s Commands – Part I
s-pmsi [{vpnSrcAddr [vpnGrpAddr]} [mdSrcAddr]]
no s-pmsi
[Tree] (debug>router>pim s-pmsi)
Full Context
debug router pim s-pmsi
This command enables debugging for PIM selective provider multicast service interface.
The no form of this command disables the debugging.
- vpnSrcAddr
Specifies the VPN source address.
- vpnGrpAddr
Specifies the VPN group address.
- mdSrcAddr
Specifies the source address of the multicast domain.
s-tag qtag1 c-tag-range qtag2 [to qtag2]
no s-tag qtag1 c-tag-range qtag2
[Tree] (config>service>system>bgp-evpn>eth-seg>qinq s-tag)
Full Context
configure service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment qinq s-tag
This command determines the inner VIDs (for a specified outer VID) associated with the virtual Ethernet Segment on a specific qinq port or LAG based on the following:
Values *, null, 0 to 4094 are allowed.
Any SAP for which the outer and inner service-delimiting qtags match the range is associated with the virtual ES, and only those, for example, SAP 1/1/1:10.* will not match port 1/1/1, s-tag 10 c-tag-range 10 to 100.
A maximum of 8 ranges (including the s-tag ranges) are allowed in the qinq context.
A c-tag range can be composed of a single qtag.
Shutting down the ES is not required before making changes.
A qtag included in the s-tag-range command cannot be included in the s-tag qtag of this command.
Not all qtag1 and qtag2 combinations are valid for values 0, *, and null. The following combinations are allowed:
s-tag 0 c-tag-range *
s-tag * c-tag-range *
s-tag * c-tag-range null
s-tag null c-tag-range null
s-tag X c-tag-range 0 (where: X=1 to 4094)
s-tag X c-tag-range * (where: X=1 to 4094)
The no form of the command removes the configured range. Only the first qtag1 value is required to remove the range.
- qtag1
Specifies the outer VID for the c-tag range.
- qtag2
Specifies the inner VID for the c-tag range. When configuring a range of qtags (and not a single value), the second qtag1 value must be greater than the value of the first qtag1.
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>svc-stream>frm-payl>eth s-tag)
Full Context
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test service-stream frame-payload ethernet s-tag
Commands in this context configure service VLAN tag (s-tag) information specification.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
s-tag-range qtag1 [to qtag1]
no s-tag-range qtag1
[Tree] (config>service>system>bgp-evpn>eth-seg>qinq s-tag-range)
Full Context
configure service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment qinq s-tag-range
This command determines the VIDs associated with the virtual Ethernet Segment on a specific qinq port or LAG based on the following considerations:
Values *, 0 to 4094 are allowed.
Any SAP for which the service-delimiting qtag matches the range is associated with the virtual ES, and only those, for example, SAP 1/1/1:0.* will not match port 1/1/1, s-tag-range 100.
Maximum 8 ranges are allowed in the qinq context.
A range can be composed of a single qtag.
Shutting down the ES is not required before making changes in the q-tag-range.
The no form of the command removes the configured range. Only the first qtag1 value is required to remove the range.
- qtag1
Specifies the outer VID. When configuring a range of qtags (and not a single value), the second qtag1 value must be greater than the first qtag1.
[no] s1-release
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>triggered-updates>gc s1-release)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy triggered-updates gtp-change s1-release
This command configures the router to send an interim accounting update when an S1 release (idle) procedure is performed.
The no form of the command configures the router not to send an interim accounting update when an S1 release (idle) procedure is performed.
no s1-release
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] s2l-path path-name to ip-address
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>primary-p2mp-instance s2l-path)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp primary-p2mp-instance s2l-path
This command creates a root-to-leaf (S2L) sub-LSP path for the primary instance of a P2MP LSP. The primary instance of a P2MP LSP is modeled as a set of root-to-leaf (S2L) sub-LSPs. The root, for example, head-end node, triggers signaling using one path message per S2L path. The leaf sub-LSP paths are merged at branching points.
Each S2L sub-LSP is signaled in a separate path message. Each leaf node will respond with its own RESV message. A branch LSR node will forward the path message of each S2L sub-LSP to the downstream LSR without replicating it. It will also forward the RESV message of each S2L sub-LSP to the upstream LSR without merging it with the RESV messages of other S2L sub-LSPs of the same P2MP LSP. The same is done for subsequent refreshes of the path and RESV states.
The S2L paths can be empty paths or can specify a list of explicit hops. The path name must exist and must have been defined using the config>router>mpls>path command. The same path name can be re-used by more than one S2L of the primary P2MP instance. However, the to keyword must have a unique argument per S2L as it corresponds to the address of the egress LER node.
This command is not supported on the 7450 ESS.
- path-name
Specifies the name of the path which consists of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
- to ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the egress router.
sa-db [group grpAddr] [source srcAddr] [rp rpAddr]
no sadb
[Tree] (debug>router>msdp sa-db)
Full Context
debug router msdp sa-db
This command enables debugging for MSDP SA requests.
The no form of this command disables the MSDP SA database debugging.
- grpAddr
Debugs the IP address of the group.
- srcAddr
Debugs the source IP address.
- rpAddr
Debugs the specified RP address.
sa-mac ieee-address da-mac ieee-address
no sa-mac
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest>sap>egress>ip-mirror sa-mac)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-dest sap egress ip-mirror sa-mac
This command configures the source and destination MAC addresses for IP mirroring.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- sa-mac ieee-address
Specifies the source MAC address. Multicast, Broadcast and zeros are not allowed.
- da-mac ieee-address
Specifies the destination MAC address. Zeros are not allowed.
sa-timeout seconds
no sa-timeout
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>msdp sa-timeout)
Full Context
configure service vprn msdp sa-timeout
This command configures the value for the SA entries in the cache. If these entries are not refreshed within the timeout value, they are removed from the cache. Normally, the entries are refreshed at least once a minute. But under high load with many of MSDP peers, the refresh cycle could be incomplete. A higher timeout value (more then 90) could be useful to prevent instabilities in the MSDP cache.
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the peer before declaring the peer unavailable.
sa-timeout seconds
no sa-timeout
[Tree] (config>router>msdp sa-timeout)
Full Context
configure router msdp sa-timeout
This command configures the timeout interval for the SA entries in the cache. If these entries are not refreshed within the timeout interval, they are removed from the cache. Normally, the entries are refreshed at least once a minute, but under high load with many MSDP peers, the refresh cycle could be incomplete. A higher timeout value (greater than 90) is useful to prevent instabilities in the MSDP cache.
The no form of this command reverts to the default timeout interval of 90 seconds.
no sa-timeout
- seconds
Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the peer before declaring the peer unavailable.
[Tree] (config saa)
Full Context
configure saa
Commands in this context configure the Service Assurance Agent (SAA) tests.
saa test-name [owner test-owner] {start | stop} [no-accounting]
[Tree] (oam saa)
Full Context
oam saa
This command starts or stops an SAA test that is not configured as continuous.
- test-name
Specifies the name of the SAA test, up to 32 characters. The test name must already be configured in the config>saa>test context.
- test-owner
Specifies the owner of an SAA operation, up to 32 characters. If a test-owner value is not specified, the default owner is used.
- start
Starts the test. A test cannot be started if the same test is still running.
A test cannot be started if it is in a shut-down state. An error message and log event is generated to indicate a failed attempt to start an SAA test run. A test cannot be started if it is in a continuous state.
- stop
Stops a test in progress. A test cannot be stopped if it is not in progress. A log message is generated to indicate that an SAA test run has been aborted. A test cannot be stopped if it is in a continuous state.
- no-accounting
Disables the recording results in the accounting policy. When specifying no-accounting the MIB record produced at the end of the test is not added to the accounting file. It uses one of the three MIB rows available for the accounting module for collection.
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
no saii-type2
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
Full Context
configure service vpls spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
configure service cpipe spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
configure service epipe spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
This command configures the Source Individual Attachment Identifier (SAII) for an MPLS-TP spoke-sdp. If this is configured on a spoke-sdp for which vc-switching is also configured (for example, it is at an S-PE), then the values must match those of the taii-type2 of the mate spoke-sdp.
- global-id
Specifies the global ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- node-id
Specifies the node ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- ac-id
Specifies the attachment circuit ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP. If this node is the source of the PW, then the AC ID must be set to a locally unique value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id
no saii-type2
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp-fec saii-type2)
Full Context
configure service epipe spoke-sdp-fec saii-type2
This command configures the source attachment individual identifier for the spoke-sdp. This is only applicable to FEC129 AII type 2.
- global-id
A Global ID of this router T-PE. This value must correspond to one of the global_id values configured for a local-prefix under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
- prefix
The prefix on this router T-PE that the spoke-sdp SDP is associated with. This value must correspond to one of the prefixes configured under config>service>pw-routing>local-prefix context.
- ac-id
An unsigned integer representing a locally unique identifier for the spoke SDP.
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
no saii-type2
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>red-if>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
configure service vprn redundant-interface spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
This command configures the source individual attachment identifier (SAII) for an MPLS-TP spoke SDP. If this is configured on a spoke SDP for which vc-switching is also configured (for example, it is at an S-PE), then the values must match those of the taii-type2 of the mate spoke SDP.
- global-id
Specifies the global ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- node-id
Specifies the node ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- ac-id
Specifies the attachment circuit ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP. If this node is the source of the PW, then the AC ID must be set to a locally unique value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
- configure service vprn redundant-interface spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
no saii-type2
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest>remote-src>spoke-sdp>pw-path-id saii-type2)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-dest spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
configure mirror mirror-dest remote-source spoke-sdp pw-path-id saii-type2
This command configures the source individual attachment identifier (SAII) for an MPLS-TP spoke SDP. If this is configured on a spoke SDP for which vc-switching is also configured (for example, it is at an S-PE), then the values must match those of the taii-type2 of the mate spoke SDP.
- global-id
Specifies the global ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- node-id
Specifies the node ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP.
- ac-id
Specifies the attachment circuit ID at the source PE or T-PE for the MPLS-TP PW for a spoke SDP. If this node is the source of the PW, then the AC ID must be set to a locally unique value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] same-recipnonce-for-pollreq
[Tree] (config>system>security>pki>ca-profile>cmpv2 same-recipnonce-for-pollreq)
Full Context
configure system security pki ca-profile cmpv2 same-recipnonce-for-pollreq
This command enables the system to use same recipNonce as the last CMPv2 response for poll request.
The no form of this command disables the use of the same recipNonce as the last CMPv2 response for poll request.
no same-recipnonce-for-pollreq
sample-interval interval
[Tree] (config>router>rsvp>dbw-accounting sample-interval)
Full Context
configure router rsvp dbw-accounting sample-interval
This command sets the dark bandwidth sample interval to the specified value. Changing this parameter in the course of dark bandwidth accounting restarts the accounting cycle. The user is encouraged to specify values as multiples of 10. Selecting other values may lead to inconsistent estimation of Dark Bandwidth.
sample-interval 30
- interval
Specifies the sample interval, expressed in seconds.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
sample-interval interval
[Tree] (config>system>telemetry>persistent-subscriptions>subscription sample-interval)
Full Context
configure system telemetry persistent-subscriptions subscription sample-interval
This command configures the sample interval for persistent subscription.
This sampling interval only applies when the mode command is set to either target-defined or sample.
sample-interval 10000
- interval
Specifies the sample interval, in milliseconds.
sample-multiplier multiplier
[Tree] (config>router>rsvp>dbw-accounting sample-multiplier)
Full Context
configure router rsvp dbw-accounting sample-multiplier
This command sets the dark bandwidth sample interval multiplier to the specified value. Changing this parameter in the course of dark bandwidth accounting restarts the accounting cycle.
sample-multiplier 3
- multiplier
Specifies the sample interval multiplier, expressed as an integer.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
sample-profile profile-id [create]
no sample-profile profile-id
[Tree] (config>cflowd sample-profile)
Full Context
configure cflowd sample-profile
Commands in this context create and define sampling parameters.
The no form of this command removes the associated sample-profile. sample-profile 1 cannot be deleted.
- profile-id
Specifies the rate profile.
- create
Mandatory keyword when creating a sample profile. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
sample-profile sample-profile-id
no sample-profile
[Tree] (config>filter>ip-filter>entry sample-profile)
[Tree] (config>filter>ipv6-filter>entry sample-profile)
Full Context
configure filter ip-filter entry sample-profile
configure filter ipv6-filter entry sample-profile
This command allows traffic matching of an IPv4 or IPv6 filter to be sampled for cflowd processing using a specific sample profile.
This command is only compatible if the associated interface is configured for interface-based sampling and is only supported for ingress sampling.
An IP filter can only specify a single alternate sample profile for cflowd sampling, but that sample profile can be used in multiple entries.
The no form of this command removes the specified sampling profile from the configuration. Cflowd continues to process traffic based on the default or configured interface cflowd sampling profile.
no sample-profile
- sample-profile-id
Specifies the cflowd sample profile to be used for packets matching this filter entry.
sample-rate [rate]
[Tree] (config>cflowd>sample-profile sample-rate)
Full Context
configure cflowd sample-profile sample-rate
This command defines the cflowd sampling rate for the sample profile ID.
The sample rate indicates that the associated interface samples 1 in N packets for cflowd analysis. Only one rate profile below 1:256 with a specific IOM, IMM, or XMA can be associated.
sample-rate 1000
- rate
Specifies the rate at which traffic is sampled and forwarded for cflowd analysis.
sample-window seconds
no sample-window
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>streaming>delay-template sample-window)
Full Context
configure oam-pm streaming delay-template sample-window
This command specifies the sample window duration in seconds for the template. This configuration option represents time over which the average will be calculated and subsequently streamed.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
sample-window 60
- seconds
Specifies the sample window duration.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>test-oam>link-meas>template sample-window)
Full Context
configure test-oam link-measurement measurement-template sample-window
Commands in this context configure sample window parameters to be used when the measurement-template is assigned to an IP interface. The sample window is the collection of individual probe results, over a defined period.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>test-oam>lag-meas>template sample-window)
Full Context
configure test-oam lag-ip-measurement lag-ip-measurement-template sample-window
Commands in this context configure the sample window for LAG IP measurement.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sampling {unicast | multicast} type {acl | interface} [direction { ingress-only | egress-only | both}] [sample-profile [profile-id]]
no sampling {unicast | multicast}
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nw-if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service ies interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service vprn network-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
This command enables and configures the cflowd sampling behavior to collect traffic flow samples through a router for analysis.
This command can be used to configure the sampling parameters for unicast and multicast traffic separately. If sampling is not configured for either unicast or multicast traffic, then that type of traffic will not be sampled.
If cflowd is enabled without either egress-only or both keywords specified or with the ingress-only keyword specified, then only ingress sampling is enabled on the associated IP interface.
The no form of this command disables the associated type of traffic sampling.
- unicast | multicast
Specifies unicast or multicast sampling.
- type
Specifies the cflowd sampling type on the specific virtual router interface.
- direction
Specifies the direction of the cflowd analysis that is applied to the specified virtual router interface.
- profile-id
Defines the sampling rate profile to be associated with this interface.
- configure service ies interface cflowd-parameters sampling
- configure service vprn network-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
- configure service vprn interface cflowd-parameters sampling
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
sampling {unicast | multicast} type {acl | interface} [direction { ingress-only | egress-only | both}] [sample-profile profile]
no sampling {unicast | multicast}
[Tree] (config>router>if>cflowd-parameters sampling)
Full Context
configure router interface cflowd-parameters sampling
This command enables and configures the cflowd sampling behavior to collect traffic flow samples through a router for analysis.
This command can be used to configure the sampling parameters for unicast and multicast traffic separately. If sampling is not configured for either unicast or multicast traffic, then that type of traffic will not be sampled.
If cflowd is enabled without either egress-only or both specified or with the ingress-only keyword specified, then only ingress sampling will be enabled on the associated IP interface.
The no form of this command disables the associated type of traffic sampling on the associated interface.
no sampling
- unicast
Specifies that the sampling command will control the sampling of unicast traffic on the associated interface/SAP.
- multicast
Specifies that the sampling command will control the sampling of multicast traffic on the associated interface/SAP.
- type
Specifies whether the traffic sampling is based on an acl match, or all traffic entering or exiting the associated interface.
- direction
Specifies the direction to collect traffic flow samples.
- profile
Specifies the sampling profile to be associated with this interface.
sampling-rate sampling-rate
no sampling-rate
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest sampling-rate)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-dest sampling-rate
This command configures the packet sampling rate for mirrored traffic and is supported with config and debug mirror sources. The sampling rate is common to all endpoints on a specified line card FP per mirror destination service.
The no form of this command disables the packet sampling rate for mirrored traffic.
no sampling-rate
- sampling-rate
Specifies the sampling rate.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [create] [capture-sap] [eth-ring ring-index]
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [create] [capture-sap] [eth-ring ring-index] leaf-ac
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [create] [capture- sap] [eth-ring ring-index] root-leaf-tag leaf-tag leaf-tag
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls sap)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap
This command creates a Service Access Point (SAP) within a service. A SAP is a combination of port and encapsulation parameters which identifies the service access point on the interface and within the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR. Each SAP must be unique. All SAPs must be explicitly created within a service or on an IP interface.
Enter an existing SAP without the create keyword to edit SAP parameters. The SAP is owned by the service in which it was created.
A SAP can only be associated with a single service. A SAP can only be defined on a port that has been configured as an access port using the configure port port-id ethernet mode access command. Channelized TDM ports are always access ports (TDM applies to the 7750 SR only).
If a port is shut down, all SAPs on that port become operationally down. When a service is shut down, SAPs for the service are not displayed as operationally down although all traffic traversing the service is discarded. The operational state of a SAP is relative to the operational state of the port on which the SAP is defined.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP with the specified port. When a SAP is deleted, all configuration parameters for the SAP are also deleted. For Internet Ethernet Service (IES), the IP interface must be shut down before the SAP on that interface may be removed.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the slot_number/MDA_number/port_number [.channel] format. For example 6/2/3 specifies port 3 on MDA 2 in slot 6.
The port-id must reference a valid port type. When the port-id parameter represents SONET/SDH and TDM channels, the port ID must include the channel ID. A period ".” separates the physical port from the channel-id. The port must be configured as an access port.
If the SONET/SDH port is configured as clear-channel then only the port is specified.
- group-name
Specifies the name of the split horizon group to which the SAP belongs. This parameter applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR only.
- capture-sap
Specifies a capturing SAP in which triggering packets are sent to the CPM. Non-triggering packets captured by the capture SAP are dropped. This parameter applies to the 7450 ESS or 7750 SR only.
- create
Keyword used to create a SAP instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
- root-leaf-tag
Specifies a SAP as a root leaf tag SAP. Only SAPs of the form dot1q (for example, 1/1/1:X) or qinq (for example, 1/1/1:X.Y, 1/1/1:X.*) are supported. The default E-Tree SAP type is a root AC, if root-leaf-tag (or leaf-ac) is not specified at SAP creation. This option is only available when the VPLS is designated as an E-Tree VPLS.
- leaf-tag-vid
Specifies to replace the outer SAP-ID for leaf traffic. The leaf tag VID is only significant between peering VPLS but the values must be consistent on each end.
- leaf-ac
Specifies a SAP as a leaf access (AC) SAP. The default E-Tree SAP type is root AC if leaf-ac (or root-leaf-tag) is not specified at SAP creation. This option is only available when the VPLS is designated as an E-Tree VPLS.
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>pbb>backbone-vpls sap)
Full Context
configure service vpls pbb backbone-vpls sap
This command configures attributes of a SAP on the B-VPLS service.
sap sap-id [create] [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id [create] endpoint endpoint-name
sap sap-id [create] [qtag-normalization] [[tag] | [s-tag.c-tag]]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>epipe sap)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap
This command creates a Service Access Point (SAP) within a service. A SAP is a combination of port and encapsulation parameters which identifies the service access point on the interface and within the device. Each SAP must be unique.
All SAPs must be explicitly created. If no SAPs are created within a service or on an IP interface, a SAP will not exist on that object.
Enter an existing SAP without the create keyword to edit SAP parameters. The SAP is owned by the service in which it was created.
A SAP can only be associated with a single service. A SAP can only be defined on a port that has been configured as an access port.
If a port is shutdown, all SAPs on that port become operationally down. When a service is shutdown, SAPs for the service are not displayed as operationally down although all traffic traversing the service will be discarded.
The operational state of a SAP is relative to the operational state of the port on which the SAP is defined.
Ethernet SAPs support null, dot1q, and qinq is supported for all routers.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP with the specified port. When a SAP is deleted, all configuration parameters for the SAP will also be deleted. For Internet Enhanced Service (IES), the IP interface must be shutdown before the SAP on that interface may be removed.
