-rule constraints used to derive the operational rates for the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for rate and cir apply.
pir closest cir closest
- pir
pir defines the constraints enforced when adapting the PIR rate defined within the queue queue-id rate command. The pir keyword requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used when deriving the operational PIR rate for the queue. When the rate command is not specified, the default applies.
- cir
cir defines the constraints enforced when adapting the CIR rate defined within the queue queue-id rate command. The cir keyword requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used when deriving the operational CIR rate for the queue. When the cir keyword is not specified, the default constraint applies.
- adaptation-rule
specifies the constraints to be used while computing the operational CIR or PIR rate. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest parameters are mutually exclusive.
cbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
no cbs
This command overrides the default Committed Buffer Space (CBS) reserved for buffers of a specified queue. The value is configured in kilobytes.
The value in kilobytes is converted automatically to the number of buffers. The conversion calculation uses a non-configurable buffer size of 2304 bytes or 512 bytes, depending on the type of adapter card. See Buffer Support on Adapter Cards and Platforms for a list of adapter cards and their associated buffers. The calculation is:
Number of buffers = Configured CBS value in bytes / Buffer size in bytes
At the egress of an N > 1 Apipe, the CBS value in a SAP egress QoS policy that is assigned to a SAP aggregation group causes n times that value of buffers to be committed, where n is the number of SAPs in the SAP aggregation group. See the show pools command for information about how to view buffer pools for SAPs that are members of a SAP aggregation group. See the 7705 SAR Services Guide for information about how to configure SAP aggregation groups.
The no form of this command returns the CBS size to the default value.
‟default” (8 kbytes for adapter cards and platforms with 512 byte buffer size) (18 kbytes for adapter cards and platforms with 2304 byte buffer size).
- size-in-kbytes
this parameter is an integer expression of the number of kilobytes reserved for the queue. A value of 0 specifies that no reserved buffers are required by the queue (a minimal reserved size can still be applied for scheduling purposes).
- default
returns the CBS size to the default value
high-prio-only percent
no high-prio-only
This command configures the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high-priority packets. The specified value overrides the default value for the context.
The priority of a packet can only be set in the service ingress policy and is only applicable on the ingress queues for a SAP. The profile state is used for enqueuing priority at sap-egress.
The no form of this command restores the default high-priority reserved size.
- percent
the percentage reserved for high priority traffic on the queue
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
no mbs
This command sets the Maximum Burst Size (MBS) value for the buffers of the specified queue. The value is configured in bytes or kilobytes, and overrides the default MBS value. The default configuration is in kilobytes.
The config>qos>sap-ingress>info detail and sap-egress>info detail screens show the MBS in terms of bytes, unless it is a multiple of 1000. In that case, the display shows the MBS in kilobytes. For example, entering mbs 200 or mbs 200 kilobytes configures and displays ‟200 kilobytes”, entering mbs 200000 bytes also configures and displays ‟200 kilobytes”, and entering mbs 200100 bytes configures and displays ‟200100 bytes”.
The MBS value in bytes is converted automatically to the number of buffers. The conversion calculation uses a non-configurable buffer size of 2304 bytes or 512 bytes, depending on the type of adapter card. See Buffer Support on Adapter Cards and Platforms for a list of adapter cards and their associated buffers. The calculation is:
Number of buffers = Configured MBS value in bytes / Buffer size in bytes (2304 or 512)
At the egress of an N > 1 Apipe, the MBS value in a SAP egress QoS policy that is assigned to a SAP aggregation group is used for each of the per-SAP queues for SAPs that are members of a SAP aggregation group. See the show pools command for information about how to view buffer pools for SAPs that are members of a SAP aggregation group. See the 7705 SAR Services Guide for information about how to configure SAP aggregation groups.
The MBS value is used by a queue to determine whether it has exhausted all of its buffers while enqueuing packets. Once the queue has exceeded the amount of buffers allowed by MBS, all packets are discarded until packets have been drained from the queue.
The sum of the MBS for all queues on an adapter card can exceed the total amount of buffering available. Therefore, for a packet arriving at a queue that has not exceeded its MBS size, it is not guaranteed that a buffer will be available. If a buffer is not available, the packet will be discarded. RED/WRED slope parameters can be configured to control congestion in the case where the buffer capacity of the card is becoming exhausted.
Setting proper CBS parameters and controlling CBS oversubscription is one major safeguard against queue starvation (that is, when a queue does not receive its fair share of buffers). Another safeguard is to properly set the RED/WRED slope parameters for the needs of services on this port or channel.
The no form of this command returns the MBS size assigned to the queue to the default value.
