filter commands
— filter
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dhcp-filter number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action
— bypass-host-creation
— drop
— description description
— entry number
— action
— bypass-host-creation
— drop
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— option
— absent
— match
— exact boolean
— hex string
— invert boolean
— string string
— number number
— present
— dhcp6-filter number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action
— bypass-host-creation
— na boolean
— pd boolean
— drop
— description description
— entry number
— action
— bypass-host-creation
— na boolean
— pd boolean
— drop
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— option
— absent
— match
— exact boolean
— hex string
— invert boolean
— string string
— number number
— present
— gre-tunnel-template named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— ipv4
— destination-address ipv4-address
— gre-key (keyword | number)
— skip-ttl-decrement boolean
— source-address ipv4-address
— ipv6
— destination-address ipv6-unicast-address
— gre-key keyword
— skip-hop-decrement boolean
— source-address ipv6-unicast-address
— ip-exception filter-name
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— entry number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— match
— dst-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— mask ipv4-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— icmp
— code number
— type number
— protocol (number | keyword)
— src-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— mask ipv4-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— filter-id number
— ip-filter filter-name
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— chain-to-system-filter boolean
— default-action keyword
— description description
— embed
— filter reference offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— flowspec offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— group number
— router-instance string
— openflow reference offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— grt
— sap reference
— system
— vpls reference
— vprn reference
— entry number
— action
— accept
— accept-when
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drop
— drop-when
— extracted-traffic
— packet-length
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— ttl
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— fc keyword
— forward
— bonding-connection number
— esi-l2
— esi-value ethernet-segment-id
— vpls reference
— esi-l3
— esi-value ethernet-segment-id
— sf-ip ipv4-address
— vas-interface reference
— vprn reference
— gre-tunnel reference
— lsp named-item-64
— mpls-policy
— endpoint ipv4-unicast-address
— next-hop
— nh-ip
— address ipv4-address
— indirect boolean
— nh-ip-vrf
— address ipv4-address
— indirect boolean
— router-instance string
— redirect-policy reference
— router-instance string
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— srte-policy
— color number
— endpoint ipv4-unicast-or-zero-address
— srv6-policy
— color number
— endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
— service-sid ipv6-unicast-address
— vprn-target
— adv-prefix ipv4-prefix
— bgp-nh ipv4-address
— lsp named-item-64
— vprn reference
— gtp-local-breakout
— http-redirect
— allow-override boolean
— url (keyword | http-redirect-url)
— ignore-match
— l2-aware-nat-bypass boolean
— nat
— nat-policy reference
— rate-limit
— extracted-traffic
— mbs (number | keyword)
— packet-length
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— pir (number | keyword)
— policer reference
— pps-pir (number | keyword)
— ttl
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— reassemble
— remark
— dscp keyword
— secondary
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— forward
— next-hop
— nh-ip-vrf
— address ipv4-address
— indirect boolean
— router-instance string
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— vprn-target
— adv-prefix ipv4-prefix
— bgp-nh ipv4-address
— lsp named-item-64
— vprn reference
— remark
— dscp keyword
— tcp-mss-adjust
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— egress-pbr keyword
— filter-sample boolean
— interface-sample boolean
— log reference
— match
— destination-class number
— dscp keyword
— dst-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv4-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— fragment keyword
— icmp
— code number
— type number
— ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv4-address
— ip-option
— mask number
— type number
— multiple-option boolean
— option-present boolean
— packet-length
— eq number
— gt number
— ip-packet-length-list reference
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— protocol (number | keyword)
— protocol-list reference
— src-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv4-address
— src-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— src-route-option boolean
— tcp-established
— tcp-flags
— ack boolean
— cwr boolean
— ece boolean
— fin boolean
— ns boolean
— psh boolean
— rst boolean
— syn boolean
— urg boolean
— ttl
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— pbr-down-action-override keyword
— sample-profile reference
— sticky-dest (number | keyword)
— filter-id number
— scope keyword
— shared-policer boolean
— subscriber-mgmt
— host-specific-entry
— credit-control
— range
— end number
— start number
— filter-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— watermark
— high number
— low number
— shared-entry
— filter-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— pcc-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— watermark
— high number
— low number
— type keyword
— ipv6-exception filter-name
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— entry number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— match
— dst-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— ipv6-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv6-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— icmp
— code number
— type number
— next-header (number | keyword)
— port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— src-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— ipv6-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv6-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— filter-id number
— ipv6-filter filter-name
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— chain-to-system-filter boolean
— default-action keyword
— description description
— embed
— filter reference offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— flowspec offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— group number
— router-instance string
— openflow reference offset number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— grt
— sap reference
— system
— vpls reference
— vprn reference
— entry number
— action
— accept
— accept-when
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drop
— drop-when
— extracted-traffic
— hop-limit
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— payload-length
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— fc keyword
— forward
— bonding-connection number
— esi-l2
— esi-value ethernet-segment-id
— vpls reference
— esi-l3
— esi-value ethernet-segment-id
— sf-ip ipv6-address
— vas-interface reference
— vprn reference
— gre-tunnel reference
— lsp named-item-64
— mpls-policy
— endpoint ipv6-unicast-address
— next-hop
— nh-ip
— address ipv6-address
— indirect boolean
— nh-ip-vrf
— address ipv6-address
— indirect boolean
— router-instance string
— redirect-policy reference
— router-instance string
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— srte-policy
— color number
— endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
— srv6-policy
— color number
— endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
— service-sid ipv6-unicast-address
— vprn-target
— adv-prefix ipv6-prefix
— bgp-nh ipv4-address
— lsp named-item-64
— vprn reference
— http-redirect
— allow-override boolean
— url (keyword | http-redirect-url)
— ignore-match
— nat
— nat-policy reference
— nat-type keyword
— rate-limit
— extracted-traffic
— hop-limit
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— mbs (number | keyword)
— pattern
— expression hex-string
— mask hex-string
— offset-type keyword
— offset-value number
— payload-length
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— pir (number | keyword)
— policer reference
— pps-pir (number | keyword)
— remark
— dscp keyword
— secondary
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— forward
— next-hop
— nh-ip-vrf
— address ipv6-address
— indirect boolean
— router-instance string
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— vprn-target
— adv-prefix ipv6-prefix
— bgp-nh ipv4-address
— lsp named-item-64
— vprn reference
— remark
— dscp keyword
— tcp-mss-adjust
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— egress-pbr keyword
— filter-sample boolean
— interface-sample boolean
— log reference
— match
— destination-class number
— dscp keyword
— dst-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— ipv6-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv6-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— extension-header
— ah boolean
— esp boolean
— hop-by-hop boolean
— routing-type0 boolean
— flow-label
— mask number
— value number
— fragment keyword
— hop-limit
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— icmp
— code number
— type number
— ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— ipv6-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv6-address
— next-header (number | keyword)
— next-header-list reference
— packet-length
— eq number
— gt number
— ipv6-packet-length-list reference
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— src-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— ipv6-prefix-list reference
— mask ipv6-address
— src-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— tcp-established
— tcp-flags
— ack boolean
— cwr boolean
— ece boolean
— fin boolean
— ns boolean
— psh boolean
— rst boolean
— syn boolean
— urg boolean
— pbr-down-action-override keyword
— sample-profile reference
— sticky-dest (number | keyword)
— filter-id number
— scope keyword
— shared-policer boolean
— subscriber-mgmt
— host-specific-entry
— credit-control
— range
— end number
— start number
— filter-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— watermark
— high number
— low number
— shared-entry
— filter-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— pcc-rule
— range
— end number
— start number
— watermark
— high number
— low number
— type keyword
— log number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description-or-empty
— destination
— memory
— max-entries number
— stop-on-full boolean
— syslog
— name reference
— summary
— admin-state keyword
— summary-crit keyword
— mac-filter filter-name
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action keyword
— description description
— embed
— entry number
— action
— accept
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drop
— forward
— esi-l2
— esi-value ethernet-segment-id
— vpls reference
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— http-redirect
— url http-redirect-url
— ignore-match
— rate-limit
— pir (number | keyword)
— secondary
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— forward
— sap
— sap-id reference
— vpls reference
— sdp
— sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
— vpls reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— log reference
— match
— dot1p
— mask number
— priority number
— dst-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— etype etype-value
— frame-type keyword
— inner-tag
— mask number
— tag number
— isid
— range
— end number
— start number
— value number
— llc-dsap
— dsap number
— mask number
— llc-ssap
— mask number
— ssap number
— outer-tag
— mask number
— tag number
— snap-oui keyword
— snap-pid number
— src-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— pbr-down-action-override keyword
— sticky-dest (number | keyword)
— filter-id number
— scope keyword
— type keyword
— match-list
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ip-packet-length-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— packet-length number
— range start number end number
— ip-prefix-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— apply-path
— bgp-peers number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— group regular-expression-not-all-spaces
— neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces
— router-instance string
— description description
— prefix ipv4-prefix
— prefix-exclude ipv4-prefix
— ipv6-packet-length-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— packet-length number
— range start number end number
— ipv6-prefix-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— apply-path
— bgp-peers number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— group regular-expression-not-all-spaces
— neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces
— router-instance string
— description description
— prefix ipv6-prefix
— prefix-exclude ipv6-prefix
— port-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— port number
— range start number end number
— protocol-list named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— protocol (number | keyword)
— md-auto-id
— filter-id-range
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— end number
— start number
— policer named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— mbs (number | keyword)
— pir number
— pps-pir number
— scope keyword
— redirect-policy named-item
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— ping-test
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drop-count number
— hold-down number
— interval number
— source-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— timeout number
— priority number
— unicast-rt-test
— notify-dest-change boolean
— router-instance string
— sticky-dest (number | keyword)
— redirect-policy-binding named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— binding-operator keyword
— redirect-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— destination reference
— system-filter
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ip reference
— ipv6 reference
filter command descriptions
dhcp-filter [filter-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the dhcp-filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number | |
Tree | dhcp-filter | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-id] number
Synopsis | Unique DHCP filter policy ID | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number | |
Tree | dhcp-filter | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the default-action context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number default-action | |
Tree | default-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Host creation options to bypass | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number default-action bypass-host-creation | |
Tree | bypass-host-creation | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | DHCP host creation when the filter entry is matched | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number default-action drop | |
Tree | drop | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Max. instances | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | DHCP filter entry ID | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the action context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number entry number action | |
Tree | action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Host creation options to bypass | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number entry number action bypass-host-creation | |
Tree | bypass-host-creation | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the option context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp-filter number entry number option | |
Tree | option | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
exact boolean
hex string
invert boolean
string string
number number
dhcp6-filter [filter-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the dhcp6-filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number | |
Tree | dhcp6-filter | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-id] number
Synopsis | Unique DHCP filter policy ID | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number | |
Tree | dhcp6-filter | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the default-action context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number default-action | |
Tree | default-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the bypass-host-creation context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number default-action bypass-host-creation | |
Tree | bypass-host-creation | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
na boolean
Synopsis | Bypass the DHCPv6 NA host creation | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number default-action bypass-host-creation na boolean | |