By default, no SAPs are defined.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the slot_number/MDA_number/port_number format. For example 6/2/3 specifies port 3 on MDA 2 in slot 6.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
- endpoint
Adds a SAP endpoint association.
- no endpoint
Removes the association of a SAP or a spoke SDP with an explicit endpoint name.
- create
Keyword to create a SAP instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment create context.
- qtag-normalization
Keyword to enable Q-tag normalization.
- tag
Specifies the value for tag normalization. The tag value is pushed as the S-tag (outer tag) into the frames coming from this SAP and sent to EVPN. On network ingress, the inner and outer VLAN tags are looked up and the frames matching this value and the normalized C-tag value are sent to the associated SAP.
- s-tag
Specifies the value for tag normalization. The tag value is pushed as the S-tag (outer tag) into the frames coming from this SAP and sent to EVPN. On network ingress, the inner and outer VLAN tags are looked up and the frames matching this value and the normalized C-tag value are sent to the associated SAP.
- c-tag
Specifies the value for tag normalization. The tag value is pushed as the C-tag (inner tag) into the frames coming from this SAP and sent to EVPN. On network ingress, the inner and outer VLAN tags are looked up and the frames matching this value and the normalized S-tag value are sent to the associated SAP.
The following output is an example of VLL SAP information.
Output Example*A:test>config>service>epipe 200 name "200" customer 1 info detail
sap 1/1/c5/1:200.200 create
no shutdown
sap pw-21:200.200 create
no shutdown
no shutdown
sap sap-id [create] [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id [create] endpoint endpoint-name
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe sap)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe sap)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap
configure service ipipe sap
This command creates a Service Access Point (SAP) within a service. A SAP is a combination of port and encapsulation parameters which identifies the service access point on the interface and within the device. Each SAP must be unique.
All SAPs must be explicitly created. If no SAPs are created within a service or on an IP interface, a SAP will not exist on that object.
Enter an existing SAP without the create keyword to edit SAP parameters. The SAP is owned by the service in which it was created.
A SAP can only be associated with a single service. A SAP can only be defined on a port that has been configured as an access port.
If a port is shutdown, all SAPs on that port become operationally down. When a service is shutdown, SAPs for the service are not displayed as operationally down although all traffic traversing the service will be discarded.
The operational state of a SAP is relative to the operational state of the port on which the SAP is defined.
Ethernet SAPs support null, dot1q, and qinq is supported for all routers.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP with the specified port. When a SAP is deleted, all configuration parameters for the SAP will also be deleted. For Internet Enhanced Service (IES), the IP interface must be shutdown before the SAP on that interface may be removed.
By default, no SAPs are defined.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the slot_number/MDA_number/port_number format. For example 6/2/3 specifies port 3 on MDA 2 in slot 6.
slot/mda/port [.channel]
1 to 20
1 to 64
a, b
- endpoint
Adds a SAP endpoint association.
- no endpoint
Removes the association of a SAP or a spoke SDP with an explicit endpoint name.
- create
Keyword to create a SAP instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap
- configure service ipipe sap
The following output is an example of VLL SAP information.
Output Example*A:bksim2801>config>service>apipe>sap$
ATM PVCs, Port 1/1/1
VPI/VCI Owner Type Ing.TD Egr.TD Adm OAM Opr
2/102 SAP PVC 1 1 up ETE-AIS dn
10/100 SAP PVC 1 1 up ETE-AIS dn
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if sap)
[Tree] (config>service>ies sap)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if sap)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn sap)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if sap)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if sap)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap
configure service ies sap
configure service ies interface sap
configure service vprn sap
configure service vprn interface sap
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap
This command creates a Service Access Point (SAP) within a service. A SAP is a combination of port and encapsulation parameters which identifies the service access point on the interface and within the router. Each SAP must be unique.
All SAPs must be explicitly created. If no SAPs are created within a service or on an IP interface, a SAP will not exist on that object.
Enter an existing SAP without the create keyword to edit SAP parameters. The SAP is owned by the service in which it was created.
A SAP can only be associated with a single service. A SAP can only be defined on a port that has been configured as an access port using the configure port port-id ethernet mode access command.
If a port is shutdown, all SAPs on that port become operationally down. When a service is shutdown, SAPs for the service are not displayed as operationally down although all traffic traversing the service will be discarded. The operational state of a SAP is relative to the operational state of the port on which the SAP is defined.
Configure an IES interface as a loopback interface by issuing the loopback command instead of the sap sap-id command. The loopback flag cannot be set on an interface where a SAP is already defined and a SAP cannot be defined on a loopback interface.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP with the specified port. When a SAP is deleted, all configuration parameters for the SAP are also deleted. For Internet Enhanced Service (IES), the IP interface must be shutdown before the SAP on that interface may be removed. The no form of this command causes the ptp-hw-assist to be disabled.
No SAPs are defined.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- port-id
Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the slot_number/MDA_number/port_number format. For example 61/2/3 specifies port 3 on MDA 2 in slot 61.
Table 1. Port ID Syntax null
port-id | lag-id
{port-id | lag-id}:{qtag1 | cp-conn-prof-id
{port-id | lag-id}:{qtag1 | cp-conn-prof-id}.{qtag2 | cp-conn-prof-id}
cp: keyword
conn-prof-id: 1 to 8000
slot/mda/port [.channel]
esat: keyword
id: 1 to20
pxc psc-id.sub-port
pxc: keyword
id: 1 to 64
sub-port: a, b
lag: keyword
id: 1 to 800
0 to 4094
* | null | 0 to 4094
The port-id must reference a valid port type.
- create
Keyword used to create a SAP instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap
- configure service vprn interface sap
- configure service vprn sap
- configure service ies interface sap
- configure service ies sap
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if sap)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap
This command creates a SAP for the interface.
The no form of this command removes the SAP.
- sap-id
Specifies the SAP ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>ppp sap)
Full Context
debug service id ppp sap
This command enables PPP debug output for the specified SAP, this command allow multiple instances.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
- sap-id
Specifies the SAP ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap sap-id
no sap
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>site sap)
Full Context
configure service vpls site sap
This command configures a SAP for the site.
The no form of this command removes the SAP ID from the configuration.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>mrp sap)
Full Context
debug service id mrp sap
This command filters debug events and only shows events for the particular SAP.
The no form of this command removes the debug filter.
- sap-id
sap sap-id
no sap
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>site sap)
Full Context
configure service epipe site sap
This command configures a SAP for the site.
The no form of this command removes the SAP ID from the configuration.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>dhcp sap)
[Tree] (debug>service>id sap)
[Tree] (debug>service>id>stp sap)
Full Context
debug service id dhcp sap
debug service id sap
debug service id stp sap
This command enables STP debugging for a specific SAP.
The no form of the command disables debugging.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
sap [split-horizon-group group-name] [create] [capture-sap]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mac-move>primary-ports sap)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mac-move>secondary-ports sap)
Full Context
configure service vpls mac-move primary-ports sap
configure service vpls mac-move secondary-ports sap
This command declares a specified SAP as a primary (or secondary) VPLS port.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>arp-host sap)
Full Context
debug service id arp-host sap
This command displays ARP host events for a particular SAP.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>igmp-snooping sap)
Full Context
debug service id igmp-snooping sap
This command shows IGMP packets for a specific SAP.
The no form of this command disables the debugging for the SAP.
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>mld sap)
Full Context
debug service id mld-snooping sap
This command shows MLD packets for a specific SAP.
The no form of this command disables the debugging for the SAP.
[no] sap sap-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>host-connectivity-verify sap)
Full Context
debug service id host-connectivity-verify sap
This command displays Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification (SHCV) events for a particular SAP.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap card/mda/aa-svc:vlan [create]
no sap
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>aa-if sap)
Full Context
configure service vprn aa-interface sap
This commands specifies which ISA card and which VLAN is used by a specified AA Interface.
no sap
- card/mda/aa-svc:vlan
Specifies the AA ISA card slot/port and VLAN information.
- create
Keyword used to create the AARP instance.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>ies>aa-interface sap)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>aa-interface sap)
Full Context
configure service ies aa-interface sap
configure service vprn aa-interface sap
This command configures the AA interface SAP.
- sap-id
specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- create
creates the SAP instance.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap sap-id [create] [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id [create] endpoint name
no sap
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest sap)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-dest sap
This command creates a service access point (SAP) within a mirror destination service. The SAP is owned by the mirror destination service ID.
The SAP is defined with port and encapsulation parameters to uniquely identify the (mirror) SAP on the interface and within the box. The specified SAP may be defined on an Ethernet access port with a dot1q, null, or q-in-q encapsulation type.
Only one SAP can be created within a mirror-dest service ID. If the defined SAP has not been created on any service within the system, the SAP is created and the context of the CLI will change to the newly created SAP. In addition, the port cannot be a member of a multi-link bundle, APS group or IMA bundle.
If the defined SAP exists in the context of another service ID, mirror-dest or any other type, an error is generated.
Mirror destination SAPs can be created on Ethernet interfaces that have been defined as an access interface. If the interface is defined as network, the SAP creation returns an error.
When the no form of this command is used on a SAP created by a mirror destination service ID, the SAP with the specified port and encapsulation parameters is deleted.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- no-endpoint
Removes the association of a SAP or a sdp with an explicit endpoint name.
- name
Specifies the name of the endpoint associated with the SAP.
sap sap-id {[egress] [ingress]}
no sap sap-id [egress] [ingress]
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-source sap)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-source sap
This command enables mirroring of traffic ingressing or egressing a service access port (SAP). A SAP that is defined within a mirror destination cannot be used in a mirror source. The mirror source SAP referenced by the sap-id is owned by the service ID of the service in which it was created. The SAP is only referenced in the mirror source name for mirroring purposes. The mirror source association does not need to be removed before deleting the SAP from its service ID. If the SAP is deleted from its service ID, the mirror association is removed from the mirror source.
More than one SAP can be associated within a single mirror-source. Each SAP has its own ingress and egress parameter keywords to define which packets are mirrored to the mirror destination.
The SAP must be valid and properly configured. If the associated SAP does not exist, an error occurs and the command will not execute.
The same SAP cannot be associated with multiple mirror source definitions for ingress packets.
The same SAP cannot be associated with multiple mirror source definitions for egress packets.
If a particular SAP is not associated with a mirror source name, then that SAP will not have mirroring enabled for that mirror source.
Note that the ingress and egress options cannot be supported at the same time on a CEM encap-type SAP. The options must be configured in either the ingress or egress contexts (applies to the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS).
The no form of this command disables mirroring for the specified SAP. All mirroring for that SAP on ingress and egress is terminated. Mirroring of packets on the SAP can continue if more specific mirror criteria is configured. If the egress or ingress parameter keywords are specified in the no command, only the ingress or egress mirroring condition is removed.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- egress
Specifies that packets egressing the SAP should be mirrored. Egress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification.
- ingress
Specifies that packets ingressing the SAP should be mirrored. Ingress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination before the ingress packet modification.
sap sap-id {[ingress] [egress]}
no sap sap-id [ingress] [egress]
[Tree] (config>li>li-source sap)
Full Context
configure li li-source sap
This command creates a service access point (SAP) within an LI configuration. The specified SAP must define a FastE, GigE, or XGigE, or XGigE access port with a dot1q, null, or q-in-q encapsulation type.
When the no form of this command is used on a SAP, the SAP with the specified port and encapsulation parameters is deleted.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- egress
Specifies that the router perform lawful intercept on egress traffic. Packets egressing the SAP are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification.
- ingress
Specifies that the router perform lawful intercept on ingress traffic. Packets ingressing the SAP are mirrored to the mirror destination before ingress packet modification.
sap sap-id {[egress] [ingress]}
no sap sap-id [egress] [ingress]
[Tree] (debug>mirror-source sap)
Full Context
debug mirror-source sap
This command enables mirroring of traffic ingressing or egressing a service access port (SAP). A SAP that is defined within a mirror destination cannot be used in a mirror source. The mirror source SAP referenced by the sap-id is owned by the service ID of the service in which it was created. The SAP is only referenced in the mirror source name for mirroring purposes. The mirror source association does not need to be removed before deleting the SAP from its service ID. If the SAP is deleted from its service ID, the mirror association is removed from the mirror source.
More than one SAP can be associated within a single mirror-source. Each SAP has its own ingress and egress parameter keywords to define which packets are mirrored to the mirror destination.
The SAP must be valid and properly configured. If the associated SAP does not exist, an error occurs and the command does not execute.
The same SAP cannot be associated with multiple mirror source definitions for ingress packets.
The same SAP cannot be associated with multiple mirror source definitions for egress packets.
If a particular SAP is not associated with a mirror source name, then that SAP does not have mirroring enabled for that mirror source.
Note that the ingress and egress options cannot be supported at the same time on a CEM encap-type SAP. The options must be configured in either the ingress or egress contexts (applies to the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS).
The no form of this command disables mirroring for the specified SAP. All mirroring for that SAP on ingress and egress is terminated. Mirroring of packets on the SAP can continue if more specific mirror criteria is configured. If the egress or ingress parameter keywords are specified in the no command, only the ingress or egress mirroring condition is removed.
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
- egress
Specifies that packets egressing the SAP should be mirrored. Egress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification.
- ingress
Specifies that packets ingressing the SAP should be mirrored. Ingress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination before the ingress packet modification.
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
[Tree] (config>system>satellite>local-forward sap)
Full Context
configure system satellite local-forward sap
This command configures a Service Access Point (SAP) used in satellite local forward instances defined in the system.
The no form of this command removes the satellite access point from the local-forward instance.
- eth-sat-id
Specifies the satellite access point in the local-forward instance in the esat-id/slot/port format.
- lag-id
Specifies the LAG identifier, expressed as an integer,
- qtag1
Specifies the qtag value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sap sap-id
no sap
[Tree] (config>li>li-fltr>li-mac-fltr>entry>match sap)
Full Context
configure li li-filter li-mac-filter entry match sap
This command specifies the QinQ SAP to match from the Epipe or VPLS service, where the s-tag must be a value and the outer-tag must be of type *. This filter match is used in conjunction with match criteria outer-tag where the outer-tag must also be provisioned for the entry match on the QinQ packet to activate.
The match criteria SAP must be an exact match with the QinQ configured on the Epipe or VPLS service. An associated outer-tag must be provisioned to match on the QinQ packet. For example, SAP 1/1/1:1.*, where the outer-tag is “*”, and an outer-tag of 1 would perform LI on 1/1/1:1.1 on a 1/1/1:1.* SAP.
The no form of this command removes the QinQ SAP as the match criterion.
no sap
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sap sap-id
no sap
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-nd>dynamic sap)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>proxy-arp>dynamic sap)
Full Context
configure service vpls proxy-nd dynamic sap
configure service vpls proxy-arp dynamic sap
This command configures the proxy ARP or ND entry for creation when the ARP or neighbor advertisement (NA) packet for the configured IP address is received on the configured SAP. This command can be configured in combination with the configure service vpls proxy-arp dynamic mac-list or configure service vpls proxy-nd dynamic mac-list command for the entry. In this case, the MAC of the ARP or NA message and the SAP on which the ARP or NA packet is received are both checked before creating the entry.
The no form of this command removes the SAP as the match criterion.
no sap
- sap-id
Specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP definition.
sap-egress {policy-id | policy-name} [create] [name name]
no sap-egress {policy-id | policy-name}
[Tree] (config>qos sap-egress)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress
This command is used to create or edit a Service Egress QoS policy. The egress policy defines the SLA for service packets as they egress on the SAP.
Policies are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. The queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service.
Sap-egress policies determine queue mappings based on ingress DSCP, IP precedence, dot1p, and IPv4 or IPv6 match criteria. Multiple queues can be created per forwarding class and each queue can have different CIR or PIR parameters.
Egress SAP QoS policies allow the definition of queues and the mapping of forwarding classes to those queues. Each queue needs to have a relative CIR for determining its allocation of QoS resources during periods of congestion. A PIR can also be defined that forces a hard limit on the packets transmitted through the queue. When the forwarding class is mapped to the queue, a DSCP, IP precedence, or dot1p value can optionally be specified.
The sap-egress policy with policy-id 1 is the default sap-egress QoS policy and is applied to service egress SAPs when an explicit policy is not specified or removed. The default sap-egress policy cannot be modified or deleted.
By default, all forwarding classes map to queue 1.
Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, will be applied immediately to all egress SAPs where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is highly recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy-id. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete, then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no form of this command deletes the sap-egress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all service SAPs where it is applied. When a sap-egress policy is removed from a SAP, the SAP will revert to the default sap-egress policy-id 1.
- policy-id
The policy-id uniquely identifies the policy on the router.
- policy-name
The policy-name uniquely identifies the policy.
- create
Required parameter when creating a SAP QoS egress policy.
- name
Configures an optional policy name which adds a name identifier to a specific policy to then use that policy name in configuration references as well as display and use policy names in show commands throughout the system. This helps the service provider or administrator to identify and manage sap-egress policies within the SR OS platforms.
All sap-egress policies are required to assign a policy ID to initially create a policy. However, either the policy ID or the policy name can be used to identify and reference a specific policy once it is initially created.
If a name is not specified at creation time, then SR OS assigns a string version of the policy-id as the name.
sap-egress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
[Tree] (config>qos>copy sap-egress)
Full Context
configure qos copy sap-egress
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy-id to another QoS policy-id.
The copy command is a configuration-level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
- overwrite
Specifies to replace the existing destination policy. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
- Example:
— SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010
— MINOR: CLI Destination "1010" exists use {overwrite}.
— SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010 overwrite
- src-pol dst-pol
Indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are SAP egress policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to which the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
sap-host-limit max-num-hosts-sap
no sap-host-limit
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>arp-host sap-host-limit)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>arp-host sap-host-limit)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface arp-host sap-host-limit
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface arp-host sap-host-limit
This command configures the maximum number of ARP hosts per SAP.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
sap-host-limit 1
- max-num-hosts-sap
Specifies the maximum number of ARP hosts per SAP allowed on this interface.
Note:The operational maximum value may be smaller because of equipped hardware dependencies.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-id sap-id
no sap-id
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>loc-user-db>ipoe>host>host-ident sap-id)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>loc-user-db>ppp>host>host-identification sap-id)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ipoe host host-identification sap-id
configure subscriber-mgmt local-user-db ppp host host-identification sap-id
This command specifies the SAP ID to match for a host lookup. When the LUDB is accessed using a DHCPv4 server, the SAP-ID is matched against the Nokia vendor-specific sub-option in DHCP Option 82.
This command is used only when sap-id is configured as one of the match-list parameters.
The no form of this command removes the SAP ID from the configuration.
- sap-id
Specifies a SAP ID, up to 255 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>dhcp>option>vendor sap-id)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>dhcp>option>vendor sap-id)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>vpls-only>dhcp>option>vendor sap-id)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>dhcp>option>vendor sap-id)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>dhcp>option>vendor sap-id)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
configure service vprn interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
configure service vpls sap dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
This command enables the sending of the SAP ID in the Nokia vendor-specific sub-option of the DHCP relay packet.
The no form of this command disables the sending of the SAP ID in the Nokia vendor-specific sub-option of the DHCP relay packet.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
- configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
- configure service vprn interface dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
- configure service vpls sap dhcp option vendor-specific-option sap-id
sap-id sap-string
no sap-id
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>ladb>user>idx sap-id)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services local-auth-db user-name index sap-id
This command specifies the dynamic data service SAP that is created. A dynamic service SAP ID uniquely identifies a dynamic data service instance. For a local authenticated dynamic service data trigger, one of the dynamic service SAP IDs must be the data trigger SAP.
The no form of this command removes the sap-id from the configuration.
- sap-string
Specifies a string representing the dynamic service SAP ID (only SAPs on Ethernet ports and LAGs are valid), up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-ingress {policy-id | policy-name} [create] [name name]
no sap-ingress {policy-id | policy-name}
[Tree] (config>qos sap-ingress)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress
This command is used to create or edit the ingress policy. The ingress policy defines the SLA enforcement that service packets receive as they ingress a SAP. SLA enforcement is accomplished through the definition of queues that have Forwarding Class (FC), Fair Information Rate (FIR), Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR), Committed Burst Size (CBS), and Maximum Burst Size (MBS) characteristics.
Policies in effect are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. Queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until they are assigned to at least one forwarding class and a policy is applied to a service SAP.
It is possible that a SAP ingress policy will include the dscp map command, the dot1p map command, and an IP or MAC match criteria. When multiple matches occur for the traffic, the order of precedence will be used to arrive at the final action. The order of precedence is as follows:
802.1p bits
IP quintuple or MAC headers
The SAP ingress policy with policy-id 1 is a system-defined policy applied to services when no other policy is explicitly specified. The system SAP ingress policy cannot be modified or deleted. The default SAP ingress policy defines one unicast and one multipoint queue associated with all forwarding classes, with an FIR of zero, a CIR of zero, and a PIR of line rate.
