r Commands – Part I
radius type direction {ingress | egress} script script
no radius type direction {ingress | egress}
[Tree] (config>python>py-policy radius)
Full Context
configure python python-policy radius
This command specifies the Python script for the specified RADIUS packet type in the specified direction.
Multiple radius command configurations are allowed in the same Python policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- type
Specifies the message type of the event.
- direction {ingress | egress}
Specifies whether the event is incoming or outgoing.
- script
Specifies the name of the Python script, up to 32 characters, that is used to handle the specified message.
[no] radius
[Tree] (debug>router radius)
Full Context
debug router radius
This command enables the debug router RADIUS context.
radius [create]
no radius
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>aaa>rmt-srv radius)
Full Context
configure service vprn aaa remote-servers radius
This command creates the context to configure RADIUS authentication on the VPRN.
Implement redundancy by configuring multiple server addresses for each VPRN.
The no form of this command removes the RADIUS configuration.
- create
Keyword used to create the RADIUS context.
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>transit-ip-policy radius)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group transit-ip-policy radius
This command enables dynamic RADIUS-based management of transit aa-subs for the transit-ip-policy. This is mutually exclusive to other types management of transit subs for a specific transit-ip-policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>li radius)
Full Context
configure li radius
This command configures RADIUS for Lawful Intercept.
radius [detail] [hex]
no radius
[Tree] (debug radius)
Full Context
debug radius
This command enables debugging for RADIUS connections.
The no form of the command disables the debug output.
- detail
Displays detailed output.
- hex
Displays the packet dump in hex format.
[no] radius
[Tree] (config>system>security radius)
Full Context
configure system security radius
This command creates the context to configure RADIUS authentication on the router.
Implement redundancy by configuring multiple server addresses for each router.
The no form of this command removes the RADIUS configuration.
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-prof radius-accounting)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile radius-accounting
Commands in this context configure RADIUS accounting subscriber profile parameters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy policy-name
no radius-accounting-policy
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group radius-accounting-policy)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy
configure service ies interface sap ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy
configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel radius-accounting-policy
configure service vprn l2tp radius-accounting-policy
configure router l2tp group tunnel radius-accounting-policy
configure router l2tp radius-accounting-policy
configure service vprn l2tp group radius-accounting-policy
configure router l2tp group radius-accounting-policy
This command configures the RADIUS accounting policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no radius-accounting-policy
- policy-name
Specifies the policy name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies interface sap ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy
- configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-gw radius-accounting-policy
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn l2tp radius-accounting-policy
- configure service vprn l2tp group radius-accounting-policy
- configure router l2tp radius-accounting-policy
- configure router l2tp group tunnel radius-accounting-policy
- configure router l2tp group radius-accounting-policy
- configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel radius-accounting-policy
radius-accounting-policy name [create]
no radius-accounting-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy
This command specifies a subscriber RADIUS based accounting policy.
The no form of this command removes the policy name from the configuration.
- name
The name of the policy. The string is case-sensitive and limited to 32 ASCII 7-bit printable characters with no spaces.
- create
Keyword used to create a RADIUS accounting policy instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy nat-accounting-policy
no radius-accounting-policy
[Tree] (config>isa>wlan-gw-group>nat radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure isa wlan-gw-group nat radius-accounting-policy
This command configures the RADIUS accounting policy to use for each MDA in this ISA group.
The no form of this command removes the accounting policy from the configuration.
- nat-accounting-policy
Specifies the RADIUS accounting policy up to 32 characters.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy rad-acct-plcy-name
no radius-accounting-policy
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>statistics>aa-sub radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group statistics aa-sub radius-accounting-policy
This command specifies an existing subscriber RADIUS based accounting policy to use for AA. RADIUS Accounting policies are configured in the config>app-assure>radius-accounting-policy context.
no radius-accounting-policy
- rad-acct-plcy-name
Specifies the name of the policy. The string is case sensitive and limited to 32 ASCII 7-bit printable characters with no spaces.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy rad-acct-plcy-name [create]
no radius-accounting-policy rad-acct-plcy-name
[Tree] (config>app-assure radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure application-assurance radius-accounting-policy
This command specifies an existing subscriber RADIUS-based accounting policy to use for AA. RADIUS accounting policies are configured in the config>app-assure>radius-accounting-policy context.
no radius-accounting-policy
- rad-acct-plcy-name
Specifies the policy name. The string is case sensitive and limited to 32 ASCII 7-bit printable characters with no spaces.
- create
Keyword used to create the policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy name [create]
no radius-accounting-policy name
[Tree] (config>ipsec radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure ipsec radius-accounting-policy
This command specifies an existing RADIUS accounting policy to use to collect accounting statistics on this subscriber profile by RADIUS. This command is used independently of the collect-stats command.
- name
Specifies an existing RADIUS based accounting policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-accounting-policy nat-accounting-policy
no radius-accounting-policy
[Tree] (config>isa>nat-group radius-accounting-policy)
Full Context
configure isa nat-group radius-accounting-policy
This command specifies the RADIUS accounting policy to use for each MDA in this ISA group.
The no form of the command removes the policy ID from the configuration.
no radius-accounting-policy
- nat-accounting-policy
Reference to the nat-accounting-policy which defines:
Source IP addresses that are assigned to BB-ISA cards.
Parameters related to RADIUS server itself.
List of RADIUS attributes that are included in accounting messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>aaa>l2tp-acct-plcy>include-radius-attribute radius-accounting-server)
Full Context
configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy include-radius-attribute radius-accounting-server
Commands in this context configure RADIUS accounting server attributes under a specific session authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>app-assure>rad-acct-plcy radius-accounting-server)
[Tree] (config>aaa>l2tp-acct-plcy radius-accounting-server)
Full Context
configure application-assurance radius-accounting-policy radius-accounting-server
configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy radius-accounting-server
This command creates the context for defining RADIUS accounting server attributes under a specific session authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure application-assurance radius-accounting-policy radius-accounting-server
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy radius-accounting-server
radius-attr type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type] [transaction]
radius-attr type attribute-type [transaction] {address | hex | integer | string} value attribute-value
radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type] [transaction] [encoding encoding-type]
radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type] [transaction] [encoding encoding-type] {address | hex | integer | string} value attribute-value
no radius-attr type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type]
no radius-attr type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type] {address | hex | integer | string} value attribute-value
no radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type]
no radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [extended-type attribute-ext-type] {address | hex | integer | string} [value] attribute-value
[Tree] (debug>router>radius radius-attr)
Full Context
debug router radius radius-attr
This command specifies the RADIUS attribute filter of command debug router radius.
- attribute-type
Specifies the RADIUS attribute type.
- attribute-ext-type
Specifies the RADIUS attribute extended type (RFC 6929).
- address
Specifies the value is a IPv4 or IPv6 address/prefix/subnet.
- string
Specifies the value is a ASCII string.
- integer
Specifies the value is a integer.
- hex
Specifies the value is a binary string in hex format, such as "\0xAB01FE”.
- attribute-value
Specifies the value of the RADIUS attribute.
- transaction
Specifies that the system outputs both request and response packets in the same session even if the response packet does not include the filter attribute.
- vendor-id
Specifies the vendor ID for the vendor specific attribute.
- encoding-type
Specifies the size of the vendor-type and vendor-length in bytes. It is a two digitals string: "xy”, x is the size of vendor-type, range from 1 to 4; y is the size of vendor-length, range from 0 to 2; it is "11” by default.
radius-auth-policy radius-authentication-policy-name
no radius-auth-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>apn-policy>apn radius-auth-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp apn-policy apn radius-auth-policy
This command configures the RADIUS authentication policy with which the GTP connection is authenticated.
The no form of this command removes the authentication policy. Only new session setups are affected.
no radius-auth-policy
- radius-authentication-policy-name
Specifies the name of the authentication policy to be used, up to 32 characters.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>vrgw>brg>brg-profile radius-authentication)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt vrgw brg brg-profile radius-authentication
Commands in this context configure parameters related to RADIUS authentication performed for the BRG.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-authentication-policy name
no radius-authentication-policy
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ipsec-gw radius-authentication-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ipsec-gw radius-authentication-policy)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-gw radius-authentication-policy
configure service ies interface sap ipsec-gw radius-authentication-policy
This command configures the policy used for the IKEv2 remote-access tunnels terminated on the IPsec gateway. The radius-authentication-policy is defined under config>ipsec context.
- name
Specifies the name of an existing RADIUS authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-authentication-policy name [create]
no radius-authentication-policy name
[Tree] (config>ipsec radius-authentication-policy)
Full Context
configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy
This command specifies the RADIUS authentication policy associated with this IPsec gateway.
- name
Specifies an existing RADIUS authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-plcy radius-authentication-server)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy radius-authentication-server
Commands in this context define RADIUS authentication server attributes under a specific session authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-coa-port {port-number}
no radius-coa-port
[Tree] (config>aaa radius-coa-port)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-coa-port
This command configures the system-wide UDP port number that RADIUS is listening on for CoA and Disconnect messages.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
radius-coa-port 3799
- port-number
Specifies the UDP port number for RADIUS CoA and disconnect messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-plcy name
no radius-plcy
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>dot1x radius-plcy)
Full Context
configure port ethernet dot1x radius-plcy
This command references the RADIUS policy to be used for 802.1x authentication. An 802.1x RADIUS policy must be configured (config>system>security>dot1x) before it is associated to a port. If the RADIUS policy ID does not exist, an error is returned. Only one 802.1x RADIUS policy can be associated with a port at a time.
The no form of this command removes the RADIUS policy association.
no radius-plcy
- name
Specifies an existing 802.1x RADIUS policy name, up to 32 characters.
radius-plcy name [create]
[Tree] (config>system>security>dot1x radius-plcy)
Full Context
configure system security dot1x radius-plcy
This command creates the context to configure RADIUS server parameters for 802.1x network access control on the router.
The RADIUS server configured under the config>system>security>dot1x>radius-plcy context authenticates clients who get access to the data plane of the router as opposed to the RADIUS server configured under the config>system>radius context which authenticates CLI login users who get access to the management plane of the router.
The no form of this command removes the RADIUS server configuration for 802.1x.
[Tree] (config>router radius-proxy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn radius-proxy)
Full Context
configure router radius-proxy
configure service vprn radius-proxy
This command context to configure RADIUS proxy parameters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-proxy-cache router router-instance server server-name
no radius-proxy-cache
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>track-mobility radius-proxy-cache)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>track-mobility radius-proxy-cache)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range track-mobility radius-proxy-cache
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range track-mobility radius-proxy-cache
This command specifies the RADIUS-proxy server to allow subscribers created via data-triggered authentication to create an entry. This RADIUS proxy cache entry allows efficient handling of UE mobility.
- router-instance
Specifies the router instance.
- server-name
Specifies the server name up to 32 characters.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] radius-proxy-server router router-instance name server-name
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>vrgw>brg>brg-profile radius-proxy-server)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt vrgw brg brg-profile radius-proxy-server
This command enables BRG processing on the specified RADIUS proxy server. Whenever an Access-Accept message is received with the attribute Alc-BRG-Id present, this triggers the creation of a BRG. The BRG uses the brg-profile specified in the Access-Accept message or fall back to this BRG profile. When the specified radius-proxy-server has a cache enabled, no cache entries are created for a transaction identified as BRG. A RADIUS proxy server can only be listed in one BRG profile.
This command can be executed multiple times.
The no form of this command removes BRG processing for the specified radius-proxy server.
- router-instance
Specifies the ID of the VRF where the proxy server is located.
- server-name
Specifies the name of the RADIUS proxy server.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-proxy-server router router-instance name server-name
no radius-proxy-server
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nat>inside>subscriber-identification radius-proxy-server)
[Tree] (config>router>nat>inside>subscriber-identification radius-proxy-server)
Full Context
configure service vprn nat inside subscriber-identification radius-proxy-server
configure router nat inside subscriber-identification radius-proxy-server
This command configures RADIUS proxy server parameters. This is a reference to a RADIUS accounting proxy server in Subscriber Aware Large Scale NAT44 application. RADIUS accounting proxy server will cache attributes related to a BNG subscriber as they are received in standard accounting messages (RFC 2866). Radius accounting proxy server can be configured in any routing instance within 7750 SR.
- router router-instance
Specifies the routing instance in which the RADIUS accounting proxy is configured.
- name server-name
Specifies the name reference to the RADIUS accounting proxy server that is instantiated in 7750 SR.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-script-policy policy-name [create]
no radius-script-policy policy-name
[Tree] (config>aaa radius-script-policy)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-script-policy
This command configures a RADIUS script policy.
The no form of this command removes the script policy from the configuration.
- policy-name
Configures Python scripts to modify RADIUS messages.
- create
This keyword is required when first creating the configuration context. Once the context is created, it is possible to navigate into the context without the create keyword.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>router radius-server)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn radius-server)
Full Context
configure router radius-server
configure service vprn radius-server
Commands in this context configure the RADIUS server under router or VPRN service.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>aaa>l2tp-acct-plcy radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure aaa l2tp-accounting-policy radius-server-policy
This command references an existing radius-server-policy (available under the config>aaa context) for use in subscriber management authentication and accounting.
When configured in an authentication-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-authentication-server context
When configured in a radius-accounting-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-accounting-server context
The no form of this command removes the radius-server-policy reference from the configuration.
no radius-server-policy
- policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name [create]
no radius-server-policy policy-name
[Tree] (config>aaa radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-server-policy
This command creates a radius-server-policy.
A RADIUS server policy can be used in
radius-proxy, for application like EAP authentication for WIFI access
authentication policy, for Enhanced Subscriber Management authentication
RADIUS accounting policy, for Enhanced Subscriber Management accounting
dynamic data service RADIUS accounting
AAA route downloader
The no form of this command removes the policy name from the configuration.
- policy-name
Specifies the name of the radius-server-policy up to 32 characters.
- create
Keyword used to create a radius-server-policy name. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy radius-server-policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy radius-server-policy)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-plcy radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy radius-server-policy
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy radius-server-policy
This command references an existing radius-server-policy (available under the config>aaa context) for use in subscriber management authentication and accounting.
When configured in an authentication-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-authentication-server context
When configured in a radius-accounting-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-accounting-server context
The no form of this command removes the radius-server-policy reference from the configuration
- radius-server-policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>aaa>route-downloader radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure aaa route-downloader radius-server-policy
This command references an existing radius-server-policy (available under the config>aaa context). The server (or servers) referenced by the policy is used as the targets for the access-request message.
The no form of this command removes the policy name from the route-downloader configuration.
- policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>vrgw>brg>brg-profile>radius-authentication radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt vrgw brg brg-profile radius-authentication radius-server-policy
This command is used if the BRG must be authenticated to the controller/PCMP by the vRGW. This is required if the BRG does not perform RADIUS authentication via the proxy server. The vRGW originates a valid Access Request using the BRG ID as the username.
The no form of this command removes the radius-server-policy from the configuration. Setup of an unauthenticated BRG fails.
- policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy, up to 32 characters, to be applied to this subscriber authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy radius-server-policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>ipsec>rad-acct-plcy radius-server-policy)
[Tree] (config>ipsec>rad-auth-plcy radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure ipsec radius-accounting-policy radius-server-policy
configure ipsec radius-authentication-policy radius-server-policy
This command references an existing radius-server-policy (available under the config>aaa context) for use in subscriber management authentication and accounting.
When configured in an authentication-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-authentication-server context
When configured in a radius-accounting-policy, following CLI commands are ignored in the policy to avoid conflicts:
all commands in the radius-accounting-server context
The no form of this command removes the radius-server-policy reference from the configuration.
no radius-server-policy
- radius-server-policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>vrgw>brg>brg-profile radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt vrgw brg brg-profile radius-server-policy
This command allows the vRGW to authenticate on the BRG's behalf. This is required if the BRG does not perform authentication itself using the radius proxy. The vRGW originates a valid Access Request using the BRG ID as a username.
