l Commands – Part III
[no] logger-event-bundling
[Tree] (config>router>mpls logger-event-bundling)
Full Context
configure router mpls logger-event-bundling
This feature merges two of the most commonly generated MPLS traps, vRtrMplsXCCreate and vRtrMplsXCDelete, which can be generated at both LER and LSR into a new specific trap vRtrMplsSessionsModified. In addition, this feature perform bundling of traps of multiple RSVP sessions, that is LSPs, into this new specific trap.
The intent is to provide a tool for the user to minimize trap generation in an MPLS network. Note that the MPLS trap throttling will not be applied to this new trap.
The no version of this command disables the merging and bundling of the above MPLS traps.
[no] logical-access-id
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>diam-appl-plcy>gx>include-avp logical-access-id)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gx include-avp logical-access-id
This command includes the logical-access-id.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
logical-port-status {rsvp-te | mpls-tp | sr-te}
no logical-port-status [{rsvp-te | mpls-tp | sr-te}]
[Tree] (config>open-flow>of-switch logical-port-status)
Full Context
configure open-flow of-switch logical-port-status
This command enables status change reporting to the OpenFlow controller for the specified logical port type. To report on multiple logical port types, the command needs to be executed multiple times with different logical port specified as required.
The no form of this command disables status reporting for specified or all (no argument) logical ports.
no logical-port-status
- rsvp-te
Enables reporting on RSVP-TE LSP logical ports.
- mpls-te
Enables reporting on MPLS-TE logical ports.
- sr-te
Enables reporting on SR-TE logical ports.
[no] login-banner
[Tree] (config>system>login-control login-banner)
Full Context
configure system login-control login-banner
This command enables or disables the display of a login banner. The login banner contains the SR OS copyright and build date information for a console login attempt.
The no form of this command causes only the configured pre-login-message and a generic login prompt to display.
[Tree] (config>system login-control)
Full Context
configure system login-control
This command creates the context to configure the session control for console, Telnet, SSH, and FTP sessions.
login-exec url-prefix: source-url
no login-exec
[Tree] (config>system>security>user-template>console login-exec)
[Tree] (config>system>security>user>console login-exec)
Full Context
configure system security user-template console login-exec
configure system security user console login-exec
This command configures a user’s login exec file which executes whenever the user successfully logs in to a console session.
Only one exec file can be configured. If multiple login-exec commands are entered for the same user, each subsequent entry overwrites the previous entry.
The no form of this command disables the login exec file for the user.
no login-exec
- url-prefix: source-url
Specifies either a local or remote URL, up to 200 characters, that identifies the exec file that is executed after the user successfully logs in.
[Tree] (config>system>login-control login-scripts)
Full Context
configure system login-control login-scripts
Commands in this context configure CLI scripts that execute when a user (authenticated via any method including local user database, TACACS+, or RADIUS) first logs into a CLI session.
[Tree] (logout)
Full Context
This command logs out of the router session.
When the logout command is issued from the console, the login prompt is displayed, and any log IDs directed to the console are discarded. When the console session resumes (regardless of the user), the log output to the console resumes.
When a Telnet session is terminated from a logout command, all log IDs directed to the session are removed. When a user logs back in, the log IDs must be re-created.
[no] long-duration-flow-count
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>aa>aa-sub-cntr long-duration-flow-count)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record aa-specific aa-sub-counters long-duration-flow-count
This command includes the long duration flow count. This command only applies to the 7750 SR.
The no form of this command excludes the long duration flow count in the AA subscriber's custom record.
no long-duration-flow-count
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] long-lived
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group>neighbor>graceful-restart long-lived)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>graceful-restart long-lived)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group>graceful-restart long-lived)
Full Context
configure service vprn bgp group neighbor graceful-restart long-lived
configure service vprn bgp graceful-restart long-lived
configure service vprn bgp group graceful-restart long-lived
Commands in this context configure BGP Long-Lived Graceful-Restart (LLGR) procedures.
LLGR, known informally as BGP persistence, is an extension of BGP graceful restart that allows a session to stay down for a longer period of time. During this time, learned routes are marked and re-advertised as stale but they can continue to be used as routes of last resort.
The LLGR handling of a session failure can be invoked immediately or it can be delayed until the end of the traditional GR restart window.
no long-lived
[no] long-lived
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group>graceful-restart long-lived)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group>neighbor>graceful-restart long-lived)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>graceful-restart long-lived)
Full Context
configure router bgp group graceful-restart long-lived
configure router bgp group neighbor graceful-restart long-lived
configure router bgp graceful-restart long-lived
Commands in this context enter commands related to BGP Long-Lived Graceful-Restart (LLGR) procedures.
LLGR, known informally as BGP persistence, is an extension of BGP GR that allows a session to stay down for a longer period of time. During this time, learned routes are marked and re-advertised as stale but they can continue to be used as routes of last resort.
The LLGR handling of a session failure can be invoked immediately or it can be delayed until the end of the traditional GR restart window.
no long-lived
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop | off}
no loop-detect
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>bgp-prng-plcy loop-detect)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt bgp-peering-policy loop-detect
This command configures how the BGP peer session handles loop detection in the AS path.
Dynamic configuration changes of loop-detect are not recognized.
The no form of this command used at the global level reverts to default, which is loop-detect ignore-loop.
- drop-peer
Sends a notification to the remote peer and drops the session.
- discard-route
Discards routes received with loops in the AS path.
- ignore-loop
Ignores routes with loops in the AS path but maintains peering.
- off
Disables loop detection.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop | off}
no loop-detect
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp loop-detect)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group loop-detect)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group>neighbor loop-detect)
Full Context
configure service vprn bgp loop-detect
configure service vprn bgp group loop-detect
configure service vprn bgp group neighbor loop-detect
This command configures how the BGP peer session handles loop detection in the AS path.
This configuration parameter can be set at three levels: global level (applies to all peers), group level (applies to all peers in peer-group) or neighbor level (only applies to specified peer). The most specific value is used.
Dynamic configuration changes of loop-detect are not recognized.
The no form of this command used at the global level reverts to default, which is loop-detect ignore-loop.
The no form of this command used at the group level reverts to the value defined at the global level.
The no form of this command used at the neighbor level reverts to the value defined at the group level.
loop-detect ignore-loop
- drop-peer
Sends a notification to the remote peer and drops the session.
- discard-route
Discards routes received with loops in the AS path.
- ignore-loop
ignores routes with loops in the AS path but maintains peering.
- off
Disables loop detection.
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop | off}
no loop-detect
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group>neighbor loop-detect)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group loop-detect)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp loop-detect)
Full Context
configure router bgp group neighbor loop-detect
configure router bgp group loop-detect
configure router bgp loop-detect
This command configures how the BGP peer session handles loop detection in the AS path.
This configuration parameter can be set at three levels: global level (applies to all peers), group level (applies to all peers in peer-group) or neighbor level (only applies to specified peer). The most specific value is used.
Dynamic configuration changes of loop-detect are not recognized.
The no form of this command used at the global level reverts to default, which is loop-detect ignore-loop.
The no form of this command used at the group level reverts to the value defined at the global level.
The no form of this command used at the neighbor level reverts to the value defined at the group level.
loop-detect ignore-loop
- drop-peer
Sends a notification to the remote peer and drops the session.
- discard-route
Discards routes received from a peer with the same AS number as the router itself. This option prevents routes looped back to the router from being added to the routing information base and consuming memory. When this option is changed, the change will not be active for an established peer until the connection is re-established for the peer.
- ignore-loop
Ignores routes with loops in the AS path but maintains peering.
- off
Disables loop detection.
loop-detect-threshold loop-detect-threshold
no loop-detect-threshold
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group>neighbor loop-detect-threshold)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp>group loop-detect-threshold)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp loop-detect-threshold)
Full Context
configure service vprn bgp group neighbor loop-detect-threshold
configure service vprn bgp group loop-detect-threshold
configure service vprn bgp loop-detect-threshold
This command provides additional control over the behavior enabled by the loop-detect command. If this command specifies a threshold value of n, then a route received by the local BGP speaker with an AS path that contains up to n occurrences of the local speaker's AS number is considered valid and not treated as an AS path loop. An AS loop is considered to occur only when the received AS path has more than n occurrences of the local speaker's AS number.
The no form of this command removes the configuration and sets the value to 0. One or more occurrence of the local speaker's AS number in the received AS path triggers the loop-detect behavior.
no loop-detect-threshold
- loop-detect-threshold
The maximum number of occurrences of the local speaker's AS number in the received AS path before the AS path is considered to be a loop.
loop-detect-threshold loop-detect-threshold
no loop-detect-threshold
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group>neighbor loop-detect-threshold)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp loop-detect-threshold)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group loop-detect-threshold)
Full Context
configure router bgp group neighbor loop-detect-threshold
configure router bgp loop-detect-threshold
configure router bgp group loop-detect-threshold
This command provides additional control over the behavior enabled by the loop-detect command. If this command specifies a threshold value of n, then a route received by the local BGP speaker with an AS path that contains up to n occurrences of the local speaker's AS number is considered valid and not treated as an AS path loop. An AS loop is considered to occur only when the received AS path has more than n occurrences of the local speaker's AS number.
The no form of this command removes the configuration and sets the value to 0. One or more occurrence of the local speaker's AS number in the received AS path triggers the loop-detect behavior.
no loop-detect-threshold
- loop-detect-threshold
The maximum number of occurrences of the local speaker's AS number in the received AS path before the AS path is considered to be a loop.
[no] loopback
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if loopback)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if loopback)
Full Context
configure service ies interface loopback
configure service vprn interface loopback
This command specifies that the associated interface is a loopback interface that has no associated physical interface. As a result, the associated IES/VPRN interface cannot be bound to a SAP.
Configure an IES interface as a loopback interface by issuing the loopback command instead of the sap sap-id command. The loopback flag cannot be set on an interface where a SAP is already defined and a SAP cannot be defined on a loopback interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
[no] loopback
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nw-if loopback)
Full Context
configure service vprn network-interface loopback
This command specifies that the associated interface is a loopback interface that has no associated physical interface. As a result, the associated interface cannot be bound to a SAP.
When using mtrace/mstat in a Layer 3 VPN context then the configuration for the VPRN should have a loopback address configured which has the same address as the core instance's system address (BGP next-hop).
no loopback
loopback {line | internal | remote}
no loopback
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>ds3 loopback)
Full Context
configure port tdm ds3 loopback
This command puts the specified port or channel into a loopback mode.
The corresponding port or channel must be in a shutdown state in order for the loopback mode to be enabled. The upper level port or channel or parallel channels should not be affected by the loopback mode.
Note that this command is not saved in the router configuration between boots.
The no form of this command disables the specified type of loopback.
no loopback
- line
Places the associated port or channel into a line loopback mode. A line loopback loops frames received on the corresponding port or channels back to the remote router.
- internal
Places the associated port or channel into an internal loopback mode. A internal loopback loops the frames from the local router back at the framer.
- remote
Sends a signal to the remote device to provide a line loopback.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
loopback {line | internal}
no loopback
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>e3 loopback)
Full Context
configure port tdm e3 loopback
This command puts the specified port or channel into a loopback mode.
The corresponding port or channel must be in a shutdown state in order for the loopback mode to be enabled. The upper level port or channel or parallel channels should not be affected by the loopback mode
Note that this command is not saved in the router configuration between boots.
The no form of this command disables the specified type of loopback.
no loopback
- line
Places the associated port or channel into a line loopback mode. A line loopback loops frames received on the corresponding port or channels back to the remote router.
- internal
Places the associated port or channel into an internal loopback mode. An internal loopback loops the frames from the local router back at the framer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
loopback {mac-address | multicast | remote-mepid mep-id} mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [send-count send-count] [size data-size] [priority priority] [lbm-padding padding-size] [timeout timeout-time] [interval interval-time]
[Tree] (oam>eth-cfm loopback)
Full Context
oam eth-cfm loopback
The command initiates a loopback test.
- mac-address
Specifies a unicast MAC address or multicast MAC address. The last nibble of the multicast address must match the level of the local MEP, or the command fails and the test is not instantiated.
- multicast
Builds the class one destination multicast address based on the level of the local MEP. The last nibble of the multicast address must match the level of the local MEP or the command fails and the test is not instantiated.
- remote-mepid mep-id
Specifies the remote MEP ID of the peer within the association. The domain and association information are derived from the source mep for the session. The Layer 2 IEEE MAC address is resolved from previously-learned remote MAC addressing, derived from the reception and processing of the ETH-CC PDU. The local MEP must be administratively enabled.
- mep mep-id
Specifies the local MEP ID.
- md-index
Specifies the MD index.
- ma-index
Specifies the MA index.
- send-count
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. Loopback messages are sent back-to-back, with no delay between the transmissions.
- data-size
Specifies the size of the variable data pattern only of the data TLV. This value does not include the 1 Byte Type, 2 Byte Length. This means that the total size of the data TLV is the configured value plus the 3 addition bytes to accommodate the type and length fields. If 0 is specified, no data TLV is added to the packet. This parameter and lbm-padding are mutually exclusive.
- priority
Specifies a 3-bit value to be used in the VLAN tag, if present, in the transmitted frame.
- padding-size
Specifies the complete size of the data TLV, which includes the 1 Byte Type, 2 Byte Length, and the variable data pad. If 0 is specified, no data TLV is added to the packet. MSDU is not processed when lbm-padding is in use. This parameter and size are mutually exclusive.
- timeout-time
Specifies the time, in seconds, used to override the default timeout-time value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of message time out, the requesting router assumes that the message response is not received. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
- interval-time
Specifies the time, in deciseconds (100 ms), to configure the spacing between probes within the test run. A value of 0 means probes are sent with no enforced delay. This value is only applicable to tests where the send-count is 5 or less.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] loopback
[Tree] (config>router>if loopback)
Full Context
configure router interface loopback
This command configures the interface as a loopback interface. The vas-if-type and loopback commands are mutually exclusive.
Not enabled
loopback loopback-id [create]
no loopback loopback-id
[Tree] (config>card>mda>xconnect>mac loopback)
[Tree] (config>card>xiom>mda>xcon>mac loopback)
Full Context
configure card mda xconnect mac loopback
configure card xiom mda xconnect mac loopback
This command configures a MAC loopback on a MAC chip. The system and services can start using the loopback only when a port is associated with it (for example, port 1/1/m1/1, where m1 represents the MAC ID).
The no form of this command removes the loopback ID from the configuration.
- loopback-id
Specifies the loopback ID for the MDA cross-connect.
- create
Keyword used to create a new loopback. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure card mda xconnect mac loopback
7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s
- configure card xiom mda xconnect mac loopback
[no] loopfree-alternate-exclude
[Tree] (config>router>isis>interface loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>router>isis>level loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>interface loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>level loopfree-alternate-exclude)
Full Context
configure router isis interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure router isis level loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure service vprn isis interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure service vprn isis level loopfree-alternate-exclude
This command instructs IGP to not include a specific interface or all interfaces participating in a specific IS-IS level or OSPF area in the SPF LFA computation. This provides a way of reducing the LFA SPF calculation where it is not needed.
When an interface is excluded from the LFA SPF in IS-IS, it is excluded in both level 1 and level 2. When it is excluded from the LFA SPF in OSPF, it is excluded in all areas. However, the above OSPF command can only be executed under the area in which the specified interface is primary and once enabled, the interface is excluded in that area and in all other areas where the interface is secondary. If the user attempts to apply it to an area where the interface is secondary, the command will fail.
The no form of this command re-instates the default value for this command.
no loopfree-alternate-exclude
[no] loopfree-alternate-exclude
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf>area>if loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3>area>if loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf>area loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3>area loopfree-alternate-exclude)
Full Context
configure service vprn ospf area interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure service vprn ospf3 area interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure service vprn ospf area loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure service vprn ospf3 area loopfree-alternate-exclude
This command instructs IGP to not include a specific interface or all interfaces participating in a specific IS-IS level or OSPF area in the SPF LFA computation. This provides a way of reducing the LFA SPF calculation where it is not needed.
When an interface is excluded from the LFA SPF in IS-IS, it is excluded in both level 1 and level 2. When it is excluded from the LFA SPF in OSPF, it is excluded in all areas. However, the above OSPF command can only be executed under the area in which the specified interface is primary and once enabled, the interface is excluded in that area and in all other areas where the interface is secondary. If the user attempts to apply it to an area where the interface is secondary, the command fails.
The no form of this command re-instates the default value for this command.
no loopfree-alternate-exclude
loopfree-alternate-exclude prefix-policy prefix-policy [prefix-policy)]
no loopfree-alternate-exclude
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3 loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf loopfree-alternate-exclude)
Full Context
configure router ospf3 loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure router ospf loopfree-alternate-exclude
This command excludes from the LFA SPF calculation those prefixes that match a prefix entry or a tag entry in a prefix policy. If a prefix is excluded from LFA, it is not included in LFA calculations regardless of its priority. The prefix tag will, however, be used in the main SPF.