Any changes made to the existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy ID. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete, then written over the original policy-id. Use the config>qos>copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP ingress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all services where it is applied.
- policy-id
The policy-id uniquely identifies the policy.
- policy-name
The policy-name uniquely identifies the policy.
- create
Required parameter when creating a SAP QoS ingress policy.
- name name
Configures an optional policy name which adds a name identifier to a specific policy to then use that policy name in configuration references as well as display and use policy names in show commands throughout the system. This helps the service provider and administrator to identify and manage sap-ingress policies within the SR OS platforms.
All sap-ingress policies are required to assign a policy ID to initially create a policy. However, either the policy ID or the policy name can be used to identify and reference a specific policy after it is initially created.
If a name is not specified at creation time, then SR OS assigns a string version of the policy-id as the name.
sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
[Tree] (config>qos>copy sap-ingress)
Full Context
configure qos copy sap-ingress
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy-id to another QoS policy-id.
The copy command is a configuration-level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
- overwrite
Specifies to replace the existing destination policy. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
- Example:
— SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010
— MINOR: CLI Destination "1010" exists use {overwrite}.
— SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010 overwrite
- src-pol dst-pol
Indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are SAP ingress policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to which the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
sap-limit [limit]
no sap-limit
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>policy sap-limit)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services dynamic-services-policy sap-limit
This command specifies a limit for the number of dynamic data service instances (SAPs) that can be setup simultaneously using a specific dynamic services policy.
A value of zero (0) means the policy is drained: existing dynamic data services can be modified and torn down but no new dynamic data services can be setup.
sap-limit 1
- limit
Specifies the number of dynamic data service SAPs that can be setup simultaneously using this dynamic services policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if sap-parameters)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if sap-parameters)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap-parameters
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap-parameters
Commands in this context configure parameters that can be applied to automatically-generated internal SAPs.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] sap-session-index
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>auth-policy>include-radius-attribute sap-session-index)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt authentication-policy include-radius-attribute sap-session-index
This command includes sap-session-index attributes.
The no form of this command excludes sap-session-index attributes.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-session-limit sap-session-limit
no sap-session-limit
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>pppoe sap-session-limit)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>pppoe sap-session-limit)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface pppoe sap-session-limit
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface pppoe sap-session-limit
This command specifies the number of PPPoE hosts per SAP allowed for this group-interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
sap-session-limit 1
- sap-session-limit
Specifies the number of PPPoE hosts per SAP allowed.
Note:The operational maximum value may be smaller due to equipped hardware dependencies.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-session-limit sap-session-limit
no sap-session-limit
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipoe-session sap-session-limit)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipoe-session sap-session-limit)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipoe-session sap-session-limit
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipoe-session sap-session-limit
This command specifies the number of IPoE sessions per SAP allowed for this group-interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
sap-session-limit 1
- sap-session-limit
Specifies the number of allowed IPoE sessions.
Note:The operational maximum value may be smaller due to equipped hardware dependencies.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-template sap-template
no sap-template
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>wlan-gw sap-template)
Full Context
configure service vpls wlan-gw sap-template
This command specifies the VPLS SAP template that is applied on the internal SAPs created for communication between the VPLS and the ISAs.
The no form of this command removes the SAP template.
- sap-template
Specifies the existing SAP template to apply. The template is created in the config>service>template context.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-template name [create]
no sap-template name
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt sap-template)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sap-template
This command configures a template that specifies parameters for automatically generated subscriber SAPs, for example, when creating CUPS sessions. A template with the name "default" is used if no specific name is provided, but this must be manually provisioned.
The no form of this command removes the template.
- name
Specifies the name of the PFCP association, up to 32 characters.
- create
Keyword used to create the SAP template.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sap-template-binding name/id
no sap-template-binding
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>vpls-group sap-template-binding)
Full Context
configure service vpls vpls-group sap-template-binding
This command configures the binding to a SAP template to be used to instantiate SAPs in the data VPLS using as input variables the VLAN IDs generated by the vid-range command.
The no form of this command removes the binding and deletes the related SAP instances. The command will fail if any of the affected VPLS instances have either a provisioned SAP or an active MVRP declaration/registration or if the related vpls-group is in no shutdown state. Any changes to the sap-template-binding require the vpls-group to be in shutdown state. New control SAP additions to the management VPLS are allowed as long as data VPLS instantiations/removals for vpls-groups are not in progress. Control SAPs can be removed at any time generating the removal of related data SAPs from the data VPLS. The shutdown or no shutdown state for the control SAPs does not have any effect on data SAPs instantiated with this command.
no sap-template-binding
- name
Specifies the name of the VPLS template
- id
Specifies the ID of the VPLS template
saps {qset-size size | non-shaper-queues}
[Tree] (config>qos>fp-resource-policy>aggregate-shapers>queue-sets>default-size saps)
Full Context
configure qos fp-resource-policy aggregate-shapers queue-sets default-size saps
This command configures the default queue-set size for SAPs.
- size
Specifies the size of the queue sets.
- non-shaper-queues
Specifies that subscribers will not use hardware aggregate shapers on FPs where the FP resource policy is applied.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sat-type sat-type [port-template template-name] dynamic-uplink uplink-distribution maximum uplink distribution for resiliency
sat-type sat-type [port-template template-name]
no sat-type
[Tree] (config>system>satellite>eth-sat sat-type)
Full Context
configure system satellite eth-sat sat-type
This command configures the type of satellite variant for the associated satellite chassis.
The no form of this command deletes the sat-type configuration.
no sat-type
- sat-type
Specifies the satellite type. Configuration of the following variants is supported:
- es24-1gb-sfp
Specifies the 24xGE (SFP) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite.
- es24-1gb-tx
Specifies the 24xGE (copper) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite or the 24-port copper + PoE Ethernet satellite.
- es24-sasmxp-1gb-sfp
Specifies the 7210 SAS-Mxp as an Ethernet satellite.
- es24-sass-1gb-sfp
Specifies the SAS-S 24xGE (SFP) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite.
- es24-sfpp+8-sfp28+2-qsfp28
Specifies the 7250 IXR-e 24SFP+ 8SFP28 2QSFP28 satellite.
- es32-qsfp28+4-qsfpdd
Specifies the 7250 IXR-X1 satellite.
- es48-1gb-sfp
Specifies the 48xGE (SFP) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite.
- es48-1gb-tx
Specifies the 48xGE (copper) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite or the 48-port copper + PoE Ethernet satellite.
- es48-sass-1gb-sfp
Specifies the SAS-S 48xGE (SFP) + 4x10GE Ethernet satellite.
- es48-sfpp+6-qsfp28
Specifies the 7250 IXR-s satellite.
- es6-qsfpdd+48-sfp56
Specifies the 7250 IXR-Xs satellite.
- es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28
Specifies the 64x10GE + 4xQSFP28 Ethernet satellite.
- template-name
Specifies the name for the associated port template.
- dynamic-uplink
- Keyword to enable dynamic uplink resilience for the Ethernet satellite.
- maximum uplink distribution for resiliency
- Specifies the forwarding complex used for satellite uplink association to the ports.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>system satellite)
Full Context
configure system satellite
This command enables the satellite configuration context. Within the satellite context, the administrator can specify the configuration details for a satellite chassis that is hosted by the associated local system.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (admin satellite)
Full Context
admin satellite
This command performs satellite operations.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>li save)
Full Context
configure li save
This command is required to save LI configuration parameters.
save [cflash-id]
[Tree] (bof save)
Full Context
bof save
This command uses the boot option parameters currently in memory and writes them from the boot option file to the specified compact flash.
The BOF must be located in the root directory of the internal or external compact flash drives local to the system and have the mandatory filename of bof.cfg.
If a location is not specified, the BOF is saved to the default compact flash drive (cf3:) on the active CPM (typically the CPM in slot A, but the CPM in slot B could also be acting as the active CPM). The slot name is not case-sensitive. You can use upper or lowercase "A” or "B”.
Command usage:
bof save — saves the BOF to the default drive (cf3:) on the active CPM (either in slot A or B)
bof save cf3: — saves the BOF to cf3: on the active CPM (either in slot A or B)
To save the BOF to a compact flash drive on the standby CPM (for example, the redundant (standby) CPM is installed in slot B), specify -A or -B option.
Command usage:
bof save cf3-A: — saves the BOF to cf3: on CPM in slot A whether it is active or standby
bof save cf3-B: — saves the BOF to cf3: on CPM in slot B whether it is active or standby
The slot name is not case-sensitive. You can use upper or lowercase "A” or "B”.
The bof save and show bof commands allow you to save to or read from the compact flash of the standby CPM. Use the show card command to determine the active and standby CPM (A or B).
Saves must be explicitly executed. The BOF is saved to cf3: if a location is not specified.
- flash-id
Specifies the compact flash ID where the bof.cfg is to be saved.
save file-url
[Tree] (candidate save)
Full Context
candidate save
This command saves the current candidate to a file.
- file-url
Specifies the directory and filename.
save [comment comment] [rescue]
[Tree] (admin>rollback save)
Full Context
admin rollback save
If the optional rescue keyword is not used, this command saves a rollback checkpoint at the location and with the filename specified by the rollback-location with a suffix of .rb. The previously saved checkpoints will have their suffixes incremented by one (.rb.1 becomes .rb.2, and so on). If there are already as many checkpoint files as the maximum number supported, then the last checkpoint file is deleted.
If the rescue keyword is used, then this command saves the current operational configuration as a rescue configuration at the location and with the filename specified by the rescue location. The filename will have the suffix .rc appended.
- comment-string
Specifies a comment, up to 255 characters, that is associated with the checkpoint.
- rescue
Saves the rescue checkpoint instead of a normal rollback checkpoint.
save [file-url] [detail] [index]
[Tree] (admin save)
Full Context
admin save
This command saves the running configuration to a configuration file. For example:
A:ALA-1>admin# save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./100.cfg
Saving configuration .........Completed.
By default, the running configuration is saved to the primary configuration file.
- file-url
Specifies the file URL location to save the configuration file.
- detail
Saves both default and non-default configuration parameters.
- index
Forces a save of the persistent index file regardless of the persistent status in the BOF file. The index option can also be used to avoid an additional boot required while changing your system to use the persistence indexes.
[Tree] (admin>nat save-deterministic-script)
Full Context
admin nat save-deterministic-script
This command saves the script that calculates Deterministic NAT map entries.
Once the location for the Python deterministic NAT script is configured, the script is generated/updated every time deterministic NAT configuration is modified. However, the script must be manually exported to the remote location. This command triggers the export of the script to a remote location.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] save-when-restricted
[Tree] (config>system>security>user save-when-restricted)
[Tree] (config>system>security>user-template save-when-restricted)
Full Context
configure system security user save-when-restricted
configure system security user-template save-when-restricted
This command specifies whether the system permits configuration save operations for all configuration regions (bof, debug, configure, li) via any management interface (such as CLI and NETCONF) even if restricted-to-home is enabled.
The configuration for a region can be saved with CLI commands such as bof save, admin debug-save, admin save, or configure li save.
The no form of this command denies saving the configuration when restricted-to-home is enabled.
[no] saved-ind-prompt
[Tree] (environment saved-ind-prompt)
Full Context
environment saved-ind-prompt
This command enables the configuration saved indicator in the prompt. When changes are made to the configuration file a "*” appears in the prompt string indicating that the changes have not been saved. When an admin save command is executed the "*” disappears.
*A:ALA-48# admin save
Writing file to
Saving configuration .... Completed.
scaling-profile scaling-profile-id
[Tree] (config>isa>nat-group scaling-profile)
Full Context
configure isa nat-group scaling-profile
This command determines profiles for NAT scaling. Lower profile numbers allocate less resources, therefore, supporting lower scaling.
Contact your Nokia representative for more information about NAT scaling figures in each profile.
scaling-profile profile1
- scaling-profile-id
Specifies the name of the profile, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sched-class sched-class group name [weight weight]
no sched-class sched-class
[Tree] (config>qos>hw-agg-shap-sched-plcy sched-class)
Full Context
configure qos hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy sched-class
This command configures the scheduling class for the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class configuration.
- sched-class
Specifies the scheduling class ID.
- name
Assigns the specified scheduling class to a group within the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy.
- weight
Specifies the weight for a scheduling class within the specified group.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sched-class sched-class
no sched-class
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>queue sched-class)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress queue sched-class
This command configures the scheduling class for the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class configuration.
- sched-class
Specifies the scheduling class ID.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sched-class class
no sched-class
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>queue sched-class)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queue sched-class
This command configures the scheduling class for the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class configuration.
no sched-class
- sched-class
Specifies the scheduling class ID.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sched-class-elevation sched-class sched-class weight weight
no sched-class-elevation sched-class sched-class
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress sched-class-elevation)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress sched-class-elevation
This command configures the scheduling class elevation.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class elevation configuration.
- sched-class
Specifies the scheduling class ID.
- weight
Specifies the weight for the scheduling class.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sched-class-elevation sched-class sched-class weight weight
no sched-class-elevation sched-class sched-class
[Tree] (cfg>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp sched-class-elevation)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group sched-class-elevation
This command configures the scheduling class elevation.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class elevation configuration.
- sched-class
Specifies the scheduling class ID.
- weight
Specifies the weight for the scheduling class.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
sched-run-min-int percent-of-default
no sched-run-min-int
[Tree] (config>card>virt-sched-adj sched-run-min-int)
Full Context
configure card virtual-scheduler-adjustment sched-run-min-int
This command overrides the default minimum time that must elapse before a virtual scheduler may redistribute bandwidth based on changes to the offered rates of member policers or queues. A minimum run interval is enforced to allow a minimum amount of "batching” queue changes before reacting to the changed rates. This minimum interval is beneficial since the periodic function of determining policer or queue offered rates is performed sequentially and the interval allows a number policer and queue rates to be determined before determining the distribution of bandwidth to the policers and queues.
The default minimum scheduler run interval is 0.5 seconds. The sched-run-min-int command uses a percent value to modify the default interval.
The no form of this command restores the default minimum scheduler run interval for all virtual schedulers on the card.
no sched-run-min-int
- percent-of-default
Specifies that the percent-of-default parameter is required and is used to modify the default minimum scheduler run interval for all virtual schedulers on the card. Defining 100.00 percent is equivalent to removing the override (restoring the default) for the minimum scheduler run interval.
[no] schedule schedule-name [owner schedule-owner]
[Tree] (config>system>cron schedule)
Full Context
configure system cron schedule
This command configures the type of schedule to run, including one-time only (oneshot), periodic or calendar-based runs. All runs are determined by month, day of month or weekday, hour, minute and interval (seconds).
The no form of the command removes the context from the configuration.
- schedule-name
Specifies the name of the schedule. The name can be up to 32 characters.
- schedule-owner
Specifies the owner name of the schedule. The name can be up to 32 characters.
schedule-type schedule-type
[Tree] (config>system>security>pki>ca-prof>auto-crl-update schedule-type)
Full Context
configure system security pki ca-profile auto-crl-update schedule-type
This command specifies the schedule type for auto CRL update. The system supports two types:
periodic: — The system will download a CRL periodically at the interval configured via the periodic-update-interval command. For example, if the periodic-update-interval is 1 day, then the system will download a CRL every 1 day. The minimal periodic-update-interval is 1 hour.
next-update-based — The system will download a CRL at the time = Next_Update_of_existing_CRL minus pre-update-time. For example, if the Next-Update of the existing CRL is 2015-06-30 06:00 and pre-update-time is 1 hour, then the system will start downloading at 2015-06-30, 05:00.
schedule-type next-update-based
- schedule-type
Specifies the type of time scheduler to update the CRL.
scheduler scheduler-name rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-prof>egr>sched scheduler)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-prof>ing>sched scheduler)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile egress scheduler-policy scheduler
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile ingress scheduler-policy scheduler
This command provides a way to override parameters of the existing scheduler associated with the egress or ingress scheduler policy. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child (take bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier).
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specify an existing scheduler policy name.
- pir-rate
Specify the pir-rate, in kilobits, to override the administrative PIR used by the scheduler. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Fractional values are not allowed and must be specified as a positive integer.
- cir-rate
The cir parameter overrides the administrative CIR used by the scheduler. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
This command overrides specific attributes of the specified scheduler name.
A scheduler defines a bandwidth control that limits each child (other schedulers, policers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created has policers, queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause policers, queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce service level agreements (SLAs).
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context does not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs and the command does not execute, nor does the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error occurs, the command does not execute, and the CLI context does not change.
The no form of this command removes the scheduler name from the configuration.
- scheduler-name
Specifies name of the scheduler
- create
This optional keyword explicitly specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group scheduler-override scheduler
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group scheduler-override scheduler
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers. The scheduler-name must exist in the applied scheduler policy.
The no form of this command removes the scheduler overrides for the specified scheduler and returns the scheduler’s parent weight and CIR weight, and its PIR and CIR to the values configured in the applied scheduler policy.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the name of the scheduler.
- create
Creates a new scheduler for this port.
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers, policers, and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have policers, queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause policers, queues, or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce service level agreements (SLAs).
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context will not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs and the command will not execute, nor will the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the following criteria, a name syntax error will occur, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
- scheduler-name
The name of the scheduler. Each scheduler must be explicitly created.
- create
This optional keyword explicitly specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
- configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
- configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
- configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
- configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
- configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service vprn interface sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name.
A scheduler defines a bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers, policers, and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have policers, queues, or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce service level agreements (SLAs).
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context will not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs and the command will not execute, nor will the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error will occur, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the name of the scheduler.
- create
Specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap ingress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service ies interface sap egress scheduler-override scheduler
This command can be used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name.
A scheduler defines a bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers, policers, and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have policers, queues, or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce service level agreements (SLAs).
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context will not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs and the command will not execute, nor will the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error will occur, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
- scheduler-name
The name of the scheduler. Each scheduler must be explicitly created.
- create
This optional keyword explicitly specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier scheduler)
Full Context
configure qos scheduler-policy tier scheduler
This command creates a new scheduler or edits an existing scheduler within the scheduler policy tier. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however, the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce SLAs.
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context will not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs, the command will not execute, nor will the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error will occur, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the scheduler name.
- create
This optional keyword explicitly specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>ingress>sched-override scheduler)
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress>sched-override scheduler)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site ingress scheduler-override scheduler
configure service customer multi-service-site egress scheduler-override scheduler
This command override specifics attributes of the specified scheduler name.
A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers, policers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have policers, queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers.
Each scheduler must have a unique name within the context of the scheduler policy; however the same name can be reused in multiple scheduler policies. If scheduler-name already exists within the policy tier level (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), the context changes to that scheduler name for the purpose of editing the scheduler parameters. Modifications made to an existing scheduler are executed on all instantiated schedulers created through association with the policy of the edited scheduler. This can cause policer, queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce service level agreements (SLAs).
If the scheduler-name exists within the policy on a different tier (regardless of the inclusion of the keyword create), an error occurs and the current CLI context will not change.
If the scheduler-name does not exist in this or another tier within the scheduler policy, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a scheduler of that name. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of schedulers has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of schedulers has been exceeded on the policy, a configuration error occurs and the command will not execute, nor will the CLI context change.
If the provided scheduler-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error will occur, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
The no form of the command disables the scheduler override.
- scheduler-name
Specifies the name of the scheduler.
- create
This optional keyword explicitly specifies that it is acceptable to create a scheduler with the given scheduler-name. If the create keyword is omitted, scheduler-name is not created when the system environment variable create is set to true. This safeguard is meant to avoid accidental creation of system objects (such as schedulers) while attempting to edit an object with a mistyped name or ID. The keyword has no effect when the object already exists.
scheduler scheduler-name rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no scheduler scheduler-name
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress>sched scheduler)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress scheduler-policy scheduler
This command provides a way to override parameters of the existing scheduler associated with the egress scheduler policy. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created will have queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child (take bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier).
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- scheduler-name
Specify an existing scheduler policy name up to 32 characters.
- pir-rate
Specifies the PIR rate in kb/s. This parameter overrides the administrative PIR used by the scheduler. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
- cir-rate
Specifies the CIR rate in kb/s. This parameter overrides the administrative CIR used by the scheduler. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers or queues. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap ingress scheduler-override
configure service vpls sap egress scheduler-override
Commands in this context configure the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag returns the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy.
The no form of this command removes scheduler parameters from the configuration.
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group scheduler-override
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group scheduler-override
This command specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden by management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the ingress or egress queue group template.
The no form of this command removes all of the scheduler overrides and returns the scheduler’s parent weight and CIR weight, and its PIR and CIR to the values configured in the applied scheduler policy.
