isa commands
— isa
— application-assurance-group number
— aa-sub-distribute-traffic-by-ip boolean
— aa-sub-scale keyword
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— backup
— esa number vm number
— isa slot-mda
— description description
— divert-fc keyword
— failure-mode keyword
— flow-attribute named-item
— http-enrich-max-packet-size number
— isa-capacity-cost-high-threshold number
— isa-capacity-cost-low-threshold number
— minimum-isa-generation number
— overload-cut-through boolean
— overload-sub-quarantine
— admin-state keyword
— primary
— esa number vm number
— isa slot-mda
— qos
— egress
— from-subscriber
— buffer-pool
— name named-item
— resv-cbs number
— slope-policy reference
— port-scheduler-policy reference
— queue-policy reference
— wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— wa-shared-low-wmark number
— to-subscriber
— buffer-pool
— name named-item
— resv-cbs number
— slope-policy reference
— port-scheduler-policy reference
— queue-policy reference
— wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— wa-shared-low-wmark number
— shared-resources
— gtp-tunnel-database number
— tcp-advanced-functions number
— url-filter-web-service-cache number
— statistics
— stats-type keyword
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— transit-prefix-limits
— ipv4-entries number
— ipv6-entries number
— vm-traffic-distribute-by-ip boolean
— vm-traffic-distribute-by-teid boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— lns-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— esa reference vm reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drain boolean
— mda slot-mda
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— drain boolean
— port-policy reference
— map-t-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— esa reference vm reference
— fragments-per-packet number
— nat-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— esa reference vm reference
— log
— periodic-update
— interval number
— rate-limit number
— suppress-lsn-events boolean
— suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean
— mda slot-mda
— radius-accounting-policy reference
— redundancy
— active-mda-limit number
— inter-chassis
— flow-timeout-on-switchover number
— ip-mtu number
— keepalive
— dropcount number
— interval number
— local-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address
— monitor-oper-group reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— health-drop number
— monitor-port port-named
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— health-drop number
— preferred boolean
— remote-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address
— replication-threshold number
— router-instance string
— sync boolean
— intra-chassis
— active-active
— failed-mda-limit number
— active-standby
— l2aware-bypass
— scaling-profile keyword
— session-limits
— reserved number
— upnp-mappings number
— watermarks
— high number
— low number
— tunnel-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— backup slot-mda
— description description
— ipsec-responder-only boolean
— isa-scale-mode keyword
— multi-active
— active-isa-number number
— esa reference vm reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— weight number
— isa slot-mda
— member-pool reference
— primary slot-mda
— reassembly
— max-wait-time number
— spi-range-index number
— stats-collection
— isa-dp-cpu-usage boolean
— strict-esp-sequence-number-ordering boolean
— tunnel-member-pool named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— esa reference vm reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— weight number
— high-availability keyword
— isa slot-mda
— video-group number
— admin-state keyword
— analyzer boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— fcc-server boolean
— local-rt-server boolean
— mda slot-mda
— resv-ret number
— stream-selection boolean
— vapp reference vapp-id reference
— watermark
— bandwidth
— fcc number
— ret number
— total number
— session
— fcc number
— ret number
— total number
— wlan-gw-group number
— active-iom-limit number
— active-mda-limit number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— distributed-sub-mgmt
— isa-aa-group reference
— isa-aa-oversubscription-factor number
— esa reference vm reference
— fwa-checksum-assist boolean
— iom reference
— mda slot-mda
— nat
— log
— periodic-update
— interval number
— rate-limit number
— suppress-lsn-events boolean
— suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean
— lsn boolean
— radius-accounting-policy reference
— session-limits
— reserved number
— upnp-mappings number
— watermarks
— high number
— low number
— port-policy reference
— redundancy keyword
— scaling-profile keyword
— tunnel-port-policy reference
— watermarks
— mark keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high number
— low number
isa command descriptions
application-assurance-group [aa-group-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the application-assurance-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number | |
Tree | application-assurance-group | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the application assurance (AA) group. | |
Max. instances | 7 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[aa-group-id] number
Synopsis | AA group identifier | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number | |
Tree | application-assurance-group | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aa-sub-distribute-traffic-by-ip boolean
Synopsis | Allow application assurance to divert traffic | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number aa-sub-distribute-traffic-by-ip boolean | |
Tree | aa-sub-distribute-traffic-by-ip | |
Description | When configured to true, the system diverts traffic on the parent SAP or spoke-SDP to multiple ISAs or ESAs based on the source IP address. This is useful when the bandwidth of a single SAP is larger than the capacity of a single ISA or ESA. This is only supported for the auto-created transit IP subscribers. The traffic is diverted when the hashing is enabled at the AA group level and in the parent SAP application profile. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 24.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
aa-sub-scale keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AA group sub-scale | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number aa-sub-scale keyword | |
Tree | aa-sub-scale | |
Options | ||
Default | residential | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of this AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the backup context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number backup | |
Tree | backup | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] number vm number
[esa-id] number
vm number
isa [mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for isa | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number backup isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | MDA/ISA ID | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number backup isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
divert-fc keyword
Synopsis | Diverted traffic forwarding class | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number divert-fc keyword | |
Tree | divert-fc | |
Options | be – Best effort l2 – Low 2 (best effort) af – Assured forwarding (assured) l1 – Low 1 (assured) h2 – High 2 (high priority) ef – Expedited forwarding (high priority) h1 – High 1 (high priority) nc – Network control (high priority) | |
Max. instances | 8 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
failure-mode keyword
Synopsis | Mode of operation when no ISA-AA cards are available | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number failure-mode keyword | |
Tree | failure-mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-attribute [flow-attribute-name] named-item