180 (kbytes) (converted to 78 packets when buffer size is 2304 bytes and to 351 packets when buffer size is 512 bytes)
- size
the size parameter is an integer expression of the maximum number of bytes of buffering allowed for the queue. A value of 4000 bytes or less causes the queue to discard all packets. Selecting default returns the MBS to the default value.
- bytes
specifies that the size entered is in bytes
- kilobytes
specifies that the size entered is in kbytes
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
This command defines the administrative PIR and the administrative CIR parameters for the queue. Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. Similarly, defining a CIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can schedule at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available bandwidth.
The cir keyword defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.
For service ingress, the PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets towards the fabric. The cir keyword defines the rate that packets are considered in-profile by the system. In-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled as in- or out-of-profile throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
For service egress queues, the PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface.
When the PIR is set to max on a SAP-ingress queue, the max value defaults to the physical port line rate. On a SAP-egress queue, the PIR is set to the physical port line rate.
The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
- at SAP ingress, the CIR and PIR settings under rate include both payload (customer) traffic and overhead traffic, which affects the shaping rate internally. Additional overhead bytes include the internal fabric header minus any bytes that have been removed from the original packet (such as the four-byte FCS).
at SAP ingress, the actual shaping rate is related to the service rate (PIR or CIR) specified in the SAP ingress QoS policy, as shown below:
shaping rate (actual) = (PIR or CIR) / ratio
where ratio = (customer packet size + additional bytes - removed headers - 4 byte FCS) / (customer packet size)
at SAP egress, shaping does not include the FCS, so the actual shaping rate is a bit higher than the PIR/CIR ratio configured in the QoS policy, as shown below:
shaping rate (actual) = (PIR or CIR) / ratio
where ratio = (customer packet size - 4 byte FCS) / (customer packet size)
rate max cir 0 (this default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kb/s. The max value and the pir-rate value are mutually exclusive.)
- pir-rate
defines the administrative PIR rate, in kb/s, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The PIR rate has a minimum value of 8 kb/s.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a cir-rate setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir keyword is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The CIR rate has a minimum value of 8kb/s.
slope-policy name
no slope-policy
config>qos>sap-ingress queue
config>qos>sap-egress queue
This command specifies the slope parameters controlling the queue.
slope-policy default
- name
the name of the slope policy
Operational Commands
copy sap-egress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
copy sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy ID to another QoS policy ID.
This command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
- src-pol dst-pol
indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are sap-egress or sap-ingress policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to which the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
- overwrite
specifies that the existing destination policy is to be replaced. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
Show Commands
sap-egress [policy-id] [standard | mc-mlppp] [association | match-criteria | detail]
sap-egress summary
This command displays service egress and MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy information.
- policy-id
displays information about the specific policy ID
- standard
displays all standard SAP egress QoS policies
- mc-mlppp
displays only MC-MLPPP SAP egress policy information
- association
displays policy associations
- match-criteria
displays match criteria
- detail
displays detailed policy information including policy associations
- summary
displays a summary of the number of SAP egress policies
The following output is an example of service egress and MC-MLPPP SAP egress QoS policy information, and SAP Egress Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:ALU-1# show qos sap-egress
Sap Egress Policies
Policy-Id Type Scope Name Description
1 Default Template default Default SAP egress QoS policy.
200 Standard Template SAP Egress Policy 200
300 MC-MLPPP Template SAP Egress Policy 300
400 Standard Exclusive Egress Policy 400
500 Standard Template Egress Policy 500
550 MC-MLPPP Template New Multi-class type policy
600 Standard Exclusive
Number of Policies : 7
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>qos# sap-egress summary
Sap Egress Summary
Number of Policies : 7
Active Policies : 6
Inactive Policies : 1
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>qos#
*A:ALU-1# show qos sap-egress 500 detail
QoS Sap Egress
Standard Sap Egress Policy (500)
Policy-id : 500 Scope : Template
Name : sap_egress_policy_500
Description : Egress Policy 500
Pkt.Byte Offset: add 0
Policy Active : False
Queue Information
Queue-Id : 1 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
Admin PIR : max Admin CIR : 0
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
CBS : Def MBS : Def
Slope Policy : default Packet Byte Offset : def
High Priority : def
Queue-Id : 4 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
Admin PIR : max Admin CIR : 0
PIR Rule : closest CIR Rule : closest
CBS : 2 KB MBS : Def
Slope Policy : default Packet Byte Offset : def
High Priority : def
FC Queue Dot1p Exp/Def DSCP Marking
be def Default default
ef def Default DSCP In:cp2 Out:cp3
No Associations Found.
