Workflow for BGP management


Identify logical IGP networks and create an IGP administrative domain for each. See To configure an IGP administrative domain for more information.

Identify all of the BGP AS domains that do not contain sub-AS domains and create a BGP AS administrative domain, using the standard BGP AS type for each. Assign the corresponding IGP administrative domain to each BGP AS administrative domain and deploy a dedicated CPAA to monitor the BGP AS. See To create a BGP standard AS for more information.

Identify all of the BGP confederation AS domains that contain sub-AS domains and create a BGP AS administrative domain using the confederation AS type. Create a BGP sub-AS administrative domain for each sub-AS within the confederation BGP AS administrative domain. For each BGP sub-AS, assign the corresponding IGP administrative domain to the BGP AS administrative domain and deploy a dedicated CPAA to monitor the BGP AS. See To create a BGP confederation AS and To add a BGP sub-AS to a confederation AS for more information.

Configure each BGP CPAA to monitor BGP AS administrative domains. See To deploy a CPAA to monitor a BGP AS for more information.

Retrieve BGP AS information from the CPAA. See To retrieve BGP information from a CPAA for more information.

View retrieved BGP AS and CPAA information, as required.

Navigate to VPN IPv4 or L2 VPN route targets on a topology map. See To navigate to PE routers advertising an RT on a topology map for more information.

Highlight all of the NEs that advertise a prefix into the AS or sub-AS, if required. See To highlight advertising routers for BGP prefixes for more information.

Configure BGP-monitoring threshold reaching alarms. See To configure alarm thresholds in Chapter 16, Threshold reaching alarms for more information.

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