Technical support

On occasion, it may be necessary to troubleshoot technical issues that arise in EDA clusters. When working with Nokia technical support engineers, collaboration often requires sharing a set of background data about the EDA system that can help pinpoint and resolve the issue.

To help collect the necessary data, EDA includes a shell script you can use to automatically collect and package the necessary technical data about your system and the status of relevant components.

To execute the shell script:
  • Open a shell to the eda-toolbox Pod
  • Run ./tools/techsupport/

The output of the script is a gzipped tarball containing the following data:

  • Logs from the cluster.
  • Various information from Kubernetes, collected from all Namespaces:
    • all Services data, including YAML.
    • all Pods data, including YAML.
    • all Nodes data, including YAML. Note these are Kubernetes worker nodes, not EDA TopoNodes.
  • Various information relating to EDA:
    • all CRDs, including YAML.
    • all resources of all CRDs, including YAML. This is essentially a full collection of all resources that are not native to Kubernetes.
    • all transactions, including YAML.
    • a system backup, which includes all git repositories.