port commands
— port port
— access
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— egress
— pool named-item
— amber-alarm-threshold number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— monitor-pool-depth
— admin-state keyword
— alarm-thresholds
— reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
— shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
— total-pool-in-use decimal-number
— red-alarm-threshold number
— resv-cbs
— amber-alarm-action
— max number
— step number
— cbs (number | keyword)
— slope-policy reference
— ingress
— pool named-item
— amber-alarm-threshold number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— monitor-pool-depth
— admin-state keyword
— alarm-thresholds
— reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
— shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
— total-pool-in-use decimal-number
— red-alarm-threshold number
— resv-cbs
— amber-alarm-action
— max number
— step number
— cbs (number | keyword)
— slope-policy reference
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— connector
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— breakout keyword
— rs-fec-mode keyword
— ddm-events boolean
— description very-long-description
— dist-cpu-protection
— policy reference
— dwdm
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— coherent
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— compatibility keyword
— cpr-window-size number
— dispersion number
— mode keyword
— report-alarm
— hosttx boolean
— mod boolean
— modflt boolean
— netrx boolean
— nettx boolean
— rx-los-reaction keyword
— rx-los-thresh decimal-number
— sweep
— end number
— start number
— target-power decimal-number
— frequency number
— ethernet
— access
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— bandwidth number
— booking-factor number
— egress
— queue-group reference instance-id number
— accounting-policy reference
— aggregate-rate
— adaptation-rule keyword
— burst-limit (number | keyword)
— limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
— queue-frame-based-accounting boolean
— rate (number | keyword)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— description description
— host-match
— int-dest-id int-dest-id
— hs-turbo boolean
— queue-overrides
— queue reference
— adaptation-rule
— cir keyword
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— burst-limit (number | keyword)
— cbs (number | keyword)
— drop-tail
— low
— percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
— mbs (number | keyword)
— monitor-queue-depth
— fast-polling boolean
— violation-threshold decimal-number
— parent
— cir-weight number
— weight number
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— scheduler-policy
— overrides
— scheduler named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— parent
— cir-weight number
— weight number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— virtual-port named-item
— aggregate-rate
— limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
— rate (number | keyword)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description description
— host-match
— int-dest-id int-dest-id
— hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy reference
— lag-per-link-hash
— class number
— weight number
— monitor-hw-agg-shaper-scheduler boolean
— monitor-port-scheduler boolean
— multicast-hqos-adjustment boolean
— port-scheduler-policy reference
— scheduler-policy
— policy-name reference
— ingress
— queue-group reference
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— description description
— queue-overrides
— queue reference
— adaptation-rule
— cir keyword
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— cbs (number | keyword)
— drop-tail
— low
— percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
— mbs (number | keyword)
— monitor-queue-depth
— fast-polling boolean
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— scheduler-policy
— overrides
— scheduler named-item
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— parent
— cir-weight number
— weight number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— autonegotiate keyword
— collect-stats boolean
— crc-monitor
— signal-degrade
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— signal-failure
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— window-size number
— dampening
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— half-life number
— max-suppress-time number
— reuse-threshold number
— suppress-threshold number
— discard-rx-pause-frames boolean
— dot1q-etype etype
— dot1x
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— macsec
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— exclude-mac-policy reference
— exclude-protocol
— cdp boolean
— eapol-start boolean
— efm-oam boolean
— eth-cfm boolean
— lacp boolean
— lldp boolean
— ptp boolean
— ubfd boolean
— rx-must-be-encrypted boolean
— sub-port number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ca-name reference
— eapol-destination-address mac-address
— encap-match
— all-match boolean
— double-tag double-vlan-encap
— single-tag single-vlan-encap
— untagged boolean
— max-peers number
— max-authentication-requests number
— per-host-authentication
— admin-state keyword
— allowed-source-macs
— mac-address mac-address
— authenticator-init boolean
— port-control keyword
— quiet-period number
— radius-policy reference
— radius-server-policy reference
— radius-server-policy-acct reference
— radius-server-policy-auth reference
— re-authentication
— period number
— server-timeout number
— supplicant-timeout number
— transmit-period number
— tunnel-dot1q boolean
— tunnel-qinq boolean
— tunneling boolean
— down-on-internal-error
— tx-laser keyword
— down-when-looped
— admin-state keyword
— keep-alive number
— retry-timeout number
— tunneling boolean
— use-broadcast-address boolean
— duplex keyword
— efm-oam
— accept-remote-loopback boolean
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— discovery
— advertise-capabilities
— link-monitoring boolean
— dying-gasp-tx-on-reset boolean
— grace-tx boolean
— grace-vendor-oui string
— hold-time number
— ignore-efm-state boolean
— link-monitoring
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— errored-frame
— admin-state keyword
— event-notification boolean
— sd-threshold number
— sf-threshold number
— window number
— errored-frame-period
— admin-state keyword
— event-notification boolean
— sd-threshold number
— sf-threshold number
— window number
— errored-frame-seconds
— admin-state keyword
— event-notification boolean
— sd-threshold number
— sf-threshold number
— window number
— errored-symbols
— admin-state keyword
— event-notification boolean
— sd-threshold number
— sf-threshold number
— window number
— local-sf-action
— event-notification-burst number
— info-notification
— critical-event boolean
— dying-gasp boolean
— local-port-action keyword
— mode keyword
— multiplier number
— peer-rdi-rx
— critical-event keyword
— dying-gasp keyword
— event-notification keyword
— link-fault keyword
— remote-loopback-forward-non-efm-frames boolean
— transmit-interval number
— trigger-fault keyword
— tunneling boolean
— egress
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— eth-bn-rate-changes boolean
— hs-port-pool-policy reference
— hs-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— group number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rate (number | keyword)
— max-rate (number | keyword)
— scheduling-class number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rate (number | keyword)
— weight number
— policy-name reference
— hs-secondary-shaper named-item
— aggregate
— low-burst-max-class number
— rate (number | keyword)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— class number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rate (number | keyword)
— description description
— hw-agg-shaper-scheduler
— monitor boolean
— policy-name reference
— monitor-port-scheduler boolean
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— rate number
— elmi
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— mode keyword
— n393 number
— t391 number
— t392 number
— encap-type keyword
— eth-cfm
— mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number
— admin-state keyword
— ais
— client-meg-level number
— interface-support boolean
— interval number
— low-priority-defect keyword
— priority number
— alarm-notification
— fng-alarm-time number
— fng-reset-time number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ccm boolean
— ccm-ltm-priority number
— ccm-padding-size number
— ccm-tlv-ignore keyword
— collect-lmm-stats boolean
— csf
— multiplier decimal-number
— description description
— eth-bn
— receive boolean
— rx-update-pacing number
— eth-test
— bit-error-threshold number
— test-pattern
— crc-tlv boolean
— pattern keyword
— facility-fault boolean
— grace
— eth-ed
— max-rx-defect-window number
— priority number
— rx-eth-ed boolean
— tx-eth-ed boolean
— eth-vsm-grace
— rx-eth-vsm-grace boolean
— tx-eth-vsm-grace boolean
— low-priority-defect keyword
— mac-address mac-unicast-address-no-zero
— one-way-delay-threshold number
— vlan (number | keyword)
— hold-time
— down number
— units keyword
— up number
— ingress
— rate number
— lacp-tunnel boolean
— lldp
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dest-mac keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— notification boolean
— port-id-subtype keyword
— receive boolean
— transmit boolean
— tunnel-nearest-bridge boolean
— tunnel-nearest-customer boolean
— tunnel-nearest-non-tpmr boolean
— tx-mgmt-address keyword
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— tx-tlvs
— port-desc boolean
— sys-cap boolean
— sys-desc boolean
— sys-name boolean
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— min-frame-length number
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— egress
— port-queues
— overrides
— queue number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— monitor-queue-depth
— fast-polling boolean
— violation-threshold decimal-number
— queue-group reference instance-id number
— accounting-policy reference
— aggregate-rate
— adaptation-rule keyword
— burst-limit (number | keyword)
— limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
— queue-frame-based-accounting boolean
— rate (number | keyword)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— description description
— hs-turbo boolean
— policer-control-policy reference
— queue-overrides
— queue reference
— adaptation-rule
— cir keyword
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— cbs (number | keyword)
— drop-tail
— low
— percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
— mbs (number | keyword)
— monitor-queue-depth
— fast-polling boolean
— violation-threshold decimal-number
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— scheduler-policy
— policy-name reference
— queue-policy reference
— pbb-etype etype
— ptp-asymmetry number
— ptp-timestamping
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ipv4-address ipv4-address
— ipv6-address ipv6-address
— ptp-tunnel boolean
— qinq-etype etype
— report-alarm
— alignment-marker-not-locked boolean
— block-not-locked boolean
— duplicate-lane boolean
— frame-not-locked boolean
— high-ber boolean
— local boolean
— remote boolean
— signal-fail boolean
— rs-fec-mode keyword
— single-fiber boolean
— speed number
— ssm
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— code-type keyword
— esmc-tunnel boolean
— tx-dus boolean
— symbol-monitor
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— signal-degrade
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— signal-failure
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— window-size number
— tx-pause-frames boolean
— util-stats-interval number
— xgig keyword
— gnss
— antenna-cable-delay number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— constellation
— galileo boolean
— glonass boolean
— gps boolean
— elevation-mask-angle number
— hybrid-buffer-allocation
— egress-weight
— access number
— network number
— ingress-weight
— access number
— network number
— modify-buffer-allocation
— percentage-of-rate
— egress number
— ingress number
— monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats boolean
— monitor-oper-group reference
— network
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— egress
— pool named-item
— amber-alarm-threshold number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— monitor-pool-depth
— admin-state keyword
— alarm-thresholds
— reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
— shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
— total-pool-in-use decimal-number
— red-alarm-threshold number
— resv-cbs
— amber-alarm-action
— max number
— step number
— cbs (number | keyword)
— slope-policy reference
— oper-group reference
— otu
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— async-mapping boolean
— fec keyword
— fine-granularity-ber
— signal-degrade
— clear
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— raise
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— signal-failure
— clear
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— raise
— multiplier number
— threshold number
— otu2-lan-data-rate keyword
— path-monitoring
— trail-trace-identifier
— expected
— auto-generated
— bytes string
— string string
— mismatch-reaction keyword
— transmit
— auto-generated
— bytes string
— string string
— payload-structure-identifier
— payload
— expected keyword
— mismatch-reaction keyword
— transmit keyword
— report-alarm
— fec-fail boolean
— fec-sd boolean
— fec-sf boolean
— fec-uncorr boolean
— loc boolean
— lof boolean
— lom boolean
— los boolean
— odu-ais boolean
— odu-bdi boolean
— odu-lck boolean
— odu-oci boolean
— odu-tim boolean
— opu-plm boolean
— otu-ais boolean
— otu-bdi boolean
— otu-ber-sd boolean
— otu-ber-sf boolean
— otu-biae boolean
— otu-iae boolean
— otu-tim boolean
— sd-threshold number
— section-monitoring
— trail-trace-identifier
— expected
— auto-generated
— bytes string
— string string
— mismatch-reaction keyword
— transmit
— auto-generated
— bytes string
— string string
— sf-sd-method keyword
— sf-threshold number
— sonet-sdh
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— clock-source keyword
— framing keyword
— group sdh-group-index
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— payload keyword
— hold-time
— down number
— up number
— loopback keyword
— path sonet-path-index
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— crc number
— description long-description
— egress
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— queue-policy reference
— payload keyword
— report-alarm
— pais boolean
— plcd boolean
— plop boolean
— pplm boolean
— prdi boolean
— prei boolean
— puneq boolean
— scramble boolean
— signal-label string
— trace-string (keyword | string)
— report-alarm
— lais boolean
— lb2er-sd boolean
— lb2er-sf boolean
— loc boolean
— lrdi boolean
— lrei boolean
— slof boolean
— slos boolean
— ss1f boolean
— sd-threshold number
— section-trace
— byte string
— increment-z0
— string string
— sf-threshold number
— single-fiber boolean
— speed keyword
— suppress-low-order-alarms boolean
— tx-dus boolean
— tdm
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— buildout keyword
— ds1 tdm-ds1-index
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ber-threshold
— signal-degrade number
— signal-failure number
— channel-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description long-description
— egress
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— encap-type keyword
— idle-payload-fill
— all-ones
— pattern number
— idle-signal-fill
— all-ones
— pattern number
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— queue-policy reference
— speed number
— timeslot number
— clock-source keyword
— framing keyword
— loopback keyword
— remote-loop-respond boolean
— report-alarm
— ais boolean
— ber-sd boolean
— ber-sf boolean
— looped boolean
— los boolean
— oof boolean
— rai boolean
— signal-mode keyword
— ds3 tdm-ds3-index
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— channelized keyword
— clock-source keyword
— crc number
— description long-description
— egress
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— encap-type keyword
— feac-loop-respond boolean
— framing keyword
— idle-cycle-flag keyword
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— loopback keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— maintenance-data-link
— equipment-id-code string
— facility-id-code string
— frame-id-code string
— generator-string string
— location-id-code string
— port-string string
— transmit-message-type
— idle-signal boolean
— path boolean
— test-signal boolean
— unit-id-code string
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— queue-policy reference
— report-alarm
— ais boolean
— looped boolean
— los boolean
— oof boolean
— rai boolean
— scramble boolean
— subrate
— csu-mode keyword
— rate-step number
— e1 tdm-e1-index
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ber-threshold
— signal-degrade number
— signal-failure number
— channel-group number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description long-description
— egress
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— encap-type keyword
— idle-payload-fill
— all-ones
— pattern number
— idle-signal-fill
— all-ones
— pattern number
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— queue-policy reference
— speed number
— timeslot number
— clock-source keyword
— framing keyword
— loopback keyword
— national-bits
— sa4 boolean
— sa5 boolean
— sa6 boolean
— sa7 boolean
— sa8 boolean
— report-alarm
— ais boolean
— ber-sd boolean
— ber-sf boolean
— looped boolean
— los boolean
— oof boolean
— rai boolean
— signal-mode keyword
— e3 tdm-e3-index
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— clock-source keyword
— crc number
— description long-description
— egress
— port-scheduler-policy
— overrides
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— level number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— percent-rate
— cir decimal-number
— pir decimal-number
— rate
— cir (number | keyword)
— pir (number | keyword)
— max-rate
— percent-rate decimal-number
— rate (number | keyword)
— policy-name reference
— encap-type keyword
— framing keyword
— idle-cycle-flag keyword
— load-balancing-algorithm keyword
— loopback keyword
— mac-address mac-address
— mode keyword
— mtu number
— network
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— queue-policy reference
— report-alarm
— ais boolean
— looped boolean
— los boolean
— oof boolean
— rai boolean
— scramble boolean
— hold-time
— down number
— up number
— transceiver
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— digital-coherent-optics boolean
— optical-line-system
— egress-amplifier-gain decimal-number
port command descriptions
port [port-id] port
[port-id] port
Synopsis | Enter the egress context | |
Context | configure port port access egress | |
Tree | egress | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the configuration of access egress buffer pools to determine how a CBS-reserved space is handled and the strategy for utilizing the shared buffer space. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pool [name] named-item
[name] named-item
amber-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the amber alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item amber-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | amber-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the monitor-pool-depth context | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth | |
Tree | monitor-pool-depth | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of pool-depth monitoring | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the alarm-thresholds context | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds | |
Tree | alarm-thresholds | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for reserved buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | reserved-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the reserved pool in-use threshold. A tmnxResvPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the reserved pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxResvPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for shared of buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds shared-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | shared-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the shared pool in-use threshold. A tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the shared pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
total-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for usage of total buffer pool | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds total-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | total-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the total pool in-use threshold. A tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the total pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
red-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the red alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item red-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | red-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the amber-alarm-action context | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action | |
Tree | amber-alarm-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max number
Synopsis | Maximum percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action max number | |
Tree | max | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. The maximum reserved CBS must not be less than the value of the reserved CBS. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
step number
Synopsis | Step-size percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action step number | |
Tree | step | |
Description | This command specifies the step-size percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
cbs (number | keyword)
slope-policy reference
Synopsis | Policy for the RED slope and TAF values | |
Context | configure port port access egress pool named-item slope-policy reference | |
Tree | slope-policy | |
Reference | configure qos slope-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pool [name] named-item
[name] named-item
amber-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the amber alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item amber-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | amber-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the monitor-pool-depth context | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth | |
Tree | monitor-pool-depth | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of pool-depth monitoring | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the alarm-thresholds context | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds | |
Tree | alarm-thresholds | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for reserved buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | reserved-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the reserved pool in-use threshold. A tmnxResvPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the reserved pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxResvPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for shared of buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds shared-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | shared-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the shared pool in-use threshold. A tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the shared pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
total-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for usage of total buffer pool | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds total-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | total-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the total pool in-use threshold. A tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the total pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
red-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the red alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item red-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | red-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the amber-alarm-action context | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action | |
Tree | amber-alarm-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max number
Synopsis | Maximum percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action max number | |
Tree | max | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. The maximum reserved CBS must not be less than the value of the reserved CBS. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
step number
Synopsis | Step-size percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action step number | |
Tree | step | |
Description | This command specifies the step-size percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