The no form of this command removes the RADIUS server policy from the configuration. Setting up of an unauthenticated BRG will now fail.
no radius-server-policy
- policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy, up to 32 characters, to apply in this subscriber authentication policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-server-policy policy-name
radius-server-policy auth policy-name-auth
radius-server-policy acct policy-name-acct
radius-server-policy auth policy-name-auth acct policy-name-acct
no radius-server-policy
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>dot1x radius-server-policy)
Full Context
configure port ethernet dot1x radius-server-policy
This command configures the RADIUS policy with IPv4/IPv6 in base routing and VPRN. The current RADIUS policy can be found under the configure>aaa>radius-server-policy context.
The RADIUS servers for the policy are configured under configure>router>radius-server or configure>service>vprn>radius-server context.
The RADIUS policy is assigned under dot1x using the radius-server-policy command. When the RADIUS policy is configured, both authorization and accounting are performed via the same server.
The no form of this command allows authorization and accounting via different servers.
no radius-server-policy
- policy-name
Specifies the RADIUS server policy, up to 32 characters.
The policy is configured under configure>aaa>radius-server-policy. When the policy name is configured, both authorization and accounting are done via this server.
- policy-name-auth
Specifies the AAA RADIUS server policy for dot1x authorization only; up to 32 characters.
The policy is configured under configure>aaa>radius-server-policy. The policy name authorization is used if the user needs a different server for authorization.
- policy-name-acct
Specifies the AAA RADIUS server policy for dot1x accounting only; up to 32 characters.
The policy is configured under configure>aaa>radius-server-policy. The policy name accounting is used if the user needs a different server for accounting.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
radius-session-timeout {backwards-compatible | ignore | absolute}
no radius-session-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipoe-session radius-session-timeout)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipoe-session radius-session-timeout)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipoe-session radius-session-timeout
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipoe-session radius-session-timeout
This command specifies how to interpret the session-timeout coming from a RADIUS VSA in an Access-Accept or CoA message.
The value of this command can only be changed on wlan-gw group interfaces.
The no form of this command to resets the default behavior.
radius-session-timeout absolute (backward compatible on wlan-gw group interfaces)
- backwards-compatible
Specifies that the VSA is interpreted as an IPv4 lease time if the Alc-Lease-Time attribute is not present and an absolute timeout otherwise. The VSA is treated the same as for non-ipoe session DHCP hosts.
- ignore
Specifies that the VSA meaning is irrelevant for IPoE session and should be ignored.
- absolute
Specifies that the VSA would be treated as a timeout starting from the moment the IPoE session is set up.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] radius-user-name
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>diam-appl-plcy>gy>include-avp radius-user-name)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gy include-avp radius-user-name
This command includes the RADIUS user name AVP in the Diameter Gy messages.
The no form of this command returns the command to the default setting.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] rai
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>diam-appl-plcy>gx>include-avp rai)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gx include-avp rai
This command enables the inclusion of the RAI AVP as signaled in the incoming GTP setup message.
The no form of this command disables the inclusion of the AVP.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
range start-entry queue-id count count
no range
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>dynamic-queue range)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress dynamic-queue range
This command configures the range of IDs from which the system allocates dynamic queues. You cannot use the same IDs for static queues within the same policy.
no range
- queue-id
Specifies the ID of the queue for the start entry of the range.
- count
Specifies the count for the range.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
range encap-range sync-tag sync-tag
no range encap-range
[Tree] (config>redundancy>multi-chassis>peer>sync>port range)
Full Context
configure redundancy multi-chassis peer sync port range
This command configures a range of encapsulation values.
- encap-range
Specifies a range of encapsulation values on a port to be synchronized with a multi-chassis peer.
- sync-tag
Specifies a synchronization tag up to 32 characters to be used while synchronizing this encapsulation value range with the multi-chassis peer.
range vc-id-range [sync-tag sync-tag]
no range vc-id-range
[Tree] (config>redundancy>multi-chassis>peer>sync>sdp range)
Full Context
configure redundancy multi-chassis peer sync sdp range
This command specifies a range of VC IDs for manually configured spoke SDPs to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer and a synchronization tag to be used while synchronizing each range with the multi-chassis peer. The range command and the configuration of a synchronization tag on the parent sdp command are mutually exclusive.
To synchronize a single spoke SDP, the start-vc-id should be the same as the end-vc-id. If the configured end-vc-id is lower than the start-vc-id, the range command fails.
The synchronization tag can be changed by entering the same command with a different synchronization tag. Changing the synchronization tag removes all states relating to the previous synchronization tag for the SDP and a new synchronization tag state is created.
Multiple range commands can be configured, however, overlapping ranges for the same SDP (sdp-id) are not permitted.
The synchronization of PIM snooping is only supported for manually configured spoke SDPs but is not supported for spoke SDPs configured within an endpoint. See PIM Snooping for IPv4 Synchronization for service support.
The synchronization of the PIM snooping state is not supported on any of the following when used with the configured sdp-id:
mesh SDPs
spoke SDPs in non-VPLS services
BGP-AD/BGP-VPLS (FEC 129) spoke SDPs
spoke SDPs configured in endpoints
pseudowire SAPs
ESM-over-MPLS pseudowires
Non-existent spoke SDPs may be specified. If these spoke SDPs are created at a later time, then all states on the spoke SDPs are synchronized according to the synchronization tag and the synchronization protocols enabled. The sync-tag can be changed by entering the same command with a different sync-tag value. If the synchronization tag is changed, then all states for the previous sync-tag are removed for the SDP configured in the command and the state is then built for the new synchronization tag.
- vc-id-range
Specifies a non-overlapping range of VC IDs for the spoke SDPs of the SDP to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.
- sync-tag
Specifies a synchronization tag, up to 32 characters, to be used when synchronizing with the multi-chassis peer.
[no] range vlan-range
[Tree] (config>redundancy>mc>peer>mcr>ring>path-b range)
[Tree] (config>redundancy>mc>peer>mcr>ring>path-excl range)
Full Context
configure redundancy multi-chassis peer mc-ring ring path-b range
configure redundancy multi-chassis peer mc-ring ring path-excl range
This command configures a Layer 2 MC-Ring path-b or path-excl VLAN range.
By default, all customer VLANs participating in an L2 MC-Ring are on path-a. For load balancing purposes, a range of customer VLANs can be configured to use path-b which is set up in the opposite direction than path-a.The range of VLANs that are not participating in L2 MC-Ring are configured using the path-excl command.
- vlan-range
Specifies the VLAN range.
[no] range vlan-range
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>managed-vlan-list range)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap managed-vlan-list range
This command configures a range of VLANs on an access port that are to be managed by an existing management VPLS.
This command is only valid when the VPLS in which it is entered was created as a management VPLS, and when the SAP in which it was entered was created on an Ethernet port with encapsulation type of dot1q or qinq, or on a SONET/SDH port with encapsulation type of bcp-dot1q.
To modify the range of VLANs, first the new range should be entered and afterwards the old range removed.
The no form of this command removes the VLAN range from this configuration.
- vlan-range
Specifies the VLAN start value and VLAN end value. The end-vlan must be greater than start-vlan. The format is <start-vlan>-<end-vlan>.
range start [value] end [value]
range default
no range start [value] end [value]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges range)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges range)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range
This command creates a VLAN range or enters the context of the specified VLAN ranges for configuration applicable to that range of VLANs.
- start
Specifies the start of the VLAN range.
- end
Specifies the end of VLAN range.
- default
Specifies to use defaults for the interface.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
range isid [to isid]
no range
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>isid-policy>entry range)
Full Context
configure service vpls isid-policy entry range
This command specifies an ISID or a Range of ISIDs in a B-VPLS. One range is allowed per entry.
no range
- isid
Specifies the ISID value in 24 bits. When singular, ISID identifies a particular ISID to be used for matching
- to isid
Identifies upper value in a range of ISIDs to be used as matching criteria
range range-id isid isid-value [to isid-value] [create]
no range range-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>static-isid range)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>static-isid range)
Full Context
configure service vpls spoke-sdp static-isid range
configure service vpls sap static-isid range
This command identifies a set of ISIDs for I-VPLS services that are external to SPBM. These ISIDs are advertised as supported locally on this node unless an altered by an isid-policy. This allows communication from I-VPLS services external to SPBM through this node. The SAP may be a regular SAP or MC-LAG SAP. The spoke-SDP may be an active/standby spoke. When used with MC-LAG or active/stand-by PWs the conditional static-mac must be configured. ISIDs declared this way become part of the ISID multicast and consume MFIBs. Multiple SPBM static-isid ranges are allowed under a SAP/spoke-SDP.
The static-isids are associated with a remote B-MAC that must be declared as a static-mac for unicast traffic. ISIDs are advertised as if they were attached to the local B-MAC. Only remote I-VPLS ISIDs need to be defined. In the MFIB, the group MACs are then associated with the active SAP or spoke-SDP. An ISID policy may be defined to suppress the advertisement of an ISID if the ISID is primary used for unicast services. The following rules govern the usage of multiple ISID statements:
overlapping values are allowed:
isid from 301 to 310
isid from 305 to 315
isid 316
the minimum and maximum values from overlapping ranges are considered and displayed. The above entries will be equivalent with "ISID from 301 to 316” statement.
there is no consistency check with the content of ISID statements from other entries. The entries will be evaluated in the order of their IDs and the first match will cause the implementation to execute the associated action for that entry.
The no form of this command removes all the previous statements under one interface
no isid value | from value to higher-value - removes a specific ISID value or range. Must match a previously used positive statement: for example if the command "isid 316 to 400” was used using "no isid 316 to 350” will not work but "no isid 316 to 400 will be successful.
- range-id
Sets context for specified entry ID for the static-isids
- isid-value
Configures the ISID or the start of an ISID range. Specifies the ISID value in 24 bits. When just one present identifies a particular ISID to be used for matching.
- to isid
Identifies upper value in a range of ISIDs to be used as matching criteria
- create
This keyword is mandatory when creating a range instance.
range start-entry policer-id count count
no range
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>dyn-policer range)
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>dyn-policer range)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress dynamic-policer range
configure qos sap-ingress dynamic-policer range
This command defines the range of ids for dynamic policers that are created using a Gx interface.
The no form of this command disables creation of dynamic policers using a Gx interface, resulting in a Gx rule instantiation failure, which is the default.
no range
- start-entry policer-id
Specifies the lowest entry in the range.
- count count
Specifies the number of entries in the range.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rapid-psc-timer interval
no rapid-psc-timer
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>mpls-tp>protection-template rapid-psc-timer)
Full Context
configure router mpls mpls-tp protection-template rapid-psc-timer
This command configures the rapid timer value to be used for protection switching coordination (PSC) packets for MPLS-TP linear protection (RFC 6378).
rapid-psc-timer 10
- interval
Specifies the rapid timer interval in milliseconds.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
rapid-retransmit-time hundred-milliseconds
no rapid-retransmit-time
[Tree] (config>router>rsvp rapid-retransmit-time)
Full Context
configure router rsvp rapid-retransmit-time
This command defines the value of the Rapid Retransmission Interval. It is used in the re-transmission mechanism to handle unacknowledged message_id objects and is based on an exponential back-off timer.
Re-transmission interval of a RSVP message with the same message_id = 2 * rapid-retransmit-time interval of time.
The node stops re-transmission of unacknowledged RSVP messages:
If the updated back-off interval exceeds the value of the regular refresh interval.
If the number of re-transmissions reaches the value of the rapid-retry-limit parameter, whichever comes first.
The Rapid Retransmission Interval must be smaller than the regular refresh interval configured in config>router>rsvp>refresh-time.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
rapid-retransmit-time 5
- hundred-milliseconds
Specifies the rapid retransmission interval, in hundred-milliseconds (for example, enter "6” for a 600 millisecond retransmit time).
rapid-retry-limit number
no rapid-retry-limit
[Tree] (config>router>rsvp rapid-retry-limit)
Full Context
configure router rsvp rapid-retry-limit
This command defines the value of the Rapid Retry Limit. This is used in the retransmission mechanism based on an exponential backoff timer in order to handle unacknowledged message_id objects. The RSVP message with the same message_id is retransmitted every 2 * rapid-retransmit-time interval of time. The node stops retransmission of unacknowledged RSVP messages whenever the updated backoff interval exceeds the value of the regular refresh interval or the number of retransmissions reaches the value of the rapid-retry-limit parameter, whichever comes first.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
rapid-retry-limit 3
- number
Specifies the value of the Rapid Retry Limit.
rapid-update [l2-vpn] [mvpn-ipv4] [mvpn-ipv6] [mdt-safi] [evpn] [label-ipv4] [label-ipv6] [vpn-ipv4] [vpn-ipv6] [mcast-vpn-ipv4] [mcast-vpn-ipv6]
no rapid-update
[Tree] (config>router>bgp rapid-update)
Full Context
configure router bgp rapid-update
This command enables and disables BGP rapid update for specified address families.
If rapid update is enabled for a set of address families, and a route belonging to a family in that set is received by the router and chosen for propagation to certain BGP peers, the remaining time on the MRAI timer of these peers is ignored and the route is transmitted immediately, along with all other pending routes for these peers (including routes of address families not specified in the rapid-update command).
The rapid-update command overrides the peer-level min-route-advertisement (config>router>bgp min-route-advertisement, config>router>bgp>group min-route-advertisement, config>router>bgp>group>neighbor min-route-advertisement) time and applies the minimum setting (0 seconds) to routes belonging to specified address families; routes of other address families continue to be advertised according to the session-level MRAI setting.
The no form of this command disables rapid update for all address families.
no rapid-update
- l2-vpn
Specifies the BGP rapid update for the 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher (RD) followed by a 4-byte value.
- mvpn-ipv4
Specifies BGP rapid update for the mvpn-ipv4 address family. The mvpn-pv4 address is a variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size that is route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field.
- mdt-safi
Specifies BGP rapid update for the mdt-safi address family. The address is a 16-byte value consisting of 12-byte route distinguisher (RD) followed by a 4-byte group address.
- mvpn-ipv6
Specifies BGP rapid update for the mvpn-ipv6 address family.
- evpn
Specifies BGP rapid update for the evpn address family by including or removing EVPN routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- label-ipv4
Includes or removes label-ipv4 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- label-ipv6
Includes or removes label-ipv6 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- vpn-ipv4
Includes or removes vpn-ipv4 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- vpn-ipv6
Includes or removes vpn-ipv6 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- mcast-vpn-ipv4
Includes or removes mcast-vpn-ipv4 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
- mcast-vpn-ipv6
Includes or removes mcast-vpn-ipv6 routes from the set of routes that can trigger rapid update.
[no] rapid-withdrawal
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp rapid-withdrawal)
Full Context
configure service vprn bgp rapid-withdrawal
This command disables the delay (Minimum Route Advertisement) on sending BGP withdrawals. Normal route withdrawals may be delayed up to the minimum route advertisement to allow for efficient packing of BGP updates.
The no form of this command removes this command from the configuration and returns withdrawal processing to the normal behavior.
no rapid-withdrawal
[no] rapid-withdrawal
[Tree] (config>router>bgp rapid-withdrawal)
Full Context
configure router bgp rapid-withdrawal
This command disables the delay (Minimum Route Advertisement) on sending BGP withdrawals. Normal route withdrawals may be delayed up to the minimum route advertisement to allow for efficient packing of BGP updates.
The no form of this command removes this command from the configuration and returns withdrawal processing to the normal behavior.
no rapid-withdrawal
rat-type {utran | geran | wlan | gan | hspa | eutran | virtual | id}
no rat-type
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile rat-type)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile rat-type
This command configures the default Radio Access Type (RAT) signaled during GTP setup. RAT is the underlying physical connection method for a radio-based communication network. This can be overridden by RADIUS.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
rat-type wlan
- utran
Specifies the signaled RAT type is UTRAN (1).