Tree | na | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pd boolean
Synopsis | Bypass the DHCPv6 PD host creation | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number default-action bypass-host-creation pd boolean | |
Tree | pd | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Drop DHCPv6 message (do not process) | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number default-action drop | |
Tree | drop | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Max. instances | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | DHCP filter entry ID | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the action context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number action | |
Tree | action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the bypass-host-creation context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number action bypass-host-creation | |
Tree | bypass-host-creation | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: bypass-host-creation or drop. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
na boolean
Synopsis | Bypass the DHCPv6 NA host creation | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number action bypass-host-creation na boolean | |
Tree | na | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pd boolean
Synopsis | Bypass the DHCPv6 PD host creation | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number action bypass-host-creation pd boolean | |
Tree | pd | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the option context | |
Context | configure filter dhcp6-filter number entry number option | |
Tree | option | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
exact boolean
hex string
invert boolean
string string
number number
gre-tunnel-template [gre-tunnel-template-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the gre-tunnel-template list instance | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item | |
Tree | gre-tunnel-template | |
Max. instances | 8191 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[gre-tunnel-template-name] named-item
Synopsis | GRE tunnel template ID | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item | |
Tree | gre-tunnel-template | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv4 context | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 | |
Tree | ipv4 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ipv4 or ipv6. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
destination-address [address] ipv4-address
Synopsis | Add a list entry for destination-address | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 destination-address ipv4-address | |
Tree | destination-address | |
Description | This command defines a destination for the GRE IP header used to encapsulate the matching IPv4/IPv6 packet. A single destination address can be specified for an IPv6 gre-tunnel-template. Traffic matching the associated IPv4 or IPv6 filter is hashed across any available ECMP or UCMP route next hop available to the destination address. If no destination address is available, then matching traffic follows the configured pbr-down-action-override action, if configured. If no pbr-down-action-override is configured traffic is discarded. | |
Max. instances | 32 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[address] ipv4-address
Synopsis | Destination IPv4 address | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 destination-address ipv4-address | |
Tree | destination-address | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gre-key (keyword | number)
Synopsis | GRE key | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 gre-key (keyword | number) | |
Tree | gre-key | |
Max. range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
skip-ttl-decrement boolean
Synopsis | Decrement TTL | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 skip-ttl-decrement boolean | |
Tree | skip-ttl-decrement | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
source-address ipv4-address
Synopsis | Source IP address of the GRE encapsulated | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv4 source-address ipv4-address | |
Tree | source-address | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv6 context | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 | |
Tree | ipv6 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ipv4 or ipv6. | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
destination-address [address] ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | Add a list entry for destination-address | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 destination-address ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | destination-address | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[address] ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | IPv6 destination address | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 destination-address ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | destination-address | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gre-key keyword
Synopsis | Include a key value in GRE header | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 gre-key keyword | |
Tree | gre-key | |
Description | This command includes a key value in the GRE header of ifIndex of the ingress interface. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
skip-hop-decrement boolean
Synopsis | Decrement TTL of the received packet | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 skip-hop-decrement boolean | |
Tree | skip-hop-decrement | |
Description | When configured to true, the system decrements the TTL of the IP packet matching the IPv4 or IPv6 filter when it is encapsulated into the GRE tunnel header. When configured to false, the system increases the TTL of the received packet. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
source-address ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | Source IPv6 address of the GRE encapsulated | |
Context | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item ipv6 source-address ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | source-address | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-exception [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Enter the ip-exception list instance | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name | |
Tree | ip-exception | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Filter name | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name | |
Tree | ip-exception | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | ID for a match criteria and the corresponding action | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
mask ipv4-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
code number
Synopsis | ICMP code value to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number match icmp code number | |
Tree | code | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMP code value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP code value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
type number
Synopsis | ICMP type value to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name entry number match icmp type number | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMP type value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP type value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
protocol (number | keyword)
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
mask ipv4-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
filter-id number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Filter ID | |
Context | configure filter ip-exception filter-name filter-id number | |
Tree | filter-id | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
ip-filter [filter-name] filter-name
[filter-name] filter-name
chain-to-system-filter boolean
Synopsis | Chain filter policy to the active IPvX system filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name chain-to-system-filter boolean | |
Tree | chain-to-system-filter | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
default-action keyword
Synopsis | Action for packets that do not match any entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name default-action keyword | |
Tree | default-action | |
Options | ||
Default | drop | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the embed context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed | |
Tree | embed | |
Description | Commands in this context configure filter policy embedding. A previously defined IPv4 embedded filter policy or Hybrid OpenFlow switch instance can be embedded into an exclusive, template, or system filter policy at the specified offset value. Rules derived from BGP FlowSpec can also be embedded into template filter policies only. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter [name] reference offset number
Synopsis | Enter the filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number | |
Tree | filter | |
Description | Commands in this context embed a previously defined IPv4 filter policy into the filter policy at the specified offset value. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[name] reference
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the embedded filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number | |
Tree | filter | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097150 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
flowspec offset number
Synopsis | Enter the flowspec list instance | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number | |
Tree | flowspec | |
Description | Commands in this context embed a previously defined FlowSpec filter policy into the filter policy at the specified offset value. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the inserted entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number | |
Tree | flowspec | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
group number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Group ID of FlowSpec routes to embed in the filter | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number group number | |
Tree | group | |
Description | This command specifies the group ID of routes to embed into the filter. Only FlowSpec routes tagged with an interface-set extended community containing this group ID are selected for embedding. | |
Range | 0 to 16383 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing instance source of BGP FlowSpec routes | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
openflow [of-switch] reference offset number
[of-switch] reference
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the embedded filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number | |
Tree | openflow | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097150 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Global routing context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number grt | |
Tree | grt | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
sap reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SAP context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number sap reference | |
Tree | sap | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | System context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number system | |
Tree | system | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
vpls reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPLS context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number vpls reference | |
Tree | vpls | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
vprn reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPRN context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number vprn reference | |
Tree | vprn | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
entry [entry-id] number
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | Accept regular routing to forward a matching packet | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action accept | |
Tree | accept | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the accept-when context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when | |
Tree | accept-when | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Drop a packet matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop | |
Tree | drop | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Drop traffic extracted to CPM | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when extracted-traffic | |
Tree | extracted-traffic | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the packet-length context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when packet-length | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: packet-length or ttl. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when ttl range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
fc keyword
Synopsis | Class name to be forwarded for matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action fc keyword | |
Tree | fc | |
Options | be – Best effort l2 – Low 2 (best effort) af – Assured forwarding (assured) l1 – Low 1 (assured) h2 – High 2 (high priority) ef – Expedited forwarding (high priority) h1 – High 1 (high priority) nc – Network control (high priority) | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the forward context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward | |
Tree | forward | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bonding-connection number
Synopsis | Connection ID over which packet is forwarded | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward bonding-connection number | |
Tree | bonding-connection | |
Range | 1 to 2 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the esi-l2 context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l2 | |
Tree | esi-l2 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esi-value ethernet-segment-id
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the esi-l3 context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 | |
Tree | esi-l3 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esi-value ethernet-segment-id
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ESI of the first ESI-identified appliance | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 esi-value ethernet-segment-id | |
Tree | esi-value | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-ip ipv4-address
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IP address of the service function to forward traffic | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 sf-ip ipv4-address | |
Tree | sf-ip | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vas-interface reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Egress R-VPLS IP interface name | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 vas-interface reference | |
Tree | vas-interface | |
Reference | configure service vprn service-name interface interface-name | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vprn reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPRN service name | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 vprn reference | |
Tree | vprn | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
gre-tunnel reference
Synopsis | GRE tunnel template ID that sets the location where an encapsulated matching packet is transported | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward gre-tunnel reference | |
Tree | gre-tunnel | |
Reference | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lsp named-item-64
Synopsis | LSP that is specified to forward a packet matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward lsp named-item-64 | |
Tree | lsp | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the mpls-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward mpls-policy | |
Tree | mpls-policy | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
endpoint ipv4-unicast-address
Synopsis | Enable the next-hop context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop | |
Tree | next-hop | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address ipv4-address
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IPv4 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip address ipv4-address | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
address ipv4-address
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IPv4 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf address ipv4-address | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing context for route lookup for forwarding packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
redirect-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Next hop or forward next hop router that forwards a packet that matches this entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward redirect-policy reference | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Reference | configure filter redirect-policy named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Router name or VPRN service name | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the sap context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward sap | |
