User-configured label manipulation

After you or another user creates a label, you can edit the description of that label, or delete the label from the available labels entirely.

Note: You cannot delete a Nokia pre-defined label, nor edit such labels other than to modify the Comments field.

Editing an existing label

You can edit an existing label to modify the comments that describe its purpose. Follow this procedure to edit an existing label in the Available Labels list.
  1. Open the list of available labels as described in Viewing available labels.
  2. For a specific row item, click the options menu at the right end of the row.
  3. Click Edit Label.
  4. Edit the value in the Comments field.
  5. Click SAVE.

Deleting an existing label

Only user-configured labels can be deleted. Before deleting a label, you must remove any associations the label has with fabric objects. For fabric intent labels, see the following topics: Removing a label assigned to a fabric intent or Removing a label assigned to a node in a fabric intent. For workload intent labels, see the following topics: Removing a label assigned to a workload intent or Removing a label assigned to a specific sub-interface.

Follow this procedure to delete a label.

  1. Open the list of available labels as described in Viewing available labels.
  2. For a specific row item, click the options menu at the right end of the row.
  3. Select Delete... from the action list.
  4. Click OK.