Viewing and managing configuration overrides

This procedure describes various ways to view and modify an existing configuration override:
  • viewing a list of configuration overrides
  • deleting a configuration override
  • viewing details about a single configuration override
  • creating a new version of an existing configuration override
  • deleting an existing version of a configuration override
  • comparing two versions of a configuration override
  • viewing a list of nodes affected by a particular configuration override
  1. To view a list of previously configured overrides, do the following:
    1. Click the menu.
    2. Select Overrides to open the Overrides page.
      The Overrides page displays, showing a list of all configuration overrides already created within the system.
  2. To delete a configuration override, do the following:
    1. Select a configuration override in the list displayed after performing step 1
    2. Click the More icon () at the right end of the row and select Delete from the displayed list of actions.
    3. In the resulting confirmation dialog, click OK.
  3. To view details about a single override, do the following:
    1. Select a configuration override in the list displayed after performing step 1
    2. Click the More icon () at the right end of the row and select Open from the displayed list of actions.
      The Override Configuration page displays, showing settings for the configuration override and the JSON code that it inserts into the node configurations.
  4. To create a new version of a fabric intent, do the following:
    1. Open a single configuration override as described in step 3.
    2. Click the More icon () at the upper right of the page and select New Version from the displayed list of actions.
      The display updates, showing an incremented Version number for the configuration override.
    3. Update settings for the configuration override and the JSON code that is inserted by the new version of the override.
      Note: If you set this new version of the override to be Active, the other versions of the same override are automatically set to be Inactive because only one version can be Active at a time. If you leave this new version Inactive, the previously Active version of the same override remains Active.

      Only the JSON code in the Active version of the configuration override is inserted into fabric intents.

    4. Click the Save icon () to save the new version of the configuration override.
      Note: To apply this new configuration override to the node or nodes within a fabric intent, you must create and deploy a new version of that fabric intent.
  5. To delete an existing version of a configuration override, do the following:
    1. Open a single configuration override as described in step 3.
    2. Click the More icon () at the upper right of the page and select Delete Version from the displayed list of actions.
      Note: You cannot delete an active version of an override.
      The currently displayed version of the override is immediately deleted. There is no confirmation required.
  6. To compare the JSON configuration data in two different versions of a configuration override, do the following:
    1. Open the configuration override as described in step 3.
    2. From the Views menu (currently set to Configuration) select Comparison.
    3. In the Comparison view, use the drop-down lists to select the following for two different versions of the current configuration override:
      • Version number
      • Target Configuration
      The display updates to show the two versions side-by-side. Alterations are highlighted in red and green to show what has changed between the two selected versions.
    4. To close this view, select Configuration from the Views menu.
  7. To see a list of the nodes that are affected by any single configuration override (as determined by the node selection or label selection when the override was created), do the following:
    1. Open the configuration override as described in step 3.
    2. From the Views menu (currently set to Configuration) select Nodes List.
      The display updates to show a list of nodes affected by the current configuration override. From this list you can use the Actions menu to view the configuration of the individual node, or the Fabric Design for the fabric intent that includes that node.
      Note: When you view the configuration for an individual node, you can select from two options:
      • Actual Configuration: this shows the configuration data for that node including any insertions arising from configuration overrides.
      • Normalized Configuration: this show the configuration data for that node as set exclusively by the fabric intent parameters. This configuration does not include any modifications arising from configuration overrides.
    3. To close this view, select Configuration from the Views menu.