Chapter 19: Impact analysis simulation

Impact analysis simulation overview

MPLS model simulation

Workflow for impact analysis simulation

To create a scenario

To open a scenario

To view the status of an import

To create a simulated OSPF router

To create a simulated OSPF subnet

To add a simulated OSPF link

To add a simulated OSPF virtual link

To create a simulated ISIS router

To create a simulated ISIS subnet

To add a simulated ISIS link

To view simulated IGP network data

To view and configure a simulated OSPF area

To view and configure a simulated OSPF link

To view and configure a simulated OSPF virtual link

To view and configure a simulated OSPF subnet

To view and configure a simulated OSPF router

To view and configure a simulated ISIS link

To view and configure a simulated ISIS routing domain

To view and configure a simulated ISIS subnet

To view and configure a simulated ISIS router

To change the administrative state of a simulated network object

To create a simulated provisioned MPLS path

To create a simulated LSP

To simulate the impact of LSP bandwidth changes on link utilization

To import MPLS objects from the NFM-P

To import IP paths

To view historical LSP path records

To perform a manual resignal of an LSP

To capture the path of LSP paths associated with an LSP

To monitor a simulated IP path

To delete a simulated network object

To highlight a simulated LSP

To highlight a simulated historical LSP path record

To highlight a simulated LSP path

To highlight SPF links

To highlight CSPF

To highlight a historical simulated IP path record

To view the history of simulation events

To manage impact analysis sessions

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