
An alarm is an unexpected condition in EDA or the EDA-managed network that can be cleared by attaining some corrective state. The primary purpose of an alarm is to bring some abnormal condition to the attention of an operator, and thereby support debugging and resolution.
Note: An alarm is distinct from an event. An alarm represents a condition that should be corrected by reaching some associated corrective state. An event is a one-time occurrence and message (typically a log entry) about something that has occurred in the system. No future state is expected to clear an event, and it does not require an action to clear. Alarms are stateful; events are not.

Alarms in EDA can arise from a variety of sources, including the EDA system itself and the wide array of supported apps. For any alarm, the source/affected object is identified as part of the alarm in the group and kind fields.

Alarm are also associated with a namespace; this could be the base EDA namespace, or some other namespace. Users can only see and interact with alarms in namespaces for which they have access permissions.

Some alarms can be generated by intent-based apps within EDA. EDA treats such alarms as having been cleared if the app stops reporting that alarm.

Alarms associated with apps are described in documentation for individual apps.

Alarms on standby clusters

Standby cluster alarms can be important in understanding the state of redundancy in an EDA cluster. It is therefore useful to be able to see alarms generated on a standby cluster member even when working with the active member.

EDA supports this using the `cluster_member` field, which is set to the name of the cluster member that raised the alarm. This allows an operator to view alarms for all clusters, but still distinguish alarms for the active cluster from those for a standby cluster. For alarms that are not cluster-specific, this field remains unset.

Alarms in the EDA GUI

An alarm summary is displayed on the EDA home page. Beyond that summary, alarms are primarily displayed, and interacted with, on the Alarms page. There you can do the following for individual alarms, or as a bulk operation to a number of concurrently selected alarms:

  • Suppress an alarm: this sets the suppressed flag for the current instance of the alarm. By default, suppressed alarms are not displayed in the EDA GUI.
  • Delete an alarm: this removes all history of the alarm. Deletion is only allowed for cleared alarms. The option is disabled for active alarms.
  • Acknowledge an alarm: this sets the Acknowledged flag for the current instance of the alarm.

The Alarms page

Figure 1. The EDA Alarms page
Table 1. Elements of the Alarms page
# Name Function
1 Alarms menu The Alarms menu includes:
  • common table controls
  • multi-row actions unique to alarms
  • special actions unique to the alarms list
2 Alarm count Displays the number of current alarms of various severities.


The list of alarms displays the following columns by default.

Table 2. Alarm display columns
Column Description
Severity The importance of the alarm, as defined by the alarm itself. Supported severities are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Info
Type The alarm type, as defined by the alarm itself. For example, InterfaceDown.
Cleared Whether the alarm has been cleared by an operator. Possible values are:
  • True
  • False
Occurrences The number of occurrences for the alarm.
Resource Indicates the name of the resource that this alarm is present on.
  • For a TopoNode target this is the TopoNode name, for example "spine-1-1".
  • For non- TopoNode target, this may be the name of a Pod.
  • A resource may also be an instance of a resource - for example if an alarm was raised against a Fabric, the endpoint would be set to the name of the specific instance of a Fabric the alarm was raised against.
Kind Indicates the kind of resource the alarm is present on.
  • Most commonly this is set to TopoNode, but may be a component within the EDA core - for example ConfigEngine or StateEngine.
  • This is set to Fabric if an alarm is raised against a Fabric.
Group Indicates the group of the resource the alarm is present on.
  • Most commonly this is set to, , but may be any other app-provided group.
  • This is set to if an alarm is raised against a Fabric.
Last Changed Indicates the time the alarm last changed state. The timestamp is updated any time an alarm changes state between cleared and not cleared.

Sample core alarms

Table 3. Repository Reachability Down
Property Description
Name RepositoryReachabilityDown-<cluster>-<server-name>-<repo-type>-<source>
Severity Critical
Description Connectivity between <source-kind> "<source>" and the "<repo-type>" repository at "<server-uri/remote-path>" is down. This alarm is raised after three failures to connect to a repository, where each attempt is made at a 15s interval. After three failures the alarm is generated (so after 45s), and is cleared on a connection attempt succeeding.
Probable cause Connectivity issues, Kubernetes CNI misconfiguration, or credential/TLS misconfiguration/expiration.
Remedial action Restore connectivity between the corresponding <source-kind> and apps repository/git server. Ensure credentials and proxy configuration is correct, and any offered certificates are trusted.
  • server-name is the name of the Git server hosting the repository, for example primary.
  • repo-type is the type of repository, one of Apps, Backup, Identity, Security, Catalog, UserSettings.
  • source is the name of the pod that raised the alarm, for example eda-se-1.
  • source-kind is one of ConfigEngine, StateEngine, AppStore.
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
  • server-uri/remote-path is the combination of the server URI and remote path as defined in the EngineConfig.
Table 4. Service Reachability Down
Property Description
Name ServiceReachabilityDown-<cluster>-<service>-<source>
Severity Critical
Description Connectivity between <source-kind> "<source>" and the <kind> on "<service>" is down.
Probable cause Connectivity issues between worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, Kubernetes CNI misconfiguration, pod failure, or TLS misconfiguration/expiration.
Remedial action Restore connectivity between the corresponding source and destination. Ensure credentials and proxy configuration is correct (typically using no proxy for inter-cluster HTTPS), and certificate validity.
  • service is the common name of the destination pod, for example eda-npp-leaf-1-1. Engineering to comment if this is feasible.
  • source is the name of the source pod that raised the alarm, for example eda-sc-1.
  • source-kind is one of APIServer, ConfigEngine, StateEngine, AppStore.
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
Table 5. Pod Not Running
Property Description
Name PodNotRunning-<cluster>-<pod>
Severity Critical
Description Pod "<pod>" is not in the "Running" state. Any functionality provided by this pod is not available. This alarm can be raised transiently at system startup.
Probable cause Kubernetes controller or registry reachability issues, worker node failure, initial instantiation.
Remedial action Validate reachability to the registry used to pull the image for the specified pod, ensure no worker node, storage, or networking issues exist that would cause the Kubernetes controller to mark the pod in any state other than "Running".
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
  • pod is set to the name of the pod that is not running, but should be.
  • config-engine is set to the name of the ConfigEngine pod that raised the alarm.
Table 6. Deployment Degraded
Property Description
Name DeploymentDegraded-<cluster>-<deployment>
Severity Critical
Description Deployment "<deployment>" has at least one replica not in the "Running" state. Depending on the application this may result in loss of functionality or loss of service capacity. This alarm can be raised transiently at system startup.
Probable cause Kubernetes infrastructure issues, worker node failure, initial instantiation.
Remedial action Validate reachability to the registry used to pull images for any failed pods in the Deployment, ensure no worker node, storage, or networking issues exist that would cause the Kubernetes controller to mark pods in any state other than "Running".
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
  • pod is set to the name of the pod that is not running, but should be.
  • config-engine is set to the name of the ConfigEngine pod that raised the alarm.
Table 7. Deployment Down
Property Description
Name DeploymentDown-<cluster>-<deployment>
Severity Critical
Description Deployment "<deployment>" is down, with no pods in the "Running" state. Any functionality provided by the Deployment is not available. This alarm can be raised transiently at system startup.
Probable cause Kubernetes infrastructure issues, worker node failure, initial instantiation.
Remedial action Validate reachability to the registry used to pull images for failed pods in the Deployment, ensure no worker node, storage, or networking issues exist that would cause the Kubernetes controller to mark pods in any state other than "Running".
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
  • pod is set to the name of the pod that is not running, but should be.
  • config-engine is set to the name of the ConfigEngine pod that raised the alarm.
Table 8. NPP Down
Property Description
Name PPDown-<cluster>-<npp>
Severity Critical
Description Connectivity between ConfigEngine "<config-engine>" and the NPP "<npp>" is down. This results in no new transactions succeeding to targets served by this NPP (unless operating in null mode), and no telemetry updates being received. Effectively targets served by this NPP are offline. Look for a corresponding PodNotRunning alarm.
Probable cause Connectivity issues between worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, Kubernetes CNI misconfiguration, pod failure, or TLS misconfiguration/expiration.
Remedial action Restore connectivity between the corresponding ConfigEngine and the destination NPP. Ensure credentials and proxy configuration is correct (typically using no proxy for inter-cluster HTTPS), and certificate validity.
  • cluster is the name of the cluster member that this alarm was raised in, populated via setting the clusterSpecific flag.
  • npp is set to the name of the destination NPP.
  • config-engine is set to the Pod name of the ConfigEngine that raised the alarm.
Table 9. Pool Threshold Exceeded
Property Description
Name PoolThresholdExceeded-<pool-type>-<pool-name>-<pool-instance>
Severity Varies; see definitions
Description The "<pool-instance>" instance of the <pool-type> "<pool-name>" has crossed the <severity> threshold of <threshold>.
Probable cause Pool utilization.
Remedial action Expand the pool via growing a segment, or add additional segments. Additionally you may move pool consumers to a different pool.
  • pool-type is the pool type, one of Subnet, IPInSubnet, Index, IP.
  • pool-name is the name of the allocation pool, for example ipv4-pool.
  • pool-instance is the name of the instance of the pool, for example global.
  • severity is the severity of the alarm, which increases based on which threshold has been breached.
  • threshold is the value of the threshold that has been breached, for example 80.
  • config-engine is the pod name of the ConfigEngine raising the alarm.
Table 10. State Engine Reachability Down
Property Description
Name StateEngineReachabilityDown-<state-engine>-<state-controller>
Severity Critical
Description Connectivity between State Controller "<state-controller>" and the State Engine "<state-engine>" is down. This results in no new state application instances being deployed to the corresponding State Engine, and the rebalancing of already-pinned instances to other State Engines. This connectivity is also used to distribute the map of shards to State Engine, meaning the corresponding State Engine will not receive shard updates (assuming it is still running).
Probable cause Connectivity issues between worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, Kubernetes CNI misconfiguration, pod failure, or TLS misconfiguration/expiration.
Remedial action Restore connectivity between the corresponding State Controller and the destination State Engine. Ensure credentials and proxy configuration is correct (typically using no proxy for inter-cluster HTTPS), and certificate validity.
  • state-engine is the name of the State Engine with connectivity issues, for example eda-se-1.
  • state-controller is the name of the State Controller pod that raised the alarm, for example eda-sc-1.

Viewing alarms

The page in the EDA UI in which to view and interact with alarms is located at Main > Alarms.

Note: By default, the alarm list:
  • is sorted first by "Severity", and then by the "last changed" timestamp in descending order (most recent change first)
  • hides any suppressed alarms
  1. Use standard EDA table controls to manage the alarms list. XREF
  2. To include suppressed alarms (which are hidden by default), do the following:
    1. Click the More icon at the upper right of the Alarms page.
    2. Select Show All Alarms from the displayed list.
  3. To exclude suppressed alarms from the list, do the following:
    1. Click the More icon at the upper right of the Alarms page.
    2. Select Hide suppressed alarms from the displayed list.

Acknowledging an alarm

  1. Find the alarm in the list using the sorting and filtering controls.
  2. At the right side of the row, click the Table row actions button.
  3. Select Acknowledge from the list.
  4. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement.

Acknowledge multiple alarms

  1. Use the sorting and filtering controls to display the necessary set of alarms in the list.
  2. Select all of the alarms you want to acknowledge by checking the box at the left edge of the list. Click the check box again to unselect any alarm.
    Note: To select all alarms in the list, check the check box in the title row. Click the check box again to unselect all alarms in the list.
    Note: The number of alarms you have selected, as well as the total number of alarms, is indicated at the lower right of the Alarms page.
  3. At the upper right of the Alarms page, click the Table settings & actions button.
  4. Select Acknowledge from the list.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement for all alarms.

Deleting a single alarm

An alarm cannot be deleted unless it has first been cleared.
  1. Find the alarm in the list using the sorting and filtering controls.
  2. At the right side of the row, click the Table row actions button.
  3. Select Delete from the list.
    Note: The Delete option is not displayed for an alarm that has not been cleared.
  4. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement.

Deleting multiple alarms

An alarm cannot be deleted unless it has first been cleared.
  1. Use the sorting and filtering controls to display the necessary set of alarms in the list.
  2. Select all of the alarms you want to delete by checking the box at the left edge of the list. Click the check box again to unselect any alarm.
    Note: To select all alarms in the list, check the check box in the title row. Click the check box again to unselect all alarms in the list.
    Note: The number of alarms you have selected, as well as the total number of alarms, is indicated at the lower right of the Alarms page.
  3. At the upper right of the Alarms page, click the Table settings & actions button.
  4. Select Delete from the list.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement for all alarms.
    Note: If some of the alarms you selected were not eligible for deletion, only those that were eligible are deleted by this operation. Ineligible alarms are not deleted. No error message displays in this case.

Suppress a single alarm

  1. Find the alarm in the list using the sorting and filtering controls.
  2. At the right side of the row, click the Table row actions button.
  3. Select Suppress from the list.
  4. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement.
    Note: By default, suppressed alarms are not displayed in the alarms list. Unless you have selected to show all alarms, suppressing an alarm causes it to vanish from the alarms list.

Suppressing multiple alarms

  1. Use the sorting and filtering controls to display the necessary set of alarms in the list.
  2. Select all of the alarms you want to delete by checking the box at the left edge of the list. Click the check box again to unselect any alarm.
    Note: To select all alarms in the list, check the check box in the title row. Click the check box again to unselect all alarms in the list.
    Note: The number of alarms you have selected, as well as the total number of alarms, is indicated at the lower right of the Alarms page.
  3. At the upper right of the Alarms page, click the Table settings & actions button.
  4. Select Suppress from the list.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the acknowledgement for all alarms.
    Note: By default, suppressed alarms are not displayed in the alarms list. Unless you have selected to show all alarms, suppressing alarms causes them to vanish from the alarms list.

Viewing alarm history

  1. Find the alarm in the list using the sorting and filtering controls.
  2. At the right side of the row, click the Table row actions button.
  3. Select History from the list.
    EDA opens the Alarm History window, which shows all events pertaining to the selected alarm including the following details:
    • Cleared (yes/no)
    • Last change date/time
    • Probable cause
    • Remedial action
    You can use the standard sorting and filtering controls to manage the list.