Configuration override parameters

Table 1. Configuration override parameters
Parameter Default value Description
Version See Description This value is assigned automatically. The first instance of any configuration override is Version 1.0. Subsequent versions of the same override increment this value.
Active Enabled This value indicates which, if any, version of a configuration override should be used to modify the configuration data for the target nodes. A maximum of one version of any configuration override can be active at one time.

It is possible to set all versions of an override to inactive.

Automatic Deployment Disabled This value cannot be modified.
Name None This text string identifies the configuration override and used to identify it in the list of all overrides within the system. It must be unique.
Description None An optional text string describing the purpose or impact of the override.
Method for Selecting Nodes None Can be either of these values:
  • By Label: you must later specify a label that has been applied to the intended target nodes.
  • By node: you must later select one or more nodes from the inventory to be the target of the override
Node Label Selector None If the Method for Selecting Nodes parameter is set to By Label, this control will be displayed and active. You can use this control to specify one or more node labels. These labels must be "Node-Type" labels. When applied, the configuration data in this override will be applied to all nodes within the fabric intent with at least one of these labels.
Node Selector None If the Method for Selecting Nodes parameter is set to By Node, this control will be displayed and active. You can use this control to select one or more nodes in the system inventory. When applied, the configuration data in this override will be applied to each of the selected nodes within the fabric intent.
Configuration Type Global Override This value cannot be modified.
Execution Order See Description

If two or more overrides target the same nodes, the execution order value dictates the order in which the configuration changes are merged into the configurations of the target nodes.

The override with the lowest Execution Order value is applied first.

The default value is the current highest value plus 100. As a result, the first override created has a default value of 100.

Configuration Type Global Override This value cannot be modified.
Target Configuration See Description This consists of three sub-parameters. Although they are mandatory, each has only one available value:
  • Operating System: SRLinux
  • Software Version: ALL or a Major version from the software catalog.
  • Data Model: SRLinux
Note: An override can include a software version of ALL, or one or more specific supported software versions, but not a mixture of the two.
Configuration Data None Each configuration override must include a set of JSON configuration data that will be merged into the configuration file for the target nodes. For example:
  "index": 1,
  "ip-mtu": 5000,
  "vlan": {
    "encap": {
      "single-tagged": {
        "vlan-id": "100"