Configuring peering

This section provides configuration examples for peering features. Not all features are required to set up a basic peering connection.

Route policies

Routing policies control the size and content of the routing tables, the routes that are advertised, and the best route to take to reach a destination.

The following examples configure AS path and community lists that can be referenced by multiple policies.

Regular expression strings can be used to specify match criteria for the AS path and communities. For more information about using regular expressions, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.

Configuring AS path and community lists

Regular expression strings are used to specify match criteria for the AS path and communities in the following example.

configure policy-options as-path "PEERING" expression "64503"
configure policy-options as-path-group "BOGON" entry 10 expression ".* 0 .*"
configure policy-options as-path-group "BOGON" entry 20 expression ".* [64496-64511] .*"
configure policy-options as-path-group "BOGON" entry 30 expression ".* 65535 .*"

configure policy-options community "LARGE-PEER" { member "65100:100" }
configure policy-options community "SMALL-PEERS" { member "65200:200" }
configure policy-options community "SMALL-PEERS" { member "65400:.*$" }
configure policy-options community "SMALL-PEERS" { member "65500:.*" }

Configuring prefix lists

configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" { prefix type longer }
configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" prefix type through through-length 24
configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" prefix type through through-length 24
configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" { prefix type exact }
configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" prefix type range start-length 16
configure policy-options prefix-list "AS65xx-prefixes" prefix type range end-length 19
configure policy-options prefix-list "IPv6-list" { prefix 2001:fd00:84::/46 type longer }
configure policy-options prefix-list "SMALLER_THAN_/48" prefix ::/0 type range start-length 49
configure policy-options prefix-list "SMALLER_THAN_/48" prefix ::/0 type range end-length 128

Configuring policy statements

The following example displays a policy statement configuration. Entries can be either numbered or named.

configure policy-options policy-statement "EXT-AS-IMPORT" entry-type named
configure policy-options policy-statement "EXT-AS-IMPORT" named-entry "Routes-AS64503" from as-path name "PEERING"
configure policy-options policy-statement "EXT-AS-IMPORT" named-entry "Routes-AS64503" action action-type accept

The policy can be applied as import or export under the BGP router, group, or neighbor context.

Importing policy under BGP root

configure router "Base" bgp group "eBGP-Peering" import policy ["EXT-AS-IMPORT"]

Test and evaluate route policies

Route policies can be tested and evaluated before they are applied to BGP as shown in the following example.

For more information about Route Policy Testing commands, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Clear, Monitor, Show, and Tools CLI Command Reference Guide.

Use the following command to test and evaluate route policies.
show router bgp policy-test plcy-or-long-expr "EXT-AS-IMPORT" family ipv4 prefix longer neighbor

Testing and evaluating route policies output

 BGP Router ID:         AS:64501       Local AS:64501
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
      Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop                                            Path-Id     Label
Accepted by Policy EXT-AS-IMPORT Entry Routes-AS64503                                      None        None                                        None        n/a
      64503                                                          -
Accepted by Policy EXT-AS-IMPORT Entry Routes-AS64503                                    None        None                                        None        n/a
      64503                                                          -
Accepted by Policy EXT-AS-IMPORT Entry Routes-AS64503                                     None        None                                        None        n/a
      64503                                                          -
Routes : 3


Cflowd is a tool used to obtain samples of IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, and Ethernet traffic data flows through a router. For more information about cflowd, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide.

Configuring cflowd

configure cflowd overflow 10
configure cflowd active-flow-timeout 30
configure cflowd inactive-flow-timeout 10
configure cflowd sample-profile 1 sample-rate 100 

configure cflowd collector port 5000 description "Neighbor collector"
configure cflowd collector port 5000 autonomous-system-type peer
configure cflowd collector port 5000 version 8
configure cflowd collector port 5000 aggregation protocol-port true
configure cflowd collector port 5000 aggregation source-destination-prefix true

configure cflowd collector port 2000 description "v9collector"
configure cflowd collector port 2000 template-set mpls-ip
configure cflowd collector port 2000 version 9
configure router "Base" interface "To-Peering-LAN" cflowd-parameters sampling unicast type interface
Use the following command to display the basic information about the administrative and operational status of cflowd.
show cflowd status

Cflowd status output

Cflowd Status
Cflowd Admin Status  : Enabled
Cflowd Oper Status   : Enabled
Cflowd Export Mode   : Automatic
Active Flow Timeout  : 30 seconds

Active Flows         : 0
Dropped Flows        : 0
Total Pkts Rcvd      : 0
Total Pkts Dropped   : 0
Overflow Events      : 0
                                         Raw Flow Counts  Aggregate Flow Counts
Flows Created                                          0                      0
Flows Matched                                          0                      0
Flows Flushed                                          0                      0

Sample Profile Info
Profile Id     Sample Rate
    1                  100

Version Info
Version Status                   Sent                 Open               Errors
    5   Disabled                    0                    0                    0
    8   Enabled                     0                    0                    0
    9   Enabled                     0                    0                    0
   10   Disabled                    0                    0                    0

RPKI for prefix origin validation

7750 SR supports Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for BGP prefix origin validation.

For more information about BGP prefix origin validation, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.

BGP prefix origin validation in a RPKI session

configure router "Base" origin-validation rpki-session admin-state enable
configure router "Base" origin-validation rpki-session local-address
configure router "Base" origin-validation rpki-session port 8282

configure router "Base" bgp group "eBGP-Peering" origin-validation ipv4 true
configure router "Base" bgp group "eBGP-Peering" origin-validation ipv6 true

configure router "Base" bgp best-path-selection origin-invalid-unusable true
Use the following command to display RPKI session information.
show router origin-validation rpki-session detail

RPKI session status detail output

RPKI Session Information
IP Address         :
Description        : (Not Specified)
Port               : 8282               Oper State         : connect
Uptime             : 0d 00:00:00        Flaps              : 0
Active IPv4 Records: 0                  Active IPv6 Records: 0
Admin State        : Up                 Local Address      :
Hold Time          : 600                Refresh Time       : 300
Stale Route Time   : 3600               Connect Retry      : 120
Serial ID          : 0                  Session ID         : 0
No. of Sessions    : 1

BGP FlowSpec

FlowSpec is a standardized method for using BGP to distribute traffic flow specifications (flow routes) throughout a network. FlowSpec is supported for both IPv4 and IPv6.

For more information about FlowSpec, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.

FlowSpec configuration

configure router "Base" bgp neighbor "" family ipv4 ipv6 flow-ipv4 flow-ipv6 true

configure filter ip-filter "FSPEC-filter" default-action accept
configure filter ip-filter "FSPEC-filter" filter-id 99
configure filter ip-filter "FSPEC-filter" embed flowspec offset 1000 router-instance "Base"

configure router "Base" interface "To-Peering-LAN" ingress filter ip "FSPEC-filter"
Use the following command to display BGP flow IPv4 routes.
show router bgp routes flow-ipv4
Use the following command to display IPv4 filter information.
show filter ip "FSPEC-filter”

IP FPSEC filter output

IP Filter
Filter Id           : 99                           Applied        : Yes
Scope               : Template                     Def. Action    : Forward
Type                : Normal
Shared Policer      : Off
System filter       : Unchained
Radius Ins Pt       : n/a
CrCtl. Ins Pt       : n/a
RadSh. Ins Pt       : n/a
PccRl. Ins Pt       : n/a
Entries             : 0
Description         : (Not Specified)
Filter Name         : FSPEC-filter
Filter Match Criteria : IP
No Match Criteria Found


Unicast reverse path forwarding check (uRPF) helps to mitigate problems caused by the introduction of malformed or forged (spoofed) IP source addresses into a network by discarding IP packets that lack a verifiable IP source address. The uRPF feature is supported for both IPv4 and IPv6 on network and access.

For more information about uRPF, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide.

uRPF configuration

configure router "Base" interface "To-Peering-LAN" ipv4 urpf-check mode loose
configure router "Base" interface "To-Peering-LAN" ipv6 urpf-check mode loose