The implementation also allows the user to exclude a specific interface in IS-IS or OSPF, a or all interfaces in an OSPF area or IS-IS level from the LFA SPF.
Prefix tags are defined for the IS-IS protocol but not for the OSPF protocol.
The default action of the loopfree-alternate-exclude command, when not explicitly specified by the user in the prefix policy, is "reject”. Therefore, regardless of whether the user explicitly added the statement "default-action reject” to the prefix policy, a prefix that does not match any entry in the policy will be accepted into LFA SPF.
The no form of this command deletes the exclude prefix policy.
no loopfree-alternate-exclude
- prefix-policy
Specifies up to five policy prefix names. The specified policy name must already be defined. Prefix policies are created with the command config>router>policy-options>prefix-list; for information on prefix lists, refer to "Route Policies” in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.
[no] loopfree-alternate-exclude
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>area>interface loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>area loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>area>interface loopfree-alternate-exclude)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>area loopfree-alternate-exclude)
Full Context
configure router ospf3 area interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure router ospf3 area loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure router ospf area interface loopfree-alternate-exclude
configure router ospf area loopfree-alternate-exclude
This command instructs IGP to not include a specific interface or all interfaces participating in a specific IS-IS level or OSPF area in the SPF LFA computation. This provides a way of reducing the LFA SPF calculation where it is not needed.
When an interface is excluded from the LFA SPF in IS-IS, it is excluded in both level 1 and level 2. When it is excluded from the LFA SPF in OSPF, it is excluded in all areas. However, the above OSPF command can only be executed under the area in which the specified interface is primary and once enabled, the interface is excluded in that area and in all other areas where the interface is secondary. If the user attempts to apply it to an area where the interface is secondary, the command will fail.
The no form of this command re-instates the default value for this command.
no loopfree-alternate-exclude
[no] loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis loopfree-alternates)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis loopfree-alternates
This command enables Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) computation by SPF under the IS-IS routing protocol level or under the OSPF routing protocol instance level.
When this command is enabled, it instructs the IGP SPF to attempt to pre-compute both a primary next-hop and an LFA next-hop for every learned prefix. When found, the LFA next-hop is populated into the routing table along with the primary next-hop for the prefix.
The no form of this command disables the LFA computation by IGP SPF.
no loopfree-alternates
[no] loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3 loopfree-alternates)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf loopfree-alternates)
Full Context
configure service vprn ospf3 loopfree-alternates
configure service vprn ospf loopfree-alternates
This command enables Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) computation by SPF under the IS-IS routing protocol level, or under the OSPF routing protocol instance level.
When this command is enabled, it instructs the IGP SPF to attempt to pre-compute both a primary next-hop and an LFA next-hop for every learned prefix. IS-IS computes the primary SPF first and then computes the LFA SPF. The LFA backup next-hop is only available after the LFA SPF is completed. When found, the LFA next-hop is populated into the routing table along with the primary next-hop for the prefix.
The no form of this command disables the LFA computation by IGP SPF.
no loopfree-alternates
[no] loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>router>isis>flex-algos>flex-algo loopfree-alternates)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>flex-algos>flex-algo loopfree-alternates)
Full Context
configure router isis flexible-algorithms flex-algo loopfree-alternates
configure router ospf flexible-algorithms flex-algo loopfree-alternates
This command enables the advertisement of flexible-algorithm aware loop free alternates (LFAs).
The flexible algorithm LFA configuration (for example, LFA, remote-LFA or TI-LFA) inherits the LFA configuration for base SPF algorithm 0.
LFAs are administratively disabled for flexible algorithms in which IS-IS is participating. LFAs must be explicitly enabled using the loopfree-alternates command.
The no form of this command disables LFAs for the specific flexible algorithm in which the router is participating.
no loopfree-alternates
[no] loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>router>isis loopfree-alternates)
Full Context
configure router isis loopfree-alternates
This command enables Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) computation by SPF for the IS-IS routing protocol.
When this command is enabled, it instructs the IGP SPF to attempt to pre-compute both a primary nexthop and an LFA next-hop for every learned prefix. When found, the LFA next-hop is populated into the routing table along with the primary next-hop for the prefix.
The user enables the remote LFA next-hop calculation by the IGP LFA SPF by appending the remote-lfa option. When this option is enabled in an IGP instance, SPF performs the remote LFA additional computation following the regular LFA next-hop calculation when the latter resulted in no protection for one or more prefixes which are resolved to a given interface.
Remote LFA extends the protection coverage of LFA-FRR to any topology by automatically computing and establishing/tearing-down shortcut tunnels, also referred to as repair tunnels, to a remote LFA node which puts the packets back into the shortest without looping them back to the node which forwarded them over the repair tunnel. The remote LFA node is referred to as PQ node. A repair tunnel can in theory be an RSVP LSP, a LDP-in-LDP tunnel, or a SR tunnel. In this feature, it is restricted to use SR repair tunnel to the remote LFA node.
The remote LFA algorithm is a per-link LFA SPF calculation and not a per-prefix like the regular LFA one. So, it provides protection for all destination prefixes which share the protected link by using the neighbor on the other side of the protected link as a proxy for all these destinations.
The Topology-Independent LFA (TI-LFA) further improves the protection coverage of a network topology by computing and automatically instantiating a repair tunnel to a Q node which is not in shortest path from the computing node. The repair tunnel uses shortest path to the P node and a source routed path from the P node to the Q node.
In addition, the TI-LFA algorithm selects the backup path which matches the post-convergence path. This helps the capacity planning in the network since traffic will always flow on the same path when transitioning to the FRR next-hop and then onto the new primary next-hop.
At a high level, the TI-LFA protection algorithm is searching for a candidate P-Q set separated with a number of hops such that the label stack size does not exceed the value of ti-lfa max-sr-frr-labels, on each of the post-convergence paths to each destination node or prefix D.
When the ti-lfa option is enabled in IS-IS, it provides TI-LFA node-protect or link-protect backup path in IS-IS MT=0 for an SR-ISIS IPV4/IPv6 tunnel (node SID and adjacency SID), for an IPv4 SR-TE LSP, and for LDP IPv4 FEC when the LDP fast-reroute backup-sr-tunnel option is enabled.
The max-sr-frr-labels parameter is used to limit the search for the TI-LFA backup next-hop:
0 — The IGP LFA SPF restricts the search to TI-LFA backup next-hop which does not require a repair tunnel, meaning that P node and Q node are the same and match a neighbor. This is also the case when both P and Q node match the advertising router for a prefix.
1 to 3 — The IGP LFA SPF will widen the search to include a repair tunnel to a P node which itself is connected to the Q nodes with a 0-to-2 hops for a total of maximum of three labels: one node SID to P node and two adjacency SIDs from P node to the Q node. If the P node is a neighbor of the computing node, its node SID is compressed and meaning that up to three adjacency SIDs can separate the P and Q nodes.
2 (default) — Corresponds to a repair tunnel to a non-adjacent P which is adjacent to the Q node. If the P node is a neighbor of the computing node, then the node SID of the P node is compressed and the default value of two labels corresponds to two adjacency SIDs between the P and Q nodes.
When the node-protect command is enabled, the router will prefer a node-protect over a link-protect repair tunnel for a given prefix if both are found in the Remote LFA or TI-LFA SPF computations. The SPF computations may only find a link-protect repair tunnel for prefixes owned by the protected node. This node-protect backup protects against the failure of a downstream node in the path of the prefix of a node SID except for the node owner of the node SID.
The parameter max-pq-nodes in Remote LFA controls the maximum number of PQ nodes found in the LFA SPFs for which the node protection check is performed. The node-protect condition means the router must run the original Remote LFA algorithm plus one extra forward SPF on behalf of each PQ node found, potentially after applying the max-pq-cost parameter, to check if the path from the PQ node to the destination does not traverse the protected node. Setting this parameter to a lower value means the LFA SPFs will use less computation time and resources but may result in not finding a node-protect repair tunnel.
The no form of this command disables the LFA computation by IGP SPF.
no loopfree-alternates
[no] loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3 loopfree-alternates)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf loopfree-alternates)
Full Context
configure router ospf3 loopfree-alternates
configure router ospf loopfree-alternates
This command enables Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) computation by SPF under the OSPF or OSPFv3 routing protocol instance.
When this command is enabled, it instructs the IGP SPF to attempt to precalculate both a primary next hop and an LFA next hop for every learned prefix. When found, the LFA next hop is populated into the routing table along with the primary next hop for the prefix.
The user enables the remote LFA next hop calculation by the IGP LFA SPF by appending the remote-lfa option. When this option is enabled in an IGP instance, SPF performs the remote LFA additional computation following the regular LFA next hop calculation when the latter resulted in no protection for one or more prefixes which are resolved to a particular interface.
Remote LFA extends the protection coverage of LFA-FRR to any topology by automatically computing and establishing or tearing down shortcut tunnels, also referred to as repair tunnels, to a remote LFA node that puts the packets back into the shortest path without looping them back to the node that forwarded them over the repair tunnel. The remote LFA node is referred to as a PQ node. A repair tunnel can, in theory, be an RSVP-TE LSP, an LDP-in-LDP tunnel, or a segment routing (SR) tunnel. In this command, remote-lfa is restricted to using an SR repair tunnel to the remote LFA node.
The remote LFA algorithm is a per-link LFA SPF calculation and not a per-prefix calculation like the regular LFA algorithm. The remote LFA algorithm provides protection for all destination prefixes that share the protected link by using the neighbor on the other side of the protected link as a proxy for all the destinations.
The Topology-Independent LFA (TI-LFA) further improves the protection coverage of a network topology by computing and automatically instantiating a repair tunnel to a Q node which is not in shortest path from the computing node. The repair tunnel uses shortest path to the P node and a source routed path from the P node to the Q node.
In addition, the TI-LFA algorithm selects the backup path which matches the post-convergence path. This helps the capacity planning in the network since traffic will always flow on the same path when transitioning to the FRR next hop and then onto the new primary next hop.
At a high level, the TI-LFA protection algorithm is searching for a candidate P-Q set separated with a number of hops such that the label stack size does not exceed the value of ti-lfa max-sr-frr-labels, on each of the post-convergence paths to each destination node or prefix D.
When the ti-lfa option is enabled in OSPF, it provides TI-LFA node-protect or link-protect backup path for a SR-OSPF IPV4 tunnel (node SID and adjacency SID), and for a IPv4 SR-TE LSP.
The max-sr-frr-labels parameter is used to limit the search for the TI-LFA backup next hop:
0 — The IGP LFA SPF restricts the search to TI-LFA backup next hop which does not require a repair tunnel, meaning that P node and Q node are the same and match a neighbor. This is also the case when both P and Q node match the advertising router for a prefix.
1 to 3 — The IGP LFA SPF will widen the search to include a repair tunnel to a P node which itself is connected to the Q nodes with a 0-to-2 hops for a total of maximum of three labels: one node SID to P node and two adjacency SIDs from P node to the Q node. If the P node is a neighbor of the computing node, its node SID is compressed and meaning that up to three adjacency SIDs can separate the P and Q nodes.
2 (default) — Corresponds to a repair tunnel to a non-adjacent P which is adjacent to the Q node. If the P node is a neighbor of the computing node, then the node SID of the P node is compressed and the default value of two labels corresponds to two adjacency SIDs between the P and Q nodes.
The TI-LFA repair tunnel can have a maximum of three labels pushed in addition to the label of the destination node or prefix. The user can set a lower maximum value for the additional FRR labels by configuring the CLI option max-sr-frr-labels labels. The default value is 2.
When the node-protect command is enabled, the router will prefer a node-protect over a link-protect repair tunnel for a given prefix if both are found in the Remote LFA or TI-LFA SPF computations. The SPF computations may only find a link-protect repair tunnel for prefixes owned by the protected node. This node-protect backup protects against the failure of a downstream node in the path of the prefix of a node SID except for the node owner of the node SID.
The parameter max-pq-nodes in Remote LFA controls the maximum number of PQ nodes found in the LFA SPFs for which the node protection check is performed. The node-protect condition means the router must run the original Remote LFA algorithm plus one extra forward SPF on behalf of each PQ node found, potentially after applying the max-pq-cost parameter, to check if the path from the PQ node to the destination does not traverse the protected node. Setting this parameter to a lower value means the LFA SPFs will use less computation time and resources but may result in not finding a node-protect repair tunnel.
The no form of this command disables the LFA computation by the IGP SPF.
no loopfree-alternates
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>twamp-light loss)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip twamp-light loss
Commands in this context configure loss parameters for the TWAMP-Light test.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
loss-event rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] [direction]
no loss-event
[Tree] (config>saa>test loss-event)
Full Context
configure saa test loss-event
Specifies that at the termination of an SAA test run, the calculated loss event value is evaluated against the configured rising and falling loss event thresholds. SAA threshold events are generated as required.
The configuration of loss event thresholds is optional.
The no form of this command disables the loss-event test run.
- rising-threshold threshold
Specifies a rising threshold loss event value, in packets. When the test run is completed, the calculated loss event value is compared to the configured loss event rising threshold. If the test run loss event value is greater than the configured rising threshold value then an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
- falling-threshold threshold
Specifies a falling threshold loss event value, in packets. When the test run is completed, the calculated loss event value is compared to the configured loss event falling threshold. If the test run loss event value is greater than the configured falling threshold value then an SAA threshold event is generated. The SAA threshold event is tmnxOamSaaThreshold, logger application OAM, event #2101.
- direction
Specifies the direction for OAM ping responses received for an OAM ping test run.
[no] loss-events
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>meas-intvl>event-mon loss-events)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session meas-interval event-mon loss-events
This enables the monitoring of all configured loss events. Adding this functionality starts the monitoring of the configured loss events at the start of the next measurement interval. If the function is removed using the no command, all monitoring of configured loss events, logging, and recording of new events for that session are suspended. Any existing events at the time of the shutdown are maintained until the active measurement window in which the removal was performed has completed. The state of this monitoring function can be changed without having to shut down all the tests in the session.
The no form of this command disables the monitoring of all configured loss events.
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ethernet>slm loss-events)
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ethernet>lmm loss-events)
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>twamp-light loss-events)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ethernet slm loss-events
configure oam-pm session ethernet lmm loss-events
configure oam-pm session ip twamp-light loss-events
This context allows the operator to define the loss events and thresholds that are to be tracked.
- configure oam-pm session ethernet lmm loss-events
- configure oam-pm session ethernet slm loss-events
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure oam-pm session ip twamp-light loss-events
loss-threshold percent
no loss-threshold
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>accept-crit-tmpl loss-threshold)
Full Context
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead acceptance-criteria-template loss-threshold
This command configures a frame loss ratio (FLR) value that is compared to the measured FLR at the end of the test to determine the test result. If the measured value is greater than the configured value, the test fails; otherwise, it passes. Thresholds must be explicitly configured to use them for the comparison.
The FLR is computed as a ratio of the difference of the number of received frames to the number of injected or sent frames divided by the number of sent frames.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value so that the threshold value is ignored for declaring the test result.
no loss-threshold
- percent
Specifies the loss percentage threshold value for comparison with the measured value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
loss-threshold-policing percent
no loss-threshold-policing
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>accept-crit-tmpl loss-threshold-policing)
Full Context
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead acceptance-criteria-template loss-threshold-policing
This command configures a frame loss ratio (FLR) value for a policing test. The value is compared to the measured FLR at the end of the test to determine the test result. If the measured value is greater than the configured value, the test fails; otherwise, it passes. Thresholds must be explicitly configured before they can be used for comparison.
The FLR is computed as a ratio of the difference of the number of received frames to the number of injected or sent frames divided by the number of sent frames.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value, and the threshold value is ignored in the test result declaration.
no loss-threshold-policing
- percent
Specifies the loss percentage threshold value for comparison with the measured value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>bw-plcy>t2>sec-path>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>bw-plcy>t2>prim-path>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure mcast-management bandwidth-policy t2-paths secondary-path queue-parameters drop-tail low
configure mcast-management bandwidth-policy t2-paths primary-path queue-parameters drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop-tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and are discarded.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service vpls sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and are discarded.
