Chapter 8: Path and prefix monitoring
Workflow for path and prefix monitoring
To monitor a bidirectional IP network path
To monitor a bidirectional LSP path
To create an IP path monitor between two routers on a topology map
To create a bidirectional IP path monitor from a unidirectional IP path monitor
To create an LSP path monitor from a dynamic LSP
To create LSP path monitors for multiple LSP paths
To create a P2MP LSP path monitor from a P2MP LSP
To create path monitors for multiple service tunnels
To configure BGP monitored prefixes
To configure the size constraint limit for path monitor records
To view historical path records of a monitored LSP path binding
To view status change history of monitored prefixes
To view the total cost of IP paths and IP path segments
To navigate to a dynamic LSP on a topology map
To navigate to a monitored path on a topology map
To find the cause event of an IP or LSP path record
To find the cause event of a path record of a service tunnel
To find the IP or LSP path monitor record associated with a cause event
To sort IP path records by error code
To sort LSP path records by error code
To sort LSP path records by last reroute cause
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