cbs (number | keyword)
slope-policy reference
Synopsis | Policy for the RED slope and TAF values | |
Context | configure port port access ingress pool named-item slope-policy reference | |
Tree | slope-policy | |
Reference | configure qos slope-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the port | |
Context | configure port port admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
breakout keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Port breakout of the transceiver used in the connector | |
Context | configure port port connector breakout keyword | |
Tree | breakout | |
Description | This command defines the port breakout of the transceiver used in the connector. Specifying the type triggers the creation of the ports that will be accessible under the connector. When a QSFP28 connector uses an SFP+ optical module with the QSFP28-to-SFP+/SFP28 adapter, set this command to c1-10g. This value indicates the presence of the adapter. For some connectors (for example, QSFPDD), there can be overlap in the breakout for different host interfaces. The same port breakout can be supported on an optical modules that uses a host interface of CAUI-4 as another optical module that uses 100GAUI-2. To distinguish from the CAUI-4 host interface, the "-aui2" suffix is used on some breakout options. This is only necessary where there is overlap. In other situations, SR OS sets the host interface correctly without requiring the distinction in the breakout option. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
rs-fec-mode keyword
Synopsis | RS-FEC mode for the Ethernet connector | |
Context | configure port port connector rs-fec-mode keyword | |
Tree | rs-fec-mode | |
Description | This command specifies the RS-FEC (Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction) mode on the Ethernet connector. See "Forward Error Correction" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide for more information about FEC settings. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ddm-events boolean
Synopsis | Enable Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) events | |
Context | configure port port ddm-events boolean | |
Tree | ddm-events | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description very-long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port description very-long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the dist-cpu-protection context | |
Context | configure port port dist-cpu-protection | |
Tree | dist-cpu-protection | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
policy reference
Synopsis | Distributed CPU protection policy name | |
Context | configure port port dist-cpu-protection policy reference | |
Tree | policy | |
Reference | configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy named-item | |
Introduced | 21.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
compatibility keyword
Synopsis | Optical mode and rate of operation | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent compatibility keyword | |
Tree | compatibility | |
Options | ||
Default | long-haul | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
cpr-window-size number
Synopsis | Window size for the carrier phase recovery | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent cpr-window-size number | |
Tree | cpr-window-size | |
Description | This command configures the window size for the carrier phase recovery. When this command is changed, the link bounces because the receiver needs to be reconfigured. | |
Range | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | |
Units | symbols | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dispersion number
Synopsis | Residual chromatic dispersion compensation | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent dispersion number | |
Tree | dispersion | |
Description | This command specifies the residual chromatic dispersion compensation when the coherent receiver is operating in manual dispersion control mode. | |
Range | -50000 to 50000 | |
Units | picoseconds per nanometer | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mode keyword
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the alarms reported for the coherent module. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hosttx boolean
mod boolean
modflt boolean
netrx boolean
nettx boolean
rx-los-reaction keyword
Synopsis | Reaction to an RX LOS | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent rx-los-reaction keyword | |
Tree | rx-los-reaction | |
Description | This command configures the reaction to an RX LOS. Note: If this command is disabled for some coherent DWDM transceivers, the transceiver only reports local fault alarms when an RX LOS condition occurs; however, the port returns to service faster after the LOS condition is cleared. For these transceivers, if this command is enabled, there is better visibility of individual alarms (for example, signal-fail, local fault, no-am-lock), but the port takes longer to service after the LOS condition is cleared. | |
Options | ||
Default | squelch | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rx-los-thresh decimal-number
Synopsis | Average input power LOS threshold | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent rx-los-thresh decimal-number | |
Tree | rx-los-thresh | |
Range | -30 to -13 | |
Units | decibel-milliwatts | |
Default | -23 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the sweep context | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent sweep | |
Tree | sweep | |
Description | Commands in this context allow users to configure the dispersion sweep start and end values for the automatic mode of coherent control. If the user knows the approximate or theoretical residual dispersion of the link, these commands can be used to limit the range of sweeping for the automatic control mode and therefore achieve a faster link up. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
end number
start number
target-power decimal-number
Synopsis | Average output power target for the port | |
Context | configure port port dwdm coherent target-power decimal-number | |
Tree | target-power | |
Range | -20 to 3 | |
Units | decibel-milliwatts | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
frequency number
Synopsis | Center frequency for tunable DWDM optical interface | |
Context | configure port port dwdm frequency number | |
Tree | frequency | |
Description | This command configures the center frequency to use for a tunable DWDM optical interface. This command can be used to specify any frequency in the C band. To set the DWDM frequency, the port must be a physical port and the provisioned MDA type must have DWDM tunable optics (for example, p1-100g-tun-b), or the MDA must support the option of tunable DWDM optic modules. This command replaces the configure port dwdm channel command. | |
Range | 191100000 to 196150000 | |
Units | megahertz | |
Introduced | 21.10.R3 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the ethernet context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet | |
Tree | ethernet | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Ethernet port attributes. This context can only be used when configuring Fast Ethernet, Gigabit, or 10-Gb Ethernet LAN ports on an appropriate MDA. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
bandwidth number
booking-factor number
Synopsis | Booking factor applied to the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access booking-factor number | |
Tree | booking-factor | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
queue-group [queue-group-name] reference instance-id number
Synopsis | Enter the queue-group list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Queue group name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
instance-id number
Synopsis | Instance ID for the egress queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
MD-CLI default | 1 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the aggregate-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate | |
Tree | aggregate-rate | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adaptation-rule keyword
Synopsis | Adaptation rule when an aggregate shaper is used | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate adaptation-rule keyword | |
Tree | adaptation-rule | |
Description | This command configures the adaptation rule for the PIR value of the queue-group aggregate rate. This rule determines which configured value is adapted to oper-agg-rate based on hardware capabilities. | |
Options | ||
Default | closest | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
burst-limit (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Burst limit of the queue group aggregate rate | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate burst-limit (number | keyword) | |
Tree | burst-limit | |
Description | This command defines an explicit shaping burst size for a queue. The configured size defines the shaping leaky bucket threshold level that indicates the maximum burst over the queue shaping rate. This command is supported under the SAP ingress and SAP egress QoS policy queues. The command is also supported under the ingress and egress queue-group-templates queues. | |
Range | 1 to 14000000 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Default | auto | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
Synopsis | Control unused bandwidth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate limit-unused-bandwidth boolean | |
Tree | limit-unused-bandwidth | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue-frame-based-accounting boolean
Synopsis | Enable frame-based accounting on policers and queues | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate queue-frame-based-accounting boolean | |
Tree | queue-frame-based-accounting | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Aggregate rate for all queues | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the host-match context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number host-match | |
Tree | host-match | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
int-dest-id [destination-string] int-dest-id
Synopsis | Add a list entry for int-dest-id | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number host-match int-dest-id int-dest-id | |
Tree | int-dest-id | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[destination-string] int-dest-id
Synopsis | Host match destination ID | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number host-match int-dest-id int-dest-id | |
Tree | int-dest-id | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hs-turbo boolean
Synopsis | Enable HS turbo queues for higher throughput | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number hs-turbo boolean | |
Tree | hs-turbo | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables HS turbo queues that allow the corresponding HSQ queue group queues to achieve a higher throughput. This command is not applicable to 10G ports and is ignored when it is configured under a queue group instance on a 10G port. When configured to false, HS turbo queues are disabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the queue-overrides context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides | |
Tree | queue-overrides | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue [queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the queue list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Queue ID | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group named-item queue number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the adaptation-rule context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule | |
Tree | adaptation-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational CIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule cir keyword | |
Tree | cir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational PIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule pir keyword | |
Tree | pir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
burst-limit (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Override for the shaping burst size for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference burst-limit (number | keyword) | |
Tree | burst-limit | |
Range | 1 to 14000000 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
cbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference cbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cbs | |
Range | 0 to 1048576 | |
Units | kilobytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the drop-tail context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail | |
Tree | drop-tail | |
Description | Commands in this context configure queue drop tail commands. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the low context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low | |
Tree | low | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail commands. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which the out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and discarded. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Percentage reduction from the MBS for a queue drop tail | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | percent-reduction-from-mbs | |
Description | This command overrides the low queue drop tail as a percentage reduction from the MBS of the queue. For example, if a queue has an MBS of 600 kbytes and this percentage is configured to be 30% for the low drop tail, the low drop tail is set to 420 kbytes and the out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue if its depth is greater than this value, and is therefore discarded. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | MBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | mbs | |
Range | 0 to 1073741824 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the monitor-queue-depth context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth | |
Tree | monitor-queue-depth | |
Description | Commands in this context configure queue depth monitoring for the specified queue. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fast-polling boolean
Synopsis | Enable fast polling of the queue depth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth fast-polling boolean | |
Tree | fast-polling | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables fast polling of the queue depth. Faster polling allows a more accurate view of the actual depth. When configured to false, fast queue polling is not enabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
violation-threshold decimal-number
Synopsis | Threshold for queue depth before violation is raised | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth violation-threshold decimal-number | |
Tree | violation-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies threshold for the queue MBS. When the queue depth exceeds the threshold value, a violation is registered. | |
Range | 0.01 to 99.99 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the parent context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference parent | |
Tree | parent | |
Description | Commands in this context define the weight of the queue treatment by the parent scheduler that further governs the available bandwidth given to the queue, aside from the queue PIR setting. When multiple schedulers or queues share a child status with the parent scheduler, the weight or level commands define how the queue contends with the other children for the parent bandwidth. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir-weight number
Synopsis | CIR that overrides the parent for the queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference parent cir-weight number | |
Tree | cir-weight | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
weight number
Synopsis | PIR that overrides the parent for the queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference parent weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Description | Commands in this context specify percent rates. These commands are ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues, which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the percent rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group command within the egress queue group template. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop. The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent cir-level and cir-weight commands to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler. | |
Range | 0 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative PIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule commands and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth. | |
Range | 1 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy | |
Tree | scheduler-policy | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a scheduler policy for the egress queue group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the overrides context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides | |
Tree | overrides | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
scheduler [scheduler-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item | |
Tree | scheduler | |
Description | Commands in this context are used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created has queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers. The scheduler name must exist in the applied scheduler policy. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[scheduler-name] named-item
Synopsis | Scheduler name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item | |
Tree | scheduler | |
Description | This command specifies the scheduler name. Valid names consist of any string composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the parent context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item parent | |
Tree | parent | |
Description | Commands in this context are used to override the scheduler's parent weight and CIR weight. The weights apply to the associated level or CIR level configured in the applied scheduler policy. The override weights are ignored if the scheduler does not have a parent command configured in the scheduler policy. This allows the parent of the scheduler to be removed from the scheduler policy without having to remove all of the queue group overrides. If the parent scheduler does not exist, causing the configured scheduler to be fostered on an egress port scheduler, then the override weights are ignored. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir-weight number
Synopsis | CIR that overrides the parent | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item parent cir-weight number | |
Tree | cir-weight | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
weight number
Synopsis | PIR that overrides the parent | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item parent weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Description | Commands in this context override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler's parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler's needs. The bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or the child queues on the parent scheduler may be based on a higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to an insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Description | This command specifies the CIR. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, this command provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler's within-cir distribution phase. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined before specifying the CIR. If the CIR is set to max, the CIR rate is set to infinity. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues. | |
Range | 0 to 6400000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Description | This command specifies the PIR. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Any other value results in an error without modifying the current PIR rate. | |
Range | 1 to 6400000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
virtual-port [vport-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the virtual-port list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item | |
Tree | virtual-port | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[vport-name] named-item
Synopsis | Vport scheduling node name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item | |
Tree | virtual-port | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the aggregate-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item aggregate-rate | |
Tree | aggregate-rate | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
Synopsis | Control unused bandwidth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item aggregate-rate limit-unused-bandwidth boolean | |
Tree | limit-unused-bandwidth | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Enforced aggregate rate for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item aggregate-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 6400000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the host-match context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item host-match | |
Tree | host-match | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
int-dest-id [destination-string] int-dest-id
Synopsis | Add a list entry for int-dest-id | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item host-match int-dest-id int-dest-id | |
Tree | int-dest-id | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
[destination-string] int-dest-id
Synopsis | Host match destination ID | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item host-match int-dest-id int-dest-id | |
Tree | int-dest-id | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy reference
Synopsis | Hardware aggregate shaper scheduler policy to apply | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy reference | |
Tree | hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy | |
Reference | configure qos hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy named-item-64 | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
Synopsis | Enter the lag-per-link-hash context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item lag-per-link-hash | |
Tree | lag-per-link-hash | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
class number
Synopsis | Class used on LAG egress using weighted per-link-hash | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item lag-per-link-hash class number | |
Tree | class | |
Range | 1 to 3 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
weight number
Synopsis | Weight used on LAG egress using weighted per-link-hash | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item lag-per-link-hash weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Range | 1 to 1024 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
monitor-hw-agg-shaper-scheduler boolean
Synopsis | Enable monitoring hardware aggregate shaper scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item monitor-hw-agg-shaper-scheduler boolean | |
Tree | monitor-hw-agg-shaper-scheduler | |
Description | When configured to true, enables congestion monitoring of the hardware aggregate shaper scheduler on the specified vport. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
monitor-port-scheduler boolean
Synopsis | Enable congestion monitoring on egress port scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item monitor-port-scheduler boolean | |
Tree | monitor-port-scheduler | |
Description | The command enables congestion monitoring on an EPS that is applied to a Vport. Congestion monitoring must be further configured under the port-scheduler CLI hierarchy. Once the congestion monitoring is in effect, the offered rate (incoming traffic) is compared to the configured port-scheduler congestion threshold. The results of these measurements are stored as the number of samples representing the number of times the offered rates exceeded the configured congestion threshold since the last clearing of the stats. Therefore, the results represent the number of times that the port-scheduler that is applied to a Vport was congested since the last reset of the stats using a clear command. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multicast-hqos-adjustment boolean
Synopsis | Apply HQoS Adjustment (egress rate modification) | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item multicast-hqos-adjustment boolean | |
Tree | multicast-hqos-adjustment | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s |
port-scheduler-policy reference
Synopsis | Port scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item port-scheduler-policy reference | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item scheduler-policy | |
Tree | scheduler-policy | |
Description | This command specifies a scheduler policy to associate with the Vport. The aggregate-rate , port-scheduler-policy and scheduler-policy commands are mutually exclusive. Changing between the use of a scheduler policy and the use of an aggregate rate or port scheduler policy involves removing the existing command and applying the new command. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Egress scheduler policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access egress virtual-port named-item scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
queue-group [queue-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the queue-group list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Description | Commands in this context create an ingress queue group on the Ethernet port. Queue groups created on access ports are used as an alternative queue destination for SAPs. Queue groups can be created on both access and network oriented ports. When the port is in access mode, the queue groups must be created within the port access node. Access ingress queue groups can only be used by ingress SAP forwarding classes and only a single ingress queue group per port is supported. When the queue group is created in an ingress port context, the queue group name must be an existing ingress queue group template. Two ingress queue groups with the same name cannot be created on the same port. When creating a queue group, the system will attempt to allocate queue resources based on the queues defined in the queue group template. If the appropriate queue resources do not currently exist, the queue group will not be created. Ingress port queue groups do not support shared-queuing or multipoint shared queuing behavior. A port queue group cannot be removed from the port when a forwarding class is currently redirected to the group. All forwarding class redirections must first be removed prior to removing the queue group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Queue group name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Description | This command specifies the queue group name. The specified queue group name must exist as an ingress or egress queue group template depending on the ingress or egress context of the port queue group. Only a single queue group may be created on an ingress port. | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the queue-overrides context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides | |
Tree | queue-overrides | |
Description | Commands in this context define queue command overrides for each queue within the queue group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue [queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the queue list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Description | Commands in this context associate a queue for use in a queue group template. The template queue is created on each queue group object that is created with the queue group template name. Each queue is identified within the template by a queue ID number. The template ensures that all queue groups created with the template’s name have the same queue IDs, providing a uniform structure for the forwarding class redirection commands in the SAP egress QoS policies. The queue commands can be individually changed for each queue in each queue group using per queue overrides. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Queue ID for the queue group template | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates ingress queue-group named-item queue number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the adaptation-rule context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule | |
Tree | adaptation-rule | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational CIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule cir keyword | |
Tree | cir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational PIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule pir keyword | |
Tree | pir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference cbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cbs | |
Range | 0 to 1048576 | |
Units | kilobytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the drop-tail context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail | |
Tree | drop-tail | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the low context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low | |
Tree | low | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail commands. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which out-of-profile packets are accepted into the queue and discarded. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Percentage reduction from the MBS for a queue drop tail | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | percent-reduction-from-mbs | |
Description | This command overrides the low queue drop tail as a percentage reduction from the MBS of the queue. For example, if a queue has an MBS of 600 kbytes and this percentage is configured to be 30% for the low drop tail, the low drop tail is set to 420 kbytes and the out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue if its depth is greater than this value, and is therefore discarded. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | MBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | mbs | |
Range | 0 to 1073741824 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the monitor-queue-depth context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth | |
Tree | monitor-queue-depth | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fast-polling boolean
Synopsis | Enable fast polling of the queue depth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth fast-polling boolean | |
Tree | fast-polling | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop. The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent cir-level and cir-weight commands to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler. | |
Range | 0 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference queue-overrides queue reference rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative PIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule commands and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth. | |
Range | 1 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy | |
Tree | scheduler-policy | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a scheduler policy for the ingress queue group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the overrides context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides | |
Tree | overrides | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the set of attributes specifying values specific to the given queue-group instance. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
scheduler [scheduler-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item | |
Tree | scheduler | |
Description | Commands in this context are used to override specific attributes of the specified scheduler name. A scheduler defines bandwidth controls that limit each child (other schedulers and queues) associated with the scheduler. Scheduler objects are created within the hierarchical tiers of the policy. It is assumed that each scheduler created has queues or other schedulers defined as child associations. The scheduler can be a child which takes bandwidth from a scheduler in a higher tier. A total of 32 schedulers can be created within a single scheduler policy with no restriction on the distribution between the tiers. The scheduler name must exist in the applied scheduler policy. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[scheduler-name] named-item
Synopsis | Scheduler name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item | |
Tree | scheduler | |
Description | This command specifies the scheduler name. Valid names consist of any string composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the parent context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item parent | |
Tree | parent | |
Description | Commands in this context are used to override the scheduler's parent weight and CIR weight. The weights apply to the associated level or CIR level configured in the applied scheduler policy. The override weights are ignored if the scheduler does not have a parent command configured in the scheduler policy. This allows the parent of the scheduler to be removed from the scheduler policy without having to remove all of the queue group overrides. If the parent scheduler does not exist, causing the configured scheduler to be fostered on an egress port scheduler, then the override weights are ignored. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir-weight number
Synopsis | CIR that overrides the parent | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item parent cir-weight number | |
Tree | cir-weight | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
weight number
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Description | Commands in this context override specific attributes of the specified scheduler rate. The actual operating rate of the scheduler is limited by bandwidth constraints other than its maximum rate. The scheduler's parent scheduler may not have the available bandwidth to meet the scheduler's needs. The bandwidth available to the parent scheduler could be allocated to other child schedulers or the child queues on the parent scheduler may be based on a higher priority. The children of the scheduler may not need the maximum rate available to the scheduler due to an insufficient offered load or limits to their own maximum rates. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Description | This command specifies the CIR. When a parent is associated with the scheduler, this command provides the amount of bandwidth to be considered during the parent scheduler's within-cir distribution phase. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined before specifying the CIR. If the CIR is set to max, the CIR rate is set to infinity. The sum keyword specifies that the CIR be used as the summed CIR values of the children schedulers, policers, or queues. | |
Range | 0 to 6400000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy overrides scheduler named-item rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Description | This command specifies the PIR. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Any other value results in an error without modifying the current PIR rate. | |
Range | 1 to 6400000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet access ingress queue-group reference scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
autonegotiate keyword
Synopsis | Speed and duplex autonegotiation on the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet autonegotiate keyword | |
Tree | autonegotiate | |
Description | This command enables speed and duplex autonegotiation on Fast Ethernet ports and enables far-end fault indicator support on Gb ports. When autonegotiation is enabled on a port, the link attempts to automatically negotiate the link speed and duplex commands. If autonegotiation is enabled, the configured duplex and speed commands are ignored. When autonegotiation is disabled on a port, the port does not attempt to autonegotiate and will only operate at the speed and duplex command settings configured for the port. Note that disabling autonegotiation on Gb ports is not allowed as the IEEE 802.3 specification for Gb Ethernet requires autonegotiation be enabled for far end fault indication. It is required for autonegotiation to be limited for ports in a LAG to guarantee a specific port speed. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port ethernet collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the crc-monitor context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor | |
Tree | crc-monitor | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Ethernet Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) monitoring. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-degrade context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-degrade | |
Tree | signal-degrade | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the error rate at which to declare the Signal Degrade (SD) condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N, which is the ratio of errored frames over the total frames received over W seconds of the sliding window. The CRC errors on the interface are sampled once per second. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multiplier number
Synopsis | SD multiplier | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-degrade multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-degrade threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-failure context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-failure | |
Tree | signal-failure | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the error rate at which to declare the Signal Fail (SF) condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N errored frames over total frames received over W seconds of the sliding window. The CRC errors on the interface are sampled once per second. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multiplier number
Synopsis | SF multiplier | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-failure multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor signal-failure threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
window-size number
Synopsis | Sliding window size over which errors are measured | |
Context | configure port port ethernet crc-monitor window-size number | |
Tree | window-size | |
Description | This command specifies the sliding window size over which the Ethernet frames are sampled to detect SF or SD conditions. The command is used jointly with the signal-failure and the signal-degrade commands to configure the sliding window size. | |
Range | 5 to 60 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of exponential port dampening | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dampening admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
half-life number
Synopsis | Half-life decay time | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dampening half-life number | |
Tree | half-life | |
Description | This command specifies the time that must pass before penalties decay to one-half the initial amount. The half-life and maximum suppression time values must be set at the same time and the ratio of the maximum suppression time and half-life must be less than or equal to 49 and greater than or equal to one. | |
Range | 1 to 2000 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-suppress-time number
Synopsis | Maximum suppression time | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dampening max-suppress-time number | |
Tree | max-suppress-time | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum suppression time, which is the time it can take after the physical link comes up before the worst case accumulated penalties have decayed to the reuse threshold. The maximum penalty is derived from the maximum suppression time, half life, and reuse threshold, using the following equation: maximum penalty = (reuse threshold) 2 expo:(maximum suppression time/half life) The half life and maximum suppression time values must be set at the same time and the ratio of the maximum suppression time and half life must be less than or equal to 49 and greater than or equal to one. | |
Range | 1 to 43200 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 20 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
reuse-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold which port-up state is no longer suppressed | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dampening reuse-threshold number | |
Tree | reuse-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies the threshold at which the port-up state is no longer suppressed, after the port has been in a suppressed state and the accumulated penalties decay drops below this threshold. The reuse threshold value must be less than the suppress threshold value. | |
Range | 1 to 20000 | |
Units | penalties | |
Default | 1000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
suppress-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold at which the port-up state is suppressed | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dampening suppress-threshold number | |
Tree | suppress-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies the threshold at which the port-up state is suppressed until the accumulated penalties drop below the reuse threshold. The reuse threshold value must be less than the suppress threshold value. | |
Range | 1 to 20000 | |
Units | penalties | |
Default | 2000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
discard-rx-pause-frames boolean
Synopsis | Discard received pause frames | |
Context | configure port port ethernet discard-rx-pause-frames boolean | |
Tree | discard-rx-pause-frames | |
Description | When configured to true, the router discards the received pause frames, which are used for local link flow control. When configured to false, pause frames are processed upon receipt, and the transmit side of the receiving port pauses its transmissions. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dot1q-etype etype
Synopsis | Ethertype expected if port encapsulation type is dot1q | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1q-etype etype | |
Tree | dot1q-etype | |
Description | This command specifies the Ethertype expected when the port encapsulation type is dot1q. Dot1q encapsulation is supported only on Ethernet interfaces. | |
Default | 33024 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of dot1x packet extraction to CPM | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | enable | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
exclude-mac-policy reference
Synopsis | MAC policy excluded from MACsec encryption | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec exclude-mac-policy reference | |
Tree | exclude-mac-policy | |
Reference | configure macsec mac-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R5 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the exclude-protocol context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec exclude-protocol | |
Tree | exclude-protocol | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cdp boolean
eapol-start boolean
Synopsis | Disable MACsec for all packets on the link for EAPOL | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec exclude-protocol eapol-start boolean | |
Tree | eapol-start | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
efm-oam boolean
eth-cfm boolean
lacp boolean
lldp boolean
ptp boolean
ubfd boolean
rx-must-be-encrypted boolean
Synopsis | Drop all port traffic that is not MACsec-secured | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec rx-must-be-encrypted boolean | |
Tree | rx-must-be-encrypted | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sub-port [sub-port-id] number
[sub-port-id] number
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of MACsec on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ca-name reference
eapol-destination-address mac-address
Synopsis | EAPOL destination MAC address | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number eapol-destination-address mac-address | |
Tree | eapol-destination-address | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the encap-match context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number encap-match | |
Tree | encap-match | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
all-match boolean
double-tag double-vlan-encap
Synopsis | QinQ double tag traffic pattern to match | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number encap-match double-tag double-vlan-encap | |
Tree | double-tag | |
String length | 1 to 11 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-match, double-tag, single-tag, or untagged. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
single-tag single-vlan-encap
Synopsis | Dot1q single tag traffic pattern to match | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number encap-match single-tag single-vlan-encap | |
Tree | single-tag | |
String length | 1 to 11 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-match, double-tag, single-tag, or untagged. | |
Introduced | 19.5.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
untagged boolean
max-peers number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of peers supported on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x macsec sub-port number max-peers number | |
Tree | max-peers | |
Range | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max-authentication-requests number
Synopsis | Maximum number of RADIUS retries | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x max-authentication-requests number | |
Tree | max-authentication-requests | |
Range | 1 to 10 | |
Default | 2 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the per-host-authentication context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication | |
Tree | per-host-authentication | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of per-host authentication | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 21.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the allowed-source-macs context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication allowed-source-macs | |
Tree | allowed-source-macs | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mac-address [mac] mac-address
Synopsis | Add a list entry for mac-address | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication allowed-source-macs mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[mac] mac-address
Synopsis | Source MAC address of a host selected for authentication | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication allowed-source-macs mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
authenticator-init boolean
Synopsis | Initiate per-host authentication | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x per-host-authentication authenticator-init boolean | |
Tree | authenticator-init | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 21.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
port-control keyword
Synopsis | 802.1x authentication mode | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x port-control keyword | |
Tree | port-control | |
Options | ||
Default | force-authorized | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
quiet-period number
Synopsis | Time between two sessions when no EAPOL frames are sent | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x quiet-period number | |
Tree | quiet-period | |
Range | 1 to 3600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 60 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
radius-policy reference
Synopsis | RADIUS policy used for 802.1x authentication | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x radius-policy reference | |
Tree | radius-policy | |
Reference | configure system security dot1x radius-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
radius-server-policy reference
Synopsis | RADIUS server policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x radius-server-policy reference | |
Tree | radius-server-policy | |
Reference | configure aaa radius server-policy named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: radius-server-policy or (radius-server-policy-acct and radius-server-policy-auth). | |
Introduced | 20.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
radius-server-policy-acct reference
Synopsis | RADIUS server policy name for accounting | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x radius-server-policy-acct reference | |
Tree | radius-server-policy-acct | |
Reference | configure aaa radius server-policy named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: radius-server-policy or (radius-server-policy-acct and radius-server-policy-auth). | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
radius-server-policy-auth reference
Synopsis | RADIUS server policy name for authentication | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x radius-server-policy-auth reference | |
Tree | radius-server-policy-auth | |
Reference | configure aaa radius server-policy named-item | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: radius-server-policy or (radius-server-policy-acct and radius-server-policy-auth). | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the re-authentication context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x re-authentication | |
Tree | re-authentication | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
period number
server-timeout number
Synopsis | Wait time for a response from the RADIUS server | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x server-timeout number | |
Tree | server-timeout | |
Range | 1 to 300 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 30 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
supplicant-timeout number
Synopsis | Wait time for a response to EAPOL messages | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x supplicant-timeout number | |
Tree | supplicant-timeout | |
Range | 1 to 300 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 30 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
transmit-period number
Synopsis | Time after which a new EAPOL request message is sent | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x transmit-period number | |
Tree | transmit-period | |
Range | 1 to 3600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 30 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunnel-dot1q boolean
Synopsis | Enable dot1x tunneling for 802.1q tagged packets | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x tunnel-dot1q boolean | |
Tree | tunnel-dot1q | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 21.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunnel-qinq boolean
Synopsis | Enable dot1x tunneling for QinQ tagged packets | |
Context | configure port port ethernet dot1x tunnel-qinq boolean | |
Tree | tunnel-qinq | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 21.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunneling boolean
Synopsis | Enable the down-on-internal-error context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-on-internal-error | |
Tree | down-on-internal-error | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tx-laser keyword
Synopsis | Remote laser state on internal MAC transmit error | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-on-internal-error tx-laser keyword | |
Tree | tx-laser | |
Options | ||
Default | on | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the down-when-looped context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped | |
Tree | down-when-looped | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Ethernet loop detection. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of Ethernet loop detection | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
keep-alive number
Synopsis | Time interval between keep-alive PDUs | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped keep-alive number | |
Tree | keep-alive | |
Range | 1 to 120 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
retry-timeout number
Synopsis | Wait time before re-enabling port after loop detection | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped retry-timeout number | |
Tree | retry-timeout | |
Range | 0 | 10 to 160 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 120 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunneling boolean
Synopsis | Enable DWL tunneling | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped tunneling boolean | |
Tree | tunneling | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
use-broadcast-address boolean
Synopsis | Use broadcast MAC address for destination MAC address | |
Context | configure port port ethernet down-when-looped use-broadcast-address boolean | |
Tree | use-broadcast-address | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
duplex keyword
Synopsis | Duplex type for the fast Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet duplex keyword | |
Tree | duplex | |
Description | This command configures the duplex of a Fast Ethernet port when autonegotiation is disabled. This command setting is ignored if autonegotiation is enabled for the port. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
accept-remote-loopback boolean
Synopsis | Enable reactions to loopback control OAMPDUs from peers | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam accept-remote-loopback boolean | |
Tree | accept-remote-loopback | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the EFM OAM operation | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the advertise-capabilities context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam discovery advertise-capabilities | |
Tree | advertise-capabilities | |
Description | Commands in this context specify settings that enable the advertisement of specific capabilities. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
link-monitoring boolean
Synopsis | Advertise link monitoring capabilities to peer | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam discovery advertise-capabilities link-monitoring boolean | |
Tree | link-monitoring | |
Description | When configured to true, the link monitoring capability is advertised to the peer through the EFM-OAM protocol. When configured to false, the router suppresses the advertisement of capabilities to a remote peer. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dying-gasp-tx-on-reset boolean
Synopsis | Enable generation of the Information OAMPDU off-cycle | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam dying-gasp-tx-on-reset boolean | |
Tree | dying-gasp-tx-on-reset | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables the generation of the Information OAMPDU off-cycle when the soft reset notification is received by the EFM application. The local port state remains under the control of the soft reset application and does not change based on the EFM function. If the port is operationally up, then the local node will continue to consider the port as available for service data and forwarding. If the upstream node requires a notification to route around the local node undergoing the soft reset, then a notification must be sent to those nodes. This is a disruptive function. When both the grace-tx and dying-gasp-tx-on-reset commands are active on the same port, the grace-tx command takes precedence when a soft reset is invoked if the peer vendor OUI being received is 00:16:4D or the configured grace-vendor-oui value. When configured to false, the generation of the Information OAMPDU off-cycle is disabled. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
grace-tx boolean
Synopsis | Enable the sending of Grace TLV for EFM-OAM | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam grace-tx boolean | |
Tree | grace-tx | |
Description | When configured to true, the system sends the Nokia Vendor specific Grace TLV in the information PDU after an ISSU or a soft reset. The Grace TLV informs a remote peer to ignore the negotiated interval and multiplier and instead use the new timeout interval. By default, the command is disabled at the system level and enabled at the port level. Both the system and port level must be enabled to support grace on a specific port. When configured to true, the EFM-OAM protocol does not enter a non-operational state when both nodes acknowledge the grace function. This feature minimizes service interruption by giving the restarting router time to become operationally and administratively up within the grace period. The peer receiving the Grace TLV must be able to parse and process the vendor-specific messaging. Do not configure grace if the Nokia Vendor Specific Grace TLV is not supported on the remote peer. When configured to false, the Nokia Vendor Specific Grace TLV is not sent. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
grace-vendor-oui string
Synopsis | Peer vendor OUI to support grace function | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam grace-vendor-oui string | |
Tree | grace-vendor-oui | |
Default | 00:16:4D | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hold-time number
ignore-efm-state boolean
Synopsis | Suppress port state changes for EFM-OAM faults | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam ignore-efm-state boolean | |
Tree | ignore-efm-state | |
Description | When configured to true, the ETH-OAM protocol does not impact the state of the port when there is a failure in the protocol state machine (discovery, configuration, timeout, loops, and so on). There is only a protocol warning message on the port. When configured to false, the port state is affected by any existing EFM-OAM protocol fault condition. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the link-monitoring context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring | |
Tree | link-monitoring | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of link monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the errored-frame context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame | |
Tree | errored-frame | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of link monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification boolean
Synopsis | Transmit Event Notification OAMPDU with link event TLV | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame event-notification boolean | |
Tree | event-notification | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
window number
Synopsis | Window size | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame window number | |
Tree | window | |
Range | 10 to 600 | |
Units | deciseconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the errored-frame-period context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period | |
Tree | errored-frame-period | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of link monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification boolean
Synopsis | Transmit Event Notification OAMPDU with link event TLV | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period event-notification boolean | |
Tree | event-notification | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
window number
Synopsis | Window size | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-period window number | |
Tree | window | |
Range | 1 to 4294967295 | |
Units | packets | |
Default | 1488095 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the errored-frame-seconds context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds | |
Tree | errored-frame-seconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of link monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification boolean
Synopsis | Transmit Event Notification OAMPDU with link event TLV | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds event-notification boolean | |
Tree | event-notification | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 900 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 900 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
window number
Synopsis | Window size | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-frame-seconds window number | |
Tree | window | |
Range | 100 to 9000 | |
Units | deciseconds | |
Default | 600 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the errored-symbols context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols | |
Tree | errored-symbols | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of link monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification boolean
Synopsis | Transmit Event Notification OAMPDU with link event TLV | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols event-notification boolean | |
Tree | event-notification | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000000 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
window number
Synopsis | Window size | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring errored-symbols window number | |
Tree | window | |
Range | 10 to 600 | |
Units | deciseconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the local-sf-action context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action | |
Tree | local-sf-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification-burst number
Synopsis | Number of OAMPDUs to send when SF threshold is reached | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action event-notification-burst number | |
Tree | event-notification-burst | |
Range | 1 to 5 | |
Units | packets | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the info-notification context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action info-notification | |
Tree | info-notification | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
critical-event boolean
Synopsis | Set critical event flag when SF threshold is reached | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action info-notification critical-event boolean | |
Tree | critical-event | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
dying-gasp boolean
Synopsis | Set dying gasp flag when SF threshold is reached | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action info-notification dying-gasp boolean | |
Tree | dying-gasp | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
local-port-action keyword
Synopsis | Local port action when SF threshold is reached | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam link-monitoring local-sf-action local-port-action keyword | |
Tree | local-port-action | |
Options | ||
Default | port-out-of-service | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mode keyword
multiplier number
Synopsis | Multiplier for the transmit interval of OAMPDUs | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 2 to 5 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the peer-rdi-rx context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam peer-rdi-rx | |
Tree | peer-rdi-rx | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
critical-event keyword
Synopsis | Action taken upon receipt of critical event flag | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam peer-rdi-rx critical-event keyword | |
Tree | critical-event | |
Options | ||
Default | port-out-of-service | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dying-gasp keyword
Synopsis | Action taken upon receipt of dying gasp flag | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam peer-rdi-rx dying-gasp keyword | |
Tree | dying-gasp | |
Options | ||
Default | port-out-of-service | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
event-notification keyword
Synopsis | Action taken upon receipt of event TLVs | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam peer-rdi-rx event-notification keyword | |
Tree | event-notification | |
Options | ||
Default | log-only | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
link-fault keyword
Synopsis | Action taken upon receipt of link fault flag | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam peer-rdi-rx link-fault keyword | |
Tree | link-fault | |
Options | ||
Default | port-out-of-service | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
remote-loopback-forward-non-efm-frames boolean
Synopsis | Allow the forwarding of non-EFM frames on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam remote-loopback-forward-non-efm-frames boolean | |
Tree | remote-loopback-forward-non-efm-frames | |
Description | When configured to true, the router forwards non-EFM traffic that is received from the EFM peer when in remote loopback state. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
transmit-interval number
Synopsis | Transmit interval of OAMPDUs | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam transmit-interval number | |
Tree | transmit-interval | |
Range | 1 to 600 | |
Units | deciseconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
trigger-fault keyword
Synopsis | Flag setting in the information OAMPDU | |
Context | configure port port ethernet efm-oam trigger-fault keyword | |
Tree | trigger-fault | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunneling boolean
eth-bn-rate-changes boolean
Synopsis | Allow rate changes in ETH-BN messages on port-based MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress eth-bn-rate-changes boolean | |
Tree | eth-bn-rate-changes | |
Description | When configured to true, this command allows rate changes received in ETH-BN messages on a port-based MEP to update the egress rate used on the port. This command is not supported for all MDA types. When configured to false, rate changes in ETH-BN messages are denied. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hs-port-pool-policy reference
Synopsis | HS port pool policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-port-pool-policy reference | |
Tree | hs-port-pool-policy | |
Reference | configure qos hs-port-pool-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the hs-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | hs-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
group [group-id] number
[group-id] number
rate (number | keyword)
max-rate (number | keyword)
scheduling-class [class-number] number
Synopsis | Enter the scheduling-class list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy overrides scheduling-class number | |
Tree | scheduling-class | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
[class-number] number
Synopsis | Scheduling class value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy overrides scheduling-class number | |
Tree | scheduling-class | |
Range | 1 to 6 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Maximum frame-based bandwidth limit | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy overrides scheduling-class number rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 100000 | |
Units | megabps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-7/12/12e |
weight number
Synopsis | Weight of the scheduling class within the group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy overrides scheduling-class number weight number | |
Tree | weight | |
Range | 1 to 127 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | HS scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos hs-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
hs-secondary-shaper [secondary-shaper-name] named-item
Synopsis | Enter the hs-secondary-shaper list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper named-item | |
Tree | hs-secondary-shaper | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
[secondary-shaper-name] named-item
Synopsis | Secondary shaper name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper named-item | |
Tree | hs-secondary-shaper | |
String length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
low-burst-max-class number
Synopsis | Highest scheduling class mapped to the low burst limit | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper named-item aggregate low-burst-max-class number | |
Tree | low-burst-max-class | |
Range | 1 to 6 | |
Default | 6 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7750 SR-7/12/12e |
rate (number | keyword)
class [class-number] number
[class-number] number
rate (number | keyword)
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hs-secondary-shaper named-item description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 19.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
Synopsis | Enter the hw-agg-shaper-scheduler context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hw-agg-shaper-scheduler | |
Tree | hw-agg-shaper-scheduler | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
monitor boolean
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Name of HW aggregate shaper scheduler policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress hw-agg-shaper-scheduler policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos hw-agg-shaper-scheduler-policy named-item-64 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
monitor-port-scheduler boolean
Synopsis | Enable monitoring of egress scheduler | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress monitor-port-scheduler boolean | |
Tree | monitor-port-scheduler | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
level [priority-level] number
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the port scheduler policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the the port scheduler policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
All |
cir (number | keyword)
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Enter the max-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate | |
Tree | max-rate | |
Description | Commands in this context override the max-rate command found in the port scheduler policy associated with the port. When a maximum rate is defined at the port or channel level, the port scheduler's policy max-rate command is ignored. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR rate | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
rate (number | keyword)
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rate number
Synopsis | Rate of egress traffic | |
Context | configure port port ethernet egress rate number | |
Tree | rate | |
Description | This command configures the rate of traffic leaving the network. An event log is generated each time the egress rate is modified unless the port is part of a LAG. This command is not supported for all MDA types. | |
Max. range | -2147483648 to 2147483647 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mode keyword
n393 number
t391 number
t392 number
encap-type keyword
Synopsis | Encapsulation method for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number
Synopsis | Enter the mep list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number | |
Tree | mep | |
Description | Commands in this context provision an 802.1ag maintenance endpoint (MEP). Port-based MEPs and LAG-based MEPs are mutually exclusive. If a LAG member port includes a MEP, the configuration of a MEP on the LAG fails. If a LAG includes the configuration of a MEP, the configuration of MEPs on the LAG member ports fails. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
md-admin-name reference
Synopsis | Maintenance Domain (MD) name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number | |
Tree | mep | |
Reference | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ma-admin-name reference
Synopsis | Maintenance Association (MA) name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number | |
Tree | mep | |
Reference | configure eth-cfm domain admin-name association admin-name | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mep-id number
Synopsis | Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) ID | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number | |
Tree | mep | |
Range | 1 to 8191 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the ais context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais | |
Tree | ais | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
client-meg-level number
Synopsis | Client MEG level for AIS message generation | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais client-meg-level number | |
Tree | client-meg-level | |
Range | 1 to 7 | |
Max. instances | 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
interface-support boolean
Synopsis | Enable generation of AIS PDUs based on endpoint state | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais interface-support boolean | |
Tree | interface-support | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
interval number
Synopsis | Transmission interval for AIS messages | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais interval number | |
Tree | interval | |
Range | 1 | 60 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
low-priority-defect keyword
Synopsis | Lowest priority defect allowed to generate fault alarm | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais low-priority-defect keyword | |
Tree | low-priority-defect | |
Options | ||
Default | all-def | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
priority number
Synopsis | Priority of the AIS messages generated by the node | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ais priority number | |
Tree | priority | |
Range | 0 to 7 | |
Default | 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the alarm-notification context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number alarm-notification | |
Tree | alarm-notification | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the Fault Notification Generator (FNG) time values to raise an alarm or reset the CCM defect alarm. Use these timers for network management processes. The timers are not tied into delaying the notification to the fault management system on the network element and do not affect fault propagation mechanisms. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
fng-alarm-time number
Synopsis | Time that must expire before an FNG alarm is raised | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number alarm-notification fng-alarm-time number | |
Tree | fng-alarm-time | |
Range | 250 | 500 | 1000 | |
Units | centiseconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
fng-reset-time number
Synopsis | Time that must expire before an FNG alarm is reset | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number alarm-notification fng-reset-time number | |
Tree | fng-reset-time | |
Range | 250 | 500 | 1000 | |
Units | centiseconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ccm boolean
Synopsis | Generate CCM messages | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ccm boolean | |
Tree | ccm | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ccm-ltm-priority number
Synopsis | Priority of CCM and LTM messages transmitted by the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ccm-ltm-priority number | |
Tree | ccm-ltm-priority | |
Range | 0 to 7 | |
Default | 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ccm-padding-size number
Synopsis | Number of octets of padding to insert in CCM packets | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ccm-padding-size number | |
Tree | ccm-padding-size | |
Description | This command sets the byte size of the optional Data TLV to be included in the ETH-CC PDU. This command increases the size of the ETH-CC PDU by the configured value. The base size of the ETH-CC PDU, including the Interface Status TLV and Port Status TLV, is 83 bytes not including the Layer 2 encapsulation. CCM padding is not supported when the CCM interval (configured through configure eth-cfm domain association ccm-interval) is less than 1 second. | |
Range | 3 to 1500 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ccm-tlv-ignore keyword
Synopsis | TLV to ignore on reception | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number ccm-tlv-ignore keyword | |
Tree | ccm-tlv-ignore | |
Description | This command configures the receiving MEP to ignore the specified TLVs in the CCM PDU. The ignored TLVs are reported as absent and have no impact on the MEP state machine. When unconfigured, the MEP processes all the recognized TLVs. | |
Options | ||
Max. instances | 2 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R6 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
collect-lmm-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect statistics for loss measurement message tests | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number collect-lmm-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-lmm-stats | |
Description | When configured to true, the router instantiates the statistical counter to transmit and receive packets for the LAG facility MEP bindings. The show eth-cfm collect-lmm-stats command displays entities that have been enabled to collect transit and receive counters. When configured to false, the router does not instantiate the counter and the LMM PDU associated with the MEP does not populate the counters in the packet. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the csf context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number csf | |
Tree | csf | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multiplier decimal-number
Synopsis | Multiplication factor used to clear the CSF condition | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number csf multiplier decimal-number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 0.0 | 2.0 to 30.0 | |
Default | 3.5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the eth-bn context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-bn | |
Tree | eth-bn | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN) message handling. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
receive boolean
Synopsis | Enable the reception and processing of ETH-BN messages | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-bn receive boolean | |
Tree | receive | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
rx-update-pacing number
Synopsis | Pace of messages to and from ETH-CFM to QoS subsystems | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-bn rx-update-pacing number | |
Tree | rx-update-pacing | |
Range | 1 to 600 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the eth-test context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-test | |
Tree | eth-test | |
Description | Commands in this context configure information used by the Ethernet Test (ETH-TST) packet. The commands must be configured on both the sender and the receiver nodes. The test packets are used with the oam eth-cfm eth-test command. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
bit-error-threshold number
Synopsis | Lowest priority defect allowed to generate fault alarm | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-test bit-error-threshold number | |
Tree | bit-error-threshold | |
Range | 0 to 11840 | |
Units | bit errors | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the test-pattern context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-test test-pattern | |
Tree | test-pattern | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the test pattern for the ETH-TST frames. The pattern does not have to be the same on the sender and the receiver. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
crc-tlv boolean
Synopsis | Generate a CRC checksum | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-test test-pattern crc-tlv boolean | |
Tree | crc-tlv | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pattern keyword
Synopsis | Test pattern for Ethernet Test frames | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number eth-test test-pattern pattern keyword | |
Tree | pattern | |
Description | This command specifies the test pattern of the Ethernet Test (ETH-TST) frames. This does not have to be configured the same on the sender and the receiver. | |
Options | ||
Default | all-zeros | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
facility-fault boolean
Synopsis | Allow the facility MEP to generate a network action | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number facility-fault boolean | |
Tree | facility-fault | |
Description | When configured to true, the system facility MEP responds to a fault with a network-actionable function instead of just reporting the defect condition. When configured to false, the system monitors transmissions and reports fault conditions. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the grace context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace | |
Tree | grace | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the Nokia ETH-CFM Grace function and the ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet Expected Default (ETH-ED) function. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the eth-ed context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-ed | |
Tree | eth-ed | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the ITU-T Y.1731 ETH-ED function. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
max-rx-defect-window number
Synopsis | Maximum received ETH-ED expected defect window duration | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-ed max-rx-defect-window number | |
Tree | max-rx-defect-window | |
Range | 1 to 86400 | |
Units | seconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
priority number
rx-eth-ed boolean
Synopsis | Receive and process ETH-ED ITU-T Y.1731 PDUs on the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-ed rx-eth-ed boolean | |
Tree | rx-eth-ed | |
Description | This command enables the reception and processing of the ITU-T Y.1731 ETH-ED PDU on the MEP. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
tx-eth-ed boolean
Synopsis | Enter the eth-vsm-grace context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-vsm-grace | |
Tree | eth-vsm-grace | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the Nokia ETH-CFM Grace function. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
rx-eth-vsm-grace boolean
Synopsis | Receive and process Nokia ETH-CFM Grace PDU on the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-vsm-grace rx-eth-vsm-grace boolean | |
Tree | rx-eth-vsm-grace | |
Description | When configured to true, the router enables the Nokia Grace function, which is a vendor-specific PDU that informs MEP peers that the local node may be entering a period of expected defect. When configured to false, the router disables the Nokia Grace function. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
tx-eth-vsm-grace boolean
Synopsis | Transmit ETH-ED PDUs from the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number grace eth-vsm-grace tx-eth-vsm-grace boolean | |
Tree | tx-eth-vsm-grace | |
Description | When configured to true, the router can transmit the Nokia ETH-CFM Grace PDU from the MEP when a system soft reset notification is received for one or more cards. The Nokia Grace function is a vendor-specific PDU that informs MEP peers that the local node may be entering a period of expected defect. The operator must configure the configure system eth-cfm grace command to instruct the system that the node is capable of transmitting expected-defect windows to peers. The system can only transmit one form of ETH-CFM grace (Nokia ETH-CFM Grace or ITU-T Y.1731 ETH-ED). When configured to false, the router disables the transmission of the Nokia ETH-CFM Grace PDU from the MEP. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
low-priority-defect keyword
Synopsis | Lowest priority defect allowed to generate fault alarm | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number low-priority-defect keyword | |
Tree | low-priority-defect | |
Options | ||
Default | mac-rem-err-xcon | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mac-address mac-unicast-address-no-zero
Synopsis | MAC address of the MEP | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number mac-address mac-unicast-address-no-zero | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Description | This command specifies the MAC address of the MEP. When unconfigured, the MAC address of the port (if the MEP is on a SAP) or the MAC address of a bridge (if the MEP is on a spoke) is used. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
one-way-delay-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold time limit for the one-way delay test | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number one-way-delay-threshold number | |
Tree | one-way-delay-threshold | |
Range | 0 to 600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 3 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
vlan (number | keyword)
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Outer VLAN ID of the tunnel | |
Context | configure port port ethernet eth-cfm mep md-admin-name reference ma-admin-name reference mep-id number vlan (number | keyword) | |
Tree | vlan | |
Range | 1 to 4094 | |
Options | ||
Default | none | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
down number
Synopsis | Delay after interface goes from up state to down state | |
Context | configure port port ethernet hold-time down number | |
Tree | down | |
Description | This command specifies the delay to notify the upper layers after an interface transitions from an up state to a down state. When an interface transitions from an up state to a down state, it is immediately advertised to the rest of the system if the down interval is zero, but if the down interval is greater than zero, interface down transitions are not advertised to upper layers until the down interval has expired. | |
Range | 1 to 3600000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
units keyword
up number
Synopsis | Delay after interface goes from down state to up state | |
Context | configure port port ethernet hold-time up number | |
Tree | up | |
Description | This command specifies the delay to notify the upper layers after an interface transitions from a down state to an up state. When an interface transitions from a down state to an up state, it is immediately advertised as up to the rest of the system if the up interval is zero, but if the up interval is greater than zero, up transitions are not advertised until the up interval has expired. | |
Range | 1 to 3600000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rate number
lacp-tunnel boolean
Synopsis | Enable LACP packet tunneling for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lacp-tunnel boolean | |
Tree | lacp-tunnel | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
dest-mac [mac-type] keyword
[mac-type] keyword
Synopsis | Destination MAC address type | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword | |
Tree | dest-mac | |
Options | nearest-bridge – Use the nearest bridge nearest-non-tpmr – Use nearest non-Two-Port MAC Relay (TPMR) nearest-customer – Use the nearest customer | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
notification boolean
Synopsis | Enable LLDP notifications | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword notification boolean | |
Tree | notification | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
port-id-subtype keyword
Synopsis | Port ID TLV encoding method for transmission to peer | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword port-id-subtype keyword | |
Tree | port-id-subtype | |
Options | ||
Default | tx-local | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
receive boolean
transmit boolean
tunnel-nearest-bridge boolean
Synopsis | Allow the received LLDP packets to be tunneled | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tunnel-nearest-bridge boolean | |
Tree | tunnel-nearest-bridge | |
Description | When configured to true, the system allows LLDP packets received on the port with the destination address of the nearest bridge to be tunneled without being intercepted on the local port. When configured to false, LLDP tunneling is disabled. The nearest-bridge option in the configure port ethernet lldp dest-mac mac-type command must be disabled for tunneling to occur. This is applicable to NULL SAP Epipe and VPLS services only. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunnel-nearest-customer boolean
Synopsis | Enable the nearest customer tunneling | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tunnel-nearest-customer boolean | |
Tree | tunnel-nearest-customer | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tunnel-nearest-non-tpmr boolean
Synopsis | Enable the nearest non-TPMR tunneling | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tunnel-nearest-non-tpmr boolean | |
Tree | tunnel-nearest-non-tpmr | |
Description | When configured to true, the LLDP destination MAC uses the nearest TPMR tunnel. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
tx-mgmt-address [mgmt-address-system-type] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the tx-mgmt-address list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tx-mgmt-address keyword | |
Tree | tx-mgmt-address | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[mgmt-address-system-type] keyword
Synopsis | Management address to transmit | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tx-mgmt-address keyword | |
Tree | tx-mgmt-address | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of transmitting management address | |
Context | configure port port ethernet lldp dest-mac keyword tx-mgmt-address keyword admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
port-desc boolean
sys-cap boolean
sys-desc boolean
sys-name boolean
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address of the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Description | This command specifies the MAC address of the Ethernet port. Allowed values are any non-broadcast, non-multicast MAC, and non-IEEE reserved MAC addresses. The default value indicates that an operation MAC address is to be assigned from the chassis MAC address pool. | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
min-frame-length number
Synopsis | Minimum transmitted frame length | |
Context | configure port port ethernet min-frame-length number | |
Tree | min-frame-length | |
Description | This command configures the minimum transmitted frame length. The option 72 is only supported on FP4 and newer generations of XMA, MDA-e-XP, and MDA-s. | |
Range | 64 | 68 | 72 | |
Units | bytes | |
Default | 64 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mode keyword
mtu number
Synopsis | Maximum payload MTU size for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet mtu number | |
Tree | mtu | |
Description | This command configures the maximum payload MTU size for the Ethernet port. This command indirectly defines the largest physical packet the port can transmit or the far-end Ethernet port can receive. Packets that cannot be fragmented at egress and exceed the MTU size are discarded. The MTU size includes the destination MAC address, source MAC address, the Ethertype or length field, and the complete Ethernet payload. This value does not include the preamble, start of frame delimiter, or the trailing CRC. | |
Range | 512 to 9800 | |
Units | bytes | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy that applies to the network port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables the collection of accounting and statistical data for the network interface. When applying accounting policies, by default the data is collected in the appropriate records and written to the designated billing file. When configured to false, the statistics are still accumulated by the XCM or IOM cards. However, the CPU does not obtain the results and write them to the billing file. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the port-queues context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress port-queues | |
Tree | port-queues | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue [queue-id] number
[queue-id] number
Synopsis | Enable the monitor-queue-depth context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress port-queues overrides queue number monitor-queue-depth | |
Tree | monitor-queue-depth | |
Description | Commands in this context configure queue depth monitoring for the specified queue. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fast-polling boolean
Synopsis | Enable fast polling of the queue depth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress port-queues overrides queue number monitor-queue-depth fast-polling boolean | |
Tree | fast-polling | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables fast polling of the queue depth. Faster polling allows a more accurate view of the actual depth. When configured to false, fast queue polling is not enabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
violation-threshold decimal-number
Synopsis | Threshold for queue depth before violation is raised | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress port-queues overrides queue number monitor-queue-depth violation-threshold decimal-number | |
Tree | violation-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies threshold for the queue MBS. When the queue depth exceeds the threshold value, a violation is registered. | |
Range | 0.01 to 99.99 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue-group [queue-group-name] reference instance-id number
Synopsis | Enter the queue-group list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Queue group name | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group named-item | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
instance-id number
Synopsis | Instance ID for the egress queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number | |
Tree | queue-group | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
MD-CLI default | 1 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the aggregate-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate | |
Tree | aggregate-rate | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
adaptation-rule keyword
Synopsis | Adaptation rule when an aggregate shaper is used | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate adaptation-rule keyword | |
Tree | adaptation-rule | |
Description | This command configures the adaptation rule for the PIR value of the queue-group aggregate rate. This rule determines which configured value is adapted to oper-agg-rate based on hardware capabilities. | |
Options | ||
Default | closest | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
burst-limit (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Burst limit of the queue group aggregate rate | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate burst-limit (number | keyword) | |
Tree | burst-limit | |
Description | This command defines an explicit shaping burst size for a queue. The configured size defines the shaping leaky bucket threshold level that indicates the maximum burst over the queue shaping rate. This command is supported under the SAP ingress and SAP egress QoS policy queues. The command is also supported under the ingress and egress queue-group-templates queues. | |
Range | 1 to 14000000 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Default | auto | |
Introduced | 24.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-s |
limit-unused-bandwidth boolean
Synopsis | Control unused bandwidth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate limit-unused-bandwidth boolean | |
Tree | limit-unused-bandwidth | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue-frame-based-accounting boolean
Synopsis | Enable frame-based accounting on policers and queues | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate queue-frame-based-accounting boolean | |
Tree | queue-frame-based-accounting | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Aggregate rate for all queues | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number aggregate-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
description description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number description description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
hs-turbo boolean
Synopsis | Enable HS turbo queues for higher throughput | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number hs-turbo boolean | |
Tree | hs-turbo | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables HS turbo queues that allow the corresponding HSQ queue group queues to achieve a higher throughput. This command is not applicable to 10G ports and is ignored when it is configured under a queue group instance on a 10G port. When configured to false, HS turbo queues are disabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-7/12/12e |
policer-control-policy reference
Synopsis | Policer control policy for the QoS egress queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number policer-control-policy reference | |
Tree | policer-control-policy | |
Reference | configure qos policer-control-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the queue-overrides context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides | |
Tree | queue-overrides | |
Description | Commands in this context define queue command overrides for each queue within the queue group. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue [queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Enter the queue list instance | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
[queue-id] reference
Synopsis | Queue ID | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference | |
Tree | queue | |
Reference | configure qos queue-group-templates egress queue-group named-item queue number | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the adaptation-rule context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule | |
Tree | adaptation-rule | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the method used by the system to derive the operational CIR and PIR settings when the queue is provisioned in hardware. For the CIR and PIR commands individually, the system attempts to find the best operational rate depending on the defined constraint. Commands in this context are ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues that are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the adaptation rule is performed under the hs-wrr-group command within the egress queue group template. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational CIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule cir keyword | |
Tree | cir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pir keyword
Synopsis | Constraint used when deriving the operational PIR value | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference adaptation-rule pir keyword | |
Tree | pir | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference cbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cbs | |
Range | 0 to 1048576 | |
Units | kilobytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the drop-tail context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail | |
Tree | drop-tail | |
Description | Commands in this context configure queue drop tail commands. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the low context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low | |
Tree | low | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the queue low drop tail commands. The low drop tail defines the queue depth beyond which the out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue and discarded. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Percentage reduction from the MBS for a queue drop tail | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference drop-tail low percent-reduction-from-mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | percent-reduction-from-mbs | |
Description | This command overrides the low queue drop tail as a percentage reduction from the MBS of the queue. For example, if a queue has an MBS of 600 kbytes and this percentage is configured to be 30% for the low drop tail, the low drop tail is set to 420 kbytes and the out-of-profile packets are not accepted into the queue if its depth is greater than this value, and is therefore discarded. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
mbs (number | keyword)
Synopsis | MBS for the template queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference mbs (number | keyword) | |
Tree | mbs | |
Range | 0 to 1073741824 | |
Units | bytes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enable the monitor-queue-depth context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth | |
Tree | monitor-queue-depth | |
Description | Commands in this context configure queue depth monitoring for the specified queue. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fast-polling boolean
Synopsis | Enable fast polling of the queue depth | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth fast-polling boolean | |
Tree | fast-polling | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables fast polling of the queue depth. Faster polling allows a more accurate view of the actual depth. When configured to false, fast queue polling is not enabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
violation-threshold decimal-number
Synopsis | Threshold for queue depth before violation is raised | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference monitor-queue-depth violation-threshold decimal-number | |
Tree | violation-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies threshold for the queue MBS. When the queue depth exceeds the threshold value, a violation is registered. | |
Range | 0.01 to 99.99 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Description | Commands in this context specify percent rates. This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues, which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the percent rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group command within the egress queue group template. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100.00 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the administrative PIR and CIR for the queue. Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth. This command can be executed at anytime, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue ID. This command is ignored for egress HSQ queue group queues, which are attached to an HS WRR group within an associated HS attachment policy. In this case, the configuration of the rate is performed under the hs-wrr-group command within the egress queue group template. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop. The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent cir-level and cir-weight commands to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler. | |
Range | 0 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the queue | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number queue-overrides queue reference rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Description | This command specifies the administrative PIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer. The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule commands and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth. | |
Range | 1 to 2000000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy | |
Tree | scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Scheduler policy for the QoS egress queue group | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-group reference instance-id number scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Network queue policy | |
Context | configure port port ethernet network egress queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pbb-etype etype
ptp-asymmetry number
Synopsis | PTP asymmetry delay on the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-asymmetry number | |
Tree | ptp-asymmetry | |
Description | This command configures the PTP asymmetry delay on the Ethernet port. This command is used to correct known asymmetry as part of time of day or phase recovery using PTP packets on both local and downstream PTP clocks. | |
Max. range | -2147483648 to 2147483647 | |
Units | nanoseconds | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the ptp-timestamping context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-timestamping | |
Tree | ptp-timestamping | |
Description | Commands in this context configure port-based filtering for the ingress 1588 timestamping of PTP messages to match multiple PTP flows. | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of PTP timestamping | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-timestamping admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ipv4-address ipv4-address
Synopsis | IPv4 destination address for PTP messages into port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-timestamping ipv4-address ipv4-address | |
Tree | ipv4-address | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ipv6-address ipv6-address
Synopsis | IPv6 destination address for PTP messages into port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-timestamping ipv6-address ipv6-address | |
Tree | ipv6-address | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ptp-tunnel boolean
Synopsis | Enable the tunneling of PTP frames on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ptp-tunnel boolean | |
Tree | ptp-tunnel | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 25.3.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
qinq-etype etype
Synopsis | Ethertype for QinQ encapsulation | |
Context | configure port port ethernet qinq-etype etype | |
Tree | qinq-etype | |
Default | 33024 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the settings for alarm generation and alarm clear notifications for the port. Note: For some DWDM transceivers, if the configure port dwdm coherent rx-los-reaction squelch command is disabled, the signal-fail and no-am-lock alarm conditions are not reported when the media side of the transceiver has an RX LOS condition. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
alignment-marker-not-locked boolean
Synopsis | Report 40G/100G PCS Alignment Marker Loss of Lock | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm alignment-marker-not-locked boolean | |
Tree | alignment-marker-not-locked | |
Description | When configured to true, Alignment Marker Loss of Lock alarms are reported for this port. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms | All |
block-not-locked boolean
Synopsis | Report 40G/100G PCS Lanes Not Block Locked | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm block-not-locked boolean | |
Tree | block-not-locked | |
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms | All |
duplicate-lane boolean
Synopsis | Report 40G/100G PCS Duplicate Lane Marker alarm | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm duplicate-lane boolean | |
Tree | duplicate-lane | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
frame-not-locked boolean
Synopsis | Report "not locked on the Ethernet framing sequence" | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm frame-not-locked boolean | |
Tree | frame-not-locked | |
Introduced | 16.0.R2 | |
Platforms | All |
high-ber boolean
Synopsis | Report High Bit Error Rate | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm high-ber boolean | |
Tree | high-ber | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
local boolean
Synopsis | Report local faults | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm local boolean | |
Tree | local | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
remote boolean
Synopsis | Report remote faults | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm remote boolean | |
Tree | remote | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
signal-fail boolean
Synopsis | Report Ethernet signal lost alarm | |
Context | configure port port ethernet report-alarm signal-fail boolean | |
Tree | signal-fail | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
rs-fec-mode keyword
Synopsis | RS-FEC mode on the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet rs-fec-mode keyword | |
Tree | rs-fec-mode | |
Description | This command specifies the RS-FEC (Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction) mode on the Ethernet port. See "Forward Error Correction" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide for more information about FEC settings. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
single-fiber boolean
Synopsis | Enable packet gathering from a single fiber port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet single-fiber boolean | |
Tree | single-fiber | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables packet gathering and redirection of IP packets from a single fiber (Rx) port of the Ethernet or SONET/SDH interface and redistributes packets to other interfaces through static routes or policy-based forwarding. Traffic is no longer transmitted out of the port. When configured to false, packet gathering is disabled. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
speed number
Synopsis | Ethernet port speed | |
Context | configure port port ethernet speed number | |
Tree | speed | |
Description | This command configures the port speed for ports that support multiple speeds. This applies to the following:
If autonegotiation is enabled for the port, this command setting is ignored. Speed cannot be configured for ports that are part of a LAG. | |
Range | 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | 25000 | 40000 | 50000 | 100000 | |
Units | megabps | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the ssm context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ssm | |
Tree | ssm | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC) for the Ethernet port. The ESMC carries the Synchronization Status Message (SSM) code representing the quality level of the source of the frequency of the central clock of the node. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the ESMC for the Ethernet port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ssm admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
code-type keyword
esmc-tunnel boolean
Synopsis | Tunnel ESMC frames in Epipe or VPLS services | |
Context | configure port port ethernet ssm esmc-tunnel boolean | |
Tree | esmc-tunnel | |
Description | When configured to true, ESMC frames that are received into the Ethernet port can be tunneled in an Epipe or VPLS service. This is not recommended because it breaks the concepts inherent in Synchronous Ethernet, however it is required for compliance to MEF 6.1.1 EPL Option 2. When configured to false, ESMC frames are extracted upon reception by the port and are not tunneled through the service. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
tx-dus boolean
Synopsis | Enter the symbol-monitor context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor | |
Tree | symbol-monitor | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Ethernet symbol monitoring. Support for symbol monitoring is hardware dependent. An error message indicating that the port setting cannot be modified is presented when attempting to enable the feature or configure the individual commands on unsupported hardware. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of symbol monitoring on the port | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-degrade context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-degrade | |
Tree | signal-degrade | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the error rate at which to declare the SD condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N, which is the ratio of errored frames over the total frames received over the sliding window interval. The symbol errors on the interface are sampled once per second. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multiplier number
Synopsis | SD multiplier used to scale the symbol error ratio | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-degrade multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
threshold number
Synopsis | SD threshold for symbol errors | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-degrade threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-failure context | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-failure | |
Tree | signal-failure | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the error rate at which to declare the SF condition on an Ethernet interface. The value represents M*10E-N, which is the ratio of errored frames over the total frames received over the sliding window interval. The symbol errors on the interface are sampled once per second. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
multiplier number
Synopsis | SF multiplier used to scale the symbol error ratio | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-failure multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Default | 1 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
threshold number
Synopsis | SF threshold for symbol errors | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor signal-failure threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 1 to 9 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
window-size number
Synopsis | Sliding window size over which errors are measured | |
Context | configure port port ethernet symbol-monitor window-size number | |
Tree | window-size | |
Description | This command specifies the sliding window size over which the symbols are sampled to detect SF or SD conditions. | |
Range | 5 to 60 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
tx-pause-frames boolean
Synopsis | Transmit PAUSE frames based on received traffic rate | |
Context | configure port port ethernet tx-pause-frames boolean | |
Tree | tx-pause-frames | |
Description | When configured to true, the system sends PAUSE frames, when required, based on the rate of the received traffic. When configured to false, the system disables the transmission of PAUSE frames. This command is only supported for FP4- or FP5-based ports on the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS. This command is not supported for ports configured as satellite host, ESA host, or PXC. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
util-stats-interval number
Synopsis | Interval to calculate utilization statistics | |
Context | configure port port ethernet util-stats-interval number | |
Tree | util-stats-interval | |
Description | This command configures the interval used to calculate the utilization statistics. Port utilization statistics are only available for physical Ethernet ports on a host system. These statistics are not available for the following:
| |
Range | 30 to 600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Default | 300 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
xgig keyword
Synopsis | Ethernet port mode | |
Context | configure port port ethernet xgig keyword | |
Tree | xgig | |
Description | This command configures a 10 Gb/s interface to be in LAN or WAN mode. When configuring the port to be in WAN mode, certain SONET/SDH commands can be changed to reflect the SONET/SDH requirements for the port. When configuring the port to be in LAN mode, all SONET/SDH commands are pre-determined and not configurable. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
antenna-cable-delay number
Synopsis | Signal delay resulting from GNSS antenna cable length | |
Context | configure port port gnss antenna-cable-delay number | |
Tree | antenna-cable-delay | |
Description | This command configures the expected signal delay resulting from the length of the GNSS antenna cable. Note: 7750 SR FP5 GNSS platforms support a value range of 0 to 1000. | |
Range | 0 to 32767 | |
Units | nanoseconds | |
Default | 0 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
Synopsis | Enter the constellation context | |
Context | configure port port gnss constellation | |
Tree | constellation | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the GNSS systems that are used by the GNSS receiver. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
galileo boolean
Synopsis | Enable GNSS receiver to use GALILEO constellation type | |
Context | configure port port gnss constellation galileo boolean | |
Tree | galileo | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables the use of the European Galileo GNSS system. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
glonass boolean
Synopsis | Enable GNSS receiver to use GLONASS constellation type | |
Context | configure port port gnss constellation glonass boolean | |
Tree | glonass | |
Description | When configured to true, the system enables the use of the Russian GLONASS GNSS system. Note: The glonass command is currently not supported. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
gps boolean
Synopsis | Enable GNSS receiver to use GPS constellation type | |
Context | configure port port gnss constellation gps boolean | |
Tree | gps | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables the use of the American GPS GNSS system. When configured to false, this command disables the use of the American GPS GNSS system. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
elevation-mask-angle number
Synopsis | Minimum elevation mask angle | |
Context | configure port port gnss elevation-mask-angle number | |
Tree | elevation-mask-angle | |
Description | This command configures the elevation mask angle, which provides a method of filtering satellites used by the system. Satellites with low elevation may provide degraded accuracy because of the long signal path through the atmosphere. Signals from satellites below the configured minimum satellite elevation are not used. Nokia does not recommend configuring an elevation mask angle below 10. | |
Range | 0 to 89 | |
Units | degrees angle | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7750 SR-1 (FP5), 7750 SR-1se, 7750 SR-2se |
Synopsis | Enter the hybrid-buffer-allocation context | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation | |
Tree | hybrid-buffer-allocation | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the egress-weight context | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation egress-weight | |
Tree | egress-weight | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
access number
Synopsis | Access weight for the hybrid port | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation egress-weight access number | |
Tree | access | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
network number
Synopsis | Access weight for the hybrid port | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation egress-weight network number | |
Tree | network | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the ingress-weight context | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation ingress-weight | |
Tree | ingress-weight | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
access number
Synopsis | Access weight for the hybrid port | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation ingress-weight access number | |
Tree | access | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
network number
Synopsis | Access weight for the hybrid port | |
Context | configure port port hybrid-buffer-allocation ingress-weight network number | |
Tree | network | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the modify-buffer-allocation context | |
Context | configure port port modify-buffer-allocation | |
Tree | modify-buffer-allocation | |
Description | Commands in this context to configure ingress and egress percentage of rate commands. These commands only apply to physical ports (for example, it does not work on APS or similar logical ports). The percentage of rate commands are used to define a percentage value that affects the amount of buffers used by ingress and egress port managed buffer space. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the percentage-of-rate context | |
Context | configure port port modify-buffer-allocation percentage-of-rate | |
Tree | percentage-of-rate | |
Description | Commands in this context increase or decrease the active bandwidth associated with the egress or ingress port that affects the amount of egress or ingress buffer space managed by the port. Changing a ports active bandwidth using the commands in this context are an effective means of artificially lowering the buffers managed by one egress or ingress port and giving them to the other egress or ingress ports on the same MDA. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
egress number
Synopsis | Egress rate percentage | |
Context | configure port port modify-buffer-allocation percentage-of-rate egress number | |
Tree | egress | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
ingress number
Synopsis | Ingress rate percentage | |
Context | configure port port modify-buffer-allocation percentage-of-rate ingress number | |
Tree | ingress | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats boolean
Synopsis | Monitor aggregate queue statistics | |
Context | configure port port monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats boolean | |
Tree | monitor-agg-egress-queue-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
monitor-oper-group reference
Synopsis | Operational group to monitor | |
Context | configure port port monitor-oper-group reference | |
Tree | monitor-oper-group | |
Description | This command configures the operational group to monitor the operational group state. The state of the operational group affects the state of this port. When the operational group is inactive, the state of the port goes down and powers off the port to signal to the CE that the connected port is not available. | |
Reference | configure service oper-group named-item | |
Introduced | 22.7.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
pool [name] named-item
[name] named-item
amber-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the amber alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item amber-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | amber-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the monitor-pool-depth context | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth | |
Tree | monitor-pool-depth | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of pool-depth monitoring | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the alarm-thresholds context | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds | |
Tree | alarm-thresholds | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for reserved buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds reserved-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | reserved-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the reserved pool in-use threshold. A tmnxResvPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the reserved pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxResvPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
shared-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for shared of buffer pool usage | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds shared-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | shared-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the shared pool in-use threshold. A tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the shared pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxSharedPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
total-pool-in-use decimal-number
Synopsis | Alarm threshold for usage of total buffer pool | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item monitor-pool-depth alarm-thresholds total-pool-in-use decimal-number | |
Tree | total-pool-in-use | |
Description | This command configures the total pool in-use threshold. A tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshExcd trap is generated when the total pool usage exceeds this threshold percentage. When the usage returns below the threshold percentage, the tmnxTotalPoolUseThreshNotExcd trap is generated. | |
Range | 0.00 to 100.00 | |
Units | centipercent | |
Introduced | 24.7.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
red-alarm-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the red alarm on oversubscription | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item red-alarm-threshold number | |
Tree | red-alarm-threshold | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the amber-alarm-action context | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action | |
Tree | amber-alarm-action | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
max number
Synopsis | Maximum percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action max number | |
Tree | max | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. The maximum reserved CBS must not be less than the value of the reserved CBS. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
step number
Synopsis | Step-size percentage for reserved CBS of the pool | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item resv-cbs amber-alarm-action step number | |
Tree | step | |
Description | This command specifies the step-size percentage for the reserved CBS of the pool. To enable adaptive CBS sizing the max, step, and cbs commands must be configured. The cbs command must also be configured to a percentage other than the default value. When unconfigured, CBS adaptive sizing is not enabled. | |
Range | 1 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
cbs (number | keyword)
slope-policy reference
Synopsis | Policy for the RED slope and TAF values | |
Context | configure port port network egress pool named-item slope-policy reference | |
Tree | slope-policy | |
Reference | configure qos slope-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
oper-group reference
Synopsis | Operational group ID | |
Context | configure port port oper-group reference | |
Tree | oper-group | |
Reference | configure service oper-group named-item | |
Introduced | 22.2.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
async-mapping boolean
Synopsis | Allow asynchoronous mapping of the payload inside OTU | |
Context | configure port port otu async-mapping boolean | |
Tree | async-mapping | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fec keyword
Synopsis | Enter the fine-granularity-ber context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber | |
Tree | fine-granularity-ber | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-degrade context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade | |
Tree | signal-degrade | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the clear context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade clear | |
Tree | clear | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
multiplier number
Synopsis | Multiplier of the SD clear threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade clear multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 10 to 99 | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
threshold number
Synopsis | SD clear threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade clear threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 3 to 10 | |
Default | 8 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the raise context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade raise | |
Tree | raise | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
multiplier number
Synopsis | Multiplier of the SD raise threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade raise multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 10 to 99 | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
threshold number
Synopsis | SD raise threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-degrade raise threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 3 to 9 | |
Default | 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the signal-failure context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure | |
Tree | signal-failure | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the clear context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure clear | |
Tree | clear | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
multiplier number
Synopsis | Threshold for the Multiplier of SD clear | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure clear multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 10 to 99 | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for the Multiplier of SD clear | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure clear threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 3 to 9 | |
Default | 6 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the raise context | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure raise | |
Tree | raise | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
multiplier number
Synopsis | SF raise threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure raise multiplier number | |
Tree | multiplier | |
Range | 10 to 99 | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
threshold number
Synopsis | SF raise threshold | |
Context | configure port port otu fine-granularity-ber signal-failure raise threshold number | |
Tree | threshold | |
Range | 3 to 8 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
otu2-lan-data-rate keyword
Synopsis | Data rate for 10GE LAN OTU2 on the port | |
Context | configure port port otu otu2-lan-data-rate keyword | |
Tree | otu2-lan-data-rate | |
Units | gigabps | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the path-monitoring context | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring | |
Tree | path-monitoring | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the trail-trace-identifier context | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier | |
Tree | trail-trace-identifier | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the expected context | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected | |
Tree | expected | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Use the system generated TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected auto-generated | |
Tree | auto-generated | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
bytes string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of bytes | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected bytes string | |
Tree | bytes | |
String length | 0 to 192 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
string string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of printable ASCII | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected string string | |
Tree | string | |
String length | 0 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mismatch-reaction keyword
Synopsis | Reaction to a mismatched TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier mismatch-reaction keyword | |
Tree | mismatch-reaction | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the transmit context | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit | |
Tree | transmit | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Use the system generated TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit auto-generated | |
Tree | auto-generated | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
bytes string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of bytes | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit bytes string | |
Tree | bytes | |
String length | 0 to 192 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
string string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of printable ASCII | |
Context | configure port port otu path-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit string string | |
Tree | string | |
String length | 0 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the payload-structure-identifier context | |
Context | configure port port otu payload-structure-identifier | |
Tree | payload-structure-identifier | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the payload context | |
Context | configure port port otu payload-structure-identifier payload | |
Tree | payload | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
expected keyword
mismatch-reaction keyword
Synopsis | Reaction to a mismatched payload | |
Context | configure port port otu payload-structure-identifier payload mismatch-reaction keyword | |
Tree | mismatch-reaction | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
transmit keyword
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fec-fail boolean
Synopsis | Report FEC mode mismatch alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm fec-fail boolean | |
Tree | fec-fail | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fec-sd boolean
Synopsis | Report Signal Degrade alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm fec-sd boolean | |
Tree | fec-sd | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fec-sf boolean
Synopsis | Report Signal Fail alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm fec-sf boolean | |
Tree | fec-sf | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
fec-uncorr boolean
Synopsis | Report one or more Uncorrectable FEC errors alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm fec-uncorr boolean | |
Tree | fec-uncorr | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
loc boolean
Synopsis | Report OTU alarm for loss of clock | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm loc boolean | |
Tree | loc | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lof boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for the loss of OTU framing | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm lof boolean | |
Tree | lof | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
lom boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for the loss of multi-frame | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm lom boolean | |
Tree | lom | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
los boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for the loss of signal transitions on data | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm los boolean | |
Tree | los | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
odu-ais boolean
Synopsis | Report ODU Alarm Indication Signal alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm odu-ais boolean | |
Tree | odu-ais | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
odu-bdi boolean
Synopsis | Report PM Backward Defect Indication alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm odu-bdi boolean | |
Tree | odu-bdi | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
odu-lck boolean
Synopsis | Report ODU Locked alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm odu-lck boolean | |
Tree | odu-lck | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
odu-oci boolean
Synopsis | Report ODU Open Connection Indication alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm odu-oci boolean | |
Tree | odu-oci | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
odu-tim boolean
Synopsis | Report PM Trace ID Mismatch alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm odu-tim boolean | |
Tree | odu-tim | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
opu-plm boolean
Synopsis | Report PSI Payload Type Mismatch alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm opu-plm boolean | |
Tree | opu-plm | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-ais boolean
Synopsis | Report OTU Alarm Indication Signal alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-ais boolean | |
Tree | otu-ais | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-bdi boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Backward Defect Indication alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-bdi boolean | |
Tree | otu-bdi | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-ber-sd boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Signal Degrade alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-ber-sd boolean | |
Tree | otu-ber-sd | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-ber-sf boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Signal Fail alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-ber-sf boolean | |
Tree | otu-ber-sf | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-biae boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Backward Incoming Alignment Error alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-biae boolean | |
Tree | otu-biae | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-iae boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Incoming Alignment Error alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-iae boolean | |
Tree | otu-iae | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
otu-tim boolean
Synopsis | Report SM Trace ID Mismatch alarm | |
Context | configure port port otu report-alarm otu-tim boolean | |
Tree | otu-tim | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | Error rate at which to declare signal degrade condition | |
Context | configure port port otu sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 5 to 9 | |
Default | 7 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
Synopsis | Enter the section-monitoring context | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring | |
Tree | section-monitoring | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the trail-trace-identifier context | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier | |
Tree | trail-trace-identifier | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the expected context | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected | |
Tree | expected | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Use the system generated TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected auto-generated | |
Tree | auto-generated | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
bytes string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of bytes | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected bytes string | |
Tree | bytes | |
String length | 0 to 192 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
string string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of printable ASCII | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier expected string string | |
Tree | string | |
String length | 0 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
mismatch-reaction keyword
Synopsis | Reaction to a mismatched TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier mismatch-reaction keyword | |
Tree | mismatch-reaction | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Enter the transmit context | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit | |
Tree | transmit | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
Synopsis | Use the system generated TTI | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit auto-generated | |
Tree | auto-generated | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
bytes string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of bytes | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit bytes string | |
Tree | bytes | |
String length | 0 to 192 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
string string
Synopsis | TTI as a sequence of printable ASCII | |
Context | configure port port otu section-monitoring trail-trace-identifier transmit string string | |
Tree | string | |
String length | 0 to 64 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: auto-generated, bytes, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-sd-method keyword
Synopsis | Method used to determine the SF and SD alarms | |
Context | configure port port otu sf-sd-method keyword | |
Tree | sf-sd-method | |
Options | ||
Default | fec | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | Error rate at which to declare signal fail condition | |
Context | configure port port otu sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 3 to 6 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
All |
clock-source keyword
Synopsis | Clock used for transmitted data | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh clock-source keyword | |
Tree | clock-source | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
framing keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SONET or SDH framing | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh framing keyword | |
Tree | framing | |
Options | ||
Default | sonet | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
group [group-index] sdh-group-index
[group-index] sdh-group-index
payload keyword
down number
up number
loopback keyword
path [path-index] sonet-path-index
[path-index] sonet-path-index
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the SONET/SDH path | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
crc number
description long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index description long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 160 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
level [priority-level] number
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Port priority levels override | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number | |
Tree | level | |
Range | 1 to 8 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Port egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address for the SONET/SDH path | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Operation port mode for the SONET/SDH path | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
mtu number
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy on the SONET/SDH network path | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index network queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
payload keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | SONET/SDH path payload | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index payload keyword | |
Tree | payload | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
pais boolean
plcd boolean
plop boolean
pplm boolean
prdi boolean
prei boolean
puneq boolean
scramble boolean
Synopsis | Enable SONET/SDH payload scrambling | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index scramble boolean | |
Tree | scramble | |
Description | When configured to true, the SONET/SDH frame carries randomized patterns of 1s and 0s, which prevents continuous strings of all 1s or all 0s. This meets the needs of physical layer protocols that rely on sufficient transitions between 1s and 0s to maintain clocking. When configured to false, the strings of all 1s or all 0s are continuous. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
signal-label string
Synopsis | C2 byte value that communicates the payload type | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index signal-label string | |
Tree | signal-label | |
String length | 1 to 4 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
trace-string (keyword | string)
Synopsis | J1 path-trace string that identifies the circuit | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh path sonet-path-index trace-string (keyword | string) | |
Tree | trace-string | |
String length | 0 to 62 | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lais boolean
Synopsis | Report Line Indication Signal Errors alarm | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm lais boolean | |
Tree | lais | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lb2er-sd boolean
Synopsis | Report line and section alarms for SONET/SDH ports | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm lb2er-sd boolean | |
Tree | lb2er-sd | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lb2er-sf boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm line signal failure BER errors | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm lb2er-sf boolean | |
Tree | lb2er-sf | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
loc boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for a loss of clock | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm loc boolean | |
Tree | loc | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lrdi boolean
Synopsis | Report Line Remote Defect Indication Errors alarm | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm lrdi boolean | |
Tree | lrdi | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
lrei boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for a line error condition | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm lrei boolean | |
Tree | lrei | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
slof boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for section loss of frame errors | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm slof boolean | |
Tree | slof | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
slos boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for section loss of signal error on send | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm slos boolean | |
Tree | slos | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
ss1f boolean
Synopsis | Report alarm for section synchronization failure | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh report-alarm ss1f boolean | |
Tree | ss1f | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
sd-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for line signal failure BER | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh sd-threshold number | |
Tree | sd-threshold | |
Range | 3 to 9 | |
Default | 6 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enter the section-trace context | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh section-trace | |
Tree | section-trace | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
byte string
Synopsis | Section trace bytes in the SONET section header | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh section-trace byte string | |
Tree | byte | |
String length | 1 to 4 | |
Default | 1 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: byte, increment-z0, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Configure incrementing STM ID instead of a static value | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh section-trace increment-z0 | |
Tree | increment-z0 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: byte, increment-z0, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
string string
Synopsis | Text string that identifies the section | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh section-trace string string | |
Tree | string | |
String length | 0 to 16 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: byte, increment-z0, or string. | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
sf-threshold number
Synopsis | Threshold for line signal failure BER | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh sf-threshold number | |
Tree | sf-threshold | |
Range | 3 to 6 | |
Default | 3 | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
single-fiber boolean
Synopsis | Allow packet gathering and redirection from single port | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh single-fiber boolean | |
Tree | single-fiber | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
speed keyword
suppress-low-order-alarms boolean
Synopsis | Suppress low order alarms | |
Context | configure port port sonet-sdh suppress-low-order-alarms boolean | |
Tree | suppress-low-order-alarms | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
tx-dus boolean
buildout keyword
ds1 [ds1-index] tdm-ds1-index
[ds1-index] tdm-ds1-index
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the DS1 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the ber-threshold context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index ber-threshold | |
Tree | ber-threshold | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
signal-degrade number
Synopsis | BER signal degredation threshold | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index ber-threshold signal-degrade number | |
Tree | signal-degrade | |
Range | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
signal-failure number
Synopsis | BER signal failure threshold | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index ber-threshold signal-failure number | |
Tree | signal-failure | |
Range | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
channel-group [ds0-index] number
Synopsis | Enter the channel-group list instance | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number | |
Tree | channel-group | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
[ds0-index] number
Synopsis | Channel group ID | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number | |
Tree | channel-group | |
Range | 1 to 24 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the DS1 channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
description long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number description long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 160 | |
Default | DS0GRP | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enable the overrides context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides | |
Tree | overrides | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
level [priority-level] number
Synopsis | Enter the level list instance | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number | |
Tree | level | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Port priority levels override | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number | |
Tree | level | |
Range | 1 to 8 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the max-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate | |
Tree | max-rate | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Port egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
encap-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Encapsulation method | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the idle-payload-fill context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill | |
Tree | idle-payload-fill | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the data pattern to be transmitted when the circuit emulation service is not operational or temporarily experiences under-run conditions. This command is only valid for CESoPSN and CESoPSN CAS circuit emulation services. It is blocked with a warning for unstructured (SATOP) circuit emulation services. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Transmit 8-bit value to be 11111111 | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill all-ones | |
Tree | all-ones | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pattern number
Synopsis | User-defined pattern to be transmitted | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill pattern number | |
Tree | pattern | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the idle-signal-fill context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill | |
Tree | idle-signal-fill | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Transmit 8-bit value as 11111111 | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill all-ones | |
Tree | all-ones | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pattern number
Synopsis | User-defined pattern to be transmitted | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill pattern number | |
Tree | pattern | |
Range | 0 to 15 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm to be used on the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address for the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Operation mode for the TDM channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mtu number
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy on the TDM DS0 network channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number network queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
speed number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Speed of the DS0 channels in the channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number speed number | |
Tree | speed | |
Range | 56 | 64 | |
Default | 64 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
timeslot number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Timeslot for the channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index channel-group number timeslot number | |
Tree | timeslot | |
Range | 1 to 24 | |
Max. instances | 24 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
clock-source keyword
Synopsis | Clock source for data transmission | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index clock-source keyword | |
Tree | clock-source | |
Description | This command specifies the clock source to use for the link transmit timing. The options are to use the locally recovered clock from the line's receive data stream, the node central reference, or an adaptively recovered clock using the received packets. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
framing keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Framing for the DS1 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index framing keyword | |
Tree | framing | |
Options | ||
Default | extended-super-frame | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
loopback keyword
remote-loop-respond boolean
Synopsis | Respond to requests for remote loopbacks | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index remote-loop-respond boolean | |
Tree | remote-loop-respond | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
ais boolean
ber-sd boolean
ber-sf boolean
looped boolean
los boolean
oof boolean
rai boolean
signal-mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Signal mode on the channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds1 tdm-ds1-index signal-mode keyword | |
Tree | signal-mode | |
Description | This command configures the signal mode on the channel. When enabled, it uses routing information to direct the payload of voice or data to its destination. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
ds3 [ds3-index] tdm-ds3-index
[ds3-index] tdm-ds3-index
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the DS3 port | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
channelized keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Channelization of the DS3 | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index channelized keyword | |
Tree | channelized | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
clock-source keyword
Synopsis | Clock for data transmission | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index clock-source keyword | |
Tree | clock-source | |
Options | ||
Default | node-timed | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
crc number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Precision of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index crc number | |
Tree | crc | |
Range | 16 | 32 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
description long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index description long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 160 | |
Default | DS3 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
level [priority-level] number
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Port egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
encap-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Encapsulation method | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
feac-loop-respond boolean
Synopsis | Enable DS-3 interface to respond to remote loop signals | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index feac-loop-respond boolean | |
Tree | feac-loop-respond | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
framing keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Framing for the DS3 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index framing keyword | |
Tree | framing | |
Options | ||
Default | c-bit | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
idle-cycle-flag keyword
Synopsis | Value transmitted during idle cycles | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index idle-cycle-flag keyword | |
Tree | idle-cycle-flag | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm to be used on the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
loopback keyword
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address for the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the maintenance-data-link context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link | |
Tree | maintenance-data-link | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
equipment-id-code string
Synopsis | Equipment ID Code (EIC) of the MDL | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link equipment-id-code string | |
Tree | equipment-id-code | |
String length | 0 to 10 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
facility-id-code string
Synopsis | Facility ID Code sent in the MDL Path message | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link facility-id-code string | |
Tree | facility-id-code | |
String length | 0 to 38 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
frame-id-code string
Synopsis | Frame ID Code (FIC) of the MDL | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link frame-id-code string | |
Tree | frame-id-code | |
String length | 0 to 10 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
generator-string string
Synopsis | Generator number string sent in MDL test signal message | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link generator-string string | |
Tree | generator-string | |
String length | 0 to 38 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
location-id-code string
Synopsis | Location ID Code (LIC) of the MDL | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link location-id-code string | |
Tree | location-id-code | |
String length | 0 to 11 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
port-string string
Synopsis | Port number string sent in the MDL idle signal message | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link port-string string | |
Tree | port-string | |
String length | 0 to 38 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the transmit-message-type context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link transmit-message-type | |
Tree | transmit-message-type | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
idle-signal boolean
Synopsis | Enable transmission of MDL idle signal messages | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link transmit-message-type idle-signal boolean | |
Tree | idle-signal | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
path boolean
Synopsis | Enabletransmission of MDL path messages | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link transmit-message-type path boolean | |
Tree | path | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
test-signal boolean
Synopsis | Enable transmission of MDL test signal messages | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link transmit-message-type test-signal boolean | |
Tree | test-signal | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
unit-id-code string
Synopsis | Unit ID Code (UIC) of the MDL | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index maintenance-data-link unit-id-code string | |
Tree | unit-id-code | |
String length | 0 to 6 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Operation mode | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mtu number
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy on the TDM DS3 network channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index network queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
ais boolean
looped boolean
los boolean
oof boolean
rai boolean
scramble boolean
Synopsis | Enable TDM DS3 payload scrambling | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index scramble boolean | |
Tree | scramble | |
Description | When configured to true, the TDM DS3 frame carries randomized patterns of 1s and 0s, which prevents continuous strings of all 1s or all 0s. This meets the needs of physical layer protocols that rely on sufficient transitions between 1s and 0s to maintain clocking. When configured to false, the strings of all 1s or all 0s are continuous. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
csu-mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Channel Service Unit (CSU) compatibility mode | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index subrate csu-mode keyword | |
Tree | csu-mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
rate-step number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Subrate for the associated DS3 | |
Context | configure port port tdm ds3 tdm-ds3-index subrate rate-step number | |
Tree | rate-step | |
Range | 0 to 147 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
e1 [e1-index] tdm-e1-index
[e1-index] tdm-e1-index
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the E1 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the ber-threshold context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index ber-threshold | |
Tree | ber-threshold | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
signal-degrade number
Synopsis | BER signal degredation threshold | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index ber-threshold signal-degrade number | |
Tree | signal-degrade | |
Range | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | |
Default | 5 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
signal-failure number
Synopsis | BER signal failure threshold | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index ber-threshold signal-failure number | |
Tree | signal-failure | |
Range | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
channel-group [ds0-index] number
Synopsis | Enter the channel-group list instance | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number | |
Tree | channel-group | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
[ds0-index] number
Synopsis | DS0 channel group in a channelized DS1 or E1 circuit | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number | |
Tree | channel-group | |
Range | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the E1 channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
description long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number description long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 160 | |
Default | DS0GRP | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enable the overrides context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides | |
Tree | overrides | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
level [priority-level] number
Synopsis | Enter the level list instance | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number | |
Tree | level | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Port priority levels override | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number | |
Tree | level | |
Range | 1 to 8 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate | |
Tree | rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate cir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number rate pir (number | keyword) | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the max-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate | |
Tree | max-rate | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Port egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
encap-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Encapsulation method used on a port, path, or channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the idle-payload-fill context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill | |
Tree | idle-payload-fill | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Transmit 8-bit value to be 11111111 | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill all-ones | |
Tree | all-ones | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pattern number
Synopsis | User-defined pattern to be transmitted | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-payload-fill pattern number | |
Tree | pattern | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the idle-signal-fill context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill | |
Tree | idle-signal-fill | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the signaling pattern to be transmitted when the circuit emulation service is not operational or temporarily experiences under-run conditions. This command is only valid for CESoPSN-CAS circuit emulation services. It is blocked with a warning for unstructured (SATOP) and basic CESoPSN circuit emulation services. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Transmit 8-bit value as 11111111 | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill all-ones | |
Tree | all-ones | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pattern number
Synopsis | User-defined pattern to be transmitted | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number idle-signal-fill pattern number | |
Tree | pattern | |
Range | 0 to 15 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: all-ones or pattern. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm to be used on this port | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address for the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Operation mode | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mtu number
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Network queue policy on TDM E0 network channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number network queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
speed number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Speed of the E0 channels in this channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number speed number | |
Tree | speed | |
Range | 56 | 64 | |
Default | 64 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
timeslot number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Timeslot list for the channel group | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index channel-group number timeslot number | |
Tree | timeslot | |
Description | This command configures the list of timeslots to be used in a channel group. For the list of DS-0 timeslots to be used in the DS-1 or E1 channel-group, the timeslots are defaulted as defined by the encapsulation type. ATM channel groups do not allow timeslots to change. | |
Range | 1 to 32 | |
Max. instances | 32 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
clock-source keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Clock source for data transmission | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index clock-source keyword | |
Tree | clock-source | |
Description | This command specifies the clock source to use for the link transmit timing. The options are to use the locally recovered clock from the line's receive data stream, the node central reference, or an adaptively recovered clock using the received packets. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
framing keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Framing on the E1 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index framing keyword | |
Tree | framing | |
Description | This command specifies the E1 framing to use with the associated channel. | |
Options | ||
Default | g704 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
loopback keyword
Synopsis | Enter the national-bits context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index national-bits | |
Tree | national-bits | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the national use bits. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
sa4 boolean
sa5 boolean
sa6 boolean
sa7 boolean
sa8 boolean
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
ais boolean
ber-sd boolean
ber-sf boolean
looped boolean
los boolean
oof boolean
rai boolean
signal-mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Signal mode on the channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e1 tdm-e1-index signal-mode keyword | |
Tree | signal-mode | |
Description | This command configures the signal mode on the channel. When enabled, it uses routing information to direct the payload of voice or data to its destination. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
e3 [e3-index] tdm-e3-index
[e3-index] tdm-e3-index
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the E3 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Default | disable | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
clock-source keyword
Synopsis | Clock for data transmission | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index clock-source keyword | |
Tree | clock-source | |
Options | ||
Default | node-timed | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
crc number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Precision of the CRC | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index crc number | |
Tree | crc | |
Range | 16 | 32 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
description long-description
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index description long-description | |
Tree | description | |
String length | 1 to 160 | |
Default | E3 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the port-scheduler-policy context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy | |
Tree | port-scheduler-policy | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
level [priority-level] number
[priority-level] number
Synopsis | Enter the percent-rate context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir decimal-number
Synopsis | CIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate cir decimal-number | |
Tree | cir | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
pir decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR for the priority level | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides level number percent-rate pir decimal-number | |
Tree | pir | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
cir (number | keyword)
pir (number | keyword)
percent-rate decimal-number
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate percent-rate decimal-number | |
Tree | percent-rate | |
Range | 0.01 to 100 | |
Units | percent | |
Default | 100 | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
rate (number | keyword)
Synopsis | PIR | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy overrides max-rate rate (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rate | |
Range | 1 to 3200000000 | |
Units | kilobps | |
Options | ||
Default | max | |
Notes |
The following elements are part of a choice: percent-rate or rate. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
policy-name reference
Synopsis | Port egress scheduler policy name | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index egress port-scheduler-policy policy-name reference | |
Tree | policy-name | |
Reference | configure qos port-scheduler-policy named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
encap-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Encapsulation method used on a port, path, or channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
framing keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Framing for the E3 channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index framing keyword | |
Tree | framing | |
Options | ||
Default | g751 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
idle-cycle-flag keyword
Synopsis | Value transmitted by channel group during idle cycle | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index idle-cycle-flag keyword | |
Tree | idle-cycle-flag | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
load-balancing-algorithm keyword
Synopsis | Load balancing algorithm to be used on this port | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index load-balancing-algorithm keyword | |
Tree | load-balancing-algorithm | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
loopback keyword
mac-address mac-address
Synopsis | MAC address for the port | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index mac-address mac-address | |
Tree | mac-address | |
Default | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Operation mode | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
mtu number
accounting-policy reference
Synopsis | Accounting policy | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index network accounting-policy reference | |
Tree | accounting-policy | |
Reference | configure log accounting-policy number | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
collect-stats boolean
Synopsis | Collect accounting and statistical data | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index network collect-stats boolean | |
Tree | collect-stats | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
queue-policy reference
Synopsis | Queue policy on the TDM E3 network channel | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index network queue-policy reference | |
Tree | queue-policy | |
Reference | configure qos network-queue named-item | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
Synopsis | Enter the report-alarm context | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index report-alarm | |
Tree | report-alarm | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
ais boolean
looped boolean
los boolean
oof boolean
rai boolean
scramble boolean
Synopsis | Enable TDM E3 payload scrambling | |
Context | configure port port tdm e3 tdm-e3-index scramble boolean | |
Tree | scramble | |
Description | When configured to true, the TDM E3 frame carries randomized patterns of 1s and 0s, which prevents continuous strings of all 1s or all 0s. This meets the needs of physical layer protocols that rely on sufficient transitions between 1s and 0s to maintain clocking. When configured to false, the strings of all 1s or all 0s are continuous. | |
Introduced | 20.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e |
down number
up number
Synopsis | Enter the transceiver context | |
Context | configure port port transceiver | |
Tree | transceiver | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | All |
digital-coherent-optics boolean
Synopsis | Enable digital coherent optics module for transceiver | |
Context | configure port port transceiver digital-coherent-optics boolean | |
Tree | digital-coherent-optics | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 16.0.R4 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, 7950 XRS |
Synopsis | Enable the optical-line-system context | |
Context | configure port port transceiver optical-line-system | |
Tree | optical-line-system | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the QSFP-LS pluggable optical line system, used in conjunction with 400G ZR/ZR+ coherent pluggable modules. | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |
egress-amplifier-gain decimal-number
Synopsis | Gain for the egress amplifier | |
Context | configure port port transceiver optical-line-system egress-amplifier-gain decimal-number | |
Tree | egress-amplifier-gain | |
Range | 0.00 to 25.00 | |
Units | decibels | |
Default | 25.00 | |
Introduced | 23.10.R1 | |
Platforms | All |