*A:7705:Dut-C# show qos sap-egress mc-mlppp 550 detail
QoS Sap Egress
MC-MLPPP Sap Egress Policy (550)
Policy-id : 550 Scope : Template
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : New Multi-class type policy
Pkt.Byte Offset: default
Policy Active : False
Queue Information
Queue-Id : 1 Queue-Type : auto-expedite
Admin PIR : max
PIR Rule : closest
CBS : Def MBS : Def
Slope Policy : default
High Priority : def
FC Name Queue-id DSCP Marking
No Matching Entries
No Associations Found.
Label |
Description |
Summary |
Number of Policies |
The number of SAP egress policies |
Active Policies |
The number of active SAP egress policies |
Inactive Policies |
The number of inactive SAP egress policies |
QoS Sap Egress Policy |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Type |
Indicates the type of SAP egress policy; Default, Standard, or MC-MLPPP |
Scope |
Exclusive - this policy can only be applied to a single SAP |
Template - this policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router |
Name |
The policy name |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
Pkt.Byte Offset |
Indicates the value of the packet byte offset applied to the packet for scheduling, if applicable. A value of ‟default” indicates that legacy mode packet scheduling is in use, in which packets are scheduled based on size including internal overhead. |
Policy Active |
Indicates whether the policy is active or inactive |
Queue Information |
Queue-Id |
The ID that identifies the queue |
Queue-Type |
The queue type: auto-expedite, expedite, or best-effort |
Admin PIR |
The administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface. |
Admin CIR |
The administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. |
PIR Rule |
min - the operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
max - the operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
closest - the operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command |
CIR Rule |
min - the operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command except where the derived operational CIR is greater than the operational PIR. If the derived operational CIR is greater than the derived operational PIR, the operational CIR will be made equal to the operational PIR. |
max - the operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
closest - the operational CIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR |
def - the CBS value reserved for the queue |
value - the value to override the default reserved buffers for the queue |
def - the MBS value reserved for the queue |
value - the value to override the default maximum size for the queue |
Slope Policy |
The slope policy for the queue |
Packet Byte Offset |
The value of the packet byte offset applied to the queue. A value of ‟default” indicates that legacy mode packet scheduling is in use, in which packets are scheduled based on size including internal overhead. |
High Priority |
The percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high-priority packets |
FC Mapping Information |
FC |
The forwarding class |
Queue |
The queue ID that uniquely identifies the queue within the policy |
Dot1p Exp/Def (Explicit/Default) |
The egress dot1p bits used for the FC-to-dot1p mapping: Explicit (an egress dot1p bit is configured for the FC-to-egress-dot1p bit mapping) or Default |
DSCP Marking |
The DSCP name and DSCP priority bits mapping for the forwarding class |
Associations |
Associations |
Service Name - the name of the service |
Service-Id - the unique service ID number that identifies the service in the service domain |
Customer-Id - the customer ID that identifies the customer to the service |
SAP - the Service Access Point within the service where the policy is applied |
sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | detail]
sap-ingress summary
This command displays service ingress QoS policy information.
- policy-id
displays information about the specific policy
- association
displays policy associations
- match-criteria
displays match criteria
- detail
displays detailed policy information including policy associations
- summary
displays a summary of the number of SAP ingress policies
The following output is an example of service ingress QoS policy information, and SAP Ingress Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output ExampleA:ALU-1# show qos sap-ingress
Sap Ingress Policies
Policy-Id Scope Name Description
1 Template default Default SAP ingress QoS policy.
100 Template Used on VPN SAP
Number of Policies : 2
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>qos# sap-ingress summary
Sap Ingress Summary
Number of Policies : 2
Active Policies : 1
Inactive Policies : 1
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>qos#
A:ALU-1# show qos sap-ingress 1 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (1)
Policy-id : 1 Scope : Template
Default FC : be Priority : Low
Name : default
Description : Default SAP ingress QoS policy.
Pkt.Byte Offset: default
Policy Active : True
Q Mode CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS HiPrio Packet Slope-Policy
CIR Rule PIR Rule MBS Offset
1 Prio 0 max def def default default
closest closest def
FC UCastQ MCastQ BCastQ UnknownQ
No FC-Map Entries Found.
FC DE-1-out-profile Profile
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Dot1p FC Priority
No Dot1p-Map Entries Found.
DSCP FC Priority
No DSCP-Map Entries Found.