- geran
Specifies the signaled RAT type is GERAN (2).
- wlan
Specifies the signaled RAT type is WLAN (3).
- gan
Specifies the signaled RAT type is GAN (4).
- hspa
Specifies the signaled RAT type is HSPA Evolution (5).
- eutran
Specifies the signaled RAT type is EUTRAN (6).
- virtual
Specifies the signaled RAT type is virtual (7).
- id
Specifies the numeric RAT type value.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] rat-type
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-plcy>include-radius-attribute rat-type)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy include-radius-attribute rat-type
This command enables the inclusion of the Radio Access Type in AAA protocols as signaled in the incoming GTP setup message.
The no form of this command disables the inclusion of the attribute.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] rat-type
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>diam-appl-plcy>nasreq>include-avp rat-type)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>diam-appl-plcy>gx>include-avp rat-type)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy nasreq include-avp rat-type
configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gx include-avp rat-type
This command includes the RAT type.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy nasreq include-avp rat-type
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure subscriber-mgmt diameter-application-policy gx include-avp rat-type
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress>qos>hs-wrr-grp rate)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos hs-wrr-group rate
This command configures the rate (PIR) override for the WRR group.
The no form of this command removes the rate from the configuration.
- rate
Specifies the PIR expressed as a percentage of line rate in kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress>qos>queue rate)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent command’s cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kb/s, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queues adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
Defines the administrative CIR rate, kb/s, for the queue. The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>ingress>qos>queue rate)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile ingress qos queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. For SAP ingress, the CIR also defines the rate that packets are considered in-profile by the system. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent command’s cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP ingress or SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queues adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
Specifies the cir parameter used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate {max | rate} [cir {max | rate}]
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress>qos>policer rate)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>ingress>qos>policer rate)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos policer rate
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile ingress qos policer rate
This command is used to configure the policer’s metering and optional profiling rates. The metering rate is used by the system to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate while the profiling rate configures the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate. The decrement function empties the bucket while packets applied to the bucket attempt to fill it based on each packets size. If the bucket fills faster than how much is decremented per packet, the bucket’s depth eventually reaches it's exceed (CIR) or violate (PIR) threshold. The cbs, mbs, and high-prio-only commands are used to configure the policer’s PIR and CIR thresholds.
If a packet arrives at the policer while the bucket’s depth is less than the threshold associated with the packet, the packet is considered to be conforming to the bucket’s rate. If the bucket depth is equal to or greater than the threshold, the packet is considered to be in the exception state. For the CIR bucket, the exception state is exceeding the CIR rate while the PIR bucket's exception state is violating the PIR bucket rate. If the packet is violating the PIR, the packet is marked red and is discarded. If the packet is not red, it may be green or yellow based on the conforming or exceeding state from the CIR bucket.
When a packet is red neither the PIR or CIR bucket depths are incremented by the packets size. When the packet is yellow the PIR bucket is incremented by the packet size, but the CIR bucket is not. When the packet is green, both the PIR and CIR buckets are incremented by the packet size. This ensures that conforming packets impact the bucket depth while exceeding or violating packets do not.
The policer’s adaptation-rule command settings are used by the system to convert the specified rates into hardware timers and decrement values for the policer’s buckets.
By default, the policer’s metering rate is max and the profiling rate is 0 kb/s (all packets out-of-profile).
The rate settings defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.
The no form of this command restores the default metering and profiling rate to a policer.
- {max | rate}
Specifies the packet byte offset. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit rate (in kilobits per second) parameter directly following the rate command is required and identifies the policer’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the metering rate defaults to max. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used is equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | rate}
Specifies the packet byte offset. The optional cir keyword is used to override the default CIR rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit rate (in kilobits per second) parameter directly following the cir keyword is required and identifies the policer’s profiling rate for the CIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the profiling rate defaults to 0 kb/s. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used is equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate rate
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate rate
configure service ies interface sap egress agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object (SAP, subscriber, Vport, and so on).
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate therefore returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate limit for the SAP, in kilobits per second.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate rate
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate rate
- configure service ies interface sap egress agg-rate rate
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress queue-override queue rate
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override queue rate
configure service vpls sap ingress queue-override queue rate
configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-override queue rate
This command overrides specific attributes of the specified queue’s Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters.
The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile, then out-of-profile, packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be configured as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
Overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be configured as a positive integer.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command overrides specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its policers, child queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler’s 'within CIR’ distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler because of insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler assumes that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child queues and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler's PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
rate max cir sum
- pir-rate
Specifies the PIR rates. The pir parameter accepts a step multiplier value that specifies the multiplier used to determine the PIR rate at which the queue operates. A value of 0 to 100000000 or the keyword max is accepted. Any other value results in an error without modifying the current PIR rate.
To calculate the actual PIR rate, the rate described by the queue’s rate is multiplied by the pir-rate.
The SAP ingress context for PIR is independent of the defined forwarding class (fc) for the queue. The default pir and definable range is identical for each class. The PIR in effect for a queue defines the maximum rate at which the queue is allowed to forward packets in a given second, shaping the queue’s output.
The PIR parameter for SAP ingress queues do not have a negate (no) function. To return the queue’s PIR rate to the default value, that value must be specified as the PIR value.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate. The cir parameter accepts a step-multiplier value that specifies the multiplier used to determine the CIR rate at which the queue operate. A value of 0 to 250 or the keyword max is accepted. Any other value results in an error without modifying the current CIR rate.
To calculate the actual CIR rate, the rate described by the rate pir pir-rate is multiplied by the cir-rate. If the cir is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity.
The context for CIR is dependent on the defined forwarding class (fc) for the queue. The default CIR and definable range is different for each class. The CIR in effect for a policer or queue defines both its profile (in or out) marking level as well as the relative importance compared to other queues for scheduling purposes during congestion periods.
rate rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>isa-policer rate)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt isa-policer rate
This command specifies at which rate the policer drains packets. The cir value is only supported on dual-bucket-bandwidth policers. If rate max is configured, no actual rate limitations are applied.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- rate
Specifies the rate in kb/s.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate in kb/s.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
no rate
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>network>qgrp>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>access>qgrp>policer-over>plcr rate)
Full Context
configure card fp ingress network queue-group policer-override policer rate
configure card fp ingress access queue-group policer-override policer rate
This command configures the policer’s metering and optional profiling rates. The metering rate is used by the system to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate while the profiling rate configures the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate. The decrement function empties the bucket while packets applied to the bucket attempt to fill it based on its packet size. If the bucket fills faster than how much is decremented per packet, the bucket’s depth eventually reaches it's exceeded (CIR) or violate (PIR) threshold. The cbs, mbs, and high-prio-only commands are used to configure the policer’s PIR and CIR thresholds.
If a packet arrives at the policer while the bucket’s depth is less than the threshold associated with the packet, the packet is considered to be conforming to the bucket’s rate. If the bucket depth is equal to or greater than the threshold, the packet is considered to be in the exception state. For the CIR bucket, the exception state is exceeding the CIR rate while the PIR bucket's exception state is violating the PIR bucket rate. If the packet is violating the PIR, the packet is marked red and will be discarded. If the packet is not red, it may be green or yellow based on the conforming or exceeding state from the CIR bucket.
When a packet is red neither the PIR nor the CIR bucket depths are incremented by the packets size. When the packet is yellow the PIR bucket is incremented by the packet size, but the CIR bucket is not. When the packet is green, both the PIR and CIR buckets are incremented by the packet size. This ensures that conforming packets impact the bucket depth while exceeding or violating packets do not.
The policer’s adaptation-rule command settings are used by the system to convert the specified rates into hardware timers and decrement values for the policer’s buckets.
By default, the policer’s metering rate is max and the profiling rate is 0 kb/s (all packets out-of-profile).
The rate settings defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.
The no form of this command reverts to the default metering and profiling rate of a policer.
- {rate | max}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit rate parameter directly following the rate command is required and identifies the policer’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the metering rate defaults to max. The kilobits-per-second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the default CIR rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit rate parameter directly following the cir keyword is required and identifies the policer’s profiling rate for the CIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the profiling rate defaults to 0 kb/s. The kilobits-per-second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egr>qgrp>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group agg-rate rate
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object.
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate limit for the queue group, in kilobits per second.
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>vport>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress vport agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object.
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate limit for the Vport, in kilobits per second.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp>qover>q rate)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>qover>q rate)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egr>qover>q rate)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group queue-overrides queue rate
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group queue-overrides queue rate
configure port ethernet network egress queue-overrides queue rate
This command specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the egress queue group template.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0 - The max default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kilobits per second (thousand bits per second). The max value is mutually exclusive to the pir-rate value.
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits per second, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue, in kilobits per second. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler's 'within CIR' distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler's parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler's needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler because of insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler assumes that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child policers, queues, and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler's PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir-rate
Specifies the PIR rate, in kilobits per second. Any other value results in an error without modifying the current PIR rate.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate, in kilobits per second. If the CIR is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues.
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>egress>hs-sec-shaper>class rate)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>egress>hs-sec-shaper>agg rate)
Full Context
configure port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper class rate
configure port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper aggregate rate
This command specifies the rate allowed for the HS secondary shaper's aggregate rate and per-class rates.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
rate max
- rate
Specifies the maximum rate in kilobits per second. When the max keyword follows the rate keyword, the bandwidth limitation is removed from the aggregate or class. The max keyword is mutually exclusive to the rate parameter. Either max or a rate value must follow the rate keyword.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap egress agg-rate rate
configure service epipe sap egress agg-rate rate
configure service ipipe sap egress agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object (SAP, subscriber, Vport, and so on).
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
The enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context, in kilobits per second.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress agg-rate rate
- configure service epipe sap egress agg-rate rate
- configure service ipipe sap egress agg-rate rate
rate {rate | max} [cir {rate | max}]
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>policer-over>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>policer-over>plcr rate)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
configure service ipipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
configure service ipipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
configure service cpipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
configure service epipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
configure service epipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
This command within the SAP ingress and egress policer-overrides contexts is used to override the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy configured rate parameters for the specified policer-id.
The no rate command is used to restore the policy defined metering and profiling rate to a policer.
- rate rate
Specifies the policer instance metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket, in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second.
- cir rate
Specifies the overriding value for the policy-derived profiling rate of the policer, in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second.
- max
Uses the maximum policer rate, equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR or CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
- configure service cpipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
- configure service ipipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
- configure service ipipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
- configure service epipe sap ingress policer-override policer rate
- configure service epipe sap egress policer-override policer rate
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>queue-override>hs-wrr-group rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>queue-override>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap egress queue-override hs-wrr-group rate
configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override hs-wrr-group rate
This command overrides the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in kb/s. A rate can be specified in kb/s or the keyword max can be used to remove the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The override rate type must match the corresponding rate type within the applied QoS policy.
The no form of this command removes the rate override value from the configuration.
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group in kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified queue’s Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters.
The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile and then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the SAP egress QoS policy.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits per second, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
- configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
- configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
- configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue rate
- configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
- configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue rate
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child policers, queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler’s 'within CIR’ distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child policers or queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler will assume that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child policers, queues, and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler’s PIR and CIR parameters to the values configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir-rate
The pir parameter accepts the max keyword or a value in kilobits per second. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current PIR rate.
- cir cir-rate
The cir parameter accepts a value in kilobits per second or the max keyword. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current CIR rate.
If the cir parameter is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity but bounded by the PIR rate.
The sum keyword specifies that the CIR will be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues.
- configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
- configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
- configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
- configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
- configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>encap-defined-qos>encap-group>agg-rate rate)
[Tree] (config>service>template>vpls-sap-template>egress>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress agg-rate rate
configure service vpls sap egress encap-defined-qos encap-group agg-rate rate
configure service template vpls-sap-template egress agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered active on the context’s object (SAP, subscriber, Vport, and so on.).
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
The enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context, in kilobits per second.
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>policer-override>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress>policer-override>plcr rate)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress policer-override policer rate
configure service vpls sap ingress policer-override policer rate
This command within the SAP ingress and egress policer-overrides contexts is used to override the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy configured rate parameters for the specified policer-id.
The no form of this command removes the rate override so that the rate configured for the policer in the applied SAP egress QoS policy is used.
- {rate | max}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the rate override command is required and identifies the policer instance’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the policy derived profiling rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the cir keyword is required. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>queue-override>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress queue-override hs-wrr-group rate
This command overrides the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in kb/s. Alternatively, the keyword max can be specified which removes the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The override rate type must match the corresponding rate type within the applied QoS policy.
The no form of this command removes the rate override value from the configuration.
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group in kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>policer-override>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>policer-override>plcr rate)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap ingress policer-override policer rate
configure service ies interface sap egress policer-override policer rate
This command within the SAP ingress and egress policer-overrides contexts is used to override the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy configured rate parameters for the specified policer-id.
The no form of the command removes the rate override so that the rate configured for the policer in the applied SAP egress QoS policy is used.
- {rate | max}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the rate override command is required and identifies the policer instance’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the policy derived profiling rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the cir keyword is required. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>queue-override>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override hs-wrr-group rate
This command overrides the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in Kb/s. Alternatively, the keyword max can be specified which removes the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The override rate type must match the corresponding rate type within the applied QoS policy.
The no form of this command removes the rate override value from the configuration.
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group in Kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service ies interface sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler’s 'within CIR’ distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler will assume that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child queues and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler's PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir-rate
The pir parameter accepts a value in kilobits per second, or the keyword max. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current PIR rate.
- cir-rate
This parameter accepts a step-multiplier value that specifies the multiplier used to determine the CIR rate at which the queue will operate. A value in kilobits per second or the keywords max or sum is accepted. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current CIR rate.
If the cir is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity but is restricted by the PIR rate.
The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues.
For egress>sched-override>scheduler and ingress>sched-override>scheduler:
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object.
The no form of this command removes an explicit rate value from the aggregate rate returning it to its default value.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate limit for the SAP, in kilobits per second.
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>policer-override>plcr rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>policer-override>plcr rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ingress policer-override policer rate
configure service vprn interface sap egress policer-override policer rate
This command within the SAP ingress and egress policer-overrides contexts is used to override the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy configured rate parameters for the specified policer-id.
The no form of this command restores the policy defined metering and profiling rate to a policer.
- {rate | max}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the rate override command is required and identifies the policer instance’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the policy derived profiling rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit kilobits per second parameter directly following the cir keyword is required. The kilobits per second value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits per second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits per second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>queue-override>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override hs-wrr-group rate
This command overrides the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in Kb/s. Alternatively, the keyword max can be specified which removes the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The override rate type must match the corresponding rate type within the applied QoS policy.
The no form of this command removes the rate override value from the configuration.
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group in Kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>queue-override>queue rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>queue-override>queue rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-override queue rate
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override queue rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified queue’s Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the SAP egress QoS policy.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kb/s, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
Defines the administrative CIR rate, in kb/s, for the queue. The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service vprn interface sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler’s 'within CIR’ distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child policers and queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler will assume that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child queues and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler's PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir-rate
Specifies the PIR rate for the scheduler. The pir parameter accepts a value in kb/s, or the max keyword. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current PIR rate.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate for the scheduler. The cir parameter accepts a value in kb/s, or the max or sum keywords. Any other value will result in an error without modifying the current CIR rate.
If the cir is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity, but is limited by the pir-rate.
If the cir is set to sum, then the CIR rate is set to the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues.
rate sample-rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume rate)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group cflowd volume rate
This command configures the sampling rate of packets for the cflowd export of application assurance volume statistics.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- sample-rate
Specifies the rate at which to sample packets for the cflowd export of application assurance volume statistics.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>policer rate)
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>tod-override rate)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group policer rate
configure application-assurance group policer tod-override rate
This command configures the administrative PIR and CIR for bandwidth policers and flow setup rate limits for flow policers. The actual rate sustained by the flow can be limited by other policers that may be applied to that flow’s traffic. This command does not apply to flow-count-limit policers.
