
The actual code and resources of an app are stored in an OCI-compliant image. This image is stored in a container registry. This registry must be known to the EDA deployment so the app store can pull the image and use the data in the image to deploy the app. This information is provided to EDA in the form of a registry custom resource.

In the EDA UI, you interact with registries from the System Administration > Registries page. The Registries page displays all available registries in the EDA system.

Creating the registry credentials secret

Before you can add a registry to the App Store, you must create a Kubernetes secret that contains the credentials to connect to the registry over HTTPS.

Update the Secret YAML files.

  • Provide a unique name in the name field.
  • Provide base64 encoded values for the data fields.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: your-creds # A unique secret name
  username: <base64(username)> # Base64 encoded username
  password: <base64(password or token)> # Base64 encoded password/token

Adding a registry

In the EDA UI, you can add a registry from the System Administration > Registries page.

  1. Click Create.
  2. Configure metadata for this resource.
    Set the following fields:
    • Name
    • Labels
    • Annotations
  3. Configure specifications for this registry.
    • Authentication Secret Reference: specify how to authenticate with the remote registry. This setting is a reference to a Kubernetes secret, which contains a username and password as data.
    • Mirror: the URL for mirror for this registry
    • Remote URL: provide the FQDN or IP address for the registry. This setting should only contain the FQDN or IP address of the registry, not a URL path.
    • Skip TLS Verify: enable this parameter to skip TLS verification
    • Title: provide the name of the registry as you want it to appear in the Registries page

Managing a registry

In the EDA UI, perform this procedure from the System Administration > Registries page.

Locate the registry and at the end of its row, click the Table Row actions menu to select the action that you want to take. You can take the following actions:
  • View details about a registry
  • Edit details about the registry
  • Delete the registry

    Before deleting a registry, ensure that no apps are using it.

  • Duplicate the registry