Service Management Tasks

This section describes the following service management tasks:

Changing a Provisioned Adapter Card Type

To change an adapter card type already provisioned for a specific slot, you must shut down any existing port configurations on the card, delete the adapter card configuration, and provision the new adapter card.

Use the following CLI syntax to change an adapter card type:

CLI Syntax:
port port-id
card slot-number  //always 1
    mda mda-number
    no mda mda-number //deletes the adapter card
    mda mda-number
        mda-type mda-type //provisions new adapter card
        no shutdown

The following CLI syntax shows an example of modifying an adapter card.

config# port 1/1/1 
config>port# shutdown
config>port# exit
config# port 1/1/2 
config>port# shutdown
config>port# exit
config# card 1
config>card# mda 1
config>card>mda# shutdown
config>card>mda# exit
config>card# no mda 1
config>card# mda 1
config>card>mda# mda-type a16-chds1v2
config>card>mda# no shutdown

Deleting an Adapter Card

To delete an adapter card provisioned for a specific slot, you must shut down any existing port configurations on the card and delete the adapter card configuration.

Use the following CLI syntax to delete an adapter card provisioned for a specific slot.

CLI Syntax:
port port-id
card slot-number  //always 1
    mda mda-number
    no mda mda-number //deletes the adapter card

The following CLI syntax shows an example of deleting an adapter card.

config# port 1/1/1 
config>port# shutdown
config>port# exit
config# port 1/1/2 
config>port# shutdown
config>port# exit
config# card 1
config>card# mda 1
config>card>mda# shutdown
config>card>mda# exit 
config>card# no mda 1
config>card# exit