Synopsis | Add a list entry for flow-attribute | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number flow-attribute named-item | |
Tree | flow-attribute | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[flow-attribute-name] named-item
Synopsis | Flow attribute name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number flow-attribute named-item | |
Tree | flow-attribute | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-enrich-max-packet-size number
Synopsis | Maximum HTTP enriched packet size | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number http-enrich-max-packet-size number | |
Tree | http-enrich-max-packet-size | |
Range | 576 to 9212 | |
Units | octets | |
Default | 1500 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-capacity-cost-high-threshold number
Synopsis | Capacity cost high threshold for the ISA-AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number isa-capacity-cost-high-threshold number | |
Tree | isa-capacity-cost-high-threshold | |
Range | 0 to 4294967294 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-capacity-cost-low-threshold number
Synopsis | Capacity cost low threshold for the ISA-AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number isa-capacity-cost-low-threshold number | |
Tree | isa-capacity-cost-low-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
minimum-isa-generation number
Synopsis | Minimum ISA generation for this AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number minimum-isa-generation number | |
Tree | minimum-isa-generation | |
Range | 1 to 2 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
overload-cut-through boolean
Synopsis | Enable cut-through of traffic if ISA is in overload | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number overload-cut-through boolean | |
Tree | overload-cut-through | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the overload-sub-quarantine context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number overload-sub-quarantine | |
Tree | overload-sub-quarantine | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of overload subscriber quarantine | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number overload-sub-quarantine admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the primary context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number primary | |
Tree | primary | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] number vm number
[esa-id] number
vm number
isa [mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for isa | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number primary isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | MDA/ISA ID | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number primary isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the qos context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos | |
Tree | qos | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the egress context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress | |
Tree | egress | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the from-subscriber context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber | |
Tree | from-subscriber | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the buffer-pool context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber buffer-pool | |
Tree | buffer-pool | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
name named-item
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Name of the buffer pool used for this ISA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber buffer-pool name named-item | |
Tree | name | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Default | default | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
resv-cbs number
Synopsis | Reserved CBS for this ISA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber buffer-pool resv-cbs number | |
Tree | resv-cbs | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
slope-policy reference
Synopsis | Slope policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber buffer-pool slope-policy reference | |
Tree | slope-policy | |
Reference | configure qos slope-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port-scheduler-policy reference
Synopsis | Port scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber port-scheduler-policy reference | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword)
Synopsis | High watermark for weighted average utilization | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword) | |
Tree | wa-shared-high-wmark | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
wa-shared-low-wmark number
Synopsis | Low watermark for the weighted average utilization | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress from-subscriber wa-shared-low-wmark number | |
Tree | wa-shared-low-wmark | |
Range | 0 to 99 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the to-subscriber context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber | |
Tree | to-subscriber | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the buffer-pool context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber buffer-pool | |
Tree | buffer-pool | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
name named-item
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Name of the buffer pool used for this ISA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber buffer-pool name named-item | |
Tree | name | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Default | default | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
resv-cbs number
Synopsis | Reserved CBS for this ISA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber buffer-pool resv-cbs number | |
Tree | resv-cbs | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
slope-policy reference
Synopsis | Slope policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber buffer-pool slope-policy reference | |
Tree | slope-policy | |
Reference | configure qos slope-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port-scheduler-policy reference
Synopsis | Port scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber port-scheduler-policy reference | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy name | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword)
Synopsis | High watermark for weighted average utilization | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber wa-shared-high-wmark (number | keyword) | |
Tree | wa-shared-high-wmark | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
wa-shared-low-wmark number
Synopsis | Low watermark for the weighted average utilization | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number qos egress to-subscriber wa-shared-low-wmark number | |
Tree | wa-shared-low-wmark | |
Range | 0 to 99 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the shared-resources context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number shared-resources | |
Tree | shared-resources | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
gtp-tunnel-database number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Percentage of allocated memory resources | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number shared-resources gtp-tunnel-database number | |
Tree | gtp-tunnel-database | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
tcp-advanced-functions number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Allocation of resources for TCP advanced functions | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number shared-resources tcp-advanced-functions number | |
Tree | tcp-advanced-functions | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
url-filter-web-service-cache number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Amount of shared memory as a percentage | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number shared-resources url-filter-web-service-cache number | |
