tools qos

qos Descriptions


Description Enter the qos context
Context qos
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Top level enclosing container for qos classifiers operational tools
Contextqos classifiers
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

multifield-classifier name string

Description List of multifield-classifier QoS policies
Contextqos classifiers multifield-classifier name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
name string
Description The name of multifield-classifier QoS policy
Contextqos classifiers multifield-classifier name string
String Length1 to 255
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b


Description Interfaces and subinterfaces with QoS configuration and state
Contextqos interfaces
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b

interface interface-id string

Description List of interfaces and subinterfaces referenced by QoS policies
Contextqos interfaces interface interface-id string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
interface-id string
Description Identifier for the interface or subinterface
Contextqos interfaces interface interface-id string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the output context
Context qos interfaces interface interface-id string output
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the queues context
Context qos interfaces interface interface-id string output queues
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
queue queue-name string
Description Enter the queue list instance
Context qos interfaces interface interface-id string output queues queue queue-name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
queue-name string
Description The queue name
Context qos interfaces interface interface-id string output queues queue queue-name string
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b
Description Enter the queue-statistics context
Context qos interfaces interface interface-id string output queues queue queue-name string queue-statistics
Platforms7220 IXR-D2, 7220 IXR-D2L, 7220 IXR-D3, 7220 IXR-D3L, 7220 IXR-D4, 7220 IXR-D5, 7220 IXR-H2, 7220 IXR-H3, 7220 IXR-H4, 7250 IXR-10, 7250 IXR-10e, 7250 IXR-6, 7250 IXR-6e, 7250 IXR-X3b