Tree | sap | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id reference
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the sdp context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward sdp | |
Tree | sdp | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the srte-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward srte-policy | |
Tree | srte-policy | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
color number
endpoint ipv4-unicast-or-zero-address
Synopsis | Enable the srv6-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy | |
Tree | srv6-policy | |
Description | Command in this context configure the redirection of packets to an active SRv6 policy. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
color number
endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
service-sid ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | SRv6 service segment identifier | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy service-sid ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | service-sid | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the vprn-target context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target | |
Tree | vprn-target | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adv-prefix ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | Advertised IP prefix for target destination | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target adv-prefix ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | adv-prefix | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-nh ipv4-address
lsp named-item-64
vprn reference
Synopsis | Break out matching traffic locally from a GTP tunnel for GTP-subscriber-hosts, or forward for other entities | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action gtp-local-breakout | |
Tree | gtp-local-breakout | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the http-redirect context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect | |
Tree | http-redirect | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the filter entry action for HTTP redirection. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
allow-override boolean
Synopsis | Override the HTTP redirect URL by a RADIUS VSA | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect allow-override boolean | |
Tree | allow-override | |
Description | This command specifies whether the RADIUS VSA can override the configured HTTP redirect URL for this filter entry. When configured to true, the RADIUS VSA can override the HTTP redirect URL. When configured to false, the HTTP redirect URL is not overriden. This does not apply if the CPF option is specified for the URL. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
url (keyword | http-redirect-url)
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | URL used for HTTP redirect action | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect url (keyword | http-redirect-url) | |
Tree | url | |
Description | This command specifies the URL to use for HTTP redirection for this filter entry. A URL can be specified or the CPF option can be used for BNG CUPS ESM sessions only. The following macro substitutions may be used: $URL — request-URI in the HTTP GET request received $MAC — a string that represents the MAC address of the subscriber host $IP — a string that represents the IP address of the subscriber host $SUB — a string that represents the subscriber ID $SAP — a string that represents a SAP ID $SAPDESC — description string configured on the SAP $CID — a string that represents the circuit ID or interface ID of the subscriber host (hexadecimal format) $RID — a string that represents the remote ID of the subscriber host (hexadecimal format) | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Ignore match criteria for the entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action ignore-match | |
Tree | ignore-match | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
l2-aware-nat-bypass boolean
Synopsis | Divert traffic from an L2-Aware NAT subscriber | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action l2-aware-nat-bypass boolean | |
Tree | l2-aware-nat-bypass | |
Description | When configured to true, the filter action selectively diverts traffic from a L2-Aware NAT subscriber away from NAT. This action is only applicable to L2-Aware NAT subscribers and must be configured together with action accept. Traffic identified in the match condition bypasses L2-Aware NAT. An example is to bypass NAT for on-net destinations (within the customer network). For selective NAT bypass to take effect, in addition to IP filter configuration, the L2-Aware NAT subscriber must be specifically enabled for selective bypass via the allow-bypass configuration option in the configure subscriber-mgmt sub-profile nat allow-bypass context. When configured to false, traffic that is not classified for bypass automatically diverts to L2-Aware NAT, unless it is explicitly configured in the IP filter action to be dropped. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the nat context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action nat | |
Tree | nat | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
nat-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | NAT policy name when action is NAT | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action nat nat-policy reference | |
Tree | nat-policy | |
Reference | configure service nat nat-policy external-named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the rate-limit context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit | |
Tree | rate-limit | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Limit the rate of traffic extracted to the CPM | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit extracted-traffic | |
Tree | extracted-traffic | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Enable the packet-length context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: packet-length or ttl. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
Synopsis | Exact match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length eq number | |
Tree | eq | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lt number
Synopsis | Less than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length lt number | |
Tree | lt | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length range | |
Tree | range | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit packet-length range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
pir (number | keyword)
policer reference
Synopsis | Policer name to use for rate limiting traffic | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit policer reference | |
Tree | policer | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: pir, policer, or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
pps-pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Peak information rate | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pps-pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pps-pir | |
Range | 0 to 100000000 | |
Units | packets per second | |
Options | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: pir, policer, or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
eq number
gt number
lt number
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit ttl range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
Synopsis | Forward matching packets to reassembly function | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action reassemble | |
Tree | reassemble | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
dscp keyword
address ipv4-address
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IPv4 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf address ipv4-address | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing context for route lookup for forwarding packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SAP ID used to forward packets matching the entry | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sap sap-id reference | |
Tree | sap-id | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the vprn-target context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target | |
Tree | vprn-target | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: next-hop, sap, sdp, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adv-prefix ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | Advertised IP prefix for the target destination | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target adv-prefix ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | adv-prefix | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-nh ipv4-address
lsp named-item-64
vprn reference
dscp keyword
Synopsis | Adjust MSS option of TCP matching packets to configured value of tcp-mss in router interface context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number action tcp-mss-adjust | |
Tree | tcp-mss-adjust | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, gtp-local-breakout, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, reassemble, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
egress-pbr keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | PBR that has an effect when this filter is applied on egress | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number egress-pbr keyword | |
Tree | egress-pbr | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter-sample boolean
Synopsis | Sample matching traffic if IP interface is set to cflowd ACL mode | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number filter-sample boolean | |
Tree | filter-sample | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
interface-sample boolean
Synopsis | Sample matching traffic if IP interface is set to cflowd interface mode | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number interface-sample boolean | |
Tree | interface-sample | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
log reference
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the filter entry. When the match criteria are satisfied, the action associated with the match criteria is executed. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
destination-class number
Synopsis | Destination class as a match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match destination-class number | |
Tree | destination-class | |
Description | This command configures the BGP destination class value as a match criterion. Filtering egress traffic on the destination class requires the destination-class-lookup command (under the ingress context for the service interface) to be enabled (set to true). | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dscp keyword
Synopsis | Enter the dst-ip context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip | |
Tree | dst-ip | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a destination address range that is used by filter policy match criteria. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ip or (dst-ip and src-ip). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
Synopsis | IPv4 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv4 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip ip-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ip-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv4-address
Synopsis | Enter the dst-port context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match dst-port | |
Tree | dst-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the destination port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match dst-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
fragment keyword
code number
Synopsis | ICMP code value to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match icmp code number | |
Tree | code | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMP code value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP code value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
type number
Synopsis | ICMP type value to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match icmp type number | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMP type value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP type value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
Synopsis | IPv4 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ip address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv4 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ip ip-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ip-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv4-address
Synopsis | Enable the ip-option context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ip-option | |
Tree | ip-option | |
Description | Commands in this context configure matching packets with a specific IP option, or a range of IP options, in the first option of the IP header as an IP filter match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask number
Synopsis | Mask used with the IP option value in the packet header | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ip-option mask number | |
Tree | mask | |
Description | This command specifies an optional value that can be used when specifying a range of option numbers to use as the match criteria. | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Default | 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
type number
Synopsis | IP option to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ip-option type number | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command specifies the 8-bit option type in decimal integer, binary, or hexadecimal format. The mask is applied as an AND to the option byte, and the result is compared with the option value. The decimal value entered for the match should be a combined value of the 8-bit option type field and not only the option number. For example, to match IP packets that contain the Router Alert option (option number = 20), enter the option type of 148 (10010100). | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
multiple-option boolean
Synopsis | Match based on presence of multiple options in header | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match multiple-option boolean | |
Tree | multiple-option | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
option-present boolean
Synopsis | Match on any IP option present in the packet | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match option-present boolean | |
Tree | option-present | |
Description | When configured to true, the router matches on IP packets that contain any IP option in the IP header. An option field of zero is considered as no option present. When configured to false, the router matches on IP packets that do not have an IP option present in the IP header. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the packet-length context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the match criterion for the IPv4 packet length. The IPv4 packet length represents the total packet length which includes the IPv4 header and the payload. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ip-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-packet-length-list reference
Synopsis | Packet length list to match | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length ip-packet-length-list reference | |
Tree | ip-packet-length-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ip-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lt number
end number
start number
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
protocol (number | keyword)
protocol-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the protocol list as a match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match protocol-list reference | |
Tree | protocol-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: protocol or protocol-list. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the src-ip context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip | |
Tree | src-ip | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a source address range that is used by filter policy match criteria. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ip or (dst-ip and src-ip). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
Synopsis | IPv4 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv4 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip ip-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ip-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ip-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv4-address
address mac-address
mask mac-address
Synopsis | Enter the src-port context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-port | |
Tree | src-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the source port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
