q Commands
q-tag-range qtag1 [to qtag1]
no q-tag-range qtag1
[Tree] (config>service>system>bgp-evpn>eth-seg>dot1q q-tag-range)
Full Context
configure service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment dot1q q-tag-range
This command determines the VIDs associated with the virtual Ethernet Segment on a specific dot1q port or LAG based on the following considerations:
Values *, 0 to 4094 are allowed.
Any SAP for which the service-delimiting qtag matches the range is associated with the virtual ES, and only those, for example, SAP 1/1/1:0 will not match port 1/1/1, qtag-range 100.
Maximum 8 ranges are allowed in the dot1q context.
A range can be comprised of a single qtag.
Shutting down the ES is not required prior to changing the q-tag-range.
The no form of the command removes the configured range. Only the first qtag1 value is required to remove the range.
- qtag1
Specifies the VID. When configuring a range of qtags (and not a single value), the second qtag1 value must be greater than the first qtag1.
qci qci-value
no qci
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile>mme>qos qci)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile>pgw>qos qci)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile mme qos qci
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile pgw qos qci
This command configures the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) to send in the Bearer Level QoS IE in GTPv2 messages.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
qci 8
- qci-value
Specifies the QCI value to send.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>service>system>bgp-evpn>eth-seg qinq)
Full Context
configure service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment qinq
Commands in this context configure q-tag and s-tag additions to the port or LAG virtual Ethernet Segments.
qinq-etype qinq-etype-value
no qinq-etype
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet qinq-etype)
Full Context
configure port ethernet qinq-etype
This command configures the Ethertype used for Q-in-Q encapsulation.
The no form of this command reverts the qinq-etype value to the default.
no qinq-etype
- qinq-etype-value
Specifies the qinq-etype to expect in the form of 0x600 to 0xfff.
qinq-etype qinq-etype
no qinq-etype
[Tree] (config>pw-port qinq-etype)
Full Context
configure pw-port qinq-etype
This command configures the QinQ Ethertype on the PW port. The PW port is used to extract a customer's Ethernet traffic that is transported in a tunnel over an IP/MPLS network. The qinq-etype represents the first two bytes (TPID) in the outer 801.1Q header of the double-tagged Ethernet frame inside the tunnel.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
- qinq-etype
The value for the qinq-etype field, in hexadecimal format.
[no] qinq-mark-top-only
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
When the encapsulation type is qinq for the access port for the specified SAP, enabling this command specifies which P-bits or DEI bit to mark during packet egress. Only the P-bits or DEI bit in the top Q tag are marked. When this command is disabled, both sets of P-bits and the DEI bit are marked.
no qinq-mark-top-only
- configure service vprn interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
[no] qinq-mark-top-only
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
configure service ipipe sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
When enabled (the encapsulation type of the access port where this SAP is defined as qinq), the qinq-mark-top-only command specifies which P-bits/DEI bit to mark during packet egress. When disabled, both set of P-bits/DEI bit are marked. When the enabled, only the P-bits/DEI bit in the top Q-tag are marked.
no qinq-mark-top-only
[no] qinq-mark-top-only
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
When enabled (the encapsulation type of the access port where this SAP is defined as qinq), the qinq-mark-top-only command specifies which P-bits/DEI bit to mark during packet egress. When disabled, both set of P-bits/DEI bit are marked. When enabled, only the P-bits/DEI bit in the top Q-tag are marked.
The no form of this command disables the command.
no qinq-mark-top-only
[no] qinq-mark-top-only
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress qinq-mark-top-only)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap egress qinq-mark-top-only
When enabled (the encapsulation type of the access port where this SAP is defined as qinq), the qinq-mark-top-only command specifies which P-bits/DEI bit to mark during packet egress. When disabled, both set of P-bits/DEI bit are marked. When the enabled, only the P-bits/DEI bit in the top Q-tag are marked.
no qinq-mark-top-only
qinq-vlan-translation s-tag.c-tag
no qinq-vlan-translation
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress qinq-vlan-translation)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap ingress qinq-vlan-translation
This command provides ingress VLAN translation for two service-delimiting VLAN values, as opposed to the vlan-translation command that provides translation for only one service-delimiting VLAN value. This command is used with the force-qinq-vc-forwarding command so that the VLAN values that are pushed on SDP bindings or EVPN-MPLS can be normalized (translated).
The no form of the command disables QinQ VLAN translation.
no qinq-vlan-translation
- s-tag.c-tag
Specifies that the VLAN tag values are pushed on SDP bindings and EVPN-MPLS destinations when force-qinq-vc-forwarding s-tag-c-tag is configured. When force-qinq-vc-forwarding c-tag-c-tag is configured, only the C-tag value in qinq-vlan-translation s-tag.c-tag is pushed. When the asterisk (*) value is used for the C-tag, no translation is made on the C-tag.
ql-minimum {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | prc | ssua | ssub | sec | eec1 | eec2}
no ql-minimum
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>bits>output ql-minimum)
Full Context
configure system sync-if-timing bits output ql-minimum
This command configures the minimum acceptable QL value that a signal must have in order to be selected for the BITSout port. This ensures that the signal has traceability to a source with at least this quality level so that attached equipment can function properly.
The no form of this command disables this check.
no ql-minimum
- prs
Specifies the SONET Primary Reference Source.
- stu
Specifies the SONET Synchronous Traceability Unknown.
- st2
Specifies the SONET Stratum 2.
- tnc
Specifies the SONET Transit Node Clock.
- st3e
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3E.
- st3
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3.
- prc
Specifies the SDH Primary Reference Clock.
- ssua
Specifies the SDH Primary Level Synchronization Supply Unit.
- ssub
Specifies the SDH Second Level Synchronization Supply Unit.
- sec
Specifies the SDH Synchronous Equipment Clock.
- eec1
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 1 (sdh).
- eec2
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 2 (sonet).
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
ql-minimum {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | prc | ssua | ssub | sec | eec1 | eec2}
no ql-minimum
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing ql-minimum)
Full Context
configure system sync-if-timing ql-minimum
This command configures the minimum acceptable QL value that a signal must have in order to be considered for selection by the system timing module.
The no form of this command disables this check.
no ql-minimum
- prs
Specifies the SONET Primary Reference Source.
- stu
Specifies the SONET Synchronous Traceability Unknown.
- st2
Specifies the SONET Stratum 2.
- tnc
Specifies the SONET Transit Node Clock.
- st3e
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3E.
- st3
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3.
- prc
Specifies the SDH Primary Reference Clock.
- ssua
Specifies the SDH Primary Level Synchronization Supply Unit.
- ssub
Specifies the SDH Second Level Synchronization Supply Unit.
- sec
Specifies the SDH Synchronous Equipment Clock.
- eec1
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 1 (sdh).
- eec2
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 2 (sonet).
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | prc | ssua | ssub | sec}
no ql-override
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>synce ql-override)
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>ptp ql-override)
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>gnss ql-override)
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>bits ql-override)
Full Context
configure system sync-if-timing synce ql-override
configure system sync-if-timing ptp ql-override
configure system sync-if-timing gnss ql-override
configure system sync-if-timing bits ql-override
This command configures the QL value to be used for the reference for SETS input selection and BITS output selection. This value overrides any value received by that reference's SSM process.
no ql-override
- prs
Specifies the SONET Primary Reference Source Traceable.
- stu
Specifies the SONET Synchronous Traceability Unknown.
- st2
Specifies the SONET Stratum 2 Traceable.
- tnc
Specifies the SONET Transit Node Clock Traceable.
- st3e
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3E Traceable.
- st3
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3 Traceable.
- prc
Specifies the SDH Primary Reference Clock Traceable.
- ssua
Specifies the SDH Primary Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- ssub
Specifies the SDH Second Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- sec
Specifies the SDH Synchronous Equipment Clock Traceable.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure system sync-if-timing bits ql-override
- configure system sync-if-timing ptp ql-override
- configure system sync-if-timing synce ql-override
7750 SR-1-24D, 7750 SR-1-46S, 7750 SR-1-48D, 7750 SR-1-92S, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se
- configure system sync-if-timing gnss ql-override
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | prc | ssua | ssub | sec | eec1 | eec2}
no ql-override
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>ref1 ql-override)
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing>ref2 ql-override)
Full Context
configure system sync-if-timing ref1 ql-override
configure system sync-if-timing ref2 ql-override
This command configures the QL value to be used for the reference for SETS input selection and BITS output. This value overrides any value received by that reference's SSM process.
no ql-override
- prs
Specifies the SONET Primary Reference Source Traceable.
- stu
Specifies the SONET Synchronous Traceability Unknown.
- st2
Specifies the SONET Stratum 2 Traceable.
- tnc
Specifies the SONET Transit Node Clock Traceable.
- st3e
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3E Traceable.
- st3
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3 Traceable.
- prc
Specifies the SDH Primary Reference Clock Traceable.
- ssua
Specifies the SDH Primary Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- ssub
Specifies the SDH Second Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- sec
Specifies the SDH Synchronous Equipment Clock Traceable.
- eec1
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 1 Traceable (sdh).
- eec2
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 2 Traceable (sonet).
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | prc | ssua | ssub | sec | eec1 | eec2}
no ql-override
[Tree] (conf>sys>sat>eth-sat>sync-if>ref1 ql-override)
[Tree] (conf>sys>sat>eth-sat>sync-if>ref2 ql-override)
Full Context
configure system satellite eth-sat sync-if-timing ref1 ql-override
configure system satellite eth-sat sync-if-timing ref2 ql-override
This command configures the quality level value to be used for the reference.
no ql-override
- prs
Specifies the SONET Primary Reference Source Traceable (Stratum 1).
- stu
Specifies the SONET Synchronous Traceability Unknown.
- st2
Specifies the SONET Stratum 2 Traceable.
- tnc
Specifies the SONET Transit Node Clock Traceable.
- st3e
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3E Traceable.
- st3
Specifies the SONET Stratum 3 Traceable.
- prc
Specifies the SDH Primary Reference Clock Traceable.
- ssua
Specifies the SDH Primary Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- ssub
Specifies the SDH Second Level Synchronization Supply Unit Traceable.
- sec
Specifies the SDH Synchronous Equipment Clock Traceable.
- eec1
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 1 Traceable (sdh).
- eec2
Specifies the Ethernet Equipment Clock Option 2 Traceable (SONET).
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[no] ql-selection
[Tree] (config>system>sync-if-timing ql-selection)
Full Context
configure system sync-if-timing ql-selection
When enabled, the selection of system timing reference and BITS output timing reference takes into account quality level. Quality level is conveyed via the SSM or forced using the ql-override command.
no ql-selection
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile>mme qos)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile>pgw qos)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile>ggsn qos)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile mme qos
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile pgw qos
configure subscriber-mgmt gtp peer-profile ggsn qos
Commands in this context configure QoS for a GGSN Mobile Gateway.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id
qos policy-id [multipoint-shared | service-queuing]
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | service-queuing]
no qos
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>vpls-only>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>vpls-only>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>ies-vprn>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>ies-vprn>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters egress qos
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters ingress qos
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy ies-vprn-only-sap-parameters egress qos
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy ies-vprn-only-sap-parameters ingress qos
This command specifies the ingress or egress Quality of Service (QoS) policy that is associated with a Managed SAP (MSAP). Only QoS policies with scope template can be associated with MSAPs.
The no form of this command resets the default value. The system default QoS policy is used in that case.
qos 1 — For egress parameters.
qos 1 multipoint-shared — For ingress vpls-only-sap-parameters.
qos 1 shared-queuing — For ingress ies-vprn-only-sap-parameters.
- policy-id
Specifies the QoS policy ID or name to associate with the MSAPs. The policy ID or name must already exist.
- multipoint-shared
Ingress unicast MSAP queues are mapped one-for-one with hardware queues. Multipoint MSAP queues are not instantiated. Unicast and BUM packets traverse the ingress forwarding plane twice: in the first pass, both unicast and BUM traffic use the unicast MSAP queues, while in the second pass shared unicast and multipoint queues are used towards the egress line card. Multipoint-shared queuing greatly reduces ingress queue consumption. This keyword can only be specified for ingress vpls-only-sap-parameters.
- shared-queuing
Ingress unicast MSAP queues are mapped one-for-one with hardware queues. Unicast packets traverse the ingress forwarding plane twice: in the first pass the MSAP queues are used, while in the second pass shared queues are used towards the egress line card. Shared-queuing greatly reduces ingress queue consumption. This keyword can only be specified for ingress ies-vprn-only-sap-parameters.
- service-queuing
Ingress MSAP queues are mapped to multiple hardware queues, per egress line card destination. For scaled environments such as in subscriber management, this could lead to a high number of queue resources being used. Therefore, service-queuing for MSAPs should only be enabled for specific use cases. This keyword can only be specified for ingress parameters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id [vport-scheduler | port-scheduler] [force]
no qos
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress qos)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos
This command specifies the egress QoS policy applicable to this SLA profile. The policy must already be defined in the config>qos>sap-egress context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
qos 1 port-scheduler
- policy-id
Specifies the egress policy to be applied to the egress SLA profile.
- vport-scheduler | port-scheduler
Specifies if a host queue with the port-parent option enabled should be scheduled within the context of a Vport port scheduler policy or at the port’s port scheduler policy.
- force
Forces a policy change
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared | service-queuing] [force]
no qos
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile ingress qos
This command specifies the ingress QoS policy applicable to this SLA profile. The policy must already be defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
qos 1
- policy-id
Specifies the policy to be applied to the ingress SLA profile.
