Audit Events

Intelligent Data Store generates audit events for certain usages of the APIs. IMPACT IoT billing module must also be installed to use this feature.

This is an optional feature that can be enabled during installation. To enable this feature, set the auditing:enabled value to true (Default is false), and configure properties in the values.yaml of the Intelligent Data Store helm chart.

Following are the API calls, which are audited:
URI Method Description
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/ POST Creates a rule by persisting the details to the database and creating streams in Ksql.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/{id} DELETE Deletes a rule specified by its ID.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/enable/{id} PUT Enables the rule specified by its ID. Gives an error when the already enabled rule is enabled again.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/disable/{id} PUT PUT Disables the rule specified by its ID. Gives an error when the already disabled rule is disabled again.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/{id} PATCH Modifies the rule query and sets it as the default version.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/activate/{id}/{version} PATCH Activates a specific version of a rule by its ID and version.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/import/ POST Imports the rules, persisting the details and creating streams in ksql. The input has to be an array of rules.

Example audit events:

Use case: Create rule
Use case: Delete rule
Use case: Enable rule
Use case: Disable rule
Use case: Edit rule
Use case: Activate rule version
Use case: Import rules