
A role specifies which network resources users or associated user group members can access.

In EDA, a Role resource lives within a namespace, while a ClusterRole resource applies cluster-wide and spans namespaces.

Note: While similar in concept, EDA roles and cluster roles are not the same roles and cluster roles in Kubernetes.

Role and ClusterRole resources are created by a system administrator and are referenced in groups that exist in Keycloak (or a remote directory), which are in turn associated with users. As with Kubernetes, the a cluster role spans namespaces, while a role lives within a namespace.

A role controls access to EDA resources by defining one or more match rules and corresponding action to take when there is a match.


EDA supports the following types of rules for Role and Cluster Role resources:

  • Resource rules: control access to EDA API resources.
  • Table rules: control access to the database tables.
    Note: Write access is not supported on a table rule.
  • URL rules: controls access to API endpoints that are not specific to resources or tables.

Resource rules

Resource rules define access to EDA and Kubernetes resources exposed via the API server. These rules are relevant for resource-aware API endpoints including:

  • /openapi/v3/apps/..

  • /core/transaction/v1

  • /apps/..

A resource rule is defined by the following parameters in the Role or ClusterRole resource:
  • API groups: Identifies the EDA API groups for the resources controlled by the rule, in the format apigroup/version. An asterisk * indicates match any API group.
  • Permissions: Specifies the permissions for the EDA resources specified by the rule. Set to none, read, or readwrite.
  • Resources: The resource names of the resources controlled by the rule.

    An asterisk * indicates wildcard, which means match any resource in the specified API group.

Table rules

Table rules are similar to resource rules, except that they are relevant to the API endpoints used for querying the EDA database. A table rule is defined by the following parameters:
  • Path: Specifies the path to the database table for which this rule applies.

    The / character at the end of the path indicates the final portion of the URL path can be anything, if the prefix matches.

    *// at the end of the path indicates that the URL path can be anything if the prefix matches.

  • Permissions: Specifies the permissions for the EDA resources specified by the rule. Set to none or read; writing to the database tables is not allowed.

URL rules

URL rules define generic enforcement of URL paths exposed by an API server. A URL rule is defined by the following parameters:

  • Path: the API server-proxied URL path to which this rule applies.

    The / character at the end of the path indicates the final portion of the URL path can be anything, if the prefix matches.

    *// at the end of the path indicates that the URL path can be anything if the prefix matches.

    A path may contain a single asterisk * to include fields (but not children) of the path. For example, /core/admin/* includes all fields available directly under admin, but would not include child paths like /core/admin/groups/{uuid}.
  • Permissions: Specifies the permissions for the API server-proxied URL path for the rule. Set to none, read, or readwrite

Rule behavior

EDA rules are additive. Users are granted the combined permission of all rules in the roles assigned to their user groups. If a request does not match any rule, it is implicitly denied.

'None' permission rules acts as an override; these are enforced before any other rule.

EDA supports the principles of additive permissions and least permission, (aligning with Kubernetes recommendation described in

The following are best-practice recommendations for administrators:

  • Create explicit read/readWrite rules for the resource, table, and URLs rule required for a role.
  • Avoid wildcard read/readWrite rules where possible. A wildcard gives access to resources that exist today and resources that may exist in the future.
  • Avoid ‘None’ rules where possible. If resource, table, or URL access is not required for a role, do not include a matching rule for that resource/table/URL (that is, implicit deny). 'None' rules are explicit denials. They have priority over all permissive rules assigned to the user, including the rules defined in other groups and roles.

Creating a cluster role

A ClusterRole resource defines a set of permissions to access EDA resources. In the EDA UI, you can create a cluster role from the System Administration > Cluster Roles page.
  1. Click Create.
  2. Configure metadata for this resource.
    Set the following fields:
    • Name
    • Labels
    • Annotations
  3. Provide an optional description for this cluster role.
  4. In the Resource Rules section, click + Add. Create resource rules for this cluster group.
    1. Under API Groups, click Add Item to create the list of API groups.
    2. Under Permissions, from the drop-down list, select None, read, or readWrite.
      For related information, see Roles.
    3. Under Resources, click + Add to specify the resources on which this rule applies.
      You can enter the * character, which means match any resource in the matching API groups.
    4. Click Save.
  5. In the Table Rules section, click + Add.
    1. Provide the path to the database table to which this rule applies.
    2. Under Permissions, from the drop-down list, select None or read.
    3. Click Save.
  6. In the URL Rules section, click + Add. Create resource rules for this cluster group.
    1. Provide the path to the API server proxied URL to which this rule applies.
    2. Under Permissions, select None, read, or readWrite from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Save.

ClusterRole resource

kind: ClusterRole
  name: basic
  labels: {}
  annotations: {}
  description: ''
    - apiGroups:
      permissions: read
        - '*'
    - apiGroups:
        - fabrics
      permissions: readWrite
    - apiGroups:
        - '*'
      permissions: read
    - path: /core/transaction/v1/**
      permissions: read
    - path: .namespace.node.**
      permissions: read

Default cluster role

EDA provides a default system-administrator cluster role with the following configuration:
kind: ClusterRole
  labels: rbac-defaults
  name: system-administrator
- apiGroups:
  - "*"
  - "*"
  permissions: readWrite
- path: "/**"
  permissions: readWrite
- table: ".**"
  permissions: read

Creating a role

The Role resource defines a set of permissions to access EDA resources. The Role resource exists within a namespace. In the EDA UI, you can create a cluster role from the System Administration > Roles page.
  1. Click Create.
  2. Configure metadata for this resource.
    Set the following fields:
    • Name
    • Labels
    • Annotations
  3. Provide an optional description for this cluster role.
  4. In the Resource Rules section, click + Add. Create resource rules for this cluster group.
    1. Under API Groups, click Add Item to create the list of API groups.
    2. Under Permissions, from the drop-down list, select None, read, or readWrite.
      For related information, see Roles.
    3. Under Resources, click + Add to specify the resources on which this rule applies.
      You can enter the * character, which means match any resource in the matching API groups.
    4. Click Save.
  5. In the Table Rules section, click + Add.
    1. Provide the path to the database table to which this rule applies.
    2. Under Permissions, from the drop-down list, select None or read.
    3. Click Save.
  6. In the URL Rules section, click + Add. Create resource rules for this cluster group.
    1. Provide the path to the API server proxied URL to which this rule applies.
    2. Under Permissions, select None, read, or readWrite from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Save.

Role resource

kind: Role
  annotations: {}
  name: ns-admin
  namespace: eda
  labels: {}
    - apiGroups:
        - '*'
      permissions: readWrite
        - '*'
    - path: .**
      permissions: read
    - path: /**
      permissions: readWrite
  description: ''
status: {}