The cir option is applicable only to dual-bucket bandwidth policers. It is recommended to configure flow setup rate subscriber-level policer for AA subscribers to ensure fair usage of flow resources between AA subscribers.
The no form of this command resets the values to defaults.
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Specifies an integer for the PIR rate in kb/s for bandwidth policers.
- cir-rate
Specifies an integer for the CIR rate in kb/s.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate sample-rate
no rate
[Tree] (debug>app-assure>group>http-host-recorder rate)
[Tree] (debug>app-assure>group>port-recorder rate)
Full Context
debug application-assurance group http-host-recorder rate
debug application-assurance group port-recorder rate
This command configures the sampling rate for the recorded http host, a sampling rate of 10 will sample one out of 10 http-host.
- sample-rate
Specifies the sample rate.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
The following output is an example of a configuration with http-host entries ending with ".com” as a result of the expression filter configuration. It will not record any other HTTP host values since the default-filter-action set to no-record. The http-host entries analyzed by the recorder in the first place are http-host-app-filter-candidates.
Output Example7750# show debug
group 1:1
default-filter-action no-record
expression 1 http-host eq "*.com$" record
record http-host-app-filter-candidates
rate 100
no shutdown
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>plcr-ctrl-plcy>tier>arbiter rate)
Full Context
configure qos policer-control-policy tier arbiter rate
This command is used to define the maximum bandwidth an instance of the arbiter can receive from its parent tier 1 arbiter or the root arbiter. The arbiter instance enforces this limit by calculating the bandwidth each of its child policers should receive relative to their offered loads, parenting parameters, and individual rate limits, and using that derived rate as a child PIR decrement rate override. The override will not exceed the child policer’s administrative rate limit and the aggregate of all the child PIR decrement rates will not exceed the specified arbiter rate limit.
The arbiter’s policy defined rate value may be overridden at the SAP or sub-profile where the policer-control-policy is applied. Specifying an override prevents the arbiter from being removed from the policer control policy until the override is removed.
The no form of this command is used to remove a rate limit from the arbiter at the policer control policy level. The policy level rate limit for the arbiter will return to the default value of max. The no rate command has no effect on instances of the arbiter where a rate limit override has been defined.
rate max
- rate
Enter an integer representing the rate limit in kilobits per second.
- max
When max is specified, the arbiter does not enforce a rate limit on its child policers or arbiters other than the individual rate limits enforced at the child level.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate {max | pir-rate} [cir {max | cir-rate}]
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>policer rate)
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>policer rate)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress policer rate
configure qos sap-egress policer rate
This command is used to configure the policer’s metering and optional profiling rates. The metering rate is used by the system to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate while the profiling rate configures the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate. The decrement function empties the bucket while packets applied to the bucket attempt to fill it based on each packet’s size. If the bucket fills faster than how much is decremented per packet, the bucket’s depth eventually reaches its exceed (CIR) or violate (PIR) threshold. The cbs, mbs, and high-prio-only commands are used to configure the policer’s PIR and CIR thresholds.
If a packet arrives at the policer while the bucket’s depth is less than the threshold associated with the packet, the packet is considered to be conforming to the bucket’s rate. If the bucket depth is equal to or greater than the threshold, the packet is considered to be in the exception state. For the CIR bucket, the exception state is exceeding the CIR rate while the PIR bucket's exception state is violating the PIR bucket rate. If the packet is violating the PIR, the packet is marked red and will be discarded. If the packet is not red, it may be green or yellow, based on the conforming or exceeding state from the CIR bucket.
When a packet is red, neither the PIR nor CIR bucket depths are incremented by the packets size. When the packet is yellow, the PIR bucket is incremented by the packet size, but the CIR bucket is not. When the packet is green, both the PIR and CIR buckets are incremented by the packet size. This ensures that conforming packets impact the bucket depth while exceeding or violating packets do not.
The policer’s adaptation-rule command settings are used by the system to convert the specified rates into hardware timers and decrement values for the policer’s buckets.
By default, the policer’s metering rate is max and the profiling rate is 0 kb/s (all packets out-of-profile).
The rate settings defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.
The no form of this command is used to restore the default metering and profiling rate to a policer.
- {max | pir-rate}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit pir-rate parameter directly following the rate command is required and identifies the policer’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the metering rate defaults to max. The pir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | cir-rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the default CIR rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit cir-rate parameter directly following the cir keyword is required and identifies the policer’s profiling rate for the CIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the profiling rate defaults to 0 kb/s. The cir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate] [fir fir-rate]
rate pir-rate police
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR), the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR), and the administrative Fair Information Rate (FIR) parameters for the queue.
The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. For SAP ingress, the CIR also defines the rate that packets are considered in-profile by the system, unless cir-non-profiling is configured. In-profile, then out-of-profile, packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next-hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The FIR defines an additional rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth above that used by the CIR.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR, CIR, and FIR for all queues created through the association of the SAP ingress QoS policy with the queue-id.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0, 0).
rate max cir 0 fir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR, in kilobits per second, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR, in kilobits per second, used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual CIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- fir-rate
The fir parameter overrides the default administrative FIR, in kilobits per second, used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, an FIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the fir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default FIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual FIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
FIR is only supported on FP4 hardware and is ignored when the related policy is applied to FP2- or FP3-based hardware.
- police
Specifies that traffic feeding into the queue instance above the specified PIR rate will be dropped. When the police keyword is defined, only the PIR rate may be overridden.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled as in- or out-of-profile throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.
When configured on an egress HSQ queue group queue, the cir keyword is ignored.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the SAP egress QoS policy.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits per second, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR, in kilobits per second, used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
rate percent
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>network-queue>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure qos network-queue hs-wrr-group rate
This command specifies the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group as a percentage of the port rate, which includes both the egress-rate and HS scheduler policy max-rate, if configured.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
rate 100
- percent
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group as a percentage.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress hs-wrr-group rate
This command specifies the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in kb/s. Alternatively, the keyword max can be specified, which removes the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The rate and percent-rate commands are mutually exclusive.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
rate max
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rate of the HS WRR group in kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>hs-wrr-group rate)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group hs-wrr-group rate
This command specifies the scheduling rate applied to the HS WRR group in kb/s. Alternatively, the keyword max can be specified, which removes the bandwidth limitation on the HS WRR group. The rate and percent-rate commands are mutually exclusive.
The no form of the command reverts to the rate max.
rate max
- rate
Specifies the scheduling rates of the HS WRR group in kb/s.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
rate percent [cir percent] [fir percent]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>network-queue>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos network-queue queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR), the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR), and the administrative Fair Information Rate (FIR) parameters for the queue.
The PIR defines the percentage that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for ingress queues) or out of an egress port (for egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available bandwidth.
The CIR defines the percentage at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s port-parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent port scheduler.
The FIR defines an additional percentage at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth above that used by the CIR percentage.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR, CIR, and FIR for all queues created through the association of the network queue policy with the queue-id.
When configured on an egress HSQ queue group queue, the cir keyword is ignored.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the network queue policy.
The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the network queue policy to the default PIR, CIR, and FIR parameters.
rate 100 cir 0 fir 0
- percent
Defines the percentage of the sum of the capacities of network and hybrid ports on that FP (taking into account any ingress-rate configuration) or egress port speed for the rate allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid percent (PIR setting) must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of 100 is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed, and the value must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir percent
Defines the percentage of the sum of the capacities of network and hybrid ports on that FP (taking into account any ingress-rate configuration) or egress port speed for the CIR allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed, and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual CIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- fir percent
Defines the percentage of the sum of the capacities of network and hybrid ports on that FP (taking into account any ingress-rate configuration) or egress port speed for the FIR allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a FIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the fir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default FIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed, and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual FIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned. FIR is only supported on FP4 hardware and is ignored when the related policy is applied to FP2- or FP3-based hardware.
rate {max | pir-rate} [cir {max | cir-rate}]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>ing>qgrp>policer rate)
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>policer rate)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group policer rate
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group policer rate
This command is used to configure the policer’s metering and optional profiling rates. The metering rate is used by the system to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate while the profiling rate configures the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate. The decrement function empties the bucket while packets applied to the bucket attempt to fill it based on each packet’s size. If the bucket fills faster than how much is decremented per packet, the bucket’s depth eventually reaches its exceed (CIR) or violate (PIR) threshold. The cbs, mbs, and high-prio-only commands are used to configure the policer’s PIR and CIR thresholds.
If a packet arrives at the policer while the bucket’s depth is less than the threshold associated with the packet, the packet is considered to be conforming to the bucket’s rate. If the bucket depth is equal to or greater than the threshold, the packet is considered to be in the exception state. For the CIR bucket, the exception state is exceeding the CIR rate while the PIR bucket's exception state is violating the PIR bucket rate. If the packet is violating the PIR, the packet is marked red and will be discarded. If the packet is not red, it may be green or yellow, based on the conforming or exceeding state from the CIR bucket.
When a packet is red, neither the PIR nor CIR bucket depths are incremented by the packets size. When the packet is yellow, the PIR bucket is incremented by the packet size, but the CIR bucket is not. When the packet is green, both the PIR and CIR buckets are incremented by the packet size. This ensures that conforming packets impact the bucket depth while exceeding or violating packets do not.
The policer’s adaptation-rule command settings are used by the system to convert the specified rates into hardware timers and decrement values for the policer’s buckets.
By default, the policer’s metering rate is max and the profiling rate is 0 kb/s (all packets out-of-profile).
The no form of this command is used to restore the default metering and profiling rate to a policer.
- {max | pir-rate}
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit pir-rate parameter directly following the rate command is required and identifies the policer’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the metering rate defaults to max. The pir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
- cir {max | cir-rate}
The optional cir keyword is used to override the default CIR rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit cir-rate parameter directly following the cir keyword is required and identifies the policer’s profiling rate for the CIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the profiling rate defaults to 0 kb/s. The cir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on which the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CIR used is equivalent to max.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate] [fir fir-rate]
rate pir-rate police
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>queue-group-templates>ingress>queue-group>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group queue rate
This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR), the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR), and the administrative Fair Information Rate (FIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. For SAP ingress, the CIR also defines the rate that packets are considered in-profile by the system, unless cir-non-profiling is configured. In-profile, then out-of-profile, packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The FIR defines an additional rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth above that used by the CIR.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR, CIR, and FIR for all queues created through the association of the ingress queue group template with the queue-id.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR, CIR, and FIR parameters (max, 0, 0).
rate max cir 0 fir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual CIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- fir-rate
The fir parameter overrides the default administrative FIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, an FIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the fir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default FIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer. The actual FIR used is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
FIR is only supported on FP4 hardware and is ignored when the related policy is applied to FP2- or FP3-based hardware.
- police
Specifies that traffic feeding into the queue instance above the specified rate is dropped.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>queue-group-templates>egress>queue-group>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queue rate
This command defines the administrative PIR and the administrative CIR parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress port. Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.
The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled as in- or out-of-profile throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.
The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR and CIR for all queues created through the association of the egress queue group template with the queue-id.
When configured on an egress HSQ queue group queue, the cir keyword is ignored.
This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group within the SAP egress QoS policy.
The no form of this command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).
rate max cir 0
- pir-rate
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure qos scheduler-policy tier scheduler rate
The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler’s within-CIR distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler will assume that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child queues and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler's PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir pir
Specifies the PIR rate of the scheduler in kb/s or it can be set to the maximum using the max keyword.
- cir cir
Specifies the CIR rate of the scheduler in kb/s or it can be set to the maximum using the max keyword. The sum keyword can also be used, which sets the CIR to the sum of child CIR values.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>port-scheduler-policy>group rate)
Full Context
configure qos port-scheduler-policy group rate
This command specifies the total bandwidth and the within-CIR bandwidth allocated to a weighted scheduler group.
The no form of this command returns the rate to its default value of max.
- pir-rate
Specifies PIR rates, in kilobits per second.
- cir cir-rate
Specifies CIR rates, in kilobits per second.
rate percent [cir percent] [fir percent]
no rate
[Tree] (config>qos>shared-queue>queue rate)
Full Context
configure qos shared-queue queue rate
This command defines the administrative PIR, the administrative CIR, and the administrative FIR parameters for the queue.
The PIR defines the percentage that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for ingress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by over-subscription factors or available bandwidth.
The CIR defines the percentage at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.
The rate command can be executed at any time, altering the PIR, CIR, and FIR for the queue created with the queue-id.
- percent
Defines the percentage of the FP ingress capacity for the max rate allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid percent (PIR) setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer.
- cir percent
Defines the percentage of the FP ingress capacity for the CIR allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer.
- fir percent
Defines the percentage of the FP ingress capacity for the FIR allowed for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a FIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the fir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default FIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and the value must be given as a positive integer. FIR is only supported on FP4 hardware and is ignored when the related policy is applied to FP2- or FP3-based hardware.
rate sample-rate
no rate
[Tree] (config>cflowd rate)
Full Context
configure cflowd rate
This command specifies the rate (N) at which traffic is sampled and sent for flow analysis. A packet is sampled every N packets; for example, when sample-rate is configured as 1, then all packets are sent to the cache. When sample-rate is configured as 100, then every 100th packet is sent to the cache.
The no form of this command resets the sample rate to the default value.
rate 1000
- sample-rate
Specifies the rate at which traffic is sampled.
rate kilobits-per-second
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress>agg-rate rate)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site egress agg-rate rate
This command defines the enforced aggregate rate for all queues associated with the agg-rate context. A rate must be specified for the agg-rate context to be considered to be active on the context’s object.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate limit for the multi-service site, in kilobits per second.
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>ingress>sched-override>scheduler rate)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site egress scheduler-override scheduler rate
configure service customer multi-service-site ingress scheduler-override scheduler rate
This command overrides specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate.
The rate command defines the maximum bandwidth that the scheduler can offer its child policers, queues or schedulers. The maximum rate is limited to the amount of bandwidth the scheduler can receive from its parent scheduler. If the scheduler has no parent, the maximum rate is assumed to be the amount available to the scheduler. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, the CIR parameter provides the scheduler’s amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent schedulers 'within CIR’ distribution phase.
The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler’s parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler’s needs or the bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or child policers or queues on the parent based on higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates.
When a scheduler is defined without specifying a rate, the default rate is max. If the scheduler is a root scheduler (no parent defined), the default maximum rate must be changed to an explicit value. Without this explicit value, the scheduler will assume that an infinite amount of bandwidth is available and allow all child queues and schedulers to operate at their maximum rates.
The no form of this command returns the scheduler’s to the PIR and CIR parameters to the value configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- pir-rate
Specifies the PIR rate.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate.
If the cir-rate is set to max, then the CIR rate is set to infinity. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers or queues.
rate rate [cir cir]
no rate
[Tree] (config>system>security>cpm-queue>queue rate)
Full Context
configure system security cpm-queue queue rate
This command specifies the maximum bandwidth that will be made available to the queue in kilobits per second (kb/s).
- rate
Specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) for the queue.
- cir
Specifies the amount of bandwidth committed to the queue.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
rate kbps {kilobits-per-second | max} [mbs size] [bytes | kilobytes]
rate packets {ppi | max} within seconds [initial-delay packets]
no rate
[Tree] (config>sys>security>dist-cpu-protection>policy>local-monitoring-policer rate)
[Tree] (config>sys>security>dist-cpu-protection>policy>protocol>dynamic-parameters rate)
Full Context
configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy local-monitoring-policer rate
configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy protocol dynamic-parameters rate
This command configures the rate and burst tolerance for the policer in either a packet rate or a bit rate.
