
A catalog is a git repository that contains the manifests of applications. A manifest contains all the details of an app. The App Store builds a list of all available apps using the manifests of all the catalogs registered in EDA.

In the EDA UI, you can interact with catalogs from the System Administration > Catalogs page.

The Catalogs page displays all the catalogs available in EDA. You can double-click a catalog to view its details or edit it. For more information about how to manage a catalog, see Managing a catalog.

Creating a catalog credentials secret

The credentials created in this procedure is used in Adding a catalog to the App Store.
To create a catalog credentials secret, update the following Secret resource file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: your-creds # A unique secret name
  username: <base64(username)> # Base64 encoded username
  password: <base64(password or token)> # Base64 encoded password/token
  • Provide a unique name in the name field.
  • Provide base64 encoded values for the data fields.

Adding a catalog to the App Store

You must have already created the authentication secret as described in Creating a catalog credentials secret.

In the EDA UI, you can add a catalog from the System Administration > Catalogs page.

  1. Click Create.
  2. Configure metadata for this resource.
    Set the following fields:
    • Name
    • Labels
    • Annotations
  3. Configure the specifications for this catalog.
    Set the following parameters:
    • Authentication Secret Reference: Provide the Kubernetes secret that contains the credentials to connect to the Catalog git repository over HTTPS.
    • Description
    • Remote Type: select from the drop-down list
    • Remote URL: provide the path to the catalog, the URL of the git repo where the catalog resides
    • Skip TLS Verify: by default, TLS verification is enabled; set this parameter to skip TLS verification
    • Title: provide the name of the catalog as you want it to appear in the Catalogs page
  4. Click Add to Transaction.

Managing a catalog

In the EDA UI, you can manage a catalog from the System Administration > Catalogs page.
Locate the a catalog and at the end of its row, click the Table Row actions menu to select the action that you want to take.
You can take the following actions:
  • View app details
  • Edit details about the catalog
  • Delete the catalog

    Before deleting a catalog, ensure that no apps are using it.