src-route-option boolean
Synopsis | Match based on presence of source route option | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match src-route-option boolean | |
Tree | src-route-option | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Use ACK or RST status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-established | |
Tree | tcp-established | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ACK or the RST TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: tcp-established or tcp-flags. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the tcp-flags context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags | |
Tree | tcp-flags | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the use of TCP flags as the IP filter match. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: tcp-established or tcp-flags. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ack boolean
Synopsis | Use ACK TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ack boolean | |
Tree | ack | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ACK TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 793, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the ACK TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cwr boolean
Synopsis | Use CWR TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags cwr boolean | |
Tree | cwr | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3168, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the CWR TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ece boolean
Synopsis | Use ECE TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ece boolean | |
Tree | ece | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ECN-Echo (ECE) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3168, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the ECE TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fin boolean
Synopsis | Use FIN TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags fin boolean | |
Tree | fin | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the FIN TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the FIN TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 793, is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ns boolean
Synopsis | Use NS TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ns boolean | |
Tree | ns | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Nonce Sum (NS) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3540, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the NS TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
psh boolean
Synopsis | Use PSH TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags psh boolean | |
Tree | psh | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Push (PSH) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the Push (PSH) TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rst boolean
Synopsis | Use RST TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags rst boolean | |
Tree | rst | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the RST TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the RST TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
syn boolean
Synopsis | Use SYN TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags syn boolean | |
Tree | syn | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Synchronize (SYN) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the SYN TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
urg boolean
Synopsis | Use URG TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags urg boolean | |
Tree | urg | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Urgent (URG) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the URG TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number match ttl range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
pbr-down-action-override keyword
Synopsis | Action when PBR or PBF target for this entry is not available | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number pbr-down-action-override keyword | |
Tree | pbr-down-action-override | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sample-profile reference
Synopsis | Cflowd sample profile ID to match packets | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number sample-profile reference | |
Tree | sample-profile | |
Description | This command allows traffic matching an IPv4 or IPv6 filter to be sampled for cflowd processing using a specific sample profile ID. This option is only compatible if the associated interface is configured for interface-based sampling and is only supported for ingress sampling. An IP filter can only specify a single alternate sample profile ID for cflowd sampling, but the ID can be used in multiple entries. | |
Reference | configure cflowd sample-profile number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sticky-dest (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Time before action with available PBR or PBF destination and highest priority | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name entry number sticky-dest (number | keyword) | |
Tree | sticky-dest | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Units | seconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter-id number
scope keyword
Synopsis | Scope of the filter definition | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name scope keyword | |
Tree | scope | |
Description | This command configures the filter policy scope. If the scope of the policy is template and is applied to one or more services or network interfaces, the scope cannot be changed. | |
Options | ||
Default | template | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
shared-policer boolean
Synopsis | Share policer among active ports in the LAG | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name shared-policer boolean | |
Tree | shared-policer | |
Description | When configured to true, and when the filter policy is configured on a LAG endpoint, the system programs the policer rates in the filter policy per line card FP of the LAG based on the number of active ports in the LAG for each FP. When configured to false, and when the filter policy is configured on a LAG endpoint, the system programs the same policer rate on each line card FP of the LAG. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the subscriber-mgmt context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt | |
Tree | subscriber-mgmt | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the host-specific-entry context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry | |
Tree | host-specific-entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the credit-control context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control | |
Tree | credit-control | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for credit control filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for credit control filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the filter-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule | |
Tree | filter-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for inserting filter rule entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for inserting filter rule entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the watermark context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark | |
Tree | watermark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | High watermark for host-specific entries, to raise a table full alarm | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 95 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Low watermark for host-specific entries, to clear a table full alarm | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 90 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the shared-entry context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry | |
Tree | shared-entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the filter-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule | |
Tree | filter-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for inserting shared host rules | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for inserting shared host rules | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the pcc-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule | |
Tree | pcc-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the range for PCC rule filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the range for PCC rule filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the watermark context | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark | |
Tree | watermark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | Limit of RADIUS shared filters before generating high watermark notification | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 1 to 8000 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Limit of RADIUS or Diameter shared filters before clearing high watermark notification | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 7999 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
type keyword
Synopsis | Set of match criteria for the filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ip-filter filter-name type keyword | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command configures the filter policy type that defines the list of match criteria supported in a filter policy. | |
Options | ||
Default | normal | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
ipv6-exception [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Enter the ipv6-exception list instance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-exception | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Filter name | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-exception | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | ID for a match criteria and the corresponding action | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
Synopsis | IPv6 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match dst-ip address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
ipv6-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match dst-ip ipv6-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
mask ipv6-address
Synopsis | Enter the dst-port context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match dst-port | |
Tree | dst-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the destination port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match dst-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
end number
start number
code number
Synopsis | ICMPv6 code value to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match icmp code number | |
Tree | code | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMPv6 code value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP code value of 0 match criterion may match non-initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
type number
Synopsis | ICMPv6 type value to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match icmp type number | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMPv6 type value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP type value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
next-header (number | keyword)
Synopsis | IP protocol to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match next-header (number | keyword) | |
Tree | next-header | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
end number
start number
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
Synopsis | IPv6 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match src-ip address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
ipv6-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match src-ip ipv6-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
mask ipv6-address
Synopsis | Enter the src-port context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match src-port | |
Tree | src-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the source port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name entry number match src-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
end number
start number
filter-id number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Filter ID | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-exception filter-name filter-id number | |
Tree | filter-id | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | VSR |
ipv6-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Enter the ipv6-filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Filter name | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
chain-to-system-filter boolean
Synopsis | Chain filter policy to the active IPvX system filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name chain-to-system-filter boolean | |
Tree | chain-to-system-filter | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
default-action keyword
Synopsis | Action for packets that do not match any entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name default-action keyword | |
Tree | default-action | |
Options | ||
Default | drop | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the embed context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed | |
Tree | embed | |
Description | Commands in this context configure filter policy embedding. A previously defined IPv6 embedded filter policy or Hybrid OpenFlow switch instance can be embedded into an exclusive, template, or system filter policy at the specified offset value. Rules derived from BGP FlowSpec can also be embedded into template filter policies only. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter [name] reference offset number
Synopsis | Enter the filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number | |
Tree | filter | |
Description | Commands in this context embed a previously defined IPv6 filter policy into the filter policy at the specified offset value. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[name] reference
Synopsis | IPv6 policy to be embedded in the filter | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number | |
Tree | filter | |
Reference | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the embedded filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number | |
Tree | filter | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097150 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed filter reference offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
flowspec offset number
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the inserted entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number | |
Tree | flowspec | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
group number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Group ID of FlowSpec routes to embed in the filter | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number group number | |
Tree | group | |
Description | This command specifies the group ID of routes to embed into the filter. Only FlowSpec routes tagged with an interface-set extended community containing this group ID are selected for embedding. | |
Range | 0 to 16383 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing instance source of BGP FlowSpec routes | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed flowspec offset number router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
openflow [of-switch] reference offset number
[of-switch] reference
offset number
Synopsis | Offset of the embedded filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number | |
Tree | openflow | |
Description | This command configures the offset of the embedded filter policy. The embedded filter entry X has an entry X + offset in the embedding filter. | |
Range | 0 to 2097150 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the embedded filter | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Global routing context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number grt | |
Tree | grt | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
sap reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SAP context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number sap reference | |
Tree | sap | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | System context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number system | |
Tree | system | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
vpls reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPLS context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number vpls reference | |
Tree | vpls | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
vprn reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPRN context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name embed openflow reference offset number vprn reference | |
Tree | vprn | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: grt, system, (sap and vpls), or vprn. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | VSR |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | ID for a match criteria and the corresponding action | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the action context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action | |
Tree | action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Accept regular routing to forward a matching packet | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept | |
Tree | accept | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the accept-when context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when | |
Tree | accept-when | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the pattern context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern | |
Tree | pattern | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
Synopsis | Mask for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern mask hex-string | |
Tree | mask | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action accept-when pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Drop traffic extracted to CPM | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when extracted-traffic | |
Tree | extracted-traffic | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when hop-limit range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the payload-length context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length | |
Tree | payload-length | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: hop-limit or payload-length. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
Synopsis | Exact match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length eq number | |
Tree | eq | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lt number
Synopsis | Less than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length lt number | |
Tree | lt | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length range | |
Tree | range | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action drop-when payload-length range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fc keyword
Synopsis | Class name to be forwarded for matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action fc keyword | |
Tree | fc | |
Options | be – Best effort l2 – Low 2 (best effort) af – Assured forwarding (assured) l1 – Low 1 (assured) h2 – High 2 (high priority) ef – Expedited forwarding (high priority) h1 – High 1 (high priority) nc – Network control (high priority) | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bonding-connection number
Synopsis | Connection ID over which packet is forwarded | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward bonding-connection number | |
Tree | bonding-connection | |
Range | 1 to 2 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the esi-l2 context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l2 | |
Tree | esi-l2 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esi-value ethernet-segment-id
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the esi-l3 context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 | |
Tree | esi-l3 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esi-value ethernet-segment-id
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ESI of the first ESI-identified appliance | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 esi-value ethernet-segment-id | |
Tree | esi-value | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-ip ipv6-address
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IP address of the service function to forward traffic | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 sf-ip ipv6-address | |
Tree | sf-ip | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vas-interface reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Egress R-VPLS IP interface name | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 vas-interface reference | |
Tree | vas-interface | |
Reference | configure service vprn service-name interface interface-name | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vprn reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPRN service name | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward esi-l3 vprn reference | |
Tree | vprn | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
gre-tunnel reference
Synopsis | GRE tunnel template ID that sets the location where an encapsulated matching packet is transported | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward gre-tunnel reference | |
Tree | gre-tunnel | |
Reference | configure filter gre-tunnel-template named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lsp named-item-64
Synopsis | LSP that is specified to forward a packet matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward lsp named-item-64 | |
Tree | lsp | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the mpls-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward mpls-policy | |
Tree | mpls-policy | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
endpoint ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | MPLS forwarding policy endpoint IPv6 address | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward mpls-policy endpoint ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | endpoint | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the next-hop context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop | |
Tree | next-hop | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address ipv6-address
Synopsis | IPv6 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip address ipv6-address | |
Tree | address | |
Description | This command specifies the IPv6 address of a direct or indirect next hop to which matching packets are forwarded. | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
address ipv6-address
Synopsis | IPv6 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf address ipv6-address | |
Tree | address | |
Description | This command specifies the IPv6 address of a direct or indirect next hop to which matching packets are forwarded. | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing context for route lookup for forwarding packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
redirect-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Next hop or forward next hop router that forwards a packet that matches this entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward redirect-policy reference | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Reference | configure filter redirect-policy named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Router name or VPRN service name | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the sap context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward sap | |
Tree | sap | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id reference
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the sdp context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward sdp | |
Tree | sdp | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the srte-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srte-policy | |
Tree | srte-policy | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
color number
Synopsis | SR-TE policy color ID | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srte-policy color number | |
Tree | color | |
Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
Synopsis | SR-TE policy endpoint IPv6 address | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srte-policy endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address | |
Tree | endpoint | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the srv6-policy context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy | |
Tree | srv6-policy | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
color number
Synopsis | SRv6 policy color | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy color number | |
Tree | color | |
Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address
Synopsis | SRv6 policy endpoint IPv6 address | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy endpoint ipv6-unicast-or-zero-address | |
Tree | endpoint | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
service-sid ipv6-unicast-address
Synopsis | SRv6 service segment identifier | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward srv6-policy service-sid ipv6-unicast-address | |
Tree | service-sid | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 23.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the vprn-target context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target | |
Tree | vprn-target | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: bonding-connection, esi-l2, esi-l3, gre-tunnel, lsp, mpls-policy, next-hop, redirect-policy, router-instance, sap, sdp, srte-policy, srv6-policy, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adv-prefix ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | Advertised IP prefix for target destination | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target adv-prefix ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | adv-prefix | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-nh ipv4-address
Synopsis | Target BGP next hop IP address | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target bgp-nh ipv4-address | |
Tree | bgp-nh | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lsp named-item-64
Synopsis | LSP that is specified to forward a packet matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target lsp named-item-64 | |
Tree | lsp | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vprn reference
Synopsis | Routing context used for route lookup | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action forward vprn-target vprn reference | |
Tree | vprn | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the http-redirect context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect | |
Tree | http-redirect | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the filter entry action for HTTP redirection. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
allow-override boolean
Synopsis | Override the HTTP redirect URL by a RADIUS VSA | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect allow-override boolean | |
Tree | allow-override | |
Description | This command specifies whether the RADIUS VSA can override the configured HTTP redirect URL for this filter entry. When configured to true, the RADIUS VSA can override the HTTP redirect URL. When configured to false, the HTTP redirect URL is not overriden. This does not apply if the CPF option is specified for the URL. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
url (keyword | http-redirect-url)
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | URL used for HTTP redirect action | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect url (keyword | http-redirect-url) | |
Tree | url | |
Description | This command specifies the URL to use for HTTP redirection for this filter entry. A URL can be specified or the CPF option can be used for BNG CUPS ESM sessions only. The following macro substitutions may be used: $URL — request-URI in the HTTP GET request received $MAC — a string that represents the MAC address of the subscriber host $IP — a string that represents the IP address of the subscriber host $SUB — a string that represents the subscriber ID $SAP — a string that represents a SAP ID $SAPDESC — description string configured on the SAP $CID — a string that represents the circuit ID or interface ID of the subscriber host (hexadecimal format) $RID — a string that represents the remote ID of the subscriber host (hexadecimal format) | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Ignore match criteria for the entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action ignore-match | |
Tree | ignore-match | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the nat context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action nat | |
Tree | nat | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
nat-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | NAT policy name when action is NAT | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action nat nat-policy reference | |
Tree | nat-policy | |
Reference | configure service nat nat-policy external-named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
nat-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | NAT type to assign when action is NAT | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action nat nat-type keyword | |
Tree | nat-type | |
Options | ||
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the rate-limit context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit | |
Tree | rate-limit | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Limit the rate of traffic extracted to the CPM | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit extracted-traffic | |
Tree | extracted-traffic | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the hop-limit context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit | |
Tree | hop-limit | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: hop-limit or payload-length. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
Synopsis | Equal to condition match value | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit eq number | |
Tree | eq | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than condition match value | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 0 to 254 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lt number
Synopsis | Less than condition match value | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit lt number | |
Tree | lt | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit hop-limit range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 0 to 254 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Maximum burst size | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | mbs | |
Range | 0 to 268435456 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Default | auto | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the pattern context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern | |
Tree | pattern | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
expression hex-string
Synopsis | Pattern expression to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern expression hex-string | |
Tree | expression | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mask hex-string
Synopsis | Mask for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern mask hex-string | |
Tree | mask | |
String length | 3 to 18 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-type keyword
Synopsis | Starting point reference for offset value of pattern | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern offset-type keyword | |
Tree | offset-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
offset-value number
Synopsis | Offset value for the pattern expression | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pattern offset-value number | |
Tree | offset-value | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the payload-length context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length | |
Tree | payload-length | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: hop-limit or payload-length. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
Synopsis | Exact match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length eq number | |
Tree | eq | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lt number
Synopsis | Less than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length lt number | |
Tree | lt | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length range | |
Tree | range | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the length range | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit payload-length range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Peak information rate | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: pir, policer, or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
policer reference
Synopsis | Policer name to use for rate limiting traffic | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit policer reference | |
Tree | policer | |
Reference | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: pir, policer, or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
pps-pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Peak information rate | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pps-pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pps-pir | |
Range | 0 to 100000000 | |
Units | packets per second | |
Options | ||
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: pir, policer, or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
dscp keyword
address ipv6-address
Synopsis | IPv6 address of next hop to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf address ipv6-address | |
Tree | address | |
Description | This command specifies the IPv6 address of a direct or indirect next hop to which matching packets are forwarded. | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
indirect boolean
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Routing context for route lookup for forwarding packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward next-hop nh-ip-vrf router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SAP ID used to forward packets matching the entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sap sap-id reference | |
Tree | sap-id | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the vprn-target context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target | |
Tree | vprn-target | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: next-hop, sap, sdp, or vprn-target. | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adv-prefix ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | Advertised IP prefix for the target destination | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target adv-prefix ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | adv-prefix | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-nh ipv4-address
Synopsis | Target BGP next hop IP address | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target bgp-nh ipv4-address | |
Tree | bgp-nh | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lsp named-item-64
Synopsis | LSP that is specified to forward a packet matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward vprn-target lsp named-item-64 | |
Tree | lsp | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vprn reference
dscp keyword
Synopsis | Adjust MSS option of TCP matching packets to configured value of tcp-mss in router interface context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number action tcp-mss-adjust | |
Tree | tcp-mss-adjust | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, ignore-match, nat, or tcp-mss-adjust. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
egress-pbr keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | PBR that has an effect when this filter is applied on egress | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number egress-pbr keyword | |
Tree | egress-pbr | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter-sample boolean
Synopsis | Sample matching traffic if IP interface is set to cflowd ACL mode | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number filter-sample boolean | |
Tree | filter-sample | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
interface-sample boolean
Synopsis | Sample matching traffic if IP interface is set to cflowd interface mode | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number interface-sample boolean | |
Tree | interface-sample | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
log reference
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Description | Commands in this context provide match criteria for the filter entry. When the match criteria are satisfied, the action associated with the match criteria is executed. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
destination-class number
Synopsis | Destination class as a match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match destination-class number | |
Tree | destination-class | |
Description | This command configures the BGP destination class value as a match criterion. Filtering egress traffic on the destination class requires the destination-class-lookup command (under the ingress context for the service interface) to be enabled (set to true). | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dscp keyword
Synopsis | Enter the dst-ip context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip | |
Tree | dst-ip | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a destination address range that is used by filter policy match criteria. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ip or (dst-ip and src-ip). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
Synopsis | IPv6 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match dst-ip ipv6-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv6-address
Synopsis | Enter the dst-port context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match dst-port | |
Tree | dst-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the destination port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match dst-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
Synopsis | Enter the extension-header context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match extension-header | |
Tree | extension-header | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ah boolean
Synopsis | Match a packet as per the existence of an AH Extension Header | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match extension-header ah boolean | |
Tree | ah | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esp boolean
Synopsis | Match a packet as per the existence of an Encapsulation security payload extension header | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match extension-header esp boolean | |
Tree | esp | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hop-by-hop boolean
Synopsis | Match on Hop-by-Hop Options Extension Header existence | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match extension-header hop-by-hop boolean | |
Tree | hop-by-hop | |
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms | All |
routing-type0 boolean
Synopsis | Match a packet as per the existence of a routing Extension Header | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match extension-header routing-type0 boolean | |
Tree | routing-type0 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the flow-label context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match flow-label | |
Tree | flow-label | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the flow label and optional mask match condition. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask number
Synopsis | Flow label mask for the IPv6 filter entry | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match flow-label mask number | |
Tree | mask | |
Description | This command specifies the IPv6 address mask for the flow label filter entry. This value can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary format. | |
Range | 1 to 1048575 | |
Default | 1048575 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
value number
Synopsis | Flow label as a match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match flow-label value number | |
Tree | value | |
Description | This command specifies the flow label to use as a match criterion. This value can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary format. | |
Range | 0 to 1048575 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fragment keyword
eq number
gt number
lt number
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match hop-limit range | |
Tree | range | |
Description | This command in this context specify an inclusive range. When range is used, the start of the range (the first value entered) must be smaller than the end of the range (the second value entered). | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
code number
Synopsis | ICMPv6 code value to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match icmp code number | |
Tree | code | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMPv6 code value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP code value of 0 match criterion may match non-initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
type number
Synopsis | ICMPv6 type value to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match icmp type number | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command specifies the ICMPv6 type value that must be present to match. The system matches on ICMP code or ICMP type, or on both values. An entry containing Layer 4 non-zero match criteria does not match non initial (second, third, and so on) fragments of a fragmented packet because only the first fragment contains the Layer 4 information. Similarly, an entry containing an ICMP type value of 0 match criterion may match non initial fragments when the Layer 4 header is not present in a packet fragment and other match criteria are also met. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
Synopsis | IPv6 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match ip address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match ip ipv6-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv6-address
next-header (number | keyword)
Synopsis | IP protocol to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match next-header (number | keyword) | |
Tree | next-header | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: next-header or next-header-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
next-header-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the protocol list as a match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match next-header-list reference | |
Tree | next-header-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: next-header or next-header-list. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the packet-length context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the match criterion for the IPv6 packet length. The IPv6 packet length represents the total packet length which includes the IPv6 header and the payload. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
Synopsis | Exact match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length eq number | |
Tree | eq | |
Range | 40 to 65575 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ipv6-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
gt number
Synopsis | Greater than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length gt number | |
Tree | gt | |
Range | 40 to 65574 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ipv6-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-packet-length-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 packet length list to match | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length ipv6-packet-length-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-packet-length-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ipv6-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lt number
Synopsis | Less than match criterion for the length | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length lt number | |
Tree | lt | |
Range | 41 to 65575 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ipv6-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length range | |
Tree | range | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: eq, gt, ipv6-packet-length-list, lt, or range. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of packet length range as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 41 to 65575 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of packet length range as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match packet-length range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 40 to 65574 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
Synopsis | Enter the src-ip context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip | |
Tree | src-ip | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a source address range that is used by filter policy match criteria. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: ip or (dst-ip and src-ip). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
Synopsis | IPv6 address used as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address) | |
Tree | address | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-prefix-list reference
Synopsis | IPv6 address prefix list used as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match src-ip ipv6-prefix-list reference | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (address and mask) or ipv6-prefix-list. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask ipv6-address
address mac-address
mask mac-address
Synopsis | Enter the src-port context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match src-port | |
Tree | src-port | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the source port. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: port or (dst-port and src-port). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
eq number
gt number
lt number
port-list reference
Synopsis | Name of the port list as the match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match src-port port-list reference | |
Tree | port-list | |
Reference | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: eq, gt, lt, port-list, or range. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
Synopsis | Use ACK or RST status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-established | |
Tree | tcp-established | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ACK or the RST TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: tcp-established or tcp-flags. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the tcp-flags context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags | |
Tree | tcp-flags | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the use of TCP flags as the IP filter match. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: tcp-established or tcp-flags. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ack boolean
Synopsis | Use ACK TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ack boolean | |
Tree | ack | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ACK TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 793, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the ACK TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cwr boolean
Synopsis | Use CWR TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags cwr boolean | |
Tree | cwr | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3168, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the CWR TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ece boolean
Synopsis | Use ECE TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ece boolean | |
Tree | ece | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the ECN-Echo (ECE) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3168, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the ECE TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fin boolean
Synopsis | Use FIN TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags fin boolean | |
Tree | fin | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the FIN TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the FIN TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 793, is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ns boolean
Synopsis | Use NS TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags ns boolean | |
Tree | ns | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Nonce Sum (NS) TCP flag bit, defined in RFC 3540, is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the NS TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
psh boolean
Synopsis | Use PSH TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags psh boolean | |
Tree | psh | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Push (PSH) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the Push (PSH) TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rst boolean
Synopsis | Use RST TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags rst boolean | |
Tree | rst | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the RST TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the RST TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
syn boolean
Synopsis | Use SYN TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags syn boolean | |
Tree | syn | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Synchronize (SYN) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the SYN TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
urg boolean
Synopsis | Use URG TCP bit status in TCP header as match criterion | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number match tcp-flags urg boolean | |
Tree | urg | |
Description | When configured to true, a match occurs when the Urgent (URG) TCP flag bit is set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When configured to false, a match occurs when the URG TCP flag bit is not set in the TCP header of an IP packet. When unconfigured, the system does not use the TCP flag as a match criterion. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pbr-down-action-override keyword
Synopsis | Action when PBR or PBF target for this entry is not available | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number pbr-down-action-override keyword | |
Tree | pbr-down-action-override | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sample-profile reference
Synopsis | Cflowd sample profile ID to match packets | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number sample-profile reference | |
Tree | sample-profile | |
Description | This command allows traffic matching an IPv4 or IPv6 filter to be sampled for cflowd processing using a specific sample profile ID. This option is only compatible if the associated interface is configured for interface-based sampling and is only supported for ingress sampling. An IP filter can only specify a single alternate sample profile ID for cflowd sampling, but the ID can be used in multiple entries. | |
Reference | configure cflowd sample-profile number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sticky-dest (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Time before action with available PBR or PBF destination and highest priority | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name entry number sticky-dest (number | keyword) | |
Tree | sticky-dest | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Units | seconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter-id number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | IPv6 filter identifier | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name filter-id number | |
Tree | filter-id | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
scope keyword
Synopsis | Scope of the filter definition | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name scope keyword | |
Tree | scope | |
Description | This command configures the filter policy scope. If the scope of the policy is template and is applied to one or more services or network interfaces, the scope cannot be changed. | |
Options | ||
Default | template | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
shared-policer boolean
Synopsis | Share policer among active ports in the LAG | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name shared-policer boolean | |
Tree | shared-policer | |
Description | When configured to true, and when the filter policy is configured on a LAG endpoint, the system programs the policer rates in the filter policy per line card FP of the LAG based on the number of active ports in the LAG for each FP. When configured to false, and when the filter policy is configured on a LAG endpoint, the system programs the same policer rate on each line card FP of the LAG. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the subscriber-mgmt context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt | |
Tree | subscriber-mgmt | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the host-specific-entry context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry | |
Tree | host-specific-entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the credit-control context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control | |
Tree | credit-control | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for credit control filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for credit control filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry credit-control range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the filter-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule | |
Tree | filter-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for inserting filter rule entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for inserting filter rule entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry filter-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the watermark context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark | |
Tree | watermark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | High watermark for host-specific entries, to raise a table full alarm | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 95 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Low watermark for host-specific entries, to clear a table full alarm | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt host-specific-entry watermark low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 90 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the shared-entry context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry | |
Tree | shared-entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the filter-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule | |
Tree | filter-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of range for inserting shared host rules | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of range for inserting shared host rules | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry filter-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the pcc-rule context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule | |
Tree | pcc-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the range context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the range for PCC rule filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the range for PCC rule filter entries | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry pcc-rule range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the watermark context | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark | |
Tree | watermark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | Limit of RADIUS shared filters before generating high watermark notification | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 1 to 8000 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Limit of RADIUS or Diameter shared filters before clearing high watermark notification | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name subscriber-mgmt shared-entry watermark low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 7999 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
type keyword
Synopsis | Set of match criteria for the filter policy | |
Context | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name type keyword | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command configures the filter policy type that defines the list of match criteria supported in a filter policy. | |
Options | ||
Default | normal | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
log [log-id] number
[log-id] number
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of filter logging | |
Context | configure filter log number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description-or-empty
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter log number description description-or-empty | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 0 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the destination context | |
Context | configure filter log number destination | |
Tree | destination | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the memory context | |
Context | configure filter log number destination memory | |
Tree | memory | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: memory or syslog. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-entries number
Synopsis | Maximum number of memory entries that the log can store | |
Context | configure filter log number destination memory max-entries number | |
Tree | max-entries | |
Range | 1 to 50000 | |
Default | 1000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
stop-on-full boolean
Synopsis | Stop logging when maximum number of memory entries is reached or wrap-around is used | |
Context | configure filter log number destination memory stop-on-full boolean | |
Tree | stop-on-full | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the syslog context | |
Context | configure filter log number destination syslog | |
Tree | syslog | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: memory or syslog. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
name reference
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of filter log summarization | |
Context | configure filter log number destination syslog summary admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
summary-crit keyword
Synopsis | Summary for filter log entries | |
Context | configure filter log number destination syslog summary summary-crit keyword | |
Tree | summary-crit | |
Options | ||
Default | src-addr | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mac-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Enter the mac-filter list instance | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Filter name | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
default-action keyword
Synopsis | Action for packets that do not match any entry | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name default-action keyword | |
Tree | default-action | |
Options | ||
Default | drop | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the embed context | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name embed | |
Tree | embed | |
Description | Commands in this context embed a previously defined MAC embedded filter policy or Hybrid OpenFlow switch instance into an exclusive, template, or system filter policy at the specified offset value. Rules derived from the BGP FlowSpec can also be embedded into template filter policies only. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[entry-id] number
Synopsis | ID for a match criteria and the corresponding action | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the action context | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action | |
Tree | action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
esi-value ethernet-segment-id
vpls reference
sap-id reference
vpls reference
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
Synopsis | Enable the http-redirect context | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect | |
Tree | http-redirect | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, or ignore-match. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
url http-redirect-url
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | URL that is used for redirecting | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action http-redirect url http-redirect-url | |
Tree | url | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Ignore match criteria for the entry | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action ignore-match | |
Tree | ignore-match | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a mandatory choice: accept, drop, forward, http-redirect, or ignore-match. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the rate-limit context | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit | |
Tree | rate-limit | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Peak information rate | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action rate-limit pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id reference
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SAP ID used to forward packets matching the entry | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sap sap-id reference | |
Tree | sap-id | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPLS SDP bind ID used to forward matching packets | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number action secondary forward sdp sdp-bind-id sdp-bind-id | |
Tree | sdp-bind-id | |
String length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
vpls reference
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
log reference
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mask number
priority number
address mac-address
mask mac-address
etype etype-value
frame-type keyword
Synopsis | MAC frame as match criteria | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number match frame-type keyword | |
Tree | frame-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
mask number
tag number
end number
start number
value number
Synopsis | Lowest value of 24-bit service instance identifier for the service matching this entry | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number match isid value number | |
Tree | value | |
Range | 0 to 16777215 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: range or value. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dsap number
mask number
mask number
ssap number
mask number
tag number
snap-oui keyword
snap-pid number
address mac-address
mask mac-address
pbr-down-action-override keyword
Synopsis | Action when PBR or PBF target for this entry is not available | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number pbr-down-action-override keyword | |
Tree | pbr-down-action-override | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sticky-dest (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Time before action with available PBR or PBF destination and highest priority | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name entry number sticky-dest (number | keyword) | |
Tree | sticky-dest | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Units | seconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter-id number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | MAC filter ID | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name filter-id number | |
Tree | filter-id | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
scope keyword
Synopsis | Filter policy scope | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name scope keyword | |
Tree | scope | |
Options | ||
Default | template | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | MAC filter policy | |
Context | configure filter mac-filter filter-name type keyword | |
Tree | type | |
Options | ||
Default | normal | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the match-list context | |
Context | configure filter match-list | |
Tree | match-list | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match lists to be used in filter policies (IOM/FP and CPM). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-packet-length-list [packet-length-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the ip-packet-length-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item | |
Tree | ip-packet-length-list | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[packet-length-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Name of the packet length list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item | |
Tree | ip-packet-length-list | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
packet-length [value] number
Synopsis | Add a list entry for packet-length | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item packet-length number | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[value] number
Synopsis | Packet length | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item packet-length number | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
range start number end number
Synopsis | Add a list entry for range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the packet length range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Range | 0 to 65534 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the packet length range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ip-prefix-list [prefix-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the ip-prefix-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item | |
Tree | ip-prefix-list | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[prefix-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | IP prefix list name | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item | |
Tree | ip-prefix-list | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the apply-path context | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path | |
Tree | apply-path | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-peers [criterion-index] number
Synopsis | Enter the bgp-peers list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number | |
Tree | bgp-peers | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[criterion-index] number
Synopsis | BGP peers auto-generation configuration index | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number | |
Tree | bgp-peers | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
group regular-expression-not-all-spaces
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Regular expression to match against the base router BGP instance group configuration | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number group regular-expression-not-all-spaces | |
Tree | group | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Regular expression to match against the base router BGP instance neighbor configuration | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces | |
Tree | neighbor | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Target routing instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Default | Base | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
prefix [ip-prefix] ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | Add a list entry for prefix | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item prefix ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | prefix | |
Description | Commands in this context add IPv4 prefixes to the prefix match list. Prefixes can overlap IPv4 address space. An IPv4 prefix addition is blocked if resource exhaustion is detected anywhere in the system due to filter policies that use the prefix list. | |
Max. instances | 8192 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[ip-prefix] ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | IPv4 prefix to be added to the prefix list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item prefix ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | prefix | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R3 | |
Platforms | All |
prefix-exclude [ip-prefix] ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | Add a list entry for prefix-exclude | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item prefix-exclude ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | prefix-exclude | |
Description | Commands in this context exclude IPv4 prefixes from the prefix match list. This command is mutually exclusive with the apply-path command. | |
Max. instances | 512 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
[ip-prefix] ipv4-prefix
Synopsis | IPv4 prefix to be added to the prefix list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ip-prefix-list named-item prefix-exclude ipv4-prefix | |
Tree | prefix-exclude | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-packet-length-list [packet-length-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the ipv6-packet-length-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item | |
Tree | ipv6-packet-length-list | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[packet-length-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Name of the packet length list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item | |
Tree | ipv6-packet-length-list | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
packet-length [value] number
Synopsis | Add a list entry for packet-length | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item packet-length number | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[value] number
Synopsis | Packet length | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item packet-length number | |
Tree | packet-length | |
Range | 40 to 65575 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
range start number end number
Synopsis | Add a list entry for range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the packet length range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Range | 40 to 65574 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the packet length range | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-packet-length-list named-item range start number end number | |
Tree | range | |
Range | 41 to 65575 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ipv6-prefix-list [prefix-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the ipv6-prefix-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[prefix-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | IP prefix list name | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item | |
Tree | ipv6-prefix-list | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the apply-path context | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path | |
Tree | apply-path | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bgp-peers [criterion-index] number
Synopsis | Enter the bgp-peers list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number | |
Tree | bgp-peers | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[criterion-index] number
Synopsis | BGP peers auto-generation configuration index | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number | |
Tree | bgp-peers | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
group regular-expression-not-all-spaces
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Regular expression to match against the base router BGP instance group configuration | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number group regular-expression-not-all-spaces | |
Tree | group | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Regular expression to match against the base router BGP instance neighbor configuration | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number neighbor regular-expression-not-all-spaces | |
Tree | neighbor | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Target routing instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item apply-path bgp-peers number router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Default | Base | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
prefix [ipv6-prefix] ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | Add a list entry for prefix | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item prefix ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | prefix | |
Max. instances | 8192 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[ipv6-prefix] ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | IPv6 prefix to be added to the prefix list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item prefix ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | prefix | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R3 | |
Platforms | All |
prefix-exclude [ipv6-prefix] ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | Add a list entry for prefix-exclude | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item prefix-exclude ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | prefix-exclude | |
Description | Commands in this context exclude IPv6 prefixes from the prefix match list. This command is mutually exclusive with the apply-path command. | |
Max. instances | 512 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
[ipv6-prefix] ipv6-prefix
Synopsis | IPv6 prefix to be added to the prefix list | |
Context | configure filter match-list ipv6-prefix-list named-item prefix-exclude ipv6-prefix | |
Tree | prefix-exclude | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
port-list [port-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the port-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Tree | port-list | |
Max. instances | 5120 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[port-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Port list name | |
Context | configure filter match-list port-list named-item | |
Tree | port-list | |
Description | This command specifies the port list name. If special characters are used (#, $, spaces, and so on), the string must be enclosed within double quotes. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list port-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
port [value] number
Synopsis | Add a list entry for port | |
Context | configure filter match-list port-list named-item port number | |
Tree | port | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[value] number
Synopsis | Port value | |
Context | configure filter match-list port-list named-item port number | |
Tree | port | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
range start number end number
start number
end number
protocol-list [protocol-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the protocol-list list instance | |
Context | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item | |
Tree | protocol-list | |
Max. instances | 512 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[protocol-list-name] named-item
Synopsis | Protocol list name | |
Context | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item | |
Tree | protocol-list | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
protocol [protocol-id] (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Add a list entry for protocol | |
Context | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item protocol (number | keyword) | |
Tree | protocol | |
Max. instances | 32 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[protocol-id] (number | keyword)
Synopsis | IP protocol identifier | |
Context | configure filter match-list protocol-list named-item protocol (number | keyword) | |
Tree | protocol | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the md-auto-id context | |
Context | configure filter md-auto-id | |
Tree | md-auto-id | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the filter-id-range context | |
Context | configure filter md-auto-id filter-id-range | |
Tree | filter-id-range | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Upper bound of the ID range | |
Context | configure filter md-auto-id filter-id-range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Lower bound of the ID range | |
Context | configure filter md-auto-id filter-id-range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
policer [policer-name] named-item
[policer-name] named-item
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter policer named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Maximum burst size | |
Context | configure filter policer named-item mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | mbs | |
Range | 0 to 268435456 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Default | auto | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: (mbs and pir) or pps-pir. | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
pir number
pps-pir number
scope keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Policer scope | |
Context | configure filter policer named-item scope keyword | |
Tree | scope | |
Description | This command configures the scope for the policer object. When the system scope is configured, it creates an instance of the policer for each direction immediately after the policer is configured and shares the instance with all filter entries that reference that policer name applied in the same direction. When the filter scope is configured, it configures the policer instance to be shared by rate-limit entries that are part of the same filter policy and are applied in the same direction. | |
Options | filter – Policer shared by entries in same filter policer system – Single policer shared by the system | |
Default | filter | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
redirect-policy [redirect-policy-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the redirect-policy list instance | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[redirect-policy-name] named-item
Synopsis | Redirect policy name | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Description | This command specifies the redirect policy name. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the redirect policy | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
destination [destination-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Enter the destination list instance | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | destination | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[destination-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | IP address and type of destination | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | destination | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the destination | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the ping-test context | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test | |
Tree | ping-test | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
drop-count number
Synopsis | Number of consecutive requests that fail before destination is declared unreachable | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test drop-count number | |
Tree | drop-count | |
Range | 1 to 60 | |
Default | 3 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
hold-down number
Synopsis | Time for the system to be held down if this test has marked it unreachable | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test hold-down number | |
Tree | hold-down | |
Range | 0 to 86400 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
interval number
Synopsis | Time between consecutive requests which are sent to the far end host | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test interval number | |
Tree | interval | |
Range | 1 to 60 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
source-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Source address to use in the IP packet of the ping test | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test source-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | source-address | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
timeout number
Synopsis | Time required to receive a response from the far end host | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) ping-test timeout number | |
Tree | timeout | |
Range | 1 to 60 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
priority number
Synopsis | Priority for this destination | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) priority number | |
Tree | priority | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the unicast-rt-test context | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) unicast-rt-test | |
Tree | unicast-rt-test | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
notify-dest-change boolean
Synopsis | Send notifications when the active destination changes | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item notify-dest-change boolean | |
Tree | notify-dest-change | |
Description | When configured to true, notifications (such as Log and SNMP) are sent when the active destination of a redirect policy changes. No notification is sent when there are no more active destinations (as this scenario is covered by another notification). When configured to false, the notification generation is disabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
router-instance string
Synopsis | Routing context to use for route lookup | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sticky-dest (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Time required by system before applying the current best destination as active destination | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy named-item sticky-dest (number | keyword) | |
Tree | sticky-dest | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Units | seconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
redirect-policy-binding [binding-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the redirect-policy-binding list instance | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item | |
Tree | redirect-policy-binding | |
Max. instances | 16 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
[binding-name] named-item
Synopsis | Binding name | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item | |
Tree | redirect-policy-binding | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
binding-operator keyword
Synopsis | Logical operator used to obtain the master test result | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item binding-operator keyword | |
Tree | binding-operator | |
Description | This command configures the logical operator to use with the destinations' test results to obtain the master test result (the redirect policy binding test result). | |
Options | ||
Default | and | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
redirect-policy [redirect-policy-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the redirect-policy list instance | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item redirect-policy reference | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
[redirect-policy-name] reference
Synopsis | Redirect policy name | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item redirect-policy reference | |
Tree | redirect-policy | |
Reference | configure filter redirect-policy named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
destination [destination-address] reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for destination | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item redirect-policy reference destination reference | |
Tree | destination | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
[destination-address] reference
Synopsis | IP address of redirect policy destination to binding | |
Context | configure filter redirect-policy-binding named-item redirect-policy reference destination reference | |
Tree | destination | |
Reference | configure filter redirect-policy named-item destination (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the system-filter context | |
Context | configure filter system-filter | |
Tree | system-filter | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip [ip-filter] reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ip | |
Context | configure filter system-filter ip reference | |
Tree | ip | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[ip-filter] reference
ipv6 [ipv6-filter] reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ipv6 | |
Context | configure filter system-filter ipv6 reference | |
Tree | ipv6 | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[ipv6-filter] reference
Synopsis | Active IPv6 system filter policy | |
Context | configure filter system-filter ipv6 reference | |
Tree | ipv6 | |
Reference | configure filter ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R3 | |
Platforms | All |