The actual hardware may not be able to perfectly rate limit to the exact configured parameters. In this case, the configured parameters will be adapted to the closest supported rate. The actual (operational) parameters can be seen in CLI, for example, show service id 33 sap 1/1/3:33 dist-cpu-protection detail.
If the kilobits-per-second parameter value is configured as max, then the policer is effectively disabled (always conforming).
If the size parameter value is configured as 0, then all packets are considered as nonconforming.
rate packets max within 1 initial-delay 0
- packets | kbps
specifies that the rate is either in units of packets per interval or in units of kilobits per second. The packets option would typically be used for lower rates (for example, for per-subscriber DHCP rate limiting) while the kbps option would typically be used for higher rates (for example, per-interface BGP rate limiting).
- ppi
Specifies packets per interval.
- seconds
Specifies the length of the ppi rate measurement interval.
- packets
Specifies the number of packets allowed (even at line rate) in an initial burst (or a burst after the policer bucket has drained to zero) in addition to the normal ppi. This would typically be set to a value that is equal to the number of received packets in several full handshakes/negotiations of the particular protocol.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the kilobits per second.
- size
Specifies the tolerance for the kbps rate.
- bytes | kilobytes
Specifies that the units of the mbs size parameter are either in bytes or kilobytes.
rate kbps {kilobits-per-second | max} [mbs size] [bytes | kilobytes]
rate packets {ppi | max} within seconds [initial-delay packets]
no rate
[Tree] (config>sys>security>dist-cpu-protection>policy>static-policer rate)
Full Context
configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy static-policer rate
This command configures the rate and burst tolerance for the policer in either a packet rate or a bit rate.
The actual hardware may not be able to perfectly rate limit to the exact configured parameters. In this case, the configured parameters will be adapted to the closest supported rate. The actual (operational) parameters can be seen in CLI, for example, show service id 33 sap 1/1/3:33 dist-cpu-protection detail.
If the kilobits-per-second parameter value is configured as max, then the policer is effectively disabled (always conforming).
If the size parameter is configured as 0, then all packets are considered as nonconforming.
rate packets max within 1 initial-delay 0
- packets | kbps
specifies that the rate is either in units of packets per interval or in units of kilobits per second. The packets option would typically be used for lower rates (for example, for per-subscriber DHCP rate limiting) while the kbps option would typically be used for higher rates (for example, per-interface BGP rate limiting).
- ppi
Specifies packets per interval.
- seconds
Specifies the length of the ppi rate measurement interval.
- packets
Specifies the number of packets allowed (even at line rate) in an initial burst (or a burst after the policer bucket has drained to zero) in addition to the normal ppi. This would typically be set to a value that is equal to the number of received packets in several full handshakes/negotiations of the particular protocol.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the kilobits per second.
- size
Specifies the tolerance for the kbps rate.
- bytes | kilobytes
Specifies that the units of the mbs size parameter are either in bytes or kilobytes.
rate cir cir-rate-in-kbps [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]
no rate
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>svc-stream rate)
Full Context
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test service-stream rate
This command configures the CIR that must be validated for a specific stream. If configured, the PIR value must be greater than or equal to the CIR value.
The service activation testhead generates traffic up to the specified rate based on the test-types command, as follows.
For type cir, traffic is generated at a rate up to the configured CIR.
For type cir-pir, traffic is generated at a rate up to the configured PIR.
For type policing, traffic is generated at a rate up to 125% of the configured PIR.
For type performance, traffic is generated at a rate up to the configured PIR.
The no form of this command reverts to the default values.
no rate
- cir-rate-in-kbps
Specifies the CIR rate, in kb/s, which overrides the default CIR value. The configured value must be a positive integer; fractional values are not allowed. If the rate command is not executed, or the CIR parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR value applies.
- pir-rate-in-kbps
Specifies the PIR rate, in kb/s, which overrides the default administrative PIR value. The configured value must be a positive integer; fractional values are not allowed. If the rate command is not executed or the PIR parameter is not explicitly specified, the default PIR value applies.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
rate-adjustment adjusted-percent
no rate-adjustment
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>ingress rate-adjustment)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>egress rate-adjustment)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy ingress rate-adjustment
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy egress rate-adjustment
This command configures a rate adjustment for the scheduler. The rate-adjustment command should be used when the rate returned by the DSLAM is calculated with different encapsulation than the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR. The node will adjust the rate by the percent specified as:
DSLAM_RATE*adjust-rate/100 — rate-reduction.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- adjusted-percent
Specifies a rate adjustment for the scheduler.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-calc-min-int [fast-queue percent-of-default] [slow-queue percent-of-default]
no rate-calc-min-int
[Tree] (config>card>virt-sched-adj rate-calc-min-int)
Full Context
configure card virtual-scheduler-adjustment rate-calc-min-int
This command overrides the default minimum time that must elapse before a policer or queue’s offered rate may be recalculated. A minimum time between offered rate calculations is enforced to both prevent inaccurate estimation of the offered rate and excessive input to the virtual scheduler process.
In order to smooth out rapidly fluctuating offered rates, the system averages the measured offered rate with a window of previously measured offered traffic statistics and knowledge of the time between the samples.
The window size is defined by the "rate calculation minimum interval” with offered traffic statistics being read at most four times within the window. Any previous measured offered statistics within the window are used in the averaging function. Note that if there are large numbers of samples required, for example when a large number of queues are running HQoS, then it may be that a time greater than the "rate calculation minimum interval” passes before another sample of the offered statistics can be taken for a queue. In this case, in order to calculate an offered rate, HQoS will always use two samples, the current and the previous. In this case, using a smaller rate-calc-min-int will have no effect on the responsiveness of HQoS to queue rate changes.
The system separates policers and queues into fast and slow categories and maintains a separate "rate calculation minimum interval” for each type. The default for each type are as follows:
Slow Queue: 1.0 seconds
Fast Queue: 0.25 seconds
The actual minimum rate calculation interval may be increased or decreased by using the fast-queue and/or slow-queue keywords (which are also applicable for policers managed by HQoS) followed by a percent value which is applied to the default interval. The default slow-queue threshold rate is 1 Mb/s. Once a policer or queue is categorized as slow, its rate must rise to 1.5 Mb/s before being categorized as a fast policer or queue. The categorization threshold may be modified by using the slow-queue-threshold command.
The no form of this command restores the default fast queue and slow queue minimum rate calculation interval.
no rate-calc-min-int
- percent-of-default
Specifies that the fast-queue percent-of-default parameter is optional and is used to modify the default minimum rate calculation time for "fast” queues. Defining 100.00 percent is equivalent to removing the override (restoring the default) on the fast queue minimum rate calculation time.
- percent-of-default
Specifies that the slow-queue percent-of-default parameter is optional and is used to modify the default minimum rate calculation time for "slow” queues. Defining 100.00 percent is equivalent to removing the override (restoring the default) on the slow queue minimum rate calculation time.
rate-down rate
no rate-down
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>loc-user-db>ppp>host>access-loop-encapsulation rate-down)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ppp host access-loop-encapsulation rate-down
This command is applicable to LAC and LNS. It provides the last mile link rate in the downstream direction that is needed for proper shaping and calculating the interleaving delay.
The rate information in the last mile will be taken from the following sources in the order of priority:
Statically provisioned value in local user database (LUDB).
PPPoE tags on LAC or ICRQ message (RFC 5515) /ICCN message (TX Connect Seed) on LNS.
no rate-down
- rate
Specifies the last mile link downstream rate in the access loop
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
rate-limit packets-per-second
no rate-limit
[Tree] (config>service>nat>syslog>syslog-export-policy rate-limit)
Full Context
configure service nat syslog syslog-export-policy rate-limit
This command configures the maximum rate limit at which syslog messages are sent. Once the rate limit is exceeded, NAT flow logs will be buffered. Overload condition is characterized by exhaustion of this buffer space. This condition can occur due to imposed rate limit or the software speed limit. Once the buffer space is exhausted, new flow creation will be denied, and the teardown of the existing flows will be delayed until the buffer space becomes available.
The no form of the command removes the maximum rate limit from the configuration.
- packets-per-second
Specifies the packet rate limit in seconds.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] [mbs mbs-value]
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] extracted-traffic
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] packet-length {lt | gt | eq} packet-length-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] packet-length range packet-length-value packet-length-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] pattern expression expression mask mask offset-type offset-type offset-value offset-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] ttl {lt | gt | eq} ttl-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] ttl range ttl-value ttl-value
rate-limit policer policer-name
[Tree] (config>filter>ip-filter>entry>action rate-limit)
Full Context
configure filter ip-filter entry action rate-limit
This command configures the rate-limit value for traffic matching this filter entry. Rate-limit policers are configured with MBS equals CBS equals 10 ms of the rate and high-prio-only equals 0.
Traffic can also be rate limited based on extracted-traffic, packet-length, ttl, or a pattern of conditional match criteria.
Packets that match the filter entry match criteria, but do not match the conditional match criteria value, are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
For pattern match:
the expression is left-aligned for the odd number bytes, for example, the expression 0xABC is programmed 0x0ABC in the line card
the 'data' offset requires protocol UDP or TCP to be selected in the filter entry match criteria.
- value
Specifies the rate-limit value in kb/s (default) or packets per second (pps). A rate of 0 results in all traffic being dropped. A rate of max results in all traffic being forwarded.
- mbs-value
Specifies the maximum burst size in bytes. This parameter can only be specified when the rate-limit value unit is kbps.
- extracted-traffic
Specifies rate-limit packets both extracted to the CPM and matching the filter entry match criteria.
- packet-length
Specifies rate-limit packets matching both the filter entry match criteria and the packet-length value defined in the rate-limit action statement. Packets matching the filter entry match criteria and not matching the packet-length value, as defined in the rate-limit action statement, are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
- packet-length-value
Specifies the packet length value for the rate limit action.
- range
Specifies an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered).
- expression
Specifies the hexadecimal pattern to match; up to eight bytes.
- mask
Specifies the mask for the pattern expression, up to eight bytes.
- offset-type
Specifies the starting point reference for the offset-value of this pattern.
- offset-value
Specifies the offset value for the pattern expression. Dns-qtype supports offset value of 0.
- ttl-value
Specifies rate-limit packets matching both the filter entry match criteria and the TTL value defined in the rate-limit action statement. Packets matching the filter entry match criteria and not matching the TTL value, as defined in the rate-limit action statement, are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
- policer-name
- Specifies the policer name to use for rate-limiting traffic, up to 32 characters.
rate-limit value
[Tree] (config>filter>mac-filter>entry>action rate-limit)
Full Context
configure filter mac-filter entry action rate-limit
This command sets the rate limit for the traffic matching both the filter entry match criteria and the packet-length-value defined in the rate-limit action statement.
Packets matching the filter entry match criteria and not matching the packet-length-value defined in the rate-limit action statement are implicitly forwarded with no further match in subsequent filter entries.
Rate limit packets matching both the filter entry match criteria and the ttl-value are defined in the action rate-limit statement.
Packets matching the filter entry match criteria and not matching the ttl-value defined in the rate-limit action statement are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
- value
Specifies the rate-limit value in kb/s. A rate of 0 results in all traffic being dropped. A rate of max results in all traffic being forwarded.
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] [mbs mbs-value]
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] extracted-traffic
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] hop-limit {lt | gt | eq} hop-limit-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] hop-limit range hop-limit-value hop-limit-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] pattern expression expression mask mask offset-type offset-type offset-value offset-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] payload-length {lt | gt | eq} payload-length-value
rate-limit value [kbps | pps] payload-length range payload-length-value payload-length-value
rate-limit policer policer-name
[Tree] (config>filter>ipv6-filter>entry>action rate-limit)
Full Context
configure filter ipv6-filter entry action rate-limit
This command configures the rate-limit value for traffic matching this filter entry.
Traffic can also be rate-limited based on extracted-traffic, payload-length, hop-limit, or a pattern of conditional match criteria.
Packets that match the filter entry match criteria, but do not match the conditional match criteria value, are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
For pattern match:
the expression is left-aligned for the odd number bytes, for example, the expression 0xABC is programmed 0x0ABC in the line card.
the 'data' offset requires protocol UDP or TCP to be selected in the filter entry match criteria.
- value
Specifies the rate-limit value in kb/s (default) or packets per second (pps). A rate of 0 results in all traffic being dropped. A rate of max results in all traffic being forwarded.
- mbs-value
Specifies the maximum burst size in bytes. This parameter can only be specified when the rate-limit value unit is kbps.
- extracted-traffic
Specifies packets extracted to the CPM.
- hop-limit
Specifies the hop limit value for the rate limit action.
- hop-limit-value
Specifies the hop limit value for the rate limit action.
- range
Specifies an inclusive range. When the range parameter is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered).
- expression
Specifies the hexadecimal pattern to match; up to eight bytes.
- mask
Specifies the mask for the pattern expression, up to eight bytes.
- offset-type
Specifies the starting point reference for the offset-value of this pattern.
- offset-value
Specifies the offset value for the pattern expression. Dns-qtype supports offset value of 0.
- payload-length
Specifies rate-limit packets matching both the filter entry match criteria and the payload-length-value defined in the rate-limit action statement. Packets matching the filter entry match criteria and not matching the payload-length-value, as defined in the rate-limit action statement, are implicitly forwarded with no further match in the following filter entries.
- payload-length-value
Specifies the payload length value for the rate limit action.
- policer-name
- Specifies the policer name to use for rate-limiting traffic, up to 32 characters.
rate-modify scheduler scheduler-name
rate-modify agg-rate-limit
no rate-modify
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>egress rate-modify)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>ingress rate-modify)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy egress rate-modify
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy ingress rate-modify
This command configures rate modify scheduler parameters.
The no form of this command removes the scheduler name from the configuration.
- agg-rate-limit
Specifies that the maximum total rate for all subscriber egress queues for each subscriber associated with the policy.
- scheduler-name
Specifies a scheduler name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-monitor kilobit-per-second [alarm]
no rate-monitor
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>ingress rate-monitor)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>egress rate-monitor)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy ingress rate-monitor
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy egress rate-monitor
This command configures the rate monitor level.
The no form of this command removes the value from the configuration.
- kilobit-per-second
Specifies the rate below which the system generates an event.
- alarm
When the monitored rate is below the configured value the system generates an alarm (trap) to the management system. The trap includes the rate as well as the ANCP policy name and the ANCP string.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-percentage rate-percentage
no rate-percentage
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>policer rate-percentage)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group policer rate-percentage
This command indirectly configures the rate used by Access-Network-Location (ANL) policers. Because ANL total bandwidth is dynamically measured and estimated by AA, this command allows the operator to configure the ratio of that measured bandwidth to be used by the ANL policer as the policer rate.
The no form of this command resets the values to defaults.
no rate-percentage
- rate-percentage
Specifies an integer value that specifies a percentage that is applied against the ANL estimate maximum bandwidth to produce the actual rate that is used by the policer when ANL congestion occurs.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-percentage-stage2 rate-percentage
no rate-percentage-stage2
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>policer rate-percentage-stage2)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group policer rate-percentage-stage2
This command indirectly configures the rate used by Access-Network-Location (ANL) policers. Because ANL stage2 total bandwidth is dynamically measured and estimated by AA, this command allows the operator to configure the ratio of that measured bandwidth to be used by the ANL stage2 policer as the policer rate.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- rate-percentage
Specifies an integer value that specifies a percentage that is applied to the ANL estimated maximum bandwidth to produce the actual rate that is used by the policer when ANL stage2 congestion occurs. A value of 0 means that all traffic is dropped.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-reduction kilobit-per-second
no rate-reduction
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>ingress rate-reduction)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ancp>policy>egress rate-reduction)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy ingress rate-reduction
configure subscriber-mgmt ancp ancp-policy egress rate-reduction
This command defines a constant rate reduction to the rate specified by the DSLAM. The rate-reduction command should be used if the node should adjust the rate to a value that is offset (for example by a fixed multicast dedicated bandwidth) compared to the total available on the DSLAM.
