Workflow for path and prefix monitoring


Determine the map type you want to view:

  • maps that show the topology

  • maps that show protocol-specific topologies

Enable NFM-P performance statistics collection for IP and MPLS interfaces, and for LSPs. Configure the MIB entry policy for the required statistics object type, or class; see the procedure “To configure polling for a MIB statistics class” in the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide. Set the Administrative State parameter in the MIB entry policy to Up.

  • For network interfaces, enable the Ip Interface Stats object type on the Network Interface properties form. The MIB entry name is vRtrIfStatsEntry.

  • For MPLS interfaces, enable MPLS Interface Stats on the MPLS Interface properties form. The MIB entry name is vRtrMplsIfStatEntry.

  • For LSP utilization, enable the MPLS LSP Egress Stats object type on the Dynamic LSP properties form for each LSP. The MIB entry name is vRtrMplsLspStatisticsEntry.

Set the polling interval to less than one hour.

For LSP utilization history: on the Accounting tab of the Dynamic LSP properties form for each LSP, assign an accounting policy and set the Administrative State to Up. See the procedure “To create a Dynamic LSP” in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.

Configure monitoring, as required.

Create a size constraint policy to specify the maximum number of historical path records that the CPAM retains, if required. See To configure the size constraint limit for path monitor records for more information.

View path records and historical path records, as required

View status change history of monitored prefixes, if required. See To view status change history of monitored prefixes for more information.

View the total cost of IP paths and IP path segments, if required. See To view the total cost of IP paths and IP path segments for more information.

Navigate to a dynamic LSP or a monitored path on a topology map, if required. See To navigate to a dynamic LSP on a topology map and To navigate to a monitored path on a topology map for more information.


Determine the cause event of an IP or LSP path record, as required. Alternatively, navigate from a cause event to the IP or LSP path record of the monitored path, or navigate to the cause event of a path record of GRE or MPLS service tunnels.


Sort records, as required.

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