[Tree] (config>port>eth>access>ing>qgrp>qover>q>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>port>eth>access>egr>qgrp>qover>q>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egr>qgrp>qover>q>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group queue-overrides queue drop-tail low
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group queue-overrides queue drop-tail low
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group queue-overrides queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets will not be accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
- configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
- configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
- configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
- configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
- configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override queue drop-tail low
configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-override queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress queue drop-tail low
configure qos sap-egress queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets will not be accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
[Tree] (config>qos>network-queue>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure qos network-queue queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets will not be accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>queue>drop-tail low)
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>ing>qgrp>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queue drop-tail low
configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets will not be accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
[Tree] (config>qos>shared-queue>queue>drop-tail low)
Full Context
configure qos shared-queue queue drop-tail low
Commands in this context configure the queue low drop-tail parameters. The low drop-tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets will not be accepted into the queue and will be discarded.
low-burst-max-class class
no low-burst-max-class
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>egress>hs-sec-shaper>agg low-burst-max-class)
Full Context
configure port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper aggregate low-burst-max-class
This command specifies which scheduling classes map to the low burst-limit threshold of an egress HS secondary shaper. Egress SAPs can be configured to use an HS secondary shaper that manages their maximum burst limit over a specified aggregate shaping rate. Each HS secondary shaper supports two thresholds, a low burst limit threshold and a high burst limit threshold.
By default, all scheduling classes are mapped to the low burst limit threshold. It is important to note that when mapping scheduling classes to the high burst limit threshold an adequate value for the card>fp>egress>hs-fixed-high-thresh-delta must be specified. This is due to the fact that the queues associated with the lower classes may burst over the lower threshold in normal operation due to the scheduler forwarding whole packets. The hs-fixed-high-thresh-delta value should be set to at least two times the maximum frame size to prevent lower threshold class forwarding from also affecting the higher threshold classes when forwarding larger packet sizes. An insufficient high threshold delta defeats the intended purpose of mapping classes to the higher threshold.
The system utilizes the lowest value attainable for each low threshold aggregate burst limit without causing shaper underrun conditions. The high burst limit threshold is determined by adding the hs-fixed-high-thresh-delta value configured in the config>card>fp>egress context to the aggregate’s low burst limit threshold value.
The low-burst-max-class value can be changed at any time for an HS secondary shaper.
The no form of this command restores the HS secondary shaper’s aggregate low burst limit threshold maximum scheduling class mapping to the default value. This causes all sets of queues associated with the hs-secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name to have all scheduling classes mapped to the low burst limit threshold.
low-burst-max-class 6
- class
Specifies the low burst maximum class. This parameter is required when executing the low-burst-max-class command. The parameter reflects the highest scheduling class that will be associated with the low burst limit threshold associated with the HS secondary aggregate shaper. Scheduling classes higher than scheduling class ID will be associated with the high burst limit threshold.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
low-burst-max-class class
no low-burst-max-class
[Tree] (config>qos>hs-attachment-policy low-burst-max-class)
Full Context
configure qos hs-attachment-policy low-burst-max-class
This command specifies which scheduling classes map to the low burst-limit threshold of the queue-level aggregate shaper. Each egress SAP or subscriber SLA profile instance (SPI), per port set of network interface queues and egress queue group template instance has an aggregate shaper that manages the maximum burst limit over a specified shaping rate. Each aggregate shaper supports two thresholds. As the scheduling rate for the set of queues increases, eventually the aggregate rate exceeds the rate limit and the aggregate burst limit starts to be consumed. If this continues, the low burst limit threshold is exceeded and the queues mapped to the scheduling classes associated with low threshold are removed from the scheduler. If the remaining aggregate rate (from the higher scheduling classes) continues to exceed the shaping rate, then the burst limit continues to be consumed and eventually the high burst limit threshold is exceeded. This causes the queues for all scheduling classes to be removed from the scheduler.
The second (high) threshold exists to allow the higher priority classes to continue to forward, thereby mitigating the effects of low priority bursts beyond the aggregate shaping rate. Typically, the higher scheduling class queues are either individually rate-limited so their aggregate allowed throughput is less than the aggregate rate or the expected aggregate unshaped traffic from the individual higher scheduling classes does not exceed the aggregate shaping rate. Determining the value of low-burst-max-class class involves anticipating the proper dividing line between the low and high scheduling classes by evaluating the forwarding behavior and SLA enforcement of each class.
By default, all scheduling classes are mapped to the low burst limit threshold. When mapping scheduling classes to the high burst limit threshold, an adequate value for the card>fp>egress>hs-fixed-high-thresh-delta must be specified. This is due to the fact that the queues associated with the lower classes may burst over the lower threshold in normal operation due to the scheduler forwarding whole packets. Set the hs-fixed-highthresh- delta value to at least two times the maximum frame size to prevent lower threshold class forwarding from also affecting the higher threshold classes when forwarding larger packet sizes. An insufficient high threshold delta defeats the intended purpose of mapping classes to the higher threshold.
The system utilizes the lowest value attainable for each low threshold aggregate burst limit without causing shaper underrun conditions. The high burst limit threshold is determined by adding the hs-fixed-high-thresh-delta value configured in the config>card>fp>egress CLI context to the aggregate’s low burst limit threshold value.
The low-burst-max-class value can be changed at any time in the HS attachment policy. Modifying the setting causes all queue aggregate shapers to reconfigure the scheduling class mappings to the low and high burst limit thresholds to reflect the new value for scheduling class ID.
Scheduling Classes — As described in the queue and wrr-group attachment commands, each queue is either directly or indirectly (through a WRR group) mapped to a scheduling class. Each scheduling class has an inherent priority at the port scheduler. The inherent descending priority is as follows:
Scheduling Class 6 (Highest)
Scheduling Class 5
Scheduling Class 4
Scheduling Class 3
Scheduling Class 2
Scheduling Class 1 (lowest)
Placing scheduling classes into the port level WRR group causes those classes to compete for scheduling opportunities based on their associated weights instead of inherent priority. If higher weights are given to higher scheduling class IDs, then the relative proportional scheduling priority may continue to exhibit the priority level indicated by the class ID.
Setting Low and High Burst Limit Threshold Association — Low and High Burst Limit Threshold Association demonstrates the effect of the low-burst-max-class command parameters on scheduling class mappings to the low and high burst limit thresholds.
low-burst-max-class sched-class |
Scheduling Classes on Low Threshold |
Scheduling Classes on High Threshold |
1 |
1 |
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 |
2 |
1 and 2 |
3, 4, 5, and 6 |
3 |
1, 2, and 3 |
4, 5, and 6 |
4 |
1, 2, 3, and 4 |
5 and 6 |
5 |
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 |
6 |
6 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 |
— |
The no form of the command restores the queue aggregate low burst limit threshold maximum scheduling class mapping to the default value. This causes all sets of queues associated with the specified hs-attachment-policy policy-name to have all scheduling classes mapped to the low burst limit threshold.
low-burst-max-class 6
- class
Specifies the low burst maximum class. This parameter is required when executing the low-burst max-class command. The parameter reflects the highest scheduling class that is associated with the low burst limit threshold associated with the queue aggregate shaper. Scheduling classes higher than the scheduling class ID are associated with the high burst limit threshold.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
[no] low-octets-discarded-count
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>queue>i-counters low-octets-discarded-count)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-octets-discarded-count)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-octets-discarded-count
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-octets-discarded-count
This command includes the low octets discarded count.
For queues with stat-mode v4-v6, this command includes the IPv6 octets discarded count instead.
The no form of this command excludes the low octets discarded count.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] low-octets-discarded-count
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>queue>i-counters low-octets-discarded-count)
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-octets-discarded-count)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-octets-discarded-count
configure log accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-octets-discarded-count
This command includes the low octets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low octets discarded count.
no low-octets-discarded-count
[no] low-octets-offered-count
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>ref-queue>i-count low-octets-offered-count)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>queue>i-count low-octets-offered-count)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-octets-offered-count
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-octets-offered-count
This command includes the low octets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low octets discarded count.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] low-octets-offered-count
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>queue>i-counters low-octets-offered-count)
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-octets-offered-count)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-octets-offered-count
configure log accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-octets-offered-count
This command includes the low octets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low octets discarded count.
no low-octets-offered-count
[no] low-packets-discarded-count
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-packets-discarded-count)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>queue>i-counters low-packets-discarded-count)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-packets-discarded-count
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-packets-discarded-count
This command includes the low packets discarded count.
For queues with stat-mode v4-v6, this command includes the IPv6 packets discarded count instead.
The no form of this command excludes the low packets discarded count.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] low-packets-discarded-count
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>queue>i-counters low-packets-discarded-count)
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-packets-discarded-count)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-packets-discarded-count
configure log accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-packets-discarded-count
This command includes the low packets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low packets discarded count.
no low-packets-discarded-count
[no] low-packets-offered-count
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>ref-queue>i-count low-packets-offered-count)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr>queue>i-count low-packets-offered-count)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-packets-offered-count
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-packets-offered-count
This command includes the low packets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low packets discarded count.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] low-packets-offered-count
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>queue>i-counters low-packets-offered-count)
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr>ref-queue>i-counters low-packets-offered-count)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record queue i-counters low-packets-offered-count
configure log accounting-policy custom-record ref-queue i-counters low-packets-offered-count
This command includes the low packets discarded count.
The no form of this command excludes the low packets discarded count.
no low-packets-offered-count
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>eth-ring>path>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>eth-tunnel>path>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure eth-ring path eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure eth-tunnel path eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect remErrXcon
- low-priority-defect
Specifies the lowest priority defect using the following:
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon}
[Tree] (config>lag>eth-cfm>mep>ais low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure lag eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect remErrXcon
- allDef | macRemErrXcon
Specifies the lowest priority defect.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>lag>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure port ethernet eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure lag eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm. This setting is also used to determine the fault state of the MEP which, when enabled to do so, causes a network reaction.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon
Specifies the lowest priority defect.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>eth-cfm>mep>ais low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>eth-cfm>mep>ais low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (cfg>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service epipe spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
configure service epipe sap eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
configure port ethernet eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
configure service vpls mesh-sdp eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
This command allows the operator to include all CCM Defect conditions or exclude the Remote Defect Indication CCM (DefRDICCM) as a trigger for generating AIS. AIS generation can only occur when the client-meg-level configuration option has been included. Changing this parameter will evaluate the MEP for AIS triggers based on the new criteria.
- allDef
Keyword that includes any CCM defect condition to trigger AIS generation.
- macRemErrXcon
Keyword that excludes RDI CCM Defect condition to trigger AIS generation.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service epipe spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service ipipe sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service epipe sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- low-priority-defect
The low priority defect values are defined as follows:
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep>ais-enable low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service vpls spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep ais-enable low-priority-defect
This command allows the operator to include all CCM Defect conditions or exclude the Remote Defect Indication CCM (DefRDICCM) as a trigger for generating AIS. AIS generation can only occur when the client-meg-level configuration option has been included. Changing this parameter will evaluate the MEP for AIS triggers based on the new criteria.
- allDef
Keyword that includes any CCM defect condition to trigger AIS generation.
- macRemErrXcon
Keyword that excludes RDI CCM Defect condition to trigger AIS generation.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service vpls spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service vpls mesh-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- low-priority-defect
The low priority defect values are defined below.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service ies interface spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service ies interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- low-priority-defect
The following values are used to specify the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service ies interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
- configure service ies interface spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>eth-cfm low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>spoke-sdp>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap eth-cfm low-priority-defect
configure service vprn interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a fault alarm.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- parameters
Specifies the lowest priority defect.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap eth-cfm low-priority-defect
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service vprn interface sap eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
- configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
low-priority-defect low-priority-defect
[Tree] (config>router>if>eth-cfm>mep low-priority-defect)
Full Context
configure router interface eth-cfm mep low-priority-defect
This command specifies the lowest priority defect that generates a fault alarm. This setting is also used to determine the fault state of the MEP which, when enabled to do so, causes a network reaction.
low-priority-defect macRemErrXcon
- low-priority-defect
Specifies the lowest priority defect.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] low-slope
[Tree] (config>qos>slope-policy low-slope)
Full Context
configure qos slope-policy low-slope
The low-slope context contains the commands and parameters for defining the low Random Early Detection (RED) slope graph. Each buffer pool supports a low RED slope for managing access to the shared portion of the buffer pool for low out-of-profile packets.
The low-slope parameters can be changed at any time and the affected buffer pool low RED slopes must be adjusted appropriately.
The no form of this command restores the low slope configuration commands to the default values. If the leaf commands within low-slope are set to the default parameters, the low-slope node will not appear in save config and show config output unless the detail parameter is present.
low-wmark percent
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>dns-ip-cache>ip-cache low-wmark)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group dns-ip-cache ip-cache low-wmark
This command configures the low watermark value for the dns-ip-cache. If the dns-ip-cache has previously crossed the high-watermark value, the system will clear the trap in case the number of IP addresses stored in the cache crosses below the low watermark value.
low-wmark 80
- percent
Specifies the low watermark value, in percent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
lower-bound microseconds
no lower-bound
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>bin-group>bin-type>bin lower-bound)
Full Context
configure oam-pm bin-group bin-type bin lower-bound
This command allows the operator to specify the individual floors thresholds for the bins. The operator does not have to specific a lower threshold for every bin that was previously defined by the bin-count for the specific type. By default, each bin is the bin-number times 5000 microseconds. Lower thresholds in the previous adjacent bin must be lower than the threshold of the next higher bin threshold. A separate line per bin is required to configure an operator-specific threshold. An error prevents the bin from entering the active state if this is not maintained, at the time the no shutdown is issued. Bin 0 is the result of the difference between 0 and the configured lower-threshold of bin 1. The highest bin in the bin-count captures every result above the threshold. Any negative delay metric result is treated as zero and placed in bin 0.
The no form of this command removes the user configured threshold value and applies the default for the bin.
- microseconds
Specifies the threshold that defines the floor of the bin. The bin range is the difference between its configured threshold and the threshold of the next higher bin in microsecond threshold value.
lsa-accumulate lsa-accumulate
no lsa-accumulate
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>timers lsa-accumulate)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>timers lsa-accumulate)
Full Context
configure router ospf3 timers lsa-accumulate
configure router ospf timers lsa-accumulate
This command sets the internal OSPF delay to allow for the accumulation of multiple LSA so OSPF messages can be sent as efficiently as possible. The lsa-accumulate timer applies to all LSAs except Type 1 and Type 2 LSAs, which are sent immediately. LSAs are accumulated and then sent when:
its size reaches the MTU size of the interface
a new LSA is received on the interface
the lsa-accumulate timer expires
Shorting this delay can speed up the advertisement of LSAs to OSPF neighbors but may increase the number of OSPF messages sent.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
The timer granularity is 10 ms if the value is less than 500 ms, and 100 ms if the value is greater than or equal to 500 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
lsa-accumulate 1000
- lsa-accumulate
Specifies the LSA accumulation delay in milliseconds.
lsa-arrival lsa-arrival-time
no lsa-arrival
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf>timers lsa-arrival)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3>timers lsa-arrival)
Full Context
configure service vprn ospf timers lsa-arrival
configure service vprn ospf3 timers lsa-arrival
This parameter defines the minimum delay that must pass between receipt of the same Link State Advertisements (LSAs) arriving from neighbors.
It is recommended that the neighbor’s configured lsa-generate lsa-second-wait interval is equal to or greater than the lsa-arrival timer configured here.
Use the no form of this command to return to the default.
The timer granularity is 10 ms if the value is less than 500 ms, and 100 ms if the value is ≥ 500 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
lsa-arrival 1000
- lsa-arrival-time
Specifies the timer in milliseconds.
lsa-arrival lsa-arrival-time
no lsa-arrival
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>timers lsa-arrival)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>timers lsa-arrival)
Full Context
configure router ospf timers lsa-arrival
configure router ospf3 timers lsa-arrival
This parameter defines the minimum delay that must pass between receipt of the same Link State Advertisements (LSAs) arriving from neighbors.
It is recommended that the neighbors configured lsa-generate lsa-second-wait interval is equal or greater than the lsa-arrival timer configured here.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
The timer granularity is 10 ms if the value is less than 500 ms, and 100 ms if the value is greater than or equal to 500 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
lsa-arrival 1000
- lsa-arrival-time
Specifies the timer, in milliseconds.
lsa-filter-out [all | except-own-rtrlsa | except-own-rtrlsa-and-defaults]
no lsa-filter-out
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>area>if lsa-filter-out)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3>area>if lsa-filter-out)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf>area>if lsa-filter-out)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>area>if lsa-filter-out)
Full Context
configure router ospf area interface lsa-filter-out
configure service vprn ospf3 area interface lsa-filter-out
configure service vprn ospf area interface lsa-filter-out
configure router ospf3 area interface lsa-filter-out
This command enables filtering of outgoing OSPF LSAs on the selected OSPFv2 or OSPFv3 interface. Three filtering options are provided:
Do not flood any LSAs out the interface. This option is suitable if the neighbor is simply-connected and has a statically configured default route with the address of this interface as next-hop.
Flood the router’s own router-LSA out the interface and suppress all other flooded LSAs. This option is suitable if the neighbor is simply-connected and has a statically configured default route with a loopback or system interface address (contained in the router-LSA) as next-hop.
Flood the router’s own router-LSA and all self-generated type-3, type-5 and type-7 LSAs advertising a default route (0/0) out the interface; suppress all other flooded LSAs. This option is suitable if the neighbor is simply-connected and does not have a statically configured default route.
The no form of this command disables OSPF LSA filtering (normal operation).
no lsa-filter-out
lsa-generate max-lsa-wait [lsa-initial-wait lsa-initial-wait [lsa-second-wait lsa-second-wait]]
no lsa-generate-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf>timers lsa-generate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ospf3>timers lsa-generate)
Full Context
configure service vprn ospf timers lsa-generate
configure service vprn ospf3 timers lsa-generate
This parameter customizes the throttling of OSPF LSA-generation. Timers that determine when to generate the first, second, and subsequent LSAs can be controlled with this command. Subsequent LSAs are generated at increasing intervals of the lsa-second-wait timer until a maximum value is reached.
Configuring the lsa-arrival interval to equal or less than the lsa-second-wait interval configured in the lsa-generate command is recommended.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
The timer granularity is 10 ms if the value is less than 500 ms, and 100 ms if the value is ≥ 500 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
- max-lsa-wait
Specifies the maximum interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive occurrences of an LSA being generated.
- lsa-initial-wait
Specifies the first waiting period between link-state advertisements (LSA) originate(s), in milliseconds. When the LSA exceeds the lsa-initial-wait timer value and the topology changes, there is no wait period and the LSA is immediately generated.
When an LSA is generated, the initial wait period commences. If, within the specified lsa-initial-wait period and another topology change occurs, then the lsa-initial-wait timer applies.
- lsa-second-wait
Specifies the hold time in milliseconds between the first and second LSA generation. The next topology change is subject to this second wait period. With each subsequent topology change, the wait time doubles (this is 2x the previous wait time). This assumes that each failure occurs within the relevant wait period.
lsa-generate max-lsa-wait [lsa-initial-wait lsa-initial-wait [lsa-second-wait lsa-second-wait]]
no lsa-generate
[Tree] (config>router>ospf>timers lsa-generate)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3>timers lsa-generate)
Full Context
configure router ospf timers lsa-generate
configure router ospf3 timers lsa-generate
This parameter customizes the throttling of OSPF LSA-generation. Timers that determine when to generate the first, second, and subsequent LSAs can be controlled with this command. Subsequent LSAs are generated at increasing intervals of the lsa-second-wait timer until a maximum value is reached.
Configuring the lsa-arrival interval to equal or less than the lsa-second-wait interval configured in the lsa-generate command is recommended.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
The timer granularity is 10 ms if the value is less than 500 ms, and 100 ms if the value is greater than or equal to 500 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
lsa-generate 5000
- max-lsa-wait
Specifies the maximum interval in milliseconds between two consecutive occurrences of an LSA being generated.
- lsa-initial-wait
Specifies the first waiting period between link-state advertisements (LSA) originate(s), in milliseconds. When the LSA exceeds the lsa-initial-wait timer value and the topology changes, there is no wait period and the LSA is immediately generated.
When an LSA is generated, the initial wait period commences. If, within the specified lsa-initial-wait period and another topology change occurs, then the lsa-initial-wait timer applies.
- lsa-second-wait
Specifies the hold time in milliseconds between the first and second LSA generation. The next topology change is subject to this second wait period. With each subsequent topology change, the wait time doubles (this is 2x the previous wait time). This assumes that each failure occurs within the relevant wait period.
[no] lsdb [level-number] [system-id | lsp-id]
[Tree] (debug>router>isis lsdb)
Full Context
debug router isis lsdb
This command enables debugging for Link State DataBase (LSDB).
The no form of the command disables debugging.
- system-id
When specified, only the specified system-id is debugged. Host name up to 38 characters.
- lsp-id
When specified, only the specified lsp-id is debugged. Hostname up to 38 characters.
- level-number
Specifies the interface level (1, 2, or 1 and 2).
lsdb [type] [ls-id] [adv-rtr-id] [area area-id]
no lsdb
[Tree] (debug>router>ospf3 lsdb)
[Tree] (debug>router>ospf lsdb)
Full Context
debug router ospf3 lsdb
debug router ospf lsdb
This command enables debugging for an OSPF link-state database (LSDB).
- type
Specifies the OSPF link-state database (LSDB) type.
- ls-id
Specifies an LSA type specific field containing either a router ID or an IP address. It identifies the piece of the routing domain being described by the advertisement.
- adv-rtr-id
Specifies the router identifier of the router advertising the LSA.
- area area-id
Specifies a 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area.
[no] lsn
[Tree] (config>isa>wlan-gw-group>nat lsn)
Full Context
configure isa wlan-gw-group nat lsn
This command enables Large Scale NAT (LSN).
The no form of this command disables LSN.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
lsn router router-instance [b4 ipv6-address] [aftr ipv6-address] ip ip-address protocol {tcp | udp} [port port] [outside-ip ipv4-address] [outside-port port] [nat-policy nat-policy-name] [force]
no lsn router router-instance [b4 ipv6-address] ip ip-address protocol {tcp | udp} port port [nat-policy nat-policy-name]
[Tree] (config>service>nat>fwd lsn)
Full Context
configure service nat port-forwarding lsn
This command creates NAT static port forwards for LSN44, Ds-Lite and NAT64. Static port forwards (SPF) are static mappings created so that certain applications on the inside (private side) can be reached from host that are on the outside of the NAT. SPF statically map the subscriber (inside IP address in LSN44, CPE IPv6 address/prefix in DS-Lite and IPv6 prefix in NAT64), inside port and protocol to an outside IPv4 address, port and the same protocol.
If only the inside router, the inside IPv4/v6 address/prefix and the protocol are configured as parameters in the SPF request, the remaining fields in the mapping (outside port and outside IPv4 address) will be selected automatically by the node and reported in CLI once the command execution is completed.
Specifying the outside IPv4 address in the SPF request, mandates that all other, otherwise optional, parameters be also specified in the request (inside port and outside port). This creates a fully specified SPF request. Fully specified SPF request can be used in multi-chassis NAT redundancy deployments where the SPF is manually replicated between the SR OS nodes. In single chassis NAT deployments, fully specified SPF request is guaranteed to work only in the system with a single MS-ISA in it. Otherwise (multiple MS-ISAs in the system) a conflict may arise where two distinct inside IP addresses that may reside on separate MS-ISAs are requested to be mapped to the same outside IPv4 address. This will not be possible since the outside IPv4 address cannot be split across the MS-ISAs (each IP address, inside or outside, is tied to a single MS-ISA).
In non-fully specified SPF requests (missing the inside port and/or outside port and the outside IPv4 address within the SPF request), the outside IPv4 address selection will depend on the configuration of the outside port in the SPF request:
If the outside port is not specified or is specified from the configured port-forwarding-range [1024..port-forwarding-range], then the outside IPv4 address will be the same as the outside IPv4 address in an existing dynamic mapping for the same subscriber. If the subscriber does not exist (no dynamic mappings exist at the time of SPF creation request), then the subscriber will be automatically created and an outside IPv4 address will be assigned. In case that the outside ports are not available from the outside IPv4 address of the corresponding dynamic mapping, then the SPF request will fail. In other words, the dynamic and static mappings (created in this manner) for the same subscriber must use the same outside IPv4 address.
If the outside port from the well-known port range [0 to 1023] is requested, then the outside IPv4 address does not have to match the outside IPv4 address of an existing dynamic mapping for the same subscriber, but can instead be any outside IPv4 address.
If multiple NAT policies per inside routing context are used, then the NAT policy must be specified in the SPF creation request. This is needed so the SPF be created in the correct pool.
SPFs are disabled by default and they must be explicitly enabled by the port-limits forwarding command within the NAT policy.
Configured SPFs, unlike SPFs created with the tools commands, are preserved across reboots without having to configure persistency (config>system>persistence>nat-port-forwarding) since they are part of the configuration. When the pool is shutdown the SPFs are deactivated. When the pool is enabled (no shutdown), the SPFs (as created by the tools command or by configuration) are activated.
To avoid possible persistency related conflicts, SPFs can only be created using one method on a given node: either as configuration (the CLI configure branch) or using the tools command. For example: if a first SPF entry is created via CLI tools commands, the node prevents SPF creation via configuration (the CLI configure branch) and vice versa.
The no form of the command deletes NAT static port forwards for LSN44, Ds-Lite and NAT64.
- router router-instance
This mandatory parameter specifies the inside routing instance; router name or service-id.
- b4 ipv6-address
This optional parameter specifies the IPv6 address of the B4 element in DS-Lite.
- aftr ipv6-address
This optional parameter specifies IPv6 address of the AFTR element in DS-Lite.
- protocol {tcp | udp}
This mandatory parameter specifies the protocol to use, either TCP or UDP.
- port port
This optional parameter specifies a source port.
- outside-ip ipv4-address
This mandatory parameter specifies the outside IPv4 address. If the outside IPv4 address is specified, then all other optional parameters become mandatory.
- outside-port port
This optional parameter specifies the outside port.
- nat-policy policy-name
If multiple NAT policies are used inside the routing context, then the NAT policy should be specified in the SPF request so the SPF is created in the correct NAT pool. Otherwise, the default NAT policy from the inside routing context will be used.
- force
Force allocation of static port forwards.
This command is only applicable to a LSN44 pool with flexible port allocations. Such pools allow interleaving of static port forwards with other dynamically allocated ports triggered by traffic flow.
If the requested outside port in the static port forward command is already occupied by a dynamically allocated port, using the force keyword preempts the dynamically allocated port and reassigns it as a port forwarding port.
During preemption, all the flows associated with the dynamically allocated port are terminated.
When the requested port forward is occupied by another static port and not a dynamic port, the command fails even if the force keyword is configured.
When a static port forwarding command requests an arbitrary outside port that is not specified in the command, the force keyword has an effect if the entire port space is already occupied. In this case, one of the dynamic ports is preempted.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] lsp lsp-name
[Tree] (config>router>ldp>targ-session>peer>tunneling lsp)
Full Context
configure router ldp targeted-session peer tunneling lsp
This command configures a specific LSP destined to this peer and to be used for tunneling of LDP FEC over RSVP. A maximum of 4 RSVP LSPs can be explicitly used for tunneling LDP FECs to the T-LDP peer.
It is not necessary to specify any RSVP LSP in this context unless there is a need to restrict the tunneling to selected LSPs. All RSVP LSPs with a to address matching that of the T-LDP peer are eligible by default. The user can also exclude specific LSP names by using the ldp-over-rsvp exclude command in the config>router>mpls>lsp context.
[no] lsp lsp-name
[Tree] (config>router>ldp>targ-session>peer>mcast-tunneling lsp)
Full Context
configure router ldp targeted-session peer mcast-tunneling lsp
This command configures a specific LSP destined to this peer and to be used for tunneling of multicast LDP FEC over RSVP.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name, up to 64 characters in length.
[no] lsp lsp-name sender sender-address
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>ingress-statistics lsp)
Full Context
configure router mpls ingress-statistics lsp
This command configures statistics in the ingress data path of a terminating RSVP LSP at an egress LER. The LSP name must correspond to the name configured by the operator at the ingress LER. It must not contain the special character ":” which is used as a field separator by the ingress LER for encoding the LSP and path names into the RSVP session name field in the session_attribute object. The operator must execute the no shutdown for this command to effectively enable statistics.
The same set of counters is updated for packets received over any path of this LSP and over the lifetime of the LSP. In steady-state, the counters are updated for packets received over the active path of the LSP. The active path can be the primary path, one of the secondary paths, the FRR detour path, or the FRR bypass path when the tail-end node is also the MP.
When a hierarchy of LSPs is in use, statistics collection on the outermost label corresponding to the tunneling LSP and on the inner labels, corresponding to the tunneled LSPs are mutually exclusive. A consequence of this is that when the operator enables statistics collection on an RSVP LSP which is also used for tunneling LDP FECs with the LDP over RSVP feature, then statistics will be collected on the RSVP LSP only. There will be no statistics collected for an LDP FEC tunneled over this RSVP LSP and also egressing on the same node regardless if the operator enabled statistics collection on this FEC. When, the operator disables statistics collection on the RSVP LSP, then statistics collection, if enabled, will be performed on a tunneled LDP FEC.
The operator can enable statistics collection on a manual bypass terminating on the egress LER. However all LSPs which primary path is protected by the manual bypass will not collect statistics when they activate forwarding over the manual bypass. When, the operator disables statistics collection on the manual bypass LSP, then statistics collection on the protected LSP, if enabled, will continue when the bypass LSP is activated.
The no form of this command disables statistics for this RSVP LSP in the ingress data path and removes the accounting policy association from the LSP.
- sender-address ip-address
Specifies a string of 15 characters representing the IP address of the ingress LER for the LSP.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name, up to 64 characters in length, as configured at the ingress LER.
[no] lsp lsp-name [bypass-only | p2mp-lsp | mpls-tp src-tunnel-num | sr-te]
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp
This command creates an LSP that is either signaled dynamically by the router, or a statically provisioned MPLS-TP LSP.
When the LSP is created, the egress router must be specified using the to command and at least one primary or secondary path must be specified for signaled LSPs, or at least one working path for MPLS-TP LSPs. All other statements under the LSP hierarchy are optional.
LSPs are created in the administratively down (shutdown) state.
The no form of this command deletes the LSP. All configuration information associated with this LSP is lost. The LSP must be administratively shutdown before it can be deleted. The LSP must also be unbound from all SDPs before it can be deleted.
- lsp-name
Specifies the name that identifies the LSP. The LSP name can be up to 64 characters long and must be unique.
- bypass-only
Defines an LSP as a manual bypass LSP exclusively. When a path message for a new LSP requests bypass protection, the PLR first checks if a manual bypass tunnel satisfying the path constraints exists. If one if found, the router selects it. If no manual bypass tunnel is found, the router dynamically signals a bypass LSP in the default behavior. The CLI for this feature includes a knob that provides the user with the option to disable dynamic bypass creation on a per node basis.
- p2mp-lsp
Defines an LSP as a point-to-multipoint LSP. The following parameters can be used with a P2MP LSP: adaptive, adspec, cspf, exclude, fast-reroute, from, hop-limit, include, metric, retry-limit, retry-timer, resignal-timer. The following parameters cannot be used with a P2MP LSP: primary, secondary, to, dest-global-id, dest-tunnel-number, working-tp-path, protect-tp-path.
This option is not supported on the 7450 ESS.
- mpls-tp src-tunnel-num
Defines an LSP as an MPLS-TP LSP. The src-tunnel-num is a mandatory create time parameter for mpls-tp LSPs, and has to be assigned by the user based on the configured range of tunnel IDs. The following parameters can only be used with an MPLS-TP LSP: to, dest-global-id, dest-tunnel-number, working-tp-path, protect-tp-path. Other parameters defined for the above LSP types cannot be used.
- sr-te
Defines an LSP of type Segment Routing Traffic Engineering (SR-TE) LSP. The user can associate an empty path or a path with strict or loose explicit hops with the primary path of the SR-TE LSP. A hop which corresponds to an adjacency SID must be identified with its far-end host IP address (next-hop) on the subnet. If the local end host IP address is provided, this hop is ignored since this router can have multiple adjacencies (next-hops) on the same subnet. A hop which corresponds to a node SID is identified by the prefix address. The user is only allowed to configure a primary path for the SR-TE LSP.
[no] lsp
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>mpls lsp)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session mpls lsp
Commands in this context define the type of label switched path and the identification of the LSP for which packets traverse. Only a single LSP can be configured per session. Once an LSP has been configured, other LSP types under this context is blocked.
The no form of this command deletes the configured LSP under the context, when there are no active tests are executing under this session.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp lsp-name
no lsp
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>mpls>lsp>mpls-tp lsp)
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>mpls>lsp>rsvp lsp)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session mpls lsp mpls-tp-static lsp
configure oam-pm session mpls lsp rsvp lsp
This command specifies the MPLS LSP to be tested.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name, up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] lsp lsp-name
[Tree] (config>router>static-route-entry>indirect>tunnel-next-hop>resolution-filter>rsvp-te lsp)
[Tree] (config>router>static-route-entry>indirect>tunnel-next-hop>resolution-filter>sr-te lsp)
Full Context
configure router static-route-entry indirect tunnel-next-hop resolution-filter rsvp-te lsp
configure router static-route-entry indirect tunnel-next-hop resolution-filter sr-te lsp
This command restricts the search for a resolving LSP to a specific set of named LSPs. Only those LSPs named in the associated name list will be searched for a match to resolve the associated static route.
- lsp-name
Specifies the name of the LSP to be searched for a valid resolving tunnel for the static route's next-hop.