Service-Name : epipe1
Service-Id : 1 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/1/2
- SAP : 1/12/3:100.100
Service-Id : 4 (Cpipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/2/1.1
Service-Id : 5 (IES) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/10/4
Service-Name : VPRN21_hybrid
Service-Id : 21 (VPRN) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/7/6
*A:7705:Dut-A# show qos sap-ingress 2 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (2)
Policy-id : 2 Scope : Template
Default FC : be Priority : Low
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Pkt.Byte Offset: default
Policy Active : True
Q Mode CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS HiPrio Packet Slope-Policy
CIR Rule PIR Rule MBS Offset
1 Prio 0 max def def def default
closest closest def
2 Prio 0 max def def def default
closest closest def
3 Profile 0 max def def def default
closest closest def
FC UCastQ MCastQ BCastQ UnknownQ
nc 3 def def def
FC DE-1-out-profile Profile
nc No In
Dot1p FC Priority
No Dot1p-Map Entries Found.
DSCP FC Priority
No DSCP-Map Entries Found.
Service-Name : XYZ Epipe 1301
Service-Id : 1301 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/2/8:1
A:ALU-1# show qos sap-ingress 100 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (100)
Policy-id : 100 Scope : Template
Default FC : be Priority : Low
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : Used on VPN SAP
Pkt.Byte Offset: default
Policy Active : True
Q Mode CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS HiPrio Packet Slope-Policy
CIR Rule PIR Rule MBS Offset
1 Prio 0 max def def default default
closest closest def
2 Prio 25000 2500 1500 10 default default
closest closest 10
FC UCastQ MCastQ BCastQ UnknownQ
h2 def def def def
ef 2 def def def
h1 2 def def def
FC DE-1-out-profile Profile
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Dot1p FC Priority
1 be Low
DSCP FC Priority
be be Low
No Associations Found.
Label |
Description |
Summary |
Number of Policies |
The number of SAP ingress policies |
Active Policies |
The number of active SAP ingress policies |
Inactive Policies |
The number of inactive SAP ingress policies |
QoS Sap Ingress Policy |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Scope |
Exclusive - this policy can only be applied to a single SAP |
Template - this policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router |
Default FC |
The default forwarding class for the policy |
Priority |
The default enqueuing priority |
Name |
The policy name |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
Pkt.Byte Offset |
Indicates the value of the packet byte offset applied to the packet for scheduling, if applicable. A value of ‟default” indicates that legacy mode packet scheduling is in use, in which packets are scheduled based on size including internal overhead. |
Policy Active |
Indicates whether the policy is active or inactive |
Queue Information |
Q |
The queue number |
Mode |
The mode for the queue, either priority mode or profile mode |
CIR Admin |
The CIR parameters for the queue. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. |
CIR Rule |
min - the operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command except where the derived operational CIR is greater than the operational PIR. If the derived operational CIR is greater than the derived operational PIR, the operational CIR will be made equal to the operational PIR. |
max - the operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
closest - the operational CIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR |
PIR Admin |
The administrative PIR parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric. |
PIR Rule |
min - the operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
max - the operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command |
closest - the operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command |
def - the CBS value reserved for the queue |
value - the value to override the default reserved buffers for the queue |
def - the MBS value reserved for the queue |
value - the value to override the default maximum size for the queue |
HiPrio |
The percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high-priority packets |
Packet Offset |
The value of the packet byte offset applied to the queue. A value of ‟default” indicates that legacy mode packet scheduling is in use, in which packets are scheduled based on size including internal overhead. |
Slope-Policy |
The slope policy for the queue |
Forwarding Class Information |
UCastQ |
The unicast forwarding type queue mapping (default or queue number) |
MCastQ |
The multicast forwarding type queue mapping (default or queue number) |
BCastQ |
The broadcast forwarding type queue mapping (default or queue number) |
UnknownQ |
The unknown unicast forwarding type queue mapping (default or queue number) |
Profile |
The in-profile or out-of-profile state for packets assigned to this forwarding class |
FC DE-1-out-profile Information |
DE-1-out-profile |
When enabled on a Frame Relay VLL, DE-1 frames are classified as out-of-profile and are not subject to the CIR marking |
Dot1p Information |
Dot1p |
The forwarding class and/or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a dot1p-value specified |
FC |
The specified forwarding class used for the dot1p-to-FC mapping when a packet matches the dot1p rule. If no FC is specified, the default FC is used. |
Priority |
The optional priority setting overrides the default enqueuing priority for the packets received on an ingress SAP that uses the policy that matches this rule. The FC priority setting only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
High - the high enqueuing parameter for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. This parameter only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
Low - the low enqueuing parameter for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. This parameter only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
DSCP Information |
The forwarding class and/or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value. |
FC |
The specified forwarding class used for the DSCP-to-FC mapping when a packet matches the DSCP rule. If no FC is specified, the default FC is used. |
Priority |
The default enqueuing priority overrides for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. The FC priority setting only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
High - the high enqueuing parameter for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. This parameter only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
Low - the low enqueuing parameter for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. This parameter only applies to an FC that maps to a priority mode queue. |
Associations |
Associations |
Service Name - the name of the service |
Service-Id - the unique service ID number that identifies the service in the service domain |
Customer-Id - the customer ID that identifies the customer to the service |
SAP - the SAP within the service where the service ingress policy is applied |
pools mda mda-id [detail]
pools mda mda-id [egress l ingress] [ring | v-port] [detail]
This command displays buffer pool information on an adapter card. This information pertains to the memory allocation that is used for queuing purposes. The information is displayed according to the number of allocated buffers.