When set, the rate is:
DSLAM_RATE*adjust-rate/100 — rate-reduction
The no form of this command removes the value from the configuration.
- kilobits-per-second
Specifies the rate reduction to be applied for this subscriber.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rate-thresholds high high-percentage low low-percentage
no rate-thresholds
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-profile>egress>bonding-selection rate-thresholds)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress bonding-selection rate-thresholds
This command configures the rate thresholds that are required before decreasing or increasing the preferred link’s weight with the specified change percentage.
The low threshold value must be lower than the high threshold value.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
rate-thresholds high 90 low 80
- high-percentage
Specifies the high threshold, as a percentage of the reference rate.
- low-percentage
Specifies the low threshold, as a percentage of the reference rate.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rating-group rating-group-id
no rating-group
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>cat-map>category rating-group)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt category-map category rating-group
This command configures the rating group applicable for this category.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- rating-group-id
Specifies the rating group applicable for this category.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] raw
[Tree] (config>cflowd>collector>aggregation raw)
Full Context
configure cflowd collector aggregation raw
This command configures raw (unaggregated) flow data to be sent in Version 5.
The no form of this command removes this type of aggregation from the collector configuration.
rd file-url rf
rd file-url [force]
[Tree] (file rd)
Full Context
file rd
If the directory is empty, the rd command is used to remove it. The force option executes the command without prompting the user to confirm the action.
If the directory contains files and/or subdirectories, the rf parameter must be used to remove the directory.
A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd test
Are you sure (y/n)? y
Deleting directory cf1:\test ..MINOR: CLI Cannot delete cf1:\test.
A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd test force
Deleting directory cf1:\test .MINOR: CLI Cannot delete cf1:\test.
A:nE1>file cf1:\ # rd testbase rf
Deleting all subdirectories and files in specified directory. y/n ?y
Deleting directory cf1:\testbase\testbase1 ..OK
Deleting directory cf1:\test .OK
- file-url
Specifies the directory to be removed.
- rf
Forces a recursive delete.
- force
Forces an immediate deletion of the specified directory. The rd file-url force command executes the command without displaying a user prompt message.
rd-entry rd
no rd-entry rd
[Tree] (config>router>policy-options>route-distinguisher-list rd-entry)
Full Context
configure router policy-options route-distinguisher-list rd-entry
This command creates a route distinguisher (RD) entry in the RD list, containing an IPv4 address or ASN and the assigned number.
The no form of the command deletes the RD entry from the list.
- rd
- Specifies a route distinguisher matching an entry in one of the
following formats:
- a.b.c.d/m:* – RD in IPv4 format with a wildcard character (such as*)
- a.b.c.d/m:n – RD in IPv4 format with a specific number (such as
- asn:* – RD in ASN format with a wildcard character (such as 65000:*)
- asn:n – RD in ASN format with a specific number (such as 65000:535)
See the "Route distinguishers" section of the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Layer 3 Services Guide: IES and VPRN for information about Type values.
rdnss-lifetime seconds
rdnss-lifetime infinite
no rdnss-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6 rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6 rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>rtr-adv-plcy>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface ipv6 rtr-adv rdnss-lifetime
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 rdnss-lifetime
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 rdnss-lifetime
configure service ies subscriber-interface ipv6 rtr-adv rdnss-lifetime
configure subscriber-mgmt router-advertisement-policy dns-options rdnss-lifetime
This command configures the maximum time that the RDNSS address may be used for name resolution.
The no form of this command returns the command to the default setting.
rdnss-lifetime 3600
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the RDNSS address is valid for this route.
- infinite
Specifies that the RDNSS address can be used permanently.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rdnss-lifetime seconds
rdnss-lifetime infinite
no rdnss-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>rtr-adv>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>rtr-adv>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements dns-options rdnss-lifetime
configure service vprn subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements dns-options rdnss-lifetime
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 router-advertisements dns-options rdnss-lifetime
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 router-advertisements dns-options rdnss-lifetime
This command configures the maximum time that the RDNSS address may be used for name resolution.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
rdnss-lifetime 3600
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the RDNSS address is valid for this route.
- infinite
The RDNSS address can be used permanently.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
rdnss-lifetime {seconds | infinite}
no rdnss-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>router-advert>dns-options rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>router-advert>if>dns-options rdnss-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vprn router-advertisement dns-options rdnss-lifetime
configure service vprn router-advertisement interface dns-options rdnss-lifetime
This command specifies the maximum time that the RDNSS address may be used for name resolution by the client. The RDNSS Lifetime must be no more than twice MaxRtrAdvLifetime with a maximum of 3600 seconds.
rdnss-lifetime infinite
- infinite
Specifies an infinite RDNSS lifetime.
- seconds
Specifies the time in seconds.
rdnss-lifetime seconds
rdnss-lifetime infinite
no rdnss-lifetime
[Tree] (config>router>router-advert>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>router>router-advert>if>dns-opt rdnss-lifetime)
Full Context
configure router router-advertisement dns-options rdnss-lifetime
configure router router-advertisement interface dns-options rdnss-lifetime
This command specifies the maximum time that the RDNSS address may be used for name resolution by the client.
rdnss-lifetime infinite
- seconds
Specifies the time in seconds.
- infinite
Specifies an infinite RDNSS lifetime.
re-auth-period seconds
no re-auth-period
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>dot1x re-auth-period)
Full Context
configure port ethernet dot1x re-auth-period
This command configures the period after which re-authentication is performed. This value is only relevant if re-authentication is enabled.
The no form of this command returns the value to the default.
re-auth-period 3600
- seconds
Specifies the re-authentication delay period in seconds.
[no] re-authentication
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-policy re-authentication)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy re-authentication
This command enables authentication process at every DHCP address lease renewal s only if RADIUS did not reply any special attributes (for example, authentication only, no authorization).
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] re-authentication
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>dot1x re-authentication)
Full Context
configure port ethernet dot1x re-authentication
This command enables/disables periodic 802.1x re-authentication.
When re-authentication is enabled, the router re-authenticates clients on the port every re-auth-period.
The no form of this command returns the value to the default.
no re-authentication
re-establish-session padr
no re-establish-session
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>ppp-policy re-establish-session)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt ppp-policy re-establish-session
This command enables host to reconnect and override existing session.
If disabled and a subscriber abruptly terminates a PPP sessions without sending a PADT to the BNG, the BNG denies any reconnect attempts until the stale PPP session has expired. With this, enabled re-establish-session eliminates the waiting period by allowing immediate PPP reconnection attempts.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- padr
Specifies that the existing session will be deleted upon reception of the PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR).
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reachable-time milli-seconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>rtr-adv-plcy reachable-time)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt router-advertisement-policy reachable-time
This command configures the reachable time for advertisements.
The no form of this command returns the command to the default setting.
reachable-time 0
- milli-seconds
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, for the reachable time.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reachable-time milli-seconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>rtr-adv reachable-time)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>router-advert>if reachable-time)
[Tree] (config>router>router-advert>if reachable-time)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv reachable-time)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>ipv6>rtr-adv reachable-time)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
configure service vprn router-advertisement interface reachable-time
configure router router-advertisement interface reachable-time
configure service ies subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
configure service vprn subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
This command configures how long this router should be considered reachable by other nodes on the link after receiving a reachability confirmation.
The configured value is placed in the reachable time field in router advertisement messages sent from this interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
reachable-time 0
- milli-seconds
Specifies the reachable time, in seconds, for advertisements from this interface.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
- configure service ies subscriber-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
- configure service vprn router-advertisement interface reachable-time
- configure router router-advertisement interface reachable-time
reachable-time milliseconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>rtr-adv reachable-time)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 router-advertisements reachable-time
This command configures how long this router should be considered reachable by other nodes on the link after receiving a reachability confirmation.
- milliseconds
Specifies the length of time the router should be considered reachable for default router selection.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reachable-time seconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>ipv6 reachable-time)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ipv6 reachable-time)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface ipv6 reachable-time
configure service vprn ipv6 reachable-time
This command configures how long this router should be considered reachable by other nodes on the link after receiving a reachability confirmation.
no reachable-time
- seconds
Specifies the length of time, in seconds the router should be considered reachable.
reachable-time seconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>router>ipv6 reachable-time)
Full Context
configure router ipv6 reachable-time
This command configures the neighbor reachability detection timer.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
reachable-time 30
- seconds
Specifies the length of time the router should be considered reachable.
reachable-time seconds
no reachable-time
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipv6 reachable-time)
Full Context
configure router interface ipv6 reachable-time
This command configures the neighbor reachability detection timer.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no reachable-time
- seconds
Specifies the length of time the router should be considered reachable.
reactivation-failure-threshold number
no reactivation-failure-threshold
[Tree] (config>test-oam>icmp>ping-template reactivation-failure-threshold)
Full Context
configure test-oam icmp ping-template reactivation-failure-threshold
This command configures the number of consecutive failures, without previous successes, that must occur transmitting at the reactivation-interval (recovering phase) level before changing to the standard interval and subsequently waiting for the first success.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
reactivation-failure-threshold 4
- number
Specifies the number of consecutive failures without previous successes.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
reactivation-interval seconds
no reactivation-interval
[Tree] (config>test-oam>icmp>ping-template reactivation-interval)
Full Context
configure test-oam icmp ping-template reactivation-interval
This command configures the packet transmit interval used when the IP interface is operationally down because of a ping template failure and the previous ICMP echo request successfully received a response, recovering phase.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
reactivation-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the packet transmit interval used when IP interface is operational down
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
reactivation-threshold number
no reactivation-threshold
[Tree] (config>test-oam>icmp>ping-template reactivation-threshold)
Full Context
configure test-oam icmp ping-template reactivation-threshold
This command configures the count, when reached, that causes the transition of the IP interface from operationally down to operationally up because of a ping template failure. This is used in the recovering phase.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
reactivation-threshold 3
- number
Specifies a count that causes the transition of the IP interface from operationally up to operationally down because of ping-template failure.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
reactivation-timeout seconds
no reactivation-timeout
[Tree] (config>test-oam>icmp>ping-template reactivation-timeout)
Full Context
configure test-oam icmp ping-template reactivation-timeout
This command configures the time that the function waits before declaring the packet as lost. This is the timer used to time out the reactivation-interval transmitted packets. The reactivation-timeout value can be equal to or lower than the reactivation-interval value but not higher.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
reactivation-timeout 1
- seconds
Specifies the wait time, in seconds, before declaring the packet is lost.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
read-algorithm {hash | hash2 | custom| all-hash}
no read-algorithm
[Tree] (config>system>security>management-interface>classic-cli read-algorithm)
Full Context
configure system security management-interface classic-cli read-algorithm
This command specifies how encrypted configuration secrets are interpreted, and which encryption types are accepted, when secrets are input into the system or read from a configuration file (for example at system bootup time).
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
read-algorithm all-hash
- hash
Specifies hash. Use this option to transport a phrase between modules and nodes. In this case the write-algorithm should be hash as well.
- hash2
Specifies hash2 which is module-specific.
- custom
Specifies the custom encryption to management interface.
- all-hash
Specifies that the system accepts hash or hash2.
[Tree] (config>filter>ip-filter>entry>action reassemble)
Full Context
configure filter ip-filter entry action reassemble
This command sets the filter entry action to reassemble.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reassembly [wait-msecs]
no reassembly
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ip-tunnel reassembly)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ip-tunnel reassembly)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ip-tunnel reassembly
configure service ies interface sap ip-tunnel reassembly
This command configures the maximum number of seconds to wait to receive all fragments of a particular IPsec or GRE packet for reassembly.
The no form of this commands removes the wait time from the configuration.
no reassembly
- wait-msecs
Specifies the reassembly wait time in 100 increments.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reassembly [wait-msecs]
no reassembly
[Tree] (config>isa>tunnel-group reassembly)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>gre-tunnel reassembly)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>gre-tunnel reassembly)
Full Context
configure isa tunnel-group reassembly
configure service vprn interface sap gre-tunnel reassembly
configure service ies interface sap gre-tunnel reassembly
This command configures IP packet reassembly for IPsec and GRE tunnels supported by an MS-ISA. The reassembly command at the tunnel-group level configures IP packet reassembly for all IPsec and GRE tunnels associated with the tunnel-group. The reassembly command at the GRE tunnel level configures IP packet reassembly for that one specific GRE tunnel, overriding the tunnel-group configuration.
The no form of this command disables IP packet reassembly.
no reassembly (tunnel-group level)
reassembly (gre-tunnel level)
- wait
Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that the ISA tunnel application will wait to receive all fragments of a particular IPsec or GRE packet. If one or more fragments are still missing when this limit is reached the partially reassembled datagram is discarded and an ICMP time exceeded message is sent to the source host (if allowed by the ICMP configuration of the sending interface). Internally, the configured value is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 100 ms.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] reassembly
[Tree] (config>router>nat>inside>dslite>address reassembly)
Full Context
configure router nat inside dual-stack-lite address reassembly
This command enables reassembly of fragmented frames for DS-Lite. Reassembly is enabled in the upstream direction per AFTR address.
The no form of the command disables the reassembly.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reassembly-group nat-group-id [to-base-network]
no reassembly-group
[Tree] (config>router reassembly-group)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn reassembly-group)
Full Context
configure router reassembly-group
configure service vprn reassembly-group
This command associates a reassembly-group consisting of multiple ISAs with the routing context in which the application requiring reassembly service resides.
no reassembly-group
- nat-group-id
Specifies the NAT group ID; the NAT group contains up to 10 active ISAs.
- to-base-network
Enables the reassembly context to use network interfaces in the base routing context.
reassembly-timeout {timeout}
no reassembly-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>mlppp reassembly-timeout)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel>mlppp reassembly-timeout)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel>mlppp reassembly-timeout)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>mlppp reassembly-timeout)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group mlppp reassembly-timeout
configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel mlppp reassembly-timeout
configure router l2tp group tunnel mlppp reassembly-timeout
configure router l2tp group mlppp reassembly-timeout
This command is applicable only to LNS. It determines the time during which the LNS keeps fragments of the same packet in the buffer before it discards them. The assumption is that if the fragments do not arrive within certain time, the chance is that they were lost somewhere in the network. In this case the partial packet cannot be reassembled and all fragments that has arrived up to this point and are stored in the buffer IS discarded to free up the buffer. Otherwise, a condition arises in which partial packets are held in the buffer until the buffer is exhausted.
The configuration under the tunnel hierarchy overrides the configuration under the group hierarchy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
reassembly-timeout 1000
- timeout
Specifies the reassembly timeout value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
rebind-timer [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
no rebind-timer
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>dhcp6>defaults rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>loc-user-db>ppp>host>ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>dhcp6>server>pool>prefix rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>router>dhcp6>server>defaults rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>router>dhcp6>server>pool>prefix rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>dhcp6>proxy-server rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>loc-user-db>ipoe>host>ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6>dhcp6>proxy rebind-timer)
Full Context
configure service vprn dhcp6 defaults rebind-timer
configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ppp host ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer
configure service vprn dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool prefix rebind-timer
configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server defaults rebind-timer
configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool prefix rebind-timer
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 dhcp6 proxy-server rebind-timer
configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ipoe host ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 dhcp6 proxy-server rebind-timer
This command configures the lease rebind timer (T2) via LUDB.
The T2 time is the time at which the client contacts any available addressing authority to extend the lifetimes of DHCPv6 leases. T2 is a time duration relative to the current time expressed in units of seconds.
The IP addressing authority controls the time at which the client contacts the addressing authority to extend the lifetimes on assigned addresses/prefixes through the T1 and T2 parameters assigned to an IA. At time T1 for an IA, the client initiates a Renew/Reply message exchange to extend the lifetimes on any addresses in the IA. The client includes an IA option with all addresses/prefixes currently assigned to the IA in its Renew message. Recommended values for T1 and T2 are .5 and .8 times the shortest preferred lifetime of the addresses/prefixes in the IA that the addressing authority is willing to extend, respectively.