[no] lsp lsp-name
[Tree] (config>service>sdp lsp)
Full Context
configure service sdp lsp
This command creates associations between one or more label switched paths (LSPs) and an Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) service destination point (SDP). This command is implemented only on MPLS-type encapsulated SDPs.
In MPLS SDP configurations either one or more LSP names can be specified or LDP can be enabled. The SDP ldp and lsp commands are mutually exclusive except if the mixed-lsp-mode option is also enabled. If an LSP is specified on an MPLS SDP, then LDP cannot be enabled on the SDP. To enable LDP on the SDP when an LSP is already specified, the LSP must be removed from the configuration using the no lsp lsp-name command.
Alternatively, if LDP is already enabled on an MPLS SDP, then an LSP cannot be specified on the SDP. To specify an LSP on the SDP, the LDP must be disabled or the mixed-lsp-mode option is also enabled. The LSP must have already been created in the config>router>mpls context. with a valid far-end IP address. RSVP must be enabled.
If no LSP is associated with an MPLS SDP, the SDP cannot enter the operationally up state. The SDP can be administratively enabled (no shutdown) with no LSP associations. The lsp-name may be shutdown, causing the association with the SDP to be operationally down (the LSP will not be used by the SDP).
Up to 16 LSP names can be entered on a single command line.
The no form of this command deletes one or more LSP associations from an SDP. If the lsp-name does not exist as an association or as a configured LSP, no error is returned. An lsp-name must be removed from all SDP associations before the lsp-name can be deleted from the system. The SDP must be administratively disabled (shutdown) before the last lsp-name association with the SDP is deleted.
- lsp-name
Specifies the name of the LSP to associate with the SDP. An LSP name is case sensitive and is limited to 32 ASCII 7-bit printable characters with no spaces. If an exact match of lsp-name does not already exist as a defined LSP, an error message is generated. If the lsp-name does exist and the LSP to IP address matches the SDP far-end IP address, the association is created.
lsp lsp-name
[no] lsp
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>tunnel>mpls>rsvp-te lsp)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip tunnel mpls rsvp-te lsp
This command configures the name of the RSVP-TE LSP to transport the test packets.
The no form of this command removes the lsp-name from the configuration.
- lsp-name
Specifies the LSP name, up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp lsp-name
no lsp
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>tunnel>mpls>sr-te lsp)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip tunnel mpls sr-te lsp
This command configures specification of SR-TE specific tunnel information that is used to transport the test packets. Entering this context removes all other tunnel type options configured under the configure oam-pm session ip tunnel mpls context. Only a single mpls type can be configured for an OAM-PM session.
The no form of this command removes the SR-TE LSP name from the configuration.
no lsp
- lsp-name
- Specifies the SR-TE LSP name, up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp-bfd prefix-list-name
no lsp-bfd prefix-list-name
[Tree] (config>router>ldp lsp-bfd)
Full Context
configure router ldp lsp-bfd
Commands in this context configure LSP BFD for a set of LDP LSPs with FECs matching those defined in the specified prefix list.
Up to 16 LSP BFD instances can be configured for LDP.
If a prefix corresponding to an LDP FEC appears in more than one prefix list, then the system will apply the LSP BFD configuration to the LSP only once. A prefix list may contain a longest match corresponding to one or more LDP FECs, in which case the BFD configuration is applied to all of those LDP LSPs.
The no form of the command removes LSP BFD. Specifying a prefix list name will remove LSP BFD for all LDP FECs that match the specified prefix list, except those LDP FECs that also match another LSP BFD prefix list.
no lsp-bfd
- prefix-list-name
Specifies the name of the prefix list configured using the configure router policy-options prefix-list name command, up to 32 characters maximum. The prefix list name can be specified by the lsp-bfd command prior to the prefix list being defined in the config>router>policy-options context.
[Tree] (config>router lsp-bfd)
Full Context
configure router lsp-bfd
This command creates a context for the configuration of LSP BFD parameters.
lsp-bsid-block name
no lsp-bsid-block
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp-bsid-block)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-bsid-block
This command configures a reference to a pre-existing reserved label block for statically configured binding SIDs.
The no form of this command removes the use of the label block as a pool of binding SIDs.
- name
Specifies an existing reserved label block name, up to 64 characters.
lsp-exp lsp-exp-value [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
no lsp-exp lsp-exp-value
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress lsp-exp)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress lsp-exp
This command explicitly sets the forwarding class or subclass enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a MPLS EXP bits specified. Adding a lsp-exp rule on the policy forces packets that match the MPLS LSP EXP specified to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the lsp-exp rule. When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.
The lsp-exp-value is derived from the MPLS LSP EXP bits of the top label.
Multiple commands can be entered to define the association of some or all eight LSP EX bit values to the forwarding class.
The no form of this command removes the explicit lsp-exp classification rule from the SAP ingress policy. Removing the rule on the policy immediately removes the rule on all ingress SAPs using the policy.
This command applies to Ethernet Layer 2 SAPs only.
- lsp-exp-value
This value is a required parameter that specifies the unique MPLS LSP EXP value that will match the lsp-exp rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same lsp-exp-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.
A maximum of eight lsp-exp rules are allowed on a single policy.
- fc fc-name
The value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.
The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a pre-existing subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur.
- priority
The priority parameter is used to override the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
- high
The high parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
- low
The low parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
lsp-exp lsp-exp-value fc fc-name profile {in | out}
no lsp-exp
[Tree] (config>qos>network>ingress lsp-exp)
Full Context
configure qos network ingress lsp-exp
This command creates a mapping between the LSP EXP bits of the network ingress traffic and the forwarding class.
Ingress traffic that matches the specified LSP EXP bits will be assigned to the corresponding forwarding class. Multiple commands can be entered to define the association of some or all eight LSP EXP bit values to the forwarding class. For undefined values, packets are assigned to the forwarding class specified under the default-action command.
The no form of this command removes the association of the LSP EXP bit value to the forwarding class. The default-action then applies to that LSP EXP bit pattern.
no lsp-exp
- lsp-exp-value
Specify the LSP EXP values to be associated with the forwarding class.
- fc fc-name
Enter this required parameter to specify the fc-name that the EXP bit pattern will be associated with.
- profile {in | out}
Enter this required parameter to indicate whether the LSP EXP value is the in-profile or out-of-profile value.
lsp-exp-in-profile lsp-exp-value
no lsp-exp-in-profile
[Tree] (config>qos>network>egress>fc lsp-exp-in-profile)
Full Context
configure qos network egress fc lsp-exp-in-profile
This command specifies the in-profile LSP EXP value for the forwarding class. The EXP value will be used for all LSP labeled packets requiring marking that require marking at egress on this forwarding class queue, and that are in-profile. The inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic.
When multiple EXP values are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered will overwrite the previous value.
The no form of this command resets the configuration to the factory default in-profile EXP setting.
Policy-id 1: |
Factory setting |
Policy-id 2 to 65535: |
Policy-id setting |
- lsp-exp-value
Specifies the 3-bit LSP EXP bit value, expressed as a decimal integer.
lsp-exp-out-profile lsp-exp-value
no lsp-exp-out-profile
[Tree] (config>qos>network>egress>fc lsp-exp-out-profile)
Full Context
configure qos network egress fc lsp-exp-out-profile
This command specifies the out-of-profile LSP EXP value for the forwarding class. The EXP value will be used for all LSP labeled packets that require marking at egress on this forwarding class queue, and that are out-of-profile. The exceed-profile traffic is marked with the same value as out-of-profile traffic.
When multiple EXP values are associated with the forwarding class at network egress, the last name entered will overwrite the previous value.
The no form of this command resets the configuration to the factory default out-of-profile EXP setting.
Policy-id 1: |
Factory setting |
Policy-id 2 to 65535: |
Policy-id setting |
- mpls-exp-value
Specifies the 3-bit MPLS EXP bit value, expressed as a decimal integer.
[no] lsp-history
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp-history)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-history
This command allocates memory, which may be used to store up to the last 100 significant events for each RSVP-TE and SR-TE LSP.
The no form of this command deallocates memory for storing LSP history events and deletes any event history .
no lsp-history
lsp-init-retry-timeout seconds
no lsp-init-retry-timeout
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp-init-retry-timeout)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-init-retry-timeout
This command configures the initial LSP path retry-timer.
The new LSP path initial retry-timer is used instead of the retry-timer to abort the retry cycle when no RESV is received. The retry-timer exclusively governs the time between two retry cycles and to handle retrying of an LSP path in a failure case with PATH errors or RESVTear.
The intent is that the user can now control how many refreshes of the pending PATH state can be performed before starting a new retry-cycle with a new LSP ID. This is all done without affecting the ability to react faster to failures of the LSP path, which will continue to be governed by the retry-timer.
The no form of this command returns the timer to the default value.
lsp-init-retry-timeout 30
- seconds
Specifies the value (in s), used as the fast retry timer for a secondary path.
lsp-lifetime seconds
no lsp-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spb lsp-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vpls spb lsp-lifetime
This command sets the time, in seconds, SPB wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain. This is a control B-VPLS command.
Each LSP received is maintained in an LSP database until the lsp-lifetime expires unless the originating router refreshes the LSP. By default, each router refreshes its LSPs every 20 minutes (1200 seconds) so other routers will not age out the LSP.
The LSP refresh timer is derived from this formula: lsp-lifetime/2.
LSPs originated by SPB should be valid for 1200 seconds (20 minutes).
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-lifetime 1200
- seconds
The time, in seconds, that SPB wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain.
lsp-lifetime seconds
no lsp-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis lsp-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis lsp-lifetime
This command sets the time, in seconds, the router wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain.
Each LSP received is maintained in an LSP database until the lsp-lifetime expires unless the originating router refreshes the LSP. By default, each router refreshes its LSPs every 20 minutes (1200 seconds) so other routers will not age out the LSP.
The LSP refresh timer is derived from this formula: lsp-lifetime/2
LSPs originated by the router should be valid for 1200 seconds (20 minutes).
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-lifetime 1200
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the router wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain.
lsp-lifetime seconds
no lsp-lifetime
[Tree] (config>router>isis lsp-lifetime)
Full Context
configure router isis lsp-lifetime
This command sets the time, in seconds, the router wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain.
Each LSP received is maintained in an LSP database until the lsp-lifetime expires unless the originating router refreshes the LSP. By default, each router refreshes its LSPs every 20 minutes (1200 seconds) so other routers will not age out the LSP.
The LSP refresh timer is derived from this formula: lsp-lifetime/2
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-lifetime 1200
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the router wants the LSPs it originates to be considered valid by other routers in the domain.
lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime seconds
no lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime
This command configures the minimum value to which the remaining lifetime of the LSP is set. The value is a counter that decrements, in seconds, starting from the value in the received LSP (if not self-originated) or from lsp-lifetime seconds (if self-originated). When the remaining lifetime becomes zero, the contents of the LSP is purged. The remaining lifetime of an LSP is not changed when there is no lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime value configured.
The configured value must be greater than or equal to the lsp-lifetime value.
The no form of this command removes the seconds value from the configuration.
no lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime
- seconds
Specifies the decrementing counter, in seconds. The configured value must be greater than or equal to the locally configured value of lsp-lifetime (MaxAge).
lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime seconds
no lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime
[Tree] (config>router>isis lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime)
Full Context
configure router isis lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime
This command configures the minimum value to which the remaining lifetime of the LSP is set. The value is a counter that decrements, in seconds, starting from the value in the received LSP (if not self-originated) or from lsp-lifetime seconds (if self-originated). When the remaining lifetime becomes zero, the contents of the LSP is purged. The remaining lifetime of an LSP is not changed when there is no lsp-minimum-remaining-lifetime value configured.
The configured value must be greater than or equal to the lsp-lifetime value.
The no form of this command removes the seconds value from the configuration.
- seconds
Specifies the decrementing counter, in seconds. The configured value must be greater than or equal to the locally configured value of lsp-lifetime (MaxAge).
lsp-mtu-size size
no lsp-mtu-size
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>level lsp-mtu-size)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis lsp-mtu-size)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis level lsp-mtu-size
configure service vprn isis lsp-mtu-size
This command configures the LSP MTU size. If the size value is changed from the default using CLI or SNMP, then ISIS must be restarted for the change to take effect. This can be done by performing a shutdown command and then a no shutdown command in the config>router>isis context.
Using the exec command to execute a configuration file to change the LSP MTU size from its default value will automatically restart IS-IS for the change to take effect.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-mtu-size 1492
- size
Specifies the LSP MTU size.
lsp-mtu-size size
no lsp-mtu-size
[Tree] (config>router>isis lsp-mtu-size)
[Tree] (config>router>isis>level lsp-mtu-size)
Full Context
configure router isis lsp-mtu-size
configure router isis level lsp-mtu-size
This command configures the LSP MTU size. If the size value is changed from the default using CLI or SNMP, then IS-IS must be restarted in order for the change to take effect. This can be done by performing a shutdown command and then a no shutdown command in the config>router>isis context.
Using the exec command to execute a configuration file to change the LSP MTU-size from its default value automatically restarts IS-IS for the change to take effect.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-mtu-size 1492
- size
Specifies the LSP MTU size.
lsp-num lsp-num
no lsp-num
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>working-tp-path lsp-num)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>protect-tp-path lsp-num)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp working-tp-path lsp-num
configure router mpls lsp protect-tp-path lsp-num
This command configures the MPLS-TP LSP Number for the working TP path or the Protect TP Path.
lsp-num 1 (for a working path), lsp-num 2 (for a protect path)
- lsp-num
Specifies the LSP number.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp-pacing-interval milli-seconds
no lsp-pacing-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>spb lsp-pacing-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>spb lsp-pacing-interval)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap spb lsp-pacing-interval
configure service vpls spoke-sdp spb lsp-pacing-interval
This command configures the interval during which LSPs are sent from the interface.
To avoid overwhelming neighbors that have less CPU processing power with LSPs, the pacing interval can be configured to limit how many LSPs are sent during an interval. LSPs may be sent in bursts during the interval up to the configured limit. If a value of 0 is configured, no LSPs are sent from the interface.
If configured to the default LSP pacing interval of 100, LSPs are sent in 100 millisecond intervals.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
The IS-IS timer granularity is 100 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
lsp-pacing-interval 100
- milli-seconds
The interval in milliseconds during which IS-IS LSPs are sent from the interface, expressed as a decimal integer.
0 to 65535
lsp-pacing-interval milliseconds
no lsp-pacing-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>if lsp-pacing-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis interface lsp-pacing-interval
This command configures the interval at which LSPs are sent from the interface.
To avoid overwhelming neighbors that have less CPU processing power with LSPs, the pacing interval can be configured to limit how many LSPs are sent at the interval. LSPs are sent in bursts at the interval up to the configured limit. If a value of 0 is configured, no LSPs are sent from the interface.
If configured to the default LSP pacing interval of 100, LSPs are sent in 100 millisecond intervals.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
The IS-IS LSP pacing interval is 100 milliseconds for values < 100 milliseconds, and 1 second for values ≥ 100 milliseconds. For example, a pacing interval of 2 milliseconds means that a maximum of 50 LSPs are sent in a burst at 100 millisecond intervals. The default pacing interval of 100 milliseconds means that a maximum of 10 LSPs are sent in a burst at 1 second intervals.
lsp-pacing-interval 100
- milliseconds
Specifies the pacing interval in milliseconds at which IS-IS LSPs are sent from the interface at each interval expressed as a decimal integer.
lsp-pacing-interval milliseconds
no lsp-pacing-interval
[Tree] (config>router>isis>interface lsp-pacing-interval)
Full Context
configure router isis interface lsp-pacing-interval
This command configures the interval at which LSPs are sent from the interface.
To avoid overwhelming neighbors that have less CPU processing power with LSPs, the pacing interval can be configured to limit how many LSPs are sent at the interval. LSPs are sent in bursts at the interval up to the configured limit. If a value of 0 is configured, no LSPs are sent from the interface. The interval applies to all LSPs: LSPs generated by the router, and LSPs received from other routers.
If configured to the default LSP pacing interval of 100, LSPs are sent in 100 millisecond intervals.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
The IS-IS LSP pacing interval is 100 milliseconds for values < 100 milliseconds, and 1 second for values ≥ 100 milliseconds. For example, a pacing interval of 2 milliseconds means that a maximum of 50 LSPs are sent in a burst at 100 millisecond intervals. The default pacing interval of 100 milliseconds means that a maximum of 10 LSPs are sent in a burst at 1 second intervals.
lsp-pacing-interval 100
- milli-seconds
Specifies the interval in milliseconds during which IS-IS LSPs are sent from the interface expressed as a decimal integer.
lsp-ping lsp-name [path path-name]
lsp-ping bgp-label prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping ldp prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping rsvp-te lsp-name [path path-name]
lsp-trace sr-isis prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [igp-instance igp-instance] [detail] [downstream-map-tlv downstream-map-tlv] [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [flex-algo flex-algo-num] [interval interval] [max-fail no-response-count] [min-ttl min-label-ttl] [max-ttl max-label-ttl] [path-destination ip-address [interface if-name | next-hop ip-address]] [probe-count probes-per-hop] [size octets] [src-ip-address ip-address] [timeout timeout]
lsp-trace sr-ospf prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [igp-instance igp-instance] [detail] [downstream-map-tlv downstream-map-tlv] [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [flex-algo flex-algo-num] [interval interval] [max-fail no-response-count] [min-ttl min-label-ttl] [max-ttl max-label-ttl] [path-destination ip-address [interface if-name | next-hop ip-address]] [probe-count probes-per-hop] [size octets] [src-ip-address ip-address] [timeout timeout]
lsp-ping sr-ospf3 prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [ igp-instance igp-instance] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping sr-policy color color-id endpoint ip-address [segment-list segment-list-id] [detail] [ path-destination ip-address [{ interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping sr-te lsp-name [path path-name] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-ping static lsp-name [assoc-channel {ipv4 | non-ip | none}] [dest-global-id global-id dest-node-id node-id] [force] [path-type {active | working | protect}]
NOTE: Options common to all lsp-ping cases: [detail] [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [flex-algo flex-algo-num] [interval interval] [send-count send-count] [size octets] [src-ip-address ip-address] [timeout timeout] [ttl label-ttl]
[Tree] (oam lsp-ping)
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type lsp-ping)
Full Context
oam lsp-ping
configure saa test type lsp-ping
This command performs in-band LSP connectivity tests.
This command performs an LSP ping using the protocol and data structures defined in the RFC 8029, Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures.
The LSP ping operation is modeled after the IP ping utility which uses ICMP echo request and reply packets to determine IP connectivity.
In an LSP ping, the originating device creates an MPLS echo request packet for the LSP and path to be tested. The MPLS echo request packet is sent through the data plane and awaits an MPLS echo reply packet from the device terminating the LSP. The status of the LSP is displayed when the MPLS echo reply packet is received.
This command, when used with the static option, performs in-band on-demand LSP connectivity verification tests for static MPLS-TP LSPs. For other LSP types, the static option should be excluded and these are described elsewhere in this user guide.
The lsp-ping static command performs an LSP ping using the protocol and data structures defined in the RFC 8029, Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures, as extended by RFC 6426, MPLS On-Demand Connectivity Verification and Route Tracing.
In MPLS-TP, the echo request and echo reply messages are always sent in-band over the LSP, either in a G-ACh channel or encapsulated as an IP packet below the LSP label.
The timestamp format to be sent, and to be expected when received in a PDU, is as configured by the config>test-oam>mpls-time-stamp-format command. If RFC 4379 (obsoleted by RFC 8029) is selected, then the timestamp is in seconds and microseconds since 1900, otherwise it is in seconds and microseconds since 1970.
The active LSP path
Values: Any path name associated with the LSP
- lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target RSVP-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
- rsvp-te lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target RSVP-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
Note:The rsvp-te explicit target FEC type is not supported under the SAA context.
- path-name
Specifies the LSP path name, up to 32 characters, to which to send the LSP ping request.
- bgp-label prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target BGP IPv4 /32 label route or the target BGP IPv6 /128 label route.
- path-destination ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the path destination from the range 127/8. When the LDP FEC prefix is IPv6, the user must enter a 127/8 IPv4 mapped IPv6 address, that is, in the range ::ffff:127/104.
x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
[0 to FFFF]H
[0 to 255]D
- flex-algo flex-algo-num
Specifies the Segment Routing Flexible Algorithm for the test.
- interface if-name
Specifies the name of an IP interface, up to 32 characters, to send the MPLS echo request message to. The name must already exist in the config>router>interface context.
- next-hop ip-address
Specifies the next-hop address to send the MPLS echo request message to.
- prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target LDP FEC.
- ldp prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target LDP FEC.
- sr-isis prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-IS-IS tunnel.
- igp-instance
Specifies the IGP instance of the node SID prefix.
- sr-ospf prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-OSPF tunnel.
- sr-ospf3 prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-OSPF3 tunnel. Note that only IPv6 prefixes in OSPFv3 instance ID 0-31 are supported.
- sr-policy color color-id endpoint ip-address segment-list segment-list-id
Specifies the name of the target IPv4 or IPv6 SR policy.
Note:The sr-policy target FEC type is supported under the OAM context and under type-multi-line node in the SAA context.
color color-id — Specifies the color ID.
Values 0 to 4294967295
endpoint ip-address — Specifies the endpoint address.
x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
[0 to FFFF]H
[0 to 255]D
segment-list segment-list-id — Specifies the segment list ID.
Values 1 to 32
- detail
Displays detailed information.
- sr-te lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target SR-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
- static
Specifies the target FEC stack sub-type "Static LSP”.
- assoc-channel {ipv4 | non-ip | none}
Specifies the launched echo request’s usage of the Associated Channel (ACH) mechanism, when testing an MPLS-TP LSP.
- global-id
Specifies the MPLS-TP global ID for the far end node of the LSP under test. If this is not entered, then the dest-global-id is taken from the LSP context.
- node-id
Specifies the MPLS-TP global ID for the far end node of the LSP under test. If this is not entered, then the dest-global-id is taken from the LSP context.
- force
Allows LSP ping to test a path that is operationally down, including cases where MPLS-TP BFD CC/V is enabled and has taken a path down. This parameter is only allowed in the OAM context; it is not allowed for a test configured as a part of an SAA.
- path-type {active | working | protect}
The LSP path to test.
- fc-name
Specifies the FC and profile parameters that are used to indicate the forwarding class and profile of the MPLS echo request packet.
When an MPLS echo request packet is generated in CPM and is forwarded to the outgoing interface, the packet is queued in the egress network queue corresponding to the specified fc and profile parameter values. The marking of the packet's EXP is dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings on the outgoing interface.
When the MPLS echo request packet is received on the responding node, The FC and profile parameter values are dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings of the incoming interface.
When an MPLS echo reply packet is generated in CPM and is forwarded to the outgoing interface, the packet is queued in the egress network queue corresponding to the FC and profile parameter values determined by the classification of the echo request packet, which is being replied to, at the incoming interface. The marking of the packet's EXP is dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings on the outgoing interface. The ToS byte is not modified. lsp-ping Request Packet and Behavior summarizes this behavior.
Table 2. lsp-ping Request Packet and Behavior CPM (sender node)
Echo request packet:
packet {tos=1, fc1, profile1}
fc1 and profile1 are as entered by user in OAM command or default values
tos1 as per mapping of {fc1, profile1} to IP precedence in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Outgoing interface (sender node)
Echo request packet:
packet queued as {fc1, profile1}
ToS field=tos1 not remarked
EXP=exp1, as per mapping of {fc1, profile1} to EXP in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Incoming interface (responder node)
Echo request packet:
packet {tos1, exp1}
exp1 mapped to {fc2, profile2} as per classification in network QoS policy of incoming interface
CPM (responder node)
Echo reply packet:
packet{tos=1, fc2, profile2}
Outgoing interface (responder node)
Echo reply packet:
packet queued as {fc2, profile2}
ToS filed= tos1 not remarked (reply inband or out-of-band)
EXP=exp2, if reply is inband, remarked as per mapping of {fc2, profile2} to EXP in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Incoming interface (sender node)
Echo reply packet:
packet {tos1, exp2}
exp2 mapped to {fc1, profile1} as per classification in network QoS policy of incoming interface
The LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping of the message reply at the originating router.
- profile {in | out}
Specifies the profile state of the MPLS echo request packet.
- flex-algo flex-algo-num
Specifies the Segment Routing Flexible Algorithm for the test. This option is only supported for oam lsp-ping sr-isis and oam lsp-ping sr-ospf. This option is not supported for SAA. If this option is not set, then the system looks up the prefix without flex-algo awareness.
- interval
Specifies the time, in seconds, used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
- send-count
Specifies the number of messages to send, expressed as a decimal integer. The send-count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either time out or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must be expired before the next message request is sent.
- octets
Specifies the MPLS echo request packet size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer. The request payload is padded with zeros to the specified size.
- src-ip-address ip-address
Specifies the source IP address. This option is used when an OAM packet must be generated from a different address than the node’s system interface address. An example is when the OAM packet is sent over an LDP LSP and the LDP LSR-ID of the corresponding LDP session to the next-hop is set to an address other than the system interface address.
- timeout
Specifies number, in seconds, used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the last probe for a specific test. Upon the expiration of the time out, the test is marked complete and no more packets are processed for any of those request probes.
- label-ttl
Specifies the TTL value for the MPLS label, expressed as a decimal integer.
Output ExampleThe following output is an example of LDP IPv4 and IPv6 prefix FECs.
A:Dut-C# oam lsp-ping prefix detail
LSP-PING 80 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf dut1_to_dut3, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=5.23ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 5.23ms, avg = 5.23ms, max = 5.23ms, stddev = 0.000ms
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LDP Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl EgrIntf/ EgrNextHop
Peer LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131069N 131067 1/1/1 131069U 131064 -- --
No. of Prefix Bindings: 2
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping prefix fc00::a14:106/128
LSP-PING fc00::a14:106/128: 116 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf A_to_B, reply from fc00::a14:106
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=7.16ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP fc00::a14:106/128 PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 7.16ms, avg = 7.16ms, max = 7.16ms, stddev = 0.000ms
lsp-ping over SR-ISIS
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-isis prefix igp-instance 0 detail
LSP-PING 80 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220324ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220324ms, avg = 1220324ms, max = 1220324ms, stddev = 0.000ms
lsp-ping with SR-TE
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-te "srteABCEDF" detail
LSP-PING srteABCEDF: 96 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220325ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP srteABCEDF PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220325ms, avg = 1220325ms, max = 1220325ms, stddev = 0.000ms
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-te "srteABCE_loose" detail
LSP-PING srteABCE_loose: 80 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220324ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP srteABCE_loose PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220324ms, avg = 1220324ms, max = 1220324ms, stddev = 0.000ms
*A:Dut-F# oam lsp-ping sr-te "srteFECBA_eth" detail
LSP-PING srteFECBA_eth: 116 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_E, reply from fc00::a14:101
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220326ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP srteFECBA_eth PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220326ms, avg = 1220326ms, max = 1220326ms, stddev = 0.000ms
lsp-ping with SR-Policy
# ipv4 sr-policy lsp-ping
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-policy color 200 endpoint LSP-PING color 200 endpoint 76 bytes MPLS payload Seq=1, send from intf int_to_C, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220325ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP color 200 endpoint PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip min = 1220325ms, avg = 1220325ms, max = 1220325ms, stddev = 0.000ms
# ipv6 sr-policy lsp-ping
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-policy color 200 endpoint fc00::a14:106 LSP-PING color 200 endpoint fc00::a14:106: 76 bytes MPLS payload Seq=1, send from intf int_to_C, reply from
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220324ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP color 200 endpoint fc00::a14:106 PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip min = 1220324ms, avg = 1220324ms, max = 1220324ms, stddev = 0.000ms
lsp-ping with sr-ospf3
# sr-ospf3 lsp-ping
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-ospf3 prefix fc00::a14:106/128 LSP-PING fc00::a14:106/128: 116 bytes MPLS payload Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from fc00::a14:106
udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=3.17ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP fc00::a14:106/128 PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip min = 3.17ms, avg = 3.17ms, max = 3.17ms, stddev = 0.000ms *A:Dut-A#
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type-multi-line lsp-ping)
Full Context
configure saa test type-multi-line lsp-ping
Commands in this context configure the lsp-ping OAM probe type.
lsp-ping-interval seconds
no lsp-ping-interval
[Tree] (config>router>ldp>lsp-bfd lsp-ping-interval)
Full Context
configure router ldp lsp-bfd lsp-ping-interval
This command configures the interval between periodic LSP ping messages for LSPs on which bfd-enable is configured. The LSP ping messages are used to bootstrap and maintain the LSP BFD session.
Configuring an interval of 0 seconds disables periodic LSP ping. An LSP ping message containing a bootstrap TLV will only be sent when the BFD session is first initialized.
In scaled environments, LSP BFD sessions should use longer intervals to reduce congestion and common resource loading. Unless required, the interval should not be set lower than 300 s.
The no form of this command restores the default interval.
lsp-ping-interval 60
- seconds
Specifies the interval between periodic LSP ping messages, in seconds.
lsp-ping-interval seconds
no lsp-ping-interval
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>primary>bfd lsp-ping-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>secondary>bfd lsp-ping-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp-template>bfd lsp-ping-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>bfd lsp-ping-interval)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp primary bfd lsp-ping-interval
configure router mpls lsp secondary bfd lsp-ping-interval
configure router mpls lsp-template bfd lsp-ping-interval
configure router mpls lsp bfd lsp-ping-interval
This command configures the interval for the periodic LSP ping for RSVP LSPs on which bfd-enable has been configured. This interval is used to bootstrap and maintain the LSP BFD session. A value of 0 disables periodic LSP Ping, such that an LSP Ping containing a bootstrap TLV is only sent when the BFD session is first initialized.
In scaled environments, LSP BFD sessions should use longer timers to reduce the chance of congestion and loading of common resources. Unless required, the lsp-ping-interval should not be set lower than 300 seconds.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no lsp-ping-interval
- seconds
Sets the periodic LSP Ping interval in seconds.
lsp-ping-trace [{tx | rx | both}] [{raw | detail}]
no lsp-ping-trace
[Tree] (debug>oam lsp-ping-trace)
Full Context
debug oam lsp-ping-trace
This command enables debugging for lsp-ping.
- tx | rx | both
Specifies to enable LSP ping debugging for TX, RX, or both RX and TX for the for debug direction.
- raw | detail
Displays output for the for debug mode.
lsp-refresh-interval [seconds] [half-lifetime [enable | disable]
no lsp-refresh-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spb lsp-refresh-interval)
Full Context
configure service vpls spb lsp-refresh-interval
This command configures the LSP refresh timer interval. When configuring the LSP refresh interval, the value that is specified for lsp-lifetime must also be considered. The LSP refresh interval cannot be greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime.
The no form of this command reverts to the default (600 seconds), unless this value is greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime. For example, if the LSP lifetime is 400, then the no lsp-refresh-interval command will be rejected.
lsp-refresh-interval 600 half-lifetime enable
- seconds
Specifies the refresh interval.
- half-lifetime
Sets the refresh interval to always be half the lsp-lifetime value. When this parameter is set to enable, the configured refresh interval is ignored.
lsp-refresh-interval [seconds] [half-lifetime {enable | disable}]
no lsp-refresh-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis lsp-refresh-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis lsp-refresh-interval
This command configures the IS-IS LSP refresh timer interval for the VPRN instance. When configuring the LSP refresh interval, the value that is specified for lsp-lifetime must also be considered. The LSP refresh interval cannot be greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime.
The no form of this command reverts to the default (600 seconds), unless this value is greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime. For example, if the LSP lifetime is 400, then the no lsp-refresh-interval command will be rejected.
lsp-refresh-interval 600 half-lifetime enable
- seconds
Specifies the refresh interval.
- half-lifetime
Sets the refresh interval to always be half the lsp-lifetime value. When this parameter is set to enable, the configured refresh interval is ignored.
lsp-refresh-interval [seconds] [half-lifetime {enable | disable}
no lsp-refresh-interval
[Tree] (config>router>isis lsp-refresh-interval)
Full Context
configure router isis lsp-refresh-interval
This command configures the IS-IS LSP refresh timer interval. When configuring the LSP refresh interval, the value that is specified for lsp-lifetime must also be considered. The LSP refresh interval cannot be greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime.
The no form of this command reverts to the default (600 seconds), unless this value is greater than 90% of the LSP lifetime. For example, if the LSP lifetime is 400, then the no lsp-refresh-interval command will be rejected.
lsp-refresh-interval 600 half-lifetime enable
- seconds
Specifies the refresh interval.
- half-lifetime
Sets the refresh interval to always be half the lsp-lifetime value. When this parameter is set to enable, the configured refresh interval is ignored.
[no] lsp-self-ping
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp-self-ping)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-self-ping
Commands in this context configure LSP self-ping parameters.
LSP Self-ping checks that the datapath of an RSVP LSP has been programmed by all LSRs along its path before switching the traffic to it. If enabled, LSP Self-ping packets are sent periodically at a configurable interval following the receipt of the RESV message for an RSVP LSP path following an MBB or other event where the active path changes while the previous active path stayed up. The router will not switch traffic to the new path until an LSP Self-ping reply is received from the far-end LER.
When configured under the MPLS context, LSP Self-ping is enabled for all RSVP LSPs, unless it is explicitly disabled for a given LSP.
The no form of this command disables the system check for LSP Self-ping.
no lsp-self-ping
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp-self-ping {enable | disable | inherit}
no lsp-self-ping
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp-template lsp-self-ping)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp lsp-self-ping)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-template lsp-self-ping
configure router mpls lsp lsp-self-ping
This command enables LSP Self-ping on a given RSVP-TE LSP or LSP template. If set to disable, then LSP Self-ping is disabled irrespective of the setting of lsp-self-ping>rsvp-te under the mpls context. By default, each LSP and LSP template inherits this value.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
lsp-self-ping inherit
- enable
Enables LSP Self-ping on this RSVP LSP or RSVP LSPs (one-hop-p2p or mesh-p2p) using this LSP template.
- disable
Disables LSP Self-ping on this RSVP LSP or RSVP LSPs using this LSP template.
- inherit
Inherits the value configured under config>router>mpls>lsp-self-ping>rsvp-te.
- configure router mpls lsp-template lsp-self-ping
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure router mpls lsp lsp-self-ping
lsp-setup [detail]
no lsp-setup
[Tree] (debug>router>mpls>event lsp-setup)
Full Context
debug router mpls event lsp-setup
This command debugs LSP setup events.
The no form of the command disables the debugging.
- detail
Displays detailed information about LSP setup events.
lsp-template p2mp-lsp-template-name
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>provider-tunnel>inclusive>rsvp lsp-template)
Full Context
configure service vpls provider-tunnel inclusive rsvp lsp-template
This command specifies the template name of the RSVP P2MP LSP instance to be used by the leaf node or the root-and-leaf node that participates in BGP-AD VPLS. The P2MP LSP is referred to as the Inclusive Provider Multicast Service Interface (I-PMSI).
After the user performs a no shutdown under the context of the inclusive node and the delay timer expires, BUM packets will be forwarded over an automatically signaled instance of the RSVP P2MP LSP specified in the LSP template.
The no version of this command removes the P2MP LSP template from the I-PMSI configuration.
- p2mp-lsp-template-name
Specifies the name of the P2MP LSP template up to 32 characters in length.
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mvpn>pt>inclusive>rsvp lsp-template)
Full Context
configure service vprn mvpn provider-tunnel inclusive rsvp lsp-template
This command specifies the use of automatically created P2MP LSP as the provider tunnel. The P2MP LSP will be signaled using the parameters specified in the template, such as bandwidth constraints, and so on.
no lsp-template
lsp-template name
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mvpn>pt>selective>multistream-spmsi lsp-template)
Full Context
configure service vprn mvpn provider-tunnel selective multistream-spmsi lsp-template
This command creates a RSVP-TE LSP template for S-PMSI. Multi-stream S-PMSIs can share a single template or can each use their own template.
- name
Specifies the LSP template name, up to 32 characters.
lsp-template lsp-template
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mvpn>pt>inclusive lsp-template)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mvpn>pt>selective>rsvp lsp-template)
Full Context
configure service vprn mvpn pt inclusive lsp-template
configure service vprn mvpn provider-tunnel selective rsvp lsp-template
This command specifies the use of automatically created P2MP LSP as the inclusive or selective provider tunnel. The P2MP LSP will be signaled using the parameters specified in the template, such as bandwidth constraints, and so on.
no lsp-template
- lsp-template
Specifies the LSP template name, up to 32 characters.
lsp-template template-name [mesh-p2p | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p | on-demand-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p-srte | p2mp | pce-init-p2p-srte template-id {default | template-id}]
no lsp-template template-name
[Tree] (config>router>mpls lsp-template)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-template
This command creates a template that can be referenced by a client application where dynamic LSP creation is required. The LSP template type (p2mp, one-hop-p2p, mesh-p2p, one-hop-p2p-srte, mesh-p2p-srte, pce-init-p2p-srte, or on-demand-p2p-srte) is mandatory.
The no form of this command deletes the LSP template. An LSP template cannot be deleted if a client application is using it.
- template-name
Specifies the name of the LSP template, up to 32 characters. An LSP template name and LSP name must not be the same.
- mesh-p2p | mesh-p2p-srte | one-hop-p2p | one-hop-p2p-srte | p2mp | pce-init-p2p-srte | on-demand-p2p-srte
Identifies the type of LSP this template will signal.
The p2mp option is supported on the 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and with VPLS only on the 7450 ESS.
- default
Sets the template to be the default LSP template for PCE-initiated SR-TE LSPs.
- template-id
Specifies the value that is signaled in the PCE to identify the LSP template.
lsp-template lsp-template
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>router>gtm>provider-tunnel>selective>rsvp lsp-template)
[Tree] (config>router>gtm>provider-tunnel>inclusive>rsvp lsp-template)
Full Context
configure router gtm provider-tunnel selective rsvp lsp-template
configure router gtm provider-tunnel inclusive rsvp lsp-template
This command specifies the use of automatically created P2MP LSP as the provider tunnel. The P2MP LSP will be signaled using the parameters specified in the template, such as bandwidth constraints.
The no form of this command removes the lsp-template name from this configuration.
no lsp-template
- lsp-template
Specifies the name of the LSP template, up to 32 characters.
lsp-template template-name
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>mpls>lsp>rsvp-auto lsp-template)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session mpls lsp rsvp-auto lsp-template
This command specifies the LSP template used to identify the LSP for testing.
One of three mandatory configuration statements that are required to identify automatically created RSVP LSPs, created using config>router>mpls>lsp-template. The config>router>mpls>auto-lsp>lsp-template links three distinct functions.
The lsp-template template-name must match the name of config>router>mpls>lsp-template used to dynamically create the RSVP LSP. This is a lose reference and does not impede the manipulation of the config>router>mpls>lsp-template. The required identifiers are from, lsp-template and to, all under this node.
The no form of this command deletes the template-name reference from the configuration.
- template-name
Specifies the name of the LSP template, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp-template template-name
no lsp-template
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>tunnel>mpls>rsvp-te-auto lsp-template)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip tunnel mpls rsvp-te-auto lsp-template
This command configures the name of the LSP template used to identify the unique LSP. Configure the following three commands to identify an RSVP-TE Auto LSP: from, to, and lsp-template. When all three of these values are configured, the specific RSVP LSP can be identified and the test packets can be carried across the tunnel
The no form of this command removes the LSP template name from the configuration.
- template-name
Specifies the LSP template name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
lsp-trace lsp-name [path path-name] [detail]
lsp-trace bgp-label prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace ldp prefix ip-prefix/length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace prefix ip-prefix/length [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace rsvp-te lsp-name [path path-name]
lsp-trace sr-isis prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [igp-instance igp-instance] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace sr-ospf prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [ igp-instance igp-instance] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace sr-ospf3 prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length [ igp-instance igp-instance] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name| next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace sr-policy color color-id endpoint ip-address [segment-list segment-list-id] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace sr-te lsp-name [path path-name] [path-destination ip-address [{interface if-name | next-hop ip-address}]]
lsp-trace static lsp-name [assoc-channel {ipv4 | non-ip | none}] [path-type {active | working | protect}]
NOTE: Options common to all lsp-trace cases: [detail] [downstream-map-tlv downstream-map-tlv] [fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]] [flex-algo flex-algo-num] [interval interval] [max-fail no-response-count] [max-ttl max-label-ttl] [min-ttl min-label-ttl] [probe-count probes-per-hop] [size octets] [src-ip-address ip-address] [timeout timeout]
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type lsp-trace)
[Tree] (oam lsp-trace)
Full Context
configure saa test type lsp-trace
oam lsp-trace
This command performs an LSP traceroute using the protocol and data structures defined in IETF RFC 8029.
The LSP trace operation is modeled after the IP traceroute utility, which uses ICMP echo request and reply packets with increasing TTL values to determine the hop-by-hop route to a destination IP.
In an LSP trace, the originating device creates an MPLS echo request packet for the LSP to be tested with increasing values of the TTL in the outermost label. The MPLS echo request packet is sent through the data plane and awaits a TTL exceeded response or the MPLS echo reply packet from the device terminating the LSP. The devices that reply to the MPLS echo request packets with the TTL exceeded and the MPLS echo reply are displayed.
The downstream mapping TLV is used in lsp-trace to provide a mechanism for the sender and responder nodes to exchange and validate interface and label stack information for each downstream hop in the path of the LDP FEC an RSVP LSP, or a BGP IPv4 label route.
Two downstream mapping TLVs are supported. The original Downstream Mapping (DSMAP) TLV defined in RFC 4379 (obsoleted by RFC 8029) and the new Downstream Detailed Mapping (DDMAP) TLV defined in RFC 6424 AND RFC 8029. More details are provided in the DDMAP TLV sub-section below.
In addition, when the responder node has multiple equal cost next hops for an LDP FEC, a BGP label IPv4 prefix, an SR-ISIS node SID, an SR-OSPF node SID, or an SR-TE LSP, it replies in the Downstream Mapping TLV with the downstream information for each outgoing interface which is part of the ECMP next-hop set for the prefix. The downstream mapping TLV can further be used to exercise a specific path of the ECMP set using the path-destination option.
This command, when used with the static option, performs in-band on-demand LSP traceroute tests for static MPLS-TP LSPs. For other LSP types, the static option should be excluded and these are described elsewhere in this user guide.
The lsp-trace static command performs an LSP trace using the protocol and data structures defined in the RFC 8029, Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures, as extended by RFC 6426, MPLS On-Demand Connectivity Verification and Route Tracing.
In MPLS-TP, the echo request and echo reply messages are always sent in-band over the LSP, either in a G-ACh channel or encapsulated as an IP packet below the LSP label.
The timestamp format to be sent, and to be expected when received in a PDU, is as configured by the configure test-oam mpls-time-stamp-format command. If RFC 4379 (obsoleted by RFC 8029) is selected, the timestamp is in seconds and microseconds since 1900, otherwise it is in seconds and microseconds since 1970.
- lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target RSVP-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
- rsvp-te lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target RSVP-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
Note:The rsvp-te explicit target FEC type is not supported under the SAA context.
- path-name
Specifies the LSP path name along which to send the LSP trace request.
- bgp-label prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target BGP IPv4 /32 label route or the target IPv6 /128 label route.
- path-destination ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the path destination from the range 127/8. When the LDP FEC prefix is IPv6, the user must enter a 127/8 IPv4 mapped IPv6 address, that is, in the range ::ffff:127/104.
- if-name
Specifies the name of an IP interface, up 32 characters, to send the MPLS echo request to. The name must already exist in the config>router>interface context.
- next-hop ip-address
Specifies the next hop to send the MPLS echo request message to.
- prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target LDP FEC.
- ldp prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target LDP FEC.
- sr-isis prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-ISIS tunnel.
- igp-instance
Specifies the IGP instance of the node SID prefix.
- sr-ospf prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-OSPF tunnel.
- sr-ospf3 prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
Specifies the address prefix and subnet mask of the target node SID of the SR-OSPF3 tunnel. Only IPv6 prefixes in OSPFv3 instance ID 0-31 are supported.
- sr-policy color color-id endpoint ip-address segment-list segment-list-id
Specifies the name of the target IPv4 or IPv6 SR policy.
Note:The sr-policy target FEC type is supported under the OAM context and under type-multi-line node in the SAA context.
color color-id — Specifies the color ID.
- detail
Displays detailed information and allows the user to display hop 0 (that is, ingress) information. When this parameter is applied to static LSPs, the next hop 0 information is not displayed. This information is also not displayed if the min-ttl min-label-ttl value is greater than 1.
- sr-te lsp-name
Specifies the name of the target SR-TE LSP, up to 64 characters.
- static
Specifies the selection of the target FEC Stack sub-type "Static LSP”.
- assoc-channel {ipv4 | non-ip | none}
Specifies the launched echo request’s usage of the Associated Channel (ACH) mechanism, when testing an MPLS-TP LSP.
- path-type {active | working | protect}
Specifies the LSP path to test.
- downstream-map-tlv
Specifies which format of the downstream mapping TLV to use in the LSP trace packet. The DSMAP TLV is the original format in RFC 4379 (obsoleted by RFC 8029). The DDMAP is the new enhanced format specified in RFC 6424 and RFC 8029. The user can also choose not to include the downstream mapping TLV by entering the value none. When lsp-trace is used on a MPLS-TP LSP (static option), it can only be executed if the control-channel is set to none. In addition, the DSMAP/DDMAP TLV is only included in the echo request message if the egress interface is either a numbered IP interface, or an unnumbered IP interface. The TLV is not included if the egress interface is of type unnumbered-mpls-tp.
- fc-name
Specifies the FC and profile parameters are used to indicate the forwarding class and profile of the MPLS echo request packet.
When an MPLS echo request packet is generated in CPM and is forwarded to the outgoing interface, the packet is queued in the egress network queue corresponding to the specified FC and profile parameter values. The marking of the packet EXP is dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings on the outgoing interface.
When the MPLS echo request packet is received on the responding node, The FC and profile parameter values are dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings of the incoming interface.
When an MPLS echo reply packet is generated in CPM and is forwarded to the outgoing interface, the packet is queued in the egress network queue corresponding to the fc and profile parameter values determined by the classification of the echo request packet, which is being replied to, at the incoming interface. The marking of the packet's EXP is dictated by the LSP-EXP mappings on the outgoing interface. The ToS byte is not modified. lsp-trace Request Packet and Behavior summarizes this behavior.
Table 3. lsp-trace Request Packet and Behavior CPM (sender node)
Echo request packet:
packet {tos=1, fc1, profile1}
fc1 and profile1 are as entered by user in OAM command or default values
tos1 as per mapping of {fc1, profile1} to IP precedence in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Outgoing interface (sender node)
Echo request packet:
pkt queued as {fc1, profile1}
ToS field=tos1 not remarked
EXP=exp1, as per mapping of {fc1, profile1} to EXP in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Incoming interface (responder node)
Echo request packet:
packet {tos1, exp1}
exp1 mapped to {fc2, profile2} as per classification in network QoS policy of incoming interface
CPM (responder node)
Echo reply packet:
packet {tos=1, fc2, profile2}
Outgoing interface (responder node)
Echo reply packet:
pkt queued as {fc2, profile2}
ToS filed= tos1 not remarked (reply inband or out-of-band)
EXP=exp2, if reply is inband, remarked as per mapping of {fc2, profile2} to EXP in network egress QoS policy of outgoing interface
Incoming interface (sender node)
Echo reply packet:
packet {tos1, exp2}
exp2 mapped to {fc1, profile1} as per classification in network QoS policy of incoming interface
- profile {in | out}
Specifies the profile state of the MPLS echo request packet.
- interval
Specifies the number of seconds to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, then the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
- no-response-count
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive MPLS echo requests, expressed as a decimal integer that do not receive a reply before the trace operation fails for a given TTL.
- max-label-ttl
Specifies the maximum TTL value in the MPLS label for the LDP treetrace test, expressed as a decimal integer.
- min-label-ttl
Specifies the minimum TTL value in the MPLS label for the LSP trace test, expressed as a decimal integer.
- probes-per-hop
Specifies the probes per hop.
- octets
Specifies the size in octets, expressed as a decimal integer, of the MPLS echo request packet, including the IP header but not the label stack. The request payload is padded with zeros to the specified size. Note that an OAM command is not failed if the user entered a size lower than the minimum required to build the packet for the echo request message. The payload is automatically padded to meet the minimum size.
- src-ip-address ip-address
Specifies the source IP address. This option is used when an OAM packet must be generated from a different address than the node’s system interface address. An example is when the OAM packet is sent over an LDP LSP and the LDP LSR-ID of the corresponding LDP session to the next-hop is set to an address other than the system interface address.
- timeout
Specifies the time, in seconds, used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of the message time out, the requesting router assumes that the message response is not received. A request timeout message is displayed by the CLI for each message request sent that expires. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace prefix downstream-map-tlv ddmap path-
destination detail lsp-trace to
32: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 152 byte packets
1 rtt=3.44ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr=0 iftype=ipv4Unnumbered MRU=1500
label[1]=131070 protocol=3(LDP)
2 rtt=4.65ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr=0 iftype=ipv4Unnumbered MRU=1500
label[1]=131071 protocol=3(LDP)
3 rtt=7.63ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1 *A:Dut-A#
*A:Dut-C# oam lsp-trace "p_1" detail
lsp-trace to p_1: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 116 byte packets
1 rtt=3.46ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel)
DS 1: ipaddr ifaddr 3 iftype 'ipv4Unnumbered' MRU=1500 label=131071
2 rtt=3.76ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel)
DS 1: ipaddr ifaddr 3 iftype 'ipv4Unnumbered' MRU=1500 label=131071
3 rtt=5.68ms rc=3(EgressRtr)
lsp-trace over a numbered IP interface
A:Dut-C# oam lsp-trace prefix detail
lsp-trace to 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 104 byte packets
1 rtt=2.45ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel)
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1564 label=131071
2 rtt=4.77ms rc=3(EgressRtr)
lsp-trace over an unnumbered IP interface
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace prefix downstream-map-tlv ddmap path-
destination detail lsp-trace to
32: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 152 byte packets
1 rtt=3.44ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr=0 iftype=ipv4Unnumbered MRU=1500
label[1]=131070 protocol=3(LDP)
2 rtt=4.65ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr=0 iftype=ipv4Unnumbered MRU=1500
label[1]=131071 protocol=3(LDP)
3 rtt=7.63ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1 *A:Dut-A#
*A:Dut-A# oam ldp-treetrace prefix
ldp-treetrace for Prefix, ttl = 3 dst = rc = EgressRtr status = Done
Hops:, ttl = 3 dst = rc = EgressRtr status = Done
ldp-treetrace discovery state: Done
ldp-treetrace discovery status: ' OK '
Total number of discovered paths: 2
Total number of failed traces: 0
lsp-trace of a LDP IPv6 prefix FEC
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace prefix fc00::a14:106/128 path-destination ::ffff:
lsp-trace to fc00::a14:106/128: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 224 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1.61ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=3.51ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
3 fc00::a14:104 rtt=4.65ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
4 fc00::a14:106 rtt=7.02ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace prefix fc00::a14:106/128 path-destination ::ffff:
lsp-trace to fc00::a14:106/128: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 224 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1.90ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=3.10ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
3 fc00::a14:105 rtt=4.61ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
4 fc00::a14:106 rtt=6.45ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
lsp-trace over SR-ISIS
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-isis prefix igp-instance 0 detail
lsp-trace to 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 108 byte packets
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26606 protocol=6(ISIS)
3 rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
*A:Dut-E# oam lsp-trace prefix detail downstream-map-tlv ddmap
lsp-trace to 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 108 byte packets
1 rtt=3.25ms rc=15(LabelSwitchedWithFecChange) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26202 protocol=6(ISIS)
fecchange[1]=POP fectype=LDP IPv4 prefix= remotepeer= (Unknown)
fecchange[2]=PUSH fectype=SR Ipv4 Prefix prefix= remotepeer=
2 rtt=4.32ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
*A:Dut-B# oam lsp-trace prefix detail downstream-map-tlv ddmap sr-isis
lsp-trace to 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 108 byte packets
1 rtt=2.72ms rc=15(LabelSwitchedWithFecChange) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=262143 protocol=3(LDP)
fecchange[1]=POP fectype=SR Ipv4 Prefix prefix= remotepeer= (Unknown)
fecchange[2]=PUSH fectype=LDP IPv4 prefix= remotepeer=
2 rtt=4.43ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
lsp-trace over SR policy
# ipv4 sr-policy lsp-trace
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-policy color 2 endpoint downstream-map-tlv ddmap path-destination detail lsp-trace to color 2 endpoint 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 188 byte packets
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28305 protocol=0(Unknown)
label[3]=28506 protocol=0(Unknown)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28305 protocol=0(Unknown)
label[3]=28506 protocol=0(Unknown)
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
2 rtt=1220324ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28505 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28506 protocol=0(Unknown)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28505 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28506 protocol=0(Unknown)
3 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
3 rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28606 protocol=6(ISIS)
4 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
# ipv6 sr-policy lsp-trace
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-policy color 500 endpoint fc00::a14:106 lsp-trace to color 500 endpoint fc00::a14:106: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 204 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3 ^C *A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-policy color 500 endpoint fc00::a14:106 downstream-map-tlv ddmap path-destination ::ffff: detail lsp-trace to color 500 endpoint fc00::a14:106: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 260 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c617:1ff:fe01:2 ifaddr=fe80::c617:1ff:fe01:2 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28363 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28365 protocol=0(Unknown)
label[3]=28566 protocol=0(Unknown)
DS 2: ipaddr=fe80::c415:ffff:fe00:141 ifaddr=fe80::c415:ffff:fe00:141 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28363 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28365 protocol=0(Unknown)
label[3]=28566 protocol=0(Unknown)
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=1220324ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c61e:1ff:fe01:1 ifaddr=fe80::c61e:1ff:fe01:1 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28565 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28566 protocol=0(Unknown)
DS 2: ipaddr=fe80::c61e:1ff:fe01:5 ifaddr=fe80::c61e:1ff:fe01:5 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28565 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28566 protocol=0(Unknown)
3 fc00::a14:105 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
3 fc00::a14:105 rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c420:1ff:fe01:2 ifaddr=fe80::c420:1ff:fe01:2 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28666 protocol=6(ISIS)
4 fc00::a14:106 rtt=1220326ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1 *A:Dut-A#
lsp-trace over SR-TE
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-te "srteABCEDF" downstream-map-tlv ddmap detail
lsp-trace to srteABCEDF: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 252 byte packets
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=5
1 rtt=1220322ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=4
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1520
label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=262135 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=262134 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[4]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=262134 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
3 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
3 rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
4 rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
4 rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
5 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-te "srteABCE_loose" downstream-map-tlv ddmap detail
lsp-trace to srteABCE_loose: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 140 byte packets
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
1 rtt=1220322ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 3: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
3 rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
*A:Dut-F# oam lsp-trace sr-te "srteFECBA_eth" path-destination ::ffff: detail
lsp-trace to srteFECBA_eth: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 336 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:105 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
1 fc00::a14:105 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c618:2ff:fe01:1 ifaddr=fe80::c618:2ff:fe01:1 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28363 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=74032 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=28261 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 2: ipaddr=fe80::c618:2ff:fe01:2 ifaddr=fe80::c618:2ff:fe01:2 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28363 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=74032 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=28261 protocol=6(ISIS)
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
2 fc00::a14:103 rtt=1220324ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c613:1ff:fe01:3 ifaddr=fe80::c613:1ff:fe01:3 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=28261 protocol=6(ISIS)
3 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
3 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c0ea:1ff:fe01:1 ifaddr=fe80::c0ea:1ff:fe01:1 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=28161 protocol=6(ISIS)
4 fc00::a14:101 rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
lsp-trace with sr-ospf3
# sr-ospf3 lsp-trace
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-ospf3 prefix fc00::a14:106/128 detail lsp-trace to fc00::a14:106/128: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 164 byte packets
1 fc00::a14:102 rtt=1.33ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c61c:1ff:fe01:1 ifaddr=fe80::c61c:1ff:fe01:1 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=29466 protocol=5(OSPF)
2 fc00::a14:104 rtt=2.27ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
DS 1: ipaddr=fe80::c420:1ff:fe01:1 ifaddr=fe80::c420:1ff:fe01:1 iftype=ipv6Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=29666 protocol=5(OSPF)
3 fc00::a14:106 rtt=2.50ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1
First egress label with lsp-trace
lsp-trace to srteABCEDF_loose: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 216 byte packets 0
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26202 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26203 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[4]=26504 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[5]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=5
1 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=4
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=26504 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[4]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=26504 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[4]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
2 rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26504 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[2]=26504 protocol=6(ISIS)
label[3]=26406 protocol=6(ISIS)
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type-multi-line lsp-trace)
Full Context
configure saa test type-multi-line lsp-trace
This command creates the context to perform an LSP traceroute using the protocol and data structures defined in IETF RFC 4379 (obsoleted by RFC 8029).
lsp-wait lsp-wait [lsp-initial-wait lsp-initial-wait] [lsp-second-wait lsp-second-wait]
no lsp-wait
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spb>timers lsp-wait)
Full Context
configure service vpls spb timers lsp-wait
This command is used to customize LSP generation throttling. Timers that determine when to generate the first, second and subsequent LSPs can be controlled with this command. Subsequent LSPs are generated at increasing intervals of the second lsp-wait timer until a maximum value is reached.
The IS-IS timer granularity is 100 ms. Timer values are rounded down to the nearest granularity, for example a configured value of 550 ms is internally rounded down to 500 ms.
- lsp-wait
Specifies the maximum interval in milliseconds between two consecutive occurrences of an LSP being generated.
- lsp-initial-wait
Specifies the initial LSP generation delay, in milliseconds. Values less than 100 ms are internally rounded down to 0, so that there is no added initial LSP generation delay.
- lsp-second-wait
Specifies the hold time, in milliseconds, between the first and second LSP generation.
lsp-wait lsp-wait lsp-initial-wait [initial-wait] [lsp-second-wait second-wait]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>timers lsp-wait)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis timers lsp-wait
This command configures the throttling of IS-IS LSP-generation. Timers that determine when to generate the first, second, and subsequent LSPs are controlled with this command. Subsequent LSPs are generated at increasing intervals of the second lsp-wait timer until a maximum value is reached.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-wait 5000 lsp-initial-wait 10 lsp-second-wait 1000
- lsp-wait
Specifies the maximum interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive occurrences of an LSP being generated.
- initial-wait
Specifies the initial LSP generation delay, in milliseconds. Values less than 100 ms are internally rounded down to 0, so that there is no added initial LSP generation delay.
- second-wait
Specifies the hold time, in milliseconds, between the first and second LSP generation.
lsp-wait lsp-wait [lsp-initial-wait initial-wait] [lsp-second-wait second-wait]
[Tree] (config>router>isis>timers lsp-wait)
Full Context
configure router isis timers lsp-wait
This command configures the throttling of IS-IS LSP-generation. Timers that determine when to generate the first, second, and subsequent LSPs are controlled with this command. Subsequent LSPs are generated at increasing intervals of the second lsp-wait timer until a maximum value is reached.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
lsp-wait 5000 lsp-initial-wait 10 lsp-second-wait 1000
- lsp-wait
Specifies the maximum interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive occurrences of an LSP being generated.
- initial-wait
Specifies the initial LSP generation delay, in milliseconds. Values less than 100 ms are internally rounded down to 0, so that there is no added initial LSP generation delay.
- second-wait
Specifies the hold time, in milliseconds, between the first and second LSP generation.
lsr-label-route [{none | all}]
[Tree] (config>router>ttl-propagate lsr-label-route)
Full Context
configure router ttl-propagate lsr-label-route
This command configures the TTL propagation for transit packets at a router acting as an LSR for a BGP label route.
When an LSR swaps the BGP label for a ipv4 prefix packet, therefore acting as a ABR, ASBR, or data-path Route-Reflector (RR) in the base routing instance, or swaps the BGP label for a vpn-ipv4 or vpn-ipv6 prefix packet, therefore acting as an inter-AS Option B VPRN ASBR or VPRN data path Route-Reflector (RR), the all value of this command enables TTL propagation of the decremented TTL of the swapped BGP label into all outgoing LDP or RSVP transport labels.
When an LSR swaps a label or stitches a label, it always writes the decremented TTL value into the outgoing swapped or stitched label. What this feature controls is whether this decremented TTL value is also propagated to the transport label stack pushed on top of the swapped or stitched label.
The none value reverts to the default mode which disables TTL propagation. This changes the existing default behavior which propagates the TTL to the transport label stack. When a customer upgrades, the new default becomes in effect. This command does not have a no version.
This feature also controls the TTL propagation at an LDP-BGP stitching LSR in the LDP to BGP stitching direction. It also controls the TTL propagation in Carrier Supporting Carrier (CsC) VPRN at both the CsC CE and CsC PE.
SR OS does not support ASBR or data path RR functionality for labeled IPv6 routes in the global routing instance (6PE). As such the CLI command of this feature has no impact on prefix packets forwarded in this context.
lsr-label-route none
- none
Specifies that the TTL of the swapped label is not propagated into the transport label stack.
- all
Specifies that the TTL of the swapped label is propagated into all labels of the transport label stack.
lsr-load-balancing hashing-algorithm
no lsr-load-balancing
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nw-if>load-balancing lsr-load-balancing)
Full Context
configure service vprn network-interface load-balancing lsr-load-balancing
This command specifies whether the IP header is used in the LAG and ECMP LSR hashing algorithm. This is the per interface setting.
no lsr-load-balancing
- lbl-only
Only the label is used in the hashing algorithm.
- lbl-ip
The IP header is included in the hashing algorithm.
- ip-only
The IP header is used exclusively in the hashing algorithm.
- eth-encap-ip
The hash algorithm parses down the label stack and once it hits the bottom, the stack assumes Ethernet II non-tagged/dot1q or qinq header follows. At the expected Ethertype offset location, algorithm checks whether the value present is IPv4/v6 (0x0800 or 0x86DD). If the check passes, the hash algorithm checks the first nibble at the expected IP header location for IPv4/IPv6 (0x0100/0x0110). If the secondary check passes, the hash is performed using IP SA/DA fields in the expected IP header; otherwise (if any of the checks failed) label-stack hash is performed.
lsr-load-balancing {lbl-only | lbl-ip | ip-only | eth-encap-ip | lbl-ip-l4-teid}
no lsr-load-balancing
[Tree] (config>router>if>load-balancing lsr-load-balancing)
Full Context
configure router interface load-balancing lsr-load-balancing
This command specifies whether the IP header is used in the LAG and ECMP LSR hashing algorithm. This is the per interface setting.
no lsr-load-balancing
- lbl-only
Specifies that only the label is used in the hashing algorithm
- lbl-ip
Specifies that only the IP header is included in the hashing algorithm.
- ip-only
Specifies that only the IP header is used exclusively in the hashing algorithm
- eth-encap-ip
Specifies that the hash algorithm parses down the label stack and once it hits the bottom, the stack assumes Ethernet II non-tagged/dot1q or qinq header follows. At the expected Ethertype offset location, algorithm checks whether the value present is IPv4/v6 (0x0800 or0x86DD). If the check passes, the hash algorithm checks the first nibble at the expected IP header location for IPv4/IPv6 (0x0100/0x0110). If the secondary check passes, the hash is performed using IP SA/DA fields in the expected IP header; otherwise (any of the check failed) label-stack hash is performed.
- lbl-ip-l4-teid
Specifies that this hashing algorithm hashes based on label, IP header, Layer 4 header and GTP header (TEID) in order. The algorithm uses all the supported headers that are found in the header fragment of incoming traffic.
lsr-load-balancing hashing-algorithm
no lsr-load-balancing
[Tree] (config>system>load-balancing lsr-load-balancing)
Full Context
configure system load-balancing lsr-load-balancing
This command configures system-wide LSR load balancing. Hashing can be enabled on the label stack, IP header, or both. The hashing can be at an LSR for spraying labeled IP packets over multiple equal-cost paths, or over multiple links of a LAG group.
For IPv4 packets, the LSR hash routine operates on the label stack and the IP header. An LSR considers a packet to be IPv4 if the first nibble following the bottom of the label stack is 4. You can enable or disable hashing on the label stack and IPv4 and IPv6 headers at the system level or incoming network IP interface level.
no lsr-load-balancing
- lbl-only
Specifies that only the label is used in the hashing algorithm.
- lbl-ip
Specifies that the IP header is included in the hashing algorithm.
- ip-only
Specifies that the IP header is used exclusively in the hashing algorithm.
- eth-encap-ip
Specifies that the hash algorithm parses down the label stack and after it reaches the bottom, the stack assumes the Ethernet II non-tagged, dot1q, or QinQ header follows. At the expected Ethertype offset location, the algorithm checks whether the value present is IPv4/IPv6 (0x0800/0x86DD). If the check passes, the hash algorithm checks the first nibble at the expected IP header location for IPv4/IPv6 (0x0100/0x0110). If the secondary check passes, the algorithm performs the hash using the IP SA/DA fields in the expected IP header. If any of the checks fail, the label-stack hash is performed.
- lbl-ip-l4-teid
Specifies that the hashing applies as follows for Layer 2 and Layer 3 encapsulated traffic:
- If an IPv4 or IPv6 header is found immediately after the MPLS label stack, the hashing includes label stack, source and destination IP addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers, and, if present, TEID values.
- If an IPv4 or IPv6 header is not found immediately after the MPLS label stack, the data plane searches for a valid Ethertype value for the IPv4 and IPv6 payload. If a valid Ethertype value is found and an IP header follows the Ethernet header, hashing includes the source and destination IP addresses, TCP/UDP port numbers, and, if present, TEID values.
[no] lub-init-min-pir
[Tree] (config>qos>adv-config-policy>child-control>bandwidth-distribution lub-init-min-pir)
Full Context
configure qos adv-config-policy child-control bandwidth-distribution lub-init-min-pir
This command enables new queues associated with a LUB context to use a minimum PIR similar to the effect of the limit-pir-zero-drain command. When a queue is initially created in a LUB context, it defaults to a zero value PIR until H-QoS has an opportunity to configure an offered rate based operational PIR. Enabling this command forces a minimum rate operational PIR to be applied to the queue for use by enqueued packets prior to an H-QoS iteration.
The no form of this command reverts to default behavior.
no lub-init-min-pir