Since the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card has separate ingress and egress buffer pools, there are two sets of pool information displayed for the card. Use the egress keyword to display only egress buffer pool information; use the ingress keyword to display only ingress buffer pool information; use the mda keyword by itself to display both egress buffer pool information and ingress buffer pool information.
All adapter cards allocate a fixed-size space for each buffer. The 7705 SAR supports two buffer sizes: 2304 and 512 bytes, depending on the type of adapter card. See Buffer Support on Adapter Cards and Platforms for a list of adapter cards and their associated buffers.
A buffer size of 2304 bytes is large enough to accommodate the maximum frame size supported on the non-buffer-chaining adapter cards on the 7705 SAR. The adapter cards that support a buffer size of 2304 bytes always have a 1-to-1 correspondence of packets to buffers.
A buffer size of 512 bytes is smaller than the largest frame size supported on the 7705 SAR. Packets that are larger than 512 bytes use more than one buffer. The adapter cards that support a buffer size of 512 bytes dynamically divide packets that are larger than 512 bytes into a series of concatenated buffers in a method called buffer chaining. See Buffer Unit Allocation and Buffer Chaining for more information.
Adapter cards that support byte-based WRED use 512-byte buffers and can have a many-to-1 correspondence of packets to buffers. For example, assuming 128-byte packets, to fill 512 bytes in a queue takes four buffers using payload-based WRED (also called byte-based WRED), compared to one buffer in buffer-based WRED. When using byte-based WRED for frame sizes smaller than 512 bytes (128 or 256 bytes), the actual number of buffers used in the queue may exceed the MBS configured for the queue, since byte-based WRED does not count buffer overhead (filler) bytes in the queue to determine packet discard or tail drop eligibility, as is the case for buffer-based WRED. See Payload-based WRED for more information.
- mda-id
the location of the adapter card (in the form slot/card)
- mda
displays buffer pool information on the adapter card
- mda detail
displays detailed buffer pool information on the adapter card
- egress
displays only egress buffer pool information on the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card
- egress detail
displays only detailed egress buffer pool information on the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card
- ingress
displays only ingress buffer pool information on the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card
- ingress detail
displays only detailed ingress buffer pool information on the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card
- ring
displays only ring buffer pool information on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module
- v-port
displays only v-port buffer pool information on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module
The following outputs are examples of detailed buffer pool information for an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card, a 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card, a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card, and a 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example (Summary, 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Card with a 512-byte Buffer)
Output Example (Summary, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter Card with a 2304-byte Buffer)
The following outputs are examples of ingress and egress buffer pool information for a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card, and v-port and ring buffer pool information on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example (Summary, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
Output Example (Summary, Egress, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
Output Example (Detailed, Egress, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
Output Example (Summary, Ingress, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
Output Example (Detailed, Ingress, 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of buffer pool information for an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet Adapter card. Outputs for the 6-port Ethernet 10Gbps Adapter card are similar. The buffer size (512 bytes) is used by all Ethernet adapter cards. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/1 detail
Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 387383 buffers Pool Resv : 136904 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 62 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Access Ingress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be l2 af l1 351 1
h2 ef h1 nc 16
be l2 af l1 351 1
h2 ef h1 nc 16
Access Egress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be l2 af l1 351 1
h2 ef h1 nc 16
be l2 af l1 351 1
h2 ef h1 nc 16
Network Ingress Queues
FC-Maps Dest O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1/1 26214 0
l2 1/1 26214 0
af 1/1 26214 0
l1 1/1 13107 0
h2 1/1 26214 0
ef 1/1 26214 0
h1 1/1 13107 0
nc 1/1 13107 0
be 1/2 26214 0
l2 1/2 26214 0
af 1/2 26214 0
l1 1/2 13107 0
h2 1/2 26214 0
ef 1/2 26214 0
h1 1/2 13107 0
nc 1/2 13107 0
be 1/3 26214 0
l2 1/3 26214 0
af 1/3 26214 0
l1 1/3 13107 0
h2 1/3 26214 0
ef 1/3 26214 0
h1 1/3 13107 0
nc 1/3 13107 0
be 1/4 26214 0
l2 1/4 26214 0
af 1/4 26214 0
l1 1/4 13107 0
h2 1/4 26214 0
ef 1/4 26214 0
h1 1/4 13107 0
nc 1/4 13107 0
be 1/5 26214 0
l2 1/5 26214 0
af 1/5 26214 0
l1 1/5 13107 0
h2 1/5 26214 0
ef 1/5 26214 0
h1 1/5 13107 0
nc 1/5 13107 0
be 1/6 26214 0
l2 1/6 26214 0
af 1/6 26214 0
l1 1/6 13107 0
h2 1/6 26214 0
ef 1/6 26214 0
h1 1/6 13107 0
nc 1/6 13107 0
be MCast 26214 0
l2 MCast 26214 0
af MCast 26214 0
l1 MCast 13107 0
h2 MCast 26214 0
ef MCast 26214 0
h1 MCast 13107 0
nc MCast 13107 0
Network Egress Queues
FC-Maps ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1/1/2 26214 0
l2 1/1/2 26214 0
af 1/1/2 26214 0
l1 1/1/2 13107 0
h2 1/1/2 26214 0
ef 1/1/2 26214 0
h1 1/1/2 13107 0
nc 1/1/2 13107 0
be 1/1/1:100->interface1 26214 0
l2 1/1/1:100->interface1 26214 0
af 1/1/1:100->interface1 26214 0
l1 1/1/1:100->interface1 13107 0
h2 1/1/1:8->test 26214 0
ef 1/1/1:8->test 26214 0
h1 1/1/1:8->test 13107 0
nc 1/1/1:8->test 13107 0
Output Example (Summary, 32-port T1/E1 ASAP
Adapter Card with a 2304-byte Buffer)
The following output is an example of buffer pool information on a 32-port T1/E1 ASAP Adapter card that supports an ATM N > 1 SAP aggregation group. The buffer size used by the adapter card is 2304 bytes, and the naming convention used at the access ingress queue identifies a SAP aggregation group for an N > 1 ATM pseudowire. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/1 detail
Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 16520 buffers Buffer Size : 2304 bytes
Pool Shared : 10776 buffers Pool Resv : 5744 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 489 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Access Ingress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be l2 af l1 434 434
h2 ef h1 nc 8
Access Egress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be l2 af l1 78 2
h2 ef h1 nc 8
be l2 af l1 78 1
h2 ef h1 nc 8
be l2 af l1 78 1
h2 ef h1 nc 8
Network Ingress Queues
FC-Maps Dest O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
No Match Found
Network Egress Queues
FC-Maps ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
No Match Found
Output Example (Summary, 10-port
1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of showing both ingress and egress buffer pool information on a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/X2
Ingress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 228975 buffers Pool Resv : 295312 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 55 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Egress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 505415 buffers Pool Resv : 18872 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 6 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Output Example (Summary, Egress, 10-port
1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of showing only summary egress buffer pool information on a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/X2 egress
Egress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 505415 buffers Pool Resv : 18872 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 6 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Output Example (Detailed, Egress, 10-port
1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of showing only detailed egress buffer pool information on a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/X2 egress detail
Egress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 505415 buffers Pool Resv : 18872 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 6 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Access Egress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
No Match Found
Network Egress Queues
FC-Maps ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1/X2/1 26214 0
l2 1/X2/1 26214 0
af 1/X2/1 26214 0
l1 1/X2/1 13107 0
h2 1/X2/1 26214 0
ef 1/X2/1 26214 0
h1 1/X2/1 13107 0
nc 1/X2/1 13107 0
IPV4 GRE Fragment Reassembly Queue Groups
FC-Maps ID Profile ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1 26214 0
l2 1 26214 0
af 1 26214 0
l1 1 13107 0
h2 1 26214 0
ef 1 26214 0
h1 1 13107 0
nc 1 13107 0
be 2 6214 0
l2 2 6214 0
Output Example (Summary, Ingress, 10-port
1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of showing only summary ingress buffer pool information on a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
*A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/X2 ingress
Ingress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 228975 buffers Pool Resv : 295312 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 55 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Output Example (Detailed, Ingress, 10-port
1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter Card)
The following output is an example of showing only detailed ingress buffer pool information on a 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
A:ALU-1# show pools mda 1/X2 ingress detail
Ingress Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 228975 buffers Pool Resv : 295312 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 55 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Access Ingress Queues
Name FC-Maps O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
No Match Found
Network Ingress Queues
FC-Maps Dest O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1/1 26214 0
l2 1/1 26214 0
af 1/1 26214 0
l1 1/1 13107 0
h2 1/1 26214 0
ef 1/1 26214 0
h1 1/1 13107 0
nc 1/1 13107 0
be 1/2 26214 0
l2 1/2 26214 0
af 1/2 26214 0
l1 1/2 13107 0
h2 1/2 26214 0
ef 1/2 26214 0
h1 1/2 13107 0
nc 1/2 13107 0
be 1/3 26214 0
l2 1/3 26214 0
af 1/3 26214 0
l1 1/3 13107 0
h2 1/3 26214 0
ef 1/3 26214 0
h1 1/3 13107 0
nc 1/3 13107 0
be 1/4 26214 0
l2 1/4 26214 0
af 1/4 26214 0
l1 1/4 13107 0
h2 1/4 26214 0
ef 1/4 26214 0
h1 1/4 13107 0
nc 1/4 13107 0
be 1/5 26214 0
l2 1/5 26214 0
af 1/5 26214 0
l1 1/5 13107 0
h2 1/5 26214 0
ef 1/5 26214 0
h1 1/5 13107 0
nc 1/5 13107 0
be 1/6 26214 0
l2 1/6 26214 0
af 1/6 26214 0
l1 1/6 13107 0
h2 1/6 26214 0
ef 1/6 26214 0
h1 1/6 13107 0
nc 1/6 13107 0
be 1/7 26214 0
l2 1/7 26214 0
af 1/7 26214 0
l1 1/7 13107 0
h2 1/7 26214 0
ef 1/7 26214 0
h1 1/7 13107 0
nc 1/7 13107 0
be 1/8 26214 0
l2 1/8 26214 0
af 1/8 26214 0
l1 1/8 13107 0
h2 1/8 26214 0
ef 1/8 26214 0
h1 1/8 13107 0
nc 1/8 13107 0
be 1/9 26214 0
l2 1/9 26214 0
af 1/9 26214 0
l1 1/9 13107 0
h2 1/9 26214 0
ef 1/9 26214 0
h1 1/9 13107 0
nc 1/9 13107 0
be 1/10 26214 0
l2 1/10 26214 0
af 1/10 26214 0
l1 1/10 13107 0
h2 1/10 26214 0
ef 1/10 26214 0
h1 1/10 13107 0
nc 1/10 13107 0
be 1/11 26214 0
l2 1/11 26214 0
af 1/11 26214 0
l1 1/11 13107 0
h2 1/11 26214 0
ef 1/11 26214 0
h1 1/11 13107 0
nc 1/11 13107 0
be 1/12 26214 0
l2 1/12 26214 0
af 1/12 26214 0
l1 1/12 13107 0
h2 1/12 26214 0
ef 1/12 26214 0
h1 1/12 13107 0
nc 1/12 13107 0
be 1/X1 26214 0
l2 1/X1 26214 0
af 1/X1 26214 0
l1 1/X1 13107 0
h2 1/X1 26214 0
ef 1/X1 26214 0
h1 1/X1 13107 0
nc 1/X1 13107 0
be 1/X2 26214 0
l2 1/X2 26214 0
af 1/X2 26214 0
l1 1/X2 13107 0
h2 1/X2 26214 0
ef 1/X2 26214 0
h1 1/X2 13107 0
nc 1/X2 13107 0
be 1/X3 26214 0
l2 1/X3 26214 0
af 1/X3 26214 0
l1 1/X3 13107 0
h2 1/X3 26214 0
ef 1/X3 26214 0
h1 1/X3 13107 0
nc 1/X3 13107 0
be 1/X4 26214 0
l2 1/X4 26214 0
af 1/X4 26214 0
l1 1/X4 13107 0
h2 1/X4 26214 0
ef 1/X4 26214 0
h1 1/X4 13107 0
nc 1/X4 13107 0
be MCast 26214 0
l2 MCast 26214 0
af MCast 26214 0
l1 MCast 13107 0
h2 MCast 26214 0
ef MCast 26214 0
h1 MCast 13107 0
nc MCast 13107 0
IPV4 GRE Fragment Reassembly Queue Groups
FC-Maps ID Profile ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1 26214 0
l2 1 26214 0
af 1 26214 0
l1 1 13107 0
h2 1 26214 0
ef 1 26214 0
h1 1 13107 0
nc 1 13107 0
be 2 6214 0
l2 2 6214 0
Output Example (2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter
The following output is an example of showing both v-port and ring buffer pool information on a 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card. Buffer Pool Field Descriptions describes the fields.