- shared-queuing
Specifies the policy used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null it means that the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- multipoint-shared
This keyword is mutually exclusive with the shared-queuing and service-queuing keywords. When multipoint-shared is specified, the ingress forwarding plane will conserve hardware queues by performing two tier queuing on ingress unicast and multipoint packets through the SAP. Unicast service queues defined in the SAP ingress QoS policy are created for the SAP on the ingress forwarding plane without regard for the switch fabric destinations to which the SAP may need to forward (other destinations in the VPLS context). The multipoint queues defined in the SAP ingress QoS policy are not created for the SAP. Instead, all multipoint traffic is mapped to the unicast queues based on forwarding class in the first pass. In the second pass the unicast packets is mapped to the unicast shared queues while the multipoint traffic is mapped to the multipoint shared queues.
- service-queuing
This keyword is mutually exclusive with the multipoint-shared and shared-queuing keywords to state that service queuing is needed.
- force
Forces a policy change.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qos
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress qos
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap ingress qos
Associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an egress Service Access Point (SAP) or IP interface.
QoS egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP or IP interface. If the policy-id does not exist, an error are returned.
The qos command is used to associate egress QoS policies. The qos command only allows egress policies on SAP or IP interface egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP or IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a given type returns an error.
By default, no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP or IP interface for egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The normal behavior is for queues to be created per destination.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP or IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The egress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on egress. The policy ID must already exist.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id
qos policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress qos
configure service ies interface sap egress qos
configure service vprn interface sap egress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an egress Service Access Point (SAP) or IP interface.
QoS egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP or IP interface. If the policy ID does not exist, an error is returned.
The qos command associates both ingress and egress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP or IP interface ingress and egress policies on SAP or IP interface egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP or IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a given type returns an error.
By default, no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP or IP interface for ingress or egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP or IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The ingress/egress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress/egress. The policy ID must already exist.
- port-redirect-group
This keyword associates a SAP egress with an instance of a named queue group template on the egress port of a given IOM/IMM/XMA. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the egress port queue group of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters in length. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid egress queue group, created under config>port>ethernet>access>egress.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named egress port queue group on the IOM/IMM/XMA.
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an egress Service Access Point (SAP).
QoS ingress and egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP. If the policy-id does not exist, an error will be returned.
The qos command is used to associate both ingress and egress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP ingress and egress policies on SAP egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a specified type will return an error.
When an egress QoS policy is associated with an IES IP interface that has been bound to a VPLS, the policy becomes associated with every SAP on the VPLS and augments the egress QoS policy that is defined on each SAP. Packets that are bridged will be processed using the policy defined on the VPLS SAP; packets that are routed will be processed using the policy defined in the IES IP interface- binding context.
By default, if no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for ingress or egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- port-redirect-group
Associates a SAP egress with an instance of a named queue group template on the egress port of a specified IOM/IMM/XMA. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the egress port queue group of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters in length. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid egress queue group, created under config>port>ethernet>access>egress.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named egress port queue group on the IOM/IMM/XMA
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap ingress qos
Associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP) or IP interface.
QoS ingress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP or IP interface. If the policy-id does not exist, an error is returned.
This qos command is used to associate ingress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP or IP interface ingress.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP or IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a given type returns an error.
By default, no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP or IP interface for ingress so the default QoS policy is used.
The normal behavior is for queues to be created per destination. Shared and multipoint shared change this behavior creating either unicast or unicast and mcast shared queues.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP or IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The ingress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress. The policy ID must already exist.
- shared-queuing
Specifies the ingress shared queue policy a SAP uses. When the value of this object is null, the SAP uses individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones. This keyword only applies on the SAP ingress.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared] [fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared]
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap ingress qos
configure service vprn interface sap ingress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP).
QoS ingress and egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP. If the policy ID does not exist, an error is returned.
The qos command is used to associate both ingress and egress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP ingress and egress policies on SAP egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP or IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a given type returns an error.
By default, no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for ingress or egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP or IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The ingress/egress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress/egress. The policy ID must already exist.
1 to 65535
- shared-queuing
Specifies the ingress shared queue policy used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null it means that the SAP uses individual ingress QoS queues instead of the shared ones.
- multipoint-shared
Specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be explicitly mapped to the forwarding class multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic. Attempting to map forwarding class unicast traffic to a multipoint queue generates an error; no changes are made to the current unicast traffic queue mapping.
A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated and the command is not executed.
The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue ID parameters.
- fp-redirect-group
Creates an instance of a named queue group template on the ingress forwarding plane of a given IOM/IMM/XMA. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command. The named queue group template can contain only policers. If it contains queues, then the command fails.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template to be instantiated on the forwarding plane of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid ingress queue group template name, configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates context.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named queue group to be created on the IOM/IMM/XMA ingress forwarding plane.
qos policy-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface wlan-gw egress qos
This command configures the identifier of the egress QoS policy associated with each wlan-gw tunnel of this interface.
The no form of this command removes the policy ID from the configuration.
qos 1
- policy-id
Specifies to apply the specified sap-egress-policy-id.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
qos policy-id
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service ipipe sap egress qos
configure service cpipe sap egress qos
configure service epipe sap egress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an egress Service Access Point (SAP).
QoS ingress and egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP. If the policy-id does not exist, an error will be returned.
The qos command, when used under the egress context, is used to associate egress QoS policies.
The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP ingress and egress policies on SAP egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a specified type will return an error.
By default, if no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for ingress or egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The egress policy ID to associate with SAP on egress. The policy ID must already exist.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the egress port queue group of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters in length. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid egress queue group, created under config>port>ethernet>access>egress.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named egress port queue group on the IOM/IMM/XMA.
- configure service epipe sap egress qos
- configure service ipipe sap egress qos
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress qos
qos policy-id [shared-queuing] [fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service cpipe sap ingress qos
configure service ipipe sap ingress qos
configure service epipe sap ingress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP).
QoS ingress and egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP. If the policy-id does not exist, an error will be returned.
The qos command, when used under the ingress context, is used to associate ingress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP ingress and egress policies on SAP egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a specified type will return an error.
By default, if no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for ingress or egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The ingress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress. The policy ID must already exist.
- shared-queuing
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. The shared-queuing keyword specifies the shared queue policy will be used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- fp-redirect-group
This keyword can only be used on SAP ingress and associates a SAP ingress with an instance of a named queue group template on the ingress forwarding plane of a specified IOM/IMM/XMA. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group to be instance on the forwarding plane of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters in length. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid ingress forwarding plane queue group, created under config>card>fp>ingress> access.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named queue group on the IOM/IMM/XMA ingress forwarding plane.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress qos
- configure service ipipe sap ingress qos
- configure service epipe sap ingress qos
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service epipe spoke-sdp egress qos
configure service cpipe spoke-sdp egress qos
configure service ipipe spoke-sdp egress qos
configure service vpls mesh-sdp egress qos
configure service vpls spoke-sdp egress qos
This command is used to redirect pseudowire (PW) packets to an egress port queue-group for the purpose of shaping.
The egress PW shaping provisioning model allows the mapping of one or more PWs to the same instance of queues, or policers and queues, that are defined in the queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model consists of the following steps:
Create an egress queue-group template and configure queues only, or policers and queues for each FC that needs to be redirected.
Apply the queue-group template to the network egress context of all ports where there exists a network IP interface that the PW packets can be forwarded on. This creates one instance of the template on the egress of the port. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer or FC-to-queue mappings together with the redirect to a queue-group in the egress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step, which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different PWs to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the egress context of a spoke-sdp inside a service, or to the egress context of a PW template and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-sdps can have their FCs redirected to use queues only, or queues and policers in the same queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model:
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-sdp to the named queue-group. In such a case, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface the PW packet is forwarded on. This queue can be a queue-group queue or the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port. This is the existing implementation and default behavior for a PW packet.
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name exists but the policer-id and/or the queue-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-sdp to the named queue-group. In such a case, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface the PW packet is forwarded on.
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id or policer-id plus queue-id exist, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all egress network ports that have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a PW packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that egress port, the packet is processed by the queue-group policer and will then be fed to the queue-group queue.
When a PW packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that egress port, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the egress context of a PW, any PW FC that is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy will have the corresponding packets feed directly the corresponding the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
When the queue-group name the PW is redirected to exists and the redirection succeeds, the marking of the packet’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP/EXP is performed according to the relevant mappings of the {FC, profile} in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the PW. This is true regardless of whether an instance of the queue-group exists or not on the egress port the PW packet is forwarded to. If the packet’s profile value changed due to egress child policer CIR profiling, the new profile value is used to mark the packet’s DEI/dot1p and the tunnel’s DEI/dot1p/EXP, and the DSCP/prec will be remarked if enable-dscp-prec-marking is enabled under the policer.
When the queue-group name the PW is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the marking of the packet’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP/EXP fields is performed according to the relevant commands in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface to which the PW packet is forwarded.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the PW to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length.
- instance-id
Specifies the optional identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- configure service vpls mesh-sdp egress qos
- configure service epipe spoke-sdp egress qos
- configure service vpls spoke-sdp egress qos
- configure service ipipe spoke-sdp egress qos
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe spoke-sdp egress qos
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
no qos [network-policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp egress qos
configure service ies interface spoke-sdp egress qos
This command is used to redirect pseudowire packets to an egress port queue-group for the purpose of shaping.
The egress pseudowire shaping provisioning model allows the mapping of one or more pseudowires to the same instance of queues, or policers and queues, which are defined in the queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model consists of the following steps:
Create an egress queue-group template and configure queues only or policers and queues for each FC that needs to be redirected.
Apply the queue-group template to the network egress context of all ports where there exists a network IP interface on which the pseudowire packets can be forwarded. This creates one instance of the template on the egress of the port. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer or FC-to-queue mappings together with the redirect to a queue-group in the egress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step, which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different pseudowires to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the egress context of a spoke-SDP inside a service or to the egress context of a pseudowire template and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-SDPs can have their FCs redirected to use queues only or queues and policers in the same queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model:
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface on which the pseudowire packet is forwarded. This queue can be a queue-group queue, or the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port. This is the existing implementation and default behavior for a pseudowire packet.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer, and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name exists, but the policer-id and/or the queue-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface the pseudowire packet is forwarded on.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a queue, or a policer and a queue in a queue-group, and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id or policer-id plus queue-id exist, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all egress network ports which have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that egress port, the packet is processed by the queue-group policer and will then be fed to the queue-group queue.
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that egress port, the pseudowire packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the egress context of a pseudowire, any pseudowire FC, which is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy, will have the corresponding packets feed directly the corresponding the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
When the queue-group name the pseudowire is redirected to exists and the redirection succeeds, the marking of the packet DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel DEI/dot1p/DSCP/EXP is performed; according to the relevant mappings of the (FC, profile) in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the pseudowire. This is true regardless, whether an instance of the queue-group exists or not on the egress port to which the pseudowire packet is forwarded. If the packet profile value changed due to egress child policer CIR profiling, the new profile value is used to mark the packet DEI/dot1p and the tunnel DEI/dot1p/EXP, and the DSCP/prec will be remarked if enable-dscp-prec-marking is enabled under the policer.
When the queue-group name the pseudowire is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the marking of the packet DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel DEI/dot1p/DSCP/EXP fields is performed according to the relevant commands in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface to which the pseudowire packet is forwarded.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the pseudowire to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- port-redirect-group queue-group-name
This optional parameter specifies that the queue-group-name will be used for all egress forwarding class redirections within the network QoS policy ID. The specified queue-group-name must exist as a port egress queue group on the port associated with the IP interface.
- egress-instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos [network-policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies interface spoke-sdp ingress qos
configure service vprn interface spoke-sdp ingress qos
This command is used to redirect pseudowire packets to an ingress forwarding plane queue-group for the purpose of rate-limiting.
The ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature uses a policer in queue-group provisioning model. This model allows the mapping of one or more pseudowires to the same instance of policers, which are defined in a queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model in the case of the ingress pseudowire shaping feature consists of the following steps:
Create an ingress queue-group template and configure policers for each FC that needs to be redirected and optionally, for each traffic type (unicast, broadcast, unknown, or multicast).
Apply the queue-group template to the network ingress forwarding plane where there exists a network IP interface to which the pseudowire packets can be received. This creates one instance of the template on the ingress of the FP. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer mappings together with the policer redirect to a queue-group in the ingress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step, which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different pseudowires to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the ingress context of a spoke-SDP inside a service, or to the ingress context of a pseudowire template, and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-SDPs can have their FCs redirected to use policers in the same policer queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model when used in the ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature:
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists but the policer-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id is defined in the queue-group template, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all ingress FPs which have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that FP, the packet is processed by the policer and will then feed the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as policer-output-queues.
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that FP, the pseudowire packets will be fed directly into the corresponding ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of a pseudowire, any pseudowire FC which is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy will have the corresponding packets feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If no network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of the pseudowire, then all packets of the pseudowire will feed:
the ingress network shared queue for the packet FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP. This is the default behavior.
a queue-group policer followed by the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as policer-output-queues if the ingress context of the network IP interface from which the packet is received is redirected to a queue-group (csc-policing). The only exceptions to this behavior are for packets received from a IES/VPRN spoke interface and from an R-VPLS spoke-SDP, which is forwarded to the R-VPLS IP interface. In these two cases, the ingress network shared queue for the packet FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP is used.
When a pseudowire is redirected to use a policer queue-group, the classification of the packet for the purpose of FC and profile determination is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the pseudowire. This is true regardless of whether an instance of the named policer queue-group exists on the ingress FP on which the pseudowire packet is received. The user can apply a QoS filter matching the dot1.p in the VLAN tag corresponding to the Ethernet port encapsulation, the EXP in the outer label when the tunnel is an LSP, the DSCP in the IP header if the tunnel encapsulation is GRE, and the DSCP in the payload IP header if the user enabled the ler-use-dscp option and the pseudowire terminates in IES or VPRN service (spoke-interface).
When the policer queue-group name the pseudowire is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the packet classification is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface on which the pseudowire packet is received.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the pseudowire to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- fp- redirect-group queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length.
- ingress-instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
qos name network-policy-name port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos [network-policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service pw-template egress qos
This command is used to redirect PW packets to an egress port queue-group for the purpose of shaping.
The egress PW shaping provisioning model allows the mapping of one or more PWs to the same instance of queues, or policers and queues, that are defined in the queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model consists of the following steps:
Create an egress queue-group template and configure queues only, or policers and queues for each FC that needs to be redirected.
Apply the queue-group template to the network egress context of all ports where there exists a network IP interface that the PW packets can be forwarded on. This creates one instance of the template on the egress of the port. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer or FC-to-queue mappings together with the redirect to a queue- group in the egress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step, which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different PWs to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the egress context of a spoke-SDP inside a service, or to the egress context of a PW template and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-SDPs can have their FCs redirected to use queues only, or queues and policers in the same queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model.
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface the PW packet is forwarded on. This queue can be a queue-group queue or the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port. This is the existing implementation and default behavior for a PW packet.
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name exists but the policer-id and/or the queue-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the egress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress queue for that FC used by the IP network interface the PW packet is forwarded on.
When a PW FC is redirected to use a queue or a policer and a queue in a queue-group and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id or policer-id plus queue-id exist, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all egress network ports that have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a PW packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that egress port, the packet is processed by the queue-group policer and will then be fed to the queue-group queue.
When a PW packet for that FC is forwarded and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that egress port, the PW packet will be fed directly to the corresponding egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the egress context of a PW, any PW FC that is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy will have the corresponding packets feed directly the corresponding the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
When the queue-group name the PW is redirected to exists and the redirection succeeds, the marking of the packet’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP/EXP is performed according to the relevant mappings of the {FC, profile} in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the PW. This is true regardless of whether an instance of the queue-group exists or not on the egress port the PW packet is forwarded to. If the packet’s profile value changed due to egress child policer CIR profiling, the new profile value is used to mark the packet’s DEI/dot1p and the tunnel’s DEI/dot1p/EXP, and the DSCP/prec will be remarked if enable-dscp-prec-marking is enabled under the policer.
When the queue-group name the PW is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the marking of the packet’s DEI/dot1p/DSCP and the tunnel’s DEI/ dot1p/DSCP/EXP fields is performed according to the relevant commands in the egress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface the PW packet is forwarded to.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the PW to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name network-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- name network-policy-name
Specifies the network policy name. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system, up to 64 characters.
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>spoke-sdp>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls mesh-sdp ingress qos
configure service ipipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
configure service vpls spoke-sdp ingress qos
configure service epipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
configure service cpipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
This command is used to redirect pseudowire packets to an ingress forwarding plane queue-group for the purpose of rate-limiting.
The ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature uses a policer in queue-group provisioning model. This model allows the mapping of one or more pseudowires to the same instance of policers, which are defined in a queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model in the case of the ingress pseudowire shaping feature consists of the following steps:
Create an ingress queue-group template and configure policers for each FC that needs to be redirected and optionally, for each traffic type (unicast or multicast).
Apply the queue-group template to the network ingress forwarding plane where there exists a network IP interface to which the pseudowire packets can be received. This creates one instance of the template on the ingress of the FP. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer mappings together with the policer redirect to a queue-group in the ingress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step, which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different pseudowires to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the ingress context of a spoke-SDP inside a service, or to the ingress context of a pseudowire template, and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-SDPs can have their FCs redirected to use policers in the same policer queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model when used in the ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature:
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists but the policer-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-SDP to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id is defined in the queue-group template, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all ingress FPs which have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that FP, the packet is processed by the policer and will then feed the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as policer-output-queues.
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that FP, the pseudowire packets will be fed directly into the corresponding ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of a pseudowire, any pseudowire FC which is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy will have the corresponding packets feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If no network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of the pseudowire, then all packets of the pseudowire will feed:
the ingress network shared queue for the packet FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP. This is the default behavior.
a queue-group policer followed by the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as policer-output-queues if the ingress context of the network IP interface from which the packet is received is redirected to a queue-group. The only exceptions to this behavior are for packets received from a IES/VPRN spoke interface and from an R-VPLS spoke-SDP, which is forwarded to the R-VPLS IP interface. In these two cases, the ingress network shared queue for the packet FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP is used.
When a pseudowire is redirected to use a policer queue-group, the classification of the packet for the purpose of FC and profile determination is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the pseudowire. This is true regardless of whether an instance of the named policer queue-group exists on the ingress FP on which the pseudowire packet is received. The user can apply a QoS filter matching the dot1-p in the VLAN tag corresponding to the Ethernet port encapsulation, the EXP in the outer label when the tunnel is an LSP, the DSCP in the IP header if the tunnel encapsulation is GRE, and the DSCP in the payload IP header if the user enabled the ler-use-dscp option and the pseudowire terminates in IES or VPRN service (spoke-interface).
When the policer queue-group name the pseudowire is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the packet classification is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface on which the pseudowire packet is received.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the pseudowire to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
- configure service ipipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
- configure service vpls spoke-sdp ingress qos
- configure service epipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
- configure service vpls mesh-sdp ingress qos
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe spoke-sdp ingress qos
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
qos name network-policy-name fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos [network-policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service pw-template ingress qos
This command is used to redirect pseudowire packets to an ingress forwarding plane queue-group for the purpose of rate-limiting.
The ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature uses a policer in queue-group provisioning model. This model allows the mapping of one or more pseudowires to the same instance of policers which are defined in a queue-group template.
Operationally, the provisioning model in the case of the ingress pseudowire shaping feature consists of the following steps:
Create an ingress queue-group template and configure policers for each FC which needs to be redirected and optionally for each traffic type (unicast or multicast).
Apply the queue-group template to the network ingress forwarding plane where there exists a network IP interface which the pseudowire packets can be received on. This creates one instance of the template on the ingress of the FP. One or more instances of the same template can be created.
Configure FC-to-policer mappings together with the policer redirect to a queue-group in the ingress context of a network QoS policy. No queue-group name is specified in this step which means the same network QoS policy can redirect different pseudowires to different queue-group templates.
Apply this network QoS policy to the ingress context of a spoke-sdp inside a service or to the ingress context of a pseudowire template and specify the redirect queue-group name.
One or more spoke-sdps can have their FCs redirected to use policers in the same policer queue-group instance.
The following are the constraints and rules of this provisioning model when used in the ingress pseudowire rate-limiting feature:
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name does not exist, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-sdp to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists but the policer-id is not defined in the queue-group template, the association is failed at the time the user associates the ingress context of a spoke-sdp to the named queue-group. In such a case, the pseudowire packet will feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
When a pseudowire FC is redirected to use a policer in a named policer queue-group and the queue-group name exists and the policer-id is defined in the queue-group template, it is not required to check that an instance of that queue-group exists in all ingress FPs which have network IP interfaces. The handling of this is dealt with in the data path as follows:
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name exists on that FP, the packet is processed by the policer and will then feed the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as "policer-output-queues”.
When a pseudowire packet for that FC is received and an instance of the referenced queue-group name does not exist on that FP, the pseudowire packets will be fed directly into the corresponding ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If a network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of a pseudowire, any pseudowire FC which is not explicitly redirected in the network QoS policy will have the corresponding packets feed directly the ingress network shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP.
If no network QoS policy is applied to the ingress context of the pseudowire, then all packets of the pseudowire will feed:
the ingress network shared queue for the packet’s FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP. This is the default behavior.
a queue-group policer followed by the per-FP ingress shared queues referred to as "policer-output-queues” Good received is redirected to a queue-group. The only exceptions to this behavior are for packets received from a IES/VPRN spoke interface and from a R-VPLS spoke-sdp which is forwarded to the R-VPLS IP interface. In these two cases, the ingress network shared queue for the packet’s FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the ingress of the FP is used. When a pseudowire is redirected to use a policer queue-group, the classification of the packet for the purpose of FC and profile determination is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the pseudowire. This is true regardless if an instance of the named policer queue-group exists on the ingress FP the pseudowire packet is received on. The user can apply a QoS filter matching the dot1p in the VLAN tag corresponding to the Ethernet port encapsulation, the EXP in the outer label when the tunnel is an LSP, the DSCP in the IP header if the tunnel encapsulation is GRE, and the DSCP in the payload’s IP header if the user enabled the ler-use-dscp option and the pseudowire terminates in IES or VPRN service (spoke-interface).
When the policer queue-group name the pseudowire is redirected does not exist, the redirection command is failed. In this case, the packet classification is performed according to default classification rule or the QoS filters defined in the ingress context of the network QoS policy applied to the network IP interface the pseudowire packet is received on.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of the pseudowire to the queue-group.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name network-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- name network-policy-name
Specifies the network policy name. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system, up to 64 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
qos policy-id
qos name sap-egress-policy-name
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>template>epipe-sap-template>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service template epipe-sap-template egress qos
This command associates an existing QoS policy with the template.
- policy-id
The egress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on egress. The policy ID must already exist.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name sap-egress-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- sap-egress-policy-name
The SAP egress QoS policy name to associate with the SAP on egress, up to 64 characters.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos name sap-ingress-policy-name [ shared-queuing]
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>template>epipe-sap-template>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service template epipe-sap-template ingress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP) for the Epipe SAP template.
- sap-ingress-policy-name
The SAP ingress QoS policy name to associate with the SAP on ingress.
- policy-id
The ingress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress. The policy ID must already exist.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name sap-ingress-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- shared-queuing
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. Specify the ingress shared queue policy used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>vxlan>network>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls vxlan network ingress qos
This command is used to redirect traffic arriving on VXLAN tunnels in an EVPN VXLAN service as a single entity (per forwarding class) to policers in an ingress forwarding plane queue group for the purpose of rate-limiting.
For the policer to be used, the following must be true:
The configured queue group template name must be applied to the forwarding plane on which the ingress traffic arrives using the instance id specified.
The policer referenced in the FC-to-policer mappings in the ingress context of a network QoS policy must be present in the specified queue group template.
The command will fail if the queue group template name does not exist or if the policer specified in the network QoS policy does not exist in the queue group template. If the queue group template name with the specified instance is not applied to the forwarding plane on which the VXLAN traffic arrives, then this traffic will use the ingress network queues related to the network interface; however, the ingress classification is still based on the applied network QoS policy.
The unicast traffic can be redirected to a policer under the forwarding class fp-redirect-group command in the ingress section of a network QoS policy. Similarly, broadcast, unknown and multicast traffic can be redirected to a broadcast-policer, unknown-policer or mcast-policer, respectively, also under the forwarding class fp-redirect-group command in the ingress section of a network QoS policy.
Ingress classification is based on the configuration of the ingress section of the specified network QoS policy, noting that the dot1p and DSCP classification is based on the outer Ethernet header and IP header, and the use of ler-use-dscp, ip-criteria and ipv6-criteria statements are ignored.
When this command is applied, it overrides the QoS applied to the related network interfaces for traffic arriving on VXLAN tunnels in that service but does not affect traffic received on a spoke-SDP in the same service.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of VXLAN tunnel traffic from the queue group policers.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos [network-policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>encap-defined-qos>encap-group qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress encap-defined-qos encap-group qos
This command configures the QoS ID.
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared]
qos name sap-ingress-policy-name [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared]
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>template>vpls-sap-template>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service template vpls-sap-template ingress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP) for the Epipe SAP template.
- policy-id
The ingress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress. The policy ID must already exist.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name sap-ingress-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- shared-queuing
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. Specify the ingress shared queue policy used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- multipoint-shared
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. Multipoint shared queuing is a superset of shared queuing. When multipoint shared queuing keyword is set, as well as the unicast packets, multipoint packets also used shared queues.
Ingress unicast service queues are mapped one-for-one with hardware queues and unicast packets traverse the ingress forwarding plane twice, similar to the shared-queuing option. In addition, the multipoint queues defined in the ingress SAP QoS policy are not created. Instead, multipoint packets (broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast destined) are treated to the same dual pass ingress forwarding plane processing as unicast packets.
When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- sap-ingress-policy-name
The SAP ingress QoS policy name to associate with the SAP on ingress, up to 64 characters.
qos sap-egress-policy-id
qos name sap-egress-policy-name
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>template>vpls-sap-template>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service template vpls-sap-template egress qos
This command associates an existing QoS policy with the template.
- sap-egress-policy-id
The egress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on egress. The policy ID must already exist.
This variant of the command is only supported in 'classic' configuration-mode (configure system management-interface configuration-mode classic). The qos name sap-egress-policy-name variant can be used in all configuration modes.
- sap-egress-policy-name
The SAP egress QoS policy name to associate with the SAP on egress, up to 64 characters.
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared] [fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap ingress qos
This command associates a Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an ingress Service Access Point (SAP).
QoS ingress and egress policies are important for the enforcement of SLA agreements. The policy ID must be defined prior to associating the policy with a SAP or IP interface. If the policy-id does not exist, an error will be returned.
The qos command is used to associate both ingress and egress QoS policies. The qos command only allows ingress policies to be associated on SAP ingress and egress policies on SAP egress. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error.
Only one ingress and one egress QoS policy can be associated with a SAP at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a specified type will return an error.
When an ingress QoS policy is defined on IES ingress IP interface that is bound to a VPLS, the policy becomes associated with every SAP on the VPLS and augments the QoS policy that is defined on each SAP. Packets that are bridged will be processed using the policy defined on the VPLS SAP; packets that are routed will be processed using the policy defined in the IES IP interface-binding context.
By default, if no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for ingress or egress, the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
- policy-id
The ingress policy ID to associate with SAP or IP interface on ingress. The policy ID must already exist.
- shared-queuing
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. Specify the ingress shared queue policy used by this SAP. When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- multipoint-shared
This keyword can only be specified on SAP ingress. Multipoint shared queuing is a superset of shared queuing. When multipoint shared queuing keyword is set, as well as the unicast packets, multipoint packets also used shared queues.
Ingress unicast service queues are mapped one-for-one with hardware queues and unicast packets traverse the ingress forwarding plane twice, similar to the shared-queuing option. In addition, the multipoint queues defined in the ingress SAP QoS policy are not created. Instead, multipoint packets (broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast destined) are treated to the same dual pass ingress forwarding plane processing as unicast packets.
When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
When the value of this object is null, the SAP will use individual ingress QoS queues, instead of the shared ones.
- fp-redirect-group
Creates an instance of a named queue group template on the ingress forwarding plane of a specified IOM/IMM/XMA. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command. The named queue group template can contain only policers. If it contains queues, then the command will fail.
- queue-group-name
- Specifies the name of the queue group template to be instantiated on the forwarding plane of the IOM/IMM/XMA, up to 32 characters in length. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid ingress queue group template name, configured under the configure qos queue-group-templates context.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named queue group to be created on the IOM/IMM/XMA ingress forwarding plane.
qos network-policy-id
qos network-policy-id egress-port-redirect-group queue-group-name egress-instance instance-id ingress-fp-redirect-group queue-group-name ingress-instance instance-id
qos network-policy-id egress-port-redirect-group queue-group-name egress-instance instance-id
qos network-policy-id ingress-fp-redirect-group queue-group-name ingress-instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>nw-if qos)
Full Context
configure service vprn network-interface qos
This command associates a network Quality of Service (QoS) policy with a network IP interface. Only one network QoS policy can be associated with an IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy return an error.
Associating a network QoS policy with a network interface is useful for the following purposes:
To apply classification rules for determining the forwarding-class and profile of ingress packets on the interface.
To associate ingress packets on the interface with a queue-group instance applied to the ingress context of the interface’s forwarding plane (FP). (This is only applicable to interfaces on IOM4 and later cards.) The referenced ingress queue-group instance may have policers defined in order to rate limit ingress traffic on a per-forwarding class (and forwarding type: unicast vs. multicast) basis.
To perform 802.1p, DSCP, IP precedence and/or MPLS EXP re-marking of egress packets on the interface.
To associate egress packets on the interface with a queue-group instance applied to the egress context of the interface’s port. The referenced egress queue-group instance may have policers and/or queues defined in order to rate limit egress traffic on a per-forwarding class basis.
The no form of this command removes the network QoS policy association from the network IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
no qos
- network-policy-id
An existing network policy ID to associate with the IP interface.
- port-redirect-group queue-group-name
This optional parameter specifies the egress queue-group used for all egress forwarding-class redirections specified within the network QoS policy ID. The specified queue-group-name must exist as an egress queue group applied to the egress context of the port associated with the IP interface.
- egress-instance instance-id
Since multiple instances of the same egress queue-group can be applied to the same port this optional parameter is used to specify which particular instance to associate with this particular network IP interface.
- fp- redirect-group queue-group-name
This optional parameter specifies the ingress queue-group used for all ingress forwarding-class redirections specified within the network QoS policy ID. The specified queue-group-name must exist as an ingress queue group applied to the ingress context of the forwarding plane associated with the IP interface.
- ingress-instance instance-id
Since multiple instances of the same ingress queue-group can be applied to the same forwarding plane this parameter is required to specify which particular instance to associate with this particular network IP interface.
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>network>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service vprn network ingress qos
This command is used to redirect unicast packets arriving on an automatically (using the auto-bind-tunnel command) or manually configured (using a spoke-sdp command, but not the spoke-sdp command under the VPRN IP interface) binding in a VPRN to a policer in an ingress forwarding plane queue-group for the purpose of rate-limiting.
For the policer to be used, the following must be true:
The configured queue group template name must be applied to the forwarding plane on which the ingress traffic arrives using the instance id specified.
The policer referenced in the FC-to-policer mappings in the ingress context of a network QoS policy must be present in the specified queue group template.
The command fails if the queue group template name does not exist or if the policer specified in the network QoS policy does not exist in the queue group template. If the queue group template name with the specified instance is not applied to the forwarding plane on which the VPRN binding unicast traffic arrives then this traffic uses the ingress network queues related to the network interface, however, the ingress classification is still based on the applied network QoS policy.
The unicast traffic can be redirected to a policer under the forwarding class fp-redirect-group command in the ingress section of a network QoS policy; any fp-redirect-group multicast-policer, broadcast-policer or unknown-policer commands are ignored for this traffic. Multicast traffic would use the ingress network queues or queue group related to the network interface.
Ingress classification is based on the configuration of the ingress section of the specified network QoS policy, noting that the dot1p and exp classification is based on the outer Ethernet header and MPLS label whereas the DSCP applies to the outer IP header if the tunnel encapsulation is GRE, or the DSCP in the first IP header in the payload if ler-use-dscp is enabled in the ingress section of the referenced network QoS policy.
When this command is applied, it overrides the QoS applied to the related network interfaces for unicast traffic arriving on bindings in that VPRN.
The no version of this command removes the redirection of VPRN binding traffic to the queue-group policers.
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- fp-redirect-group queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters in length.
- instance instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
qos policy-id
no qos [policy-id]
[Tree] (config>service>ies>aa-if>sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>aa-if>sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>aa-if>sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>aa-if>sap>egress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies aa-interface sap ingress qos
configure service ies aa-interface sap egress qos
configure service vprn aa-interface sap ingress qos
configure service vprn aa-interface sap egress qos
This command applies an QoS policy to the SAP.
qos 1
- policy-id
Specifies an existing QoS policy ID.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>isa>aa-grp qos)
Full Context
configure isa application-assurance-group qos
Commands in this context configure Quality of Service for this application assurance group.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos policy-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>service>ies>video-interface>video-sap>ingress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>video-interface>video-sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>video-interface>video-sap>egress qos)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>video-interface>video-sap>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service ies video-interface video-sap ingress qos
configure service vprn video-interface video-sap egress qos
configure service ies video-interface video-sap egress qos
configure service vprn video-interface video-sap ingress qos
This command associates an existing egress or ingress QoS policy to a video interface. If the policy-id does not exist, an error will be returned. Attempts to associate a QoS policy of the wrong type returns an error. Only one QoS policy can be associated with a video interface at one time in the ingress and egress contexts. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy of a given type will return an error.
The no form of the command removes the QoS policy association from the video interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
default QoS policy
- policy-id
The sap-egress or sap-ingress policy ID to associate with the video interface on ingress or egress. The policy ID must already exist.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s
qos policy-id
qos policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>mirror>mirror-dest>sap>egress qos)
Full Context
configure mirror mirror-dest sap egress qos
This command associates a QoS policy with an egress SAP for a mirrored service.
By default, no specific QoS policy is associated with the SAP for egress, so the default QoS policy is used.
The no form of this command removes the QoS policy association from the SAP, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
qos 1
- policy-id
Specifies the QoS policy ID to associate with SAP for the mirrored service. The policy ID must already exist.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group redirect list policy name.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
qos network-policy-id
qos network-policy-id egress-port-redirect-group queue-group-name egress-instance instance-id ingress-fp-redirect-group queue-group-name ingress-instance instance-id
qos network-policy-id egress-port-redirect-group queue-group-name egress-instance instance-id
qos network-policy-id ingress-fp-redirect-group queue-group-name ingress-instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>router>if qos)
Full Context
configure router interface qos
This command associates a network Quality of Service (QoS) policy with a network IP interface. Only one network QoS policy can be associated with an IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy return an error.
Associating a network QoS policy with a network interface is useful for the following purposes:
To apply classification rules for determining the forwarding-class and profile of ingress packets on the interface.
To associate ingress packets on the interface with a queue-group instance applied to the ingress context of the interface’s forwarding plane (FP). The referenced ingress queue-group instance may have policers defined in order to rate limit ingress traffic on a per-forwarding class (and forwarding type: unicast vs. multicast) basis.
To perform 802.1p, DSCP, IP precedence and/or MPLS EXP re-marking of egress packets on the interface.
To associate egress packets on the interface with a queue-group instance applied to the egress context of the interface’s port. The referenced egress queue-group instance may have policers and/or queues defined in order to rate limit egress traffic on a per-forwarding class basis.
The no form of this command removes the network QoS policy association from the network IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
no qos
- network-policy-id
Specifies an existing network policy ID to associate with the IP interface.
- egress-port-redirect-group queue-group-name
This optional parameter specifies the egress queue-group used for all egress forwarding-class redirections specified within the network QoS policy ID. The specified queue-group-name must exist as an egress queue group applied to the egress context of the port associated with the IP interface.
- egress-instance instance-id
Since multiple instances of the same egress queue-group can be applied to the same port this optional parameter is used to specify which instance to associate with this specific network IP interface.
- ingress-fp- redirect-group queue-group-name
This optional parameter specifies the ingress queue-group used for all ingress forwarding-class redirections specified within the network QoS policy ID. The specified queue-group-name must exist as an ingress queue group applied to the ingress context of the forwarding plane associated with the IP interface.
- ingress-instance instance-id
Since multiple instances of the same ingress queue-group can be applied to the same forwarding plane this parameter is required to specify which instance to associate with this specific network IP interface.
qos network-policy-id
no qos
[Tree] (config>fwd-path-ext>fpe>pw-port-extension>interface-a qos)
[Tree] (config>fwd-path-ext>fpe>srv6>interface-b qos)
[Tree] (config>fwd-path-ext>fpe>pw-port-extension>interface-b qos)
[Tree] (config>fwd-path-ext>fpe>srv6>interface-a qos)
Full Context
configure fwd-path-ext fpe pw-port-extension interface-a qos
configure fwd-path-ext fpe srv6 interface-b qos
configure fwd-path-ext fpe pw-port-extension interface-b qos
configure fwd-path-ext fpe srv6 interface-a qos
This command configures the network QoS policy that is applied to the SRv6 FPE network interface-a or interface-b.
no qos
- network-policy-id
Specifies the network policy identification. The value uniquely identifies the policy on the system.
- configure fwd-path-ext fpe pw-port-extension interface-b qos
- configure fwd-path-ext fpe pw-port-extension interface-a qos
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
- configure fwd-path-ext fpe srv6 interface-a qos
- configure fwd-path-ext fpe srv6 interface-b qos
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no qos
[Tree] (cfg>service>vprn>vxlan>inst>network>ingress qos)
Full Context
configure service vprn vxlan instance network ingress qos
This command associates a network Quality of Service (QoS) policy with a FP redirect group instance.
The no form of this command removes the network QoS policy association.
no qos
- network-policy-id
Specifies an existing network policy ID to associate with the IP interface.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the queue group name, up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance to associate with this specific network IP interface.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
[no] qos-marking-from-sap
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-profile>egress qos-marking-from-sap)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos-marking-from-sap
This command sets the QoS policy from which the egress QoS marking rules are applied.
If applied to a managed SAP, the default s-egress qos-policy (sap-egress 1) cannot be changed.
The no form of this command reverts to the egress QoS marking defined in SAP-egress policy defined at sla-profile level.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
qos-policy-id-range start policy-id end policy-id
no qos-policy-id-range
[Tree] (config>qos>md-auto-id qos-policy-id-range)
Full Context
configure qos md-auto-id qos-policy-id-range
This command specifies the range of IDs used by SR OS to automatically assign an ID to QoS policies that are created in model-driven interfaces without an ID explicitly specified by the user or client.
A QoS policy created with an explicitly-specified ID cannot use an ID in this range. In classic CLI and SNMP, the ID range cannot be changed while objects exist inside the previous or new range. In MD interfaces, the range can be changed which will cause any previously existing objects in the previous ID range to be deleted and re-created using a new ID in the new range.
The no form of this command removes the range values.
See the config>eth-cfm md-auto-id command for further details.
no qos-policy-id-range
- start policy-id
Specifies the lower value of the ID range. The value must be less than or equal to the end value.
- end policy-id
Specifies the upper value of the ID range. The value must be greater than or equal to the start value.
qos-route-lookup [source | destination]
no qos-route-lookup
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6 qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6 qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if qos-route-lookup)
Full Context
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 qos-route-lookup
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface qos-route-lookup
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface ipv6 qos-route-lookup
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface qos-route-lookup
This command enables QoS classification of the ingress IP packets on an interface based on the QoS information associated with routes in the forwarding table.
If the optional destination parameter is specified and the destination address of an incoming IP packet matches a route with QoS information the packet is classified to the fc and priority associated with that route, overriding the fc and priority/profile determined from the sap-ingress or network qos policy associated with the IP interface. If the destination address of the incoming packet matches a route with no QoS information the fc and priority of the packet remain as determined by the sap-ingress or network QoS policy.
If the optional source parameter is specified and the source address of an incoming IP packet matches a route with QoS information the packet is classified to the fc and priority associated with that route, overriding the fc and priority/profile determined from the sap-ingress or network qos policy associated with the IP interface. If the source address of the incoming packet matches a route with no QoS information the fc and priority of the packet remain as determined by the sap-ingress or network QoS policy.
If neither the optional source or destination parameter is present, then the default is destination address matching.
The functionality enabled by the qos-route-lookup command can be applied to IPv4 packets or IPv6 packets on an interface, depending on whether it is present at the interface context (applies to IPv4) or the interface>ipv6 context (applies to IPv6). The ability to specify source address based QoS lookup is not supported for IPv6. For the 7740 ESS, subscriber management group interfaces also do not support the source QPPB option.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- source
Enables QoS classification of incoming IP packets based on the source address matching a route with QoS information.
- destination
Enables QoS classification of incoming IP packets based on the destination address matching a route with QoS information.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s
qos-route-lookup [source | destination | source-and-dest]
no qos-route-lookup
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>ipv6 qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>router>if qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>ipv6 qos-route-lookup)
[Tree] (config>router>if>ipv6 qos-route-lookup)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface qos-route-lookup
configure service ies interface qos-route-lookup
configure service ies interface ipv6 qos-route-lookup
configure router interface qos-route-lookup
configure service vprn interface ipv6 qos-route-lookup
configure router interface ipv6 qos-route-lookup
This command specifies the IP address type used for QPPB-enabled per-packet QoS handling (in terms of FC and priority). When using QPPB, routes are associated with a QoS treatment (FC and optionally priority) through either explicit configuration or the route policy. If an IPv4 or IPv6 packet arrives on an interface where the configuration of this command applies to the packet, the QoS treatment of the packet is based on the route that matched the destination IP address or the route that matched the source IP address.
See "Enabling QPPB on an interface" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide for more information about QPPB.
The no form of this command configures the router to use the default destination address matching mode.
no qos-route-lookup
- source
Keyword to enable QoS classification of incoming IP packets based on the source address. If the route matching the source address does not have QPPB information, the QoS classification of the packet remains as determined by the SAP ingress or network QoS policy.
- destination
Keyword to enable QoS classification of incoming IP packets based on the destination address. If the route matching the destination address does not have QPPB information, the QoS classification of the packet remains as determined by the SAP ingress or network QoS policy.
- source-and-dest
Keyword to enable QoS classification of incoming IP packets based on the destination address. If the route matching the destination address does not have QPPB information, QoS classification of incoming IP packets is based on the lookup of the source IP address. If neither the destination nor the source lookups find a route with QPPB information, the QoS classification of the packet remains as determined by the SAP ingress or network QoS policy.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>mld-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>igmp-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mld-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>mld-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>igmp-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>mld-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>igmp-snooping query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>igmp-snooping query-interval)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap mld-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls sap igmp-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls mld-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls mesh-sdp mld-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls igmp-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls spoke-sdp mld-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls spoke-sdp igmp-snooping query-interval
configure service vpls mesh-sdp igmp-snooping query-interval
This command configures the IGMP query interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the interval between two consecutive general queries sent by the system on this SAP or SDP.
The configured query-interval must be greater than the configured query-response-interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on this SAP or SDP, the configured query-interval value is ignored.
query-interval 125
- seconds
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>router>mld>group-interface query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>group-interface query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp>group-interface query-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>group-interface query-interval)
Full Context
configure router mld group-interface query-interval
configure service vprn mld group-interface query-interval
configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-interval
configure router igmp group-interface query-interval
This command configures the query interval when the group interface is configured with no sub-hosts-only. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp (or mld) context or in the config>service>vprn>igmp (or mld) context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-interval 125
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which the router transmits general host-query messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>router>mld query-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mld>if query-interval)
Full Context
configure router mld query-interval
configure router mld interface query-interval
This command specifies the frequency that the querier router transmits general host-query messages. The host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the all-systems multicast group address,
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-interval 125
- seconds
The time frequency, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>igmp-policy query-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt igmp-policy query-interval
This command specifies the frequency at which the querier router transmits general host-query messages. Host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the all-systems multicast group address, If nothing is configured, by default, the query-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp context or in the config>service>vprn>igmp context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each IGMP policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which the router transmits general host-query messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>vpls-only>igmp-snp query-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters igmp-snooping query-interval
This command configures the IGMP query interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the interval between two consecutive general queries sent by the system on an MSAP or SDP.
The configured query interval must be greater than the configured query-response interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on an MSAP or SDP, the configured query interval value is ignored.
query-interval 125
- seconds
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>mld-policy query-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt mld-policy query-interval
This command specifies the frequency at which the querier router transmits general host-query messages. Host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the link-scope all-node address, FF02::1. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>mld context or in the config> service>vprn>mld context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each MLD policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which the router transmits general host-query messages.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp query-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn igmp query-interval
This command specifies the frequency that the querier router transmits general host-query messages. The host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the all-systems multicast group address,
query-interval 125
- seconds
The time frequency, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>if query-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld query-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn mld interface query-interval
configure service vprn mld query-interval
This command specifies the frequency that the querier router transmits general host-query messages. The host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the all-systems multicast group address,
query-interval 125
- seconds
The time frequency, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>if query-interval)
Full Context
configure router igmp interface query-interval
This command specifies the frequency that the querier router transmits general host-query messages. The host-query messages solicit group membership information and are sent to the all-systems multicast group address,
query-interval 125
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
query-interval seconds
no query-interval
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template>igmp-snooping query-interval)
Full Context
configure service pw-template igmp-snooping query-interval
This command configures the IGMP query interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the interval between two consecutive general queries sent by the system on this SAP or SDP.
The configured query-interval must be greater than the configured query-response-interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on this SAP or SDP, the configured query-interval value is ignored.
query-interval 125
- seconds
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that the router transmits general host-query messages.
query-last-listener-interval seconds
no query-last-listener-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>group-interface query-last-listener-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mld>group-interface query-last-listener-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mld>if query-last-listener-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn mld group-interface query-last-listener-interval
configure router mld group-interface query-last-listener-interval
configure router mld interface query-last-listener-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier router sends a group-specific query messages, including the messages sent in response to leave-group messages and is only applicable when the group interface is configured with the no sub-hosts-only command. The shorter the interval, the faster the loss of the last listener of a group can be detected. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-last-listener-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>mld context or in the config>service>vprn>mld context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-last-listener-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn mld group-interface query-last-listener-interval
- configure router mld group-interface query-last-listener-interval
- configure router mld interface query-last-listener-interval
query-last-listener-interval seconds
no query-last-listener-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>mld-policy query-last-listener-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt mld-policy query-last-listener-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier router sends a group-specific query messages, including the messages sent in response to leave-group messages. The shorter the interval, the faster the loss of the last member of a group can be detected. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-last-listener-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>mld context or in the config>service>vprn>mld context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each MLD policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-last-listener-interval seconds
no query-last-listener-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld query-last-listener-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>if query-last-listener-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn mld query-last-listener-interval
configure service vprn mld interface query-last-listener-interval
This command specifies the Max Response Time inserted into Group-Specific Queries sent in response to Leave Group messages, and is also the amount of time between Group-Specific Query messages. This value may be tuned to modify the leave latency of the network. A reduced value results in reduced time to detect the loss of the last member of a group.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-last-listener-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which Group-Specific-Query packets are transmitted.
query-last-member-interval seconds
no query-last-member-interval
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>group-interface query-last-member-interval)
Full Context
configure router igmp group-interface query-last-member-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier router sends group-specific query messages, including the messages sent in response to leave-group messages and is only applicable when the group interface is configured with no sub-hosts-only. The shorter the interval, the faster the loss of the last member of a group can be detected. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-last-member-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-last-member-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-last-member-interval seconds
no query-last-member-interval
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>if query-last-member-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>igmp query-last-member-interval)
Full Context
configure router igmp interface query-last-member-interval
configure router igmp query-last-member-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier sends group-specific query messages including messages sent in response to leave-group messages. The lower the interval, the faster the detection of the loss of the last member of a group.
query-last-member-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
query-last-member-interval seconds
no query-last-member-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>igmp-policy query-last-member-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt igmp-policy query-last-member-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier router sends group-specific query messages, including the messages sent in response to leave-group messages. The shorter the interval, the faster a loss of the last member of a group can be detected. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-last-member-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp context or the config>service>vprn>igmp context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each IGMP policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-last-member-interval seconds
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp>grp-if query-last-member-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp query-last-member-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-last-member-interval
configure service vprn igmp query-last-member-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier sends group-specific query messages including messages sent in response to leave-group messages. The lower the interval, the faster the detection of the loss of the last member of a group.
query-last-member-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-last-member-interval
- configure service vprn igmp query-last-member-interval
query-last-member-interval seconds
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld query-last-member-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>if query-last-member-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn mld query-last-member-interval
configure service vprn mld interface query-last-member-interval
This command configures the frequency at which the querier sends group-specific query messages including messages sent in response to leave-group messages. The lower the interval, the faster the detection of the loss of the last member of a group.
query-last-member-interval 1
- seconds
Specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which query messages are sent.
query-response-interval seconds
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>mld-snooping query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>mld-snooping query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>igmp-snooping query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>spoke-sdp>mld-snooping query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>igmp-snooping query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mesh-sdp>igmp-snooping query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap mld-snooping query-response-interval
configure service vpls mesh-sdp mld-snooping query-response-interval
configure service vpls spoke-sdp igmp-snooping query-response-interval
configure service vpls spoke-sdp mld-snooping query-response-interval
configure service vpls sap igmp-snooping query-response-interval
configure service vpls mesh-sdp igmp-snooping query-response-interval
This command configures the IGMP query response interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the maximum response time advertised in IGMPv2 or IGMPv3 queries.
The configured query response interval must be smaller than the configured query interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on this SAP or SDP, the configured query response interval value is ignored.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp>group-interface query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mld>group-interface query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>group-interface query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>group-interface query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-response-interval
configure router mld group-interface query-response-interval
configure router igmp group-interface query-response-interval
configure service vprn igmp query-response-interval
configure service vprn mld group-interface query-response-interval
This command configures the query response interval on when the group interface is configured with the no sub-hosts-only command. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-response-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp (or mld) context or in the config>service>vprn>igmp (or mld) context.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a host-query message response from the host.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-response-interval
- configure service vprn mld group-interface query-response-interval
- configure router mld group-interface query-response-interval
- configure router igmp group-interface query-response-interval
- configure service vprn igmp query-response-interval
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>router>mld query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>mld>if query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure router mld query-response-interval
configure router mld interface query-response-interval
This command specifies how long the querier router waits to receive a response to a host-query message from a host.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>router>igmp query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>if query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure router igmp query-response-interval
configure router igmp interface query-response-interval
This command specifies how long the querier router waits to receive a response to a host-query message from a host.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>igmp-policy query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt igmp-policy query-response-interval
This command configures the query response interval. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-response-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>igmp context or in the config>service>vprn>igmp context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each IGMP policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- seconds
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the querier router waits to receive a response to from the host.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-response-interval seconds
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>msap-policy>vpls-only>igmp-snp query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt msap-policy vpls-only-sap-parameters igmp-snooping query-response-interval
This command configures the IGMP query response interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the maximum response time advertised in IGMPv2/v3 queries.
The configured query-response-interval must be smaller than the configured query-interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on an MSAP or SDP, the configured query-response-interval value is ignored.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>mld-policy query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt mld-policy query-response-interval
This command configures the query response interval. If nothing is configured, by default, the query-response-interval takes the value defined in the config>router>mld context or in the config>service>vprn>mld context. It is highly recommended that all three query intervals be configured together on each MLD policy.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- seconds
Specifies the length of time that the querier router waits to receive a response to from the host.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-response-interval seconds
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld>if query-response-interval)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>mld query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure service vprn mld interface query-response-interval
configure service vprn mld query-response-interval
This command specifies how long the querier router waits to receive a response to a host-query message from a host.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
query-response-interval seconds
no query-response-interval
[Tree] (config>service>pw-template>igmp-snooping query-response-interval)
Full Context
configure service pw-template igmp-snooping query-response-interval
This command configures the IGMP query response interval. If the send-queries command is enabled, this parameter specifies the maximum response time advertised in IGMPv2/v3 queries.
The configured query-response-interval must be smaller than the configured query-interval.
If send-queries is not enabled on this SAP or SDP, the configured query-response-interval value is ignored.
query-response-interval 10
- seconds
Specifies the length of time to wait to receive a response to the host-query message from the host.
query-src-ip ip-address
no query-src-ip
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>igmp-snooping query-src-ip)
Full Context
configure service vpls igmp-snooping query-src-ip
This command configures the IP source address used in IGMP or MLD queries.
The no form of this command removes the IP address from this configuration.
- ip-address
Specifies an IPv4 address in the form of a.b.c.d or an IPv6 address in the following form:
x - [0 to FF]
d - [0 to 255]
query-src-ip ipv6-address
no query-src-ip
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>mld-snooping query-src-ip)
Full Context
configure service vpls mld-snooping query-src-ip
This command configures the IP source address used in MLD queries.
- ipv6-address
Specifies an IPv6 address in the following form:
x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
query-src-ip ip-address
no query-src-ip
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>igmp>grp-if query-src-ip)
Full Context
configure service vprn igmp group-interface query-src-ip
This command configures the query source IP address for the group interface. This IP address overrides the source IP address configured at the router level.
The no form of this command removes the IP address.
- ip-address
Sets the source IPv4 address for all subscriber’s IGMP queries.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-src-ip ip-address
no query-src-ip
[Tree] (config>router>igmp>group-interface query-src-ip)
Full Context
configure router igmp group-interface query-src-ip
This command configures the query source IP address for the group interface. This IP address overrides the source IP address configured at the router level.
The no form of the command removes the IP address.
- ip-address
Sets the source IPv4 address for all subscriber’s IGMP queries.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
query-src-ip ipv6-address
no query-src-ip
[Tree] (config>router>mld>group-interface query-src-ip)
Full Context
configure router mld group-interface query-src-ip
This command configures the query source IPv6 address for the group interface. This IP address overrides the source IP address configured at the router level.
The no form of this command removes the IPv6 address.
- ipv6-address
Sets the source IPv6 address for all subscriber’s MLD queries.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
queue queue-id {ingress-only | egress-only | ingress-egress}
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>cat-map>category queue)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt category-map category queue
This command configures a queue in this category.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID for this instances. Each queue nominated in the category map is monitored for activity (over a period of approximately 60 seconds), should the activity fall below the threshold value then a time is started. Whenever this timer exceeds the configured timeout under the idle-timeout the action (currently disconnect) is executed for that subscriber and all hosts under that given SLA-profile-instance.
- ingress-only
Specifies that ingress queues are defined in this category.
- egress-only
Specifies that egress queues are defined in this category.
- ingress-egress
Specifies that ingress and egress queues are defined in this category.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy>cr queue)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy custom-record queue
This command specifies the queue-id for which counters are collected in this custom record. The counters that are collected are defined in egress and ingress counters.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue-id for which counters are collected in this custom record.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>ingress>qos queue)
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>egress>qos queue)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile ingress qos queue
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile egress qos queue
Commands in this context configure egress or ingress queue parameters. Parameters defined in the config>qos>sap-egress policy-id or the config>qos>sap-ingress policy-id context are overridden by parameters specified in the subscriber management SLA profile context.
The classification and the queue mapping are shared by all the hosts on the same complex that use the same QoS policy (specified in the sla-profile SAP egress and SAP ingress policy IDs).
The queues are shared by all the hosts (of the same subscriber) on the same SAP that are using the same SLA profile. Queues are instantiated when, on a given SAP, a host of a subscriber is the first to use a certain SLA profile. This instantiation is referred to as an SLA profile instance.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the SLA profile.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID for the SAP egress or ingress queue, expressed as a decimal integer. The ID uniquely identifies the queue within the profile.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap egress queue-override queue
configure service vpls sap ingress queue-override queue
configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-override queue
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override queue
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress queue-override queue
This command specifies the ID of the queue whose parameters are to be overridden.
The no form of this command removes the queue ID from the configuration.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID whose parameters are to be overridden.
- create
Keyword used to create the queue ID. The create keyword requirement can be enabled or disabled in the environment>create context.
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>qover queue)
[Tree] (config>port>eth>network>egr>qgrp>qover queue)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group queue-overrides queue
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group queue-overrides queue
This command associates a queue for use in a queue group template. The defined queue-id acts as a repository for the default parameters for the queue. The template queue is created on each queue-group object which is created with the queue group template name. Each queue is identified within the template by a queue-id number. The template ensures that all queue groups created with the template’s name will have the same queue-ids providing a uniform structure for the forwarding class redirection commands in the SAP egress QoS policies. The parameters within the template queue will be used as the default settings for each queue in the actual queue group. The queue parameters may be individually changed for each queue in each queue group using per queue overrides.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the configuration.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID.
- create
Mandatory when creating an entry.
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp>qover queue)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group queue-overrides queue
This command associates a queue for use in a queue group template. The defined queue-id acts as a repository for the default parameters for the queue. The template queue is created on each queue-group object which is created with the queue group template name. Each queue is identified within the template by a queue-id number. The template ensures that all queue groups created with the template’s name will have the same queue-ids providing a uniform structure for the forwarding class redirection commands in the SAP egress QoS policies. The parameters within the template queue will be used as the default settings for each queue in the actual queue group. The queue parameters may be individually changed for each queue in each queue group using per queue overrides.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the configuration.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID.
- create
Mandatory when creating an entry.
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
Full Context
configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue
configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue
configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue
configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue
configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue
configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue
This command specifies the ID of the queue whose parameters are to be overridden.
- queue-id
The queue ID whose parameters are to be overridden.
- create
This keyword is mandatory when creating a queue.
- configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override queue
- configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override queue
- configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override queue
- configure service epipe sap egress queue-override queue
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override queue
- configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override queue
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress>queue-override queue)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>queue-override queue)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-override queue
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override queue
This command specifies the ID of the queue whose parameters are to be overridden.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID whose parameters are to be overridden.
- create
Keyword used to create the group override instance.
queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
no queue
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress>fc queue)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress fc queue
This command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. When the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic classified to fc-name on a SAP using this policy.
The no form of this command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class.
queue 1
- queue-id
Specifies the SAP egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
- group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts. This parameter is used when policy-based queue group redirection is desired. That is, the specific queue group to redirect to is named in the QoS policy.
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [queue-mode] [ create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-ingress queue)
Full Context
configure qos sap-ingress queue
This command creates the context to configure an ingress SAP QoS policy queue.
Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s type is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or best effort nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any best effort forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The queue type must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The queue command allows the creation of multipoint queues. Only multipoint queues can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint queues, special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each queue acts as an accounting and (optionally) shaping device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast, and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the queue based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Queues must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.
The multipoint queues are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service queue.
When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an Epipe SAP, the multipoint queues are not created. When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an IES SAP, a multipoint queue will be created when PIM is enabled on the IES interface.
Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any queue parameter information requested about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns the queue parameters in the policy. Buffers will not be allocated for multipoint queues on non-multipoint services. Buffer pool queries return zero values for actual buffers allocated and current buffer utilization.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the SAP ingress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
The queue-id for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- queue-type
The expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword can be specified at the time the queue is created. If an attempt to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
- multipoint
This optional keyword specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be explicitly mapped to the forwarding class multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic. If forwarding class unicast traffic is mapped to a multipoint queue, an error is generated and no changes are made to the current unicast traffic queue mapping.
A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated and the command will not execute.
The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue-id parameters.
- queue-mode
Specifies the mode in which the queue is operating. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter.
- create
Keyword creates an ingress SAP QoS policy queue.
queue queue-id [{group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] | port-redirect-group-queue}]
no queue
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress>fc queue)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress fc queue
This command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue ID must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. When the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic is classified to fc-name on a SAP using this policy.
The no form of this command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).
no queue
- queue-id
Specifies the SAP egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
- queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts. This parameter is used when policy-based queue group redirection is desired. That is, the specific queue group to redirect to is named in the QoS policy.
- instance-id
This parameter is used to specify the specific instance of a queue group with template queue-group-name to which this queue should be redirected. This parameter is only valid for queue groups on egress ports where policy-based redirection is required.
- port-redirect-group-queue
This keyword is used to mark a given forwarding class queue for redirection to an egress queue group queue. This is only used when the specific queue group instance is assigned at the time the QoS policy is applied to the SAP. This redirection model is known as SAP-based redirection.
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>sap-egress queue)
Full Context
configure qos sap-egress queue
This command creates the context to configure an egress service access point (SAP) QoS policy queue.
Explicit definition of an egress queue’s type is supported. A single egress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or best effort nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any best effort forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort by the hardware schedulers. The queue type must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the SAP egress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
The ID for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- queue-type
Specifies the method that system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword can be specified at the time the queue is created. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
- create
Creates an entry for the queue.
queue queue-id sched-class class-id
queue queue-id unattached
queue queue-id wrr-group wrr-group-id
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>hs-attachment-policy queue)
Full Context
configure qos hs-attachment-policy queue
This command defines how the specified queue-id is attached to the scheduler. A queue may have one of four attachment states:
directly attached to a scheduler class
attached to a WRR group which is attached to a scheduler class
attached to a WRR group which is unattached
The following items are rules for attachment:
Only one queue or WRR group can be attached to a given scheduling class. If another queue or a WRR group is currently attached to the specified scheduling class, the queue’s attachment command fails and the current attachment for the queue-id is unchanged.
Queues must be attached to scheduler classes (directly or indirectly through a WRR group) in an ascending order.
For example, if queue 3 is attached to scheduler class 2, queues 1 and 2 cannot be attached to scheduling classes 3 through 6 (or attached to a WRR group that is attached to scheduling classes 3 through 6).
Up to six queues can be placed in any WRR group. These queues can all be in one WRR group or be spread between both WRR groups. Attempting to execute the wrr-group keyword on a seventh queue within the attachment policy fails.
Queues must attach to WRR groups in contiguous order.
WRR group 1 must have lower queue ID members than WRR group 2. Attempting to attach a queue ID to group 1 that is higher than any queue ID currently attached to group 2 fails with no change to the current attachment state for that queue ID. Attempting to attach a queue ID to group 2 that is lower than any queue ID currently attached to group 1 fails with no change to the current attachment state for that queue ID.
WRR group 1 must have at least one attached member queue before queues can be attached to WRR group 2.
Queues and WRR groups can be unattached at any time.
Unattached queues, or queues attached to an unattached WRR group, discard all received packets. Normal discard accounting is maintained.
The unattached state for an in-service queue or WRR group is intended for hs-attachment-policy editing purposes and is expected to be an intermediate state in this case.
When an hs-attachment-policy is initially created, all queues and both WRR groups default to the unattached state. Each queue and WRR group attachment state must be explicitly configured.
The no form of the command reverts to the default unattached attachment state for queue ID. The command fails if the specified queue-id is currently in a WRR group and removing the queue from that group causes the queue IDs for that group to become discontinuous.
queue queue-id unattached
- queue-id
Specifies the queue identifier for the HS attachment policy queue. This parameter is required when executing the command.
- sched-class
Specifies a direct attachment between the queue-id and one of the six scheduling classes. A value of 1 through 6 must accompany the sched-class keyword representing the queue’s attached scheduling class. The sched-class, group, and unattached keywords are mutually exclusive. One of the keywords must be specified when the queue attachment command is executed.
- class-id
Specifies the scheduling class that is associated with this queue-id.
- wrr-group
Specifies the inclusion of the queue-id in either WRR group 1 or WRR group 2. A value of 1 or 2 must accompany the wrr-group keyword representing the queue’s attached WRR group number. Queues placed in a WRR group must have contiguous queue IDs. The sched-class, group, and unattached keywords are mutually exclusive. One of the keywords must be specified when the queue attachment command is executed.
- wrr-group-id
Specifies the WRR group to which the queue-id is to be attached.
- unattached
Indicates that the queue-id is not attached to any scheduling class or WRR group. An unattached queue does not forward any packets. The sched-class, group, and unattached keywords are mutually exclusive. One of the keywords must be specified when the queue attachment command is executed.
7750 SR-7/12/12e
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>network-queue>fc queue)
Full Context
configure qos network-queue fc queue
Commands in this context configure a QoS network-queue policy queue.
Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s type status is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or best effort nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any best effort forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The queue type must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The queue command allows the creation of multipoint queues. Only multipoint queues can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint queues, special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each queue acts as an accounting and (optionally) shaping device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast, and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the queue based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Queues must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.
The multipoint queues are for multipoint traffic.
The multipoint queues are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service queue.
When a QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an Epipe or IES SAP, the multipoint queues are not created. Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any queue parameter information requested about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns the queue parameters in the policy. Buffers will not be allocated for multipoint queues on non-multipoint services. Buffer pool queries return zero values for actual buffers allocated and current buffer utilization.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the network-queue policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
The queue-id for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- multipoint
This optional keyword specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be used to forward multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic.
A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated, and the command will not execute.
The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue-id parameters.
- queue-type
The expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. While parental virtual schedulers can be defined for the queue, they only enforce how the queue interacts for bandwidth with other queues associated with the same scheduler hierarchy. An internal mechanism that provides access rules when the queue is vying for bandwidth with queues in other virtual schedulers is also needed. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the network-queue policy. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>ing>queue-group queue)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group queue
This command creates a queue for use in a queue group template. When created, the defined queue-id acts as a repository for the default parameters for the queue. The template queue is created on each queue-group object that is created with the queue group template name. Each queue is identified within the template by a queue-id number. The template ensures that all queue groups created with the template name will have the same queue-ids providing a uniform structure for the forwarding class redirection commands in the SAP ingress QoS policies. The parameters within the template queue will be used as the default settings for each queue in the actual queue group. The queue parameters may be individually changed for each queue in each queue group using per queue overrides.
When a queue within a template is mapped by a forwarding class on any object, the queue may be edited, but not deleted.
The no form of this command removes a template queue from the queue group template. If the queue is specified as a forwarding class redirection target in any SAP ingress QoS policy, the command will fail.
- queue-id
This required parameter identifies the queue that will either be created or edited within the queue group template.
- multipoint
This optional keyword creates an ingress multipoint queue. Multipoint queues in a queue group may be used by ingress VPLS for forwarding types multicast, broadcast or unknown within a forwarding class. For ingress IES and VPRN access SAPs, only multicast is supported. Multipoint queues are only supported on ingress queue group templates.
- queue-type
The queue types are mutually exclusive.
- queue-mode
These keywords are optional and mutually exclusive when creating a new template queue. The keywords specify how the queue manages ingress explicitly profiled packets.
- create
Keyword used to create the queue ID instance.
queue queue-id
no queue
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>fc queue)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group fc queue
This command is used to map the forwarding class to the specified queue-id. The specified queue-id must exist within the egress queue group template. When a queue is defined in a forwarding class mapping, that queue cannot be deleted unless the forwarding class mapping is moved to another queue within the template. Other criteria may also exist preventing the queue from being deleted from the template such as an applied SAP egress QoS policy mapping to the queue.
- queue-id
The specified queue-id must exist within the egress queue group template.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (cfg>qos>qgrps>egr>queue-group queue)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queue
This command creates a queue for use in a queue group template. When created, the defined queue-id acts as a repository for the default parameters for the queue. The template queue is created on each queue group object that is created with the queue group template name. Each queue is identified within the template by a queue ID. The template ensures that all queue groups created with the template name will have the same queue-ids providing a uniform structure for the forwarding class redirection commands in the SAP egress QoS policies. The parameters within the template queue will be used as the default settings for each queue in the actual queue group. The queue parameters may be individually changed for each queue in each queue group using per queue overrides.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue ID. The specified queue-id must exist within the egress queue group template.
- queue-type
Specifies the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective.
queue queue-id
no queue
[Tree] (config>qos>shared-queue>fc queue)
Full Context
configure qos shared-queue fc queue
This command overrides the default unicast forwarding type queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy as a non-multipoint queue before the mapping can be made. When the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unicast traffic (this includes all traffic, even broadcast and multicast for services) on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the queue-id.
The no form of this command sets the unicast (point-to-point) queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).
- queue-id
The queue-id parameter specified must be an existing non-multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context. For the 7950 XRS, this is not configurable in the policer-output-queues profile.
queue queue-id [queue-type] [multipoint] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>shared-queue queue)
Full Context
configure qos shared-queue queue
This command creates the context to configure a shared queue QoS policy queue.
Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s type is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or best effort nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any best effort forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort by the hardware schedulers. The queue type can be overridden within the policy.
On the 7450 ESS, the expedited hardware schedulers are used to enforce expedited access to internal switch fabric destinations. The hardware status of the queue must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
- queue-id
The queue-id for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- queue-type
The expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. While parental virtual schedulers can be defined for the queue, they only enforce how the queue interacts for bandwidth with other queues associated with the same scheduler hierarchy. An internal mechanism that provides access rules when the queue is vying for bandwidth with queues in other virtual schedulers is also needed. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the SAP ingress policy. If an attempt to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
expedite — This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in an expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
best-effort — This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in a non-expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
auto-expedite — This keyword allows the system to auto-define the way the queue is serviced by the hardware. When auto-expedite is defined on the queue, the queue is treated in an expedited manner when all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are configured as expedited types nc, ef, h1, or h2. When a single non-expedited forwarding class is mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, and l2) the queue automatically falls back to non-expedited status.
- multipoint
This keyword specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be explicitly mapped to the forwarding class multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic. If forwarding class unicast traffic is mapped to a multipoint queue, an error is generated and no changes are made to the current unicast traffic queue mapping.
A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated and the command will not execute.
The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue-id parameters.
[no] queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>log>acct-policy>cr queue)
Full Context
configure log accounting-policy custom-record queue
This command specifies the queue-id for which counters will be collected in this custom record. The counters that will be collected are defined in egress and ingress counters.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
- queue-id
Specifies the queue-id for which counters will be collected in this custom record.
queue queue-id [create]
[Tree] (config>system>security>cpm-queue queue)
Full Context
configure system security cpm-queue queue
This command allows users to allocate dedicated CPM. The first available queue is 33.
- queue-id
33 to 2000
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egress-port-queue-overrides queue)
Full Context
configure port ethernet network egress-port-queue-overrides queue
This command configures an Ethernet network queue ID.
The no form of this command removes the Ethernet network queue ID.
- queue-id
Specifies the Ethernet network queue ID.
- create
Keyword used to create an entry.
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
[Tree] (config>qos>network-queue queue)
Full Context
configure qos network-queue queue
This command enters the context to configure a QoS network-queue policy queue.
Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s type status is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or best effort nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1, or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any best effort forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1, or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The queue type must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.
The queue command allows the creation of multipoint queues. Only multipoint queues can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint queues, special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each queue acts as an accounting and (optionally) shaping device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast, and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the queue based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Queues must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.
The multipoint queues are for multipoint traffic.
The multipoint queues are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service queue.
When a QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an Epipe or IES SAP, the multipoint queues are not created. Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any queue parameter information requested about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns the queue parameters in the policy. Buffers will not be allocated for multipoint queues on non-multipoint services. Buffer pool queries return zero values for actual buffers allocated and current buffer utilization.
The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the network-queue policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.
- queue-id
The queue-id for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
- multipoint
This optional keyword specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be used to forward multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic.
A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated, and the command will not execute.
The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue-id parameters.
- queue-type
The expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. While parental virtual schedulers can be defined for the queue, they only enforce how the queue interacts for bandwidth with other queues associated with the same scheduler hierarchy. An internal mechanism that provides access rules when the queue is vying for bandwidth with queues in other virtual schedulers is also needed. A keyword must be specified at the time the queue is created in the network-queue policy. If an attempt is made to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
queue-delay delay
no queue-delay
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp>queue queue-delay)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queue queue-delay
This command configures the target queue delay for packets forwarded through the queue. It is used to determine the related queue parameters based on the administrative PIR of the queue. This command and the mbs command are mutually exclusive.
In order to change between the mbs and queue-delay parameters, the current parameter must be removed before adding the new parameter; that is, changing from mbs to queue-delay requires a no mbs before the queue-delay is configured and changing from queue-delay to mbs requires a no queue-delay before the mbs is configured.
If queue-delay is configured for an egress queue group queue, it is not possible to override the MBS for that queue.
The no form of this command disables the determination of the queue parameters based on the queue delay.
no queue-delay
- delay
Specifies the target queue delay in ms.
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
configure service ies interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command enables frame-based accounting on all queues associated with the agg-rate context. Only supported on Ethernet ports. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame based accounting is configured, however the offsets are applied to the statistics.
The no form of this command disables frame-based accounting.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
- configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
- configure service ies interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egr>qgrp>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>vport>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
configure port ethernet access egress vport agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command enables frame based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context. It is only supported on Ethernet ports. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame-based accounting is configured, regardless of how offsets are applied to the statistics.
The no form of this command disables frame based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context.
- configure port ethernet access egress queue-group agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
- configure port ethernet network egress queue-group agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure port ethernet access egress vport agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure service epipe sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command is used to enable (or disable) frame based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context.
The command is supported on Ethernet ports only.
Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame based accounting is configured; however the offsets are applied to the statistics.
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>service>template>vpls-sap-template>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure service template vpls-sap-template egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
configure service vpls sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command is used to enabled frame-based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context. Only supported on Ethernet ports. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame based accounting is configured; however the offsets are applied to the statistics.
The no form of this command disables the-frame based accounting.
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command is used to enabled (or disable) frame based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context. Only supported on Ethernet ports. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame-based accounting is configured; the offsets are applied to the statistics.
[no] queue-frame-based-accounting
[Tree] (config>service>cust>multi-service-site>egress>agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting)
Full Context
configure service customer multi-service-site egress agg-rate queue-frame-based-accounting
This command enables frame based accounting on all policers and queues associated with the agg-rate context. Only supported on Ethernet ports. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when queue frame based accounting is configured, however the offsets are applied to the statistics.
The no form of the command disables frame based accounting.
no queue-frame-based-accounting
queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [create]
no queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>access queue-group)
Full Context
configure card fp ingress access queue-group
This command creates an instance of a named queue group template on the ingress forwarding plane of a given IOM/IMM. The queue-group-name and instance instance-id are mandatory parameters when executing the command.
The named queue group template can contain only policers. If it contains queues, then the command will fail.
The no form of this command deletes a specific instance of a queue group.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template to be instantiated on the forwarding plane of the IOM/IMM, up to 32 characters. The queue-group-name must correspond to a valid ingress queue group template name, configured under config>qos>queue-group-templates.
- instance-id
Specifies the instance of the named queue group to be created on the IOM/IMM ingress forwarding plane.
- create
Keyword used to associate the queue group. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [create]
no queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>network queue-group)
Full Context
configure card fp ingress network queue-group
This command creates a queue-group instance in the network ingress context of a forwarding plane.
Only a queue-group containing policers can be instantiated. If the queue-group template contains policers and queues, the queues are not instantiated. If the queue-group contains queues only, the instantiation in the data path is failed.
One or more instances of the same policer queue-group name and/or a different policer queue-group name can be created on the network ingress context of a forwarding plane.
The queue-group-name must be unique within all network ingress and access ingress queue groups in the system. The queue-group instance-id must be unique within the context of the forwarding plane.
The no form of this command deletes the queue-group instance from the network ingress context of the forwarding plane.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- create
Keyword used to create the queue-group instance.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
no queue-group
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egress queue-group)
Full Context
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group
This command configures a queue-group instance in the network egress context of a port.
Queue-groups containing queues only or policers and queues can be instantiated. When a port is a LAG, one instance of the queue-group is instantiated on each member link.
One or more instances of the same queue-group name and/or a different queue-group name can be created in the network egress context of a port.
The queue-group-name must be unique within all network egress and access egress queue groups in the system. The queue-group instance-id must be unique within the context of the port.
The no version of this command deletes the queue-group instance from the network egress context of the port.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
[no] queue-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] [create]
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing queue-group)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr queue-group)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group
This command creates an ingress or egress queue group on an Ethernet port. A queue group is a collection of queues identified by a group name. Queue groups created on access ports are used as an alternative queue destination for SAPs.
Within a SAP, a forwarding class may be redirected from the local SAP queue to a port queue group queue. The forwarding classes from multiple SAPs may be redirected to the same queue group which can be used to minimize the number of per-SAP queues.
Queue groups may be created on both access and network oriented ports. When the port is in access mode, the queue groups must be created within the port access node.
Within the access node, queue groups are also configured as ingress or egress. Access ingress queue groups can only be used by ingress SAP forwarding classes and only a single ingress queue group per port is supported. Multiple access egress queue groups may be created on a single port and are used by egress SAP forwarding classes. The instance-id parameter identifies different instances of the same queue group template. Creating multiple queue groups with a different instance ID but the same queue group name results in separate queue groups being created on the port. The instance-id parameter is only valid for egress queue groups on access ports.
When the queue group is created in an ingress port context, the group-name must be an existing ingress queue group template. Similarly, queue groups created in an egress port context must have a group-name of an existing egress queue group template. Two ingress queue groups with the same name cannot be created on the same port. Two egress queue groups can only be created on the same port with the same queue group template name if they have different instance-id values.
The queues defined in the template are created on the queue group. The queue parameters within the template are used as the default queue parameters for each queue in the queue group. The default queue parameters for each queue may be overridden on the queue group with specific queue parameters.
Each queue group supports the application of a scheduler-policy for the purpose of managing the queues within the group into an aggregate SLA. The queues defined within the template may be configured with parent scheduler defining the mapping of a queue to one of the schedulers within the scheduler policy. Egress queue groups also support the agg-rate parameter and the queues in the egress template support the port-parent command. Each command is used for configuring egress port virtual scheduling behavior.
Each queue group allows the application of an accounting policy and the ability to enable and disable collecting statistics. The statistics are derived from the queue counters on each queue within the queue group. The accounting policy defines which queue counters are collected and to which accounting file they will be written.
A queue group does not have an administrative shutdown or no shutdown command. A queue group is considered to be always on once created.
When creating a queue group, the system will attempt to allocate queue resources based on the queues defined in the queue group template. If the appropriate queue resources do not currently exist, the queue group will not be created. Ingress port queue groups do not support the shared-queuing or multipoint-shared queuing behavior.
When the queue group is created on a LAG (Link Aggregation Group), it must be created on the primary port member. The primary port member is the port with the lowest port ID based on the slot, MDA position and port number on the MDA. A queue group created on the primary LAG port will be automatically created on all other port members. If a new port is being added to a LAG with an existing queue group, the queue group must first be created on the port prior to adding the port to the LAG. If the LAG queue group has queue overrides, the queue overrides must also be defined on the port queue group prior to adding the port to the LAG.
A port queue group cannot be removed from the port when a forwarding class is currently redirected to the group. All forwarding class redirections must first be removed prior to removing the queue group.
- queue-group-name
The group-name parameter is required when executing the port queue-group command. The specified group-name must exist as an ingress or egress queue group template depending on the ingress or egress context of the port queue group. Only a single queue group may be created on an ingress port. Multiple queue groups may be created on an egress port.
- instance-id
Specifies the identification of a specific instance of the queue-group.
- create
Keyword used to associate the queue group. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
queue-group queue-group-name [create]
no queue-group queue-group-name
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>ingress queue-group)
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egress queue-group)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group
This command creates a queue group template. The system does not maintain default queue groups or queue group templates. Each queue group template used in the system must be explicitly created.
The no form of this command removes the specified queue group template from the system. If the queue group template is currently in use by an ingress port, the command will fail. If queue-group-name does not exist, the command has no effect and does not return an error.
- queue-group-name
Specifies the name of the queue group template up to 32 characters. Each ingress queue group template must be uniquely named within the system. Multiple ingress queue group templates may not share the same name. An ingress and egress queue group template may share the same name.
- create
Keyword used to create the queue group instance. The create keyword requirement can be enabled/disabled in the environment>create context.
queue-group-egress src-name dst-name [overwrite]
[Tree] (config>qos>copy queue-group-egress)
Full Context
configure qos copy queue-group-egress
This command copies an existing queue-group-egress queue-group-name to another queue-group-egress queue-group-name. The copy command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new entries using an existing mapping policy name. If overwrite is not specified, an error occurs if the destination policy exists.
- src-name
Specifies the existing source queue-group-egress queue-group-name, up to 32 characters, from which the copy command attempts to copy.
- dst-name
Specifies the destination queue-group-ingress queue-group-name, up to 32 characters, to which the copy command attempts to copy.
- overwrite
Use this parameter when the queue-group-egress dst-name already exists. If it does, everything in the existing destination queue-group-egress dst-name is completely overwritten with the contents of the queue-group-egress src-name. The overwrite parameter must be specified or else the following error message is returned:
MINOR: CLI Destination "qge2" exists - use {overwrite}.
If overwrite is specified, the function of copying from source to destination occurs in a "break before make” manner and therefore should be handled with care.
queue-group-ingress src-name dst-name [overwrite]
[Tree] (config>qos>copy queue-group-ingress)
Full Context
configure qos copy queue-group-ingress
This command copies an existing queue-group-ingress to another queue-group-ingress. The copy command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new entries using an existing mapping policy name. If overwrite is not specified, an error occurs if the destination policy exists.
- src-name
Specifies the existing source queue-group-ingress, up to 32 characters, from which the copy command attempts to copy.
- dst-name
Specifies the destination queue-group-ingress, up to 32 characters, to which the copy command attempts to copy.
- overwrite
Use this parameter when the queue-group-ingress dst-name already exists. If it does, everything in the existing destination queue-group-ingress dst-name is completely overwritten with the contents of the queue-group-ingress src-name. The overwrite parameter must be specified or else the following error message is returned:
MINOR: CLI Destination "qgitest2" exists - use {overwrite}.
If overwrite is specified, the function of copying from source to destination occurs in a "break before make” manner and therefore should be handled with care.
queue-group-redirect-list redirect-list-name
no queue-group-redirect-list
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress queue-group-redirect-list)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress queue-group-redirect-list)
Full Context
configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-group-redirect-list
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-group-redirect-list
This command applies a queue group redirect list to the ingress or egress of an interface SAP within an IES or VPRN service. The redirect list is used to redirect traffic to different instances of the default queue group. This command requires the prior configuration of a default queue group instance, this being the queue group instance specified with the QoS policy under the SAP ingress or egress.
The no version of this command removes the queue group redirect list from the SAP.
- redirect-list-name
Specifies the name of the queue group redirect list up to 32 characters in length.
queue-group-redirect-list redirect-list-name
no queue-group-redirect-list
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress queue-group-redirect-list)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress queue-group-redirect-list)
Full Context
configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-group-redirect-list
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-group-redirect-list
This command applies a queue group redirect list to the ingress or egress of an interface SAP within a VPRN service. The redirect list is used to redirect traffic to different instances of the default queue group.
This command requires the prior configuration of a default queue group instance, which is the queue group instance specified with the QoS policy under the SAP ingress or egress.
The no version of this command removes the queue group redirect list from the SAP.
- redirect-list-name
Specifies the name of the queue group redirect list, up to 32 characters in length.
queue-group-redirect-list redirect-list-name [create]
no queue-group-redirect-list redirect-list-name
[Tree] (config>qos queue-group-redirect-list)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-redirect-list
This command configures a queue group redirect list that is used to redirect traffic to different instances of a queue group.
The no form of this command deletes the queue group redirect list. A list can only be deleted when there no references to it.
- redirect-list-name
Specifies the name of the queue group redirect list, up to 32 characters.
[Tree] (config>qos queue-group-templates)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates
Commands in this context define ingress and egress queue group templates.
queue-instance-accounting [interim-update]
no queue-instance-accounting
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>acct-plcy queue-instance-accounting)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt radius-accounting-policy queue-instance-accounting
This command enables per queue-instance-accounting. A stream of accounting messages (START/INTERIM-UPDATE/STOP) is generated per queuing instance. A queuing instance is equivalent to an sla-profile instance. Accounting session id is generated per queuing instance and this accounting session id cannot be included in RADIUS Access-Request message. Queue instance counters represent volume based aggregation for all hosts sharing the queuing instance.
CoA and LI is supported based on the acct-session-id of the queuing instance.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
queue-instance-accounting interim-update
- interim-update
Specifies whether accounting messages are sent for the queue-instance. The queue-instance is the SLA profile instance.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] queue-override
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>ingress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>vpls>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>sub-if>grp-if>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>vprn>if>sap>ingress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ies>if>sap>ingress queue-override)
Full Context
configure service vpls sap ingress queue-override
configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override
configure service vpls sap egress queue-override
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress queue-override
configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-override
configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override
configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-override
Commands in this context configure override values for the specified SAP egress or ingress QoS queue. These values override the corresponding ones specified in the associated SAP egress QoS policy.
- configure service vpls sap egress queue-override
- configure service vpls sap ingress queue-override
- configure service vprn interface sap egress queue-override
- configure service ies interface sap ingress queue-override
- configure service vprn interface sap ingress queue-override
- configure service ies interface sap egress queue-override
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
- configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface sap egress queue-override
[no] queue-override
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>ingress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>ipipe>sap>ingress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>epipe>sap>egress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>ingress queue-override)
[Tree] (config>service>cpipe>sap>egress queue-override)
Full Context
configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override
configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override
configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override
configure service epipe sap egress queue-override
configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override
configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override
Commands in this context configure override values for the specified SAP egress or ingress QoS queue. These values override the corresponding ones specified in the associated SAP egress or ingress QoS policy. If the policy was created as a template policy, this command overrides the parameter and its description and queue parameters in the policy.
- configure service epipe sap ingress queue-override
- configure service epipe sap egress queue-override
- configure service ipipe sap egress queue-override
- configure service ipipe sap ingress queue-override
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure service cpipe sap ingress queue-override
- configure service cpipe sap egress queue-override
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>ing>qgrp queue-overrides)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>access>egr>qgrp queue-overrides)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network>egr>qgrp queue-overrides)
Full Context
configure port ethernet access ingress queue-group queue-overrides
configure port ethernet access egress queue-group queue-overrides
configure port ethernet network egress queue-group queue-overrides
Commands in this context define optional queue parameter overrides for each queue within the queue group.
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>bw-plcy>t2-paths>primary-path queue-parameters)
[Tree] (config>mcast-mgmt>bw-plcy>t2-paths>secondary-path queue-parameters)
Full Context
configure mcast-management bandwidth-policy t2-paths primary-path queue-parameters
configure mcast-management bandwidth-policy t2-paths secondary-path queue-parameters
Commands in this context configure queue parameters. This command defines the individual parameters for the queues through which multicast packets are forwarded into the switch fabric on each path.
The individual path queues may be viewed as shared queues. All multicast packets forwarded through the switch fabric associated with one of the paths traverses bypass the normal queuing behavior. Instead of being forwarded through the normal service or network multicast queue, a single queue associated with the multicast path is used. To retain billing and diagnostic information, the forwarding and discard statistics for the service or network queue the packet would have traversed without ingress multicast management is used to account for each packet’s behavior.
Any ingress scheduling policy functions attempting to manage the service or network multicast queues is only able to read the statistics of the multicast queues and not able to manage the queues dynamic rate since the packets are flowing through different, non-managed queues. Since this is the case, multicast queues parented to a scheduling policy should be parented to the root scheduler at the highest priority without any rate limitation. Any ingress rate limiting for multicast traffic is performed by the multicast path bandwidth manger based on each records priority and a possible "black-hole” rate threshold.
All queues created for ingress multicast path management are automatically created by the system out of the system reserved queue space. Each queue is created as an expedited queue.
When forwarding through the queues, each packets forwarding class is ignored. However, the forwarding class is retained for proper egress processing. The packets expressed or implied profile is also ignored within the ingress path queues. A packets congestion priority is derived from the records cong-priority-threshold evaluation result as indicated by the policy or multicast-info-policy. The cong-priority-threshold sets the high or low congestion priority of a record based on the records preference value. Within each multicast information policy bundle the cong-priority-threshold preference-level is set with a value from 0 to 7 and defines the threshold at which all records with a preference equal to or higher than the defined preference is treated as congestion priority high. Multicast records with a preference lower than the defined class threshold is treated as congestion priority low. Low-priority packets use the low drop-tail threshold of the queue, while high-priority packets use the standard MBS value. In the event of path congestion, low-priority packets are discarded first, leaving room for the higher priority packets.
For the primary and secondary paths, a single queue exists for each path and every packet forwarded through the path by the bandwidth manager uses that queue.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-1x-48D, 7750 SR-1x-92S, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR
queue-policy name
no queue-policy
[Tree] (config>card>fp>ingress>network queue-policy)
Full Context
configure card fp ingress network queue-policy
This command specifies the network-queue policy which defines queue parameters such as CBS, high priority only burst size, MBS, CIR and PIR rates, as well as forwarding-class to queue mappings. The network-queue policy is defined in the config>qos>network-queue context.
queue-policy default
- name
Specifies an existing network-queue policy name, up to 32 characters long.
queue-policy name
no queue-policy
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>ds3>network queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>ds1>channel-group>network queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>e1>channel-group>network queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>sonet-sdh>path>network queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>network queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>port>tdm>e3>network queue-policy)
Full Context
configure port tdm ds3 network queue-policy
configure port tdm ds1 channel-group network queue-policy
configure port tdm e1 channel-group network queue-policy
configure port sonet-sdh path network queue-policy
configure port ethernet network queue-policy
configure port tdm e3 network queue-policy
This command specifies the existing network queue policy which defines queue parameters such as CBS, high priority only burst size, MBS, CIR and PIR rates, as well as forwarding-class to queue mappings. The network-queue policy is defined in the config>qos>network-queue context.
queue-policy default
- name
Specifies an existing network-queue policy name. The name can be up to 32 characters.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e
- configure port tdm ds3 network queue-policy
- configure port tdm ds1 channel-group network queue-policy
- configure port tdm e3 network queue-policy
- configure port tdm e1 channel-group network queue-policy
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
- configure port sonet-sdh path network queue-policy
- configure port ethernet network queue-policy
queue-policy network-queue-policy-name
no queue-policy
[Tree] (config>isa>aa-grp>qos>egress>to-subscriber queue-policy)
[Tree] (config>isa>aa-grp>qos>egress>from-subscriber queue-policy)
Full Context
configure isa application-assurance-group qos egress to-subscriber queue-policy
configure isa application-assurance-group qos egress from-subscriber queue-policy
This command assigns an IOM network queue policy as applicable to specific application assurance group traffic.
queue-policy "default”
- network-queue-policy-name
Specifies the name of the network queue policy defined in the system.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[Tree] (config>qos>fp-resource-policy>aggregate-shapers queue-sets)
Full Context
configure qos fp-resource-policy aggregate-shapers queue-sets
Commands in this context configure queue sets.
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-s
[Tree] (config>qos>fp-resource-policy queues)
Full Context
configure qos fp-resource-policy queues
Commands in this context modify the FP resource policy information for the queues.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS
queues all
no queues
[Tree] (config>subscr-mgmt>sla-prof>aggregate-qos-stats>egress queues)
Full Context
configure subscriber-mgmt sla-profile aggregate-qos-stats egress queues
This command configures which types of queues are used to calculate the total egress aggregate statistics. This can include all static queues that are configured in a QoS SAP-egress policy and all dynamic queues that are created on demand, according to the session needs.
The no form of this command removes all the queues from the statistics calculation.
queues all
- all
- Keyword that specifies to select all static and dynamic queues for the aggregate QoS egress statistics calculation.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR
[no] queues-hqos-manageable
[Tree] (config>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp queues-hqos-manageable)
Full Context
configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group queues-hqos-manageable
This command specifies that the queues within this egress queue group template are to be managed by the Hierarchical QoS (HQoS) process when the template is applied to an Ethernet access egress or network egress context. It is applicable to all egress queue group templates, including the default policer-output-queues template.
The no queues-hqos-manageable command must be configured for access egress queue groups that are used for post-policer traffic in order to prevent HQoS from measuring the traffic through a policer managed by HQoS then again through a post-policer access egress queue group queue.
Avoid scenarios that result in traffic being either not being measured or being measured twice by HQoS as they will cause the HQoS result to be inaccurate.
A template configured for no queues-hqos-manageable cannot be applied to an Ethernet network egress context. Any egress queue group templates applied to an Ethernet network egress context cannot be configured as no queues-hqos-manageable. The configuration of no queues-hqos-manageable and the configuration of policers and queue packet-byte-offset within the egress queue group template are mutually exclusive.
When a queue group template with no queues-hqos-manageable is configured under a port's Ethernet access egress context, the configuration of an aggregate rate or scheduler policy is not permitted under that context, nor are parent overrides for any of the queues in the queue group. If a port scheduler is configured on the port, the queue group queues are not parented to the port scheduler.
The no form of this command specifies that queues within this egress queue group are not managed by HQoS.
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, VSR
quiet-period seconds
[Tree] (config>port>ethernet>dot1x quiet-period)
Full Context
configure port ethernet dot1x quiet-period
This command configures the period between two authentication sessions during which no EAPOL frames are sent by the router.
The no form of this command returns the value to the default.
quiet-period 60
- seconds
Specifies the quiet period in seconds.
[Tree] (candidate quit)
Full Context
candidate quit
This command exits the edit-cfg mode. The contents of the current candidate will not be deleted and the operator can continue editing the candidate later.