Tree | url-filter-web-service-cache | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the statistics context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number statistics | |
Tree | statistics | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
stats-type [isa-aa-group-stats-type] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the stats-type list instance | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number statistics stats-type keyword | |
Tree | stats-type | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[isa-aa-group-stats-type] keyword
Synopsis | Group performance statistics type | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number statistics stats-type keyword | |
Tree | stats-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy ID used by AA | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number statistics stats-type keyword accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Enable the collection of statistics | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number statistics stats-type keyword collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the transit-prefix-limits context | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number transit-prefix-limits | |
Tree | transit-prefix-limits | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
ipv4-entries number
Synopsis | Limit of transit prefix IPv4 entries per AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number transit-prefix-limits ipv4-entries number | |
Tree | ipv4-entries | |
Range | 1 to 16383 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
ipv6-entries number
Synopsis | Limit of transit prefix IPv6 entries per AA group | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number transit-prefix-limits ipv6-entries number | |
Tree | ipv6-entries | |
Range | 1 to 8191 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
vm-traffic-distribute-by-ip boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Allow packet distribution by IP address for virtual AA | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number vm-traffic-distribute-by-ip boolean | |
Tree | vm-traffic-distribute-by-ip | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
vm-traffic-distribute-by-teid boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Enable load balancing of the traffic using TEID | |
Context | configure isa application-assurance-group number vm-traffic-distribute-by-teid boolean | |
Tree | vm-traffic-distribute-by-teid | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
lns-group [id] number
[id] number
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the ISA LNS group | |
Context | configure isa lns-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa lns-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
[esa-id] reference
vm reference
drain boolean
Synopsis | Redirect subscribers to other ESA VMs | |
Context | configure isa lns-group number esa reference vm reference drain boolean | |
Tree | drain | |
Description | When configured to true, the ESA VM redirects new subscribers to use other ESA VMs. The drain function gracefully redirects subscribers to other ESA VMs and does not allow new subscribers to use the ESA VM. As the existing subscribers terminate their sessions, the ESA VM no longer services any subscribers and can be decommissioned gracefully. When configured to false, the ESA VM is set to the normal working operational state and accepts new LNS subscribers. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
mda [mda-id] slot-mda
[mda-id] slot-mda
drain boolean
port-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Port policy for the ISA LNS group | |
Context | configure isa lns-group number port-policy reference | |
Tree | port-policy | |
Reference | configure port-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
map-t-group [id] number
Synopsis | Enter the map-t-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number | |
Tree | map-t-group | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a MAP-T group. This group is a set of ESA-VMs responsible for handling downstream fragmentation and ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 processing. | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
[id] number
Synopsis | NAT group ID | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number | |
Tree | map-t-group | |
Range | 1 to 4 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the ISA NAT MAP-T group | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for esa | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Description | This command associates an ESA-VM with the MAP-T group. | |
Max. instances | 2 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
[esa-id] reference
vm reference
fragments-per-packet number
Synopsis | Maximum number of fragments per packet for downstream | |
Context | configure isa map-t-group number fragments-per-packet number | |
Tree | fragments-per-packet | |
Description | This command configures the maximum number of fragments per packet in the downstream direction for non-resolved packets. If the number of fragments for non-resolved packets (packets for which the first fragment has not been received) exceeds this number, all the fragments from the packet are discarded, and the buffer is released. | |
Range | 1 to 20 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se, 7750 SR-7s, 7750 SR-14s |
nat-group [id] number
[id] number
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the NAT group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
[esa-id] reference
vm reference
Synopsis | Enter the periodic-update context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number log periodic-update | |
Tree | periodic-update | |
Description | Commands in this context configure periodic updates for NAT logs that include IP address and port block mappings. These logs can be recorded in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. Periodic logging configured under this hierarchy does not impact other forms of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
interval number
Synopsis | Interval of periodic logs | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number log periodic-update interval number | |
Tree | interval | |
Description | This command configures the interval at which periodic NAT logs are generated. These logs can be recorded in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. The logs document the mapping between the IP address on the inside and the IP address and port blocks on the outside. This command does not affect other types of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Range | 10 to 1440 | |
Units | minutes | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rate-limit number
Synopsis | Maximum rate that aggregate logs from ESA-VM are sent | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number log periodic-update rate-limit number | |
Tree | rate-limit | |
Description | This command sets the maximum rate at which the ESA-VM sends NAT log messages to the CPM. This rate is applied per ISA group, ensuring that each ESA-VM receives a proportionate share of the rate based on the total number of ESA-VMs in the group. This rate applies to logs that can be stored in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. The logs capture the mapping between internal IP addresses and external IP addresses, including port blocks. This command applies only to NAT log messages configured using this context. It does not affect other types of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow-based logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Range | 1 to 100000 | |
Units | packets per second | |
Default | 10000 | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
suppress-lsn-events boolean
Synopsis | Suppress LSN events when RADIUS accounting is enabled | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number log suppress-lsn-events boolean | |
Tree | suppress-lsn-events | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean
Synopsis | Suppress LSN Free block and NAT pool block notification | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number log suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean | |
Tree | suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
mda [mda-id] slot-mda
[mda-id] slot-mda
radius-accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | RADIUS accounting policy for ISA group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number radius-accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | radius-accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure aaa radius isa-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the redundancy context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy | |
Tree | redundancy | |
Description | Commands in this context configure intra-chassis redundancy mode for the NAT group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
active-mda-limit number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of active ESA-VM or ISA members in the NAT group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy active-mda-limit number | |
Tree | active-mda-limit | |
Description | This command configures the number of active ESA-VM or ISA members in a NAT group. The system automatically selects which ESA-VMs or ISAs are active. In active/standby (A/S) redundancy mode, the correlation between ESA-VM or ISA members is direct, meaning each ESA-VM or ISA equates to one member. In active/active (A/A) redundancy mode, an individual ESA-VM or ISA may be associated with multiple members. For A/S redundancy, any surplus ESA-VMs or ISAs beyond the configured active threshold automatically transition to standby. These standby units remain idle until an active unit fails, at which point a standby unit takes over, handling traffic from only one failed active unit. This setup allows for the configuration of multiple standby units to provide resilience against several concurrent failures. In A/A redundancy, the combination of this command and the failed-mda-limit command guides the distribution of resources among ESA-VMs or ISAs, essentially defining how the members are structured. In both A/S and A/A modes, the system strives to maintain the configured number of active members as outlined by the active MDA limit, drawing from the pool of available spare resources to compensate for any failures. If the actual number of active members drops below this limit because of a lack of available spares, the NAT group status changes to degraded. In this state, traffic intended for the missing ESA-VM or ISA members (up to the active MDA limit) is blackholed. In Layer 2-aware NAT this condition can be circumvented where traffic can bypass NAT altogether and be directly routed within the internal network that may have an alternate path to a backup NAT system. For additional details, see "L2-Aware bypass" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice Integrated Service Adapter and Extended Services Appliance Guide. | |
Range | 1 to 28 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the inter-chassis context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis | |
Tree | inter-chassis | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: inter-chassis or intra-chassis. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-timeout-on-switchover number
Synopsis | Flow timeout immediately following a switchover | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis flow-timeout-on-switchover number | |
Tree | flow-timeout-on-switchover | |
Description | This command configures the initial flow timeout on the newly active node for the NAT group after a switchover. The timeout is in effect only if there is no traffic present over the flow; otherwise, the first packet over the flow resets the flow timeout to the originally configured value (under the NAT policy configuration). This command configuration restricts the flow timeout to a portion of the originally configured value. | |
Range | 1 to 50 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
ip-mtu number
Synopsis | IP MTU for ISA-to-ISA communication | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis ip-mtu number | |
Tree | ip-mtu | |
Description | This command configures the IP MTU size used to transport flow synchronization records between the ISAs. Multiple flow synchronization events can be packed into a single frame up to the IP MTU size. | |
Range | 512 to 9000 | |
Default | 1500 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the keepalive context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis keepalive | |
Tree | keepalive | |
Description | Commands in this context configure keepalive messages between the CPMs residing on different chassis and are used to detect the presence of the peering node. If the redundant peer connectivity is lost beyond the limit defined by the keepalive messages, each node in the redundant pair transitions to standalone mode. Keepalive messages use UDP transport. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
dropcount number
Synopsis | Threshold for lost consecutive keepalive messages | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis keepalive dropcount number | |
Tree | dropcount | |
Description | This command configures the threshold for the number of consecutive keepalive messages that are lost between the redundant nodes before the connection is declared down. When the peer is considered unreachable, each node transitions to standalone mode. | |
Range | 2 to 20 | |
Default | 2 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
interval number
Synopsis | Interval between two consecutive keepalive messages | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis keepalive interval number | |
Tree | interval | |
Description | This command configures the interval at which the keepalive messages are periodically sent between the redundant nodes (CPMs) to verify the presence of the peer. If peer connectivity is lost, each node transitions to standalone mode. | |
Range | 2 to 250 | |
Units | deciseconds | |
Default | 30 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
local-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Starting IP address for ISAs in the NAT group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis local-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address | |
Tree | local-ip-range-start | |
Description | This command configures the initial IP address for the ISAs in the NAT group. Consecutive IP addresses are automatically assigned for the remaining ISAs. The IP addresses are used to communicate between the ISAs on redundant nodes for the purpose of flow synchronization. Traffic from the member ISA with the initial IP address is sent to the initial IP address from the remote IP range. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
monitor-oper-group [oper-group] reference
Synopsis | Enter the monitor-oper-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-oper-group reference | |
Tree | monitor-oper-group | |
Description | Commands in this context specify monitoring settings for objects in an operational group, such as SAPs, BFD sessions, or VRRP sessions, in order to adjust the overall health of the node in a redundant inter-chassis NAT system. A state change of the objects in the operational group influences the health of a NAT node in a redundant configuration. | |
Max. instances | 4 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[oper-group] reference
Synopsis | Operational group name | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-oper-group reference | |
Tree | monitor-oper-group | |
Reference | configure service oper-group named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
health-drop number
Synopsis | Overall health drop of the NAT group on a state change | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-oper-group reference health-drop number | |
Tree | health-drop | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
monitor-port [port-id] port-named
Synopsis | Enter the monitor-port list instance | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-port port-named | |
Tree | monitor-port | |
Description | Commands in this context specify monitoring settings for a port carrying NAT traffic, in order to adjust the overall health of the node in a redundant inter-chassis NAT system. A state change of a monitored port influences the health of a NAT node in a redundant configuration. | |
Max. instances | 16 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[port-id] port-named
Synopsis | Port ID | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-port port-named | |
Tree | monitor-port | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
health-drop number
Synopsis | Overall health drop of the NAT group on a state change | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis monitor-port port-named health-drop number | |
Tree | health-drop | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
preferred boolean
Synopsis | Set the preferred activity status for the node | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis preferred boolean | |
Tree | preferred | |
Description | When configured to true, the system designates the node in a redundant NAT system with the preferred activity status. The preferred status comes into consideration only when both redundant nodes have equal health values. If the peer traffic-serving node has an equal health value but does not have the preferred designation, a switch of activity occurs to route traffic to the preferred node. The switchover could cause a brief interruption in traffic flow. When configured to false, the preferred designation is not set for the node. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
remote-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Starting IP address for ISAs on the remote node | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis remote-ip-range-start ipv4-unicast-address | |
Tree | remote-ip-range-start | |
Description | This command configures the initial IP address for the ISAs in the NAT group on the remote node. Consecutive IP addresses are automatically assigned for the remaining ISAs. The IP addresses are used to communicate between the ISAs on redundant nodes for the purpose of flow synchronization. Traffic from the member ISA with the initial local IP address is sent to the initial IP address from the remote IP range. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
replication-threshold number
Synopsis | Minimum time to wait before a NAT flow is synchronized | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis replication-threshold number | |
Tree | replication-threshold | |
Description | This command configures the minimum time to wait before a NAT flow is replicated (synchronized) to the standby node. | |
Range | 0 to 300 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 20 | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
router-instance string
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Router instance for the ISA-to-ISA communication | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis router-instance string | |
Tree | router-instance | |
Description | This command specifies the routing instance through which ISAs on redundant nodes communicate with each other and synchronize their flow state. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
sync boolean
Synopsis | Synchronize NAT flows between nodes | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy inter-chassis sync boolean | |
Tree | sync | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the intra-chassis context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy intra-chassis | |
Tree | intra-chassis | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: inter-chassis or intra-chassis. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the active-active context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy intra-chassis active-active | |
Tree | active-active | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: active-active, active-standby, or l2aware-bypass. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
failed-mda-limit number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum failed MDAs allowed in ICR for the NAT group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy intra-chassis active-active failed-mda-limit number | |
Tree | failed-mda-limit | |
Description | This command configures the maximum number of supported simultaneous failures in active-active intra-chassis NAT redundancy model. Traffic from the failed ESA-VMs or ISAs is distributed over the remaining ESA-VM or ISA in the system. Memory resources are reserved in every ESA-VM or ISA to accommodate new mappings from the failed ESA-VM or ISA. However, bandwidth is not reserved and each ESA-VM or ISA operates at maximum speed in all conditions (with failure or without the failure). NAT translations are not preserved across switchovers and consequently they must be reinitiated by the clients. For this command to take effect, the intra-chassis redundancy must be set to active-active mode by using the configure isa nat-group redundancy intra-chassis active-active command. | |
Range | 1 to 2 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Active-standby intra-chassis NAT redundancy model | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy intra-chassis active-standby | |
Tree | active-standby | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: active-active, active-standby, or l2aware-bypass. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | L2-aware-bypass NAT redundancy model | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number redundancy intra-chassis l2aware-bypass | |
Tree | l2aware-bypass | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: active-active, active-standby, or l2aware-bypass. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
scaling-profile keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Scaling profile for the NAT group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number scaling-profile keyword | |
Tree | scaling-profile | |
Description | This command determines profiles for NAT scaling. Lower profile numbers allocate less resources, thus supporting lower scaling. Contact your Nokia representative for more information about NAT scaling figures in each profile. | |
Options | ||
Default | profile1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the session-limits context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits | |
Tree | session-limits | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
reserved number
Synopsis | Number of sessions reserved for prioritized sessions | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits reserved number | |
Tree | reserved | |
Range | 1 to 6291456 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
upnp-mappings number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of UPnP mappings per member | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits upnp-mappings number | |
Tree | upnp-mappings | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum number of Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) mappings per member. | |
Range | 1 to 524288 | |
Default | 524288 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the watermarks context | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits watermarks | |
Tree | watermarks | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | Session limit high watermark for each MDA in the group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits watermarks high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Session limit low watermark for each MDA in the group | |
Context | configure isa nat-group number session-limits watermarks low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
tunnel-group [id] number
Synopsis | Enter the tunnel-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number | |
Tree | tunnel-group | |
Description | Commands in this context create or edit a tunnel group. A tunnel group is a set of one or more MS-ISAs that support the origination and termination of IPsec and IP/GRE tunnels. On a VSR, the isa-scale-mode command must be specified, which defines the maximum number of tunnels on each ISA. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[id] number
Synopsis | Tunnel group ID | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number | |
Tree | tunnel-group | |
Range | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the ISA tunnel group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
backup slot-mda
Synopsis | IPsec module configured in the slot to the IPsec group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number backup slot-mda | |
Tree | backup | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: multi-active or (backup and primary). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
ipsec-responder-only boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Act as an IKE responder except upon MC-IPsec switchover | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number ipsec-responder-only boolean | |
Tree | ipsec-responder-only | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-scale-mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Tunnel limit on each ISA for the tunnel group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number isa-scale-mode keyword | |
Tree | isa-scale-mode | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the multi-active context | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active | |
Tree | multi-active | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: multi-active or (backup and primary). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
active-isa-number number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of active MS-ISAs in the tunnel group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active active-isa-number number | |
Tree | active-isa-number | |
Range | 1 to 16 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
Synopsis | Enter the esa list instance | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: esa, isa, or member-pool. | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
[esa-id] reference
Synopsis | ESA ID | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Reference | configure esa number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
vm reference
Synopsis | ESM-VM ID | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
weight number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ESA-VM weight for load-balancing | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active esa reference vm reference weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Description | This command configures the ESA-VM weight for load-balancing IP tunnels. The system assigns more tunnels to ESA-VMs configured with larger weights. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice ISA and ESA Guide for more information. | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
isa [isa-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for isa | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: esa, isa, or member-pool. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[isa-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | ISA ID associated with the tunnel member pool | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
member-pool reference
Synopsis | Tunnel-member pool name | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number multi-active member-pool reference | |
Tree | member-pool | |
Reference | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: esa, isa, or member-pool. | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
primary slot-mda
Synopsis | Primary ISA IPsec module assigned for the tunnel group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number primary slot-mda | |
Tree | primary | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: multi-active or (backup and primary). | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the reassembly context | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number reassembly | |
Tree | reassembly | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
max-wait-time number
Synopsis | Maximum time to receive fragments for packet reassembly | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number reassembly max-wait-time number | |
Tree | max-wait-time | |
Range | 1 to 5000 | |
Units | milliseconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
spi-range-index number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SPI range index to use for the tunnel group | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number spi-range-index number | |
Tree | spi-range-index | |
Description | This command configures the SPI range index value for the tunnel group. Each index value corresponds to a subrange of SPI values from the entire SPI space to allocate to the tunnel group. This command must be configured with a unique value across all multichassis peering systems in following cases:
See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice ISA and ESA Guide for more information. | |
Range | 1 to 4 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
Synopsis | Enter the stats-collection context | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number stats-collection | |
Tree | stats-collection | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the ISA statistics collection. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-dp-cpu-usage boolean
Synopsis | Collect statistics used to derive ISA DP CPU usage | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number stats-collection isa-dp-cpu-usage boolean | |
Tree | isa-dp-cpu-usage | |
Description | When configured to true, this command collects statistics used to derive ISA CPU DP usage and impacts the ISA performance. When configured to false, statistics are not collected. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
strict-esp-sequence-number-ordering boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Enable strict ESP sequence number ordering | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-group number strict-esp-sequence-number-ordering boolean | |
Tree | strict-esp-sequence-number-ordering | |
Description | When configured to true, the router enables strict ESP sequence number ordering. When ESP sequence number ordering is enabled, the outbound ESP sequence number of a CHILD_SA must be in the same order as when clear packets are received by the same CHILD_SA. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
tunnel-member-pool [name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the tunnel-member-pool list instance | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item | |
Tree | tunnel-member-pool | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[name] named-item
Synopsis | ISA tunnel-member pool name | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item | |
Tree | tunnel-member-pool | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
Synopsis | Enter the esa list instance | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Description | Commands in this context add specified ESA-VMs to the pool. | |
Max. instances | 16 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: esa or isa. | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
[esa-id] reference
vm reference
weight number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ESA-VM weight for load-balancing | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item esa reference vm reference weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Description | This command configures the ESA-VM weight for load-balancing IP tunnels. The system assigns more tunnels to ESA-VMs configured with larger weights. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice ISA and ESA Guide for more information. | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
high-availability keyword
Synopsis | High availability scale mode | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item high-availability keyword | |
Tree | high-availability | |
Description | This command configures the high availability (HA) mode for a pool. The specified scale mode is the maximum number of all tunnel groups associated with the pool. | |
Options | ||
Default | none | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa [isa-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for isa | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Max. instances | 16 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: esa or isa. | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[isa-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | ISA ID associated with the tunnel member pool | |
Context | configure isa tunnel-member-pool named-item isa slot-mda | |
Tree | isa | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
video-group [video-group-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the video-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa video-group number | |
Tree | video-group | |
Max. instances | 4 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
[video-group-id] number
Synopsis | Video group identifier | |
Context | configure isa video-group number | |
Tree | video-group | |
Range | 1 to 4 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the video group | |
Context | configure isa video-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
analyzer boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Enable the analyzer for all streams on the video group | |
Context | configure isa video-group number analyzer boolean | |
Tree | analyzer | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa video-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
fcc-server boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Allow FCC server capability for the group | |
Context | configure isa video-group number fcc-server boolean | |
Tree | fcc-server | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
local-rt-server boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Enable the local RET server for the group | |
Context | configure isa video-group number local-rt-server boolean | |
Tree | local-rt-server | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
mda [mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for mda | |
Context | configure isa video-group number mda slot-mda | |
Tree | mda | |
Max. instances | 6 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
[mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | MDA identifier | |
Context | configure isa video-group number mda slot-mda | |
Tree | mda | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
resv-ret number
Synopsis | Egress bandwidth reserved for retransmission | |
Context | configure isa video-group number resv-ret number | |
Tree | resv-ret | |
Range | 0 to 10500 | |
Units | megabps | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
stream-selection boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Allow stream selection for the group | |
Context | configure isa video-group number stream-selection boolean | |
Tree | stream-selection | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
vapp [esa-id] reference vapp-id reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for vapp | |
Context | configure isa video-group number vapp reference vapp-id reference | |
Tree | vapp | |
Description | This command adds a list entry for the ESA and VM ID to the list of video group member ESA virtual applications. | |
Max. instances | 32 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
[esa-id] reference
vapp-id reference
Synopsis | Enter the watermark context | |
Context | configure isa video-group number watermark | |
Tree | watermark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
Synopsis | Enter the bandwidth context | |
Context | configure isa video-group number watermark bandwidth | |
Tree | bandwidth | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
fcc number
ret number
total number
Synopsis | Enter the session context | |
Context | configure isa video-group number watermark session | |
Tree | session | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s |
fcc number
ret number
total number
wlan-gw-group [id] number
Synopsis | Enter the wlan-gw-group list instance | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number | |
Tree | wlan-gw-group | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a WLAN-gateway group that contains a set of ISAs used in WLAN-gateway functionality. A WLAN-gateway group can also be used where a NAT group is expected. The WLAN-gateway group ID shares the same number space with the NAT group. | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[id] number
Synopsis | WLAN-GW ISA group ID | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number | |
Tree | wlan-gw-group | |
Range | 1 to 4 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
active-iom-limit number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of WLAN-GW IOMs used as active IOMs | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number active-iom-limit number | |
Tree | active-iom-limit | |
Range | 1 to 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
active-mda-limit number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of ISA MDAs in active use by the group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number active-mda-limit number | |
Tree | active-mda-limit | |
Range | 1 to 14 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the WLAN Gateway group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the distributed-sub-mgmt context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number distributed-sub-mgmt | |
Tree | distributed-sub-mgmt | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-aa-group reference
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ISA AA group for WLAN-GW DSM subscribers | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number distributed-sub-mgmt isa-aa-group reference | |
Tree | isa-aa-group | |
Reference | configure isa application-assurance-group number | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
isa-aa-oversubscription-factor number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of WLAN GW ISAs that a single ISA can serve | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number distributed-sub-mgmt isa-aa-oversubscription-factor number | |
Tree | isa-aa-oversubscription-factor | |
Range | 1 to 10 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
esa [esa-id] reference vm reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for esa | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number esa reference vm reference | |
Tree | esa | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
[esa-id] reference
vm reference
fwa-checksum-assist boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Calculate checksum for GRE encapsulated L2 traffic | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number fwa-checksum-assist boolean | |
Tree | fwa-checksum-assist | |
Description | When configured to true, this command calculates the checksum for downstream GRE encapsulated Layer 2 traffic that is transmitted from ESA. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 24.10.R3 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
iom [slot-number] reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for iom | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number iom reference | |
Tree | iom | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[slot-number] reference
Synopsis | IOM slot to use in the WLAN-GW group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number iom reference | |
Tree | iom | |
Reference | configure card number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
mda [mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | Add a list entry for mda | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number mda slot-mda | |
Tree | mda | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
[mda-id] slot-mda
Synopsis | MDA slot value | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number mda slot-mda | |
Tree | mda | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
Synopsis | Enter the nat context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat | |
Tree | nat | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the log context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log | |
Tree | log | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the periodic-update context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log periodic-update | |
Tree | periodic-update | |
Description | Commands in this context configure periodic updates for NAT logs that include IP address and port block mappings. These logs can be recorded in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. Periodic logging configured under this hierarchy does not impact other forms of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
interval number
Synopsis | Interval of periodic logs | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log periodic-update interval number | |
Tree | interval | |
Description | This command configures the interval at which periodic NAT logs are generated. These logs can be recorded in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. The logs document the mapping between the IP address on the inside and the IP address and port blocks on the outside. This command does not affect other types of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Range | 10 to 1440 | |
Units | minutes | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rate-limit number
Synopsis | Maximum rate that aggregate logs from ESA-VM are sent | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log periodic-update rate-limit number | |
Tree | rate-limit | |
Description | This command sets the maximum rate at which the ESA-VM sends NAT log messages to the CPM. This rate is applied per ISA group, ensuring that each ESA-VM receives a proportionate share of the rate based on the total number of ESA-VMs in the group. This rate applies to logs that can be stored in system memory, local files, SNMP, or syslog. The logs capture the mapping between internal IP addresses and external IP addresses, including port blocks. This command applies only to NAT log messages configured using this context. It does not affect other types of NAT logging, such as RADIUS logging or flow-based logging (for example, IPFIX or syslog). | |
Range | 1 to 100000 | |
Units | packets per second | |
Default | 10000 | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
suppress-lsn-events boolean
Synopsis | Suppress LSN events when RADIUS accounting is enabled | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log suppress-lsn-events boolean | |
Tree | suppress-lsn-events | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean
Synopsis | Suppress LSN Free block and NAT pool block notification | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat log suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free boolean | |
Tree | suppress-lsn-sub-blocks-free | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
lsn boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Use Large Scale NAT | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat lsn boolean | |
Tree | lsn | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
radius-accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | RADIUS accounting policy for ISA group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat radius-accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | radius-accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure aaa radius isa-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the session-limits context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits | |
Tree | session-limits | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
reserved number
Synopsis | Number of sessions reserved for prioritized sessions | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits reserved number | |
Tree | reserved | |
Range | 1 to 6291456 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
upnp-mappings number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of UPnP mappings per member | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits upnp-mappings number | |
Tree | upnp-mappings | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum number of Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) mappings per member. | |
Range | 1 to 524288 | |
Default | 524288 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the watermarks context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits watermarks | |
Tree | watermarks | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | Session limit high watermark for each MDA in the group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits watermarks high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Session limit low watermark for each MDA in the group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number nat session-limits watermarks low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Port policy used to configure ports for the ISA group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number port-policy reference | |
Tree | port-policy | |
Reference | configure port-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
redundancy keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Hardware unit subject to redundancy | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number redundancy keyword | |
Tree | redundancy | |
Options | ||
Default | iom | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
scaling-profile keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
WARNING: Modifying this element clears ISA state, such as flow state, for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | ISA scaling profile identifier | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number scaling-profile keyword | |
Tree | scaling-profile | |
Options | ||
Default | profile1 | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
tunnel-port-policy reference
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Tunnel port policy for per-tunnel QoS processing | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number tunnel-port-policy reference | |
Tree | tunnel-port-policy | |
Reference | configure port-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the watermarks context | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number watermarks | |
Tree | watermarks | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
mark [entity] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the mark list instance | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number watermarks mark keyword | |
Tree | mark | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[entity] keyword
Synopsis | Entity to be monitored | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number watermarks mark keyword | |
Tree | mark | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high number
Synopsis | High watermark for the WLAN-GW group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number watermarks mark keyword high number | |
Tree | high | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low number
Synopsis | Low watermark for the WLAN-GW group | |
Context | configure isa wlan-gw-group number watermarks mark keyword low number | |
Tree | low | |
Range | 0 to 99 | |
Units | percent | |
Notes |
This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |