
interface name string 
-  adapter
   -  model-number string
   -  type keyword
   -  vendor-manufacture-date string
   -  vendor-oui string
   -  vendor-part-number string
   -  vendor-serial-number string
+  admin-state keyword
+  breakout-mode
   +  breakout-port-speed keyword
   +  num-breakout-ports keyword
+  description string
+  ethernet
   +  aggregate-id reference
   +  auto-negotiate boolean
   +  dac-link-training boolean
   +  duplex-mode keyword
   +  flow-control
      +  receive boolean
   +  forwarding-viable boolean
   +  hold-time
      +  down number
      -  down-expires string
      +  up number
      -  up-expires string
   -  hw-mac-address string
   +  l2cp-transparency
      +  dot1x
         -  oper-rule keyword
         +  tunnel boolean
      +  lacp
         -  oper-rule keyword
         +  tunnel boolean
      +  lldp
         -  oper-rule keyword
         +  tunnel boolean
      +  ptp
         -  oper-rule keyword
         +  tunnel boolean
      +  tunnel-all-l2cp boolean
      +  xstp
         -  oper-rule keyword
         +  tunnel boolean
   +  lacp-port-priority number
   +  mac-address string
   -  physical-medium keyword
   +  port-speed keyword
   +  ptp-asymmetry number
   +  reload-delay number
   -  reload-delay-expires string
   +  standby-signaling keyword
   -  statistics
      -  in-1024b-to-1518b-frames number
      -  in-128b-to-255b-frames number
      -  in-1519b-or-longer-frames number
      -  in-256b-to-511b-frames number
      -  in-512b-to-1023b-frames number
      -  in-64b-frames number
      -  in-65b-to-127b-frames number
      -  in-crc-error-frames number
      -  in-fragment-frames number
      -  in-jabber-frames number
      -  in-mac-pause-frames number
      -  in-oversize-frames number
      -  last-clear string
      -  out-1024b-to-1518b-frames number
      -  out-128b-to-255b-frames number
      -  out-1519b-or-longer-frames number
      -  out-256b-to-511b-frames number
      -  out-512b-to-1023b-frames number
      -  out-64b-frames number
      -  out-65b-to-127b-frames number
      -  out-mac-pause-frames number
   +  storm-control
      +  broadcast-rate number
      +  multicast-rate number
      -  operational-broadcast-rate number
      -  operational-multicast-rate number
      -  operational-unknown-unicast-rate number
      +  units keyword
      +  unknown-unicast-rate number
   +  synce
      +  ssm
         +  admin-state keyword
-  forwarding-complex reference
-  ifindex number
+  lag
   +  lacp
      +  admin-key number
      +  interval keyword
      +  lacp-mode keyword
      +  system-id-mac string
      +  system-priority number
   +  lacp-fallback-mode keyword
   +  lacp-fallback-timeout number
   -  lag-speed number
   +  lag-type keyword
   -  member name reference 
      -  lacp
         -  activity keyword
         -  aggregatable boolean
         -  collecting boolean
         -  distributing boolean
         -  lacp-port-priority number
         -  oper-key number
         -  partner-id string
         -  partner-key number
         -  partner-port-num number
         -  port-num number
         -  statistics
            -  lacp-errors number
            -  lacp-in-pkts number
            -  lacp-out-pkts number
            -  lacp-rx-errors number
            -  lacp-tx-errors number
            -  lacp-unknown-errors number
         -  synchronization keyword
         -  system-id string
         -  timeout keyword
      -  last-change string
      -  microbfd-enabled boolean
      -  oper-down-reason keyword
      -  oper-state keyword
   +  member-speed keyword
   +  min-links number
-  last-change string
-  linecard reference
+  loopback-mode keyword
+  mtu number
-  oper-down-reason keyword
-  oper-state keyword
+  p4rt
   +  id number
   -  parent-id number
-  packet-link-qualification
   -  result id string 
      -  end-time string
      -  expected-rate number
      -  oper-state keyword
      -  packets-dropped number
      -  packets-error number
      -  packets-received number
      -  packets-sent number
      -  qualification-rate number
      -  start-time string
      -  status keyword
      -  status-message string
-  phy-group-members string
-  physical-channel reference
+  sflow
   +  admin-state keyword
-  statistics
   -  carrier-transitions number
   -  in-broadcast-packets number
   -  in-discarded-packets number
   -  in-error-packets number
   -  in-fcs-error-packets number
   -  in-multicast-packets number
   -  in-octets number
   -  in-packets number
   -  in-unicast-packets number
   -  last-clear string
   -  out-broadcast-packets number
   -  out-discarded-packets number
   -  out-error-packets number
   -  out-mirror-octets number
   -  out-mirror-packets number
   -  out-multicast-packets number
   -  out-octets number
   -  out-packets number
   -  out-unicast-packets number
+  subinterface index number 
   +  admin-state keyword
   +  anycast-gw
      +  anycast-gw-mac string
      -  anycast-gw-mac-origin keyword
      +  virtual-router-id number
   +  bridge-table
      +  discard-unknown-src-mac boolean
      +  mac-duplication
         +  action keyword
         -  duplicate-entries
            -  mac address string 
               -  dup-detect-time string
               -  hold-down-time-remaining (keyword | number)
      +  mac-learning
         +  admin-state keyword
         +  aging
            +  admin-state keyword
         -  learnt-entries
            -  mac address string 
               -  aging (number | keyword)
               -  last-update string
      +  mac-limit
         +  maximum-entries number
         +  warning-threshold-pct number
      -  mac-table
         -  mac address string 
            -  failed-slots number
            -  last-update string
            -  not-programmed-reason keyword
            -  type keyword
      -  statistics
         -  active-entries number
         -  failed-entries number
         -  mac-type type keyword 
            -  active-entries number
            -  failed-entries number
            -  total-entries number
         -  total-entries number
   +  description string
   -  ethernet-segment-association
      -  designated-forwarder boolean
      -  es-managed boolean
      -  ethernet-segment string
   -  ifindex number
   +  ip-mtu number
   +  ipv4
      +  address ip-prefix string 
         +  anycast-gw boolean
         -  origin keyword
         +  primary 
         -  status keyword
         +  vrrp
            +  vrrp-group virtual-router-id number 
               +  accept-mode boolean
               +  admin-state keyword
               +  advertise-interval number
               +  authentication
                  +  keychain reference
               -  current-master (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)
               +  init-delay number
               +  interface-tracking
                  +  track-interface interface reference 
                     +  priority-decrement number
               -  last-transition string
               +  master-inherit-interval boolean
               -  oper-down-reason keyword
               -  oper-interval number
               -  oper-state keyword
               -  operational-priority number
               -  owner boolean
               +  preempt boolean
               +  preempt-delay number
               +  priority number
               -  state identityref
               +  statistics
                  -  advertisements-discarded-address-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-authfail number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-interval number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-length number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-total number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-ttl number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-version-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-interval-error number
                  -  advertisements-received number
                  -  advertisements-sent number
                  -  priority-zero-packets-received number
                  -  priority-zero-packets-sent number
               +  version number
               +  virtual-address (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)
               -  virtual-mac string
      +  admin-state keyword
      +  allow-directed-broadcast boolean
      +  arp
         +  debug keyword
         +  duplicate-address-detection boolean
         +  evpn
            +  advertise route-type keyword 
               +  internal-tags
                  +  set-tag-set reference
         +  host-route
            +  populate route-type keyword 
               +  datapath-programming boolean
               +  internal-tags
                  +  set-tag-set reference
         +  learn-unsolicited boolean
         +  neighbor ipv4-address string 
            -  datapath-programming
               -  last-failed-complexes string
               -  status keyword
            -  expiration-time string
            +  link-layer-address string
            -  origin keyword
         +  proxy-arp boolean
         +  timeout number
         +  virtual-ipv4-discovery
            +  address ipv4-address string 
               +  allowed-macs string
               +  probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
               +  probe-interval number
               -  statistics
                  -  out-probe-packets number
            -  statistics
               -  out-total-probe-packets number
      +  dhcp-client
         +  trace-options
            +  trace keyword
      +  dhcp-relay
         +  admin-state keyword
         -  dns-resolution
            -  server domain string 
               -  last-update string
               -  resolved-ip-address (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)
         +  gi-address string
         +  network-instance reference
         -  oper-down-reason keyword
         -  oper-state keyword
         +  option keyword
         +  server (ipv4-address | domain-name)
         -  statistics
            -  client-packets-discarded number
            -  client-packets-received number
            -  client-packets-relayed number
            -  server-packets-discarded number
            -  server-packets-received number
            -  server-packets-relayed number
         +  trace-options
            +  trace keyword
         +  use-gi-addr-as-src-ip-addr boolean
      +  dhcp-server
         +  admin-state keyword
         -  oper-state keyword
      -  statistics
         -  in-discarded-packets number
         -  in-error-packets number
         -  in-forwarded-octets number
         -  in-forwarded-packets number
         -  in-matched-ra-packets number
         -  in-octets number
         -  in-packets number
         -  in-terminated-octets number
         -  in-terminated-packets number
         -  last-clear string
         -  out-discarded-packets number
         -  out-error-packets number
         -  out-forwarded-octets number
         -  out-forwarded-packets number
         -  out-octets number
         -  out-originated-octets number
         -  out-originated-packets number
         -  out-packets number
   +  ipv6
      +  address ip-prefix string 
         +  anycast-gw boolean
         -  origin keyword
         +  primary 
         -  status keyword
         +  type keyword
         +  vrrp
            +  vrrp-group virtual-router-id number 
               +  accept-mode boolean
               +  admin-state keyword
               +  advertise-interval number
               +  authentication
                  +  keychain reference
               -  current-master (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)
               +  init-delay number
               +  interface-tracking
                  +  track-interface interface reference 
                     +  priority-decrement number
               -  last-transition string
               +  master-inherit-interval boolean
               -  oper-down-reason keyword
               -  oper-interval number
               -  oper-state keyword
               -  operational-priority number
               -  owner boolean
               +  preempt boolean
               +  preempt-delay number
               +  priority number
               -  state identityref
               +  statistics
                  -  advertisements-discarded-address-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-authfail number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-interval number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-length number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-total number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-ttl number
                  -  advertisements-discarded-version-mismatch number
                  -  advertisements-interval-error number
                  -  advertisements-received number
                  -  advertisements-sent number
                  -  priority-zero-packets-received number
                  -  priority-zero-packets-sent number
               +  version number
               +  virtual-address string
               -  virtual-link-local-address string
               -  virtual-mac string
      +  admin-state keyword
      +  dhcp-client
         +  trace-options
            +  trace keyword
      +  dhcp-relay
         +  admin-state keyword
         -  dns-resolution
            -  server domain string 
               -  last-update string
               -  resolved-ip-address (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)
         +  network-instance reference
         -  oper-down-reason keyword
         -  oper-state keyword
         +  option keyword
         +  server (ipv6-address | domain-name)
         +  source-address string
         -  statistics
            -  client-packets-discarded number
            -  client-packets-received number
            -  client-packets-relayed number
            -  server-packets-discarded number
            -  server-packets-received number
            -  server-packets-relayed number
         +  trace-options
            +  trace keyword
      +  dhcpv6-server
         +  admin-state keyword
         -  oper-state keyword
      +  neighbor-discovery
         +  debug keyword
         +  duplicate-address-detection boolean
         +  evpn
            +  advertise route-type keyword 
               +  internal-tags
                  +  set-tag-set reference
         +  host-route
            +  populate route-type keyword 
               +  datapath-programming boolean
               +  internal-tags
                  +  set-tag-set reference
         +  learn-unsolicited keyword
         +  limit
            +  log-only boolean
            +  max-entries number
            +  warning-threshold-pct number
         +  neighbor ipv6-address string 
            -  current-state keyword
            -  datapath-programming
               -  last-failed-complexes string
               -  status keyword
            -  is-router boolean
            +  link-layer-address string
            -  next-state-time string
            -  origin keyword
         +  proxy-nd boolean
         +  reachable-time number
         +  stale-time number
         +  virtual-ipv6-discovery
            +  address ipv6-address string 
               +  allowed-macs string
               +  probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
               +  probe-interval number
               -  statistics
                  -  out-probe-packets number
            -  statistics
               -  out-total-probe-packets number
      +  router-advertisement
         +  debug keyword
         +  router-role
            +  admin-state keyword
            +  current-hop-limit number
            +  ip-mtu number
            +  managed-configuration-flag boolean
            +  max-advertisement-interval number
            +  min-advertisement-interval number
            +  other-configuration-flag boolean
            +  prefix ipv6-prefix string 
               +  autonomous-flag boolean
               +  on-link-flag boolean
               +  preferred-lifetime (keyword | number)
               +  valid-lifetime (keyword | number)
            +  reachable-time number
            +  retransmit-time number
            +  router-lifetime number
      -  statistics
         -  in-discarded-packets number
         -  in-error-packets number
         -  in-forwarded-octets number
         -  in-forwarded-packets number
         -  in-matched-ra-packets number
         -  in-octets number
         -  in-packets number
         -  in-terminated-octets number
         -  in-terminated-packets number
         -  last-clear string
         -  out-discarded-packets number
         -  out-error-packets number
         -  out-forwarded-octets number
         -  out-forwarded-packets number
         -  out-octets number
         -  out-originated-octets number
         -  out-originated-packets number
         -  out-packets number
   +  l2-mtu number
   -  last-change string
   +  local-mirror-destination
      +  admin-state keyword
      -  oper-state keyword
   -  mpls
      -  statistics
         -  in-discarded-packets number
         -  in-error-packets number
         -  in-forwarded-octets number
         -  in-forwarded-packets number
         -  in-matched-ra-packets number
         -  in-octets number
         -  in-packets number
         -  in-terminated-octets number
         -  in-terminated-packets number
         -  last-clear string
         -  out-discarded-packets number
         -  out-error-packets number
         -  out-forwarded-octets number
         -  out-forwarded-packets number
         -  out-octets number
         -  out-originated-octets number
         -  out-originated-packets number
         -  out-packets number
   +  mpls-mtu number
   -  name string
   -  oper-down-reason keyword
   -  oper-state keyword
   +  ra-guard
      +  policy reference
      +  vlan-list vlan-id number 
   -  statistics
      -  in-discarded-packets number
      -  in-error-packets number
      -  in-forwarded-octets number
      -  in-forwarded-packets number
      -  in-matched-ra-packets number
      -  in-octets number
      -  in-packets number
      -  in-terminated-octets number
      -  in-terminated-packets number
      -  last-clear string
      -  out-discarded-packets number
      -  out-error-packets number
      -  out-forwarded-octets number
      -  out-forwarded-packets number
      -  out-octets number
      -  out-originated-octets number
      -  out-originated-packets number
      -  out-packets number
   +  type identityref
   +  unidirectional-link-delay
      -  last-reported-dynamic-delay (number | keyword)
      +  static-delay (number | keyword)
   +  vlan
      +  encap
         +  double-tagged
            +  inner-vlan-id (number | keyword)
            +  outer-vlan-id (number | keyword)
         +  single-tagged
            +  vlan-id (number | keyword)
         +  single-tagged-range
            +  low-vlan-id range-low-vlan-id number 
               +  high-vlan-id number
         +  untagged
+  tpid identityref
-  traffic-rate
   -  in-bps number
   -  out-bps number
+  transceiver
   -  channel index number 
      -  input-power
         -  high-alarm-condition boolean
         -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  high-warning-condition boolean
         -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
         -  latest-value decimal-number
         -  low-alarm-condition boolean
         -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  low-warning-condition boolean
         -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  laser-bias-current
         -  high-alarm-condition boolean
         -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  high-warning-condition boolean
         -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
         -  latest-value decimal-number
         -  low-alarm-condition boolean
         -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  low-warning-condition boolean
         -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  output-power
         -  high-alarm-condition boolean
         -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  high-warning-condition boolean
         -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
         -  latest-value decimal-number
         -  low-alarm-condition boolean
         -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
         -  low-warning-condition boolean
         -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  wavelength decimal-number
   -  connector-type keyword
   -  date-code string
   +  ddm-events boolean
   -  ethernet-pmd string
   -  fault-condition boolean
   -  form-factor keyword
   +  forward-error-correction keyword
   -  healthz
      -  last-unhealthy string
      -  status keyword
      -  unhealthy-count number
   -  input-power
      -  high-alarm-condition boolean
      -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  high-warning-condition boolean
      -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  latest-value decimal-number
      -  low-alarm-condition boolean
      -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  low-warning-condition boolean
      -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
   -  laser-bias-current
      -  high-alarm-condition boolean
      -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  high-warning-condition boolean
      -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  latest-value decimal-number
      -  low-alarm-condition boolean
      -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  low-warning-condition boolean
      -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
   -  oper-down-reason keyword
   -  oper-state keyword
   -  output-power
      -  high-alarm-condition boolean
      -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  high-warning-condition boolean
      -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  latest-value decimal-number
      -  low-alarm-condition boolean
      -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  low-warning-condition boolean
      -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
   -  serial-number string
   -  temperature
      -  high-alarm-condition boolean
      -  high-alarm-threshold number
      -  high-warning-condition boolean
      -  high-warning-threshold number
      -  latest-value number
      -  low-alarm-condition boolean
      -  low-alarm-threshold number
      -  low-warning-condition boolean
      -  low-warning-threshold number
      -  maximum number
      -  maximum-time string
   +  tx-laser boolean
   -  vendor string
   -  vendor-lot-number string
   -  vendor-part-number string
   -  vendor-revision string
   -  voltage
      -  high-alarm-condition boolean
      -  high-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  high-warning-condition boolean
      -  high-warning-threshold decimal-number
      -  latest-value decimal-number
      -  low-alarm-condition boolean
      -  low-alarm-threshold decimal-number
      -  low-warning-condition boolean
      -  low-warning-threshold decimal-number
   -  wavelength decimal-number
+  vlan-tagging boolean

interface Descriptions

interface name string

Description The list of named interfaces on the device
Contextinterface name string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

name string


The name of the interface

Valid options are: irb<N>, N=0..255 lif-<lif_name> enp<bus>s<dev>f<fn>, bus=0..255, dev=0..31, fn=0..7 vhn-<vhn_name> lag<N>, N=1..1000 [note1] lo<N>, N=0..255 mgmt0 mgmt0-standby ethernet-<slot>/<port> ethernet-<slot>/<mda>/<port> system0 sync0

<lif_name>=Linux interface name <vhn_name>=vhost interface name <slot>=slot number {1,2,3,..} <mda>=mda id {a,b,c,d} <port>=port id {1,2,3,..}

[note1] The maximum number of LAGs per platform is as follows: D1: 32 D2-D3: 128 D4-D5: 64 H2-H3: 127 H4-32D: 127 H4: 255 IXR: 128

Contextinterface name string
String Length3 to 20
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description State for adapters
Context interface name string adapter
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

model-number string


Model information for the adapter

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out.

Contextinterface name string adapter model-number string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

type keyword

Description Type of adapter for the port
Context interface name string adapter type keyword
  • unknown

  • qsfp28-to-sfp+/sfp28

  • cfp-to-qsfp28

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vendor-oui string


Vendor's OUI which contains the IEEE company identifier for the vendor

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part. A value of all zero indicates that the vendor OUI is unspecified.

Contextinterface name string adapter vendor-oui string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vendor-part-number string


Vendor's part number or product name of the adapter

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part. An empty string indicates the vendor part number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out.

Contextinterface name string adapter vendor-part-number string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vendor-serial-number string


Vendor's serial number of the adapter

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part. An empty string indicates the vendor serial number is unspecified. The string is expected to contain printable ASCII characters, but unprintable ASCII characters read from the EEPROM are not filtered out.

Contextinterface name string adapter vendor-serial-number string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

admin-state keyword

Description The configured, desired state of the interface
Contextinterface name string admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms



Configuration of breakout options.

7220 D3 ports 3-33: 4x10G and 4x25G 7220 D3L ports 1-31: 4x10G and 4x25G 7220 H3 ports 3-34: 4x10G, 2x100G/4x100G, and 2x200G 7220 H4 ports 1-64: 4x100G and 2x200G 7220 H4-32D ports 1-32: 4x100G and 2x200G 7220 D4 ports 29-32: 4x100G, 4x25G, and 4x10G 7220 D4 ports 9, 23-27: 4x25G and 4x10G 7220 D5 ports 1-32: 4x10G, 4x25G, 2x100G/4x100G, and 2x200G 7250 IXR-6e/10e 60p QSFP28 IMM all ports: 4x25G and 4x10G supported but with port group dependencies (Note 2) 7250 IXR-6e/10e 36p QSFP28 ports 1-24: 4x25G, and 4x10G (Note 4) 7250 IXR-X3b QSFPDD all ports: 4x100G, 3x100G (Note 1), 2x100G, 4x25G, and 4x10G Note 1: 3x100G is only supported for Digital Coherent Optic transceivers

Note 2: For the following port groupings only the higher numbered port can be configured and enabled for breakout-mode. If the higher numbered port is configured and enabled for breakout-mode, then the lower numbered port cannot be enabled. Groupings are (25,28),(31,34),(37,40) and (n,n+3) and (n+1,n+2) and (n+4,n+5) for n=1,7,13,19,43,49,55.

Note 3: Breakout and 40G is only supported on odd numbered ports. For the QSFP28 four port groupings [1-4], [5-8], [9-12], [13-16], [21-24], [25-28], and [29-32] if either of the odd numbered ports within a group is enabled and configured for 40G, 4x10G, or 4x25G, then the other odd numbered port in the same group may only be enabled if it is configured for one of 40G, 4x10G, or 4x25G (can differ between the odd ports) and neither of the two even numbered ports within the same group can be enabled.

Note 4: For the QSFP28 ports, the following port groups exist [n, n+1, n+2, n+3] for n = 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21. Breakout for 4x25G or 4x10G is only supported on ports n+1 and n+3. If port n+1 within the group is configured for breakout and enabled, then port n cannot be enabled. In addition if port n+1 is configured for breakout and enabled and port n+3 is configured without breakout and enabled, then port n+2 may only be configured and enabled with the same speed as port n+3. If port n+3 within the group is configured for breakout and enabled, then port n+2 cannot be enabled. In addition if port n+3 is configured for breakout and enabled and port n+1 is configured without breakout and enabled, then port n may only be configured and enabled with the same speed as port n+1.

Port Groups and auto-configuration of port speed: Manually configured breakout-mode takes precedence over the auto-configured port-speed. This means that configuring a port within a port-group can have a side effect to take down an operational port that had its speed set based on the auto configuration feature. If there is risk of mixing transceiver types within a port group, then it is recommended to always manually configure the ports

Contextinterface name string breakout-mode
Platforms7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

breakout-port-speed keyword

Description The speed of each breakout port
Context interface name string breakout-mode breakout-port-speed keyword
  • 10G

  • 25G

  • 50G

  • 100G

  • 200G

Platforms7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

num-breakout-ports keyword

Description The number of breakout ports supported by this connector
Contextinterface name string breakout-mode num-breakout-ports keyword
  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 8

Platforms7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

description string

Description A user-configured description of the interface
Contextinterface name string description string
String Length1 to 255
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the ethernet context
Context interface name string ethernet
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

aggregate-id reference

Description lag interface with which this interface is associated
Contextinterface name string ethernet aggregate-id reference
Referenceinterface name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

auto-negotiate boolean


When set to true the interface uses auto-negotiation for speed, duplex and flow-control settings.

When set to false, the transmission parameters are specified manually.

Contextinterface name string ethernet auto-negotiate boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1

dac-link-training boolean

Description If the system detects that the transceiver is connected to a DAC cable then a true setting enables link training for better link stability. The link training setting must be the same at both ends of the DAC cable or else the link may not come up.
Contextinterface name string ethernet dac-link-training boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4

duplex-mode keyword

Description When auto-negotiate is true, this sets the duplex mode that will be advertised to the peer. When auto-negotiate is false, this directly sets the duplex mode of the interface.
Contextinterface name string ethernet duplex-mode keyword
  • full

  • half

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1


Description Enter the flow-control context
Context interface name string ethernet flow-control
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
receive boolean

When this is true PAUSE frames received on this interface are accepted and processed, and, if auto-negotiation is enabled it also causes the capability to receive PAUSE frames to be signaled to the peer (applicable only to ports 1-48 of the 7220 IXR-D1 and to mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby ports).

When this is false PAUSE frames received on this interface are ignored, and, if auto-negotiation is enabled it causes the capability to receive PAUSE frames to be signaled to the peer as non-support (applicable only to ports 1-48 of the 7220 IXR-D1 and to mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby ports)

Contextinterface name string ethernet flow-control receive boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

forwarding-viable boolean


If true: this LAG member link should be used for the transmission of traffic if all other LAG/port attributes allow it.

If false: this LAG member link should not be used for the transmission of traffic.

In all cases: This LAG member link should process any received frames when it is an active member link. L2 protocols such as LLDP, LACP and micro-BFD should continue to be sent and processed.

Contextinterface name string ethernet forwarding-viable boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Configure interface hold timers for Ethernet interfaces
Contextinterface name string ethernet hold-time
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
down number

Holds link down events for the configured time

The hold-time down behavior is triggered with events that try to bring the ethernet interface down and can change quickly. It is not triggered with an admin-state disable event or interface disable due to other internal reasons (such as fabric unavailability). When running, the interface will not be brought down till the timer expires. The typical use of the hold-time down is to provide stability and avoid the protocols to advertise/withdraw messages if there are flapping optics. The hold-time down is aborted if the user does admin-state disable or if the interface is disabled due to other internal reasons that prevent the traffic to be forwarded on the interface.

Contextinterface name string ethernet hold-time down number
Range0 | 100 to 86400000
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
down-expires string
Description The remaining time until the hold-time down expires and the interface goes operationally down.
Contextinterface name string ethernet hold-time down-expires string
String Length20 to 32
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
up number

Holds link up events for the configured time

The hold-time up behavior is triggered with any event that tries to bring up the ethernet interface (interface admin-state enable, a reboot, etc). While the hold-time up is running, the transceiver laser will be enabled, however the higher layers will not be notified that the interface is operationally up until the timer expires.

Contextinterface name string ethernet hold-time up number
Range0 | 100 to 86400000
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
up-expires string
Description The remaining time until the hold-time up expires and the interface comes up.
Contextinterface name string ethernet hold-time up-expires string
String Length20 to 32
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Configuration and state of the Layer-2 Control Protocol transparency
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for the configuration of 802.1x Port based Network Access Control.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency dot1x
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-rule keyword
Description The operational state of the TCAM rule applied to ingress dot1x frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency dot1x oper-rule keyword
  • trap-to-cpu-untagged

  • drop-tagged-and-untagged

  • tunnel-tagged-and-untagged

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel boolean

Configures if incoming dot1x frames are tunneled.

Dot1x frames are identified by MAC DA 01-80-c2-00-00-03 and Ethertype 0x888e.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency dot1x tunnel boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for L2CP transparency of the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lacp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-rule keyword
Description The operational state of the TCAM rule applied to ingress LACP frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lacp oper-rule keyword
  • trap-to-cpu-untagged

  • drop-tagged-and-untagged

  • tunnel-tagged-and-untagged

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel boolean

Configures if incoming LACP frames are tunneled.

LACP frames are identified by MAC DA 01-80-c2-00-00-02, Ethertype 0x8809 and slow-protocol sub-type 0x01.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lacp tunnel boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for L2CP transparency of the Link Layer Discovery Protocol
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lldp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-rule keyword
Description The operational state of the TCAM rule applied to ingress LLDP frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lldp oper-rule keyword
  • trap-to-cpu-untagged

  • drop-tagged-and-untagged

  • tunnel-tagged-and-untagged

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel boolean

Configures if incoming LLDP frames are tunneled.

LLDP frames are identified by MAC DA 01-80-c2-00-00-00 and Ethertype 0x88cc.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency lldp tunnel boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for the configuration of Precision Time Protocol Peer-Delay frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency ptp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-rule keyword
Description The operational state of the TCAM rule applied to ingress ptp frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency ptp oper-rule keyword
  • trap-to-cpu-untagged

  • drop-tagged-and-untagged

  • tunnel-tagged-and-untagged

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel boolean

Configures if incoming ptp frames are tunneled.

ptp frames are identified by MAC DA 01-80-c2-00-00-0e and Ethertype 0x88f7.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency ptp tunnel boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel-all-l2cp boolean

Configures the tunneling of all the L2CP protocols.

When set to true this command triggers the installation of an ingress TCAM rule with the highest priority (above all the individual L2CP tunnel rules) which allows the forwarding of any Layer-2 Control Protocol coming into the interface. All the L2CP frames identified by MAC DA = 01:80:c2:00:00:0x or MAC DA = 01:80:c2:00:00:2x, with 'x' being any hex value, are tunneled. When set to false, all L2CP frames without a specific L2CP tunnel rule are discarded.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency tunnel-all-l2cp boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

Container for the configuration of all the Spanning Tree Protocols.

It includes Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid RSTP (RSTP) and Multiple STP (MSTP)

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency xstp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-rule keyword
Description The operational state of the TCAM rule applied to ingress xSTP frames.
Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency xstp oper-rule keyword
  • trap-to-cpu-untagged

  • drop-tagged-and-untagged

  • tunnel-tagged-and-untagged

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
tunnel boolean

Configures if incoming xSTP frames are tunneled.

xSTP frames are identified by MAC DA 01-80-c2-00-00-00 and any Ethertype.

Contextinterface name string ethernet l2cp-transparency xstp tunnel boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

lacp-port-priority number

Description Configure the port priority for LACP. This value is used to determine which port should be activated with LACP fallback mode. Lower values are more preferred.
Contextinterface name string ethernet lacp-port-priority number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

mac-address string


MAC address of the interface

If not configured, this is set to the hw-mac-address, which is populated depending on interface type:

When deleted, will revert back to the value of hw-mac-address.

Contextinterface name string ethernet mac-address string
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

physical-medium keyword


Indicates the PHY supported by the RJ45 port.

If the port is supported by a SFP, QSFP+, QSFP28 or QSFP-DD transceiver no value is populated in this leaf.

Contextinterface name string ethernet physical-medium keyword
  • 1000BASE-T

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

port-speed keyword


The speed of the port or channel

If this parameter is configured, then the configured value will be applied. If it is not configured, then there are two mechanisms that will set a speed for the port.

Some platforms support a mechanism to automatically set the port-speed based on the form factor of the inserted transceiver. form-factor speed QSFP28 100G SFP112 100G SFP56-DD 100G SFP 1G SFP+ 10G QSFP56-DD 400G QSFP56 200G QSFP28-DD 200G SFP28 25G QSFP112 400G QSFP+ 40G QSFP28-50G 50G SFP56 50G QSFP112-DD 800G CFP2-DCO 400G

When the auto-configuration of speed based on form factor is not supported and the speed is not configured, then the default speed of a port (when auto-negotiation is disabled or unsupported) depends on the platform and port/connector number as follows:

mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby ports: 1G J2 IMM ports 1-32: 100G J2 IMM ports 33-36: 100G 7220-D1 ports 1-48: 1G 7220-D1 ports 49-52: 10G 7220-D2/D2L ports 1-48: 25G 7220-D2/D2L ports 49-56: 100G 7220-D2L ports 57-58: 10G 7220-D3 ports 1-2: 10G 7220-D3 ethernet-1/[3-34]: 100G 7220-D3 ethernet-1/[3-33]/n: 25G 7220-D3L ethernet-1/[1-32]: 100G 7220-D3L ethernet-1/[1-31]/n: 25G 7220-D3L ports 33-34: 10G 7220-D4 ports 1-28: 100G 7220-D4 ports 29-36: 400G 7220-D5 ports 1-32: 400G 7220-D5 ports 33-38: 10G 7220-H2 ports 1-128: 100G 7220-H3 ports 1-2: 10G 7220-H3 ports 3-34: 400G 7220-H4 ports 1-64: 400G 7220-H4 ports 65-66: 10G 7220-H4-32D ports 1-32: 400G 7220-H4-32D ports 33: 10G 7250 IXR-6e/10e 60p QSFP28 IMM all ports: 100G 7250 IXR-6e/10e 36p QSFPDD ports 25-36: 400G 7250 IXR-X3b QSFPDD all ports: 400G

Supported speeds: mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby ports: 1G J2 IMM ports 1-32: 40G, 100G (Note 1) J2 IMM ports 33-36: 40G, 100G, 400G 7220-D1 ports 1-48: 10M, 100M, 1G 7220-D1 ports 49-52: 10G 7220-D2/D2L ports 1-48: 1G, 10G, 25G (Note 2) 7220-D2 ports 49-56: 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G 7220-D2L ports 49-56: 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G 7220-D2L ports 57-58: 10G 7220-D3 ports 1-2: 10G 7220-D3 ethernet-1/[3-34]: 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, 100G 7220-D3 ethernet-1/[3-33]/n: 10G, 25G 7220-D3L ethernet-1/[1-32]: 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, 100G 7220-D3L ethernet-1/[1-31]/n: 10G, 25G 7220-D3L ports 33-34: 10G 7220-D4 ports 1-8: 40G, 100G 7220-D4 ports 9-28: 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G 7220-D4 ports 29-36: 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G, 400G 7220-D5 ports 1-32: 40G, 100G, 400G 7220-D5 ports 33-38: 10G 7220-H2 ports 1-128: 100G 7220-H3 ports 1-2: 10G 7220-H3 ports 3-34: 40G, 100G, 200G, 400G 7220-H4 ports 1-64: 40G, 100G, 400G 7220-H4 ports 65-66: 10G 7220-H4-32D ports 1-32: 40G, 100G, 400G 7220-H4-32D ports 33: 10G 7250 IXR-6e/10e 60p QSFP28 IMM all ports: 100G 7250 IXR-6e/10e 36p QSFPDD-400 IMM all ports: 40G, 100G, 400G 7250 IXR-X3b QSFPDD all ports: 40G, 50G, 100G, 400G

Note 1: Ports 9-12 cannot operate at different port speeds (some at 40G and others at 100G). The required speed of ports 9-12 is based on the port-speed of the first configured port in this block; if any subsequent port in the block is configured with a different port speed that port will not come up.

Note 2: On 7220-D2: if one port in each consecutive group of 4 ports (1-4, 5-8, .. , 45-48) is enabled and has a configured speed of 25G then the other 3 ports may only be enabled if they also have a configured speed of 25G or no speed configured; if one port in each consecutive group of 4 ports (1-4, 5-8, .. , 45-48) is enabled and has a configured speed of 1G or 10G the other 3 ports may only be enabled if they also have a configured speed of 1G or 10G or no speed configured. On 7220-D2L: if one port in each port group of 4 ports ({1, 2, 3, 6}, {4, 5, 7, 9}, {8, 10, 11, 12}, {13, 14, 15, 18}, {16, 17, 19, 21}, {20, 22, 23, 24}, {25, 26, 27, 30}, {28, 29, 31, 33}, {32, 34, 35, 36}, {37, 38, 39, 42}, {40, 41, 43, 45}, {44, 46, 47, 48}) is enabled and has a configured speed of 25G the other 3 ports may only be enabled if they also have a configured speed of 25G or no speed configured; if one port in each port group of 4 ports is enabled and has a configured speed of 1G or 10G the other 3 ports may only be enabled if they also have a configured speed of 1G or 10G or no speed configured.

Note 3: Breakout and 40G is only supported on odd numbered ports. For the QSFP28 four port groupings [1-4], [5-8], [9-12], [13-16], [21-24], [25-28], and [29-32] if either of the odd numbered ports within a group is enabled and configured for 40G, 4x10G, or 4x25G, then the other odd numbered port in the same group may only be enabled if it is configured for one of 40G, 4x10G, or 4x25G (can differ between the odd ports) and neither of the two even numbered ports within the same group can be enabled.

Note 4: For the QSFP28 ports, the following port groups exist [n, n+1, n+2, n+3] for n = 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21. Breakout for 4x25G or 4x10G is only supported on ports n+1 and n+3. If port n+1 within the group is configured for breakout and enabled, then port n cannot be enabled. In addition if port n+1 is configured for breakout and enabled and port n+3 is configured without breakout and enabled, then port n+2 may only be configured and enabled with the same speed as port n+3. If port n+3 within the group is configured for breakout and enabled, then port n+2 cannot be enabled. In addition if port n+3 is configured for breakout and enabled and port n+1 is configured without breakout and enabled, then port n may only be configured and enabled with the same speed as port n+1.

7250 IXR details: If the interface corresponds to a connector that has no installed transceiver then the value is accepted without any checking or restriction, and info from state will display the configured value. Otherwise if the configured port-speed is NOT supported by the installed transceiver the port is forced operationally down.

Port Groups and auto-configuration: Manually configured and enabled port-speed (and breakout-modes) take precedence over the auto-configured port-speed. This means that configuring and enabling a port within a port-group can have a side effect to take down an operational port that had its speed set based on the auto-configuration feature. If there is risk of mixing transceiver types within a port group, then it is recommended to always manually configure the speed for enabled ports

Contextinterface name string ethernet port-speed keyword
  • 10M

  • 100M

  • 1G

  • 10G

  • 25G

  • 40G

  • 50G

  • 100G

  • 200G

  • 400G

  • 800G

  • 1T

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

ptp-asymmetry number


This command configures the PTP asymmetry delay on the Ethernet port

This command is used to correct known asymmetry as part of time of day or phase recovery using PTP packets on both local and downstream PTP clocks.

Contextinterface name string ethernet ptp-asymmetry number
Platforms7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-X3b

reload-delay number


Configure reload-delay timer for Ethernet interfaces.

The reload-delay timer starts when the associated XDP interface state is learned. While the timer is running, the interface transceiver laser is disabled to avoid attracting traffic from the connected device at the other end of the interface. The reload-delay timer should be used in multi-homing interfaces and be set to a value long enough to allow the system to recover all the network protocols upon reboot, before start attracting traffic from the multi-homed device.

Contextinterface name string ethernet reload-delay number
Range1 to 86400
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

reload-delay-expires string

Description The remaining time until the reload-delay expires and the interface can go operationally up.
Contextinterface name string ethernet reload-delay-expires string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

standby-signaling keyword


Indicates the standby-signaling used in the interface.

An application using a port-based redundancy mechanism will trigger the standby signaling on the ethernet interface if the interface is selected as standby.

Contextinterface name string ethernet standby-signaling keyword
  • power-off

  • lacp

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string ethernet statistics
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
in-jabber-frames number
Description Number of jabber frames received on the interface. Jabber frames are typically defined as oversize frames which also have a bad CRC
Contextinterface name string ethernet statistics in-jabber-frames number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enable the storm-control context
Context interface name string ethernet storm-control
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
broadcast-rate number

The maximum rate allowed for ingress broadcast frames on the interface

The rate can be set in multiple of 64kbps. If the rate is configured to any value in the 1-127 kbps range, the effective rate will be 64kbps and shown in the operational rate. If any value in the 128-191 range, the effective rate will be 128kbps and shown in the operational rate, and so on for higher rates. When the rate is set to zero, all the broadcast traffic in the interface is discarded.

The maximum rate that can be effectively configured in 7220 D4/D5 platforms is 132000000. When a configured percentage exceeds that value, the maximum supported rate is set and shown in the operational-broadcast-rate.

Contextinterface name string ethernet storm-control broadcast-rate number
Range0 to 132000000
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
multicast-rate number

The maximum rate allowed for ingress multicast frames on the interface

The rate can be set in multiple of 64kbps. If the rate is configured to any value in the 1-127 kbps range, the effective rate will be 64kbps and shown in the operational rate. If any value in the 128-191 range, the effective rate will be 128kbps and shown in the operational rate, and so on for higher rates. When the rate is set to zero, all the multicast traffic in the interface is discarded.

The maximum rate that can be effectively configured in 7220 D4/D5 platforms is 132000000. When a configured percentage exceeds that value, the maximum supported rate is set and shown in the operational-multicast-rate.

Contextinterface name string ethernet storm-control multicast-rate number
Range0 to 132000000
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
units keyword
Description Units of storm-control policer in kbps or percentage of the interface bandwidth
Contextinterface name string ethernet storm-control units keyword
  • kbps

  • percentage

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
unknown-unicast-rate number

The maximum rate allowed for ingress unknown unicast frames on the interface

The rate can be set in multiple of 64kbps. If the rate is configured to any value in the 1-127 kbps range, the effective rate will be 64kbps and shown in the operational rate. If any value in the 128-191 range, the effective rate will be 128kbps and shown in the operational rate, and so on for higher rates. When the rate is set to zero, all the unknown unicast traffic in the interface is discarded.

The maximum rate that can be effectively configured in 7220 D4/D5 platforms is 132000000. When a configured percentage exceeds that value, the maximum supported rate is set and shown in the operational-multicast-rate.

Contextinterface name string ethernet storm-control unknown-unicast-rate number
Range0 to 132000000
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5


Description This struct containing all attributes for SyncE in line/client ports.
Contextinterface name string ethernet synce
Platforms7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description This struct containing all attributes for QL/SSM with SyncE in these ports.
Contextinterface name string ethernet synce ssm
Platforms7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword
Description Configure the administrative state for SyncE in line/client ports. When enabled, the associated transmit and receiver ports are set to synchronous mode and ESMC/SSM processing is enabled. Otherwise, all syncE functions are disabled in the port.
Contextinterface name string ethernet synce ssm admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-X3b

ifindex number

Description System-wide persistent unique ifIndex assigned to the interface
Contextinterface name string ifindex number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Container for options related to LAG
Context interface name string lag
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description LACP parameters for the associated LAG
Contextinterface name string lag lacp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-key number
Description Configure the LACP admin-key to be advertised by the local system. If this value is not specified a value starting from 32768 is automatically assigned by the system.
Contextinterface name string lag lacp admin-key number
Range1 to 65535
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
interval keyword
Description Set the period between LACP messages -- uses the lacp-period-type enumeration.
Contextinterface name string lag lacp interval keyword
  • FAST

    Send LACP packets every second

  • SLOW

    Send LACP packets every 30 seconds

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-mode keyword
Description ACTIVE is to initiate the transmission of LACP packets. PASSIVE is to wait for peer to initiate the transmission of LACP packets.
Contextinterface name string lag lacp lacp-mode keyword

    Interface is an active member, i.e., will detect and maintain aggregates


    Interface is a passive member, i.e., it participates with an active partner

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
system-id-mac string
Description The MAC address portion of the node's System ID. This is combined with the system priority to construct the 8-octet system-id. If not configured, the system-ID configured at the system/ level is used.
Contextinterface name string lag lacp system-id-mac string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
system-priority number
Description System priority used by the node on this LAG interface. Lower value is higher priority for determining which node is the controlling system. If not configured, the system-priority configured at the system/ level is used.
Contextinterface name string lag lacp system-priority number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

lacp-fallback-mode keyword

Description Specifies lacp-fallback mode if enabled
Contextinterface name string lag lacp-fallback-mode keyword
  • static

    Set the LACP-fallback mode as static

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

lacp-fallback-timeout number

Description Specifies the LACP-fallback timeout interval in seconds
Contextinterface name string lag lacp-fallback-timeout number
Range4 to 3600
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

lag-speed number

Description reports current aggregate bandwidth speed of the associated LAG
Contextinterface name string lag lag-speed number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

lag-type keyword

Description Sets the type of LAG, i.e., how it is configured / maintained
Contextinterface name string lag lag-type keyword
  • lacp

    LAG managed by LACP

  • static

    Statically configured bundle / LAG

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

member name reference

Description Reports the list of interfaces associated with the LAG instance
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
name reference
Description Enter the name context
Context interface name string lag member name reference
Referenceinterface name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Operational status data for the member interfaces
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
activity keyword
Description Indicates participant is active or passive
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp activity keyword

    Interface is an active member, i.e., will detect and maintain aggregates


    Interface is a passive member, i.e., it participates with an active partner

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
aggregatable boolean
Description A true value indicates that the participant will allow the link to be used as part of the aggregate. A false value indicates the link should be used as an individual link
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp aggregatable boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
collecting boolean
Description If true, the participant is collecting incoming frames on the link, otherwise false
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp collecting boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
distributing boolean
Description When true, the participant is distributing outgoing frames; when false, distribution is disabled
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp distributing boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-port-priority number
Description Configure the port priority for LACP. This value is used to determine which port should be activated with LACP fallback mode. Lower values are more preferred.
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp lacp-port-priority number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-key number
Description Current operational value of the key for the aggregate interface
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp oper-key number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
partner-id string
Description MAC address representing the protocol partner's interface system ID
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp partner-id string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
partner-key number
Description Operational value of the protocol partner's key
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp partner-key number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
partner-port-num number
Description Port number of the partner (remote) port for this member port
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp partner-port-num number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
port-num number
Description Port number of the local (actor) aggregation member
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp port-num number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description LACP protocol counters
Context interface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-errors number
Description Number of LACPDU illegal packet errors
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-errors number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-in-pkts number
Description Number of LACPDUs received
Context interface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-in-pkts number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-out-pkts number
Description Number of LACPDUs transmitted
Context interface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-out-pkts number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-rx-errors number
Description Number of LACPDU receive packet errors
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-rx-errors number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-tx-errors number
Description Number of LACPDU transmit packet errors
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-tx-errors number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
lacp-unknown-errors number
Description Number of LACPDU unknown packet errors
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp statistics lacp-unknown-errors number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
synchronization keyword
Description Indicates whether the participant is in-sync or out-of-sync
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp synchronization keyword

    Participant is in sync with the system id and key transmitted


    Participant is not in sync with the system id and key transmitted

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
system-id string
Description MAC address that defines the local system ID for the aggregate interface
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp system-id string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
timeout keyword
Description The timeout type (short or long) used by the participant
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference lacp timeout keyword
  • LONG

    Participant wishes to use long timeouts to detect status of the aggregate, i.e., will expect less frequent transmissions. Long timeout is 90 seconds.


    Participant wishes to use short timeouts, i.e., expects frequent transmissions to aggressively detect status changes. Short timeout is 3 seconds.

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
last-change string
Description The date and time of the most recent change to the LAG member-link state
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference last-change string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
microbfd-enabled boolean
Description Indicates if microBFD is currently used in the determination of the member-link oper-status
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference microbfd-enabled boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-down-reason keyword
Description Reason for operational down state for the associated LAG
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference oper-down-reason keyword
  • port-disabled

  • port-oper-disabled

  • lag-admin-disabled

  • lacp-down

  • microBFD-down

  • lag-min-link-threshold

  • lag-speed-mismatch

  • other

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-state keyword
Description Operational state for the associated LAG
Contextinterface name string lag member name reference oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

member-speed keyword

Description Specifies the link speed of allowed member-links
Contextinterface name string lag member-speed keyword
  • 10M

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 10M to be active

  • 100M

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 100M to be active

  • 1G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 1G to be active

  • 10G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 10G to be active

  • 25G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 25G to be active

  • 40G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 40G to be active

  • 50G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 50G to be active

  • 100G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 100G to be active

  • 400G

    Indicates the the LAG member-links must be 400G to be active

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

min-links number

Description Specifies the mininum number of member interfaces that must be active for the aggregate interface to be available
Contextinterface name string lag min-links number
Range1 to 64
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

last-change string

Description The date and time of the most recent change to the interface state
Contextinterface name string last-change string
String Length20 to 32
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

linecard reference


The linecard on which this interface resides

This field is not populated for non-forwarding-complex-attached interfaces, for example mgmt0.

Contextinterface name string linecard reference
Referenceplatform linecard slot number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

loopback-mode keyword

Description Loopback mode of the port
Context interface name string loopback-mode keyword
  • none

    No loopback is applied

  • facility

    A loopback which directs traffic normally transmitted on the port back into the switch as if received on the same port from an external source

    On some systems this is also called local loopback.

  • terminal

    A loopback which directs traffic received from an external source on the port back out the transmit side of the same port.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

mtu number


Port MTU in bytes including ethernet overhead but excluding 4-bytes FCS

If a transmitted packet exceeds this size it is dropped. The default value for ethernet-x interfaces is taken from /system/mtu/default-port-mtu. For the mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby interfaces the default is 1514 bytes, but the value can be changed for each interface individually. Port MTU is not configurable for loopback interfaces or irb interfaces. For irb interfaces, if the size of the ip packets to be routed to a mac-vrf has to be restricted, the subinterface.ip-mtu should be configured instead. The max mtu for the mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby interfaces is 9216. The 7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-H2, and 7220 IXR-H3 systems support a maximum port MTU of 9412 bytes and minimum of 1500 bytes. All other systems support a maximum port MTU of 9500 and minimum of 1500 bytes. Each 7250 IXR IMM supports a maximum of 8 different port MTU values. 7220 IXR systems do not have any limit on the maximum number of different port MTU values.

Contextinterface name string mtu number
Range1450 to 9500
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

oper-down-reason keyword

Description The first (and possibly only) reason for the port being operationally down
Contextinterface name string oper-down-reason keyword
  • port-admin-disabled

  • mda-admin-disabled

  • transceiver-oper-down

  • port-not-present

  • mda-not-present

  • phy-initializing

  • lower-layer-down

  • auto-negotiation-mismatch

  • port-mtu-resource-exceeded

  • unsupported-speed

  • unsupported-fec

  • other

  • fabric-availability

  • no-active-links

  • min-link-threshold

  • port-9-12-speed-mismatch

  • lag-resource-exceeded

  • lag-member-resource-exceeded

  • standby-signaling

  • interface-hold-time-up-active

  • interface-reload-timer-active

  • connector-down

  • event-handler

  • unsupported-breakout-port

  • cfm-ccm-defect

  • crc-monitor-fail-threshold

  • symbol-monitor-fail-threshold

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

oper-state keyword

Description The operational state of the interface
Contextinterface name string oper-state keyword
  • up

  • down

  • testing

PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Top-level container for P4Runtime interface configuration and state
Contextinterface name string p4rt
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

id number


The numeric identifier used by the controller to address the interface

This ID is the interface ifIndex by default, or is assigned by an external-to-the-device entity (e.g., an SDN management system) to establish an externally deterministic numeric reference for the interface.

The programming entity must ensure that the ID is unique within the required context.

Note that this identifier is used only when a numeric reference to the interface is required, it does not replace the unique name assigned to the interface.

Contextinterface name string p4rt id number
Range1 to 4294967295
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

parent-id number


The numeric ID used by the controller to address the ASIC this interface resides on

This is the ID configured at /platform/linecard/forwarding-complex/p4rt/id.

This ID may be referred to as a 'device', 'node' or 'target' by the P4RT specification.

Each switching ASIC (i.e., node) is addressed by the external entity based on its numeric identifier.

Contextinterface name string p4rt parent-id number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description gNOI Packet Link Qualification results
Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

result id string

Description Enter the result list instance
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
id string
Description Packet link qualification test ID
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string
String Length1 to 255
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
end-time string
Description End time of the test
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string end-time string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
expected-rate number

Expected rate of the test

This is the computed or observed rate that the service expected to be maintained throughout the qualification duration.

Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification result id string expected-rate number
Unitsbytes per second
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-state keyword
Description State of the qualification test
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string oper-state keyword
  • unspecified

    Unspecified state of the qualification

  • error

    The qualification has errored

  • idle

    Initial state for the qualification

  • setup

    Interface is being configured

  • running

    Qualification underway

  • teardown

    Interface is being reset

  • completed

    Qualification is complete

Configurable False
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
packets-dropped number
Description Number of packets dropped
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string packets-dropped number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
packets-error number
Description Number of packets transmitted that experienced corruption
Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification result id string packets-error number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
packets-received number
Description Number of packets received
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string packets-received number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
packets-sent number
Description Number of packets sent
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string packets-sent number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
qualification-rate number

Observed rate of the test

This is the computed or observed rate that the service expected to be maintained throughout the qualification duration.

Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification result id string qualification-rate number
Unitsbytes per second
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
start-time string
Description Start time of the test
Context interface name string packet-link-qualification result id string start-time string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
status keyword

Status of the test

Only set when the test is in the error state.

Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification result id string status keyword
  • not-found

    Request ID not found

  • invalid-argument

    Unsupported configuration parameter

  • canceled

    Test was canceled

  • deadline-exceeded

    A test stage took too long to complete

  • failed-precondition

    A test stage was not setup properly

  • internal

    A test stage had unexpected serious errors

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
status-message string

Status message of the test

Only set when the test is in the error state.

Contextinterface name string packet-link-qualification result id string status-message string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

phy-group-members string


The group of interfaces sharing a phy with this interface

On the 7220 IXR-D2 and 7220 IXR-D2L platforms this group of interfaces must be set to the same speed, either 1/10G or 25G.

Contextinterface name string phy-group-members string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L


Description Context to configure sFlow parameters
Contextinterface name string sflow
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

admin-state keyword

Description Administratively enable or disable sFlow on this interface
Contextinterface name string sflow admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string statistics
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

carrier-transitions number


Number of times the interface state has transitioned from down to up.

This is reset to zero when the device is started or reset or the counters are cleared.

Contextinterface name string statistics carrier-transitions number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

in-discarded-packets number


Corresponds to ifInDiscards from the IFMIB.

This counts the number of IP packets discarded due to VLAN mismatch, unknown dest MAC or drop by system-filter drop action. On 7250 IXR/IXRe systems this counter is not expected to increment above zero.

Contextinterface name string statistics in-discarded-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

in-octets number

Description Corresponds to ifHCInOctets from the IFMIB
Contextinterface name string statistics in-octets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

in-packets number

Description Sum of all received packets, independent of protocol and forwarding type and before discards and errors
Contextinterface name string statistics in-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

last-clear string

Description Timestamp of the last time the interface counters were cleared
Contextinterface name string statistics last-clear string
String Length20 to 32
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

out-discarded-packets number


Corresponds to ifOutDiscards from the IF-MIB.

On 7250 IXR-6/10 systems this counts packets dropped by an egress IP ACL of any of the port's subinterfaces.

Contextinterface name string statistics out-discarded-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

out-packets number

Description Sum of all transmitted packets, independent of protocol and forwarding type and before discards and errors
Contextinterface name string statistics out-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

subinterface index number

Description The list of subinterfaces (logical interfaces) associated with a physical interface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements4095

index number

Description The index of the subinterface, or logical interface number
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number
Range0 to 9999
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

admin-state keyword

Description The configured, desired state of the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enable the anycast-gw context
Context interface name string subinterface index number anycast-gw
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
anycast-gw-mac string

The MAC address of associated to the anycast-gw IP address.

If the anycast-gw MAC address is not configured, it will be auto-derived from the virtual-router-id value as per draft-ietf-bess-evpn-inter-subnet-forwarding following the format 00:00:5E:00:01:VRID.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number anycast-gw anycast-gw-mac string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
anycast-gw-mac-origin keyword

Origin of the active anycast-gateway MAC address.

If not configured, the anycast-gateway-mac will be auto-derived out of 00:00:5E:00:01:VRID, where VRID is the Virtual Router Identifier of the subinterface anycast-gw.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number anycast-gw anycast-gw-mac-origin keyword
  • configured

  • vrid-auto-derived

Configurable False
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
virtual-router-id number
Description The Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) value used to auto-derive the anycast-gw-mac in the format 00:00:5E:00:01:VRID.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number anycast-gw virtual-router-id number
Range1 to 255
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Enable the Bridge Table on the subinterface and configure associated parameters
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
discard-unknown-src-mac boolean
Description Discard frames with unknown source mac addresses. The source mac address of the discarded frame is never learned when this command is enabled.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table discard-unknown-src-mac boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the mac-duplication context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-duplication
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
action keyword

Action to take on the subinterface upon detecting at least one mac addresses as duplicate on the subinterface. In particular:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-duplication action keyword
  • use-net-instance-action

  • stop-learning

  • blackhole

  • oper-down

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the duplicate-entries context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-duplication duplicate-entries
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
mac address string
Description macs duplicate on the bridging instance
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-duplication duplicate-entries mac address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
hold-down-time-remaining (keyword | number)
Description remaining hold down time for duplicate mac
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-duplication duplicate-entries mac address string hold-down-time-remaining (keyword | number)
  • indefinite

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the mac-learning context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword
Description Configurable state of the learning procedures for dynamic mac addresses. If disabled, the existing macs in the bridge-table will be kept (and refreshed if new frames arrive for them) but no new mac addresses will be learned. Frames with unknown mac addresses are not dropped, unless discard-unknown-src-mac is configured.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the aging context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning aging
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword
Description Configurable state of the aging for the dynamic mac entries in the bridge table. If disabled, dynamically learned mac entries will be programmed in the bridge table until the network instance is disabled.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning aging admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the learnt-entries context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning learnt-entries
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
mac address string
Description macs learnt on the bridging instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-learning learnt-entries mac address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Bridge Table size and thresholds.
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-limit
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
maximum-entries number
Description Maximum number of mac addresses allowed in the bridge-table.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-limit maximum-entries number
Range1 to 8192
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
warning-threshold-pct number
Description Percentage of the configured max-number-macs over which a warning is triggered. The warning message is cleared when the percentage drops below the configured percentage minus 5%
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-limit warning-threshold-pct number
Range6 to 100
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the mac-table context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
mac address string
Description macs learnt on the bridging instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table mac address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
address string
Description Enter the address context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table mac address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
failed-slots number
Description The list of slot IDs corresponding to the linecards that did not successfully program the mac
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table mac address string failed-slots number
Range1 to 8
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
last-update string
Description The date and time of the last update of this mac
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table mac address string last-update string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
type keyword
Description the type of the mac installed in the fib.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table mac-table mac address string type keyword
  • static

  • duplicate

  • learnt

  • irb-interface

  • evpn

  • evpn-static

  • irb-interface-anycast

  • proxy-anti-spoof

  • reserved

  • eth-cfm

  • irb-interface-vrrp

Configurable False
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
active-entries number
Description The total number of entries that are active on the sub-interface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics active-entries number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
failed-entries number
Description The total number of macs, which have not been programmed on atleast one slot
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics failed-entries number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
mac-type type keyword
Description the type of the mac on the sub-interface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics mac-type type keyword
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
type keyword
Description Enter the type context
Context interface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics mac-type type keyword
  • static

  • duplicate

  • learnt

  • irb-interface

  • evpn

  • evpn-static

  • irb-interface-anycast

  • proxy-anti-spoof

  • reserved

  • eth-cfm

  • irb-interface-vrrp

Configurable False
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
failed-entries number
Description The total number of macs of this type, which have not been programmed on atleast one slot
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics mac-type type keyword failed-entries number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
total-entries number
Description The total number of macs of this type , active and inactive, on the sub-interface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics mac-type type keyword total-entries number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
total-entries number
Description The total number of macs, active and inactive, on the sub-interface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number bridge-table statistics total-entries number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description ethernet-segment association information.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ethernet-segment-association
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

ifindex number

Description System-wide persistent unique ifIndex assigned to the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ifindex number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

ip-mtu number


IP MTU of the subinterface in bytes.

Includes the IP header but excludes Ethernet encapsulation.

IP MTU specifies the maximum sized IPv4 or IPv6 packet that can be transmitted on the subinterface. If an IPv4 or IPv6 packet exceeds this size it is dropped and this may result in the generation of an ICMP error message back to the source.

The default IP MTU for a subinterface is taken from /system/mtu/default-ip-mtu. For the mgmt0 and mgmt0-standby subinterfaces the default is the associated interface MTU minus the Ethernet encapsulation overhead.

The IP MTU is not configurable for subinterfaces of loopback interfaces.

The 7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-H2, and 7220 IXR-H3 systems support a maximum IP MTU of 9398 bytes.

Each 7250 IXR IMM supports a maximum of 4 different IP MTU values. 7220 IXR systems do not have any limit on the maximum number of different IP MTU values.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ip-mtu number
Range1280 to 9486
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description IPv4 configuration and state for the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
address ip-prefix string
Description The list of IPv4 addresses assigned to the subinterface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements64
ip-prefix string

The IPv4 address and prefix length in CIDR notation

Subnets on the same subinterface are allowed to overlap as long as the host bits are different. When a locally originated unicast packet is destined to a host covered by multiple subnets associated with a subinterface, the source address is chosen to be the numerically lowest IP address among all these subnets. For example, if the addresses,, and are configured on the same interface, would be used as a local address when you issue a ping command

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
anycast-gw boolean

This designates the associated IPv4 address as an anycast-gateway IPv4 address of the subinterface.

When this parameter is set to true:

Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string anycast-gw boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

One of the IPv4 prefixes assigned to the subinterface can be explicitly configured as primary by setting this leaf to true. This designates the associated IPv4 address as a primary IPv4 address of the subinterface. By default, the numerically lowest value IPv4 address is selected as the primary address.

The primary address is used as the source address for locally originated broadcast and multicast packets sent out the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string primary
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description VRRP Configuration and State under a IPv4 context of a sub-interface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
vrrp-group virtual-router-id number
Description VRRP Group Specific Configuration under IPv4 context
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Context to configure authentication keychain
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number authentication
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Interface reference for interface tracking
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number interface-tracking
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
track-interface interface reference
Description Interface reference for interface tracking. VRRP Group can track multiple interfaces.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number interface-tracking track-interface interface reference
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-state keyword
Description VRRP Operational state
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
state identityref
Description Virtual Router state (Initialize, Backup, Master)
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number state identityref
  • initialize

    Indicates that the virtual router is waiting for a startup event.

  • backup

    Indicates that the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router.

  • master

    Indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this virtual router.

Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number statistics
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
Description Counter for the total numebr fo VRRP advertisement messages discarded due to authentication type mismatch
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number statistics advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword

Enable/disable IPv4 on the subinterface

When set to enable, and even before an IPv4 address is configured, the subinterface starts to accept incoming packets with dest-ip, which is necessary to support dhcp-client functionality.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
allow-directed-broadcast boolean

When this is set to true the software is allowed to re-broadcast targeted broadcast IPv4 packets on this subinterface

Detailed handling of subnet broadcast is as follows:

If a targeted broadcast packet is received on subinterface X that has the matching subnet then it is delivered to the CPM and CPM will reply to an ICMP echo.

If a targeted broadcast packet is received on subinterface X but the matching subnet is associated with subinterface Y, and subinterface Y is configured with allow-directed-broadcasts=false then it is delivered to the CPM and CPM replies to an ICMP echo per above, but it does not re-broadcast the packet on subinterface Y.

If a targeted broadcast packet is received on subinterface X but the matching subnet is associated with subinterface Y, and subinterface Y is configured with allow-directed-broadcasts=true then it is delivered to the CPM and CPM replies to an ICMP echo per above, and CPM also re-broadcasts the packet on subinterface Y.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 allow-directed-broadcast boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for the IPv4 ARP protocol
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
debug keyword
Description List of events to debug
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp debug keyword
  • messages

    Capture all arp-request and reply-messages sent and received by the subinterface

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configure which types of ARP or ND entries will be advertised in EVPN MAC/IP routes.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp evpn
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
advertise route-type keyword
Description Enter the advertise list instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp evpn advertise route-type keyword
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
route-type keyword
Description Controls what type of ARP or ND entries to advertise.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp evpn advertise route-type keyword
  • static

  • dynamic

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Configuration and state of internal tags
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp evpn advertise route-type keyword internal-tags
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configure which types of ARP or ND entries will be populated in the route-table.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp host-route
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
populate route-type keyword
Description Enter the populate list instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp host-route populate route-type keyword
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configuration and state of internal tags
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp host-route populate route-type keyword internal-tags
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
set-tag-set reference
Description Reference to a tag-set defined under routing-policy
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp host-route populate route-type keyword internal-tags set-tag-set reference
Referencerouting-policy tag-set name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements1
neighbor ipv4-address string

List of static and dynamic ARP cache entries that map an IPv4 address to a MAC address

To configure a static ARP entry a value must be written into this leaf and the link-layer-address leaf.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp neighbor ipv4-address string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
ipv4-address string

IPv4 address resolved by the ARP entry

To configure a static neighbor entry a value must be written into this leaf and the link-layer-address leaf.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp neighbor ipv4-address string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for state related to the datapath programming of the ARP or neighbor entry
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp neighbor ipv4-address string datapath-programming
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
status keyword
Description The status of the ARP or neighbor entry with respect to datapath programming
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp neighbor ipv4-address string datapath-programming status keyword
  • success

    All linecard complexes have reported that the entry was programmed successfully

  • failed

    At least one linecard complex reported that the entry was not programmed successfully or else this entry was not even provided to the datapath for programming because the system limit on the number of IPv4 ARP and IPv6 neighbor entries was exceeded

  • pending

    The ARP or neighbor entry was provided to the datapath for programming but at least one linecard complex has not provided a status yet.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
proxy-arp boolean
Description When set to true, the router replies with its own MAC to ARP Request destined to any host.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp proxy-arp boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
timeout number

Duration of time that dynamic ARP entries remain in the ARP cache before they expire

A change to this value does not affect existing entries until they are refreshed.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp timeout number
Range60 to 65535
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

Enable Virtual IPv4 discovery on the subinterface and configure associated parameters

When enabled, the system will attempt to discover the configured virtual IPv4 addresses on the listed bridged subinterfaces.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
address ipv4-address string
Description The list of virtual IPv4 addresses to be discovered on the subinterface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements640
ipv4-address string
Description The virtual IPv4 address.
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
Description Configure the list of bridged sub-interfaces on the associated MAC-VRF to which the ARP probes are sent.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
String Length5 to 25
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements10
probe-interval number

Configure the ARP probe interval at which the system sends an ARP request for the virtual IPv4 address.

The default value of zero determines that the system sends an ARP Request for the virtual IPv4 only when the address is configured. The creation of the ARP entry for the virtual IPv4 address will in this case rely on the server sending a Gratuitous ARP for the virtual IPv4 address. When the value is set to a non-zero interval, the system sends a periodic ARP Request at the configured interval and irrespective of the ARP entry being already created.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string probe-interval number
Range0 | 5 to 86400
Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Statistics for the Virtual IP address
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-probe-packets number
Description The number of probe packets transmitted for the Virtual IP discovery.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery address ipv4-address string statistics out-probe-packets number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Global statistics for Virtual IP discovery
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-total-probe-packets number
Description The number of total probe packets transmitted for Virtual discovery.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 arp virtual-ipv4-discovery statistics out-total-probe-packets number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for options related to DHCP
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-client
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for tracing DHCPv4 operations on the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-client trace-options
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for options related to DHCPv4 relay
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the dns-resolution context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay dns-resolution
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
server domain string
Description Reports the resolved IP address for server entries using domain names
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay dns-resolution server domain string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
gi-address string
Description IPv4 address to be used as giaddr of the relayed packets towards DHCPv4 servers. This address can be any IPv4 address configured within the network-instance towards the DHCPv4 server
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay gi-address string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-down-reason keyword
Description The reason causing the dhcp relay agent to go into operational down state
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay oper-down-reason keyword
  • dhcp-relay-admin-down

  • sub-interface-oper-down

  • all-dhcp-servers-unreachable-within-net-instance

  • gi-address-not-matching-relay-sub-interface-ipv4-addresses

  • no-valid-ipv4-address-on-sub-interface

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-state keyword
Description The operational state of the dhcp relay agent
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
option keyword
Description List of option82 suboptions to insert into relayed packet towards DHCPv4 server
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay option keyword
  • circuit-id

    Enable option 82 suboption 1 circuit-id into relayed packet towards DHCPv4 server, format=system_name/VRF_instance/sub-interface_id:vlan_id

  • remote-id

    Enable option 82 suboption 2 remote-id into relayed packet towards DHCPv4 server, format=client MAC address

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
server (ipv4-address | domain-name)
Description List of the DHCPv4 servers that the DHCPv4 relay function will relay DHCPv4 packets to/from
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay server (ipv4-address | domain-name)
String Length1 to 253
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements8
Min. Elements1
Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay statistics
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for tracing DHCPv4 relay operations on the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-relay trace-options
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enable the dhcp-server context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-server
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-state keyword
Description Details if the dhcp server is operationally available
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 dhcp-server oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for subinterface statistics, including all IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS packets belonging to a routed subinterface, or including just one of these protocols on a routed subinterface, or for all frames on a bridged subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-discarded-packets number

The total number of input packets that were dropped due to explicit programming

The discards can be due to any of the following reasons

In an MPLS context, this includes the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because they were received with forwarded top label having an MPLS TTL value of 1

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-error-packets number

The total number of input packets discarded due to errors, counting transit and terminating traffic

In an IP context, the sum of the following RFC 4293 counters: ipIfStatsInHdrErrors ipIfStatsInNoRoutes ipIfStatsInAddrErrors ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts

In an MPLS context, the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-forwarded-packets number

The number of packets received on this subinterface for which the router was not the final destination and for which the router attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination.

Note that non-terminating IPv4 packets with options and non-terminating IPv6 packets with extension headers are included in this count as are packets that trigger ICMP/ICMPv6 redirect messages.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-forwarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-octets number
Description The total number of octets received in input packets, counting transit and terminating traffic
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-packets number

The total number of input packets received, counting transit and terminating traffic

This equals the sum of: in-error-packets in-discarded-packets in-terminated-packets in-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-terminated-packets number

The total number of input packets that were received on this subinterface that were extracted to the control plane

The count includes packets eventually discarded by the CPM. Such discards include:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics in-terminated-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-discarded-packets number

The total number of packets, originating and transit, that should have been sent out this subinterface but were dropped

This includes IP packets dropped by egress interface ACL drop action.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics out-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-error-packets number

The number of packets, originating and transit, for which this router was successful in finding a path to their final destination through this subinterface but an error prevented their transmission

On 7250 IXR systems this is incremented when the IPv4 packet size exceeds the IP MTU and fragmentation was not allowed or not supported. It is also incremented when the MPLS packet size exceeds the MPLS MTU of the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics out-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-octets number
Description The total number of octets in packets delivered to the lower layers for transmission
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics out-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-packets number

The total number of packets that this router supplied to the lower layers for transmission

This equals the sum of: out-error-packets out-discarded-packets out-originated-packets out-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv4 statistics out-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description IPv6 configuration and state for the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
address ip-prefix string
Description The list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the subinterface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements18
ip-prefix string

The IPv6 address and prefix-length in CIDR notation

Up to 16 global unicast IPv6 addresses can be assigned to each subinterface. Global unicast IPv6 address subnets on the same subinterface are allowed to overlap as long as the host bits are different. When a locally originated unicast packet is destined to a host covered by multiple subnets associated with a subinterface, the source address is chosen to be the numerically lowest IP address among all these subnets.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
anycast-gw boolean

This designates the associated IPv6 address as an anycast-gateway IPv6 address of the subinterface.

When this parameter is set to true:

Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string anycast-gw boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

One of the IPv6 prefixes assigned to the subinterface can be explicitly configured as primary by setting this leaf to true. This designates the associated IPv6 address as a primary IPv6 address of the subinterface. By default, the numerically lowest value IPv6 address is selected as the primary address.

The primary address is used as the source address for locally originated broadcast and multicast packets sent out the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string primary
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
type keyword

Specifies the explicit type of the IPv6 address being assigned to the subinterface

By default, addresses are assumed to be global unicast. Where a link-local address is to be explicitly configured, this leaf should be set to link-local.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string type keyword
  • global-unicast

    The IPv6 address is a global unicast address type and must be in the format defined in RFC 4291 section 2.4.

  • link-local-unicast

    The IPv6 address is a Link-Local unicast address type and must be in the format defined in RFC 4291 section 2.4.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description VRRP Configuration and State under a IPv6 context of a sub-interface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
vrrp-group virtual-router-id number
Description VRRP Group Specific Configuration under IPv6 context
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Context to configure authentication keychain
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number authentication
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Interface reference for interface tracking
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number interface-tracking
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
track-interface interface reference
Description Interface reference for interface tracking. VRRP Group can track multiple interfaces.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number interface-tracking track-interface interface reference
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-state keyword
Description VRRP Operational state
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
state identityref
Description Virtual Router state (Initialize, Backup, Master)
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number state identityref
  • initialize

    Indicates that the virtual router is waiting for a startup event.

  • backup

    Indicates that the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router.

  • master

    Indicates that the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses that are associated with this virtual router.

Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number statistics
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
Description Counter for the total numebr fo VRRP advertisement messages discarded due to authentication type mismatch
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 address ip-prefix string vrrp vrrp-group virtual-router-id number statistics advertisements-discarded-authtype-mismatch number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword

Enable/disable IPv6 on the subinterface

When set to enable, and even before a global unicast IPv6 address is configured, chassis manager assigns an IPv6 link-local address to the subinterface, which will appear as a read-only entry in the address list. At this stage, the subinterface can receive IPv6 packets with any of the following destinations:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for options related to DHCPv6
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-client
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for tracing DHCPv6 operations on the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-client trace-options
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for options related to DHCPv6 relay
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the dns-resolution context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay dns-resolution
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
server domain string
Description Reports the resolved IP address for server entries using domain names
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay dns-resolution server domain string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-down-reason keyword
Description The reason causing the dhcp relay agent to go into operational down state
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay oper-down-reason keyword
  • dhcp-relay-admin-down

  • sub-interface-oper-down

  • all-dhcpv6-servers-unreachable-within-net-instance

  • source-address-not-matching-relay-sub-interface-ipv6-addresses

  • no-valid-ipv6-address-on-sub-interface

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-state keyword
Description The operational state of the dhcp relay agent
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
option keyword
Description List of options to insert into relayed packet towards DHCPv6 server
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay option keyword
  • interface-id

    Enable option 18 Interface-Id into relayed packet towards DHCPv6 server, format=system_name/VRF_instance/sub-interface_id:vlan_id

  • remote-id

    Enable option 37 Remote Identifier into relayed packet towards DHCPv6 server, format=client MAC address

  • client-link-layer-address

    Enable option 79 Client Link-Layer Address into relayed packet towards DHCPv6 server, format based on rfc-6939

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
server (ipv6-address | domain-name)
Description List of the DHCPv6 servers that the DHCPv6 relay function will relay DHCPv6 packets to/from
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay server (ipv6-address | domain-name)
String Length1 to 253
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements8
Min. Elements1
source-address string
Description Source IPv6 address of the relayed packets towards DHCPv6 servers this address can be any IPv6 address configured within the network-instance towards the DHCPv6 server
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay source-address string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the statistics context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay statistics
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for tracing DHCPv6 relay operations on the subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcp-relay trace-options
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enable the dhcpv6-server context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcpv6-server
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
oper-state keyword
Description Details if the dhcp server is operationally available
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 dhcpv6-server oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery protocol
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
debug keyword
Description List of events to debug
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery debug keyword
  • messages

    Capture all neighbor-solicitation and neighbor-advertisement messages sent and received by the subinterface

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
duplicate-address-detection boolean

Enables Duplicate Addres Detection on all tentative addresses

This applies to link-local and global unicast addresses. Only one transmission is done; there are no retransmissions.

Must be true on an IPv6 subinterface that has dhcp-client enabled.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery duplicate-address-detection boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configure which types of ARP or ND entries will be advertised in EVPN MAC/IP routes.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery evpn
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
advertise route-type keyword
Description Enter the advertise list instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery evpn advertise route-type keyword
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
route-type keyword
Description Controls what type of ARP or ND entries to advertise.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery evpn advertise route-type keyword
  • static

  • dynamic

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Configuration and state of internal tags
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery evpn advertise route-type keyword internal-tags
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configure which types of ARP or ND entries will be populated in the route-table.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery host-route
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
populate route-type keyword
Description Enter the populate list instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery host-route populate route-type keyword
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Configuration and state of internal tags
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery host-route populate route-type keyword internal-tags
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
set-tag-set reference
Description Reference to a tag-set defined under routing-policy
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery host-route populate route-type keyword internal-tags set-tag-set reference
Referencerouting-policy tag-set name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements1
Description Container for the configuration of Neighbor-Discovery limit
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery limit
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
max-entries number

The maximum number of neighbor entries allowed on the subinterface

If not configured, the amount of neighbor entries on the subinterface is only limited by the total amount of entries supported by the router.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery limit max-entries number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
neighbor ipv6-address string
Description List of static and dynamic ND cache entries that map an IPv6 address to a MAC address
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor ipv6-address string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for state related to the datapath programming of the ARP or neighbor entry
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor ipv6-address string datapath-programming
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
status keyword
Description The status of the ARP or neighbor entry with respect to datapath programming
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor ipv6-address string datapath-programming status keyword
  • success

    All linecard complexes have reported that the entry was programmed successfully

  • failed

    At least one linecard complex reported that the entry was not programmed successfully or else this entry was not even provided to the datapath for programming because the system limit on the number of IPv4 ARP and IPv6 neighbor entries was exceeded

  • pending

    The ARP or neighbor entry was provided to the datapath for programming but at least one linecard complex has not provided a status yet.

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
proxy-nd boolean
Description When set to true, the router replies with its own MAC to Neighbor Solicitations destined to any host.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery proxy-nd boolean
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
reachable-time number

The period of time that a dynamic IPv6 neighbor cache entry is considered reachable after a reachability confirmation event

After this time expires the neighbor state moves to STALE.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time number
Range30 to 3600
Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
stale-time number

The maximum time that a dynamic IPv6 neighbor cache entry can remain in the STALE state before it is removed

This limit is reached only if no traffic is sent/queued towards the neighbor during the entire duration of the timer.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery stale-time number
Range60 to 65535
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

Enable Virtual IPv6 discovery on the subinterface and configure associated parameters

When enabled, the system will attempt to discover the configured virtual IPv6 addresses on the listed bridged subinterfaces.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
address ipv6-address string
Description The list of virtual IPv6 addresses to be discovered on the subinterface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements640
allowed-macs string
Description List of allowed mac addresses for a discovered virtual IP address.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string allowed-macs string
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements10
probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
Description Configure the list of bridged sub-interfaces on the associated MAC-VRF to which the NS probes are sent.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string probe-bridged-subinterfaces string
String Length5 to 25
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements10
probe-interval number

Configure the probe interval at which the system sends a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) for the virtual IPv6 address.

The default value of zero determines that the system sends a NS for the virtual IPv6 only when the address is configured. The creation of the Neighbor entry for the virtual IPv6 address will in this case rely on the server sending an unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement for the virtual IPv6 address. When the value is set to a non-zero interval, the system sends a periodic NS at the configured interval and irrespective of the Neighbor entry being already created.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string probe-interval number
Range0 | 5 to 86400
Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Statistics for the Virtual IP address
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-probe-packets number
Description The number of probe packets transmitted for the Virtual IP discovery.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery address ipv6-address string statistics out-probe-packets number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Global statistics for Virtual IP discovery
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-total-probe-packets number
Description The number of total probe packets transmitted for Virtual discovery.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 neighbor-discovery virtual-ipv6-discovery statistics out-total-probe-packets number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for configuring IPv6 router discovery options
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
debug keyword
Description List of events to debug
Context interface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement debug keyword
  • messages

    Capture all router-solicitation and router-advertisement messages sent and received by the subinterface

PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description IPv6 router advertisement options that apply when the role of the interface is a router interface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
ip-mtu number

The IP MTU to advertise in the router advertisement messages and that hosts should associate with the link on which these messages are received.

If no value is specified the option is not included.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role ip-mtu number
Range1280 to 9486
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
max-advertisement-interval number

The maximum time between sending router advertisement messages to the all-nodes multicast address.

Each subinterface has its own timer. Whenever the timer fires the message is sent and then the timer is reset to a uniformly distributed random value between min-advertisement-interval and max-advertisement-interval. The RA message can be sent before timer expiry in response to a RS message.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role max-advertisement-interval number
Range4 to 1800
Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
min-advertisement-interval number

The minimum time between sending router advertisement messages to the all-nodes multicast address.

Each subinterface has its own timer. Whenever the timer fires the message is sent and then the timer is reset to a uniformly distributed random value between min-advertisement-interval and max-advertisement-interval. The RA message can be sent before timer expiry in response to a RS message.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role min-advertisement-interval number
Range3 to 1350
Configurable True
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
prefix ipv6-prefix string
Description The list of IPv6 prefixes to advertise in the router advertisement messages.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role prefix ipv6-prefix string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Max. Elements16
retransmit-time number
Description The time, in milliseconds, that is advertised as the retrans-timer in RA messages and that hosts use for address resolution and the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm. It represents the time between retransmitted NS messages. A value of zero means unspecified by this router.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role retransmit-time number
Range0 to 1800000
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
router-lifetime number
Description The lifetime in seconds that is advertised as the router lifetime in RA messages. This indicates the time period for which the advertising router can be used as a default router/gateway. A value of 0 means the router should not be used as a default gateway.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 router-advertisement router-role router-lifetime number
Range0 to 9000
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Container for subinterface statistics, including all IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS packets belonging to a routed subinterface, or including just one of these protocols on a routed subinterface, or for all frames on a bridged subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-discarded-packets number

The total number of input packets that were dropped due to explicit programming

The discards can be due to any of the following reasons

In an MPLS context, this includes the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because they were received with forwarded top label having an MPLS TTL value of 1

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-error-packets number

The total number of input packets discarded due to errors, counting transit and terminating traffic

In an IP context, the sum of the following RFC 4293 counters: ipIfStatsInHdrErrors ipIfStatsInNoRoutes ipIfStatsInAddrErrors ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts

In an MPLS context, the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-forwarded-packets number

The number of packets received on this subinterface for which the router was not the final destination and for which the router attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination.

Note that non-terminating IPv4 packets with options and non-terminating IPv6 packets with extension headers are included in this count as are packets that trigger ICMP/ICMPv6 redirect messages.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-forwarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-octets number
Description The total number of octets received in input packets, counting transit and terminating traffic
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-packets number

The total number of input packets received, counting transit and terminating traffic

This equals the sum of: in-error-packets in-discarded-packets in-terminated-packets in-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-terminated-packets number

The total number of input packets that were received on this subinterface that were extracted to the control plane

The count includes packets eventually discarded by the CPM. Such discards include:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics in-terminated-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-discarded-packets number

The total number of packets, originating and transit, that should have been sent out this subinterface but were dropped

This includes IP packets dropped by egress interface ACL drop action.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics out-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-error-packets number

The number of packets, originating and transit, for which this router was successful in finding a path to their final destination through this subinterface but an error prevented their transmission

On 7250 IXR systems this is incremented when the IPv4 packet size exceeds the IP MTU and fragmentation was not allowed or not supported. It is also incremented when the MPLS packet size exceeds the MPLS MTU of the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics out-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-octets number
Description The total number of octets in packets delivered to the lower layers for transmission
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics out-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-packets number

The total number of packets that this router supplied to the lower layers for transmission

This equals the sum of: out-error-packets out-discarded-packets out-originated-packets out-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ipv6 statistics out-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

l2-mtu number


Layer-2 MTU of the subinterface in bytes.

Includes the Ethernet header and VLAN tags, and excludes 4-bytes FCS.

L2 MTU specifies the maximum sized Ethernet frame that can be transmitted on the subinterface. If a frame exceeds this size it is discarded. If the l2-mtu of the subinterface exceeds the port-mtu of the associated interface, the subinterface will remain operationally down.

The default value for a subinterface is taken from /system/mtu/default-l2-mtu. The L2 MTU is only configurable for bridged subinterfaces.

The 7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-H2, and 7220 IXR-H3 systems support a maximum L2 MTU of 9412 bytes and minimum of 1500 bytes.

All other systems support a maximum L2 MTU of 9500 and minimum of 1500 bytes.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number l2-mtu number
Range1450 to 9500
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

last-change string

Description The date and time of the most recent change to the subinterface state
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number last-change string
String Length20 to 32
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Container for options related to local mirror destination
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number local-mirror-destination
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
admin-state keyword
Description The configurable state of the local mirror destination
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number local-mirror-destination admin-state keyword
  • enable

  • disable

Configurable True
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
oper-state keyword
Description The operational state of the local mirror destination
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number local-mirror-destination oper-state keyword
  • up

    Component or process is operational

  • down

    Component or process is not operational

  • empty

    Component slot is empty

  • downloading

    Component is downloading image into memory

  • booting

    Component is booting downloaded image

  • starting

    Component image operational, application processes starting

  • failed

    Component or process has failed

  • synchronizing

    Component is currently being synchronized

  • upgrading

    Component is currently being upgraded

  • low-power

    Component is offline due to insufficient system power

  • degraded

    Component or process is in a degraded state

  • warm-reboot

    Component or process is currently warm rebooting

    This state is set during a warm reboot immediately following initiation of the reboot, continuing after startup until the system has completed audit. In this state the system will not accept configuration changes.

  • waiting

    Component or process is currently waiting

    This state can be set by event handler when the reinvoke-with-delay action is used, and indicates that the event handler is waiting for the provided delay before reinvoking the instance.

Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Container for MPLS configuration and state at the subinterface level
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Container for subinterface statistics, including all IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS packets belonging to a routed subinterface, or including just one of these protocols on a routed subinterface, or for all frames on a bridged subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-discarded-packets number

The total number of input packets that were dropped due to explicit programming

The discards can be due to any of the following reasons

In an MPLS context, this includes the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because they were received with forwarded top label having an MPLS TTL value of 1

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-error-packets number

The total number of input packets discarded due to errors, counting transit and terminating traffic

In an IP context, the sum of the following RFC 4293 counters: ipIfStatsInHdrErrors ipIfStatsInNoRoutes ipIfStatsInAddrErrors ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts

In an MPLS context, the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-forwarded-packets number

The number of packets received on this subinterface for which the router was not the final destination and for which the router attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination.

Note that non-terminating IPv4 packets with options and non-terminating IPv6 packets with extension headers are included in this count as are packets that trigger ICMP/ICMPv6 redirect messages.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-forwarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-octets number
Description The total number of octets received in input packets, counting transit and terminating traffic
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-packets number

The total number of input packets received, counting transit and terminating traffic

This equals the sum of: in-error-packets in-discarded-packets in-terminated-packets in-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-terminated-packets number

The total number of input packets that were received on this subinterface that were extracted to the control plane

The count includes packets eventually discarded by the CPM. Such discards include:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics in-terminated-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-discarded-packets number

The total number of packets, originating and transit, that should have been sent out this subinterface but were dropped

This includes IP packets dropped by egress interface ACL drop action.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics out-discarded-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-error-packets number

The number of packets, originating and transit, for which this router was successful in finding a path to their final destination through this subinterface but an error prevented their transmission

On 7250 IXR systems this is incremented when the IPv4 packet size exceeds the IP MTU and fragmentation was not allowed or not supported. It is also incremented when the MPLS packet size exceeds the MPLS MTU of the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics out-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-octets number
Description The total number of octets in packets delivered to the lower layers for transmission
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics out-octets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-packets number

The total number of packets that this router supplied to the lower layers for transmission

This equals the sum of: out-error-packets out-discarded-packets out-originated-packets out-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls statistics out-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

mpls-mtu number


MPLS MTU of the subinterface in bytes, including the transmitted label stack.

MPLS MTU specifies the maximum sized MPLS packet that can be transmitted on the subinterface. If an MPLS packet containing any payload exceeds this size then it is dropped. If the payload of the dropped packet is IPv4 or IPv6 then this may also result in the generation of an ICMP error message that is either tunneled or sent back to the source.

The default MPLS MTU for a subinterface is taken from /system/mtu/default-mpls-mtu.

The MPLS MTU is not configurable for subinterfaces of loopback interfaces.

Each 7250 IXR IMM supports a maximum of 4 different MPLS MTU values.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number mpls-mtu number
Range1284 to 9496
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

name string


The system assigned name of the subinterface.

It is formed by taking the base interface name and appending a dot (.) and the subinterface index number. For example, ethernet-2/1.0

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number name string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

oper-down-reason keyword

Description The first (and possibly only) reason for the subinterface being operationally down
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number oper-down-reason keyword
  • admin-disabled

  • port-down

  • ip-mtu-resource-exceeded

  • mpls-mtu-resource-exceeded

  • ip-mtu-too-large

  • mpls-mtu-too-large

  • l2-mtu-too-large

  • no-ip-config

  • ip-mtu-larger-than-oper-mac-vrf-mtu

  • irb-mac-address-not-programmed

  • missing-xdp-state

  • no-underlay-egress-next-hop-resources

  • cfm-ccm-defect

  • no-irb-hardware-resources

  • other

PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enable the ra-guard context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ra-guard
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
vlan-list vlan-id number
Description List of VLAN IDs that the RA policy should be matched against
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number ra-guard vlan-list vlan-id number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5
vlan-id number
Description Enter the vlan-id context
Context interface name string subinterface index number ra-guard vlan-list vlan-id number
Range0 to 4095
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5


Description Container for subinterface statistics, including all IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS packets belonging to a routed subinterface, or including just one of these protocols on a routed subinterface, or for all frames on a bridged subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
in-discarded-packets number

The total number of input packets that were dropped due to explicit programming

The discards can be due to any of the following reasons

In an MPLS context, this includes the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because they were received with forwarded top label having an MPLS TTL value of 1

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics in-discarded-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
in-error-packets number

The total number of input packets discarded due to errors, counting transit and terminating traffic

In an IP context, the sum of the following RFC 4293 counters: ipIfStatsInHdrErrors ipIfStatsInNoRoutes ipIfStatsInAddrErrors ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts

In an MPLS context, the total number of MPLS packets that were dropped because:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics in-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
in-forwarded-packets number

The number of packets received on this subinterface for which the router was not the final destination and for which the router attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination.

Note that non-terminating IPv4 packets with options and non-terminating IPv6 packets with extension headers are included in this count as are packets that trigger ICMP/ICMPv6 redirect messages.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics in-forwarded-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
in-packets number

The total number of input packets received, counting transit and terminating traffic

This equals the sum of: in-error-packets in-discarded-packets in-terminated-packets in-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics in-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
in-terminated-packets number

The total number of input packets that were received on this subinterface that were extracted to the control plane

The count includes packets eventually discarded by the CPM. Such discards include:

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics in-terminated-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-discarded-packets number

The total number of packets, originating and transit, that should have been sent out this subinterface but were dropped

This includes IP packets dropped by egress interface ACL drop action.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics out-discarded-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
out-error-packets number

The number of packets, originating and transit, for which this router was successful in finding a path to their final destination through this subinterface but an error prevented their transmission

On 7250 IXR systems this is incremented when the IPv4 packet size exceeds the IP MTU and fragmentation was not allowed or not supported. It is also incremented when the MPLS packet size exceeds the MPLS MTU of the subinterface.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics out-error-packets number
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
out-packets number

The total number of packets that this router supplied to the lower layers for transmission

This equals the sum of: out-error-packets out-discarded-packets out-originated-packets out-forwarded-packets

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number statistics out-packets number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

type identityref

Description Indicates the context in which the ethernet subinterface will be used
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number type identityref
  • routed

    Indicates subinterface is used in a routed context

  • bridged

    Indicates subinterface is used in a bridged context

  • local-mirror-dest

    Indicates subinterface is used in a mirroring destination SPAN context

PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Unidirectional link delay configuration and state related to subinterface
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number unidirectional-link-delay
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
static-delay (number | keyword)
Description A statically configured unidirectional delay value that can be advertised as an interface attribute by an IGP
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number unidirectional-link-delay static-delay (number | keyword)
Range1 to 16777215
  • none

Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Parameters for VLAN definition under SRL interfaces.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description VLAN match parmeters for the associated subinterface.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

When present, double-tagged frames with a specific, non-zero, outer and inner VLAN ID values are associated to the subinterface

By default, the specific configured vlan-id tags are stripped at ingress and pushed on egress.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap double-tagged
Platforms7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

When present, tagged frames with a specific, non-zero, outer VLAN ID are associated to the subinterface

The outer VLAN-ID tag is considered service delimiting and it is by default stripped at ingress and restored/added on egress.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap single-tagged
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

When present, tagged frames with a specific, non-zero, outer VLAN ID contained in a specified set of range are associated to the subinterface.

The outer VLAN ID tag of the frame is not stripped off on ingress, and no tag is pushed on egress.

Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap single-tagged-range
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
low-vlan-id range-low-vlan-id number
Description Enter the low-vlan-id list instance
Context interface name string subinterface index number vlan encap single-tagged-range low-vlan-id range-low-vlan-id number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Max. Elements8
Min. Elements1
range-low-vlan-id number
Description The low-value VLAN identifier in a range for single-tagged packets. The range is matched inclusively.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap single-tagged-range low-vlan-id range-low-vlan-id number
Range1 to 4094
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description When present, untagged frames and VLAN ID 0 priority tagged frames are associated to the subinterface when it belongs to an interface with vlan-tagging enabled.
Contextinterface name string subinterface index number vlan encap untagged
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

tpid identityref

Description Optionally set the tag protocol identifier field (TPID) that is accepted on the VLAN
Contextinterface name string tpid identityref
  • TPID_0X8100

    Default TPID value for 802.1q single-tagged VLANs.

  • TPID_0X88A8

    TPID value for 802.1ad provider bridging, QinQ or stacked VLANs.

  • TPID_0X9100

    Alternate TPID value.

  • TPID_0X9200

    Alternate TPID value.


    A wildcard that matches any of the generally used TPID values for singly- or multiply-tagged VLANs. Equivalent to matching any of TPID_0X8100, TPID_0X88A8, TPID_0X9100 and TPID_0x9200. This value is only applicable where the TPID of a packet is being matched.

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Container for traffic rate statistics
Contextinterface name string traffic-rate
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

in-bps number

Description The ingress bandwidth utilization of the port
Contextinterface name string traffic-rate in-bps number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

out-bps number

Description The egress bandwidth utilization of the port
Contextinterface name string traffic-rate out-bps number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the transceiver context
Context interface name string transceiver
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

channel index number

Description List of physical channels supported by the transceiver associated with this port
Contextinterface name string transceiver channel index number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
index number
Description Index of the physical channel or lane
Contextinterface name string transceiver channel index number
Range1 to 10
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the input-power context
Context interface name string transceiver channel index number input-power
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the laser-bias-current context
Context interface name string transceiver channel index number laser-bias-current
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
Description Enter the output-power context
Context interface name string transceiver channel index number output-power
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

connector-type keyword

Description Specifies the fiber connector type of the transceiver associated with the port
Contextinterface name string transceiver connector-type keyword
  • SC






  • LC

  • MT-RJ

  • MU

  • SG


  • MPO-1x12

  • MPO-2x16



  • RJ45

  • no-separable-connector

  • MXC-2x16



  • MPO-2x12

  • MPO-1x16

  • unknown

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

ddm-events boolean


Controls the reporting of DDM events

When set to true, log events related to the Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) capabilities of the transceiver are generated.

When set to false, no DDM-related log events are generated for this port/transceiver.

When read from state this leaf always returns false (even if the configured value is true) when the Ethernet port is a copper/RJ45 port.

Contextinterface name string transceiver ddm-events boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

ethernet-pmd string

Description Specifies the Ethernet compliance code of the transceiver associated with the port
Contextinterface name string transceiver ethernet-pmd string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

form-factor keyword

Description Specifies the transceiver form factor associated with the port
Contextinterface name string transceiver form-factor keyword
  • CFP2

  • CFP2-ACO

  • CFP4

  • QSFP

  • QSFPplus

  • QSFP28


  • SFP

  • SFPplus

  • Non-pluggable

  • Other

  • SFP28


  • QSFP56

  • SFP56

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

forward-error-correction keyword


The forward error correction algorithm to use on the optical channel

The same FEC algorithm must be used at both ends of a link.

25G interfaces support disabled, base-r, rs-108 and rs-528; configuring other (incompatible) options will bring the port down. The FEC requirement for a 25G interface depends on the cable type. A CA-N DAC cable has a loss specification that requires no FEC. A CA-S DAC cable requires base-r FEC at a minimum. A CA-L DAC cable requires the stronger rs-108 Reed Solomon FEC.

100G interfaces support disabled and rs-528; configuring other (incompatible) options will bring the port down.

400G interfaces require rs-544; configuring other (unsupported) options will bring the port down.

Contextinterface name string transceiver forward-error-correction keyword
  • disabled

  • rs-528

  • rs-544

  • base-r

    BASE-R FEC algorithm for 25GbE interfaces (also known as fire-code)

  • rs-108

    Reed Solomon FEC algorithm for 25GbE interfaces

PlatformsSupported on all platforms



The health of the component

The paramaters within this container indicate the status of the component beyond whether it is operationally up or down. When a signal is received that a component is in an unhealthy state the gNOI.Healthz service can be used to retrieve further diagnostic information relating to the component. The contents of this directory relate only to the specific component that it is associated with.

Contextinterface name string transceiver healthz
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
last-unhealthy string

Last unhealthy time

The time at which the component was last observed to transition from the healthy state to any other state, represented as nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.

Contextinterface name string transceiver healthz last-unhealthy string
String Length20 to 32
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
status keyword

Health status

The status of the component, indicating its current health.

Contextinterface name string transceiver healthz status keyword
  • unspecified

    Unspecified status

    The component's health status has not yet been checked by the system.

  • healthy

    Healthy status

    The component is in a healthy state, and is operating within the expected parameters.

  • unhealthy

    Unhealthy status

    The component is in a unhealthy state, it is not performing the function expected of it.

Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
unhealthy-count number

Unhealthy count

The number of times the component has transitioned from the healthy state to any other state.

Contextinterface name string transceiver healthz unhealthy-count number
Platforms7220 IXR-D1, 7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Enter the input-power context
Context interface name string transceiver input-power
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
low-alarm-condition boolean

Low alarm threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the Rx power is below the low-alarm-threshold and set to false whenever the Rx power is above the low-alarm-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver input-power low-alarm-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the laser-bias-current context
Context interface name string transceiver laser-bias-current
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

oper-down-reason keyword

Description The reason for the transceiver being operationally down
Contextinterface name string transceiver oper-down-reason keyword
  • not-present

  • read-failure

  • checksum-failure

  • unknown-transceiver

  • tx-laser-disabled

  • unsupported-breakout

  • port-disabled

  • connector-transceiver-down

  • unsupported-operational-mode

  • no-tunable-config

PlatformsSupported on all platforms

oper-state keyword


The operational state of the transceiver

The oper-state is always down when the Ethernet port is a copper/RJ45 port.

Contextinterface name string transceiver oper-state keyword
  • up

  • down

Configurable False
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the output-power context
Context interface name string transceiver output-power
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

serial-number string


Transceiver serial number

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part.

Contextinterface name string transceiver serial-number string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the temperature context
Context interface name string transceiver temperature
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
high-alarm-condition boolean

High alarm threshold condition

Set to true whenever the temperature is above the high-alarm-threshold and set to false whenever the temperature is below the high-alarm-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver temperature high-alarm-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
low-alarm-condition boolean

Low alarm threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the temperature is below the low-alarm-threshold and set to false whenever the temperature is above the low-alarm-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver temperature low-alarm-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
low-warning-condition boolean

Low warning threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the temperature is below the low-warning-threshold and set to false whenever the temperature is above the low-warning-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver temperature low-warning-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

tx-laser boolean


Enable (true) or disable (false) the transmit laser of the transceiver

When read from state this leaf always returns false (even if the configured value is true) when the Ethernet port is a copper/RJ45 port.

Default is true (for interfaces that support transceivers).

Contextinterface name string transceiver tx-laser boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vendor string


Name of the transceiver vendor

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part.

Contextinterface name string transceiver vendor string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vendor-revision string


Vendor's revision number for the transceiver

This is the information as read from the EEPROM of the part.

Contextinterface name string transceiver vendor-revision string
PlatformsSupported on all platforms


Description Enter the voltage context
Context interface name string transceiver voltage
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
high-alarm-condition boolean

High alarm threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the module voltage is above the high-alarm-threshold and set to false whenever the module voltage is below the high-alarm-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver voltage high-alarm-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
high-warning-condition boolean

High warning threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the module voltage is above the high-warning-threshold and set to false whenever the module voltage is below the high-warning-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver voltage high-warning-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
low-alarm-condition boolean

Low alarm threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the module voltage is below the low-alarm-threshold and set to false whenever the module voltage is above the low-alarm-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver voltage low-alarm-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms
low-warning-condition boolean

Low warning threshold condition.

Set to true whenever the module voltage is below the low-warning-threshold and set to false whenever the module voltage is above the low-warning-threshold

Contextinterface name string transceiver voltage low-warning-condition boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

wavelength decimal-number

Description Wavelength of the transmitting laser in nanometers
Contextinterface name string transceiver wavelength decimal-number
PlatformsSupported on all platforms

vlan-tagging boolean

Description When set to true the interface is allowed to accept frames with one or more VLAN tags
Contextinterface name string vlan-tagging boolean
PlatformsSupported on all platforms