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override
configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override
configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override
configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override
configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override
configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override
This command specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden by management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-override
- configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-override
- configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-override
- configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-override
- configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-override
- configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-override
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap egress scheduler-override
configure service ies interface sap ingress scheduler-override
This command specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy.
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress scheduler-override
configure service vprn interface sap ingress scheduler-override
This command specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden via management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress scheduler policy.
[no] scheduler-override
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress scheduler-override)
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>ingress scheduler-override)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site egress scheduler-override
configure service customer multi-service-site ingress scheduler-override
This command specifies the set of attributes whose values have been overridden by management on this virtual scheduler. Clearing a given flag will return the corresponding overridden attribute to the value defined on the SAP's ingress and egress scheduler policy.
The no form of the command disables the override.
scheduler-parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no scheduler-parent
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>policer scheduler-parent)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress policer scheduler-parent
This command defines an optional parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given to a policer in addition to the PIR setting of the policer. When multiple schedulers, queues, or policers share a child status with the parent scheduler, the weight or level parameters define how this policer contends with the other children for the bandwidth of the parent. This command and the configuration of a SAP policer port-parent or parent arbiter are mutually exclusive.
Multiple schedulers can exist in different scheduler policies with the same scheduler-name; in this command, the associated scheduler-name pertains to a scheduler that should exist on the SAP as the policy is applied and the policer is created. When the policer is created on the SAP, the existence of the scheduler-name is dependent on a scheduler policy containing the scheduler-name being directly applied or indirectly applied (through a multiservice customer site) to the SAP. The policer accepts packets, but is not bandwidth limited by a virtual scheduler or the scheduler hierarchy applied to the SAP. The SAP to which the policer belongs displays an orphan policer status with the SapEgressPolicerMismatch flag in the show service sap-using output. The orphaned state of the policer is automatically cleared when the scheduler-name becomes available on the SAP.
The parent scheduler can be made unavailable by the removal of a scheduler policy or scheduler. When an existing parent scheduler is removed or inoperative, the policer enters the orphaned state. The policer automatically returns to normal operation when the parent scheduler is available again.
The no form of this command removes a child association with a parent scheduler. If a parent association does not currently exist, the command has no effect and no error message is returned. When a parent association has been removed, the former child policer attempts to operate based on its configured rate parameter.
Removing the parent association on the policer within the policy takes effect immediately on all policers using the SAP QoS policy.
no scheduler-parent
- scheduler-name
Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier context. There are no checks performed at the time of definition to ensure that the scheduler-name exists within an existing scheduler policy. For the policer to use the defined scheduler-name, the scheduler must exist on each SAP that the policer is created on. If a scheduler-name does not exist on the SAP, the policer operates in an orphaned state. Each parental association must be explicitly defined.
- weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the above-CIR priority level defined by the level parameter.
All weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common port parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit. All child policers, queues, and schedulers with a weight of 0 are considered to have the lowest priority at the configured level and are not serviced until all non-zero weighted policers, queues, and schedulers at that level are operating at the maximum bandwidth or are idle.
- level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name.
Children of the parent scheduler with a lower priority will not receive bandwidth until all children with a higher priority have either reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle. Children with the same level are serviced in relation to their relative weights.
- cir-weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, or schedulers competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the within-CIR priority level defined by the cir-level parameter.
All cir-weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit.
The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0, the policer receives bandwidth only after the other children with a non-zero weight at this level.
- cir-level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers that the policer uses to receive bandwidth for its within-CIR offered load. If the cir-level parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the policer does not receive bandwidth during the schedulers within-CIR pass and the cir-weight parameter is ignored. If the cir-level parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-weight parameter is used.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, VSR
scheduler-parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no scheduler-parent
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>policer scheduler-parent)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress policer scheduler-parent
This command defines an optional parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given to a policer in addition to the PIR setting of the policer. When multiple schedulers, queues, or policers share a child status with the parent scheduler, the weight or level parameters define how this policer contends with the other children for the bandwidth of the parent. This command and the configuration of a SAP policer scheduler-parent or parent arbiter are mutually exclusive.
Multiple schedulers can exist in different scheduler policies with the same scheduler-name; in this command, the associated scheduler-name pertains to a scheduler that should exist on the SAP as the policy is applied and the policer is created. When the policer is created on the SAP, the existence of the scheduler-name is dependent on a scheduler policy containing the scheduler-name being directly applied or indirectly applied (through a multiservice customer site) to the SAP. The policer accepts packets, but is not bandwidth limited by a virtual scheduler or the scheduler hierarchy applied to the SAP.
The parent scheduler can be made unavailable by the removal of a scheduler policy or scheduler. When an existing parent scheduler is removed or inoperative, the policer enters the orphaned state. The policer automatically returns to normal operation when the parent scheduler is available again.
The no form of this command removes a child association with a parent scheduler. If a parent association does not currently exist, the command has no effect and no error message is returned. When a parent association has been removed, the former child policer attempts to operate based on its configured rate parameter.
Removing the parent association on the policer within the policy takes effect immediately on all policers using the SAP QoS policy.
no scheduler-parent
- scheduler-name
Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier context. There are no checks performed at the time of definition to ensure that the scheduler-name exists within an existing scheduler policy. For the policer to use the defined scheduler-name, the scheduler must exist on each SAP that the policer is created on. If a scheduler-name does not exist on the SAP, the policer operates in an orphaned state. Each parental association must be explicitly defined.
- weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the above-CIR priority level defined by the level parameter.
All weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common port parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit. All child policers, queues, and schedulers with a weight of 0 are considered to have the lowest priority at the configured level and are not serviced until all non-zero weighted policers, queues, and schedulers at that level are operating at the maximum bandwidth or are idle.
- level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name.
Children of the parent scheduler with a lower priority will not receive bandwidth until all children with a higher priority have either reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle. Children with the same level are serviced in relation to their relative weights.
- cir-weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, or schedulers competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the within-CIR priority level defined by the cir-level parameter.
All cir-weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit.
The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0, the policer receives bandwidth only after the other children with a non-zero weight at this level.
- cir-level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers that the policer uses to receive bandwidth for its within-CIR offered load. If the cir-level parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the policer does not receive bandwidth during the schedulers within-CIR pass and the cir-weight parameter is ignored. If the cir-level parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-weight parameter is used.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress scheduler-policy
This command specifies a scheduler policy to associate to the sla profile. Scheduler policies are configured in the configure>qos>scheduler>policy context. Each scheduler policy is divided up into groups of schedulers based on the tier each scheduler is created under. A tier is used to give structure to the schedulers within a policy and define rules for parent scheduler associations. The policy defines the hierarchy and operating parameters for virtual schedulers.
The no form of this command removes the scheduler-policy-name from the configuration.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specifies an existing scheduler policy name up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-profile>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-profile>ingress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile egress scheduler-policy
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile ingress scheduler-policy
This command specifies a scheduler policy to associate to the subscriber profile. Scheduler policies are configured in the configure>qos>scheduler>policy context. Each scheduler policy is divided up into groups of schedulers based on the tier each scheduler is created under. A tier is used to give structure to the schedulers within a policy and define rules for parent scheduler associations. The policy defines the hierarchy and operating parameters for virtual schedulers.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specify an existing scheduler policy name up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service ies sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service ies sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress scheduler-policy
This command applies an existing scheduler policy to an ingress or egress scheduler used by ingress SAP queues or egress SAP policers and queues associated with this multi-service customer site. The schedulers defined in the scheduler policy can only be created once the customer site has been appropriately assigned to a chassis port, channel or slot. Scheduler policies are defined in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context.
The no form of this command removes the configured ingress or egress scheduler policy from the multi-service customer site. When the policy is removed, the schedulers created due to the policy are removed also making them unavailable for the SAP policers or queues associated with the customer site. Policers and queues that lose their parent scheduler association are deemed to be orphaned and are no longer subject to a virtual scheduler. The SAPs that have policers or queues reliant on the removed schedulers enter into an operational state depicting the orphaned status of one or more policers or queues. When the no form of this command executed, the customer site ingress or egress node will not contain an applied scheduler policy.
- scheduler-policy-name:
Specifies the scheduler policy name to apply to an existing scheduler policy that was created in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context to create the hierarchy of ingress or egress virtual schedulers. The scheduler names defined within the policy are created and made available to any ingress queues or egress policers and queues created on associated SAPs.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egress>vport scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress vport scheduler-policy
This command specifies a scheduler policy to associate to the Vport. Scheduler policies are configured in the configure>qos>scheduler>policy context. Each scheduler policy is divided up into groups of schedulers based on the tier each scheduler is created under. A tier is used to give structure to the schedulers within a policy and define rules for parent scheduler associations. The policy defines the hierarchy and operating parameters for virtual schedulers.
The no form of this command removes the configured egress scheduler policy from the Vport.
The agg-rate rate, port-scheduler-policy and scheduler-policy commands are mutually exclusive. Changing between the use of a scheduler policy and the use of an agg-rate/port-scheduler-policy involves removing the existing command and applying the new command.
The configuration of a scheduler policy under a Vport is mutually exclusive with the configuration of the egress-rate-modify parameter.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specifies the scheduler-policy-name parameter applies an existing scheduler policy that was created in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context to create the hierarchy of egress virtual schedulers.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service vprn interface sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service vprn interface sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service vpls sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service ies interface sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service vpls sap ingress scheduler-policy
This command applies an existing scheduler policy to an ingress or egress scheduler used by SAP queues associated with this multi-service customer site. The schedulers defined in the scheduler policy can only be created once the customer site has been appropriately assigned to a chassis port, channel or slot. Scheduler policies are defined in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context.
The no form of this command removes the configured ingress or egress scheduler policy from the multi-service customer site. When the policy is removed, the schedulers created due to the policy are removed also making them unavailable for the ingress SAP queues and egress SAP policers and queues associated with the customer site. Policers and queues that lose their parent scheduler association are deemed to be orphaned and are no longer subject to a virtual scheduler. The SAPs that have policers or queues reliant on the removed schedulers enter into an operational state depicting the orphaned status of one or more policers or queues. When the no scheduler-policy command is executed, the customer site’s ingress or egress node will not contain an applied scheduler policy.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specifies that the scheduler-policy-name is applied to an existing scheduler policy that was created in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context to create the hierarchy of ingress or egress virtual schedulers. The scheduler names defined within the policy are created and made available to any ingress or egress queues created on associated SAPs.
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>egress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw egress scheduler-policy
This command configures the identifier of the egress scheduler policy associated with each wlan-gw tunnel of this interface.
The no form of this command removes the scheduler policy name from the configuration.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specifies the identifier of the egress scheduler policy associated with each wlan-gw tunnel of this interface.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>ingress>queue-group scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>egress>queue-group scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egress>queue-group scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure port ethernet ingress queue-group scheduler-policy
configure port ethernet egress queue-group scheduler-policy
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group scheduler-policy
This command configures a scheduler policy for the egress queue group.
- scheduler-policy-name
Specifies the scheduler policy name, up to 32 characters.
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-policy
configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-policy
This command applies an existing scheduler policy to an ingress or egress scheduler used by SAP queues associated with this multi-service customer site. The schedulers defined in the scheduler policy can only be created when the customer site has been appropriately assigned to a chassis port, channel or slot. Scheduler policies are defined in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context.
The no form of this command removes the configured ingress or egress scheduler policy from the multi-service customer site. When the policy is removed, the schedulers created due to the policy are removed also making them unavailable for the ingress SAP queues associated with the customer site. Policers or queues that lose their parent scheduler association are deemed to be orphaned and are no longer subject to a virtual scheduler. The SAPs that have policers or queues reliant on the removed schedulers enter into an operational state depicting the orphaned status of one or more policers or queues. When the no scheduler-policy command is executed, the customer site ingress or egress node will not contain an applied scheduler policy.
- scheduler-policy-name
The scheduler-policy-name parameter applies an existing scheduler policy that was created in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context to create the hierarchy of ingress or egress virtual schedulers. The scheduler names defined within the policy are created and made available to any ingress or egress queues and to egress policers managed by HQoS created on associated SAPs.
- configure service epipe sap egress scheduler-policy
- configure service epipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
- configure service ipipe sap egress scheduler-policy
- configure service ipipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress scheduler-policy
- configure service cpipe sap ingress scheduler-policy
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>encap-defined-qos>encap-group scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress encap-defined-qos encap-group scheduler-policy
This command configures the scheduler policy.
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name [create]
no scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
[Tree] (config>qos scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure qos scheduler-policy
Each scheduler policy is divided up into groups of schedulers based on the tier each scheduler is created under. A tier is used to give structure to the schedulers within a policy and define rules for parent scheduler associations.
The scheduler-policy command creates a scheduler policy or allows editing of an existing policy. The policy defines the hierarchy and operating parameters for virtual schedulers. Creating a policy does not create the schedulers; it only provides a template for the schedulers to be created when the policy is associated with a SAP or multiservice site.
Each scheduler policy must have a unique name within the context of the system. Modifications made to an existing policy are executed on all schedulers that use the policy. This can cause queues or schedulers to become orphaned (invalid parent association) and adversely affect the ability of the system to enforce SLAs.
If a scheduler-policy-name does not exist, it is assumed that an attempt is being made to create a new policy. The success of the command execution is dependent on the following:
The maximum number of scheduler policies has not been configured.
The provided scheduler-policy-name is valid.
The create keyword is entered with the command if the system is configured to require it (enabled in the environment create command).
When the maximum number of scheduler policies has been exceeded, a configuration error occurs, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
If the provided scheduler-policy-name is invalid according to the criteria below, a name syntax error occurs, the command will not execute, and the CLI context will not change.
- scheduler-policy-name
The name of the scheduler policy.
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
no scheduler-policy
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress scheduler-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>ingress scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site egress scheduler-policy
configure service customer multi-service-site ingress scheduler-policy
This command applies an existing scheduler policy to an ingress or egress scheduler used by SAP queues or, at egress only, policers associated with this multi-service customer site. The schedulers defined in the scheduler policy can only be created once the customer site has been appropriately assigned to a chassis port, channel or slot. Scheduler policies are defined in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context.
The no form of this command removes the configured ingress or egress scheduler policy from the multi-service customer site. When the policy is removed, the schedulers created due to the policy are removed also making them unavailable for the SAP policers and queues associated with the customer site. Policers and queues that lose their parent scheduler association are deemed to be orphaned and are no longer subject to a virtual scheduler.
The SAPs that have ingress queues reliant on the removed schedulers enter into an operational state depicting the orphaned status of one or more policers and queues. When the no scheduler-policy command is executed, the customer site ingress or egress node will not contain an applied scheduler policy.
- scheduler-policy-name
Applies an existing scheduler policy that was created in the config>qos>scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name context to create the hierarchy of ingress or egress virtual schedulers. The scheduler names defined within the policy are created and made available to any ingress or egress queues and egress policers managed by HQoS created on associated SAPs.
scheduler-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
[Tree] (config>qos>copy scheduler-policy)
Full Context
configure qos copy scheduler-policy
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy to another QoS policy.
The copy command is a configuration-level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy exists.
- src-name dst-name
Indicates that the source policy and the destination policy are scheduler policy. Specify the source policy that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy to which the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
- overwrite
Forces the destination policy name to be copied as specified. When forced, everything in the existing destination policy will be completely overwritten with the contents of the source policy.
scheduling-class class rate rate
scheduling-class class weight weight-in-group
no scheduling-class class
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>egress>hs-sched-ovr scheduling-class)
Full Context
configure port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-overrides scheduling-class
This command overrides the scheduling class configuration in the HS scheduler policy applied to the port egress. The scheduling class rate or weight within the WRR group can be overridden.
The no form of this command removes the scheduling class override parameters from the port egress configuration.
- class
Specifies the scheduling class.
- rate
Specifies the explicit maximum frame based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HS scheduler policy scheduling class. The rate keyword must be followed by either the keyword max or a rate specified in megabits per second.
- weight-in-group
Specifies the weight the HS scheduler policy should apply to this scheduling class within the group in which it belongs. The weight-in-group parameter must follow the weight keyword and is used to specify the relative weight of class to the other scheduling classes within the group. Setting the weight will fail if the scheduling class is not currently configured in a group.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
scheduling-class class-id
no scheduling-class
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap scheduling-class)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap scheduling-class
This command specifies the scheduling class to use for this SAP.
- class-id
Specifies the scheduling class to use for this SAP.
scheduling-class class-id group group-id [weight weight-in-group]
scheduling-class class-id rate rate
no scheduling-class class-id
[Tree] (config>qos>hs-scheduler-policy scheduling-class)
Full Context
configure qos hs-scheduler-policy scheduling-class
This command configures the behavior of a specific scheduling class on all HSQ schedulers associated with the policy. The scheduler-class command performs one of two operations: it configures a maximum rate for the scheduling class or places the scheduling class into the weighted scheduling group. The two operations are mutually exclusive.
By default, none of the scheduling classes are members of the weighted scheduling group and each class is set to a rate limit of max (no rate limit applied).
Specifying Scheduling Class Rate (or Removing the Scheduling Class from Group) — If the scheduling-class command is executed with the rate keyword specified, either max or a specified rate value must follow. If a class-id was previously mapped into the weighted scheduling group, the class is removed from the group. However, if removing the class from the group causes the group to no longer have contiguous class members, the command fails with no effect on the specified class. A "non-contiguous grouping error” is returned. The lowest or highest members within a weighted group must be removed prior to removing the middle members. For example, if scheduling classes 3, 4, and 5 were members of weighted group 1, class 4 cannot be removed first.
This command using the rate keyword also fails when an override for the group weight is in place on the scheduling class within a scheduler associated with the policy. The override expects the class to be associated with a weighted scheduling group and the policy rate definition is attempting to remove the class from the group. An "override mismatch” error is generated, specifying the scheduling object where the override exists.
After a rate has been successfully defined for a scheduling class, the specified rate is automatically updated on all HSQ scheduler instances associated with the scheduling policy. The exception is where the scheduler instance has a local override for the rate on the scheduling class.
Specifying Scheduling Class Weighted Group Membership — If the scheduling-class command is executed with the group keyword specified, the group ID value of 1 must follow. The corresponding optional weight keyword is used to specify the weight of the scheduling class within the group. If weight is not specified, the default weight of 1 is used. If the specified scheduling class is not contiguous with the other scheduling classes in the group, the command fails with no change to the current state of the scheduling class and a "non-contiguous grouping” error is returned, specifying the weighted scheduling group and the current group members.
The scheduling-class command fails using the group keyword when a rate override for the scheduling class exists on an HSQ scheduler instance associated with the policy. The rate override for the scheduling class indicates the class is directly attached to a strict priority level, conflicting with the policy group keyword trying to place the class in the specified group. The command fails without affecting the scheduling class definition on the policy and returns an error specifying the scheduling object where the override exists.
Other Override Constraints — The scheduling overrides cannot change or remove a scheduling class from a policy-defined weighted group membership.
The no form of the command returns the scheduling class represented by class-id to the default behavior. The default behavior for a scheduling class is to not be a member of the weighted scheduling class group and have a rate set to max. The no scheduling-class command fails if the scheduling class is currently a member of the weighted scheduling class group and a weight override is in effect on a scheduling object for the class, in which case an error is returned.
- class-id
Specifies the scheduling class for HS scheduler policy. The class-id value is a required parameter that specifies which scheduling class the scheduling-class command is acting upon.
- group-id
Specifies the group this HS scheduler policy scheduling class belongs to. The group and the rate keywords are mutually exclusive when executing this command. A group ID value of 1 must follow the group keyword. The group keyword removes the class ID from its inherent strict scheduling level and places it into the specified group ID. The associated weight parameter is optional and is used to specify the weight of a class ID within the weighted scheduling class group. Specifying the group parameter while an override for the scheduling class exists for rate causes the scheduling-class command to fail.
- weight-in-group
Specifies the weight the HS scheduler policy should apply to this scheduling class within the group in which it belongs. This keyword is optional and must follow the group parameter when specified. The weight-in-group parameter must follow the weight keyword and is used to specify the relative weight of the class-id to the other scheduling classes within the group. If the group is specified without the weight parameter, a default weight of 1 is used.
- rate
Specifies the explicit maximum frame-based bandwidth limit, in megabits per second, for this HS scheduler policy scheduling class. The rate and group keywords are mutually exclusive. Either the rate or group keyword must be specified when executing this command. When specified, the rate keyword must be followed by either the keyword max or a rate specified in megabits per second. The specified rate can be overridden at the port Ethernet egress using the scheduler override functions. A newly-created HS scheduler policy defaults each scheduling class to have its rate set to max and the weighted scheduling class group has no members.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
schema-path url-string
no schema-path
[Tree] (config>system>management-interface schema-path)
Full Context
configure system management-interface schema-path
This command specifies the schema path where the SR OS YANG modules can be placed by the user before using a <get-schema> request. Nokia recommends that the URL string not exceed 135 characters for the <get-schema> request to work correctly with all schema files.
If this command is not configured, the software upgrade process manages the YANG schema files to ensure the schema files are synchronized with the software image on both the primary and standby CPM.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
no schema-path
- url-string
Specifies the schema path URL up to 180 characters. However, Nokia recommends that the string shall not exceed 135 characters to ensure that the <get-schema> request works properly with all schema files.
scope scope
no scope
[Tree] (config>filter>policer scope)
Full Context
configure filter policer scope
This command configures the policer scope.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
- scope
Specifies the policer scope.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
[Tree] (config>service>mrp>mrp-policy scope)
Full Context
configure service mrp mrp-policy scope
This command configures the filter policy scope as exclusive or template. If the scope of the policy is template and is applied to one or more services, the scope cannot be changed.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
scope template
- exclusive
When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to a single entity (SAP or SDP). Attempting to assign the policy to a second entity will result in an error message. If the policy is removed from the entity, it will become available for assignment to another entity.
- template
When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs or network ports.
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress scope)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress scope
This command configures the Service Ingress QoS policy scope as exclusive or template.
The policy’s scope cannot be changed if the policy is applied to a service.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
scope template
- exclusive
When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to one SAP. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second SAP, an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.
- template
When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.
Default QoS policies are configured with template scopes. An error is generated when the template scope parameter to exclusive scope on default policies is modified.
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress scope)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress scope
Enter the scope of this policy. The scope of the policy cannot be changed if the policy is applied to one or more services.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
scope template
- exclusive
When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to a single SAP. Attempting to assign the policy to a second SAP will result in an error message. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.
- template
When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
[Tree] (config>qos>network scope)
Full Context
configure qos network scope
This command configures the network policy scope as exclusive or template. The policy’s scope cannot be changed if the policy is applied to an interface.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
scope template
- exclusive
When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to one interface. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second interface, an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive interface, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive interface.
The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if the scope exclusive command is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.
- template
When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple interfaces on the router.
Default QoS policies are configured with template scopes. An error is generated if the template scope parameter is modified to exclusive scope on default policies.
scope {exclusive | template | embedded | system}
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
[Tree] (config>filter>ipv6-filter scope)
[Tree] (config>filter>mac-filter scope)
[Tree] (config>filter>ip-exception scope)
[Tree] (config>filter>ip-filter scope)
Full Context
configure filter ipv6-filter scope
configure filter mac-filter scope
configure filter ip-exception scope
configure filter ip-filter scope
This command configures the filter policy scope as exclusive, template, embedded or system.
The scope of the policy cannot be changed when:
the scope is template and the policy is applied to one or more services or network interfaces
the scope is embedded and the policy is embedded by another policy
Changing the scope to/from system is only allowed when a policy is not active and the policy has no entries configured.
The no form of the command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
scope template
- exclusive
Specifies that the policy can only be applied to a single entity. Attempting to assign the policy to a second entity will result in an error message.
- template
Specifies that the policy can be applied to multiple entities.
- embedded
Specifies that the policy cannot be applied directly. The policy defines embedded filter rules, which are embedded by other exclusive/template/system filter policies. The embedded scope is supported for IPv4 and IPv6 filter policies only.
- system
Specifies that the policy defines system-wide filter rules. To apply system policy rules, activate system filter and chain exclusive/template ACL filter policy to the system filter. The system scope is supported for IPv4 and IPv6 filter policies only.
- configure filter ipv6-filter scope
- configure filter mac-filter scope
- configure filter ip-filter scope
- configure filter ip-exception scope
scp local-file-url destination-file-url [router router-instance] [force]
scp local-file-url destination-file-url [force] service service-name
[Tree] (file scp)
Full Context
file scp
This command copies a local file to a remote host file system. It uses
for data transfer, and uses the same authentication
and provides the same security as ssh
. The following prompt
"Are you sure (y/n)?” The destination must specify a user and a host.
- local-file-url
Specifies the local source file or directory.
- destination-file-url
Specifies the destination file.
- user
Specifies the SSH user.
- hostname
Specifies the remote host IP address of DNS name.
- file-path
Specifies the destination path.
- router-instance
Specifies the router name or service ID used to specify the router instance.
- force
Forces an immediate copy of the specified file. The command file scp local-file-url destination-file-url [router router-instance] force executes the command without displaying a user prompt message.
- service-name
Specifies the service name used to identify the router instance. The service name can be a maximum of 64 characters long.
[no] scramble
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>ds3 scramble)
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>e3 scramble)
Full Context
configure port tdm ds3 scramble
configure port tdm e3 scramble
This command enables payload scrambling on channel groups.
Scrambling randomizes the pattern of 1s and 0s carried in a SONET frame. Rearranging or scrambling the pattern prevents continuous strings of all 1s or all 0s and meets the needs of physical layer protocols that rely on sufficient transitions between 1s and 0s to maintain clocking.
The no form of this command disables scrambling.
no scramble
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
script script
[Tree] (debug>dynsvc>scripts script)
Full Context
debug dynamic-services scripts script
Commands in this context configure dynamic services script debugging for a specific script.
- script
Specifies the script name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script script-name [owner script-owner]
no script
[Tree] (config>system>script-control>script-policy script)
[Tree] (config>system>script-control script)
Full Context
configure system script-control script-policy script
configure system script-control script
This command is used to configure a script to be run.
The no form of the command removes the script.
no script
- script-name
Specifies the name of the script. Can be up to 32 characters.
- script-owner
Specifies the name of the script owner. Can be up to 32 characters.
The owner is an arbitrary name and not necessarily a user name. Commands in the scripts are not authorized against the owner. The configure system security cli-script authorization x cli-user command determines the user context against which commands in the scripts are authorized.
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-all-info)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-all-info
This command enables the script-compile-error, script-export-variables, script-output, script-output-on-error, and script-runtime-error functionalities.
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-all-info)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-all-info
This command enables the script-compile-error, script-export-variables, script-output, script-output-on-error, and script-runtime-error functionalities.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] script-compile-error
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-compile-error)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-compile-error
This command sends the traceback of the compile error to the logger. The traceback contains detailed information about where and why the compilation fails. The compilation takes place when the CLI user changes the admin state of the Python script from shutdown to no shutdown.
[no] script-compile-error
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-compile-error)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-compile-error
This command send the traceback of the compile error to the logger. The traceback contains detailed information about where and why the compilation fails. The compilation takes place when the CLI user changes the admin state of the Python URL from shutdown to no-shutdown.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>system script-control)
Full Context
configure system script-control
Commands in this context configure command script parameters.
[no] script-export-variables
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-export-variables)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-export-variables
This command sends the output variables of the Python script to the logger when the script ran successfully.
[no] script-export-variables
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-export-variables)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-export-variables
This command sends the result (the three output variables) of the Python script to the logger when the script ran successfully.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] script-output
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-output)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-output
This command sends the output (such as from print statements) of the Python script to the logger.
[no] script-output
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-output)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-output
This command sends the output (such as from 'print' statements) of the Python script to the logger.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] script-output-on-error
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-output-on-error)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-output-on-error
This command sends the output (such as traceback data) of the Python script to the logger, only when the script fails.
[no] script-output-on-error
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-output-on-error)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-output-on-error
This command sends the output (such as from print statements) of the Python script to the logger, but only when the script fails.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-parameters-1 param-string1
no script-parameters-1
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>ladb>user>idx script-parameters-1)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services local-auth-db user-name index script-parameters-1
This command specifies the first part of parameters as input to the dynamic data service Python script. The concatenation of all four script-parameters strings are passed to the Python script and must be formatted as function-key <dictionary>. The function-key specifies which Python functions is called, and <dictionary> contains the actual parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. The no form of this command removes script-parameters-1 from the configuration.
- param-string1
Specifies a string representing parameters that are used as input for the dynamic service Python script, up to 250 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-parameters-2 param-string2
no script-parameters-2
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>ladb>user>idx script-parameters-2)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services local-auth-db user-name index script-parameters-2
This command specifies the second part of parameters as input to the dynamic data service Python script. The concatenation of all four script-parameters strings are passed to the Python script and must be formatted as function-key <dictionary>. The function-key specifies which Python functions is called, and <dictionary> contains the actual parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. The no form of this command removes the script-parameters-2 from the configuration.
- param-string2
Specifies a string representing parameters that are used as input for the dynamic service Python script, up to 250 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-parameters-3 param-string3
no script-parameters-3
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>ladb>user>idx script-parameters-3)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services local-auth-db user-name index script-parameters-3
This command specifies the third part of parameters as input to the dynamic data service Python script. The concatenation of all four script-parameters strings are passed to the Python script and must be formatted as function-key <dictionary>. The function-key specifies which Python functions is called, and <dictionary> contains the actual parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. The no form of this command removes the script-parameters-3 from the configuration.
- param-string3
Specifies string representing parameters that are used as input for the dynamic service Python script, up to 250 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-parameters-4 param-string4
no script-parameters-4
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>ladb>user>idx script-parameters-4)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services local-auth-db user-name index script-parameters-4
This command specifies the fourth part of parameters as input to the dynamic data service Python script. The concatenation of all four script-parameters strings are passed to the Python script and must be formatted as function-key <dictionary>. The function-key specifies which Python functions is called, and <dictionary> contains the actual parameters in a Python dictionary structure format. The no form of this command removes the script-parameters-4 from the configuration.
- param-string4
Specifies a string representing parameters that are used as input for the dynamic service Python script, up to 250 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-policy name
no script-policy
[Tree] (config>service>dynsvc>policy script-policy)
Full Context
configure service dynamic-services dynamic-services-policy script-policy
This command specifies the radius script policy to be used to setup the dynamic data services. The script-policy configuration cannot be changed when there are active dynamic data services referencing the policy.
The no form of this command removes the script-policy from the configuration. This is only allowed when there are no active dynamic data services referencing this policy.
- name
Specifies the RADIUS script policy name.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-policy policy-name [owner policy-owner]
no script-policy
[Tree] (config>system>cron>schedule script-policy)
Full Context
configure system cron schedule script-policy
This command is used to configure the CLI script policy.
- policy-name
Specifies the name of the policy. Can be up to 32 characters.
- policy-owner
Specifies the name of the policy owner. Can be up to 32 characters.
The owner is an arbitrary name and not necessarily a user name. Commands in the scripts are not authorized against the owner. The configure system security cli-script authorization x cli-user command determines the user context against which commands in the scripts are authorized.
[no] script-policy policy-name [owner policy-owner]
[Tree] (config>system>script-control script-policy)
Full Context
configure system script-control script-policy
This command is used to configure the CLI script policy.
- policy-name
Specifies the name of the policy, up to 32 characters.
- policy-owner
Specifies the name of the policy owner, up to 32 characters.
The owner is an arbitrary name and not necessarily a user name. Commands in the scripts are not authorized against the owner. The configure system security cli-script authorization x cli-user command determines the user context against which commands in the scripts are authorized.
script-policy policy-name [owner policy-owner]
no script-policy
[Tree] (config>log>event-handling>handler>action-list>entry script-policy)
Full Context
configure log event-handling handler action-list entry script-policy
This command configures the script policy parameters to use for this EHS handler action-list entry. The associated script is launched when the handler is triggered.
no script-policy
- policy-name
Specifies the script policy name. Can be up to 32 characters maximum.
- owner policy-owner
Specifies the script policy owner. Can be up to 32 characters maximum.
[no] script-runtime-error
[Tree] (debug>python>py-script script-runtime-error)
Full Context
debug python python-script script-runtime-error
This command generates log information when detecting a script runtime error.
[no] script-runtime-error
[Tree] (debug>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-plcy script-runtime-error)
Full Context
debug subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy script-runtime-error
This command sends the traceback of the Python script failure to the logger.
The no form of this command disables debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-url primary-script-url
no script-url
[Tree] (config>aaa>radius-scr-plcy>primary script-url)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-script-policy primary script-url
This command configures the URL of the primary script.
The no form of this command removes the URL from the configuration.
- primary-script-url
Specifies the URL of the secondary script to change RADIUS attributes of the RADIUS message.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-url secondary-script-url
no script-url
[Tree] (config>aaa>radius-scr-plcy>secondary script-url)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-script-policy secondary script-url
Specifies the URL of the secondary script to change RADIUS attributes of the RADIUS message.
The no form of this command removes the URL from the configuration.
- secondary-script-url
Specifies the URL of the secondary script to change RADIUS attributes of the RADIUS message.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-url dhcp-script-url
no script-url
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-pol>tertiary script-url)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-pol>secondary script-url)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-pol>primary script-url)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy tertiary script-url
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy secondary script-url
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy primary script-url
This command specifies the URL of the identification scripts.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- dhcp-primary-script-url
Specifies the URL of the primary identification script up to 180 characters.
- dhcp-secondary-script-url
Specifies the URL of the secondary identification script up to 180 characters.
- dhcp-tertiary-script-url
Specifies the URL of the tertiary identification script up to 180 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
script-url script-url-name
no script-url
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>http-notif script-url)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group http-notification script-url
This command configures the URL of the script used by the http notification policy.
The no form of this command removes the script URL from the http-notification policy.
no script-url
- script-url-name
Specifies the string representing the URL of the script used in the http notification policy, up to 255 characters.
- create
Keyword to create the script URL.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (debug>dynsvc scripts)
Full Context
debug dynamic-services scripts
Commands in this context configure dynamic services script debugging.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
scte35-action {forward | drop}
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>video-interface>channel scte35-action)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>video-interface>channel scte35-action)
Full Context
configure service vprn video-interface channel scte35-action
configure service ies video-interface channel scte35-action
This command specifies whether the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers 35 (SCTE 35) cue avails in the stream need to be forwarded or not. When specified to forward, SCTE 35 messages will be forwarded downstream. When specified to drop, SCTE 35 messages will not be forwarded downstream. They will be still be processed for local splicing decisions.
- forward
Forwards SCTE 35 messages downstream.
- drop
Drops SCTE 35 messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
sctp-filter sctp-filter-name
no sctp-filter
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>policy>aqp>entry>action sctp-filter)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group policy app-qos-policy entry action sctp-filter
This command assigns an existing SCTP filter as an action on flows matching this AQP entry.
The no form of this command removes this SCTP filter from actions on flows matching this AQP entry.
no sctp-filter
- sctp-filter-name
Specifies the name of the existing SCTP filter for this application assurance profile. The sctp-filter-name is configured in the config>app-assure>group[:partition]>sctp-filter context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sctp-filter sctp-filter-name
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>statistics>tca sctp-filter)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group statistics threshold-crossing-alert sctp-filter
This command configures TCA generation for an SCTP filter.
- sctp-filter-name
Specifies the name of the SCTP filter, up to 32 characters
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
sctp-filter sctp-filter-name [create]
no sctp-filter sctp-filter-name
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group sctp-filter)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group sctp-filter
Commands in this context configure Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) parameters.
The no form of this command removes this filter.
- sctp-filter-name
Specifies the SCTP filter name, up to 32 characters.
- create
Keyword used to create the SCTP filter.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] sctp-filter-stats
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>statistics>aa-admit-deny sctp-filter-stats)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group statistics aa-admit-deny sctp-filter-stats
This command configures whether to include or exclude SCTP filter admit-deny statistics in accounting records.
no sctp-filter-stats
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>mcast-info-plcy>video-policy>video-if sd)
Full Context
configure mcast-management multicast-info-policy video-policy video-interface sd
Commands in this context configure within a video interface policy the properties relating to requests received by the video interface for Standard Definition (SD) channel requests.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
sd-offset offset-value
no sd-offset
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>isis>if>level sd-offset)
Full Context
configure service vprn isis interface level sd-offset
If the pre-FEC error rate of the associated DWDM port crosses the configured sd-threshold, this offset-value is added to the IS-IS interface metric. This parameter is only effective if the interface is associated with a DWDM port and the sd-threshold value is configured under that port.
The no form of this command reverts the offset value to 0.
no sd-offset
- offset-value
Specifies the amount the interface metric is increased by if the sd-threshold is crossed.
sd-offset sd-offset
no sd-offset
[Tree] (config>router>isis>if>level sd-offset)
Full Context
configure router isis interface level sd-offset
If the pre-FEC error rate of the associated DWDM port crosses the configured sd-threshold, this offset-value is added to the IS-IS interface metric. This parameter is only effective if the interface is associated with a DWDM port and the sd-threshold value is configured under that port.
The no form of this command reverts the offset value to 0.
no sd-offset
- sd-offset
Specifies the amount the interface metric is increased by if the sd-threshold is crossed.
sd-threshold threshold [multiplier multiplier]
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>esa>crc-monitor sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure esa crc-monitor sd-threshold
This command configures the error rate at which to declare the signal degrade (SD) condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N, a ratio of errored frames over total frames received over W seconds of the sliding window. The CRC errors on the interface are sampled once per second. A default of 10 seconds is used when no additional window-size is configured. If you ommit the multiplier value or configure no sd-threshold, the multiplier returns to the default value of 1.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
no sd-threshold
- threshold
Specifies the SD threshold.
- multiplier
Specifies the SD multiplier.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
sd-threshold threshold [coefficient coefficient]
[Tree] (config>port>otu sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port otu sd-threshold
This command defines the error rate at which to declare the signal degrade (SD) condition.
The parameters define an error rate of (coefficient/10) * 10E-threshold. For example, sd-threshold 5 coefficient 20 defines an error rate of (20/10) * 10E-5, or 2 * 10E-5, or 0.000 02.
The SD threshold must be:
greater than the SF threshold.
5 or higher before setting sf-sd-method to bip8.
The coefficient parameter is only used when sf-sd-method is set to fec. When sf-sd-method is set to bip8, coefficient is considered to have the value of 10.
- threshold
Specifies the exponent for the SD threshold value.
- coefficient
Specifies the coefficient for the SD threshold value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sd-threshold errored-frames
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>efm-oam>link-mon>errored-frame sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame sd-threshold
The option defines the number of errored frames within the configured window which indicates the port has gone beyond an acceptable error rate and should be considered degraded. This is a first level warning that a port may be suspect. This generates an information log event message only and will be recorded in the Port event index but has no port level actions when the error count is equal to or greater than the threshold. This value must be lower than or equal to the sf-threshold value.
The no value of this option disables the sd-threshold.
no sd-threshold
- errored-frames
Specifies the number of errored frames within the configured window which indicates the port has become degraded.
sd-threshold errored-frames
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>efm-oam>link-mon>errored-frame-period sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period sd-threshold
The option defines the number of errored frames within the configured window which indicates the port has gone beyond an acceptable error rate and should be considered degraded. This is a first level warning that a port may be suspect. This generates an information log event message only and will be recorded in the Port event index but has no port level actions when the error count is equal to or greater than the threshold. This value must be lower than or equal to the sf-threshold value.
The no value of this option disables the sd-threshold
no sd-threshold
- errored-frames
Specifies the number of errored frames within the configured window which indicates the port has become degraded.
sd-threshold errored-frames
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>efm-oam>link-mon>errored-frame-seconds sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds sd-threshold
This command defines the number of errored frame seconds within the configured window which indicates the port has gone beyond an acceptable error rate and should be considered degraded. This is a first level warning that a port may be suspect. This event is raised when the error count is equal to or greater than the configured threshold. This is an information log event message only and will be recorded in the Port event index but has no port level actions. This value must be lower than or equal to the sf-threshold value.
The no version of this command disables the sd-threshold.
- errored-frames
Specifies the number of errored seconds within the configured window which indicates the port has become degraded.
sd-threshold errored-symbols
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>efm-oam>link-mon>errored-symbols sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols sd-threshold
This command defines the number of errored frames within the configured window which indicates the port has gone beyond an acceptable error rate and should be considered degraded. This is a first level warning that a port may be suspect. An event is raised when the error count is equal to or greater than this value. This is an information log event message only and will be recorded in the Port event index but has no port level actions. This value must be lower than or equal to the sf-threshold value. Specific to symbol errors, this value must be configured with the value that indicates anything less is acceptable and the port can be returned to service. If this value is not configured then manual operation is required to return the port to service.
The no value of this option means there is there is no automatic return to service.
no sd-threshold
- errored-symbols
Specifies the number of errored symbols which indicates the port has become degraded.
sd-threshold threshold [multiplier multiplier]
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>sym-mon sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet symbol-monitor sd-threshold
This command specifies the error rate at which to declare the Signal Degrade condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N a ratio of symbol errors over total symbols received over W seconds of the sliding window. The symbol errors on the interface are sampled once per second. A default of 10 seconds is used when there is no additional window-size configured. The multiplier keyword is optional. If the multiplier keyword is omitted or no sd-threshold is specified the multiplier will return to the default value of 1.
no sd-threshold
- threshold
Specifies the rate of symbol errors.
- multiplier
Specifies the multiplier used to scale the symbol error ratio.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sd-threshold threshold [multiplier multiplier]
no sd-threshold
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>crc-monitor sd-threshold)
Full Context
configure port ethernet crc-monitor sd-threshold
This command specifies the error rate at which to declare the Signal Degrade condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N a ratio of errored frames over total frames received over W seconds of the sliding window. The CRC errors on the interface are sampled once per second. A default of 10 seconds is used when there is no additional window-size configured. The multiplier keyword is optional. If the multiplier keyword is omitted or no sd-threshold is specified the multiplier will return to the default value of 1.
no sd-threshold
- threshold
Specifies the threshold value.
- multiplier
Specifies the multiplier value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sd-threshold-clear threshold [coefficient coefficient]
[Tree] (config>port>otu sd-threshold-clear)
Full Context
configure port otu sd-threshold-clear
This command defines the signal degrade (SD) threshold clear value.
When the bit error rate falls below this value, the SD condition is cleared. The parameters define an error rate of (coefficient/10) * 10E-threshold. For example, sd-threshold-clear 7 coefficient 10 defines an error rate of (10/10) * 10E-7, or 10E-7, or 0.000 000 1.
This SD threshold clear setting is valid only when sf-sd-method is set to fec.
- threshold
Specifies the exponent for the SD threshold clear value.
- coefficient
Specifies the coefficient for the SD threshold clear value.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
sdp sdp-id [sync-tag sync-tag] [create]
no sdp sdp-id
[Tree] (config>redundancy>multi-chassis>peer>sync sdp)
Full Context
configure redundancy multi-chassis peer sync sdp
This command specifies the manually configured spoke SDPs to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer and a synchronization tag to be used while synchronizing these spoke SDPs with the multi-chassis peer.
Manually configured spoke SDPs with the specified sdp-id are synchronized according to the synchronization tag. If synchronization is required only for a subset of the spoke SDPs using the configured SDP, the range sub-command should be used. The range command and the sync-tag parameters are mutually exclusive.
The synchronization of PIM snooping is only supported for manually configured spoke SDPs but is not supported for spoke SDPs configured within an endpoint.
The synchronization of PIM snooping is not supported on any of the following when used with the configured sdp-id:
Mesh SDPs
Spoke SDPs in non-VPLS services
BGP-AD/BGP-VPLS (FEC 129) spoke SDPs
Spoke SDPs configured in endpoints
Pseudowire SAPs
ESM-over-MPLS Pseudowires
Non-existent spoke SDPs may be specified. If these spoke SDPs are created at a later time, then all states on the spoke SDPs are synchronized according to the synchronization tag and the synchronization protocols enabled.
A synchronization tag can be changed by entering the same command with a different synchronization tag. Changing the synchronization tag removes all states relating to the previous synchronization tag for the SDP and a new synchronization tag state is created.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP of the spoke SDPs to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.
- sync-tag
Specifies a synchronization tag, up to 32 characters, to be used when synchronizing with the multi-chassis peer.
- create
Creates the SDP instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
sdp sdp-id
no sdp
[Tree] (config>service>system>bgp-evpn>eth-seg sdp)
Full Context
configure service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment sdp
This command configures an sdp-id associated to the Ethernet-Segment. If the Ethernet-Segment is configured as all-active, then only a lag or PW port can be associated to the Ethernet-Segment. If the Ethernet-Segment is configured as single-active, then lag, port or sdp can be associated to the Ethernet-Segment. In any case, only one of the four objects can be configured in the Ethernet-Segment. A specified SDP can be part of only one Ethernet-Segment. Only user-configured SDPs can be added to an Ethernet-Segment.
no sdp
- sdp-id
Specifies the IP address.
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>pbb>backbone-vpls sdp)
Full Context
configure service vpls pbb backbone-vpls sdp
This command configures attributes of a SDP binding on the B-VPLS service.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP ID.
- vc-id
Specifies the VC ID.
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>mrp sdp)
Full Context
debug service id mrp sdp
This command filters debug events and only shows events for the particular SDP.
The no form of this command removes the debug filter.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP ID for which to display information
- vc-id
Displays information about the virtual circuit identifier.
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id sdp)
[Tree] (debug>service>id>dhcp sdp)
[Tree] (debug>service>id>stp sdp)
Full Context
debug service id sdp
debug service id dhcp sdp
debug service id stp sdp
This command enables STP debugging for a specific SDP.
The no form of the command disables debugging.
- sdp-id:vc-id
Specifies the SDP ID and VC ID.
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>igmp-snooping sdp)
Full Context
debug service id igmp-snooping sdp
This command shows IGMP packets for a specific SDP.
The no form of this command disables the debugging for the SDP.
- sdp-id
Displays only IGMP snooping entries associated with the specified mesh SDP or spoke-SDP. For a spoke-SDP, the VC ID must be specified, for a mesh SDP, the VC ID is optional.
- vc-id
Displays information for the specified virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[Tree] (debug>service>id>mld sdp)
Full Context
debug service id mld-snooping sdp
This command shows MLD packets for a specific SDP.
The no form of this command disables the debugging for the SDP.
- sdp-id
Displays only MLD entries associated with the specified mesh SDP or spoke-SDP
- vc-id
Displays information for the specified virtual circuit ID on the SDP ID
sdp sdp-id [delivery-type] [create]
no sdp sdp-id
[Tree] (config>service sdp)
Full Context
configure service sdp
This command creates or edits a service destination point (SDP). SDPs must be explicitly configured.
An SDP is a logical mechanism that ties a far-end router to a particular service without having to specifically define far-end SAPs. Each SDP represents a method to reach another router.
One method is IP Generic Router Encapsulation (GRE), which has no state in the core of the network. GRE does not specify a specific path to the far-end router. A GRE-based SDP uses the underlying IGP routing table to find the best next hop to the far-end router.
The second method is Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) encapsulation. A router supports both signaled and non-signaled Label Switched Paths (LSPs) through the network. Non-signaled paths are defined at each hop through the network. Signaled paths are communicated by protocol from end-to-end using Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). Paths may be manually defined or a constraint-based routing protocol (such as OSPF-TE or CSPF) can be used to determine the best path with specific constraints. An LDP LSP can also be used for an SDP when the encapsulation is MPLS. The use of an LDP LSP type or an RSVP/Static LSP type are mutually exclusive except when the mixed-lsp option is enabled on the SDP.
Segment routing is another MPLS tunnel type and is used to allow service binding to an SR tunnel programmed in TTM by OSPF or IS-IS. The SDP of type sr-isis or sr-ospf can be used with the far-end option. The tunnel-far-end option is not supported. In addition, the mixed-lsp-mode option does not support the sr-isis and sr-ospf tunnel types.
L2TPv3-over-IPv6 transport is also an option for 7750 SR and 7950 XR Ethernet Pipe (Epipe) Services. Like GRE, L2TPv3 is stateless in the core of the network, as well as on the service nodes as the L2TPv3 control plane functionality is disabled for this SDP type. A unique source and destination IPv6 address combined with TX and RX Cookie values are used to ensure that the SDP is bound to the correct service.
SDPs are created and then bound to services. Many services may be bound to a single SDP. The operational and administrative state of the SDP controls the state of the SDP binding to the service.
If the sdp-id does not exist, a new SDP is created. When creating an SDP, either the gre, mpls, or l2tpv3 keyword must be specified. SDPs are created in the admin down state (shutdown) and the no shutdown command must be executed once all relevant parameters are defined and before the SDP can be used.
If sdp-id exists, the current CLI context is changed to that SDP for editing and modification. For editing an existing SDP, neither the gre, mpls, or l2tpv3 keyword is specified. If a keyword is specified for an existing sdp-id, an error is generated and the context of the CLI will not be changed to the specified sdp-id.
The no form of this command deletes the specified SDP. Before an SDP can be deleted, it must be administratively down (shutdown) and not bound to any services. If the specified SDP is bound to a service, the no sdp command will fail generating an error message specifying the first bound service found during the deletion process. If the specified sdp-id does not exist an error will be generated.
- sdp-id
Specifies the SDP identifier.
- gre
Specifies the SDP will use GRE to reach the far-end router. The GRE encapsulation of the MPLS service packet uses the base 4-byte header as per RFC 2890. The optional fields Checksum (plus Reserved field), Key, and Sequence Number are not inserted. Only one GRE SDP can be created to a given destination address. Multiple GRE SDPs to a single destination address serve no purpose as the path taken to reach the far end is determined by the IGP which will be the same for all SDPs to a given destination and there is no bandwidth reservation in GRE tunnels.
- mpls
Specifies the SDP will use MPLS encapsulation and one or more LSP tunnels to reach the far-end device. Multiple MPLS SDPs may be created to a given destination device. Multiple MPLS SDPs to a single destination device are helpful when they use divergent paths.
- l2tpv3
Specifies the SDP will use L2TPv3-over-IPv6 encapsulation for the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS. One SDP is created per service, regardless of whether the far-end node is common or not. Unique local and far-end addresses are configured for every L2TPv3 SDP type. The local address must exist on the local node.
- eth-gre-bridged
Configures the SDP as an L2oGRE tunnel that is terminated on an FPE-based PW port. Only the end-points of such a tunnel (the far-end IPv4/IPv6 address or local-end IPv4/IPv6 address) are allowed to be configured under this SDP.
[no] sdp-exclude group-name
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template sdp-exclude)
Full Context
configure service pw-template sdp-exclude
This command configures SDP admin group constraints for a pseudowire template.
The admin group name must have been configured or the command is failed. The user can execute the command multiple times to include or exclude more than one admin group. The sdp-include and sdp-exclude commands can only be used with the use-provisioned-sdp or prefer-provisioned-sdp options. If the same group name is included and excluded within the same pseudowire template, only the exclude option will be enforced.
Any changes made to the admin group sdp-include and sdp-exclude constraints will only be reflected in existing spoke-sdps after the following command has been executed:
When the service is bound to the pseudowire template, the SDP selection rules will enforce the admin group constraints specified in the sdp-include and sdp-exclude commands.
In the SDP selection process, all provisioned SDPs with the correct far-end IP address, the correct tunnel-far-end IP address, and the correct service label signaling are considered. The SDP with the lowest admin metric is selected. If more than one SDP with the same lowest metric are found then the SDP with the highest sdp-id is selected. The type of SDP, GRE or MPLS (BGP/RSVP/LDP) is not a criterion in this selection.
The selection rule with SDP admin groups is modified such that the following admin-group constraints are applied upfront to prune SDPs that do not comply:
if one or more sdp-include statement is part of the PW template, then an SDP that is a member of one or more of the included groups will be considered. With the sdp-include statement, there is no preference for an SDP that belongs to all included groups versus one that belongs to one or fewer of the included groups. All SDPs satisfying the admin-group constraint will be considered and the selection above based on the lowest metric and highest sdp-id is applied.
if one or more sdp-exclude statement is part of the PW template, then an sdp that is a member of any of the excluded groups will not be considered.
SDP admin group constraints can be configured on all router services that makes use of the pseudowire template (BGP-AD VPLS service, BGP-VPLS service, and FEC129 VLL service). In the latter case, only support at a T-PE node is provided.
The no form of this command removes the SDP admin group constraints from the pseudowire template.
- group-name
Specifies the name of the SDP admin group. A maximum of 32 characters can be entered.
[Tree] (config>service sdp-group)
Full Context
configure service sdp-group
This command configures the SDP membership in admin groups.
The user can enter a maximum of one (1) admin group name at once. The user can execute the command multiple times to add membership to more than one admin group. The admin group name must have been configured or the command is failed. Admin groups are supported on an SDP of type GRE and of type MPLS (BGP/RSVP/LDP). They are also supported on an SDP with the mixed-lsp-mode option enabled.
The no form of this command removes this SDP membership to the specified admin group.
sdp-id-range from id to id
no sdp-id-range
[Tree] (config>fwd-path-ext sdp-id-range)
Full Context
configure fwd-path-ext sdp-id-range
This command reserves an SDP ID range used by the FPE based PW-Port and VXLAN termination applications.
Each configured FPE based PW-Port is associated with two internal SDPs (one in each direction) whose id(s) are allocated from the configured sdp-id-range.
When the FPE is associated to VXLAN termination, an internal SDP is allocated from the configured sdp-id-range and is used for R-VPLS services that terminate VXLAN IPv6. A spoke-sdp per VXLAN IPv6 R-VPLS service is created on that SDP for egress processing of the packets. Sdp-id-range cannot be modified if any of its IDs are currently in use.
no sdp-id-range
- from id
Specifies the start of the SDP ID range (inclusive).
- to id
Specifies the end of the SDP ID range.
[no] sdp-include group-name
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template sdp-include)
Full Context
configure service pw-template sdp-include
This command configures SDP admin group constraints for a pseudowire template.
The admin group name must have been configured or the command is failed. The user can execute the command multiple times to include or exclude more than one admin group. The sdp-include and sdp-exclude commands can only be used with the use-provisioned-sdp or prefer-provisioned-sdp options. If the same group name is included and excluded within the same pseudowire template, only the exclude option will be enforced.
Any changes made to the admin group sdp-include and sdp-exclude constraints will only be reflected in existing spoke-sdps after the following command has been executed:
When the service is bound to the pseudowire template, the SDP selection rules will enforce the admin group constraints specified in the sdp-include and sdp-exclude commands.
In the SDP selection process, all provisioned SDPs with the correct far-end IP address, the correct tunnel-far-end IP address, and the correct service label signaling are considered. The SDP with the lowest admin metric is selected. If more than one SDP with the same lowest metric are found then the SDP with the highest sdp-id is selected. The type of SDP, GRE or MPLS (BGP/RSVP/LDP) is not a criterion in this selection.
The selection rule with SDP admin groups is modified such that the following admin-group constraints are applied upfront to prune SDPs that do not comply:
if one or more sdp-include statement is part of the PW template, then an SDP that is a member of one or more of the included groups will be considered. With the sdp-include statement, there is no preference for an SDP that belongs to all included groups versus one that belongs to one or fewer of the included groups. All SDPs satisfying the admin-group constraint will be considered and the selection above based on the lowest metric and highest sdp-id is applied.
if one or more sdp-exclude statement is part of the PW template, then an sdp that is a member of any of the excluded groups will not be considered.
SDP admin group constraints can be configured on all router services that make use of the pseudowire template (BGP-AD VPLS service, BGP-VPLS service, and FEC129 VLL service). In the latter case, only support at a T-PE node is provided.
The no form of this command removes the SDP admin group constraints from the pseudowire template.
- group-name
Specifies the name of the SDP admin group. A maximum of 32 characters can be entered.
sdp-mtu orig-sdp-id size-inc start-octets end-octets [step step-size] [timeout timeout] [interval interval]
[Tree] (oam sdp-mtu)
Full Context
oam sdp-mtu
Performs MTU Path tests on an SDP to determine the largest path-mtu supported on an SDP. The size-inc parameter can be used to easily determine the path-mtu of a given SDP-ID. The forwarding class is assumed to be Best-Effort Out-of-Profile. The message reply is returned with IP/GRE encapsulation from the far-end router. OAM request messages sent within an IP/GRE SDP must have the 'DF’ IP header bit set to 1 to prevent message fragmentation.
To terminate an sdp-mtu in progress, use the CLI break sequence <Ctrl-C>.
- orig-sdp-id
Specifies the sdp-id to be used by sdp-ping, expressed as a decimal integer. The far-end address of the specified sdp-id is the expected responder-id within each reply received. The specified sdp-id defines the encapsulation of the SDP tunnel encapsulation used to reach the far end. This can be IP/GRE or MPLS. If orig-sdp-id is invalid or administratively down or unavailable, the SDP echo request message is not sent and an appropriate error message is displayed (once the interval timer expires, sdp-ping attempts to send the next request, if required).
- start-octets
Specifies the beginning size in octets of the first message sent for an incremental MTU test, expressed as a decimal integer.
- end-octets
Specifies the ending size in octets of the last message sent for an incremental MTU test, expressed as a decimal integer. The specified value must be greater than start-octets.
- step-size
Specifies the number of octets to increment the message size request for each message sent for an incremental MTU test, expressed as a decimal integer. The next size message is not sent until a reply is received or three messages have timed out at the current size.
If the incremented size exceeds the end-octets value, no more messages are sent.
- timeout
Specifies the timeout parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This value is used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the message request. Upon the expiration of the message time out, the requesting router assumes that the message response is not received. A request timeout message is displayed by the CLI for each message request sent that expires. Any response received after the request times out is silently discarded.
- interval
Specifies the interval parameter in seconds, expressed as a decimal integer. This parameter is used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
If the interval is set to 1 second, and the timeout value is set to 10 seconds, then the maximum time between message requests is 10 seconds and the minimum is 1 second. This depends upon the receipt of a message reply corresponding to the outstanding message request.
Output Example: SDP MTU Path Test*A:Dut-A# oam sdp-mtu 1201 size-inc 512 3072 step 256
Size Sent Response
512 . Success
768 . Success
1024 . Success
1280 . Success
1536 . Success
1792 . Success
2048 . Success
2304 . Success
2560 . Success
2816 . Success
3072 . Success
Maximum Response Size: 3072
sdp-ping orig-sdp-id [resp-sdp resp-sdp-id] [fc fc-name [profile { in | out}]] [size octets] [count send-count] [timeout timeout] [interval interval]
[Tree] (oam sdp-ping)
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type sdp-ping)
Full Context
oam sdp-ping
configure saa test type sdp-ping
This command tests SDPs for uni-directional or round trip connectivity and performs SDP MTU Path tests.
The sdp-ping command accepts an originating SDP-ID and an optional responding SDP-ID. The size, number of requests sent, message time-out and message send interval can be specified. All sdp-ping requests and replies are sent with PLP OAM-Label encapsulation, as a service-id is not specified.
For round trip connectivity testing, the resp-sdp keyword must be specified. If resp-sdp is not specified, a uni-directional SDP test is performed.
To terminate an sdp-ping in progress, use the CLI break sequence <Ctrl-C>.
An sdp-ping response message indicates the result of the sdp-ping message request. When multiple response messages apply to a single SDP echo request/reply sequence, the response message with the highest precedence is displayed. sdp-ping Response Messages shows the response messages sorted by precedence.
Result of Request |
Displayed Response Message |
Precedence |
Request time out without reply |
Request Timeout |
1 |
Request not sent due to non-existent orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Non-Existent |
2 |
Request not sent due to administratively down orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Admin-Down |
3 |
Request not sent due to operationally down orig-sdp-id |
Orig-SDP Oper-Down |
4 |
Request terminated by user before reply or time out |
Request Terminated |
5 |
Reply received, invalid origination-id |
Far End: Originator-ID Invalid |
6 |
Reply received, invalid responder-id |
Far End: Responder-ID Error |
7 |
Reply received, non-existent resp-sdp-id |
Far End: Resp-SDP Non-Existent |
8 |
Reply received, invalid resp-sdp-id |
Far End: Resp-SDP Invalid |
9 |
Reply received, resp-sdp-id down (admin or oper) |
Far-end: Resp-SDP Down |
10 |
Reply received, No Error |
Success |
11 |
- orig-sdp-id
Specifies the SDP ID to be used by sdp-ping, expressed as a decimal integer. The far-end address of the specified SDP-ID is the expected responder-id within each reply received. The specified SDP-ID defines the encapsulation of the SDP tunnel encapsulation used to reach the far end. This can be IP/GRE or MPLS. If orig-sdp-id is invalid or administratively down or unavailable for some reason, the SDP Echo Request message is not sent and an appropriate error message is displayed (once the interval timer expires, sdp-ping attempts to send the next request if required).
- resp-sdp-id
Specifies the return SDP-ID to be used by the far-end router for the message reply for round trip SDP connectivity testing. If resp-sdp-id does not exist on the far-end router, terminates on another router different than the originating router, or another issue prevents the far-end router from using resp-sdp-id, the SDP echo reply is sent using generic IP/GRE OAM encapsulation. The received forwarding class (as mapped on the ingress network interface for the far end) defines the forwarding class encapsulation for the reply message.
- fc-name
Specifies the parameter to be used to indicate the forwarding class of the SDP encapsulation. The actual forwarding class encoding is controlled by the network egress DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings.
The DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping back to the internal forwarding class used by the far-end router that receives the message request. The egress mappings of the egress network interface on the far-end router controls the forwarding class markings on the return reply message.
The DSCP or LSP-EXP mappings on the receive network interface controls the mapping of the message reply at the originating router. This is displayed in the response message output upon receipt of the message reply.
- profile {in | out}
Specifies the profile state of the SDP encapsulation.
- octets
Specifies the size parameter in octets. This parameter is used to override the default message size for the sdp-ping request. Changing the message size is a method of checking the ability of an SDP to support a path-mtu. The size of the message does not include the SDP encapsulation, VC-Label (if applied) or any DLC headers or trailers.
When the OAM message request is encapsulated in an IP/GRE SDP, the IP 'DF’ (Do Not Fragment) bit is set. If any segment of the path between the sender and receiver cannot handle the message size, the message is discarded. MPLS LSPs are not expected to fragment the message either, as the message contained in the LSP is not an IP packet.
- send-count
Specifies the number of messages to send. The count parameter is used to override the default number of message requests sent. Each message request must either time out or receive a reply before the next message request is sent. The message interval value must have expired before the next message request is sent.
- timeout
Specifies the time, in seconds, used to override the default timeout value and is the amount of time that the router waits for a message reply after sending the last probe for a specific test. Upon the expiration of time out, the test is marked complete and no more packets is processed for any of those request probes.
- interval
Specifies the time, in seconds, used to override the default request message send interval and defines the minimum amount of time that must expire before the next message request is sent.
Single Response Round Trip Connectivity Test Output ExampleA:router1> sdp-ping 10 resp-sdp 22 fc ef
Request Result: Sent - Reply Received
Err SDP-ID Info Local Remote
__ SDP-ID: 10 22
__ Administrative State: Up Up
__ Operative State: Up Up
__ Path MTU 4470 4470
__ Response SDP Used: Yes
Err System IP Interface Info
Local Interface Name: "ESR-System-IP-Interface (Up to 32 chars)…"
__ Local IP Interface State: Up
__ Local IP Address:
__ IP Address Expected By Remote:
__ Expected Remote IP Address:
__ Actual Remote IP Address:
Err FC Mapping Info Local Remote
__ Forwarding Class Assured Assured
__ Profile In In
Multiple Response Connectivity Tests — When the connectivity test count is greater than one (1), a single line is displayed per SDP echo request send attempt.
The request number is a sequential number starting with 1 and ending with the last request sent, incrementing by one (1) for each request. This should not be confused with the message-id contained in each request and reply message.
A response message indicates the result of the message request. Following the response message is the round trip time value. If any reply is received, the round trip time is displayed.
After the last reply has been received or response timed out, a total is displayed for all messages sent and all replies received. A maximum, minimum and average round trip time is also displayed. Error response and timed out requests do not apply towards the average round trip time.
Multiple Response Round Trip Connectivity Test Output ExampleA:router1> sdp-ping 6 resp-sdp 101size 1514 count 5
Request Response RTT
---------- ---------- -------
1 Success 10ms
2 Success 15ms
3 Success 10ms
4 Success 20ms
5 Success 5ms
Sent: 5 Received: 5
Min: 5ms Max: 20ms Avg: 12ms
[Tree] (config>bfd seamless-bfd)
Full Context
configure bfd seamless-bfd
This command specifies the context for the configuration of a seamless BFD reflector.
[Tree] (config>router>bfd seamless-bfd)
Full Context
configure router bfd seamless-bfd
This command specifies the context for the configuration of seamless BFD initiator parameters that are global to this router.
The no form of this command removes the context.
search base-dn
no search
[Tree] (config>system>security>ldap>server search)
Full Context
configure system security ldap server search
This command configures the LDAP search command. The search base-dn tells the server which part of the external directory tree to search. The search DN uses the same LDAP attribute as root-dn. For example, to search a public-key for an SSH generated for a Nokia vendor, one might use "dc=public-key,dc=nokia,dc=com”.
The no version of this command removes the search DN; as such, no search is possible on the LDAP server.
- base-dn
Specifies the base domain name used in the search, up to 512 characters.
[Tree] (config>aaa>radius-scr-plcy secondary)
Full Context
configure aaa radius-script-policy secondary
Commands in this context configure a secondary script.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-ident-pol secondary)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-policy secondary
Commands in this context configure secondary identification script parameters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
secondary ip-address[/mask] [netmask ] [broadcast {all-ones | host-ones}] [igp-inhibit] [track-srrp srrp-instance]
no secondary ip-address[/mask]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if secondary)
Full Context
configure service ies interface secondary
This command assigns a secondary IP address or IP subnet/broadcast address format to the interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- ip-address
The IP address of the IP interface. The ip-address portion of the address command specifies the IP host address that is used by the IP interface within the subnet. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation. Allowed values are IP addresses in the range – (with support of /31 subnets).
- mask
The subnet mask in dotted decimal notation. When the IP prefix is not specified in CIDR notation, a space separates the ip-address from a traditional dotted decimal mask. The mask parameter indicates the complete mask that is used in a logical and function to derive the local subnet of the IP address. Allowed values are dotted decimal addresses in the range –
Note:A mask of is reserved for system IP addresses.
- netmask
Specifies a string of 0s and 1s that mask or screen out the network part of an IP address so that only the host computer part of the address remains.
- broadcast
Overrides the default broadcast address used by the IP interface when sourcing IP broadcasts on the IP interface. If no broadcast format is specified for the IP address, the default value is host-ones which indicates a subnet broadcast address. Use this parameter to change the broadcast address to all-ones or revert back to a broadcast address of host-ones.
The broadcast format on an IP interface can be specified when the IP address is assigned or changed.
This parameter does not affect the type of broadcasts that can be received by the IP interface. A host sending either the local broadcast (all-ones) or the valid subnet broadcast address (host-ones) is received by the IP interface. (Default: host-ones)
- all-ones
Specifies the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address is, also known as the local broadcast.
- host-ones
Specifies that the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address is the subnet broadcast address. This is an IP address that corresponds to the local subnet described by the ip-address and the mask-length or mask with all the host bits set to binary one. This is the default broadcast address used by an IP interface. The broadcast parameter within the address command does not have a negate feature, which is usually used to revert a parameter to the default value. To change the broadcast type to host-ones after being changed to all-ones, the address command must be executed with the broadcast parameter defined.
- igp-inhibit
Signals that the given secondary IP interface should not be recognized as a local interface by the running IGP. For OSPF and IS-IS, this means that the specified secondary IP interfaces are not injected and used as passive interfaces and are not advertised as internal IP interfaces into the IGP’s link state database. For RIP, this means that these secondary IP interfaces do not source RIP updates.
- track-srrp srrp-instance
Specifies the SRRP instance ID that this interface route needs to track.
secondary ip-address[/mask] [ netmask] [broadcast {all-ones | host-ones}] [igp-inhibit] [ track-srrp srrp-instance]
no secondary ip-address[/mask]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if secondary)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nw-if secondary)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface secondary
configure service vprn network-interface secondary
This command assigns a secondary IP address to the interface. Up to 16 total primary and secondary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be assigned to network interfaces, and up to 256 to access interfaces. Each address can be configured in an IP address, IP subnet or broadcast address format.
Configurations must not exceed 16 secondary IP addresses when IPsec, GRE, L2TPv3, or IP in IP protocols are active on an access interface.
- ip-address
The IP address of the IP interface. The ip-address portion of the address command specifies the IP host address that will be used by the IP interface within the subnet. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation. Allowed values are IP addresses in the range – (with support of /31 subnets).
- mask
The subnet mask in dotted decimal notation. When the IP prefix is not specified in CIDR notation, a space separates the ip-address from a traditional dotted decimal mask. The mask parameter indicates the complete mask that will be used in a logical 'AND’ function to derive the local subnet of the IP address. Allowed values are dotted decimal addresses in the range – A mask of is reserved for system IP addresses.
- netmask
Specifies a string of 0s and 1s that mask or screen out the network part of an IP address so that only the host computer part of the address remains.
- broadcast
The optional broadcast parameter overrides the default broadcast address used by the IP interface when sourcing IP broadcasts on the IP interface. If no broadcast format is specified for the IP address, the default value is host-ones which indicates a subnet broadcast address. Use this parameter to change the broadcast address to all-ones or revert back to a broadcast address of host-ones.
The broadcast format on an IP interface can be specified when the IP address is assigned or changed. This parameter does not affect the type of broadcasts that can be received by the IP interface. A host sending either the local broadcast (all-ones) or the valid subnet broadcast address (host-ones) will be received by the IP interface. (Default: host-ones)
- all-ones
The all-ones keyword following the broadcast parameter specifies the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address will be, also known as the local broadcast.
- host-ones
The host-ones keyword following the broadcast parameter specifies that the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address will be the subnet broadcast address. This is an IP address that corresponds to the local subnet described by the ip-address and the mask-length or mask with all the host bits set to binary one. This is the default used by an IP interface.
The broadcast parameter within the address command does not have a negate feature, which is usually used to revert a parameter to the default value. To change the broadcast type to host-ones after being changed to all-ones, the address command must be executed with the broadcast parameter defined.
- igp-inhibit
The optional igp-inhibit parameter signals that the given secondary IP interface should not be recognized as a local interface by the running IGP. For OSPF and IS-IS, this means that the specified secondary IP interfaces will not be injected and used as passive interfaces and will not be advertised as internal IP interfaces into the IGP’s link state database. For RIP, this means that these secondary IP interfaces will not source RIP updates.
- track-srrp srrp-instance
Specifies the SRRP instance ID that this interface route needs to track.
[no] secondary path-name
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp secondary)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp secondary
This command specifies an alternative path that the LSP uses if the primary path is not available. This command is optional and is not required if the config router mpls lsp lsp-name primary path-name command is specified. After the switch over from the primary to the secondary, the system continuously tries to revert to the primary path. The switch back to the primary path is based on the retry-timer interval.
For RSVP-TE LSPs, up to eight secondary paths can be specified (or seven if a primary is configured). For SR-TE LSPs, up to three paths of any type (with a maximum of one primary) can be configured. By default, a secondary path is non-standby unless the standby keyword is configured. All non-standby secondary paths are considered equal and the first available path is used.
The system does not switch among secondary paths. The system starts the signaling (RSVP-TE) or programming (SR-TE) of all non-standby secondary paths at the same time. Retry counters are maintained for each unsuccessful attempt. After the retry limit is reached on a path, the system does not attempt to signal the path and administratively shuts down the path. The first successfully established non-standby secondary path is made the active path for the LSP.
The no form of this command removes the association between this path-name and lsp-name. All specific configurations for this association are deleted. The secondary path must be shut down prior to deleting it. The no secondary path-name command does not result in any action except a warning message on the console indicating that the secondary path is administratively up.
- path-name
Specifies the case-sensitive alphanumeric name label for the LSP path, up to 64 characters.
secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [ broadcast {all-ones | host-ones}] [igp-inhibit] [track-srrp srrp-instance]
no secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
[Tree] (config>router>if secondary)
Full Context
configure router interface secondary
This command assigns additional IP addresses to the interface. Up to 16 total primary and secondary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be assigned to network interfaces, and up to 256 to access interfaces. Each address can be configured in an IP address, IP subnet, or broadcast address format.
Configurations must not exceed 16 secondary IP addresses when IPsec, GRE, L2TPv3, or IP in IP protocols are active on an access interface.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the IP interface. The ip-address portion of the address command specifies the IP host address that will be used by the IP interface within the subnet. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation.
- /
The forward slash is a parameter delimiter that separates the ip-address portion of the IP address from the mask that defines the scope of the local subnet. No spaces are allowed between the ip-addr, the "/” and the mask-length parameter. If a forward slash does not immediately follow the ip-addr, a dotted decimal mask must follow the prefix.
- mask
Specifies the subnet mask length when the IP prefix is specified in CIDR notation. When the IP prefix is specified in CIDR notation, a forward slash (/) separates the ip-address from the mask parameter. The mask parameter indicates the number of bits used for the network portion of the IP address; the remainder of the IP address is used to determine the host portion of the IP address. Allowed values are integers in the range 1 to 32. A mask length of 32 is reserved for system IP addresses.
- netmask
Specifies the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation. When the IP prefix is not specified in CIDR notation, a space separates the ip-address from a traditional dotted decimal mask. The mask parameter indicates the complete mask that will be used in a logical 'AND’ function to derive the local subnet of the IP address. A mask of is reserved for system IP addresses.
- broadcast
The optional broadcast parameter overrides the default broadcast address used by the IP interface when sourcing IP broadcasts on the IP interface. If no broadcast format is specified for the IP address, the default value is host-ones, which indicates a subnet broadcast address. Use this parameter to change the broadcast address to all-ones or revert back to a broadcast address of host-ones.
The broadcast parameter within the address command does not have a negate feature, which is usually used to revert a parameter to the default value. To change the broadcast type to host-ones after being changed to all-ones, the address command must be executed with the broadcast parameter defined.
The broadcast format on an IP interface can be specified when the IP address is assigned or changed.
This parameter does not affect the type of broadcasts that can be received by the IP interface. A host sending either the local broadcast (all-ones) or the valid subnet broadcast address (host-ones) will be received by the IP interface.
- all-ones
The all-ones keyword following the broadcast parameter specifies that the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address will be, also known as the local broadcast.
- host-ones
The host-ones keyword following the broadcast parameter specifies that the broadcast address used by the IP interface for this IP address will be the subnet broadcast address. This is an IP address that corresponds to the local subnet described by the ip-address and the mask with all the host bits set to binary 1. This is the default broadcast address used by an IP interface.
- igp-inhibit
The secondary IP address should not be recognized as a local interface by the running IGP.
- srrp-instance
Specifies the SRRP instance ID that this interface route needs to track.
secondary-config file-url
no secondary-config
[Tree] (bof secondary-config)
Full Context
bof secondary-config
This command specifies the name and location of the secondary configuration file.
The system attempts to use the configuration as specified in secondary-config if the primary config cannot be located. If the secondary-config file cannot be located, the system attempts to obtain the configuration from the location specified in the tertiary-config.
Note that if an error in the configuration file is encountered, the boot process aborts.
The no form of this command removes the secondary-config configuration.
- file-url
Specifies the secondary configuration file location, expressed as a file URL.
secondary-dns ip-address
no secondary-dns
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>dhcp secondary-dns)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>dhcp secondary-dns)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range dhcp secondary-dns
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range dhcp secondary-dns
This command configures the secondary DNS address to be returned via DHCP on WLAN-GW ISA.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- ip-address
Specifies the secondary DNS address.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
secondary-dns ip-address
no secondary-dns
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>dns secondary-dns)
Full Context
configure service vprn dns secondary-dns
This command configures the secondary DNS server for DNS name resolution. The secondary DNS server is used only if the primary DNS server does not respond.
DNS name resolution can be used when executing ping, traceroute, and service-ping, and also when defining file URLs. DNS name resolution is not supported when DNS names are embedded in configuration files.
The no form of this command removes the secondary DNS server from the configuration.
no secondary-dns — No secondary DNS server is configured.
- ip-address
The IP or IPv6 address of the secondary DNS server.
secondary-dns ip-address
no secondary-dns [ip-address]
[Tree] (bof secondary-dns)
Full Context
bof secondary-dns
This command configures the secondary DNS server for DNS name resolution. The secondary DNS server is used only if the primary DNS server does not respond.
DNS name resolution can be used when executing ping, traceroute, and service-ping, and also when defining file URLs. DNS name resolution is not supported when DNS names are embedded in configuration files.
The no form of this command removes the secondary DNS server from the configuration.
no secondary-dns
- ip-address
Specifies the IP or IPv6 address of the secondary DNS server.
secondary-fast-retry-timer seconds
no secondary-fast-retry-timer
[Tree] (config>router>mpls secondary-fast-retry-timer)
Full Context
configure router mpls secondary-fast-retry-timer
This command specifies the value used as the fast retry timer for a secondary path. If the first attempt to set up a secondary path fails due to a path error, the fast retry timer will be started for the secondary path so that the path can be retried sooner. If the next attempt also fails, further retries for the path will use the configured value for LSP retry timer.
If retry-timer for the LSP is configured to be less than the MPLS secondary-fast-retry-timer, all retries for the secondary path will use the LSP retry-timer.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
no secondary-fast-retry-timer
- seconds
Specifies the value (in seconds), used as the fast retry timer for a secondary path
secondary-image file-url
no secondary-image
[Tree] (bof secondary-image)
Full Context
bof secondary-image
This command specifies the secondary directory location for runtime image file loading.
The system attempts to load all runtime image files configured in the primary-image first. If this fails, the system attempts to load the runtime images from the location configured in the secondary-image. If the secondary image load fails, the tertiary image specified in tertiary-image is used.
All runtime image files (*.tim files) must be located in the same directory.
The no form of this command removes the secondary-image configuration.
- file-url
Specifies the file URL; can be either local (this CPM) or a remote FTP server.
secondary-ip-address ipv4-address
no secondary-ip-address
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>orr>location secondary-ip-address)
Full Context
configure router bgp optimal-route-reflection location secondary-ip-address
This command specifies the secondary IP address of a reference location used for BGP optimal route reflection. Up to three IPv4 addresses and three IPv6 addresses can be specified per location.
If the TE DB is unable to find a node in its topology database that matches the primary address, then the TE DB tries to find a node with the matching secondary address. If this attempt also fails, the TE DB then tries to find a node with the matching tertiary address.
The IP addresses specified for a location should be topologically "close” to a set of clients that should all receive the same optimal path for that location.
The no form of this command removes the secondary IP address information.
no secondary-ip-address
- ipv4-address
Specifies the secondary IPv4 address of a location, expressed in dotted decimal notation.
secondary-ipv6-address ipv6-address
no secondary-ipv6-address
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>orr>location secondary-ipv6-address)
Full Context
configure router bgp optimal-route-reflection location secondary-ipv6-address
This command specifies the secondary IPv6 address of a reference location used for BGP optimal route reflection. Up to three IPv4 addresses and three IPv6 addresses can be specified per location.
If the TE DB is unable find a node in its topology database that matches a primary address of the location, then it tries to find a node matching a secondary address. If this attempt also fails, the TE DB tries to find a node matching a tertiary address.
The IP addresses specified for a location should be topologically "close” to a set of clients that should all receive the same optimal path for that location.
The no form of this command removes the secondary IPv6 address information.
no secondary-ipv6-address
- ipv6-address
Specifies the secondary IPv6 address of a location.
secondary-location file-url
no secondary-location
[Tree] (config>system>software-repository secondary-location)
Full Context
configure system software-repository secondary-location
This command configures the secondary location for the files in the software repository. See the software-repository command description for more information.
The no form of the command removes the secondary location.
- file-url
Specifies the secondary location to be used to access the files in the software repository.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
secondary-nbns ip-address
no secondary-nbns
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>dhcp secondary-nbns)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range>dhcp secondary-nbns)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range dhcp secondary-nbns
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw vlan-tag-ranges range dhcp secondary-nbns
This command configures the secondary NBNS address to be returned via DHCP on WLAN-GW ISA.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- ip-address
Specifies the secondary NBNS address.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>bw-plcy>t2-paths secondary-path)
Full Context
configure mcast-management bandwidth-policy t2-paths secondary-path
Commands in this context configure secondary path queue parameters. This command overrides the default path limit for the secondary path, which is one of the three ingress multicast paths into the switch fabric.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mac-move secondary-ports)
[Tree] (config>service>template>vpls-template>mac-move secondary-ports)
Full Context
configure service vpls mac-move secondary-ports
configure service template vpls-template mac-move secondary-ports
This command opens configuration context for defining secondary vpls-ports. VPLS ports that were declared as primary prior to the execution of this command will be moved from primary port-level to secondary port-level. Changing a port to the tertiary level can only be done by first removing it from the primary port-level.
secondary-retry-limit {number | infinite}
no secondary-retry-limit
[Tree] (config>router>mpls>lsp>auto-bandwidth>use-last-adj-bw secondary-retry-limit)
Full Context
configure router mpls lsp auto-bandwidth use-last-adj-bw secondary-retry-limit
This command configures the maximum number of retry attempts for secondary paths. After each successful attempt, the counter is reset to zero.
When the specified number is reached, no more attempts are made and the path is put into the shutdown state.
A value of 0 or infinite means that the system will retry forever.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
no secondary-retry-limit
- number
Specifies the number of retries.
- infinite
Specifies a retry limit of infinity.
[no] secondary-shaper-hashing
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sub-prof secondary-shaper-hashing)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile secondary-shaper-hashing
This command enables LAG secondary shaper ID hashing. With this feature enabled, secondary shaper ID hashing can span multiple forwarding complexes on egress LAG. The default is to perform secondary shaper ID hashing on egress and requires all active LAG members to be on the same forwarding complex.
The no form of this command enables the default behavior.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
secondary-url url
no secondary-url
[Tree] (config>python>py-script secondary-url)
Full Context
configure python python-script secondary-url
This command specifies the location of secondary Python script. The system supports three locations for each Python-script. Users can store scripts file on either a local CF card or a FTP server.
The no form of this command removes the URL.
- url
Specifies the secondary URL of the Python script, up to 180 characters, either a local CF card URL or a FTP server URL.
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>dur>cir-pir seconds)
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>dur>perf seconds)
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>dur>policing seconds)
[Tree] (config>test-oam>sath>svc-test>dur>cir seconds)
Full Context
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test test-duration cir-pir seconds
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test test-duration performance seconds
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test test-duration policing seconds
configure test-oam service-activation-testhead service-test test-duration cir seconds
This command configures the seconds portion of the overall duration of a CIR, CIR-PIR, performance, or policing test.
- seconds
Specifies the number of seconds to run the test. This parameter applies to all test types.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
secret secret [hash | hash2 | custom]
no secret
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>wpp>portals>portal secret)
[Tree] (config>router>wpp>portals>portal secret)
Full Context
configure service vprn wpp portals portal secret
configure router wpp portals portal secret
This command configures the secret that is used by WPPv2 to authenticate the messages between portal and BRAS.
The no form of this command removes the secret and hash from the configuration.
- secret
Specifies the secret key to access the server, up to 64 characters.
- hash
Specifies the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- hash2
Specifies the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form that involves more variables than the key value alone, meaning that the hash2 encrypted variable cannot be copied and pasted. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- custom
Specifies the custom encryption to management interface.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
secret secret [hash | hash2 | custom]
no secret
[Tree] (config>router>radius-proxy>server secret)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>radius-proxy>server secret)
Full Context
configure router radius-proxy server secret
configure service vprn radius-proxy server secret
This command configures the shared secret key. The RADIUS client must have the same key to communicate with the RADIUS-proxy server.
The no form of this command removes the parameters from the configuration.
- secret key
Specifies the secret key up to 64 characters to access the RADIUS server. This secret key must match the password on the RADIUS server.
- hash
Specifies that the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- hash2
Specifies that the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form that involves more variables than the key value alone, meaning that the hash2 encrypted variable cannot be copied and pasted. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- custom
Specifies the custom encryption to management interface.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
secret secret-key | hash-key [hash | hash2 | custom]
no secret
[Tree] (config>aaa>isa-radius-plcy>servers>server secret)
Full Context
configure aaa isa-radius-policy servers server secret
This command configures the secret key to access the RADIUS server. This secret key must match the password on the RADIUS server.
no secret
- hash
Specifies the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- hash2
Specifies the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form that involves more variables than the key value alone, meaning that the hash2 encrypted variable cannot be copied and pasted. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, cleartext form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
- custom
Specifies the custom encryption to management interface.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (admin>system>security secure-boot)
Full Context
admin system security secure-boot
Commands in this context administratively provision secure boot.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS-20e
[no] secure-nd
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>ipv6 secure-nd)
Full Context
configure service ies interface ipv6 secure-nd
This command enables Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) on the IPv6 interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default and disabled SeND.
[no] secure-nd
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>ipv6 secure-nd)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface ipv6 secure-nd
This command enables Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) on the IPv6 interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default and disabled SeND.
[no] secure-nd
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipv6 secure-nd)
Full Context
configure router interface ipv6 secure-nd
This command enables Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) on the IPv6 interface.
The no form of this command reverts to the default and disabled SeND.
[Tree] (admin>certificate secure-nd-export)
Full Context
admin certificate secure-nd-export
This command exports IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) certificates to the file cf[1..3]:\system-pki\secureNdKey in PKCS #7 DER format.
secure-nd-import input url-string format input-format [password password] [key-rollover]
[Tree] (admin>certificate secure-nd-import)
Full Context
admin certificate secure-nd-import
This command imports IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery (SeND) certificates from a file, and saves them to cf[1..3]:\system-pki\secureNdKey in PKCS #7 DER format.
- url-string
Specifies the name of an input file up to 99 characters.
- input-format
Specifies the input file format.
- password
Specifies the password to decrypt the input file if it is an encrypted PKCS#12 file.
[Tree] (config>system security)
Full Context
configure system security
Commands in this context configure a number of central security settings, such as DDoS protection, users, authorization profiles, and certificates. Access to these commands should be restricted to highly trusted users and device administrators.
security-association security-entry-id authentication-key hex-string encryption-key hex-string spi spi transform transform-id direction direction
no security-association security-entry-id direction direction
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel>manual-keying security-association)
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel>manual-keying security-association)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ipsec-tunnel>manual-keying security-association)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel>manual-keying security-association)
Full Context
configure service ies interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
configure router interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
configure service vprn interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
This command configures the information required for manual keying SA creation.
The no form of this command removes the security-association parameters from the configuration.
- security-entry-id
Specifies the ID of an SA entry.
- authentication-key hex-string
Specifies an authentication key.
- encryption-key hex-string
Specifies the key used for the encryption algorithm.
- spi spi
Specifies the Security Parameter Index (SPI) used to look up the instruction to verify and decrypt the incoming IPsec packets when the direction is inbound. When the direction is outbound, the SPI that will be used in the encoding of the outgoing packets. The remote node can use this SPI to lookup the instruction to verify and decrypt the packet.
- transform transform-id
Specifies the transform entry that will be used by this SA entry. This object should be specified for all the entries created which are manual SAs. If the value is dynamic, then this value is irrelevant and will be zero.
- direction
Specifies the direction of an IPsec tunnel.
- configure router interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
- configure service ies interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
- configure service vprn interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-tunnel manual-keying security-association
security-association spi spi authentication-key authentication-key encryption-key encryption-key [crypto]
no security-association spi spi
[Tree] (config>grp-encryp>encryp-keygrp security-association)
Full Context
configure group-encryption encryption-keygroup security-association
This command is used to create a security association for a specific SPI value in a key group. The command is also used to enter the authentication and encryption key values for the security association, or to delete a security association.
The SPI value used for the security association is a node-wide unique value, meaning that no two security associations in any key group on the node may share the same SPI value.
Keys are entered in cleartext. After configuration, they are never displayed in their original, cleartext form. Keys are displayed in an encrypted form, which is indicated by the system-appended crypto keyword when an info or an admin>save command is run. For security reasons, keys encrypted on one node are not usable on other nodes (that is, keys are not exchangeable between nodes).
The no form of the command removes the security association and related key values from the list of security associations for the key group. If the no form of the command is attempted using the same SPI value that is configured for active-outbound-sa, then a warning is issued and the command is blocked. If the no form of the command is attempted on the last SPI in the key group and the key group is configured on a service, then the command is blocked.
- spi
Specifies the SPI ID of the SPI being referenced for the security association.
- authentication-key
Specifies the authentication key for the SPI, in hexadecimal format. The number of characters in the hexadecimal string must be 64 or 128, depending on whether the authentication algorithm is set to sha256 or sha512, respectively.
- encryption-key
Specifies the encryption key for the SPI, in hexadecimal format. The number of characters in the hexadecimal string must be 32 or 64, depending on whether the encryption algorithm is set to aes128 or aes256, respectively.
- crypto
Displays the keys showing on the CLI info display in an encrypted form.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
security-param-index security-parameter-index
no security-param-index
[Tree] (debug>oam>build-packet>packet>field-override>header>ipsec-auth security-param-index)
[Tree] (config>test-oam>build-packet>header>ipsec-auth security-param-index)
Full Context
debug oam build-packet packet field-override header ipsec-auth security-param-index
configure test-oam build-packet header ipsec-auth security-param-index
This command defines the security index to be used in the IPsec header. This same context can be used for IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
The no form of this command removes the security parameter index value.
security-param-index 1
- security-parameter-index
Specifies the IPsec security parameter index to be used in the IPsec header.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
security-parameter sec
no security-parameter
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>ipv6>secure-nd security-parameter)
Full Context
configure service ies interface ipv6 secure-nd security-parameter
This command configures the security parameter used in the generation of a Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA).
- sec
Specifies the security parameter.
security-parameter sec
[no] security-parameter
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>send security-parameter)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface ipv6 secure-nd security-parameter
This command configures the security parameter used in the generation of a Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA).
- sec
Specifies the security parameter.
security-parameter sec
no security-parameter
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipv6>secure-nd security-parameter)
Full Context
configure router interface ipv6 secure-nd security-parameter
This command configures the security parameter used in the generation of a Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA).
- sec
Specifies the security parameter.
security-policy security-policy-id [create]
no security-policy security-policy-id
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>ipsec security-policy)
[Tree] (config>router>ipsec security-policy)
Full Context
configure service vprn ipsec security-policy
configure router ipsec security-policy
This command configures a security policy to use for an IPsec tunnel.
The no form of this command removes the security policy ID from the configuration.
- security-policy-id
specifies a value to be assigned to a security policy.
- create
Keyword used to create the security policy instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn ipsec security-policy
- configure router ipsec security-policy
security-policy security-policy-id [strict-match]
no security-policy
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel security-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel security-policy)
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipsec>ipsec-tunnel security-policy)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ipsec-tunnel security-policy)
Full Context
configure service ies interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
configure service vprn interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
configure router interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-tunnel security-policy
This command configures an IPsec security policy. The policy may then be associated with static IPsec tunnels defined in the same routing instance.
With strict-match parameter enabled, when a CREATE_CHILD exchange request is received for a static IPsec tunnel, and this request is not a re-key request, then ISA matches the received TSi and TSr with the configured security policy. This can be a match only when a received TS (in TSi or TSr) address range matches exactly with the subnet in a security policy entry.
If there is no match, then the setup fails, and TS_UNACCEPTABLE is sent.
If there is a match, but there is an existing CHILD_SA for the matched security policy, then the setup fails, and NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN.
If there is a match, and there is not CHILD_SA for the matched entry, then the subnet is sent in the matched security-policy entry as TSi and TSr, and the CHILD_SA is created.
no security-policy
- security-policy-id
Specifies the IPsec security policy entry that the tunnel will use.
- strict-match
Enables strict match of security-policy entry.
- configure router interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
- configure service vprn interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
- configure service ies interface ipsec ipsec-tunnel security-policy
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn interface sap ipsec-tunnel security-policy
[Tree] (config>anysec security-termination-policies)
Full Context
configure anysec security-termination-policies
Commands in this context configure local security termination policies
7750 SR-1-24D, 7750 SR-1-46S, 7750 SR-1-48D, 7750 SR-1-92S, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s
security-termination-policy policy
no security-termination-policy
[Tree] (config>anysec>tnl-enc>enc-grp security-termination-policy)
Full Context
configure anysec tunnel-encryption encryption-group security-termination-policy
This command configures the local security termination policy parameters.
The no form of this command removes the security termination policy.
no security-termination-policy
- policy
Specifies the local security termination policy name, up to 32 characters.
- create
Keyword used to create the security termination policy.
7750 SR-1-24D, 7750 SR-1-46S, 7750 SR-1-48D, 7750 SR-1-92S, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s
seen-ip-radius-acct-policy rad-acct-plcy-name
no seen-ip-radius-acct-policy
[Tree] (config>app-assure>group>transit-ip-policy>radius seen-ip-radius-acct-policy)
Full Context
configure application-assurance group transit-ip-policy radius seen-ip-radius-acct-policy
This command refers to a RADIUS accounting-policy to enable seen-IP notification.
The no form of this command removes the policy.
no seen-ip-radius-acct-policy
- rad-acct-plcy-name
Specifies the RADIUS accounting policy name, up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
segment [segment-id] [create]
no segment segment-id
[Tree] (conf>router>segment-routing>sr-policies>policy>seg-list segment)
Full Context
configure router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy segment-list segment
This command creates the context to configure a segment inside a segment-list of a statically-defined segment routing policy candidate path.
A segment list of a statically-defined SR policy candidate path of type sr-mpls can only accept a segment of type mpls-label.
A segment list of a statically-defined SR policy candidate path of type srv6 can only accept a segment of type srv6-sid. However, you can mix SRv6 segments derived from both classic SRv6 and micro-segment SRv6 locators.
The no form of this command deletes the segment context.
no segment
- segment-id
Specifies the segment ID number.
- create
Keyword used to create the list.
segment-list segment-list
no segment-list
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type-multi-line>lsp-trace>sr-policy segment-list)
[Tree] (config>saa>test>type-multi-line>lsp-ping>sr-policy segment-list)
Full Context
configure saa test type-multi-line lsp-trace sr-policy segment-list
configure saa test type-multi-line lsp-ping sr-policy segment-list
This command configures the segment list ID.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
- segment-list
Specifies the segment list number.
segment-list [1..32] [create]
no segment-list list
[Tree] (conf>router>segment-routing>sr-policies>policy segment-list)
Full Context
configure router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy segment-list
This command creates the context to configure a segment list for the statically-defined segment routing policy candidate path.
Up to 32 segment lists are supported per policy.
The no form of this command deletes the segment list.
- create
Keyword used to create the segment list.
segment-list segment-list-id
no segment-list
[Tree] (config>oam-pm>session>ip>tunnel>mpls>sr-policy segment-list)
Full Context
configure oam-pm session ip tunnel mpls sr-policy segment-list
This command configures the segment list ID for the specific policy.
The no form of this command removes segment list ID.
no segment-list
- segment-list-id
Specifies the segment list ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>router>bgp segment-routing)
Full Context
configure router bgp segment-routing
Commands in this context configure options related to BGP segment routing (prefix SID support).
no segment-routing
[Tree] (config>router>isis segment-routing)
Full Context
configure router isis segment-routing
Commands in this context configure segment routing parameters within a given IGP instance.
Segment routing adds to IS-IS and OSPF routing protocols the ability to perform shortest path routing and source routing using the concept of abstract segment. A segment can represent a local prefix of a node, a specific adjacency of the node (interface or next-hop), a service context, or a specific explicit path over the network. For each segment, the IGP advertises an identifier referred to as Segment ID (SID).
When segment routing is used together with MPLS data plane, the SID is a standard MPLS label. A router forwarding a packet using segment routing will thus push one or more MPLS labels.
Segment routing using MPLS labels can be used in both shortest path routing applications and in traffic engineering applications. This feature implements the shortest path forwarding application.
After segment routing is successfully enabled in the IS-IS or OSPF instance, the router will perform the following operations:
Advertise the Segment Routing Capability Sub-TLV to routers in all areas/levels of this IGP instance. However, only neighbors with which it established an adjacency interprets the SID or label range information and use it for calculating the label to swap to or push for a given resolved prefix SID.
Advertise the assigned index for each configured node SID in the new prefix SID sub-TLV with the N-flag (node-SID flag) set. Then the segment routing module programs the incoming label map (ILM) with a pop operation for each local node SID in the data path.
Assign and advertise automatically an adjacency SID label for each formed adjacency over a network IP interface in the new adjacency SID sub-TLV. The segment routing module programs the incoming label map (ILM) with a pop operation, in effect with a swap to an implicit null label operation, for each advertised adjacency SID.
Resolve received prefixes and if a prefix SID sub-TLV exists, the Segment Routing module programs the ILM with a swap operation and also an LTN with a push operation both pointing to the primary/LFA NHLFE. An SR tunnel is also added to the TTM.
When the user enables segment routing in a given IGP instance, the main SPF and LFA SPF are computed normally and the primary next-hop and LFA backup next-hop for a received prefix are added to RTM without the label information advertised in the prefix SID sub-TLV.
[no] segment-routing
[Tree] (config>router>ospf segment-routing)
[Tree] (config>router>ospf3 segment-routing)
Full Context
configure router ospf segment-routing
configure router ospf3 segment-routing
Commands in this context configure segment routing parameters within an IGP instance.
Segment routing adds to IS-IS, OSPF, or OSPF3 routing protocols the ability to perform shortest path routing and source routing using the concept of abstract segment. A segment can represent a local prefix of a node, a specific adjacency of the node (interface or next hop), a service context, or a specific explicit path over the network. For each segment, the IGP advertises an identifier referred to as a segment ID (SID).
When segment routing is used together with the MPLS data plane, the SID is a standard MPLS label. A router forwarding a packet using segment routing will thus push one or more MPLS labels.
Segment routing using MPLS labels can be used in both shortest path routing applications and traffic engineering applications. This feature implements the shortest path forwarding application.
After segment routing is successfully enabled in the IS-IS, OSPF, or OSPF3 instance, the router will perform the following operations:
Advertise the Segment Routing Capability sub-TLV to routers in all areas or levels of the IGP instance. However, only neighbors with which the IGP instance established an adjacency will interpret the SID and label range information and use it for calculating the label to swap to or push for a particular resolved prefix SID.
Advertise the assigned index for each configured node SID in the new prefix SID sub-TLV with the N-flag (node SID flag) set. The segment routing module then programs the incoming label map (ILM) with a pop operation for each local node SID in the data path.
Automatically assign and advertise an adjacency SID label for each formed adjacency over a network IP interface in the new adjacency SID sub-TLV. The segment routing module programs the incoming label map (ILM) with a pop operation, in effect with a swap to an implicit null label operation, for each advertised adjacency SID.
Resolve received prefixes, and if a prefix SID sub-TLV exists, the segment routing module programs the ILM with a swap operation and programs an LSP ID to NHLFE (LTN) with a push operation, both pointing to the primary/LFA NHLFE. An SR tunnel is also added to the TTM.
When the user enables segment routing in an IGP instance, the main SPF and LFA SPF are computed normally and the primary next hop and LFA backup next hop for a received prefix are added to the RTM without the label information advertised in the prefix SID sub-TLV.
[Tree] (config>router segment-routing)
Full Context
configure router segment-routing
This command creates a context to configure protocol-independent parameters relating to segment routing.
[Tree] (config>router>p2mp-sr-tree>replication-segment segment-routing-mpls)
Full Context
configure router p2mp-sr-tree replication-segment segment-routing-mpls
Commands in this context configure SR-MPLS replication-segment entries for the P2MP tree.
[no] segment-routing-v6
[Tree] (conf>router>segment-routing>sr-policies>policy segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router segment-routing sr-policies static-policy segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure parameters of an SRv6 policy.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[no] segment-routing-v6
[Tree] (config>router>segment-routing segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router segment-routing segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure global SRv6 parameters.
The no form of this command deletes the context.
no segment-routing-v6
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[no] segment-routing-v6
[Tree] (config>router>isis segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router isis segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure SRv6 parameters specific to this IS-IS instance.
This context has its own shutdown command.The config>router>segment-routing>shutdown command only applies to SR-MPLS and does not impact this context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[no] segment-routing-v6 [bgp bgp-instance]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp-ipvpn segment-routing-v6)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure service vprn bgp-ipvpn segment-routing-v6
configure service vprn bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure SRv6 parameters specific to this BGP-IPVPN or BGP-EVPN instance.
The no form of this command deletes the context.
no segment-routing-v6
- bgp bgp-instance
Specifies the BGP instance. If this parameter is not specified, the value of "1" is used by default.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[no] segment-routing-v6
[Tree] (config>router>bgp segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router bgp segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure SRv6 parameters specific to this BGP instance.
The no form of this command deletes the context.
no segment-routing-v6
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
[no] segment-routing-v6
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group>neighbor segment-routing-v6)
[Tree] (config>router>bgp>group segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router bgp group neighbor segment-routing-v6
configure router bgp group segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure SRv6 parameters.
The no form of this command deletes the context.
When configuring this command at the neighbor level, by default, the neighbor inherits route advertisement options from its BGP peer group. However, after this command is configured, there is no inheritance of any route advertisement options from the group level.
no segment-routing-v6
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
segment-routing-v6 instance [create]
no segment-routing-v6 instance
[Tree] (config>service>vpls segment-routing-v6)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure service vpls segment-routing-v6
configure service vprn segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure the SRv6 instance that is used in the service.
The no form of this command removes the configured SRv6 instance.
- instance
Specifies the SRv6 instance number enabled in the service.
- create
Keyword used to create the SRv6 instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
segment-routing-v6 instance [create]
no segment-routing-v6 instance
[Tree] (config>service>epipe segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure service epipe segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure the SRv6 instance that is used in the service.
The no form of this command removes the configured SRv6 instance.
- instance
Specifies the SRv6 instance number enabled in the service.
- create
Keyword used to create the SRv6 instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
segment-routing-v6 [bgp bgp-instance][srv6-instance srv6-instance][default-locator name] [create]
no segment-routing-v6 [bgp bgp-instance]
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure service epipe bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6
configure service vpls bgp-evpn segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure the SRv6 instance that is used in the service.
The no form of this command removes the configured SRv6 instance.
- bgp-instance
Specifies the SRv6 instance that is configured in the service and associated to an EVPN control plane.
- srv6-instance
Specifies the SRv6 instance ID that exists in the service and is associated to a BGP EVPN control plane.
- default-locator
Keyword that refers to a regular or micro-segment locator that exists in the service SRv6 instance and is used as the default locator for the service.
- name
Specifies a locator that exists in the service SRv6 instance and is used as the default locator for the service, up to 64 characters.
- create
Keyword used to create the SRv6 instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
segment-routing-v6 name
[Tree] (config>router>p2mp-sr-tree>replication-segment segment-routing-v6)
Full Context
configure router p2mp-sr-tree replication-segment segment-routing-v6
Commands in this context configure SRv6 replication-segment entries for the P2MP SR tree.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR