li commands
— li-filter
— associations
— li-ip-filter reference
— ip-filter filter-name
— li-ipv6-filter reference
— ipv6-filter filter-name
— li-mac-filter reference
— mac-filter filter-name
— li-ip-filter named-item
— description description
— entry number
— description description
— match
— dst-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— mask ipv4-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— fragment keyword
— protocol (number | keyword)
— src-ip
— address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
— mask ipv4-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— li-ipv6-filter named-item
— description description
— entry number
— description description
— match
— dst-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— mask ipv6-address
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— next-header (number | keyword)
— src-ip
— address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
— mask ipv6-address
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— range
— end number
— start number
— li-mac-filter named-item
— description description
— entry number
— description description
— match
— dst-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— frame-type keyword
— outer-tag number
— sap sap
— src-mac
— address mac-address
— mask mac-address
— lock-filter keyword
— reserved-block named-item
— description description
— entry-range
— end number
— start number
— ip-filter filter-name
— ipv6-filter filter-name
— mac-filter filter-name
— li-source service-name
— admin-state keyword
— li-ip-filter reference
— entry reference
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— li-ipv6-filter reference
— entry reference
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— li-mac-filter reference
— entry reference
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— nat
— dslite service-name b4 ipv6-prefix
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— ethernet-header
— destination-address mac-address
— source-address mac-address
— type number
— l2-aware subscriber-id
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— nat44 service-name ip ipv4-address
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— nat64 service-name ip ipv6-prefix
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— port mirror-source-port-lag-key
— egress boolean
— ingress boolean
— sap sap
— egress boolean
— ingress boolean
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— subscriber subscriber-id
— egress boolean
— fc keyword
— host-type keyword
— ingress boolean
— intercept-id number
— ip-address ipv4-address
— ip-family keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— sap-id sap
— session-id number
— sla-profile external-named-item
— wlan-gw-dsm-ue mac-address
— intercept-id number
— session-id number
— log
— log-id li-log-name
— admin-state keyword
— description description
— destination
— memory
— max-entries number
— netconf
— max-entries number
— snmp
— max-entries number
— send-using-vprn service-name
— filter log-filter-name
— netconf-stream named-item
— source
— li boolean
— time-format keyword
— mirror-dest-reservation
— end number
— start number
— mirror-dest-template named-item
— layer-3-encap
— direction-bit boolean
— encap-type keyword
— ip-source ipv4-unicast-address
— router-instance router-instance
— udp
— destination number
— source number
— type keyword
— nat
— use-outside-ip-address boolean
— radius
— mirror-dest-template reference
— sci
— pfcp-li-shared-key encrypted-leaf
— x-interfaces
— admin-state keyword
— correlation-id
— ipoe keyword
— pppoe keyword
— ine-identifier named-item
— lic named-item
— authentication
— password li-static-encrypted-leaf-hex
— private-ki li-static-encrypted-leaf
— sequence-group li-static-encrypted-leaf
— description description
— identifier named-item
— ipv4
— ip-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— port number
— router-instance named-item-64-or-empty
— user-db named-item
— x1
— ipv4
— local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— lic-peer reference
— local-tcp-port number
— timeouts
— message-timeout number
— x2
— ipv4
— local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— lic-peer reference
— timeouts
— keep-alive number
— request number
— x3
— alarms
— cpu-alarm
— high-threshold number
— low-threshold number
— memory-alarm
— high-threshold number
— low-threshold number
— throughput-alarm
— high-threshold number
— low-threshold number
— ipv4
— local-address-range
— end ipv4-unicast-address
— start ipv4-unicast-address
— li-group number
— lic-peers reference
— session-limit number
— timeouts
— keep-alive number
— request number
— target-retry-wait number
li command descriptions
Synopsis | Enter the associations context | |
Context | li li-filter associations | |
Tree | associations | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-ip-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-ip-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ip-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Name of an existing LI IP filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ip-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ip-filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ip-filter reference ip-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ip-filter | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter to be associated with specified LI IP filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ip-filter reference ip-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ip-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-ipv6-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-ipv6-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ipv6-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | LI IPv6 filter name | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ipv6-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ipv6-filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ipv6-filter reference ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter to be associated with specified LI IP filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-ipv6-filter reference ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-mac-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-mac-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-mac-filter reference | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | LI MAC filter name | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-mac-filter reference | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mac-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for mac-filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-mac-filter reference mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
Max. instances | 1 | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter to be associated with specified LI IP filter | |
Context | li li-filter associations li-mac-filter reference mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-ip-filter [li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the li-ip-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Description | Commands in this context create LI IPv4 filter lists, which can be used to create confidential IPv4 filter based LI source entries. The LI IPv4 filter entries are merged into normal IPv4 filters configured with the li li-filter associations and li li-filter reserved-block commands. The LI IPv4 filter entries are visible only to users with LI permissions. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | LI filter name | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Description | This command specifies the LI filter name. Filter names cannot start with an underscore character (for example, “_my-filter”) and cannot use the name “default”. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an entry for the LI filter. Multiple entries can be created using unique entry ID numbers within the filter. An entry in an LI filter always has an implicit action of “forward”. LI filter entries can be used as LI source entries. The entry numbers for LI filters serve only as keys for managing the entries (deleting entries, and so on). The order of the LI filter entries is not guaranteed to match the entry numbers and the software may reorder entries. Operators must therefore use LI entries in such a way that their relative order is not important. Entries removed from the filter are immediately removed from all services or network ports where the associated filter is applied. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | LI filter entry ID | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the filter entry. If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, all criteria must be satisfied (and function) for a match to occur. A match context may consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be configured per entry. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
mask ipv4-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
fragment keyword
protocol (number | keyword)
address (ipv4-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv4-address)
mask ipv4-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
li-ipv6-filter [li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the li-ipv6-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Description | Commands in this context create LI IPv6 filter lists, which can be used to create confidential IPv6 filter based LI source entries. The LI IPv6 filter entries are merged into normal IPv6 filters configured with the li li-filter associations and li li-filter reserved-block commands. However, the LI IPv6 filter entries are visible only to users with LI permissions. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | LI filter name | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Description | This command specifies the LI filter name. Filter names cannot start with an underscore character (for example, “_my-filter”) and cannot use the name “default”. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an entry for the LI filter. Multiple entries can be created using unique entry ID numbers within the filter. An entry in an LI filter always has an implicit action of “forward”. LI filter entries can be used as LI source entries. The entry numbers for LI filters serve only as keys for managing the entries (deleting entries, and so on). The order of the LI filter entries is not guaranteed to match the entry numbers and the software may reorder entries. Operators must therefore use LI entries in such a way that their relative order is not important. Entries removed from the filter are immediately removed from all services or network ports where the associated filter is applied. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | LI filter entry ID | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the filter entry. If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, all criteria must be satisfied (and function) for a match to occur. A match context may consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be configured per entry. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
mask ipv6-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
next-header (number | keyword)
Synopsis | IP protocol to match | |
Context | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number match next-header (number | keyword) | |
Tree | next-header | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
address (ipv6-prefix-with-host-bits | ipv6-address)
mask ipv6-address
eq number
gt number
lt number
end number
start number
li-mac-filter [li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the li-mac-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Description | Commands in this context configure LI MAC filter lists, which can be used to create confidential MAC filter based LI source entries. The LI MAC filter entries are merged into normal MAC filters as configured using the li-filter associations and li-filter reserved-block commands. The LI MAC filter entries are visible only to users with LI permissions. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] named-item
Synopsis | LI filter name | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Description | This command specifies the LI filter name. Filter names cannot start with an underscore character (for example, “_my-filter”) and cannot use the name “default”. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an entry for the LI filter. Multiple entries can be created using unique entry ID numbers within the filter. An entry in an LI filter always has an implicit action of “forward”. LI filter entries can be used as LI source entries. The entry numbers for LI filters serve only as keys for managing the entries (deleting entries, and so on). The order of the LI filter entries is not guaranteed to match the entry numbers and the software may reorder entries. Operators must therefore use LI entries in such a way that their relative order is not important. Entries removed from the filter are immediately removed from all services or network ports where the associated filter is applied. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] number
Synopsis | LI filter entry ID | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number | |
Tree | entry | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the match context | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number match | |
Tree | match | |
Description | Commands in this context configure match criteria for the filter entry. If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) is configured, all criteria must be satisfied (and function) for a match to occur. A match context may consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be configured per entry. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
address mac-address
mask mac-address
frame-type keyword
Synopsis | Frame type for MAC filter match | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number match frame-type keyword | |
Tree | frame-type | |
Description | This command specifies the frame type for MAC filter entry matching. A filter can be edited even if an LI source references an entry in the filter. | |
Options | ||
Default | 802dot3 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
outer-tag number
Synopsis | Outer tag for the QinQ SAP for filter match | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number match outer-tag number | |
Tree | outer-tag | |
Description | This command configures the outer-tag to match on and must be used in conjunction with match criteria SAP in order for the entry match to activate. The match criteria SAP must be an exact match with the QinQ configured on the Epipe or VPLS service (for example 1/1/1:1.*, where the outer tag (C-tag) must be "*"). This feature mandates the provisioning of an associated outer-tag (example, 1), to be able to match on the QinQ packet. This example would perform LI on 1/1/1:1.1 on a 1/1/1:1.* SAP. | |
Range | 1 to 4094 | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
sap sap
Synopsis | QinQ SAP for filter match | |
Context | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number match sap sap | |
Tree | sap | |
Description | This command specifies the QinQ SAP to match from the Epipe or VPLS service, where the S-tag must be a value and the outer tag (C-tag) must be of type *. This filter match is used in conjunction with match criteria outer-tag, where the outer-tag must also be provisioned for the entry match on the QinQ packet to activate. The match criteria SAP must be an exact match with the QinQ configured on the Epipe or VPLS service (for example 1/1/1:1.*, where the outer tag (C-tag) must be "*"). An associated outer-tag (example, 1) must be provisioned to match on the QinQ packet. This example would perform LI on 1/1/1:1.1 on a 1/1/1:1.* SAP. | |
String length | 1 to 45 | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
address mac-address
mask mac-address
lock-filter keyword
Synopsis | Lock state of LI filters | |
Context | li li-filter lock-filter keyword | |
Tree | lock-filter | |
Options | ||
Default | lock | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
reserved-block [block-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the reserved-block list instance | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item | |
Tree | reserved-block | |
Max. instances | 8 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[block-name] named-item
Synopsis | Object uniquely identifying an LI reserved block | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item | |
Tree | reserved-block | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the entry-range context | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item entry-range | |
Tree | entry-range | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the range | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item entry-range end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the range | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item entry-range start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2097151 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ip-filter | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item ip-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ip-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter ID for LI filter reserved block | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item ip-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ip-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ipv6-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for ipv6-filter | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter ID for LI filter reserved block | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item ipv6-filter filter-name | |
Tree | ipv6-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mac-filter [filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | Add a list entry for mac-filter | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[filter-name] filter-name
Synopsis | IP filter ID for LI filter reserved block | |
Context | li li-filter reserved-block named-item mac-filter filter-name | |
Tree | mac-filter | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-source [service-name] service-name
[service-name] service-name
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of mirror service | |
Context | li li-source service-name admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-ip-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-ip-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-ip-filter | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ip-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-ip-filter entry | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ip-filter named-item entry number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference entry reference intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Description | This command configures the intercept ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This intercept ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. For LI source entries, when the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, an intercept-id field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If there is no intercept ID configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When the mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no intercept ID is inserted and none should be specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 1073741823 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ip-filter reference entry reference session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Description | This command configures the session ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This session ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. The session ID is only valid and used for mirror services that are configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap under the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command. For all types of LI source entries, when the mirror service is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, a session ID field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If no session ID is configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When a mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no session ID is inserted and none is specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-ipv6-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-ipv6-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-ipv6-filter | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference | |
Tree | li-ipv6-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-ipv6-filter entry | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Reference | li li-filter li-ipv6-filter named-item entry number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference entry reference intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Description | This command configures the intercept ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This intercept ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. For LI source entries, when the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, an intercept-id field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If there is no intercept ID configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When the mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no intercept ID is inserted and none should be specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 1073741823 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-ipv6-filter reference entry reference session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Description | This command configures the session ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This session ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. The session ID is only valid and used for mirror services that are configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap under the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command. For all types of LI source entries, when the mirror service is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, a session ID field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If no session ID is configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When a mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no session ID is inserted and none is specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li-mac-filter [li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the li-mac-filter list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-filter-name] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-mac-filter | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference | |
Tree | li-mac-filter | |
Reference | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
entry [li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the entry list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Min. instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[li-entry-id] reference
Synopsis | A unique ID for an li-mac-filter entry | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference entry reference | |
Tree | entry | |
Reference | li li-filter li-mac-filter named-item entry number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference entry reference intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Description | This command configures the intercept ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This intercept ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. For LI source entries, when the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, an intercept-id field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If there is no intercept ID configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When the mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no intercept ID is inserted and none should be specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 1073741823 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name li-mac-filter reference entry reference session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Description | This command configures the session ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This session ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. The session ID is only valid and used for mirror services that are configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap under the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command. For all types of LI source entries, when the mirror service is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, a session ID field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If no session ID is configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When a mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no session ID is inserted and none is specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dslite [router-instance] service-name b4 ipv6-prefix
[router-instance] service-name
b4 ipv6-prefix
intercept-id number
Synopsis | The intercept id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat dslite service-name b4 ipv6-prefix intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
session-id number
Synopsis | The session id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat dslite service-name b4 ipv6-prefix session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the ethernet-header context | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat ethernet-header | |
Tree | ethernet-header | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
destination-address mac-address
Synopsis | Destination MAC address field of Ethernet encapsulation | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat ethernet-header destination-address mac-address | |
Tree | destination-address | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
source-address mac-address
Synopsis | Source MAC address field of the Ethernet encapsulation | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat ethernet-header source-address mac-address | |
Tree | source-address | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
type number
l2-aware [subscriber-id] subscriber-id
[subscriber-id] subscriber-id
intercept-id number
Synopsis | The intercept id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat l2-aware subscriber-id intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
session-id number
Synopsis | The session id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat l2-aware subscriber-id session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
nat44 [router-instance] service-name ip ipv4-address
[router-instance] service-name
ip ipv4-address
intercept-id number
Synopsis | The intercept id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat nat44 service-name ip ipv4-address intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
session-id number
Synopsis | The session id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat nat44 service-name ip ipv4-address session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
nat64 [router-instance] service-name ip ipv6-prefix
[router-instance] service-name
ip ipv6-prefix
intercept-id number
Synopsis | The intercept id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat nat64 service-name ip ipv6-prefix intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
session-id number
Synopsis | The session id of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name nat nat64 service-name ip ipv6-prefix session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port [port-id] mirror-source-port-lag-key
[port-id] mirror-source-port-lag-key
egress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on egress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name port mirror-source-port-lag-key egress boolean | |
Tree | egress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on egress traffic. This command configures packets that egress the SAP to be mirrored. Egress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ingress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on ingress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name port mirror-source-port-lag-key ingress boolean | |
Tree | ingress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on ingress traffic. This command configures packets that ingress the SAP to be mirrored. Ingress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination before ingress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
sap [sap-id] sap
Synopsis | Enter the sap list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name sap sap | |
Tree | sap | |
Description | Commands in this context create a service access point (SAP) within an LI configuration. The specified SAP must define a FastE, GigE, or XGigE, or XGigE access port with a dot1q, null, or q-in-q encapsulation type. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[sap-id] sap
egress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on egress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name sap sap egress boolean | |
Tree | egress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on egress traffic. This command configures packets that egress the SAP to be mirrored. Egress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ingress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on ingress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name sap sap ingress boolean | |
Tree | ingress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on ingress traffic. This command configures packets that ingress the SAP to be mirrored. Ingress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination before ingress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name sap sap intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Description | This command configures the intercept ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This intercept ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. For LI source entries, when the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, an intercept-id field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If there is no intercept ID configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When the mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no intercept ID is inserted and none should be specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 1073741823 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name sap sap session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Description | This command configures the session ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This session ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. The session ID is only valid and used for mirror services that are configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap under the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command. For all types of LI source entries, when the mirror service is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, a session ID field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If no session ID is configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When a mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no session ID is inserted and none is specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
subscriber [subscriber-id] subscriber-id
Synopsis | Enter the subscriber list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id | |
Tree | subscriber | |
Description | Commands in this context add hosts of a subscriber to a mirroring service. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[subscriber-id] subscriber-id
Synopsis | Subscriber ID | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id | |
Tree | subscriber | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
egress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on egress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id egress boolean | |
Tree | egress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on egress traffic. This command configures packets that egress the SAP to be mirrored. Egress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination after egress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fc keyword
Synopsis | Forwarding classes to be mirrored | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id fc keyword | |
Tree | fc | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the forwarding class with which to associate LI traffic. The forwarding class name must already be defined within the system. If the FC name is not already defined, an error is returned and this command has no effect. If the FC name is defined, the forwarding class associated with the FC name overrides the default forwarding class. | |
Options | ||
Max. instances | 8 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
host-type keyword
Synopsis | Subscriber host type to be monitored | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id host-type keyword | |
Tree | host-type | |
Description | This command specifies the host type for LI. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
ingress boolean
Synopsis | Perform lawful intercept on ingress traffic | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id ingress boolean | |
Tree | ingress | |
Description | When configured to true, the router allows lawful intercept on ingress traffic. This command configures packets that ingress the SAP to be mirrored. Ingress packets are mirrored to the mirror destination before ingress packet modification. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Description | This command configures the intercept ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This intercept ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. For LI source entries, when the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, an intercept-id field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If there is no intercept ID configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When the mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no intercept ID is inserted and none should be specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 1073741823 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-address ipv4-address
Synopsis | IP address of the subscriber | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id ip-address ipv4-address | |
Tree | ip-address | |
Description | This command specifies the service IP address (system IP address) of the remote device sending LI traffic. If is specified, any remote router is allowed to send to this service. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (ip-address, mac-address, and sap-id) or sla-profile. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ip-family keyword
Synopsis | IP family for LI | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id ip-family keyword | |
Tree | ip-family | |
Description | This command specifies the IP family for LI. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | The source MAC address | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Description | This command specifies a MAC address when defining a static host. Multiple static hosts may be configured with the same MAC address because each definition is distinguished by a unique IP address. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (ip-address, mac-address, and sap-id) or sla-profile. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sap-id sap
Synopsis | SAP ID | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id sap-id sap | |
Tree | sap-id | |
String length | 1 to 45 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (ip-address, mac-address, and sap-id) or sla-profile. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session ID of the traffic flow | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Description | This command configures the session ID that is inserted into the packet header for all mirrored packets of the associated LI source entry. This session ID can be used (for example by a downstream LI gateway) to identify the particular LI session to which the packet belongs. The session ID is only valid and used for mirror services that are configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap under the configure mirror mirror-dest encap layer-3-encap header-type command. For all types of LI source entries, when the mirror service is configured with ip-udp-shim routable encap, a session ID field (as part of the routable encap) is always present in the mirrored packets. If no session ID is configured for an LI source entry, the default value is inserted. When a mirror service is configured with ip-gre routable encap under the header-type command, no session ID is inserted and none is specified against the LI source entries. | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sla-profile external-named-item
Synopsis | SLA profile | |
Context | li li-source service-name subscriber subscriber-id sla-profile external-named-item | |
Tree | sla-profile | |
Description | This command specifies an SLA profile name. Each host of a subscriber can use a different SLA profile. This option allows interception of only the hosts using the specified SLA profile. In some deployments, SLA profiles are assigned per type of traffic. There can be, for example, a specific SLA profile for voice traffic (which could be used for all SIP hosts). | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: (ip-address, mac-address, and sap-id) or sla-profile. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
wlan-gw-dsm-ue [mac] mac-address
Synopsis | Enter the wlan-gw-dsm-ue list instance | |
Context | li li-source service-name wlan-gw-dsm-ue mac-address | |
Tree | wlan-gw-dsm-ue | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[mac] mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address of the DSM UE | |
Context | li li-source service-name wlan-gw-dsm-ue mac-address | |
Tree | wlan-gw-dsm-ue | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
intercept-id number
Synopsis | Intercept identifier | |
Context | li li-source service-name wlan-gw-dsm-ue mac-address intercept-id number | |
Tree | intercept-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
session-id number
Synopsis | Session identifier | |
Context | li li-source service-name wlan-gw-dsm-ue mac-address session-id number | |
Tree | session-id | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
log-id [name] li-log-name
[name] li-log-name
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | The administrative state of the log | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the destination context | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination | |
Tree | destination | |
Description | Commands in this context specify where log event data is to be sent. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enable the memory context | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination memory | |
Tree | memory | |
Description | Commands in this context configure log events directed to a memory file. A memory file is a circular buffer. When the file is full, each new entry replaces the oldest entry in the log. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: memory, netconf, or snmp. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-entries number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of events stored in this memory log | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination memory max-entries number | |
Tree | max-entries | |
Range | 50 to 1024 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the netconf context | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination netconf | |
Tree | netconf | |
Description | Commands in this context configure log events directed to a NETCONF session as notifications. A NETCONF client can subscribe to a NETCONF log using the configured netconf-stream for the log in a subscription request. One or more NETCONF sessions can subscribe to a NETCONF log or stream. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: memory, netconf, or snmp. | |
Introduced | 20.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-entries number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of events stored in the NETCONF log | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination netconf max-entries number | |
Tree | max-entries | |
Description | This command configures the maximum number of events stored in the NETCONF log. If this setting needs to be modified, the log ID must be removed and re-created. | |
Range | 50 to 1024 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.2.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the snmp context | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination snmp | |
Tree | snmp | |
Description | Commands in this context configure log events directed to the snmp-trap-group associated with the log ID. A local circular memory log is maintained for SNMP logs. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: memory, netconf, or snmp. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-entries number
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Number of events stored in this snmp log | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination snmp max-entries number | |
Tree | max-entries | |
Range | 50 to 1024 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
send-using-vprn service-name
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | VPRN to use to send SNMP notifications | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name destination snmp send-using-vprn service-name | |
Tree | send-using-vprn | |
Description | This command configures lawful intercept (LI) SNMP notifications to transmit in a VPRN. This configuration is useful when doing management of LI via a VPRN. The specified VPRN service must exist. After an LI log is configured using this command, the VPRN service cannot be deleted without removing the LI log ID. When this command is configured, an LI log ID uses the snmp-trap-group configured for the VPRN. When unconfigured, the outgoing routing instance of LI SNMP notifications is determined by the configure log route-preference command, and the LI log ID uses the snmp-trap-group configured in the main system log configuration. | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
filter log-filter-name
netconf-stream named-item
Synopsis | Destination NETCONF stream name | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name netconf-stream named-item | |
Tree | netconf-stream | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 20.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
li boolean
time-format keyword
Synopsis | Time zone to display date and time | |
Context | li log log-id li-log-name time-format keyword | |
Tree | time-format | |
Options | ||
Default | utc | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the mirror-dest-reservation context | |
Context | li mirror-dest-reservation | |
Tree | mirror-dest-reservation | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the attributes to reserve mirror destination resources. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
Synopsis | Upper bound of the mirror destination ID | |
Context | li mirror-dest-reservation end number | |
Tree | end | |
Range | 1 to 2147483647 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
start number
Synopsis | Lower bound of the mirror destination ID | |
Context | li mirror-dest-reservation start number | |
Tree | start | |
Range | 1 to 2147483647 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mirror-dest-template [name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the mirror-dest-template list instance | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item | |
Tree | mirror-dest-template | |
Max. instances | 8 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[name] named-item
Synopsis | Mirror destination template name | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item | |
Tree | mirror-dest-template | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the layer-3-encap context | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap | |
Tree | layer-3-encap | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
direction-bit boolean
Synopsis | Use highest bit in interception ID for flow direction | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap direction-bit boolean | |
Tree | direction-bit | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
encap-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Header type of the layer 3 encapsulation | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Default | ip-udp-shim | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
ip-source ipv4-unicast-address
Synopsis | Source IPv4 address for Layer 3 encapsulation | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap ip-source ipv4-unicast-address | |
Tree | ip-source | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
router-instance router-instance
Synopsis | Virtual router instance to inject mirrored packets | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap router-instance router-instance | |
Tree | router-instance | |
String length | 1 to 64 | |
Default | Base | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the udp context | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap udp | |
Tree | udp | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
destination number
Synopsis | Destination UDP port | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap udp destination number | |
Tree | destination | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
source number
Synopsis | Source UDP port | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item layer-3-encap udp source number | |
Tree | source | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Encapsulation type supported by the mirror service | |
Context | li mirror-dest-template named-item type keyword | |
Tree | type | |
Options | ||
Default | ether | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
use-outside-ip-address boolean
Synopsis | Report outside IP address for L2-Aware NAT subscribers | |
Context | li nat use-outside-ip-address boolean | |
Tree | use-outside-ip-address | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
mirror-dest-template reference
Synopsis | RADIUS triggered mirror destination template | |
Context | li radius mirror-dest-template reference | |
Tree | mirror-dest-template | |
Reference | li mirror-dest-template named-item | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
pfcp-li-shared-key encrypted-leaf
Synopsis | Key used to encrypt and decrypt exchanged LI PFCP IEs | |
Context | li sci pfcp-li-shared-key encrypted-leaf | |
Tree | pfcp-li-shared-key | |
Description | This command configures the shared secret key that the SR OS uses in its role as a user plane (UP) to the MAG-c. The UP uses the shared secret key to encrypt and decrypt the LI PFCP IEs it exchanges with the MAG-c. The SR OS UP and the MAG-c must use matching secret keys. The system only accepts a secret key configured as a printable string. | |
String length | 1 to 199 | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the x-interfaces context | |
Context | li x-interfaces | |
Tree | x-interfaces | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the x-interfaces | |
Context | li x-interfaces admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the correlation-id context | |
Context | li x-interfaces correlation-id | |
Tree | correlation-id | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
ipoe keyword
Synopsis | RADIUS accounting ID type for subscriber correlation | |
Context | li x-interfaces correlation-id ipoe keyword | |
Tree | ipoe | |
Options | ||
Default | radius-host-acct-id | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
pppoe keyword
Synopsis | RADIUS accounting ID type for subscriber correlation | |
Context | li x-interfaces correlation-id pppoe keyword | |
Tree | pppoe | |
Options | ||
Default | radius-host-acct-id | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
ine-identifier named-item
Synopsis | Intercepting Network Element (INE) ID | |
Context | li x-interfaces ine-identifier named-item | |
Tree | ine-identifier | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
lic [name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the lic list instance | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item | |
Tree | lic | |
Max. instances | 18 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
[name] named-item
Synopsis | LIC name | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item | |
Tree | lic | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the authentication context | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item authentication | |
Tree | authentication | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
password li-static-encrypted-leaf-hex
Synopsis | Password for the X1 and X2 interfaces | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item authentication password li-static-encrypted-leaf-hex | |
Tree | password | |
String length | 1 to 50 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
private-ki li-static-encrypted-leaf
Synopsis | Private Ki string for the X1 and X2 interfaces | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item authentication private-ki li-static-encrypted-leaf | |
Tree | private-ki | |
String length | 1 to 50 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
sequence-group li-static-encrypted-leaf
Synopsis | Sequence group for the X1 and X2 interfaces | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item authentication sequence-group li-static-encrypted-leaf | |
Tree | sequence-group | |
String length | 1 to 42 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
identifier named-item
Synopsis | LIC ID | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item identifier named-item | |
Tree | identifier | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv4 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item ipv4 | |
Tree | ipv4 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
ip-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | IP address of the LIC | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item ipv4 ip-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | ip-address | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
port number
Synopsis | TCP port associated with the LIC | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item port number | |
Tree | port | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
router-instance named-item-64-or-empty
Synopsis | Virtual router instance used by the X-interfaces | |
Context | li x-interfaces lic named-item router-instance named-item-64-or-empty | |
Tree | router-instance | |
String length | 0 to 64 | |
Default | ||
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
user-db named-item
Synopsis | Location of the data-trigger host for the LIC | |
Context | li x-interfaces user-db named-item | |
Tree | user-db | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the x1 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 | |
Tree | x1 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv4 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 ipv4 | |
Tree | ipv4 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | X1 interface IP address | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 ipv4 local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | local-address | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
lic-peer reference
Synopsis | Peer LIC for the X1 interface | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 lic-peer reference | |
Tree | lic-peer | |
Reference | li x-interfaces lic named-item | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
local-tcp-port number
Synopsis | Local TCP port used for the X1 interface | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 local-tcp-port number | |
Tree | local-tcp-port | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the timeouts context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 timeouts | |
Tree | timeouts | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
message-timeout number
Synopsis | Maximum time for the LIC to reply to an X1 message | |
Context | li x-interfaces x1 timeouts message-timeout number | |
Tree | message-timeout | |
Range | 180 to 300 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 180 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the x2 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 | |
Tree | x2 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv4 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 ipv4 | |
Tree | ipv4 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | X2 interface IP address | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 ipv4 local-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | local-address | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
lic-peer reference
Synopsis | Peer LIC for the X2 interface | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 lic-peer reference | |
Tree | lic-peer | |
Reference | li x-interfaces lic named-item | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the timeouts context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 timeouts | |
Tree | timeouts | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
keep-alive number
Synopsis | Keep-alive timeout | |
Context | li x-interfaces x2 timeouts keep-alive number | |
Tree | keep-alive | |
Range | 300 to 600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 300 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
request number
Synopsis | Enter the x3 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 | |
Tree | x3 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the alarms context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms | |
Tree | alarms | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
high-threshold number
Synopsis | High threshold value of the CPU usage alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms cpu-alarm high-threshold number | |
Tree | high-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
low-threshold number
Synopsis | Low threshold value of the CPU usage alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms cpu-alarm low-threshold number | |
Tree | low-threshold | |
Range | 0 to 99 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the memory-alarm context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms memory-alarm | |
Tree | memory-alarm | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
high-threshold number
Synopsis | High threshold of the packet buffer memory usage alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms memory-alarm high-threshold number | |
Tree | high-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
low-threshold number
Synopsis | Low threshold of the packet buffer memory usage alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms memory-alarm low-threshold number | |
Tree | low-threshold | |
Range | 0 to 99 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the throughput-alarm context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms throughput-alarm | |
Tree | throughput-alarm | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
high-threshold number
Synopsis | High threshold value of the throughput alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms throughput-alarm high-threshold number | |
Tree | high-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Units | megabps | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
low-threshold number
Synopsis | Low threshold value of the throughput alarm | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 alarms throughput-alarm low-threshold number | |
Tree | low-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Units | megabps | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the ipv4 context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 ipv4 | |
Tree | ipv4 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the local-address-range context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 ipv4 local-address-range | |
Tree | local-address-range | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
end ipv4-unicast-address
Synopsis | Upper bound of the range | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 ipv4 local-address-range end ipv4-unicast-address | |
Tree | end | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
start ipv4-unicast-address
Synopsis | Lower bound of the range | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 ipv4 local-address-range start ipv4-unicast-address | |
Tree | start | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
li-group number
Synopsis | ISA group of the X3 interface | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 li-group number | |
Tree | li-group | |
Range | 1 to 4 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
lic-peers [name] reference
Synopsis | Add a list entry for lic-peers | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 lic-peers reference | |
Tree | lic-peers | |
Max. instances | 16 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
[name] reference
Synopsis | Peer LIC for the X3 interface | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 lic-peers reference | |
Tree | lic-peers | |
Reference | li x-interfaces lic named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
session-limit number
Synopsis | Maximum number of X3 sessions initiated to the LIC | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 session-limit number | |
Tree | session-limit | |
Range | 1 to 32 | |
Default | 32 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the timeouts context | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 timeouts | |
Tree | timeouts | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
keep-alive number
Synopsis | Keep-alive timeout | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 timeouts keep-alive number | |
Tree | keep-alive | |
Range | 300 to 600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 300 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
request number
target-retry-wait number
Synopsis | Retry interval for target tunnel setup | |
Context | li x-interfaces x3 timeouts target-retry-wait number | |
Tree | target-retry-wait | |
Range | 300 to 1200 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 300 | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-7/12/12e |