Appendix B: Configuration groups

SR OS supports the creation of configuration templates called configuration groups, which can be applied at different branches in the configuration using the apply-groups command as shown in the following example. To view the expanded configuration, use the info inheritance command under the branch context.

For more information about configuration groups, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR MD-CLI User Guide.

Creating a configuration group

configure groups group "Peer-isis" router "Base" isis 0 interface "<Interface-to-AS.*>"
configure groups group "Peer-isis" router "Base" isis 0 interface "<Interface-to-AS.*>" hello-authentication-key "mykey"
configure groups group "Peer-isis" router "Base" isis 0 interface "<Interface-to-AS.*>" hello-authentication-type message-digest
configure groups group "Peer-isis" router "Base" isis 0 interface "<Interface-to-AS.*>" interface-type point-to-point
configure groups group "Peer-isis" router "Base" isis 0 interface "<Interface-to-AS.*>" level 2 metric 10

configure router "Base" interface "Interface-to-AS65501"
configure router "Base" isis 0 interface "Interface-to-AS65501" apply-groups ["Peer-isis"]

(pr)[/configure router "Base" isis 0 interface "Interface-to-AS65501"]
A:admin@sr101# info inheritance
    apply-groups ["Peer-isis"]
    ## inherited: from group "Peer-isis"
    hello-authentication-key "7NcYcNGWMxapfjrDQIyYNe1ZQ7HXjfY=" hash2
    ## inherited: from group "Peer-isis"
    hello-authentication-type message-digest
    ## inherited: from group "Peer-isis"
    interface-type point-to-point
    level 2 {
        ## inherited: from group "Peer-isis"
        metric 10