V-Port Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 524287 buffers Buffer Size : 512 bytes
Pool Shared : 206119 buffers Pool Resv : 318168 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 146 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Ring Buffer Pool Information
Pool Total : 262143 buffers Buffer Size : 768 bytes
Pool Shared : 233663 buffers Pool Resv : 28480 buffers
Pool Total In Use : 0 buffers
Pool Exhaustion Drop : 0
Network Ingress Queues
FC-Maps Dest O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
No Match Found
Network Egress Queues
FC-Maps ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
be 1/3/v-port 26214 0
l2 1/3/v-port 26214 0
af 1/3/v-port 26214 0
l1 1/3/v-port 13107 0
h2 1/3/v-port 26214 0
ef 1/3/v-port 26214 0
h1 1/3/v-port 13107 0
nc 1/3/v-port 13107 0
Network Ring Add-drop Port Queues
Queue ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
1 13107 0
2 13107 0
3 13107 0
4 6553 0
5 13107 0
6 13107 0
7 6553 0
8 6553 0
Network Ring Port Egress Queues
Queue ID O.MBS(buf) Depth(buf)
1 1/3/1 13107 0
2 1/3/1 13107 0
3 1/3/1 13107 0
4 1/3/1 6553 0
5 1/3/1 13107 0
6 1/3/1 13107 0
7 1/3/1 6553 0
8 1/3/1 6553 0
1 1/3/2 13107 0
2 1/3/2 13107 0
3 1/3/2 13107 0
4 1/3/2 6553 0
5 1/3/2 13107 0
6 1/3/2 13107 0
7 1/3/2 6553 0
8 1/3/2 6553 0
Label |
Description |
Buffer Pool Information (not applicable for the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card) |
Ingress Buffer Pool Information (applies only to the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card) |
Egress Buffer Pool Information (applies only to the 10-port 1GigE/1-port 10GigE X-Adapter card) |
V-Port Buffer Pool Information (applies only to the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module) |
Ring Buffer Pool Information (applies only to the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card and 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module) |
Pool Total |
The total number of available buffers |
Pool Shared |
The number of buffers that can be shared |
Pool Total In Use |
The total number of buffers in use, in real time |
Pool Exhaustion Drop |
The number of packets dropped due to pool exhaustion |
Buffer Size |
The buffer size supported by the adapter card: 512 or 2304 bytes |
Pool Resv |
The number of packets reserved or committed |
Access Ingress Queues Access Egress Queues |
Name |
For access ingress queues associated with N > 1 Apipes, the format of the queue identifier is: Service-Id->Sap Aggregation Group Name->Queue Number All other queues use the following: Service-Id->Sap-Id->Queue Number |
FC-Maps |
The forwarding class-to-queue mappings |
O.MBS (buf) |
The maximum operational buffers in the queue |
O.CBS (buf) |
The committed operational buffers in the queue |
Depth (buf) |
The queue occupancy (the number of buffer units currently queued), in real time For byte-based WRED, the number of Depth buffers may exceed the number of MBS buffers |
Network Ingress Queues |
FC-Maps |
The forwarding class-to-queue mappings |
Dest |
The destination MDA identifier |
O.MBS (buf) |
The maximum operational buffers in the queue |
O.CBS (buf) |
The committed operational buffers in the queue |
Depth (buf) |
The queue occupancy (the number of buffer units currently queued), in real time For byte-based WRED, the number of Depth buffers may exceed the number of MBS buffers |
Network Egress Queues |
FC-Maps ID |
The forwarding class identifier Entries with the port-id:tag->int-name format indicate the use of per-VLAN shapers |
O.MBS (buf) |
The maximum operational buffers in the queue |
O.CBS (buf) |
The committed operational buffers in the queue |
Depth (buf) |
The queue occupancy (the number of buffer units currently queued), in real time For byte-based WRED, the number of Depth buffers may exceed the number of MBS buffers |
IPv4 GRE Fragment Reassembly Queue Groups (not applicable for the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) Adapter card |
FC-Maps ID |
The forwarding class identifier |
Profile ID |
The IP reassembly profile identifier |
O.MBS (buf) |
The maximum operational buffers in the queue |
O.CBS (buf) |
The committed operational buffers in the queue |
Depth (buf) |
The queue occupancy (the number of buffer units currently queued), in real time |