The configured rebind timer should always be longer than or equal to the renew timer.
The T1 and T2 are carried in the IPv6 address option that is within the IA.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
rebind-timer min 48
- rebind-timer
Specifies the preferred lifetime.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 dhcp6 proxy-server rebind-timer
- configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool prefix rebind-timer
- configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ppp host ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 dhcp6 proxy-server rebind-timer
- configure service vprn dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool prefix rebind-timer
- configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ipoe host ipv6-lease-times rebind-timer
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server defaults rebind-timer
reboot [active | standby | upgrade] [now]
[Tree] (admin reboot)
Full Context
admin reboot
This command reboots the router or one CPM and can also be used to force an upgrade of the system boot ROMs.
If no options are specified, the user is prompted to confirm the reboot operation. Answering yes (y) will result in both CPMs and all IOMs rebooting.
ALA-1>admin# reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot (y/n)?
- active
Reboots the active CPM.
- standby
Reboots the standby CPM.
- upgrade
Forces card firmware to be upgraded during chassis reboot. This option should only be used if it has been indicated as required in the Release Notes or by Nokia technical support. Normally, the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR router OS automatically performs firmware upgrades on CPMs and XCM/IOM cards without the need for the upgrade keyword.
When the upgrade keyword is specified, a chassis flag is set for the BOOT Loader (boot.ldr) and on the subsequent boot of the OS on the chassis, firmware images on CPMs, XCMs, and IOMs will be upgraded automatically.
Firmware on CPMs, XCMs, or IOMs that are installed in a running chassis will be upgraded automatically. For example, if a card is inserted as the result of a hot swap, and the card has a firmware version that is no longer compatible with the SR OS image running on the chassis, then the firmware on the card will be automatically upgraded before the card is brought online.
If the card firmware is upgraded, a chassis cardUpgraded (event 2032) log event is generated. The corresponding SNMP trap for this log event is tmnxEqCardFirmwareUpgraded.
During any firmware upgrade, automatic or manual, it is imperative that during the upgrade procedure:
Power must not be switched off or interrupted.
The system must not be reset.
No cards are inserted or removed.
Any of the above conditions may render cards inoperable requiring a return of the card for resolution.
The time required to upgrade the firmware on the cards in the chassis depends on the number of cards to be upgraded. The progress of a firmware upgrade can be monitored at the console.
- now
Forces a reboot of the router immediately without an interactive confirmation.
reboot [now] upgrade
[Tree] (admin>satellite>eth-sat reboot)
Full Context
admin satellite eth-sat reboot
The command initiates an administrative reboot of the specified Ethernet-satellite chassis.
- now
Causes the satellite to reboot immediately without further prompts or interactive confirmation.
- upgrade
Causes the satellite to update its firmware image during chassis reboot.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] recall
[Tree] (config>system>management-interface>cli>md-cli>environment>history recall)
Full Context
configure system management-interface cli md-cli environment history recall
This command configures command history recall and search execution. When enabled, command history recall (!), substitution (!$), display (:p, Esc+.), and backward search (Ctrl-R) is enabled.
The no form of this command disables history recall and search execution.
no recall
[no] receive
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>eth-cfm>mep>eth-bn receive)
Full Context
configure port ethernet eth-cfm mep eth-bn receive
This command enables the reception and processing of eth-bn messages and the retrieval and processing of the current bandwidth field for inclusion in dynamic egress rate adjustments.
The received rate is an Layer 2 rate, and is expected to be in Mb/s. If this rate is a link rate (including preamble, start frame delimiter, and inter-frame gap), this would require the use of network egress queue groups (configured in the configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group "qg1" queue 1 packet-byte-offset add 20). The packet-byte-offset is not supported for default network queues.
no receive
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
receive {both | none | version-1 | version-2}
no receive
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ripng>group receive)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>rip>group receive)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>rip receive)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ripng>group>neighbor receive)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>rip>group>neighbor receive)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ripng receive)
Full Context
configure service vprn ripng group receive
configure service vprn rip group receive
configure service vprn rip receive
configure service vprn ripng group neighbor receive
configure service vprn rip group neighbor receive
configure service vprn ripng receive
This command configures the type(s) of RIP updates that will be accepted and processed.
If both or version-2 is specified, the RIP instance listens for and accepts packets sent to the broadcast and multicast ( addresses.
If version-1 is specified, the router only listens for and accepts packets sent to the broadcast address.
This control can be issued at the global, group or interface level. The default behavior accepts and processes both RIPv1 and RIPv2 messages.
The no form of this command resets the type of messages accepted to both.
no receive
- both
Accept RIP updates in either Version 1 or Version 2 format.
- none
Do not accept and RIP updates.
- version-1
Router should only accept RIP updates in Version 1 format.
- version-2
Router should only accept RIP updates in Version 2 format.
[Tree] (config>system>security>keychain>direction>uni receive)
Full Context
configure system security keychain direction uni receive
This command enables the receive nodal context. Entries defined under this context are used to authenticate TCP segments that are being received by the router.
receive option-number
no receive
[Tree] (config>system>security>keychain>tcp-option-number receive)
Full Context
configure system security keychain tcp-option-number receive
This command configures the TCP option number accepted in TCP packets received.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
receive 254
- option-number
Specifies an enumerated integer that indicates the TCP option number to be used in the TCP header.
receive {both | none | version-1 | version-2}
no receive
[Tree] (config>router>rip>group receive)
[Tree] (config>router>ripng>group receive)
[Tree] (config>router>ripng>group>neighbor receive)
[Tree] (config>router>rip receive)
[Tree] (config>router>rip>group>neighbor receive)
[Tree] (config>router>ripng receive)
Full Context
configure router rip group receive
configure router ripng group receive
configure router ripng group neighbor receive
configure router rip receive
configure router rip group neighbor receive
configure router ripng receive
This command configures the types of RIP updates that will be accepted and processed.
If both or version-2 is specified, the RIP instance listens for and accepts packets sent to the broadcast and multicast ( addresses.
If version-1 is specified, the router only listens for and accept packets sent to the broadcast address.
This control can be issued at the global, group or interface level. The default behavior is to accept and process both RIPv1 and RIPv2 messages.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
receive both – in the config>router>rip context
receive version-1 – in the config>router>ripng context
- both
Specifies that RIP updates in either version 1 or version 2 format will be accepted.
- none
Specifies that RIP updates will not be accepted.
- version-1
Specifies that RIP updates in version 1 format only will be accepted.
- version-2
Specifies that RIP updates in version 2 format only will be accepted.
receive-interval receive-interval
no receive-interval
[Tree] (config>lag>bfd>family receive-interval)
Full Context
configure lag bfd family receive-interval
This command specifies the receive timer used for micro-BFD session over the associated LAG links.
The no form of this command removes the receive timer from the configuration.
receive-interval 100
- receive-interval
Specifies the interval value, in milliseconds.
receive-interval receive-interval
no receive-interval
[Tree] (config>router>bfd>bfd-template receive-interval)
Full Context
configure router bfd bfd-template receive-interval
This command specifies the receive timer used for BFD packets. If the template is used for a BFD session on an MPLS-TP LSP, then this timer is used for CC packets.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
receive-interval 100
- receive-interval
Specifies the receive interval. The minimum interval that can be configured is hardware dependent.
receive-interval receive-interval
no receive-interval
[Tree] (config>router>lsp-bfd>tail-end receive-interval)
Full Context
configure router lsp-bfd tail-end receive-interval
This command configures the LSP BFD minimum receive interval for the tail end of LSP BFD sessions.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
receive-interval 1000
- receive-interval
Specifies the receive interval, in milliseconds.
receive-msdp-msg-rate number interval seconds [threshold number]
no receive-msdp-msg-rate
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>msdp>peer receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>msdp>group>peer receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>msdp>group receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>msdp receive-msdp-msg-rate)
Full Context
configure service vprn msdp peer receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure service vprn msdp group peer receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure service vprn msdp group receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure service vprn msdp receive-msdp-msg-rate
This command limits the number of Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) messages that are read from the TCP session. It is possible that an MSDP/ RP router may receive a large number of MSDP protocol message packets in a particular source active message.
After the number of MSDP packets (including source active messages) defined in the threshold have been processed, the rate of all other MSDP packets is rate limited by no longer accepting messages from the TCP session until the time (seconds) has elapsed.
The no form of this command reverts this active-source limit to default operation.
no receive-msdp-msg-rate
- number
Defines the number of MSDP messages (including source active messages) that are read from the TCP session per the number of seconds.
- interval seconds
Defines the time that, together with the number parameter, defines the number of MSDP messages (including source active messages) that are read from the TCP session within the configured number of seconds.
- threshold number
The number of MSDP messages can be processed before the MSDP message rate limiting function described above is activated; this is particularly of use during at system startup and initialization.
receive-msdp-msg-rate number interval seconds [threshold threshold]
no receive-msdp-msg-rate
[Tree] (config>router>msdp>peer receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>router>msdp>group receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>router>msdp receive-msdp-msg-rate)
[Tree] (config>router>msdp>group>peer receive-msdp-msg-rate)
Full Context
configure router msdp peer receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure router msdp group receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure router msdp receive-msdp-msg-rate
configure router msdp group peer receive-msdp-msg-rate
This command configures the limit for the number of MSDP messages that are read from the TCP session.
An MSDP or RP router may receive a large number of MSDP protocol message packets in an SA message. After the number of processed MSDP packets (including SA messages) reaches the specified limit, the rate of all other MSDP packets is rate limited. The router stops accepting messages from the TCP session until the specified time interval has elapsed.
The no form of this command sets no limit on the number of MSDP and SA limit messages that are accepted.
no receive-msdp-msg-rate
- number
Specifies the maximum number of MSDP messages (including SA messages) to read from the TCP session in the configured time interval.
- seconds
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for which to limit the maximum number of MSDP messages that are read from the TCP session.
- threshold
Specifies the maximum number of MSDP messages that can be processed before the MSDP message rate limiting function is activated; this parameter is useful during system startup and initialization.
receive-window-size window-size
no receive-window-size
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group receive-window-size)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel receive-window-size)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel receive-window-size)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp receive-window-size)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group receive-window-size)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp receive-window-size)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group receive-window-size
configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel receive-window-size
configure router l2tp group tunnel receive-window-size
configure service vprn l2tp receive-window-size
configure router l2tp group receive-window-size
configure router l2tp receive-window-size
This command configures the L2TP receive window size.
receive-window-size 64
- window-size
Specifies the window size.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] received-garp-flood
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-arp received-garp-flood)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-arp received-garp-flood
This command configures flooding of GARP requests and replies received on a SAP (or SDP-bind) to the service flood list (which includes EVPN destinations and other SAPs and SDP-binds).
The no form of this command does not flood GARPs.
[no] received-host-unsolicited-na-flood
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-nd received-host-unsolicited-na-flood)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-nd received-host-unsolicited-na-flood
This command configures the system to flood received unsolicited NAs into the VPLS service (to EVPN destinations and SAPs or SDP-binds).
The impacted NA messages contain the following flags: [S=0 and R=0].
The no form of this command does not flood unsolicited NAs.
[no] received-router-unsolicited-na-flood
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-nd received-router-unsolicited-na-flood)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-nd received-router-unsolicited-na-flood
This command configures the system to flood received unsolicited router NAs into the VPLS service (to EVPN destinations and SAPs or SDP-binds).
The impacted NA messages contain the following flags: [S=0 and R=1].
The no form of this command does not flood unsolicited NAs.
[no] received-unknown-arp-request-flood
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-arp received-unknown-arp-request-flood)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-arp received-unknown-arp-request-flood
This command configures flooding of unknown ARP requests received on a SAP (or SDP-bind) to the service flood list (which includes EVPN destinations and other SAPs and SDP-binds).
By default, if there is no active proxy ARP entry for the requested IP address, the system floods ARP requests, including EVPN (with source squelching).
The no form of this command does not flood unknown ARP requests.
[no] received-unknown-ns-flood
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-nd received-unknown-ns-flood)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-nd received-unknown-ns-flood
This command configures the system to flood received unknown NS messages into the VPLS service (to EVPN destinations and SAPs or SDP-binds).
The no form of this command does not flood unknown NS messages.
receiver receiver-name [create]
no receiver
[Tree] (config>sflow receiver)
Full Context
configure sflow receiver
This command creates an sFlow receiver context or enters existing sFlow receiver context for the sFlow agent.
The no form of this command deletes an existing sFlow receiver context.
- receiver-names
String of up to 127 characters.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
reclassify-using-qos policy-id
no reclassify-using-qos
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>vpls>egress reclassify-using-qos)
Full Context
configure service ies interface vpls egress reclassify-using-qos
The reclassify-using-qos command is used to specify a sap-egress QoS policy that will be used to reclassify the forwarding class and profile of egress routed packets on the VPLS or I-VPLS service. When routed packets associated with the IP interface egress a VPLS SAP, the reclassification rules within the sap-egress QoS policy applied to the SAP are always ignored (even when reclassify-using-qos is not defined).
Any queues or policers defined within the specified QoS policy are ignored and are not created on the VPLS egress SAPs. Instead, the routed packets continue to use the forwarding class mappings, queues and policers from the sap-egress QoS policy applied to the egress VPLS SAP.
While the specified sap-egress policy ID is applied to an IP interface it cannot be deleted from the system.
The no form of this command removes the sap-egress QoS policy used for reclassification from the egress IP interface. When removed, IP routed packets will not be reclassified on the egress SAPs of the VPLS service attached to the IP interface.
- policy-id
Specifies the SAP egress QoS policy ID. This parameter is required when executing the reclassify-using-qos command. The specified SAP egress QoS ID must exist within the system or the command fails.
reclassify-using-qos policy-id
no reclassify-using-qos
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>vpls>egress reclassify-using-qos)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface vpls egress reclassify-using-qos
This command specifies a SAP egress QoS policy that is used to reclassify the forwarding class and profile of egress routed packets on the VPLS service. When routed packets associated with the IP interface egress a VPLS SAP, the reclassification rules within the sap-egress QoS policy applied to the SAP are always ignored (even when reclassify-using-qos is not defined).
Any queues or policers defined within the specified QoS policy are ignored and are not created on the VPLS egress SAPs. Instead, the routed packets continue to use the forwarding class mappings, queues and policers from the SAP egress QoS policy applied to the egress VPLS SAP.
While the specified SAP egress policy ID is applied to an IP interface it cannot be deleted from the system.
The no form of this command removes the SAP egress QoS policy used for reclassification from the egress IP interface. When removed, IP routed packets is not reclassified on the egress SAPs of the VPLS service attached to the IP interface.
- policy-id
Specifies the SAP egress QoS policy ID This parameter is required when executing the reclassify-using-qos command. The specified SAP egress QoS ID must exist within the system or the command fails.
reconnect-timeout reconnect-timeout
reconnect-timeout infinite
no reconnect-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group reconnect-timeout)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp reconnect-timeout)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group reconnect-timeout
configure router l2tp group eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout
configure service vprn l2tp reconnect-timeout
configure router l2tp eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout
This command configures the number of seconds that the Ethernet tunnel client of L2TPv3 waits before attempting to re-establish a new session after a session setup fails or a session closes.
The no form of this command returns reconnect-timeout to an infinite timeout value, meaning that reconnection is not attempted by the local client.
no reconnect-timeout (infinite timeout)
- reconnect-timeout
Specifies the number of seconds before a session reconnection is attempted after a previous session or session setup fails.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reconnect-timeout reconnect-timeout
no reconnect-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout
This command configures the number of seconds that the Ethernet tunnel client of L2TPv3 waits before attempting to re-establish a new session after a session setup fails or a session closes.
