Changing the Keycloak admin password
- From your web browser, navigate to {EDA_URL}/core/httpproxy/v1/keycloak.
- Log in with the current Keycloak administrator username and password.
- From the user drop-down list on the upper right, select Manage Account.
- From the menu on the left, select .
- Click Update next to My Password.
- Configure a new password and save it.
- Generate the Base 64 hash of the new password.
Using a system with access to the Kubernetes API of the EDA deployment, execute
the following command:
kubectl -n eda-system patch secret keycloak-admin-secret -p '{"data": { "password": "<NEW BASE64 HASH>" }}'
Restart the Keycloak service.
kubectl -n eda-system rollout restart deployment/eda-keycloak