The no form of this command returns reconnect-timeout to an infinite timeout value, meaning that reconnection is not attempted by the local client.
no reconnect-timeout (infinite timeout)
- reconnect-timeout
Specifies the timeout value for the next session setup retry.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
reconnect-timeout reconnect-timeout
reconnect-timeout infinite
no reconnect-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group eth-tunnel reconnect-timeout
This command configures the number of seconds that the Ethernet tunnel client of L2TPv3 waits before attempting to re-establish a new session after a session setup fails or a session closes.
The no form of this command returns reconnect-timeout to an infinite timeout value, meaning that reconnection is not attempted by the local client.
no reconnect-timeout (infinite timeout)
- reconnect-timeout
Specifies the timeout value for the next session setup retry.
- infinite
Specifies the timeout value for the next session setup retry.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] record
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp-template record)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>secondary record)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>primary record)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>primary-p2mp-instance record)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-template record
configure router mpls lsp secondary record
configure router mpls lsp primary record
configure router mpls lsp primary-p2mp-instance record
This command enables recording of all the hops that an LSP path traverses. Enabling record increases the size of the PATH and RESV refresh messages for the LSP since this information is carried end-to-end along the path of the LSP. The increase in control traffic per LSP may impact scalability.
The config>router>mpls>lsp>primary-p2mp-instance>record command is not supported on the 7450 ESS.
The no form of this command disables the recording of all the hops for the given LSP. There are no restrictions as to when the no command can be used. The no form of this command also disables the record-label command.
[Tree] (debug>app-assure>group>traffic-capture record)
Full Context
debug application-assurance group traffic-capture record
This command configures traffic recording options.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
record {all-hosts | http-host-app-filter-candidates}
[Tree] (debug>app-assure>group>http-host>filter record)
Full Context
debug application-assurance group http-host-recorder filter record
This command configures which http-host are selected for the http-host-recorder. It is either any http-host values going through the AA ISA or the http-host corresponding to flows not matching a string based app-filter.
For the feature to work it is required to configure at least one app-filter to catch the HTTP protocol signature.
- all-hosts | http-host-app-filter-candidates
Specifies which hosts the recorder will record
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] record record-name
[Tree] (config>log>accounting-policy record)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy record
This command adds the accounting record type to the accounting policy that is forwarded to the configured accounting file. A record name can only be used in one accounting policy. To obtain a list of all record types that can be configured, use the show log accounting-records command.
aa, video, and subscriber records are not applicable to the 7950 XRS.
To configure an accounting policy for access ports, select a service record (for example, service-ingress-octets). To change the record name to another service record, enter the record command with the new record name and it replaces the old record name.
When configuring an accounting policy for network ports, select a network record. To change the record name to another network record, enter the record command with the new record name and it replaces the old record name.
If the change required modifies the record from network to service or from service to network, then the old record name must be removed using the no form of this command.
Only one record can be configured in a single accounting policy. For example, if an accounting-policy is configured with an access-egress-octets record, to change it to a service-ingress-octets record, use the no record command under the accounting-policy to remove the old record first, and then enter the service-ingress-octets record.
Collecting excessive statistics can adversely affect the CPU utilization and take up large amounts of storage space.
The no form of this command removes the record type from the policy.
no record
- record-name
Specifies the accounting record name.
record record-name
no record
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy record)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy record
This command enables the collection of rate statistics on egress of SR-MPLS and SRv6 policies.
The no form of this command removes the accounting record type to be forwarded to the configured accounting file
[no] record-label
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp-template record-label)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>secondary record-label)
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>primary record-label)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp-template record-label
configure router mpls lsp secondary record-label
configure router mpls lsp primary record-label
This command enables recording of all the labels at each node that an LSP path traverses. Enabling the record-label command will also enable the record command if it is not already enabled.
The no form of this command disables the recording of the hops that an LSP path traverses.
record-stats {delay | loss | delay-and-loss}
no record-stats
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>twamp-light record-stats)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip twamp-light record-stats
This option provides the ability to determine which statistics are recorded. The TWAMP-Light PDU can report on both delay and loss using a single packet. The operator may choose which statistics they would like to report. Only delay recording is on by default. All other metrics are ignored. In order to change what is being recorded and reported, the TWAMP-Light session must be shutdown. This is required because the single packet approach means the base statistics are shared between the various datasets. Issuing a no shutdown command clears previous all non-volatile memory for the session and allocate new memory blocks. All the parameters under this context are mutually exclusive.
The no version of the command restores the default "delay” only.
record-stats delay
- delay
Specifies report on delay using a single packet..
- loss
Specifies to report on loss using a single packet..
- delay-and-loss
Specifies to report on both delay and loss using a single packet.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] recovery
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>peer>event recovery)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>tunnel>event recovery)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>event recovery)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>assignment-id>event recovery)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>group>event recovery)
Full Context
debug router l2tp peer event recovery
debug router l2tp tunnel event recovery
debug router l2tp event recovery
debug router l2tp assignment-id event recovery
debug router l2tp group event recovery
This command configures L2TP LAC state recovery event debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] recovery-failed
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>event recovery-failed)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>group>event recovery-failed)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>assignment-id>event recovery-failed)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>peer>event recovery-failed)
[Tree] (debug>router>l2tp>tunnel>event recovery-failed)
Full Context
debug router l2tp event recovery-failed
debug router l2tp group event recovery-failed
debug router l2tp assignment-id event recovery-failed
debug router l2tp peer event recovery-failed
debug router l2tp tunnel event recovery-failed
This command configures L2TP LAC state recovery failed event debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
recovery-max-session-lifetime minutes
no recovery-max-session-lifetime
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>failover recovery-max-session-lifetime)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>failover recovery-max-session-lifetime)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp failover recovery-max-session-lifetime
configure router l2tp failover recovery-max-session-lifetime
This command configures the sub-set of sessions that this system attempts to synchronize in the Session State Synchronization phase as described in RFC 4951, Fail Over Extensions for Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
recovery-max-session-lifetime 2
- minutes
Specifies the sub-set of sessions to recover.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
recovery-method method
no recovery-method
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>failover recovery-method)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover recovery-method)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>failover recovery-method)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>failover recovery-method)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>failover recovery-method)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover recovery-method)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group failover recovery-method
configure router l2tp group tunnel failover recovery-method
configure service vprn l2tp failover recovery-method
configure router l2tp failover recovery-method
configure router l2tp group failover recovery-method
configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel failover recovery-method
This command sets the recovery method to be used for newly created tunnels.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
recovery-method mcs on config>router>l2tp>failover and config>service>vprn>l2tp>failover
recovery-method default on config>router>l2tp>group>failover
recovery-method default on config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover
recovery-method default on config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>failover
recovery-method default on config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover
- method
Describes how a pair of redundant LAC peers recover tunnel and session state (sequence numbers, for example) immediately after a failover.
Note:While failover is enabled, the tunnels and sessions proper are always kept synchronized between the redundant pair, regardless of the recovery method for the sequence numbers when a failover really occurs.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
recovery-time seconds
no recovery-time
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover recovery-time)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>failover recovery-time)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>group>tunnel>failover recovery-time)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>group>failover recovery-time)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>l2tp>failover recovery-time)
[Tree] (config>router>l2tp>failover recovery-time)
Full Context
configure service vprn l2tp group tunnel failover recovery-time
configure router l2tp group failover recovery-time
configure router l2tp group tunnel failover recovery-time
configure service vprn l2tp group failover recovery-time
configure service vprn l2tp failover recovery-time
configure router l2tp failover recovery-time
This command sets the recovery time to be negotiated via RFC 4951. It represents the extra time this L2TP peer (LAC or LNS) needs to recover all its tunnels.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
recovery-time 0 on config>router>l2tp>failover and config>service>vprn>l2tp>failover
- seconds
Specifies the period, expressed in seconds, an endpoint asks its peer to wait before assuming the recovery process has failed.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
red [detail]
no red
[Tree] (debug>service>id>pim-snooping red)
Full Context
debug service id pim-snooping red
This command enables or disables debugging for PIM messages sent to the standby CPM.
- detail
Displays detailed debugging information
[no] red [detail]
[Tree] (debug>router>pim red)
Full Context
debug router pim red
This command enables debugging for PIM redundancy messages to the standby CPM.
The no form of this command disables debugging for PIM redundancy messages to the standby CPM.
- detail
Displays detailed redundancy information.
red [detail]
no red
[Tree] (debug>router>pcep>pcc>conn red)
[Tree] (debug>router>pcep>pcc red)
Full Context
debug router pcep pcc connection red
debug router pcep pcc red
This command enables debugging for PCC or connection redundancy events.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
- detail
Keyword used to specify detailed information about PCC or connection redundancy events.
red [detail]
no red
[Tree] (debug>router>pcep>pce>conn red)
[Tree] (debug>router>pcep>pce red)
Full Context
debug router pcep pce connection red
debug router pcep pce red
This command enables debugging for PCE or connection redundancy events.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
- detail
Keyword used to specify detailed information about PCE or connection redundancy events.
red [detail]
no red
[Tree] (debug>open-flow>of-switch red)
Full Context
debug open-flow of-switch red
This command enables debugging of redundancy events associated with the OpenFlow switch.
The no form of this command disables debugging of redundancy events associated with the OpenFlow switch.
- detail
Keyword used to specify detailed debugging information about redundancy events associated with the OpenFlow switch.
[no] red
[Tree] (debug>open-flow red)
Full Context
debug open-flow red
This command enables debugging of OpenFlow redundancy events.
The no form of this command disables debugging of OpenFlow redundancy events.
red-alarm-threshold percentage
no red-alarm-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>network>egress>pool red-alarm-threshold)
[Tree] (config>port>access>ingress>pool red-alarm-threshold)
[Tree] (config>port>access>egress>pool red-alarm-threshold)
Full Context
configure port network egress pool red-alarm-threshold
configure port access ingress pool red-alarm-threshold
configure port access egress pool red-alarm-threshold
This command configures the threshold for the red alarm on the over-subscription allowed.
Users can selectively enable amber or red alarm thresholds. But if both are enabled (non-zero), the amber alarm threshold cannot be more than the red alarm threshold.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no red-alarm-threshold
- percentage
Specifies the red alarm threshold.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
red-alarm-threshold percentage
no red-alarm-threshold
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>network>pool red-alarm-threshold)
Full Context
configure card fp ingress network pool red-alarm-threshold
This command configures the threshold for the red alarm on the over-subscription allowed.
Users can selectively enable amber or red alarm thresholds. But if both are enabled (non-zero) then the red alarm threshold must be greater than the amber alarm threshold.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no amber-alarm-threshold
- percentage
Specifies the red alarm threshold.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mvpn red-source-list)
Full Context
configure service vprn mvpn red-source-list
This command enables context to configure list of redundant source prefixes for preferred source selection.
redelegation-timer seconds
no redelegation-timer
[Tree] (config>router>pcep>pcc redelegation-timer)
Full Context
configure router pcep pcc redelegation-timer
This command configures the redelegation timer for PCE-initiated LSPs.
The no form of the command sets this value to the default.
redelegation-timer 90
- seconds
Specifies the number of seconds before the redelegation timer expires.
no redirect-https
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>http-redirect redirect-https)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group http-redirect redirect-https
This command configures the http-redirect policy to redirect HTTPS sessions to the configured redirect-url.
The no form of this command removes the redirect-https.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
redirect-policy redirect-policy-name [create]
no redirect-policy redirect-policy-name
[Tree] (config>filter redirect-policy)
Full Context
configure filter redirect-policy
This command, creates a configuration context for the specified redirect policy.
The no form of the command removes the redirect policy from the filter configuration only if the policy is not referenced in a filter and the filter is not in use (applied to a service or network interface).
- redirect-policy-name
Specifies the redirect policy name. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. There is no limit to the number of redirect policies that can be configured.
- create
This keyword is required to create the configuration context. Once it is created, the context can be enabled with or without the create keyword.
redirect-policy redirect-policy-name destination ip-address
no redirect-policy redirect-policy-name [destination ip-address]
[Tree] (config>filter>redirect-policy-binding redirect-policy)
Full Context
configure filter redirect-policy-binding redirect-policy
This command adds the destination (specified by its IP address) of a redirect-policy (specified by its name) to the binding. An error is thrown if either the destination does not exist for the specified redirect-policy or if the redirect-policy does not exist.
The no form of the command removes from the binding from all the destinations of the specified redirect-policy, or only the specified destination.
- redirect-policy-name
Specifies the name of the redirect-policy (up to 32 characters) as the destination that is to be added to the binding.
- ip-address
The IP address of the destination. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
redirect-policy-binding name [create]
no redirect-policy-binding name
[Tree] (config>filter redirect-policy-binding)
Full Context
configure filter redirect-policy-binding
This command creates a redirect-policy binding (specified by its name) in case it does not exist and, enters the context associated with it. When a redirect-policy binding is created, no destination is associated to this binding by default and the binding operator is set to AND.
The no form of this command deletes the redirect-policy binding and all the associated configuration information.
- name
Specifies the name of the binding. Possible values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotations.
- create
This keyword is required to create the binding if it does not exist. This has no effect when used with an existing binding.
redirect-url redirect-url
no redirect-hurl
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>http-redirect redirect-url)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group http-redirect redirect-url
This command configures the http redirect URL which is the URL (page) that the user is redirected to when an HTTP redirect takes effect.
The operator can select the URL arguments to include in the redirect-url using either a specific template-id or by configuring the redirect-url using any of the supported macro substitution keywords. Only ESM and ESM-MAC sub types support $MAC, $SAP, $CID, and $RID macro substitution.
The no form of this command removes the redirect-url field from the configuration.
- redirect-url
Specifies the URL of the landing page
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>router>dns redirect-vprn)
Full Context
configure router dns redirect-vprn
This command configures the DNS resolution to be resolved via VPRN. If configured, all packet URL resolution is done through a DNS server that is reachable in a VPRN. This includes packets in the global routing table.
redirection level
no redirection
[Tree] (config>system>file-trans-prof redirection)
Full Context
configure system file-transmission-profile redirection
This command enables system to accept HTTP redirection response, along with the max level of redirection. The virtual router may send a new request to another server if the requested resources are not available (temporarily available to another server).
no redirection
- level
Specifies the maximum level of redirection of the file transmission profile max level of HTTP redirection.
redirection-policy policy-name
no redirection-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>igmp-policy redirection-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt igmp-policy redirection-policy
This command will apply multicast redirection action to the subscriber. The redirection action along with the redirected interface (and possibly service id) is defined in the referenced policy-name. IGMP messages is redirected to an alternate interface if that alternate interface has IGMP enabled. The alternate interface does not have to have any multicast groups registered via IGMP. Currently all IGMP messages are redirected and there is no ability to selectively redirect IGMP messages based on match conditions (multicast-group address, source IP address, and so on). Multicast redirection is supported between VPRN services and also between interfaces within the Global Routing Context. Multicast Redirection is not supported between the VPRN services and the Global Routing Table (GRT).
IGMP state is maintained per subscriber host and per redirected interface. Traffic is however forwarded only on the redirected interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- policy-name
Specifies the redirection policy to be applied to this host IGMP policy up to 32 characters. This is a policy defined in the config>router>policy-option>policy-statement context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
redirection-policy policy-name
no redirection-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>mld-policy redirection-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt mld-policy redirection-policy
This command applies multicast redirection action to the subscriber. The redirection action along with the redirected interface (and possibly service id) is defined in the referenced policy-name. MLD messages is redirected to an alternate interface if that alternate interface has MLD enabled. The alternate interface does not have to have any multicast groups registered via MLD. Currently all MLD messages are redirected and there is no ability to selectively redirect MLD messages based on match conditions (multicast-group address, source IP address, and so on). Multicast redirection is supported between VPRN services and also between interfaces within the Global Routing Context. Multicast Redirection is not supported between the VPRN services and the Global Routing Table (GRT).
MLD state is maintained per subscriber host and per redirected interface. Traffic is however forwarded only on the redirected interface.
The no form of this command removes the policy name from the configuration.
- policy-name
Specifies a redirection policy name up to 32 characters. This is a regular policy defined under the configure>router>policy-option>policy-statement context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR